Dunbartonshire volume 05

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/9/5/1 CUMBERNAULD [Parish] Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish Cumbernauld Parish New Statistical Account Chalmers' Caledonia Fullarton's Gazetteer Caledonia Romana Oliver & Boyd's Almanac Johnston's Co. [County] Map Estate Maps Valuation Roll Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Parish Minister Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird U.P. [United Presbyerian] Minister Daniel McGrigor Inspector of Poor Sheriff's List of Meresmen "Cumbernauld is of Celtic derivation Cumar An Alt, in that language signifying a meeting of streams; and there is a remarkable number of streams running in all directions, part in the Forth & part into the Clyde." New Statistical Account. Cumbernauld, a parish, Containing a small post town of its own name also the village of Condorat, & the station of Croy, in the detached district of Dumbartonshire. It is bounded on the west by the Parish of Kirkintilloch, and on the other sides by the Counties of Stirling & Lanark. Its length westward is about 8 miles; its breadth is from 3 to 4 miles; and its area is about 9.146 acres. The Kelvin traces part of the northern Boundary, & the Luggie part of the southern Boundary; but both are here insonsiderable streams the surface is here beautifully diversified with small hills and fertile dales. The highest part is called Fannyside moor producing nothing but heath & furze. On the south-east side [continued on page 2]
OS1/9/5/1 [Page] 1 Dumbartonshire (Det. [Detached]) -- Cumbernauld Parish "Comer, Cumar, A meeting of Water's" (Gaelic) "Allt, A mountain Stream" (Gaelic) There is no portion of this parish detached, nor part or parts of any other parish con- tained within its boundary. R.H.
OS1/9/5/2 CUMBERNAULD [Parish] (Continued) Cumbernauld Parish/ continued [continued from page 1] of this moor are two small lochlets; and there once were others, which have been drained. The remainder of the Parish is mostly arable with a deep clay soil, and tolerable fertile. Lime, coal ironstone and freestone are extensively worked." (There is very little of either coal or ironstone wrought in the parish). "There are about 50 landowners. Some traces of Antoninus' wall occur along the northern border, and vestiges of a Roman road in the Moss of Fannyside. The Forth & Clyde Canal traverses the northern border. The new road from Glasgow to Falkirk cuts the Parish transversely. The Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway goes through the interior to the south of the Canal, and has one Station at Croy, and another immediately beyond the parochial By. [Boundary] at Castlecary". (This Ry. [Railway] Station is within the Parochial By. [Boundary]) The Greenhill fork of the Caledonian Railway (properly the "Castlecary Branch") connecting the Scottish Central with the Caledonian Main trunk, goes south westward through the interior, and had till lately a station for Cumbernauld. Population in 1831, 3,080; in 1837, 3,378. Houses 478. Assessed property in 1843, £15,429. 10s 11d. This Parish is in the presbytery of Glasgow, & Synod of Glasgow & Ayr." Fullartons Gazetteer. The Parish Church is in Cumbernauld Village, besides which there is a Free Church and a U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church. There are three schools in Cumbernauld, one at Condorrat, and one at Muirhead; three of these are adventure schools.
OS1/9/5/2 [Page] 2 Dumbartonshire (Det. [Detached[) -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/3 AUCHINSTARRY Auchinstarry Auchinstarry Auchinstarry Auchinstarry Auchinsterry Auchinsterry Auchinsterry Auchinsterrie Valuation Roll Captain Murray Gartshore Pr. [Proprietor] William Amoss Tenant Table of Tolls Estate Map Johnstons Co. [County] Map Map 10 miles round Glasgow Canal Co [Company]'s List of Drawbridges 019 A Farm Steading, the property of Captain Murray Gartshore of Gartshore, Kirkintilloch This is an old and well known name in the country surrounding.
OS1/9/5/3 AUCHINSTARRY DRAWBRIDGE Auchinstarry Drawbridge Valuation Roll Captain Murray Gartshore William Amoss Table of Tolls Estate Map Johnston's County Map Map 10 Miles round Glasgow Canal Company's List of Drawbridges 019 The 10th Drawbridge, numbering from the Forth River, on the Forth & Clyde Canal. It opens upwards from the centre by clog wheels at the north and south sides. There is a house for the Bridge-Keeper on the north side, & there are several houses on the south side on both sides of the T.P. [Turn Pike] Road, which bears the name of the Bridge. There is a Toll Bar here on the Road which crosses the Bridge going to Kilsyth in the adjoining Parish, Stirlingshire. This Bridge can't [continued on page 4]
OS1/9/5/3 [Page] 3 Dumbartonshire (Det. [Detached]) -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/4 AUCHINSTARRY DRAWBRIDGE (Continued) Auchinstarry Drawbridge /Continued 019 [continued from page 3] be considered as a County Bridge although used for Co. [County] purposes. It is repaired by the Canal Co. [Company]. Loads exceeding three tons are not allowed to cross the Bridges on the Canal without previously notifying the same to the Co. [Company]. East of the Bridge there is a Bay in the Canal for Timber loading and seasoning &c.
OS1/9/5/4 LANGHILL Langhill Langhill Langhill Langhill William Brown, Proprietor John Cooper, Over Croy Estate Map Titles 019 A Farm Steading occupied by the Proprietor. This name has not been Anglicised in any of the documents connected with it.
OS1/9/5/4 [Page] 4 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/5 CRAIGMARLOCH WOOD Craigmarloch Wood Craigmarloch Wood Craigmarloch Wood John Cooper Over Croy Major Orr. Dullatur Ho. [House] Thomas Duncan W. [Wester] Dullatur 019 A well known name applying to the steep wooded bank which forms the northern side of Croy Hill. It extends from "Craigmarloch Bridge" (Trace 1. 19A.16) to the wood enclosures east of the grounds of Nether Croy. The Forth & Clyde Canal stands at the bottom of the banks of "Craigmarloch Wood". Croy Hill and the "Wood" are the property of the Carron Co. [Company]. On the top of the bank there is a prominent whinstone rock known for miles around as the "King's Seat".
OS1/9/5/5 [Page] 5 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/6 NETHER CROY Nether Croy Nether Croy Nether Croy Nether Croy Caledonia Romana Valuation Roll John Cooper, Over Croy William Dawson Esqr. Manager & Factor 019 A Superior dwelling at the foot of "Croy Hill" having offices, Ornamental grounds & garden attached. There are two approaches to this house - one from "Auchinstarry Drawbridge", & the other from the Parish Road at "Over Croy". (Trace 2 & 3 25-3) In the lawn south of the house is a Roman Altar said to have been found in the vicinity, on the line of the Roman Wall; & in the south wall about 30 links from the west corner there are two sculptured Roman stones built in about 15 feet from the ground. Nether Croy is the property of the Carron Company.
OS1/9/5/6 [Page] 6 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/7 ROMAN ALTAR [Nether Croy] Roman Altar Roman Altar Roman Altar Roman Altar Caledonia Romana New Statistical Account William Brown Langhill Revd. [Reverend] Park Parish Minister 019 "At the house of Nether Croy, situated in the low grounds to the north of Croy Hill, are two pieces of Roman Sculpture and a votive Altar, which are said to have been found in the immediate vicinity of the height in question. The former are placed in the wall of the building, the latter stands in a green plot adjoining. The exact period of their discovery cannot now be ascertained; but it would seem that they had all been discovered between the time of Horsley's visit, which occurred in or about the year 1730, and the beginning of the present Century. (The altar is the most recently discovered, and may have been found at a somewhat later period, although we have not been able to ascertain the particulars). The first of these Sculptures is a mere fragment representing a female passing through a doorway, between two spirally ornamented columns, as if in the act of leaving the bath; while to her left another figure rests upon one knee, in a half reclining posture, under the fragmentary portion [continued on page 8]
OS1/9/5/7 ROMAN SCULPTURE [Nether Croy] 019 "At the house of Nether Croy, situated in the low grounds to the north of Croy Hill, are two pieces of Roman Sculpture and a votive Altar, which are said to have been found in the immediate vicinity of the height in question. The former are placed in the wall of the building, the latter stands in a green plot adjoining. The exact period of their discovery cannot now be ascertained; but it would seem that they had all been discovered between the time of Horsley's visit, which occurred in or about the year 1730, and the beginning of the present Century. (The altar is the most recently discovered, and may have been found at a somewhat later period, although we have not been able to ascertain the particulars). The first of these Sculptures is a mere fragment representing a female passing through a doorway, between two spirally ornamented columns, as if in the act of leaving the bath; while to her left another figure rests upon one knee, in a half reclining posture, under the fragmentary portion [continued on page 8]
OS1/9/5/7 [Page] 7 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/8 ROMAN ALTAR & ROMAN SCULPTURE (Continued) Roman Altar (continued 019 [continued from page 7] of a laurel wreath. The second represents three Roman Soldiers in the dress usually worn by the Hastati of the Legions _ two of them are armed with spears, and rest their Scuta or bucklers upon the ground, while the third carries a sword and raises his shield as if awaiting an attack: the last mentioned has what appears to be a small target or breast-plate hanging from his neck, and covering the lower part of his body: none of the three wear any description of helmit or cap. The Altar which stands at Nether Croy was found in a somewhat mutilated state: the inscription, however, had escaped uninjured; and as the deficiency has been supplied by modern hands, this venerable monument appears on the whole to be but little injured by the Assaults of time. Its height is about 38, its breadth about 14 inches, and it is dedicated to the genii of the woods and Streams as follows;- NYMPHIS VEXILLATI° LEG VI VIC P SVB FA BIO BERA -- NYMPHIS VEXILLATIO LEGIONIS SEXTAE VICTRICIS FIAE FIDELIS, SUB FABIO BERA -- To the Nymphs The Vexillation of the Sixth Legion, the Victorious Pius and Faithful, Under the command of Fabius Bera. (Dedicates this) The inscription is well executed, and seemed to belong to the second Century". Caledonia Roman P. [Page] 33. The description above of the Altar is connect in every respect, except that at the present time some of the letters of the inscriptions are not quite perfect. The Sculptured stones, built into the south wall of Nether Croy House, at about 15 feet from the ground, and a distance of 30 links from the south west corner, are remarkable for the state of preservation they are in. The property on which these Roman remains are, belongs to the Carron Co. [Company] of Falkirk.
OS1/9/5/8 [Page] 8 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/9 RIVER KELVIN Kelvin Water Kelvin Water Kelvin Water Kelvin Water Kelvin Water River Kelvin Estate Map Johnston's Co. [County] Map J. Duncan, W. [Wester] Dullatur P. Gray Netherwood Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Ph. [Parish] Minister See Plans of Cadder Parish in Lanarkshire 019 A little river which rises in this parish, on the Boundary between it & Kilsyth, at a place called "Kelvinhead Jetty". It flows to the Clyde which it enters at Glasgow, near which it is generally called "River" Kelvin, but near its source is generally called a "Water". (See N. [Name] Sheets of Cadder Parish, Lanarkshire.)
OS1/9/5/9 CRAIGMARLOCH DRAWBRIDGE Craigmarloch Drawbridge Craigmarloch Drawbridge Craigmarloch Drawbridge Craigmarloch Drawbridge Canal Co. [Company]'s List of Bridges, John Kemp. B. [Bridge] Keeper, Major Orr. Dullatur House, J. Milne Esqr. Canal Supdt. [Superintendent] 019 The 9th. Drawbridge on the "Forth & Clyde Canal", numbering from the Forth, and the Second in the Parish, numbering from the eastern Boundary. It opens in the centre and is raised to admit boats passing through. A Parish Road crosses it here, but the bridge can't considered a Parochial or County [continued on page 10]
OS1/9/5/9 [Page] 9 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/10 CRAIGMARLOCH DRAWBRIDGE (Continued) Craigmarloch Drawbridge (continued 019 [continued from page 9] Bridge being, like the other Canal Bridges in the Parish, kept in repairs &c. by the Co. [Company]. There is stabling north of the Br. [Bridge] in Kilsyth Ph. [Parish] Stirlingshire which belong to the Co. [Company] & bears the general name of the Bridge, which is given to all the Co. [Company]'s houses near.
OS1/9/5/10 ISLAND WOOD Island Wood Island Wood Island Wood T. Duncan W. [Wester] Dullatur W. Stark E. [Easter] Dullatur T. Allan Westerwood 019 An enclosure of wood on the lands of Easter Dullatur, the property of William Wilson Esqr. It stands upon the south side of the Canal. The name is well known.
OS1/9/5/10 FORTH AND CLYDE CANAL Forth & Clyde Canal Forth & Clyde Canal Forth & Clyde Canal Forth & Clyde Canal Fullarton's Gazetteer New Statl. [Statistical] Account Caledonia Romana James Milne Esqr. Canal Supdt. [Superintendent] 019 A navigable Canal between the Firth of Forth & Clyde. It passes through this Parish, near the northern Boundary, for a distance of 5 Miles. entering on the eastern Boundary. near Castlecary, by an Aqueduct over the "Red Burn". There are three Drawbridges on it in this Parish. and one Lock, each bearing names & numbers. It passes out of the Parish. on the western By. [Boundary] at Auchinstarry (19A 15) On both sides of the Canal the Co. [Company] have property a great deal of which is not defined on the ground by any Boundary.
