
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
DUNBAR COMMON Dunbar Common Mr. Caverhill Farmer Crichness
James King Caldercleugh
016 A large tract of heathy Moorland situated on the "Lammermuir Hills" and in the parishes of Spott, Stenton and Whittingham. It at one time belonged to the town of Dunbar and still retains the name "Dunbar Common" It is the property of the Earl of Haddington, James Balfour Esqr, Thomas B. Sydserff Esqr, Sir George Suttie Bart [Baronet]. Marquis of Tweeddale, Mrs Ferguson etc.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 56
List of Names collected by Robert Miller c/a [civilian assistant]
Plan 16 D Trace 1
Parish of Spott, Stenton, Whittingham

[Signed] Robert Miller.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Nellie- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery