
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALLT A' CHLAIDHEIMH Allt a Chlaidheimh
Allt a Chlaidheimh
Allt a Chlaidheimh
Peter Turner
Malcom Walker
Revr. [Reverend] Duncan Campbell
010 A good stream rising near "Tom na Cona" pursuing a rugged and Eastrly direction and falls into "Loch Lomond" about 34 chains South of Camstraddan House. The name signifies the Sword Burn.
FREE CHURCH [Luss] Free Church
Free Church
Free Church
Montague Martin Esqr.
Inscription on Church
Revr. [Reverend] Neil Stewart
010 A neat building with a small wooden belfry, capble of accomodating a Congregation of 350 situated on the west side of the turnpike road about a mile and a half south of the village of Luss. The property of the congregation. It was erected 1844.
FREE CHURCH MANSE [Luss] Free Church Manse
Free Church Manse
Free Church Manse
Montague Martin Esqr.
Revr. [Reverend] Neil Stewart
Peter Turner
010 A substantial house, occupied by the Revr. [Reverend] Neil Stewart, situated about a half mile north of the Free Church, the property

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 15
County Dumbarton Parish of Luss

[Below entry for Allt a' Chlaidheimh:]
"Allt a' Chlaidheimh," The Sword Burn.

Transcriber's notes

Free Church and Free Church Manse have been amended to U.F. [United Free] and U.F.C. [United Free Church]. Both found under Free in the index, and on the map.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Alison James- Moderator, Tom Colquhoun

  Location information for this page.