OS1/9/5/10 [Page] 10 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/11 EDINBURGH AND GLASGOW RAILWAY Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway Murray's Time Tables New Statl. [Statistical] Account J. Sutherland Stat. [Station] Master Croy A. Anderson Stat. [Station] Master Castlecary 019 ; 025 A line of Railway between Edinburgh & Glasgow having considerable traffic upon it. There are two Stations in the Parish - one at Castlecary and another at Croy. The Electric Telegraph is on the south side of the line. This Railway twice crosses the Roman wall in its course through the Parish, considerably damaging its remains in both places.
OS1/9/5/11 CROYHILL Croyhill Croyhill Croyhill Croyhill Croyhill Croyhill Valuation Roll Alexander McDonald. Occupier T. Duncan. W [Wester] Dullatur W. Dawson. Manager & Factor Estate Plan Johnston's County Map 019 An old Steading on the hill of the name, which is a remarkable one in the Parish. the property of the Carron Co. [Company]. The remains of the ditch of the Roman Wall passes close to the Farmhouse, on the north side, near which there is a Dam, made for Supplying an Engine with water belonging to a Coal Pit at the foot of the hill, near NetherCroy. (Trace 6 19A 15)
OS1/9/5/11 [Page] 11 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/12 KING'S SEAT King's Seat King's Seat King's Seat Major Orr. Dullatur House T. Duncan Esqr. W. [Wester] Dullatur John Alexander. DyKehead 019 A projecting rock at the top of a Steep bank on the side of Croy [Hill]. The Wood on this steep bank is called "Craigmarloch". The origin of the name is said to be from a King looking on at a battle from the rock, but what King or battle, the tradition does not say. The name is well known.
OS1/9/5/12 WESTER DULLATUR Wester Dullatur Wester Dullatur Wester Dullatur Valuation Roll Titles T. Duncan. Proprietor & occupier 019 A Superior Farm Steading having the remains of the Ditch of the Roman Wall passing south of it. South of the Steading there is a Cottar's house belonging to the Farm.
OS1/9/5/12 EASTER DULLATUR Easter Dullatur Easter Dullatur Easter Dullatur Valuation Roll Titles T. Duncan 019 A Superior house having offices for farming attached. It is the property of W. Wilson Esqr. South-east of the office houses there are some artificial embankments. very much like entrenchments of an ancient camp, which were made to conduct water for a thrashing Mill close to the Public Road at the bottom. The remains of the Ditch of the Roman wall passes close to the houses of Easter Dullatur.
OS1/9/5/12 [Page] 12 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/13 DULLATUR HOUSE Dullatur House Dullatur House Dullatur House Major Orr Proprietor Valuation Roll T. Duncan W. [Wester] Dullatur 019 A Superior house having offices houses attached for farming. It is occupied by the Proprietor, & was formerly called "Dykehead", a name which he gave to the farm South west of the House, on acquiring the property about 40 years ago.
OS1/9/5/13 DYKEHEAD Dykehead Dykehead Dykehead John Alexander Propr. [Proprietor] Major Orr Valuation Roll 019 A Farm Steading sold some time ago by the Propr. [Proprietor] of "Dullatur Ho. [House]" to the present Pr. [Proprietor] who occupies it.
OS1/9/5/13 CHANTYCLEAR BURN Chantyclear Burn Chantyclear Burn Chantyclear Burn Major Orr T. Duncan. W. [Wester] Dullatur W. StarK. E [Easter] Dullatur 019 A small stream which enters the Kelvin through the "Back Drain of the Canal". It rises from a park of the same name which is well known.
OS1/9/5/13 [Page] 13 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/14 THE SHORE [a wood] The Shore The Shore The Shore The Shore William Stark E. [Easter] Dullatur T. Duncan W. [Wester] Dullatur T. Allan. Westerwood Mrs. Marshall Prs. [Proprietress] Muirhead 019 A Strip of wood belonging Lord Elphinstone's property, extending from the north-east end of "Drumcap Plantation" (Trace 4.20-13) to the Chantyclear Burn & the Ed [Edinburgh] & Glasgow Railway in the west. The name is a well Known one and used as authorized.
OS1/9/5/14 DEIL'S SEAT Deil's Seat Deil's Seat Deil's Seat William Stark E. [Easter] Dullatur T. Duncan W. [Wester] Dullatur T. Allan Westerwood Mrs. Marshall Prs. [Proprietress] Muirhead 019 A projecting & steep rock on the top of a bank in the Shore. Some thirty years ago there was, on the top or table of this rock, a Seat naturally in the form of a sofa, which is now destroyed. The name is proper & well known to the older persons of the locality.
OS1/9/5/14 [Page] 14 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/15 GLENHEAD Glen head Glen head Glen head Valuation Roll Major Orr Mrs. Steel Proprietress 019 A thatched house in good condition partly occupied by the proprietress - Mrs. Steel
OS1/9/5/15 MUIRHEAD Muirhead Muirhead Muirhead Mrs. Marshall Proprs. [Proprietress] Major Orr Valuation Roll 019 A thatched house formerly a farm steading & occupied by the Proprietress. This is the Muirhead of Dullatur. There is another "Muirhead" on the "Bogedge or Ravenswood" property (Trace 4.26-1) but there is no distinguishing term used to either, each being understood as the Muirhead of their respective localities.
OS1/9/5/15 [Page] 15 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/16 [Page] 16 Blank page.
OS1/9/5/17 WINDFORD LOCK Windford Lock Windford Lock Windford Lock Stamp for Bills &c. Johnston's Co. [County] Map David Morrison Lock Keeper 020 The 20th Lock numbering from Grangemouth - the western extremity of the navigation, on the "Forth & Clyde Canal", by which a fall of 6 feet, from the west side, is got over. There is a Drawbridge here near the centre of the Lock. A Parish Road crosses this Bridge. It is said that the name "Windford", sometimes spelt Wyndford, originally - before the Canal was made, belonged to the place about the Bridge, but since the Lock &c. was made the name seems to have been, as it is at present, entirely used to the Lock. All the houses near the Bridge, with the exception of the Public House on the South, belong to the Canal Co. [Company] but the name of the Lock is given generally to the whole. The houses west of the Lock were formerly stabling, but are now let in tenements.
OS1/9/5/17 [Page] 17 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/18 KELVINHEAD JETTY Kelvinhead Jetty Kelvinhead Jetty Kelvinhead Jetty Kelvinhead Jetty Walter Buchanan, Occupier David Morrison. Lock Keeper Windford Alexander Cameron. Col. [Colliery] Manager, Alexander Kirkwood Garnhall 020 An old wharf or jetty, not much used now, having a dwelling house near for one of the Co's. [Company's] Servants. The name is well known from the "Head of Kelvin Water", & the "Head of Bonny Water", as written on Trace, being at the back of the house on the north side. The heads of these Waters are remarkable from the one flowing to the east (the Bonny) & the other to the west (the Kelvin), from the same point, or being only separated by the width of a road.
OS1/9/5/18 [Page] 18 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/19 NETHERWOOD COLLIERY Netherwood Colliery Netherwood Colliery Netherwood Colliery Netherwood Colliery Alexander Cameron Manager P. Gray, Netherwood T. Allan Westerwood W. Dawson Factor 020 This name applies to a few houses occupied by persons employed in the Coal workings of Netherwood. the property of the Carron Co. [Company] It wholly applies to the dwellings, as the Coal workings, which are entered from the Coal Mine here, are nearly a mile distant from the mouth of the mine. To apply the name to the extent of their worKings would leave these houses without a name, which is generally given to them throughout the Parish.
OS1/9/5/19 IRON FOUNDRY [Netherwood Colliery] Foundry Alexander Cameron Manager P. Gray, Netherwood T. Allan Westerwood W. Dawson Factor 020 There is, upon the same authorities, a Small Iron Foundry here /Trace used for casting wheels for Railway Trucks, & for making Rails both for the use of the Coal workings only. North east of this, upon the same Trace, there is a "Basin" or small branch off the Canal which is sometimes styled a Bay & at others a Basin. Either would, it is considered by the [continued on page 20]
OS1/9/5/19 [Page] 19 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/20 NETHERWOOD COLLIERY & IRON FOUNDRY (Continued) Netherwood Colliery/Continued 020 [continued from page 19] Company's Servants, be correct. South & south east of the Bay or Basin there are a few scattered dwellings which bear the general name of the property - Netherwood
OS1/9/5/20 NETHERWOOD QUARRY Netherwood Quarry Netherwood Quarry Netherwood Quarry Netherwood Quarry Netherwood Quarry Valuation Roll Alexander Cameron P. Gray. Netherwood Col. [Colliery] George Caldow. Manager W. Dawson Factor 020 A large freestone Quarry which has been wrought for nearly 40 years. It is on the Netherwood property from which it is named & well Known as "Netherwood Qy." [Quarry]. The Carron Co. [Company] are the Proprs. [Proprietors]
OS1/9/5/20 BACK DRAIN Back Drain Back Drain Back Drain W. Buchanan Kelvinhead Jetty Alexander Cameron Col. [Colliery] Manager David Morrison. Lock Keeper 020 A Drain for the purpose of carrying superfluous water from the Canal when required. It flows east & west from the Netherwood Colliery houses - the east Course joining the " Bonny Water" after passing under the Canal, near Windford, the west course flowing into the Kelvin near "Craigmarloch Bridge." The name is proper and generally used.
OS1/9/5/20 [page] 20 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/21 BONNY WATER Bonny Water Bonny Water Bonny Water Bonny Water Bonny Water Estate Maps Gazetteer of Scotland Caledonia Romana P. Gray Netherwood Richard Clark Mr. [Manager] of Distillery 020 This Water rises in this Parish on the Boundary dividing it from Kilsyth at a place called "Kelvinhead Jetty" & flows eastwards passing into Stirlingshire. It enters the Forth.
OS1/9/5/21 NETHERWOOD Netherwood Netherwood Netherwood Netherwood Valuation Roll Estate map P. Gray Tenant W. Dawson Factor 020 A large & superior Farm steading the name of which belongs to a large property belonging to the Carron Company.
OS1/9/5/21 [Page] 21 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/22 [Page] 22 [Blank page]
OS1/9/5/23 CASTLECARY STATION Castlecary Station Castlecary Station Castlecary Station Murray's Time Table Station Board Adam Anderson, Station Master 020 The fourth Station from Glasgow, & the ninth from Edinburg on the "Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway". The name also applies to all the houses between this & "Red Burn Bridge", which ,with the exception of a house on the roadside, nearest to the Bridge, are the property of the Railway Company. The remains of the Fosse of Agricola's Wall are to be seen on the north & west sides of this Station.
OS1/9/5/23 CASTLECARY HOUSE Castlecary House Castlecary House Castlecary House Titles of property Mrs. Watson Proprietress Valuation Roll 020 A superior house on the side of the T. P. [Turn Pike] Road, South of the Ry. [Railway] Station of this name . This is not a Mansion house although the term "House" is given to it by the Proprietress. It was formerly an Inn or built for that purpose. but is now [continued on page 24]
OS1/9/5/23 [Page] 23 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/24 CASTLECARY HOUSE (Continued) Castlecary House/Continued 020 [continued from page 23] generally recognised as authorized. The name is taken from an old Castle or old Mansion, in Falkirk Parish, Stirlingshire, on the other or east side of "Red Burn".
OS1/9/5/24 RED BURN BRIDGE Red Burn Bridge Red Burn Bridge Red Burn Bridge New Statl. [Statistical] Account Alexander Kirkwood, Garnhall Andrew Stirling, Castlecary 020 A county Bridge of Stone, of two arches, over "Red Burn" on the line of the Glasgow & Stirling T.P. [Turn Pike] Road. The second arch, which is in Falkirk Parish, is over a Tram Road which is in connexion with the "Castlecary Lime Works."
OS1/9/5/24 GARNHALL Garnhall Garnhall Garnhall Johnston's Co. [County] Map Alexander Kirkwood Occupier Lease of Farm 020 A Farm Steading on Cumbernauld Estate, the property of Captn. [Captain] Fleming. The "Military Way" passed through this Steading - the Remains or site of it are to be seen now. on a private road to the Farm leading from the east. The fosse of the Roman Wall is in good preservation on the Farm.
