
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
HARESHAW KNOWE Hareshaw Knowe Mr. Darling Priestlaw
James Renwick Mayshiel
Robert Murdie Kingside
020 A small heathy hill on the farm of Killpallet Situated between Hareshaw Burn and East Hare Cleugh
EAST HARE CLEUGH Easter Hare Cleugh Mr. Darling Priestlaw
James Renwick Mayshiel
Robert Murdie Kingside
020 A small ravine between Harecleugh Rig and Hareshaw Know having a Small stream running thro. [through] it. The Cleugh extends from the ravine of the Stream to where it joins Hare Cleugh the stream has no name
HARE CLEUGH RIG Harecleugh Rig Mr. Darling Priestlaw
James Renwick Mayshiel
Robert Murdie Kingside
020 Applies to that portion of moor on the farm of Kellpallet which lies between Priest Cleugh And East Hare Cleugh
KILLPALLET RIG Killpallet Rig Mr. Darling Priestlaw
James Renwick Mayshiel
Robert Murdie Kingside
020 A hill on the farm of Killpallet at the South ends of Priestcleugh Rig and Harecleugh Rig. It has a Trig. [Trigonometrical Station] On its summit and forms a portion of the Lammermuir Hills

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 21
[List of Names collected by] John Early c.a [civilian assistant]
Whittingham Parish

[note] Plan 20.A

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Trondragirl- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery

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