
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ROTTEN CLEUGH Rotten Cleugh James Renwick Mayshiel
John Bald West Hopes
019 [situation] About 40 chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Lowrans Law
A Small open Valley at the South Side of Hope Hills thro' [through] which a Stream flows into Dye Water. This Stream forms the By. [Boundary] between the Counties of Berwick and Haddington
WESTER SYKE Wester Sykes James Renwick Mayshiel
John Bald West Hopes
019 [situation] About 40 chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Lowrans Law
A Small Stream on the Hope Hills which gathers at the East Side of Lowrans Law, and flows eastwards into Dye Water
EASTER SYKE Easter Syke James Renwick Mayshiel
John Bald West Hopes
019 [situation] East Side of Lowrans Law N.E. [North East] from Wester Syke
A Small Stream which flows in a SW. [South West] direction into the Dye Water. This Dye Water forms the boundary between the Counties of Berwick & Haddington at this place.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 25
Parish of Garvald & Bara
Plan 19.B.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Nora Edwards, Douglas Montgomery