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OS1/9/5/25 Remains of the WALL OF ANTONINUS PIUS Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman Wall Caedonia Romana Chalmers' Caledonia New Statl. [Statistical] Account Revd. [Reverend] H. Park. Parish Minister A Kirkwood. Farmer. Garnhall James Forrester. Farmer Tollpark William Chalmers. Farmer Arniebog Thomas Allan. Farmer Westerwood William Stark. Easter Dullatur T. Duncan. Wester Dullatur John Cooper. Over Croy William Brown. Langhill 019 ; 020 ; 025 " For the last two hundred & fifty years, the site of the great northern Rampart - known as the wall of Antoninus, from its having been constructed in his reign - has commanded the attention of not a few amongst those of our national Antiquaries whose ardour led them to penetrate the recesses of the land - ** And seldom since the eye of the inquiring visitant first rested on the dilapidated traces of this ancient barrier, have many years been added in succession to the 'measure' of its age, without one accidental Circumstance or another exposing to light some fresh memorials of its Roman constructors; whose individual names appear at times before us in sculpture as fresh as if the work of recent years, while the grandeur of their united labours has crumbled into dust. This great work, then, consisted in the first place of an immense fosse or ditch - averaging about forty feet in width by some twenty in depth - which extended over hill and dale in one unbroken line, from sea to sea. Behind this ditch, on its southern side, and within a few feet of its base, was raised a rampart of intermingled stone and earth, strengthened by sods of turf; which measured, it is supposed, about twenty feet in height, and twenty-four in thickness at the base. This rampart or agger was surmounted by a parapet, behind which ran a level platform, for the accomodation of its defenders. To the southward of the whole was situated the Military Way - a regular Causewayed road, about twenty feet wide - which kept by the course of the wall at irregular distances approaching in some places, and in others receding to a considerable distance. Along the whole line , from W. [West] Kilpatrick to Carriden, there were established, it is believed, nineteen principal Stations or Forts; we cannot be quite certain of the number, because, towards the east end of the wall, the traces of their existence have for two centuries at least, been either very indistinct or entirely obliterated. Along these intervals were placed many smaller Castella or Watch Towers, of which only some two or three could be observed in the year 1755. While the contiguous rampart seems to have been little more than a well formed earthern mound, it is probable that many if not all the Stations were revetted with stone or entirely built of that material. In some places it would even appear that the vallum itself had been raised upon a stone foundation - probably in situations where the ground was low and marshy, and where it was necessarry to form drains beneath the works to prevent the accumulation of water on their interior side. Genl. [General] Roy supposes the ditch to have constituted the chief strength of the whole, and seems to consider the agger itself as having been of very secondary importance. He was evidently led to this opinion from the insignificant appearance which even the best preserved of its sections presented when he saw them; it must however be borne in mind as a circumstance highly probable, that the rampart, was, in course of time, much more liable to be demolished than the fosse to be filled up - hence perhaps, the distinct appearance of the one compared with the other." Caledonia Romana. The remains of the ditch of the Roman Wall, better known to the Country people as "Graham's Sheugh", is, on the whole, in good preservation in Cumbernauld. Every Farmer or resident, near the line of wall, knows it. In the rough rocky grounds of Croy Hill, (Plan 025.3 and 019A.16) and in some wooded portions on the lands of Westerwood, and Easter Dullatur ( 019A.16 and 020.13.) the remains are almost perfect. Throughout the greater part of the Parish the ditch has, in some measure, been preserved by being formed into the borders of fields. The Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway crosses it in two places - at Castlecary and Easter Dullatur, and in both cases has obliterated all traces for a short distance on either side. Croy Hill is the only place in the Parish where any plain remains of the rampart exist. This portion stands upon an eminence or natural Knowe, on the highest part of the Hill, and is seen from many places in the district. On the top of the rampart there is a level track, 7 or 8 feet wide, from which it now slopes regularly on each side to the bottom - that side next to the ditch, mingling with it, at one part, as one unbroken Embankment or slope. /over [continued on page 26]
OS1/9/5/25 [Page] 25 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish See Descriptive Remarks, compiled from Roy's Military Antiquities, Chalmer's Caledonia, and Caledonia Romana, in reference to this Wall - in Name Book of Cadder Parish - Lanarkshire. R.H. [Alongside descriptive remarks:] Caledonia Romana Page 269 Caledonia Romana Pages 278 & 9 Caledonia Romana Pages 278/9
OS1/9/5/26 [Page] 26 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish Remains of Fosse or Ditch of Roman wall / Continued [continued from page 25] In the Caledonia Romana it is stated that "It is generally believed that a Garrison Station had existed near their eastern extremity, at a point distant some 3200 yards" - about a mile & a half - "from the Barhill Fort." The distance given would agree with the part remaining. but there is not anything more remarkable about this place, nor at any other part of the Hill. in the shape of remains intrenchments &c. One thing remarkable is, that no remains of the Military Way are to be seen here, where from the rough imcultivated nature of the ground it might be expected to be preserved in some manner. Through a great part of Croy Hill the fosse has been cut through the solid whinstone RocK; shewing, in some places, that the fosse had been dispensed with on the outer side [b]. Some very feeble remains of the rampart, considered to be such [b] see Cal. Romana Page 333] from the turfy nature of the soil of which it is composed, and different from the RocKy bottom it stands upon. may be seen on the west of Arniebog (Trace 1-20-13) as represented on Trace. Very little of the Military Way remains, or the position of the site known. At Westerwood (Trace 1.20-13) the remains of a Fort are traceable, but they are very faint. - The Fosse or ditch presents, in this Parish five different appearances, and in order to insure the representation of it in its present state, consistent the different parts have been numbered on the Examination Traces, and the attached Index given to illustrate its varied appearance both on the ground, & on the Plan. The parts numbered 1, represent the faintest appearance, showing where the ground commences to fall towards the bottom. Throughout the Parish care has been taken to shew the exact width of the fosse as it at present remains as well as the depth and the breadth of the bottom - where it admits of being shewn. Those parts numbered 2 represent the hollow as being deeper than No. [Number] 1; No [Number] 3 has a better defined top, & is considered to be in tolerable preservation - the height from the bottom to the level of the top, averaging from 3 to 6 feet above the bottom of No [Number] 1. No. [Number] 4 is nearly equal to an ordinary cutting - on a Railway, for instance, but not so bold or regular on the top. No. [Number] 5 is a steep and well defined Cutting or slope and is the best part of the Ditch in the Parish. The Remains of the Fosse or Ditch, where it enters Cumbernauld Parish, on the eastern Boundary, coming from the Fort of Castlecary in FalkirK Parish , Stirlingshire , over the "Red Burn" (Trace 4.20.10), may be seen in excellent preservation at the bottom of the embankment for the viaduct of the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway. From the Burn to the point described all traces are effaced. From here to the Farm of Arniebog, the remains vary on the ground as represented on the Examination Traces. Upon the authority of the Farmer of Tollpark, James Forrester, with whom the portion above described, along with A. Kirkwood. Garnhall. & W. Chalmers Arniebog, was identified on the ground, the former found, about ten years ago, large freestones [c], wrought with a pick [c] See Cal. Romana Page 272] on the south side of the Fosse, in the field adjoining the Parish Road west of TollparK (Trace 3.20.13). A little distance west of Arniebog beside a P. [Parish] Road some traces of the Rampart are to be seen as described above. Through the lands of Westerwood and as far as the point where the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway again crosses the line of the Fosse as pointed out by the Farmer of Westerwood & William Stark. E. [East] Dullatur, the remains vary as represented, shewing it to have a marshy bottom at one part. & forming a pond for cattle near the same place; through the wood to the point crossed by the Railway the ditch forms a deep & wooded ravine, having a small stream running at the bottom. After crossing the Railway there is a pond at the foot of the embankment formed upon the Fosse, & the hollow is Slightly preserved a few feet on its n. [north] east side about where it crosses the margin line of the Trace. (6.xixa160 The traces are lost from the bottom of the Ry. [Railway] to the houses of E.[East] Dullatur. From here to the enclosures of Croy Hill, as shown on the authority of T. Duncan Esqr. & W. StarK, the remains are varied from the faintest to the representation of the best defined parts. At one part on W. [West] Dullatur lands the Pr. [Proprietor] shewed by digging a spade in the ground, on the top of the Fosse on the south Side, great numbers of dressed freestones about a foot square, but this part is in Cultivation & Shews nothing on the surface. Through the rough grounds of Croyhill, upon the same authorities, the field adjoining W. [West] Dullatur forms a marshy bottom in the Fosse. & through the whole of Croy Hill the Course of the ditch is very rough & cut through the solid rock in some places. Many natural hollows were no doubt made use of here. These are shewn on the Traces where admittable. On passing out of Croyhill & out of the Parish in direction of the Barhill Fort, in Kirkintilloch, the Track is indicated by a marshy piece of of ground in two places. Some natural indentations on, or near the margin of Trace 3.25-3 appear like the course of the wall but this is disagreed with by every one about. The ditch is unconnected from the west end of the grounds of Croy Hill, & is not again found until near the Ph. By. [Parish Boundary]. This is the worst part in the Parish.
OS1/9/5/27 STATION (Remains of) [Roman fort, Croy Hill] Remains of Fort Remains of Fort Remains of Fort Remains of Fort Caledonia Romana T. Allan. Westerwood William Chalmers. Arniebog William Stark. E. [Easter] Dullatur 020 "The next Station eastwards from Croy Hill is distant rather more than a mile and two thirds. Along this Section of the Fosse of Antoninus's Wall, the ground is comparatively low, with a slight declination to the north towards the level surface of the Dullatur Bog. The fort of Westerwood had been one of the third or weakest class; and but for the impassable swamps which must in ancient times have extended in front of its position. might be considered as one of the most exposed, along the wall, we may believe, however, that the marshes of Dullatur had afforded so certain a protection for at least a mile or two. in this neighbourhood, that the Station, such as it was, had proved amply sufficient for the purpose intended. The area of this Fort had measured about 370 by 320 feet, and was surrounded by a single rampart and ditch. In Gordon's time, the site of the Praetorium, near the centre of the inclosure was perfectly distinct; while, built in the cottages which then stood in its neighbourhood, he observed many fragments of Roman Sculpture - amongst others a very singular one of a style which we may suppose was not uncommon among the Lampsacenians of ancient Mysia. The Valla of this fort are now entirely levelled, and it does not appear that any other remains than the fragments mentioned by Gordon have ever been discovered in its vicinity" Caledonia Romana This, the 11th fort on the line of Wall numbering from the Clyde on the west (See Cal. [Caledonia] Romana page 367) including the Castellum or watch Tower in Cadder, and the supposed existence of a fort or Station on Croy Hill, is now almost obliterated. Its form however is traceable, and, with a slight exception on the remains of its southern side - numbered 2 on Examination Trace, the remains are about equal to the faintest parts of the Fosse - a perceptible hollow. ( See description & Index of the shades used for the Fosse in Name Sheet). Several dressed rough freestones taken from the ditch of this Fort, are to be seen lying in the Farm Yard of "Westerwood", and many similar stones are built into the Farm house. No Sculptured Stones, as mentioned in the Caledonia Romana, are to be seen here now. On coming near the Fosse of the Wall, the track of the north-east and north-west angles of this Fort are altogether levelled. It is well known in the locality as the "Camp". The west end of the Farm house cuts upon its east side near the Ditch of the R. [Roman] Wall. The Bog of Dullatur, which at one time would have protected this Fort, has been Cultivated for a considerable time, & the name of the Bog consequently lost, or not now retained to any part of the old bog lands of Dullatur.
OS1/9/5/27 [Page] 27 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish [Sideways alongside description:] Page 336 [Below description:] Bot. [Bottom] 450 ft. [feet] sq. [square] -- Present - 370 ft. [feet] by 320 ft. [feet] ([ ]).............................................................................................................CR
OS1/9/5/28 [Page] 28 [Blank page]
OS1/9/5/29 Site of the MILITARY WAY [Cumbernauld] Site & Remains of Military Way Site & Remains of Military Way Site & Remains of Military Way Site & Remains of Military Way Site & Remains of Military Way Site & Remains of Military Way Site & Remains of Military Way Site & Remains of Military Way Caledonia Romana New Statistical Account. A. Kirkwood. Garnhall James Forrester Tollpark William Chalmers Arniebog T. Allan Westerwood W. StarK E. [Easter] Dullatur T. Duncan W. [Wester] Dullatur 019 ; 020 "To the Southward of Antoninus's Wall was situated the Military Way - a Regular Causewayed road about 20 feet wide - which kept by the course of the wall at irregular distances, approaching in some places to within a few yards, and at others receding to a considerable extent". Caledonia Romana. Very Slight portions of the Military Way are to be seen in this Parish, & what has been pointed out as the remains or site of it appears doubtful in the absence of any regular causewayed remains to be seen on the ground. This description particularly refers to the present occupation Road on the Farm of Tollpark, (Trace 3.20.13) from the Parish Road to the Steading, which has at present, nothing more remarKable in its construction, or appearance, than an ordinary farm road. The father of the present farmer of Tollpark, James Forrester, however, states that the Causeway was in his time - about 40 years & better to be plainly seen at the part in question, as well as on both sides of it, at the same distance from the Roman wall, as far as Arniebog on the west (Trace 2.20.13), and connected with the existing remains at Garnhall, in the east. (Trace 4.20.10). In the arable fields between the Parish Road & Gamhall evident remains, in the shape of numerous small stones may be seen on the site of the Road at any time when the ground is ploughed over. Such stones are not to be seen at any other parts of the fields. On the east side of Garnhall detached portions of the Causeway are seen at irregular intervals in the road connected with the foot path joining the Road to Castlecary Railway Station. The path is known as being upon the Site but no remains are to be seen. The continuation of the M. [Military] Way going eastwards, into Falkirk Parish, is not known or traceable until in Falkirk. where it is generally understood to have a Parish Rd. [Road] formed upon it, & in that Parish, as well as Cumbernauld, the name it bears is the "Roman Road". On the authority of the Farmers of Arniebog, Tollpark & Westerwood, the Parish Road at the former (Arniebog) has been made upon the M. [Military] Way, but at present its appearance is like an ordinary Road. This Road runs parallel with the remains of the Fosse of the Roman Wall. /over [continued on page 30]
OS1/9/5/29 [Page] 29
OS1/9/5/30 SITE OF THE MILITARY WAY (Continued) Site & Remains of Military Way/ Continued 019 ; 020 [continued from page 29] On the lands of E. [Easter] Dullatur (19A- 16.3) upon the authority of W. Stark & T. Allan. Westerwood. the remains of the Causeway appear for about a chain's distance, crossing a gap in a fence between two fields. No traces are to be seen between this part & the Arniebog Ph. [Parish] Road. Between this & Croy Hill no remains exist, though the Ph. [Parish] Road at Easter Dullatur is believed by a few to be on the line of the Road or M. [Military] Way. The authorities for this are the personal ones quoted, but the part is doubtful like that of the Road at Arniebog. in both of which cases it is Only surmised that these Roads are on the site of the M. [Military Way. On Croy Hill, where, from the rough rocky nature of the soil it might be expected to find the best preserved parts of the Road remaining; no traces whatever of a Causeway are to be seen. At two places on the rough pasture grounds of the Hill - at or near where it adjoins the lands of Easter Dullatur, & at the bottom of the Rampart (Trace 3.25-3) there appear tracks of a turfy soil for short distances, but, as before stated, no Traces of a Causeway exist. Through the Remaining part of the Parish, from Croy Hill to the western By. [Boundary] of the Pa[rish] there are no traces of the Military Way to be seen, nor does the site of it appear to be known.
