
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
THE NINE STONES Nine Stones Robert Murdie Kingside
Mr. Renwick Mayshiel
George Young Johnscleugh
016 A small circle of Stones nine in number on the South Side of Ninestone Rig and from which the Rig has taken its name. It is traditionally Stated that there is a Bullock's hide full of gold concealed beneath these stones. persons have dug between and around the stones thinking to find the hidden treasure. but as yet none has been successful
CROW MOSS Crow Moss Robert Murdie Kingside
Mr. Renwick Mayshiel
George Young Johnscleugh
016 A small portion of Mossland on the farm of Johnscleugh at the SW [South West] end of Ninestone Rig It derives its name from a circle of stones Situated at the south side of the moss
CROW STONES Crow Stones Robert Murdie Kingside
Mr. Renwick Mayshiel
George Young Johnscleugh
016 This applies to a large Circle of Stones situated on a dry heathy eminence at the South end of Crow Moss. there is no tradition in the County respecting this but it appears to be very much like a Druidical Circle

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List of Names collected by John Early c a [civilian assistant]
Plan 16C Trace 2

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Trondragirl- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery

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