
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
OGLE BURN Ogle Burn David Davidson Dirtside
Robert Purves Aikengall
012 A Small Stream having its rise on Cocklaw Hill and flowing in an Easterly direction to its junction with the Burn which passes Thorntonloch
COCKLAW Cocklaw David Davidson Dirtside
Robert Purves Aikengall
012 A farm house two storeys high and in good repair with out offices and a farm of land attached the property of J. Balfour Esqr. Occupied by Robert Purves
COCKLAW HILL Cocklaw Hill David Davidson Dirtside
Robert Purves Aikengall
012 A middling Sized hill on the farm of Cocklaw the Surface of which is mostly heathy pasture on it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical Station] called Blackcastle

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 57
List of Names collected by D. Mason 2nd Corpl. RS&M [Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners] -- Plan 12D Trace 1
Parish of Oldhamstocks

Received name -- Object
Ogle Burn - Stream
Cocklaw - Houses
Cocklaw Hill - Hill

[Signed] D. Mason

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