OS1/9/5/30 [Page] 30 Dumbartonshire --Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/31 WESTERWOOD Westerwood Westerwood Westerwood Westerwood Valuation Roll Caledonia Romana T. Allan. Occupier Johnston's Co: [County] Map 020 A Farm Steading the property of the Right Honble. [Honourable] Lord Elphinstone. The remains of a Fort & the Fosse of the Roman Wall are to be seen at this Steading.
OS1/9/5/31 HIRST Hirst Hirst Hirst T: Allan Westerwood Alexander Cameron Netherwood Col. [Colliery] Manager William Chalmers Arniebog 020 A well known name on the Netherwood property applying to a row of workmen's dwellings.
OS1/9/5/31 ARNIEBOG Arniebog Arniebog Arniebog Valuation Roll Carts & Lease William Chalmers Occupier 020 A Farm Steading built upon the Roman Wall the ditch of which is traceable in front of the dwelling. It iS the property of Colonel Fleming of Cumbernauld House. East of the Farm is an old Coal Pit of the Netherwood Colliery which is now used for pumping water from the Works
OS1/9/5/31 [Page 31] Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/32 LOCH BAR Loch Bar Loch Bar Loch Bar Loch Bar Loch Bar Valuation Roll T Allan, Westerwood William Chalmers. Arniebog William Gibson Cumbernauld James Forrester Tollpark 020 A marshy portion of ground on the lands of Arniebog, which is, in summer, drained & produces rough or coarse hay. In winter it is dammed for a curling pond by an artificial embankment on its south side near a little house for holding Curling Stones. (Trace 5) At the present time - June. during a very dry season, it is a wet marshy tract. Whatever may have been the origin of this name the manner of using it is as Authorized. An unimportant Knowe as sketched on Trace or hill stands upon the north side of "Loch Bar", and is, like parks generally, having hills or Knowes in them, named : but this hill as "Loch Bar Hill" has been taken from the Loch, and does not appear to more than a name given to it from being near the Loch. "Loch Bar" is a well Known name & is also given to a Quarry near - on Trace 5.
OS1/9/5/32 [Page] 32 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/33 HAG KNOWE Hag Knowe Hag Knowe Hag Knowe William Chalmers Arniebog James Forrester Tollpark William Gibson Cumbernauld 020 A Small Knowe near the top of which, on the north side, the ditch of the Roman Wall is to be seen in good preservation. This Knowe is named from the field it is in. There is nothing known of this Knowe in connexion with the Roman Wall.
OS1/9/5/33 TOLLPARK Tollpark Tollpark Tollpark Valuation Roll James Forrester Oc. [Occupier] George Barclay. Overseer of Estate 020 A Farm Steading on Cumbernauld Estate the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming.
OS1/9/5/33 CUMBERNAULD T.P. Cumbernauld T. P [Turn Pike] Cumbernauld T. P [Turn Pike] Cumbernauld T. P [Turn Pike] Table of Tolls James Duncan Tacksman David Orr Collector 020 A Toll house & Gate on the Road from Glasgow to Stirling
OS1/9/5/33 [Page] 33 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/34 FAULDS COTTAGE Faulds Cottage Faulds Cottage Faulds Cottage Faulds Cottage G. Barclay. Occupier W. Chalmers Arniebog James Forrester Tollpark Valuation Roll 020 A neat looking Cottage, occupied by the Overseer of Cumbernauld Estate. the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming.
OS1/9/5/34 DRUMCAP PLANTATION Drumcap Plantation Drumcap Plantation Drumcap Plantation Drumcap Plantation T. Allan. Westerwood W. Chalmers Arniebog William Stark. E. [Easter] Dullatur James Rankin Mainhead 020 A large mixed Plantation known throughout the Parish It is the property of Lord Elphinstone. Another Plantation south of it and adjoining Drumcap is well Known.
OS1/9/5/34 MAINHEAD PLANTATION Mainhead Plantation Mainhead Plantation Mainhead Plantation T. Allan Westerwood W. Chalmers Arniebog William Stark E. [Easter] Dullatur James Rankin Mainhead 020 This Plantation is only separated from Drumcap by the difference of the trees as sketched on Trace There are no firs in Mainhead but in Drumcap it is a Mixed Plantation.
OS1/9/5/34 [Page] 34 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/35 LOCHBAR QUARRY Lochbar Quarry Lochbar Quarry Lochbar Quarry Valuation Roll W. Chalmers Arniebog John White Tenant 020 A Whinstone quarry principally wrought for the purpose of Macadamising Roads. It is named from a Loch. (Trace 2, for description of which See N. S. [Name Sheet]) The Quarry is Col. [Colonel] Fleming's property.
OS1/9/5/35 MAINHEAD Mainhead Mainhead Mainhead Valuation Roll J. Rankin. Tenant James Arthur. Feuar 020 A superior steading the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming. A large plantation north of this takes its name from this farm.
OS1/9/5/35 WALLBRAE COTTAGE Wallbrae Cottage Wallbrae Cottage Wallbrae Cottage James Arthur Pr. [Proprietor] J. Rankin. Mainhead J. Finlayson. Inn Farm 020 A Superior Cottage adjoining the village of Cumbernauld . It is Occupied by the Pr. [Proprietor] James Arthur Esqr.
OS1/9/5/35 [Page] 35 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/36 INN FARM Inn Farm Inn Farm Inn Farm Old Inn Lease Carts of Occupier John Finlayson Occupier Valuation Roll 020 A good Farm Steading & a Superior dwelling separ[ately] Occupied or tenanted. Some Years ago this was the Cumbernauld Inn, & form[erly] it went by the name of Gateside. At present it is commonly called the "Old Inn". It is on Cumbernauld Estate the property of Colonel Fleming.
OS1/9/5/36 WARDPARK Wardpark Wardpark Wardpark Valuation Roll John Finlayson, Inn Farm J. RanKin, Mainhead 020 A Superior Cottage sometimes occupied by the Factor of the Estate of Cumbernauld. A great portion of ornamental grounds surround it. These ornamental grounds belong to the policies of Cumbernauld House.
OS1/9/5/36 [Page] 36 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/37 RED BURN Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn New Statl. [Statistical] Account Caledonia Romana Johnston's Co. [County] Map James Marshall Braehead W. Pender Condorrat Thomas Allan Westerwood A. Kirkwood Garnhall 020 The head of this Burn is on "Fannyside Muir", coming from the Westmost Loch. In the first part of its course - as far as the point where it enters the "Vault Glen", it is known as Glencryan Burn, & during its course through the Glen it is named from the Glen - a Name not written on the Traces as it may be understood, particularly as all the importance of the Name belongs to the Glen alone. Between the north side of the Glen and the junction of this Burn with the "Walton Burn", it really bears no name watever; but from the point joined by the "Walton Burn". it is well known as "Red Burn" until it enters the "Bonny Water" a little north (in Falkirk Parish) [continued on page 38]
OS1/9/5/37 [Page] 37 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/38 RED BURN (Continued) Red Burn/Continued 020 [continued from page 37] of the Aqueduct formed on the Forth & Clyde Canal over it. On the Co. [County] Map the name is wrongly applied as it is written to the "Walton Burn", which is generally Known as being altogether a separate stream both in Name & importance. Between 7 & 8 chains South of where the "Walton Burn" joins the "Red Burn", there is a steep & remarkable Linn on the former which does not bear any name.
OS1/9/5/38 [Page] 38 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/39 DUNNS WOOD Dunns Wood Dunns Wood Dunns Wood Dunns Wood A. Stirling. Lime WorKs A Kirkwood. Garnhall J. Baillie Whitelees 020 "Dunn's Wood" is a name which is well Known in the locality. It applies from the "Red Burn Bridge" (Trace 4. 20-10) to the south end of the Tunnel on the Caledonian Railway (Trace 4 . 20-14). It is covered with underwood at present, but about two years ago there were large old Trees in it. There are banks along its side falling to the "Red Burn" at the bottom. It crosses "Red Burn" at the point where the "Walton Burn" joins. It is the property of Captn. [Captain] Fleming. The name wholly belongs to this Parish.
OS1/9/5/39 [Page] 39 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/40 CASTLECARY LIME WORKS Castlecary Lime WorKs Castlecary Lime WorKs Castlecary Lime WorKs Hand Bills or Invoices A. Stirling Lessee Adam Anderson Stat. [Station] Master Castlecary 020 This comprises a couple of Kilns for burning limestone, a Pit & a Mine, and a dwelling house occupied by some of the Lessee's Workmen. The whole is situated on the banks of the "Red Burn", in "Dunn's Wood". Limestone has been wrought here for a considerable time - more than 30 Years, under the Name of the "Castlecary Lime Works". Altogether, there are about 50 persons employed about the Works, & the place & name are well known in the Country surrounding. Captain Fleming of Cumbernauld is the Proprietor.
OS1/9/5/40 [Page] 40 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/41 GLEN COTTAGE Glen Cottage Glen Cottage Glen Cottage John Baillie. N. [North] Whitelees John Smith, Occupier A. KirKwood. Garnhall 020 A house on the side of the Railway belonging to the Cal. [Caledonian] Ry. [Railway] Co. [Company]. The name is well known in the locality. It is occupied by servants of the Co. [Company]
OS1/9/5/41 NORTH WHITELEES North Whitelees North Whitelees North Whitelees Valuation Roll John Baillie Occupier W. G. Russell Garbethill Ho. [House] 020 A good Farm Steading on Cumbernauld Estate the property of Capt. [Captain] Fleming. There is a public Right of Way passes this Farm coming from the T. P. [Turn Pike] Road near Low Abronhill to Budomony in FalKirK Ph. [Parish]. It crosses the Burn on Trace 5.
OS1/9/5/41 [Page] 41 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/42 WALTON BURN Walton Burn Walton Burn Walton Burn Walton Burn Alexander KirKwood Garnhall John Baillie N. [North] Whitelees W. G. Russell Garbethill Ho. [House] 020 This name, although taken from a Farm in FalKirK Ph. [Parish] on the opposite Side of the Burn, is so generally referred to the Burn that there is little doubt but the name is well established. It cannot, however, be said to apply farther than Trace 5, where the Public Foot Path crosses it, from its junction with "Red Burn" Trace 1 of this Plan, near the Caledonian line of Railway. This name is different from that given on Co. [County] Map which gives it as "Red Burn", which is altogether a misnomer, the course of the Burn of that name being well known to come through the "Vault Glen". The head of this Burn is at "Arns" from a Moss.
OS1/9/5/42 [Page] 42 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/43 OVER CROY COTTAGE OverCroy Cottage OverCroy Cottage OverCroy Cottage OverCroy Cottage Captain Murray Gartshore John Cooper. Over Croy Pr. [Proprietor] Peter Hay. Drumglass John Irvine. Kilsyth 025 A Superior Cottage the property of J. Cooper of Over Croy, which is south east of, and close to, the Cottage.
OS1/9/5/43 DAM [Over Croy] OverCroy Dam Captain Murray Gartshore John Cooper. Pr. [Proprietor] Over Croy Peter Hay. Drumglass John Irvine, Kilsyth 025 This Dam, upon the authority of the Propr. [Proprietor] of the ground upon which it is, (J. Cooper) sometimes floods over the Arable & Meadow of which it is Composed to the extent shewn in A yellow dotted line on the Traces. The exact extent of ground which is flooded cannot be ascertained. That shewn represents the ordinary extent, which is now more than usual owing to the tunnel for collecting it having recently burst where the small embankment is shewn at the south west angle. The Propr. [Proprietor] of "Drumglass Old Lint or Spade Mill" has the right of damming water on these lands of Over Croy for six months in the year - from 12th. Sept. [September] to 12th. March, for the supplying of water to his Mill. Lawsuits have more than once decided the right of damming the water on Over Croy for the use of Drumglass Mill. For ten years the right has not been exercised of damming water owing to the Mill being idle. but the Dam & the Rights connected with it are well known in the neighborhood. Some persons call the Dam Drumglass Dam & some "Overcroy Dam" but the Propr. [Proprietor] states that it is not mentioned in his Titles &c. more than a Dam on Over Croy Lands for the use of Drumglass Mill.
OS1/9/5/43 [Page]43 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/44 GIRNALL HILL Girnall Hill Girnall Hill Captain Murray Gartshore Pr. [Proprietor] John Cooper. Over Croy George Hutchison GameKeeper 025 A very prominent but small hill feature covered with plantations of mixed trees. There are some large bolders of whinstone on the top of south west of the Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Pole which is on the top of a fir tree. The hill is the property of Captain Murray Gartshore of Gartshore. Kirkintilloch.
