
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
DIRTSIDE Dirtside David Davidson Dirtside
Robert Purves Aikengall
012 A cottage one story high and in bad repair occupied by the shepherd of Cocklaw
PINTY Pinly David Davidson Dirtside
Robert Purves Aikengall
012 A small arable hill on the farm of Cocklaw on it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical Station] called Oldhamstocks
BATHENS CLEUGH Battens Cleugh David Davidson Dirtside
Robert Purves Aikengall
012 A very deep ravine on the farm of Cocklaw it is partially planted with trees there is a small stream running through it but bears no name - derivation not known

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 54
List of Names collected by D. Mason 2nd Corpl. RS&M [Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners] -- Plan 12D Trace 1
Parish of Oldhamstocks

Received Name -- Object
Dirtside - House
Pinley - Hill
Battens Cleugh - Ravine

[Signed] D. Mason

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