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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BONNETTY KNOWE Bonnety Knowe Mr Robert Purvis Farmer Emmerscleugh
Mr William Shiel Shepherd Aikengall
012 A small hillock the surface of which is arable, but owing to its steepness it is not cultivated; there are a great many Rabbits burrowed in it, in the locality it is thought to have the appearance of a bonnet and to that circumstance it owes its name; it is a little to the East of Emmerscleugh.
THE DOD The Dod Mr James Hadden Gamekeeper Woodhall
Mr John Denholm Steward Woodhall
012 A small arable hillock a little to the East of Woodhall farm house.
TRIPSLAW HILL Tripslaw Hill Mr James Hadden Gaemkeeper Woodhall
Mr John Denholm Steward Woodhall
012 A small hillock a little to the North of Emmerscleugh farm house the surface of which is chiefly plantation, with a little arable.
HIRSTON LAW Hirston Law Mr James Hadden Gamekeeper Woodhall
Mr John Denholm Steward Woodhall
012 A small arable hillock a little to the South of Woodhall farm house.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 31
List of Names collected by P. McHugh Pte RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 12C Trace 1
Parish - Innerwick

Bonnety Knowe - Hillock
The Dod - Hillock
Tripslaw Hill - Hillock
Hirston Law - Hillock

Hooksters Law [crossed out]

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Jill S

  Location information for this page.