OS1/9/5/44 CUILMUIR Cuilmuir Cuilmuir Cuilmuir Kilmuir Estate Map Captain Murray Gartshore Pr. [Proprietor] G. Hutchison. GameKeeper. Occupier New Statl. [Statistical] Account 025 A thatched dwelling south of Girnal Hill close to the T. P. [Turn Pike] Road leading to Kilsyth the property of Captain Murray Gartshore. No remains of Ancient chapels, or the site of such, are known in the neighborhood of "Cuilmuir". (See New Statl. [Statistical] Account).
OS1/9/5/44 [Page] 44 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish [Below entry for Girnall Hill:] "Girnall, Girnell, &c. - A granary, A large chest for holding meal" Jamieson. [Below entry for Cuilmuir:] "Cuil (G.) [Gaelic] A Corner, a niche, any retired obscured, or private (place).
OS1/9/5/44 The definitions of Girnall and Cuil in the two entries are very faint and therefore difficult to transcribe.
OS1/9/5/45 OVER CROY Over Croy Over Croy Over Croy Valuation Roll Titles John Cooper Pr. [Proprietor] 025 A Farm Steading Occupied by the Proprietor. There is a "Nether Croy" north of this on the side of the Forth & Clyde Canal. No remains of an Ancient chapel or the site of such known in the neighborhood. (See New Statl. [Statistical] Account).
OS1/9/5/45 CROY HILL Croy Hill Croy Hill Croy Hill Croy Hill Croy Hill Croy Hill Caledonia Romana New Statl. [Statistical] Account Estate Map John Cooper. Over Croy T. Duncan . W. [Wester] Dullatur W. Dawson. Factor 025 This hill is rather seep [steep] & rugged on the north side, particularly so on the part though which the Roman Wall ran, South West of the Farm of Croyhill. The highest part of the hill is where the fosse is cut through the Rock. It becomes uneven about the farmhouse, being lower than upon the line of Roman Wall, but again rises high & prominent nearly over the the "King's seat" and the Steep banK of "Craig Marloch wood". The latter part, however, is not so high as the former - along the ditch where the rock is cut through. The whole of the hill is rough rocky pasture. interspersed with furze. A Public Right of Way passes over the hill between the Parish Road at Croy Station, & the Ph. [Parish] Road between "W. [Wester] Dullatur" & "Craigmarloch Bridge" (Trace 4. 019A.16). [continued on page 46]
OS1/9/5/45 [Page] 45 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/46 CROY HILL (Continued) Croy Hill/Contined 025 [continued from page 45] The south side of Croy Hill is less steep than the north. From the point where the commencement of the name is written, along the top of the fosse of the R. [Roman] Wall - on the south side of it, to the part south of the "King's Seat" (Trace 4. 019A 16) is the highest part of Croy Hill. The table or top of this Hill is shewn on Traces by a yellow dotted line.
OS1/9/5/46 DUMBACK DumbacK DumbacK DumbacK John Baird. Oc. [Occupier] John Cooper. Over Croy P. Hay Drumglass 025 A cottars' dwelling on the lands of Over Croy this portion of those lands being the property of a Mrs. Steel. The name is old, well known and spelt as authorized by Prs. [Proprietors] & Agents. The name "Over Croy" is also given to a new steading west of "DumbacK", from being on the Lands of that names, as before stated. But as the name "Over Croy" belongs to the steading north west of this, and the one near DumbacK may be understood, the repetition of the same name to Steadings on the same lands, has been avoided to prevent confu[sion]
OS1/9/5/46 [Page] 46 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/47 DRUMGLASS Drumglass Drumglass Drumglass Drumglass Valuation Roll Peter Hay. Occupier J. Cooper. Over Croy W. Pender. Condorrat 025 An old farm name applying to a poor house used for farm purposes. It is the property of a Mrs Hay
OS1/9/5/47 DRUMGLASS COTTAGE Drumglass Cottage Valuation Roll Peter Hay J. Cooper. Over Croy W. Pender. Condorrat 025 A good Cottage well known as authorized. It is the property of a Mr. T. Robinson.
OS1/9/5/47 OLD LINT, OR SPADE MILL [Drumglass] Drumglass Old Lint or Spade Mill Drumglass Old Lint or Spade Mill Drumglass Old Lint or Spade Mill Valuation Roll Peter Hay J. Cooper. Over Croy W. Pender. Condorrat 025 This Mill has been out of use for 10 Years and, for a few years previous to its being stopped, was converted from a Lint or Flax Mill, which it was originally, to MaKing Spades for digging &c. At present it is termed both an old "Spade Mill or Lint Mill" by persons of about 20 years Standing in the Parish, but to those who remember it only as a Spade Mill - which is a very unusual manufactory to be met with, being merely a place where spades were made by machinery & moved by water power, it is called the "Old Spade Mill". At present [continued on page 48]
OS1/9/5/47 [Page] 47 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/48 DRUMGLASS OLD SPADE OR LINT MILL (Continued) Drumglass Old Spade or Lint Mill/Continued 025 [continued from page 47] the Mill is in an almost ruinous state and not likely to be made use of again. (See description &c. of Flax Mill, on the next Trace - 6) The Dam which supplies this Mill with water is upon the lands of Over Croy - which see.
OS1/9/5/48 BARBEGS Barbegs Barbegs Barbegs Valuation Roll J. Cooper. Over Croy W. Waker. Proprietor 025 A Farm Steading occupied by the Proprietor. This is an old name in the Parish
OS1/9/5/48 [Page] 48 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/49 BOARD BURN Board Burn Board Burn Board Burn Board Burn Captain Murray Gartshore W. Pender Condorrat J. Cooper Over Croy J. Duncan Auchenbee 025 A Burn which has its proper rising point from a Loch that formerly was upon the lands of Croy, about where the Flax Mill is situated. The Loch has long been done away with, but latterly "Board Burn" has had an increase of water by a Canal feeder being made from the "Luggie", at "Condorrat", along the Ph. By. [Parish Boundary] (the western) on a Moss water which here divides this Parish from KirKintilloch. "Board Burn" enters the Kelvin north-west of Shirra at or near KirKintilloch. The name is taken from the farms of Board on Gartshore Estate, KirKintilloch. The Burn is of no consequence now until it forms the Parish Boundary South west of Drumglass
OS1/9/5/49 [Page] 49 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/50 [Page] 50 [Blank page]
OS1/9/5/51 CROY STATION Croy Station Croy Station Croy Station Time Tables Station Board J. Sutherland. Stat. [Station] Master 025 A Station on the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway 11½ Miles from Glasgow, & 36 from Edinburgh. Besides this Station there is another in the Parish at Castlecary.
OS1/9/5/51 CROYMILL Croymill Croymill Croymill Peter Hay Barbegs R. Aitken Glencryan W. Pender Condorrat 025 A thatched dwelling which was formerly attached to the Croy corn Mill, which stood where the Flax Mill is situated.
OS1/9/5/51 SMITHSTOWN Smithstown Smithstown Smithstown Lease Rent Receipts John Anderson Oc. [Occupier] 025 A good Steading to which is attached the largest farm in the Parish. It is the property of Lord Elphinstone.
OS1/9/5/51 [Page] 51 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/52 FLAX MILL [Croy Station] Flax Mill Flax Mill Flax Mill Flax Mill Flax Mill J. Cooper. Over Croy P. Hay Drumglass W. Pender Condorrat R. Aitken Glencryan J. Sutherland Stat. [Station] Master 025 A good sized manufactory at "Croy Station" for making lint &c. from Flax. It is the property of Mr. Lead bett[er.] There is a Lint Mill at "Lenzie Mill" (Trace 3. 25-12) and another at Tannoch (Trace 3. 26-9) which do the same description of work as this, but the terms are different, merely from this Mill (at Croy), while in use, having a different process in the manufacturing of the Lint by Steeping &c. the flax. The "Old Spade or Lint Mill", on this Plan, is, like the same sort of Mill at Lenzie & at Tannoch, never spoken of as a "Flax Mill". This Mill at Croy, which was worked by Engines is always spoken of as a "Flax Mill", although wrought for the same purpose as the others. It has not been in use for two years
OS1/9/5/52 [Page] 52 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/53 AUCHENBEE Auchenbee Auchenbee Auchenbee Auchinbee Auchenbess Property Plan Valuation Roll James Duncan Propr. [Proprietor] New Statl. [Statistical] Account Johnston's Co. [County] Map 025 A large & Superior Farm Steading occupied by the Pr. [Proprietor] (See Auchinstarry)
OS1/9/5/53 CRAIGMORE Craigmore Craigmore Craigmore James Duncan Pr. [Proprietor] John Anderson. Smithstown J. Cooper. Over Croy 025 A rocky precipice on a steep prominent bank covered with whins & rough pasture. It is on Auchenbee
OS1/9/5/53 AIRDRIEHEAD Airdriehead Airdriehead Airdriehead Airdriehead Valuation Roll Mrs. Chalmers. Occupier J. Duncan Auchenbee Johnston's Co. [County] Map 025 A large & Superior Farm Steading on Cumbernauld Estate, the property of Colonel Fleming.
OS1/9/5/53 [Page] 53 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/54 STANDING STONE [Carrickstone] Standing Stone Standing Stone Standing Stone New Statl. [Statistical] Account Revd. [Reverend] Hugh Park Ph. [Parish] Minister Major Orr Dullatur House 025 "On the farm of Carrickstone or Carrigstone, on the rising ground nearly west of the church and a little to the south of the Roman Wall, there is a large stone called the Standing Stone. Though considerably larger than the Roman Altar stone at Nether Croy, it is of the same figure, and probably was used for the same purpose - that of an Altar. It has no inscription, nor any figure upon it. But it has a hole in it, and tradition says that this hole received the Standard of Robert the Bruce, then Earl of Carrick who here assembled his army before marching to the field of Bannockburn 24th June 1314, which decided the independence of Scotland. New Statistical Account. This Stone is about 4 ft. [feet] by 3 ft. [feet] and stands a little more than 4 feet in height. (Figure 3 Plate XIII - Cal. [Caledonia] Romana is a very near representation with the exception of the top, which is not the same the "Standing Stone" being broader and better shaped, but the hole in the top is the same as on the figure alluded to) The top of the stone is broader than the bottom in its ornamenting or shaping, & in the centre there is a cavity a few inches deep and about 8 in diameter. There is no inscription or traces of any figure or form having been upon it, but its shape, the appearance of the hole, & the stone itself are very like the Roman Altar at Nether Croy. During the last 40 years it stood at the top of Mainhead Plantation. This information was given by Major Orr only, but the time it was moved to its present position is not known. The general belief of the use this stone was put to is that it was a place of rendezvous for assembling troops &c. The Revd. [Reverend] Mr Park's opinion of its use is what the name denotes - a place of resting which in olden time would have been much in vogue for resting the dead upon on their way from this part of the Parish to the Isle burying ground near Kirkintilloch. This, when Cumbernauld & Kirkintilloch were one Parish named Lenzie, was, it is said, the only burying ground of the district. There is a want of proper information about this antiquity which cannot be obtained in the Parish. "Standing Stone" as a name should be retained as it is well known by the people. The stone stands on the line of a fence near an angle formed by another fence joining it.
OS1/9/5/54 [Page] 54 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish [Below Various Modes of Spelling column for Standing Stone:] Major Bayly R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/9/5/55 CRAIGHALBERT Craighalbert Craighalbert Craighalbert Valuation Roll T. Stewart, Tenant J. Duncan, Auchenbee 025 A good Farm Steading the property conjointly of the Misses Marshall. South and west of this there is a brae, covered with whin, & in some parts rocks, running for some distance with the Parish Road which does not bear any name.
OS1/9/5/55 EASTFIELD Eastfield Eastfield Eastfield Eastfield Valuation Roll W. Stewart Esqr. Pr [Proprietor] A. Walker Seafar Thomas Marshall, Occupier 025 A number of feues from the lands of Balloch & Bogedge or Ravenswood, on the side of the Cumbernauld & Glasgow T.P. [Turn Pike] Road. There is a cant name belonging to this called "Zoar", but it is not recognised by proper authorities
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OS1/9/5/56 BROOM KNOWES Broom Knowes Broom Knowes Broom Knowes Valuation Roll Thomas Marshall, Eastfield Robert Stark, Tenant 025 A Farm Steading on the Bogedge or Ravenswood property belonging to Matthew Dick Esqr.
OS1/9/5/56 [Page] 56 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/57 CRAIGLINN Craiglinn Craiglinn Craiglinn Craiglinn Valuation Roll Estate Map Table of Tolls Mrs Aitken Proprietress 025 A Farm Steading near which there is a Toll on the T.P. [Turn Pike] Road going westwards to Glasgow, through Kirkintilloch. There are also large Quarries here which bear the same name but have not been authorized as they may be understood. The Quarries are the property of Lord Elphinstone the Farm of Mrs Aitken.
OS1/9/5/57 WESTFIELD Westfield Westfield Westfield Estate Plan Valuation Roll W. Pender, Condorrat 025 A Farm Steading the property of Mr Smith
OS1/9/5/57 ISLAND [a cottage] Island Island Ealand or Island W. Pender, Condorrat Tenant Mr Bell, Feuar, Condorrat Lease 025 Cottars' dwellings formerly a Farm Steading but now farmed with the Condorrat Farm the Tenant of which is William Pender It is the property of A. Campbell Esqr. The name is generally pronounced 'Ealand' instead of Island.
