
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
HAREHOPE WOOD Harehope Water
Harehope Water
Harehope Water
Mr. Trotter
Thomas Henderson
J. Henderson
018 [situation] About 1 Mile E.N. [East North] East from Woodcot
A small wood consisting of Fir and forest trees. It is on the farm of Chesterhill, The property of Archibald Brown Esqr.
Pogbie Hill
Pogbie Hill
Pogbie Hill
Rev. [Reverend] G. Weir
T. Maitland
T. Henderson
Johnston's Map
018 [situation] About 1 Mile E.S. [East South] East from Woodcot
A considerable eminence on the Lammermuir range, and on the lands of Pogbie.
LAMMERMUIR HILLS Lammermuir Hills See Name BooK Plan 19 B [situation] On Southern Boundary of County.
For descriptive remarks see name Book for Plan.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 19
Parish of Humbie

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Bizzy- Moderator, Nora Edwards, Douglas Montgomery

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