
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
White Adder Water
White Adder Water
White Adder Water
The Whitadder
The Whittadder
Whittater or Whitewater
The White-Ader
Whiteadder Water
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
Robert Murdie
Mr. Darling
Co. [County] Map (Forrest's)
Fullarton's Gazetteer
Stat: acct [Statistical Account] 1841
Old Stat: acct: [Statistical Account]
Chalmer's Caledonian
Sinclairs Stat. Acct [Statistical Account] vol [volume] 1 p [page] 119
Mason's Co. [County] Map 1832
016 ; 020 [Situation] Runs in a Southerly direction past the West side of Johnscleugh.
A stream rising on the West side of Ragstone Rig,flowing in a South Easterly direction passing by Mill Knowe. and Presslaw untill it joins the Bothwell Water near Cranshaws Church;
HAZELLY BURN Hazelly Burn George Young
Robert Murdie
016 [Situation] Runs in an easterly direction about 1 1/4 Mile N. [North] from Mayshiel
A small stream rising on the farm of Johnscleugh, between Crow Moss and Black Law, and running in a N. [North] Easterly direction until it joins the White Adder Water near Johnscleugh Farm Ho: [House].

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 16
Parish of Whittinghame

Form 136 Page
38 Whiteadder Water
39 Hazelly Burn

Whiteadder Water [note] See Name Book Plan 16 D for the adopted spelling of this name.

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Trondragirl- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery

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