OS1/9/5/57 [Page] 57 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/58 Moss Water Moss Water Moss Water Moss Water Estate Map J. Cooper, "Over Croy" J. Stewart, "Grayshill" 025 Described in Name Sheets of Kirkintilloch Ph. [Parish]
OS1/9/5/58 [Page] 58 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/59 BALLOCH [farm] Balloch Balloch Balloch Balloch Valuation Roll W. Stewart Esqr. Propr. [Proprietor] John Crawford, Overseer W. Pender, Condorrat 025 A Farm Steading in good repair to which a considerable property is attached. The farm by the Propr. [Proprietor].
OS1/9/5/59 LONGFAULDS Longfaulds Longfaulds Longfaulds W. Stewart Propr. [Proprietor] John Crawford, Overseer W. Pender, Condorrat 025 A thatched house partly in ruin on the Balloch property. The name is well known.
OS1/9/5/59 CULLOCHSINK Cullochsink W. Stewart Propr. [Proprietor] John Crawford Overseer W. Pender Condorrat 025 A ruinous unoccupied dwelling on the Balloch property. The name is well known. There is an old Limestone Mine north side of the houses.
OS1/9/5/59 [Page] 59 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish [Below entry for Balloch:] "Baile, A Town" (Celtic.) [Below entry for Cullochsink:] "Cullach, A Boar, A Stirk, A Polecat" (Celtic.)
OS1/9/5/60 EASTER BALLOCH (Remains of) Easter Balloch (Remains of) Easter Balloch (Remains of) Easter Balloch (Remains of) W. Stewart. Proprietor J. Crawford. Overseer W. Pender. Condorrat 025 This, upon the authority of the Proprietor, is the remains of an old Steading which is the Site of a vicars dwelling in connexion with an ancient chapel that stood somewhere in the neighborhood, but at what particular place is not Known. The remaining wall of the old Steading is standing, as shewn on Trace with the old windowsills & airholes in it. "Easter Balloch" is preserved to this remaining wall by the Proprietor on account of the Antiquity which was connected with it. This is Mr. Walter Stewarts property
OS1/9/5/60 [Page] 60 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish [In Names as Written column:] Unnecessary R.H. Major Bayly
OS1/9/5/61 BOGEDGE Ravenswood or Bogedge Ravenswood or Bogedge Ravenswood or Bogedge Ravenswood or Bogedge Bogedge Bogedge Bogedge Ravenswood Ravenswood W. Pender. Condorrat A. Walter. Seafar William Finlayson. Carbrain James Coyle. Corbiston Old Titles &c. Valuation Roll Johnston's Co. [County] Map Matthew Dick Esqr. Deed legalizing change of Name in the Proprietor's Titles 025 A Farm Steading having a superior dwelling. occupied by the Proprietor attached. There is also a family Tomb on the property on the north side of the steading in a wood. A considerable property is attached to "Ravenswood or Bogedge", which is now the property of Matthew Dick Esqr. the old name of this is "Bogedge", but the Proprietor on acquiring the property about a year ago had the name legally altered in the Title Deeds to that of "Ravenswood". At the present date - 1859. a year after the changing of the name, it is remarkable how few of the neighboring people know of the change in the name. & still continue calling it "Bogedge". The authorities for Bogedge might [continued on page 62]
OS1/9/5/61 RAVENSWOOD Ravenswood or Bogedge Ravenswood or Bogedge Ravenswood or Bogedge Ravenswood or Bogedge Bogedge Bogedge Bogedge Ravenswood Ravenswood W. Pender. Condorrat A. Walter. Seafar William Finlayson. Carbrain James Coyle. Corbiston Old Titles &c. Johnston's Co. [County] Map Matthew Dick Esqr. Deed legalizing change of name in the Proprietor's Titles 025 A Farm Steading having a superior dwelling. occupied by the Proprietor attached. There is also a family Tomb on the property on the north side of the steading in a wood. A considerable property is attached to "Ravenswood or Bogedge", which is now the property of Matthew Dick Esqr. the old name of this is "Bogedge", but the Proprietor on acquiring the property about a year ago had the name legally altered in the Title Deeds to that of "Ravenswood". At the present date - 1839. a year after the changing of the name, it is remarkable how few of the neighboring people know of the change in the name. & still continue calling it "Bogedge". The authorities for Bogedge might [continued on page 62]
OS1/9/5/61 [Page] 61 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/62 RAVENSWOOD OR BOGEDGE (Continued) Ravenswood or Bogedge (Continued 025 [continued from page 61] be given to the number of forty if it were of any use. In obtaining names in the district a very strong conviction is formed in favour of the name "Bogedge" being retained, from the many references made to the property by this name in speaking of it, & from the almost unknown name of "Ravenswood" at the present time. In time the old name will wear out, but these changes take a long while to do so. The Propr. [Proprietor] altogether disclaims the name "Bogedge" & applies to the whole of the detached houses, such as "Corbiston & Seafar" as well as "Muirhouse", at Muirhead (Trace 4 26-1) the general name of the property as "Ravenswood", thereby discar[ding] well known & proper names, which on no account should be lost sight of.
OS1/9/5/62 [Page] 62 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld parish
OS1/9/5/63 CORBISTON Corbiston Corbiston Corbiston James Corfle. Occupier A Walker Seafar W. Pender. Condorrat 025 A long thatched house formerlya Steading, now occupied by Cottars employed on the "Ravenswood or Bogedge" property to which it belongs. (See description of this property - "Ravenswood or Bogedge".) "Corbiston" is a corruption of Cuthbertsone, now generally adopted as authorized here.
OS1/9/5/63 SEAFAR Seafar Seafar Seafar Seafar Seafar Valuation Roll A Walker. Occupier Occupier's Carts W. Pender, Condorrat R. Aitken, Glencryan 025 A Farm Steading on the "Ravenswood or Bogedge" property (which see) named from the commanding situation of the place upon which the house is built. The name is as well known in the district as that of the Parish.
OS1/9/5/63 [Page] 63 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/64 POLLOCKSHOLE Pollockshole Pollockshole Pollockshole Pollockshole Pollockshole Pollockshole J. JacKson. Occupier Occupiers Carts Lease Alexander Mains Langlands Mr. Stirling High Pollockshole R. Simpon. Hill Johnstons Co. [County] Map 025 A new Farm Steading on the lands of Pollockshole the old house of which lies north east (Trace 6) & bears, in the Titles or Lease, no distinctive term from this new Steading, but is, by the people & their respective situations, Called "High". (See "High Pollockshole"). This property belongs to Mr. G. Scott of Greenholm. Bothwell Parish. Lanarkshire.
OS1/9/5/64 HIGH POLLOCKSHOLE High Pollockshole High Pollockshole High Pollockshole High Pollockshole Pollockshole Pollockshole Pollockshole Mr. Stirling. occupier Alexander Mains, Langlands R. Simpson, Hill J. Jackson. Pollockshole Valuation Roll Lease Johnston's Co [County] Map 025 A good slated house, form[erly] the property of the occupiers which is distinguished as "High" since the building of the new Farm house on the south west, (Trace 5) but which in the Lease and Parochial documents is at present given as Pollockshole only. (See above) The name is an old one. It is the property of Mr. G. Scott.
OS1/9/5/64 [Page] 64 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/65 BROOMLANDS Broomlands Broomlands Broomlands Broomlands Broomlands Valuation Roll G. Steel. Lenzie Mill Feuar J. Fleming Occupier R. Simpson. Hill. Feuar A. Mains Langlands 025 A few houses feued to the present Proprs. [Proprietors]. The name applies from "Fauld's Cottage" in the north to the detached house in the south. Trace 3. 25 -12. "Broomlands" is well known.
OS1/9/5/65 FAULDS COTTAGE Faulds Cottage Faulds Cottage Faulds Cottage Faulds Cottage Valuation Roll James Tait. Occupier R. Simpson. Hill A. Mains. Langlands 025 A two story house well Known by the name. There is another "Faulds Cottage" on Cumbernauld Estate (Trace 3. 20 - 13) but there is no distinctive term used to either. This"Faulds Cottage" is not, as might be supposed, an abbreviation of "Greenfaulds".
OS1/9/5/65 [Page] 65 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/66 LANGLANDS Langlands Langlands Langlands Valuation Roll Occupier's Carts Alexander Mains. Occupier 025 A good Farm Steading the property of Mr. G. Scott. There is a Longlands on the Balloch property (Trace 1) distinguished only by the Anglicism.
OS1/9/5/66 GREENFAULDS Greenfaulds Greenfaulds Greenfaulds Walter Bannerman Esqr. Pr. [Proprietor] A. Leach. Gardener Valuation Roll 025 A neat & Superior Cottage having ornamental ground, a good garden, & office houses attached It is occupied by the Pr. [Proprietor] W. Bannerman Esqr. A house north of this on the property bears no name.
OS1/9/5/66 CRAIGHOUSE Craighouse Craighouse Craighouse G. Steel. Lenzie Mill A. Mains. Langlands W. Bannerman, Esqr. 025 A small unoccupied house on the Farm of Lenziemill the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming of Cumbernauld Estate. The name is well known
OS1/9/5/66 [Page] 66 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/67 CONDORRAT Condorrat Condorrat Condorrat Condorrat Condorrat Condorrat Condorrat Condorrat Condorrat Condorrat Condorat Condorat Condorat Condorot Valuation Roll Johnstons Co. [County] Map Map 10 miles round Glasgow Proprietors Receipts for Rent New Statistical Account Revd. [Reverend] H. Park, Ph. [Parish] Minister R. Domeny Schoolmaster Tenants Carts N. Nelson Ph. [Parish] Teacher W. Pender occupier Fullarton's Gazetteer Lease of Farm Plan of Farm Table of Tolls 025 A village near the south-western Boundary of the Parish having the T.P. [Turn Pike] Road to Cumbernauld & Glasgow running through it. A side Parish School a Toll Gate and Smithy are the only things of importance here. There is no Inn or P. [Post] Office in the village. Condorrat is on the north side much scattered, the houses of the village extending in that direction to a Plantation on the north west side of the T. P. [Turn Pike] Road about 25 chains from the southern margin line of Trace 4. 25-8. The houses are also disconnected between the Farm of Condorrat & the T. P. [Turn Pike] Gate.
OS1/9/5/67 [Page] 67 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/68 Condorrat Condorrat Valuation Roll Johnstons Co. [County] Map Map 10 miles round Glasgow Proprietors Receipts for New Statistical Account Revd. [Reverend] H. Park, Ph. [Parish] Minister R. Domeny Schoolmaster Tenants Carts N. Nelson Ph. [Parish] Teacher W. Pender occupier Fullarton's Gazetteer Lease of Farm Plan of Farm Table of Tolls 025 A Farm Steading the property of A. Campbell Esquire. This is improperly called Condorrat Mains on the Perambulation Traces made from Estate Map, but in the Lease and Parochial Documents no such name is given, & it is not likely that if the proper name were the Mains of Condorrat, that it would be lost sight of in the Lease or the Rent Receipts of the Propr. [Proprietor].
OS1/9/5/68 SCHOOL [nr Auchinkilns T.P.] School School Shcool Revd. [Reverend] H. Park W. Pender Farmer R. Domeny Teacher 025 A side school of the Ph. [Parish] near the Toll Gate. R. Domeny Teacher
OS1/9/5/68 [Page] 68 Dumbartonshire Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/69 AUCHINKILNS Auchinkilns Auchinkilns Auchinkilns Auchinkilns Achinkill Property Plan Valuation Roll G. Horn Occupier Table of Tolls New Statl. [Statistical] Account 025 A good Farm Steading the property of Lord Elphinstone
OS1/9/5/69 THORN Thorn Thorn Thorn Johnston's Co. [County] Map G. Horn, Tenant W. Pender, Condorrat 025 An old Farm Steading occupied by Cottars, & now farmed along with "Auchinkilns". The name is well known
OS1/9/5/69 [Page] 69 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/70 HILL CRESCENT [Cumbernauld] Hill Crescent Hill Crescent Hill Crescent Valuation Roll R. Simpson Propr. [Proprietor] W. Pender Condorrat 025 A cottar's dwelling the property of R. Simpson of Hill. This is sometimes commonly called "Pipers haugh" a name not recognised by the Pr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/5/70 HILL Hill Valuation Roll R. Simpson Propr. [Proprietor] W. Pender Condorrat 025 A Farm Steading occupied by the Propr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/5/70 AUCHINKILNS T.P. Auchenkilns T. P. [Turn Pike] Auchenkilns T. P. [Turn Pike] Auchenkilns T. P. [Turn Pike] Table of Tolls G. Horn, Farmer Thomas Bisbrown 025 A Toll house and Gate on the road from Falkirk to Glasgow.
OS1/9/5/70 [Page 70] Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/71 FLAX MILL [nr Lenzie Mill Crossing] Lint Mill Lint Mill Lint Mill Valuation Roll G. Forrest Miller G. Steel Farmer 025 A Flax or Lint Mill connected with the "Lenzie Mill" (Corn) by a Lade. This Mill is small. (See Flax or Lint Mills of Croy 25-3 Trace 6. & Tannoch Lint Mill 26-9 Trace 3) This Mill belongs to the Cumbernauld Estate, the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming.
OS1/9/5/71 LENZIE MILL CROSSING Lenzie Mill Crossing Lenzie Mill Crossing Lenzie Mill Crossing Company's addressed Letters Rules & Regulations' Board A Barrow, Gateman 025 A level crossing on the Castlecary Branch Railway having a house on the west side for the use of the Company's servants. A T. P. [Turn Pike] Road crosses here.
