
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BOTHWELL Bothwell Thomas Shiell Shepherd Bothwell
Mr. Caverhill Farmer Crichness
James King Shepherd Caldercleugh
016 A large farm house of two stories and in good repair. Attached are convenient offices with thrashing machine. and a large sheep farm - occupied by a shepherd, rented by James Allan, the property of Sir George Grant Suttie Bart. [Baronet]
REEN RIG Reen Rig Thomas Shiell Shepherd Bothwell
Mr. Caverhill Farmer Crichness
James King Shepherd Caldercleugh
016 A small heathy ridge on Bothwell Farm. The origin to this name is not known in the country.
BIRK CLEUGH Birk Cleugh Thomas Shiel Shepherd Bothwell
Mr. Caverhill Farmer Crichness
James King Shepherd Caldercleugh
016 A small heathy ravine on Bothwell Farm through which flows a small stream. There are a few birch Trees in this ravine from which the name is derived.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 51
List of Names collected by C/a [Civilian assistant] Miller
Plan 16 D Trace 3
Parish Stenton

Bothwell - A house
Reen Rig - A ridge
Birk Cleugh - A ravine

[Signed ] Robert Miller c/a [civilian assistant]

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Nellie- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery