
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
West Salton
West Salton
Mr. John Milne Gilchriston
Mr. Archibald Brown Ashyhaugh
Mr. Thomas Howatson Milton Mill
014 A Small Village in the Western part of the Parish of Salton, Composed of two rows of regular built Houses Chiefly one storey high & in good repair, occupied by Agricultural laborers etc; the property of Andrew Fletcher Esq. Salton Hall. There are a Post office, a School & a Smithy in this Village
POST OFFICE [West Salton] Post office Mr. John Milne
Mr. Archibald Brown
Mr. Thomas Howatson
014 A Small Cottage in West Salton used as a post office for the accommodation of the district; it has a Communication daily with the office at Haddington
SCHOOL [West Salton] School Mr. John Milne
Mr. Archibald Brown
Mr. Thomas Howatson
014 A Stone Building of good Construction in the Village of West Salton, Erected by Mr. Fletcher of Salton Hall. It is Endowed with £12. per annum from the "Burnet Fund" for the instruction of Several children of the Parish of Salton. It is attended by about forty Scholars, and has no Master but a Matron.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 53
Parish of Salton
Plan 14 D

[note] Trace 1

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Bizzy- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery