
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BILSDEAN T.P. Bilsdean T.P. [Turnpike]
Bilsdean T.P. [Turnpike]
George Affleck
William Gordon
012 [Situation] About 5/8 of a mile N.N.W. [North North West] from Dunglas.
A turnpike gate on the road leading from Dunbar to Berwick, with dwelling house attached; the property of the road trustees.
SCHOOL [Bilsdean] School
George Affleck
Thomas Cairns
012 [Situation] About 1/2 a mile North by West from Dunglas.
A school-house one story high and in good repair; at present occupied as a school; the average number attending it is about 55; & the usual branches are taught. The Schoolmaster Salary is derived from School fees, besides £5.0.0 a year from Sir J. Hall.

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[Page] 19
Parish of Oldhamstocks
[Margin note] Page in form 136--68 & 64

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