OS1/9/5/71 [Page] 71 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/72 CHAPELTON ROAD [Cumbernauld] Chapelton Road Chapelton Road Chapelton Road Chapelton Road Origines Parochials Scotiae G. Horn Esqr. Auchinkilns R. Simpson Hill D. Mc.Grigor Road Surveyor 025 "At Chapelton on the farm of Achinkill in the west end of the Parish, some vestiges remain of an old cemetery which probably surrounded a church or chapel of which we have now no other trace but these names, both of which seems to point to such a foundation". Origines Parochials Scotiae The name of "Chapelton" is now retained to a Parish Road between the ford on the Luggie & the junction of this Parish Road with the T. P. [Turn Pike] Road. The houses of Chapelton farm stood 'till about 30 years ago. & the Site of them is marked by some trees in an arable field west of the T. P. [Turn Pike] Road. at "Auchinkilns T. P.". [Turn Pike] The Cemetery remained till about the same time. It stood within the field immediately on the west side of the Toll house of Auchinkilns. No remains whatever of the Cemetery exist, nor are there any persons in the locality, or indeed in the Ph., [Parish] who know the site of the chapel supposed to have stood here, from which the name is derived. "Chapelton Road" is well Known.
OS1/9/5/72 [Page] 72 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/73 CHURCH [Cumbernauld] Church Church Church Church Chalmers' Caledonia Fullarton's Gazetteer Revd. [Reverend] H Park Incumbent W. Wilson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster 026 In 1649 a decree of of the Commissioners for the plantation of churches was obtained for dividing the Parish of Lenzie into two Parishes. The Church of the old Parish was deserted but the ruins of it with the burying ground are still extant about a mile south-east of the town of Kirkintilloch. The Virgin Mary's Chapel at Kirkintilloch became the Church of the western Parish, and a new church was built for the eastern Parish, in 1659, at Cumbernauld". Chalmers' Caledonia. "The Parish Church is an old building repaired in 1810 and containing 660 Sittings." Fullarton's Gazetteer The Incumbent of the Parish Church believes the present building to be, with the exception of the modern additions - the wing on the north side, and a part added to the west end, the first or original church of the Parish on its being erected out of Lenzie - the ancient name of Kirkintilloch & Cumbernauld, into a Separate Parish in 1649. The roof of the church is much lower than churches of modern date. In 1852 or 3 the Revd. [Reverend] H [continued on page 74]
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OS1/9/5/74 CHURCH (Continued) Church (Continued 026 [continued from page 73] Park Incumbent, discovered, while repairs were being done to the Church, a Stone, which he considered to be a Tombstone, bearing either the date 1659, or 1665, but he cannot be quite certain which. A description of the stone, with some other particulars bearing upon the probable connexion of the date being the same as the Church, were forwarded by the same authority - the Revd. [Reverend] H Park to the Herald Newspaper Office, where, by referring to the file for 1852 or 3, the account may be seen. The oldest Record of the Parish in possession of the Kirk Session is a Baptismal Register, which goes back as far as 1676, but there is nothing in this document with references to a second or new church being erected. The Minister's authority for the Church being the old or first church of the Parish, built in 1659, is particularly given by him as his belief that a part of the present church is the Old Church of Cumbernauld. The Schoolmaster of the Parish - W. Wilson, is of opinion that the present Church is not the first church of the Parish. There is nothing really authentic known of its age.
OS1/9/5/74 [Page] 74 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/75 CUMBERNAULD [village] Cumbernauld Cumbernauld Cumbernauld Cumbernauld Cumbernauld Cumbernauld Cumbernauld Cumbernauld Cumbernauld New Statl. [Statistical] Account Chalmers Caledonia Fullarton's Gazetteer Johnston's Co [County] Map Estate Maps Valuation Roll Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Ph. [Parish] Minister Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird U.P. [United Presbyterian] Minister W. Wilson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster 026 The principal village in the parish which, upon the authority of the "Gazetteer", "was erected into a burgh of barony in 1649". The Streets are named (but not ticketed) and lighted by lamps from a gas works in the street called "Smithy Inns". Besides the Parish Church there are in the village a Free Church & an U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church. There are three Schools here - the Parish School, & two adventures. It is a Post Town & has two Inns, two branch Banks and a Smithy. There are two Trust Roads pass joining at the "Spur Inn" on the east side of the village. The House and policies of Cumbernauld adjoin the village. The Roads or Streets through the Burgh are supported as Parish roads by the whole Parish. There are many wells in the village but none of them bear names.
OS1/9/5/75 MAIN STREET [Cumbernauld] Main Street Main Street Main Street Main Street Revd. [Reverend] H Park Revd [Reverend] H. Baird W. Allan Post Master W Wilson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster 026 The principal Road or Street through Cumbernauld having the Banks, Post Office and one of the Inns in it. The name applies from the School at Baronhill in the west to the U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church in the east, where it joins the T. P. [Turn Pike] road. In the Feuars' Titles of this Street the name is given "High Street of Cumbernauld", but "Main Street" is used by everybody in the village.
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OS1/9/5/76 MANSE Manse Manse Manse Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Ph. [Parish] Minister W. Wilson, Schoolmaster Valuation Roll 026 A Superior dwelling having Offices, Garden & Glebe lands attached, occupied by the Incumbent of the Ph. [Parish] Church - Revd. [Reverend] H. Park.
OS1/9/5/76 CARRICKSTONE Carrickstone Carrickstone Carrickstone Carrickstone or Carrigstone Valuation Roll Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Thomas Ingles Occupier 026 A good Farm Steading on Cumbernauld Estate the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming. It is named from an old "Standing Stone" near it, (Trace 3. 25-4) which has a strong resemblance to the Roman Altars found on Antoninus's Wall.
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OS1/9/5/77 NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND [Cumbernauld] National Bank (Branch) National Bank (Branch) National Bank (Branch) Sign Board J. HenderSon Agent C. Ruchill InnKeeper 026 This Branch Bank is kept or held in a room of the Inn two days in a week. On this principle the Bank is considered permanent although the Room for the purpose is only taken for certain periods.
OS1/9/5/77 CITY OF GLASGOW BANK [Cumbernauld] City of Glasgow Branch BanK Sign Board J. Henderson Agent C. Ruchill InnKeeper 026 The City of Glasgow, on the same authorities, (Branch) is held in Cumbernauld on the same principle, and both have used the same houses for years; but these Banks are equally as permanent as Post offices. which may change from one house to another annually.
OS1/9/5/77 GAS WORKS [Cumbernauld] Gas WorKs Gas WorKs Gas WorKs Robert Boyd Gasman W. WilSon Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird 026 A small encloSure having a gasometer which supplies the Town. It was got up by Shareholders.
OS1/9/5/77 SPUR INN [Cumbernauld] Cumbernauld Spur Inn Cumbernauld Spur Inn Cumbernauld Spur Inn Sign Board R. Greenhorn, InnKeeper Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird 026 A neat & commodious Inn having Stabling attached. A finger post pointing the way to Glasgow stands opposite the Inn. There is another Inn in "Main Street".
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OS1/9/5/78 THE WYND The Wynd The Wynd The Wynd The Wynd Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird William Allen Post Master Charles Ruchead, Inn Keeper 026 A Street branching northwards from the Main Street at the Post Office, & joining "RoadSide St." at a school north of the Free church. The name is well known The Ph. [Parish] School. as well as the F. [Free] Church is in this Street. This is a Ph. [Parish] Road
OS1/9/5/78 ROADSIDE STREET [Cumbernauld] Roadside Street Roadside Street Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird William Allen Post Master Charles Ruchead, Inn Keeper 026 An old T. P. [Turn Pike] Road extending from the north corner of "The Wynd" to its junction with the Parish Road at the Manse Trace 1. It is a Parish Road
OS1/9/5/78 SMITHY INNS [Cumbernauld] Smithy Inns Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird William Allen Post Master Charles Ruchead, Inn Keeper 026 A Street having the GasworKs in it branching northwards from "Main Street" and joining "Roadside Street". The name is well known as it is authorized here, from a Smithy & Inn being in it at one time. It is a Ph. [Parish] Road
OS1/9/5/78 GLASGOW ROAD [Cumbernauld] Glasgow Road Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird William Allen Post Master Charles Ruchead, Inn Keeper 026 A well known & proper name belonging to a Ph. [Parish] Road which joins "Main Street" east of "Baronhill", on the north, & the Glasgow T. P. [Turn Pike] Road on the south, from which it is named. This cannot be considered a Street of Cumbernauld & is not therefore written in Street character.
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OS1/9/5/79 SCHOOL [The Wynd, Cumbernauld] School School School School School W. Wilson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird Miss Irvine Advent. [Adventure] School Tr. [Teacher] Thomas Waddell Advent. [Adventure] School Tr. [Teacher] 026 This is the Parish School situate on the east side of "The Wynd", exactly opposite the "Free Church". There is accomodation for about two hundred pupils on the ground floor; the upper Story is occupied by the Teacher. There is a Parish Side School at Condorrat. (Trace 1. 25-12).
OS1/9/5/79 SCHOOL [Roadside St, Cumbernauld] School W. Wilson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster Revd. [Reverend] H. ParK Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird Miss Irvine Advent. [Adventure] School Tr. [Teacher] Thomas Advent. [Adventure] School Tr. [Teacher] 026 This is an adventure School, taught by Miss Irvine, in a room kept for the purpose in a house at the east end of "Roadside Street", opposite where "The Wynd" joins it. It is principally a female school but young male children also attend. This School has been kept for some time & is likely to be permanent.
OS1/9/5/79 SCHOOL [Baronhill, Cumbernauld] School W. Wilson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird Miss Irvine Advent. [Adventure] School Tr. [Teacher] Thomas Advent. [Adventure] School Tr. [Teacher] 026 A underground large room in "Baronhill" many years kept as a School, and Supported wholly by the pupils' contributions. It is an adventure School - W. Waddell. Teacher
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OS1/9/5/80 BARONHILL Baronhill Baronhill Baronhill Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird W. Wilson Ph. [Parish] Schoolmaster 026 A row of houses at the west end of "Main Street" on a slight eminence which is entirely cut up by the road passing over its top, leaving at the present time little of the shape it once is said to have had. Upon the authority of the Ph. [Parish] Minister, the name is said to be derived from being the place where of old the Barons held their Courts, but of this there is nothing now known Save the name, which is well known in the locality. The Knowe or hill upon which the houses stand is lost as before stated by the Road destroying it. The name is now wholly used to the houses. (See New Statistical Account)
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OS1/9/5/81 FREE CHURCH [Cumbernauld] Free Church Free Church Free Church Fullarton's Gazetteer Revd [Reverend] H. Park Ph. [Parish] Minister Revd [Reverend] H. Baird U. P. [United Presbyterian] Minister 026 A large building of stone Capable of accomodating a Congregation of about 700. It was formerly a Burgher, or belonged to the Original Secession. The Revd. [Reverend] J. McMeickan is the Incumbent. There is no Manse attached to this Church.
OS1/9/5/81 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [Cumbernauld] U. P. [United Presbyterian] Church U. P. [United Presbyterian] Church U. P. [United Presbyterian] Church Fullarton's Gazetteer Revd [Reverend] H. Park Ph. [Parish] Minister Revd [Reverend] H. Baird U. P. [United Presbyterian] Minister 026 A small church having sittings for between 2 and 300. It stands at the east end of "Main Street"
OS1/9/5/81 MANSE [parish, Cumbernauld] U. P. [United Presbyterian] Manse Fullarton's Gazetteer Revd [Reverend] H. Park Ph. [Parish] Minister Revd [Reverend] H. Baird U. P. [United Presbyterian] Minister 026 The Manse, upon the same authorities, is situate close to the Church on the north Side. It (the Manse) belongs to the Church Congregation of the U. [United] Presbyterians.
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OS1/9/5/82 BOG STANK Bog Stank Bog Stank Bog Stank James Marshall Braehead W. Pender Condorrat Robert Gagie GameKeeper 026 An old name which applies to a Stream partly supplied or coming from drains of fields. and as it approaches the Vault Glen Burn is of some importance, becoming wide & flowing at the bottom of a steep wooded bank.
OS1/9/5/82 BRAEHEAD Braehead Braehead Braehead Valuation Roll Revd. [Reverend] H. Park J. Marshall Occupier 026 Cottars' dwellings on Cumbernauld Estate. A part of the ancient "Caledonian Forest" was to be seen here before the making of the T.P. [Turn Pike] Road which goes to Carlisle.
