
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SOUTRA MILL (Corn) Soutra Mill
Soutra Mill
Soutra Mill
Soutra Mill
Soutra Mill
T.G. Dixon Esqr.
Rev. [Reverend] G. Weir
T. Maitland Esqr,
Johnston's Co. [County] map
Forrest's map
018 [situation] About 3/8 Mile N.N.E. [North-North-East] from Woodcot
A small corn mill on the West side of Linn Dean Water The property of T.G. Dixon Esqr. of Woodcot,
Linn Dean Water
Linn Dean Water
Linn Dean Water
Rev. [Reverend] G. Weir
Rev. [Reverend] John Henry
John Henderson
T. Henderson
Stat: acct: [Statistical account] of Edinreh [Edinburgh]
018 [situation] Runs through the East portion of Woodcot Demesne
A considerable stream or burn having its rise in the Lammermuir Hills, and running in a northerly direction thro' [through] Linn Dean. hence the name, pass[ing] Soutra Mill to Mavishall where it changes its name to Johnstonburn Water,

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 6

28 - Soutra Mill
27 - Linn Dean Water

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