OS1/9/5/82 NORTH WOOD North Wood North Wood North Wood J. Marshall. Braehead R. Gagie GameKeeper J. Rankine. Mainhead 026 An enclosure of large elm trees in which there is a rookery. A Public Right of Way passes along the north side of it, & on the east side there is a handsome summerhouse of an oval form with a thatched roof. This is now occupied by the GameKeeper. The dog Kennel is at this place. North Wood is a well known name. It is within the policies of Cumbernauld House
OS1/9/5/82 [Page] 82 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish [Below entry for Bog Stank:] "Stank. A Pool" (Jamieson)
OS1/9/5/83 TOWE HILL Towe Hill Towe Hill Towe Hill New Statl. [Statistical] Account Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Ph. [Parish] Minister James Marshall. Braehead 026 "Near the house of Cumbernauld there is an eminence called the Towe Hill where in the Olden time, the feudal Baron held his Court. The Gallows Knowe it is well Known, was always near the Mote hill alias Court Hall of those times; and we are inclined to suppose from the name that the Towe Hill might be the place where the Baron's Sentence was Carried into Speedy execution." New Statl. [Statistical] Account This is an artificial Knowe in the bottom of the "Vault Glen", east of Cumbernauld House. At the maKing of the Railway it was partly destroyed and now presents the appearance of an oval mound having its west side, almost to the middle, cut away and destroyed. It is not much known now. A Steep portion of whin Rock faces the defaced side. This may have been at one time the GallowsKnowe in connexion with the "Baron hill" at Cumbernauld, of which [continued on page 84]
OS1/9/5/83 [Page] 83 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish "Tow. A rope of any kind - a halter", Jamieson
OS1/9/5/84 TOWE HILL (Continued) Towe Hill (continued 026 [continued from page 83] there is nothing known, save the name, at the present time. The Baronhill is itself destroyed
OS1/9/5/84 Cumbernauld House Cumbernauld House Cumbernauld House Cumbernauld House New Statl. [Statistical] Account Valuation Roll Revd. [Reverend] H. Park 026 A large Mansion having extensive Offices pleasure grounds, & a garden attached. It is the property of Colonel Fleming. The Estate attached to this house is the most extensive in the Parish. Lord Kinloch is the occupier of it at present. The old house of Cumbernauld, which was used 'till 1721, the date of this present mansion, stood on the north side of the house among some scattered trees. The site of Cumbernauld Castle spoken of in New Statl. [Statistical] Account is not known and it is likely the Castle alluded to means the old House. as no one in the Parish knows of a Castle being here at any time. - Built into a Wall which runs from the House to the north west of the Offices, is as Stone Spiral Cross bearing date 1721, and having many curious figures & letters cut upon the meaning of which could not be discovered.
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OS1/9/5/85 THE MOTE The Moat The Moat The Moat The Mote J Marshall R. Gagie, GameKeeper Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Adopted 026 A conspicuous artificial round Knowe, made about 30 or forty years ago in honour of Lord Elphinstone going to be Governor of part of India. The name is well known. On the top of it there was 'till recently a large fir tree which was cut along with the wood that the Knowe stands in. "The Moat" is well known.
OS1/9/5/85 LOW ABRONHILL Low Abronhill Low Abronhill Low Abronhill J. Marshall Braehead R. Gagie. GameKeeper James Wylie. Abronhill 026 A Small Steading on Cumbernauld Estate, the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming.
OS1/9/5/85 [Page] 85 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish [Below entry for The Mote:] "Motte", A little hill or eminence - a barrow or tumulus. Jamieson.
OS1/9/5/86 HOLE Hole Hole Hole Valuation Roll Joseph Forrester Occupier J. Marshall, Braehead 026 A Farm Steading on Cumbernauld Estate, the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming.
OS1/9/5/86 HOLEHEAD Holehead Holehead Holehead Valuation Roll John Dick Oc. [Occupier] J. Marshall. Braehead 026 A thatched house partly in ruins on the lands of Hole. The name is well Known.
OS1/9/5/86 MUIRHOUSE Muirhouse Muirhouse Muirhouse Valuation Roll John Dick Oc. [Occupier] J. Marshall. Braehead 026 A detached house from "S. [South] Muirhead", on the west of that village. The name is well known. It is the property of Mr. Dick of Ravenswood or Bogedge.
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OS1/9/5/86 There does not appear to be a 'South Muirhead'.
OS1/9/5/87 MUIRHEAD Muirhead Muirhead Muirhead Muirhead Muirhead of Drumgonnie Valuation Roll Miss Hamilton [Tr.] [Teacher] D. McGrigor Inspector of Poor. Cumbernauld William Marshall Feuar Feuar's Titles 026 A few scattered houses principally feues from the "Bogedge or Ravenswood" property. The name applies as far southwards as the School. (Trace 1.26-5). There is another "Muirhead" on the lands of Dullatur (Trace 6.19A-16 which see) not distinguished from this by any term, but understood as being the Muirheads of their respective localities. The old part of the name - "Drumgonnie", which appears in the feuars' titles, is altogether unknown, except in such documents. "Drumgonnie" was, it is said, in former times a farm Steading on the Bogedge property.
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OS1/9/5/88 BRAEHEAD T.P. Cumbernauld Braehead T. P. [Turn Pike] Cumbernauld Braehead T. P. [Turn Pike] Cumbernauld Braehead T. P. [Turn Pike] Table of Tolls William Hill Collector William Marshall Surfaceman 026 A toll on the Turnpike Road from Cumbernauld to Carlisle at the top of "Hole Brae". There is no Reason for retaining the name "Cumbernauld" to this toll, the Braehead being the braehead of "Hole" and not of Cumbernauld.
OS1/9/5/88 HOLE BRAE Hole Brae Hole Brae Hole Brae Hole Brae J. Marshall. Braehead William Marshall. Muirhead J Forrester. Hole R. Gagie. GameKeeper 026 A natural brae between the Toll Bar (Trace 5) & the gate of "Cumbernauld Ho. [House]" on the line of the Carlisle Road, which has been made to avoid the brae as much as possible, the west of the hill or side of the "Hole Brae"is seen from a good distance. It is also steep to where the Toll is situated.
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OS1/9/5/89 KILDRUM Kildrum Kildrum Kildrum Kildrum Valuation Roll New Statistical Account JohnSton's Co. [County] Map D. Thorn Occupier 026 A good farm Steading the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming of Cumbernauld.
OS1/9/5/89 VAULT GLEN Vault Glen Vault Glen Vault Glen Vault Glen Vault Glen New Statl. [Statistical] Account J. Marshall. Braehead R. AitKen. Glencryan D McGrigor Inspector of Poor Revd. [Reverend] H Park 026 An extensive natural Glen on Cumbernauld Estate having the Castlecary Branch Railway running through the bottom of it. A Stream flows through this Glen which, while it passes through, bears the same name, but has not been written or authorized as the whole importance of the name lies in the Glen itself, from which the burn is commonly named. This Burn in the first part of its course is called "Glencryan Burn" [continued on page 90]
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OS1/9/5/90 VAULT GLEN (Continued) Vault Glen /Continued 026 [continued from page 89] and in the latter part - from the point where the "Walton Burn" joins it to its junction with the Bonny Water, "Red Burn". The name is taken from a Farm Steading of which no remains exist at the present time. Until about 25 Years ago some remains of the Ancient Caledonian Forest were to be seen in "Vault Glen" as well as at "Braehead" (Trace 2.26-1, which see) but in both places the Forest has been rooted out & planted.
OS1/9/5/90 [Page] 90 Dumbartonshire Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/91 ABRONHILL Abronhill Abronhill Abronhill Valuation Roll. James Wylie Occupier John ChriStie S. [South] Whitelees 026 A good Farm Steading on Cumbernauld Estate, the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming.
OS1/9/5/91 SOUTH WHITELEES South Whitelees Valuation Roll. James Wylie Occupier John Christie S. [South] Whitelees 026 A small house well Known as a pendicle of the southern lands of Whitelees. It is on Cumbernauld Estate the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming. An old Ph. [Parish] Road - now a Public Right of Way passes this place connected with two T. P. [Turn Pike] Roads.
OS1/9/5/91 BACK O' BOG T.P. Back o' Bog T. P. [Turn Pike] Back o' Bog T. P. [Turn Pike] Back o' Bog T. P. [Turn Pike] New Statl. [Statistical] Account Pass Tickets Robert Leishman Collector 026 A Toll Gate for levying tolls on the Road to FalKirk which road becomes a Parish Road on the east side of "Kilt Bridge" (Trace 2). This Toll has no connexion for tolls with the road passing the east side of the Toll house coming from Abronhill & going Southwards. The Trusts are different
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OS1/9/5/92 KILT BRIDGE Kilt Bridge Kilt Bridge Kilt Bridge Matthew Barry Glenhead James Shaw Glenhead R. Leishman Toll Keeper 026 A little county Bridge of stone over the Bounday Burn of the Parish on the line of a T.P. [Turn Pike] Road to Falkirk but which road becomes a Parish Trust on the FalkirK side of the Burn, the Bridge being the point at which the the T.P. [Turn Pike] Trust ends. The name is taken from a farm in the adjoining Parish, Situated about 20 chains north eas of the Bridge.
OS1/9/5/92 GLENHEAD FEUS Glenhead Feus Glenhead Feus Glenhead Feus Valuation Roll John Leishman, Occupier James Shaw. Glenhead 026 Cottars' dwellings originally feued from Cumbernauld Estate. the Proprietor of which recently repurchased them. The name is well known. A Public Right of Way goes through the fields from here to "Shankend" (Trace 1. 26-3).
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OS1/9/5/93 CRAIGHEAD Craighead Craighead Craighead Craighouse Robert Strachan Oc. [Occupier] James Shaw. Glenhead Matthew Barry Glenhead Valuation Roll 026 A dwelling near the Ph. [Parish] Boundary on the EState of Cumbernauld the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming. This is sometimes called Craighouse but is more correct & better known as "Craighead".
OS1/9/5/93 CROWBANK Crowbank Crowbank Crowbank Crowbank John Forsyth, Oc. [Occupier] J. Shaw. Glenhead Occupiers Carts W. G. Russell. Garbethill House 026 A good Steading the property of Mr. J Russell. A Public Right of Way passes through these lands. There are also some pools South of the Farm house, in the Muir, for Steeping lint.
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OS1/9/5/94 MID FOREST Mid Forest Mid Forest Mid Forest Valuation Roll R. Boyd Occupier James Stirling E. [East] Forest 026 A good Steading the name of which, along with the farms of East and West Forest, is preserved or kept from being where the Ancient Caledonian Forest at one time stood. The name is also given to a Plantation south of this Farm. It is on Cumbernauld Estate - Col. [Colonel] Fleming's property.
OS1/9/5/94 EAST FOREST East Forest Valuation Roll R. Boyd James Stirling E. [East] Forest 026 Another of the Forest Steadings on the same Estate - Cumbernauld.
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OS1/9/5/95 GLENHEAD Glenhead Glenhead Glenhead Valuation Roll James Shaw Oc. [Occupier] John Forsyth Crowbank 026 A good Steading on Cumbernauld Estate the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming. The Muir of Fannyside extends northwards to a short distance south of this Farm.
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OS1/9/5/96 [Page] 96 [Blank page]
OS1/9/5/97 SCHOOL [nr Old Shields] School School School Mrs. W. Waddell. Teacher W. G. Russell Garbethill W. Russell Arns 026 An adventure School which has existed here for a very considerable time. It is taught by Mrs Waddell & the house is the property of Mr. W. Russell of Arns.
OS1/9/5/97 OLD SHIELDS Old Shields Old Shields Old Shields Old Shields W. Galloway Russell Pr. [Proprietor] John Jack, Tenant Valuation Roll Property Plan 026 An old Farm Steading the property of Mr. G. Russell. From time out of mind the term "old" has been used to this name.
OS1/9/5/97 SHANK Shank Shank Shank Valuation Roll Property plan W. G. Russell Pr. [Proprietor] 026 An Old Steading the property of Mr. G. Russell of Garbethill House. There is another "ShanK" in the Parish about 3 or 4 miles south west of this, (Trace 4. 26-5.) but there is no distinctive term or name used - each Shank being known as "Shank" in its respective locality.
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OS1/9/5/98 SHANKEND Shankend Shankend Shankend Mr. Hopkin Oc. [Occupier] Mr. Russell Arns W. Galloway Russell Garbethill Ho. [House] 026 A thatched dwelling near Arns, the property of Mr. W. Hume.
OS1/9/5/98 ARNS Arns Arns Arns Valuation Roll W. Russell Propr. [Proprietor] W. G. Russell Propr. [Proprietor] 026 A Farm Steading and a couple of houses in which there is a school at the eastmost house. It is principally the property of Mr. W. Russell. There is upon the authority of Mr. Russell, a Tomb here enclosed with a wall of about 12 feet high. The Prs. [Proprietors] of Arns. Shankend. & Crowbank possess the right of interment here. There is one like this on Garbethill. These are commonly called Tombs although the burial place is merely surrounded by a wall.
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OS1/9/5/99 GARBETHILL HOUSE Garbethill House Garbethill House Garbethill House Valuation Roll W. G. Russell Esqr. Pr. [Proprietor] & Occupier W. Russell. Arns 026 A Superior house to which is attached a considerable number of acres - the greater part of which is Moss. There is a Farm house of the name of the property on Trace 5 - South of the house
OS1/9/5/99 GRAYSTONE KNOWE Graystone Knowe Graystone Knowe Graystone Knowe EState Map W. G. Russell Pr. [Proprietor] William Baillie. Garbethill 026 An incosiderable rising ground or Knowe on the Garbethill property. formerly a Farm Steading stood here. The name is well Known however. The top of the Knowe is shewn by yellow dots.
OS1/9/5/99 [page] 99 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/100 GARBETHILL PITS (IRONSTONE) Garbethill Ironstone Pits Garbethill Ironstone Pits Garbethill Ironstone Pits W. G. Russell Pr. [Proprietor] W. Kirk. Foreman W. Russell. Arns 026 Two Ironstone Pits one - the east pit being 6 Years old & 20 fathoms deep - the other - the west pit being 8 Years old and about the same depth as the east Pit. These are wrought by the Calderbank Iron & Steel Works Co. [Company]. A Tram Road from these Pits is connected with Falkirk Ph. [Parish]
OS1/9/5/100 GARBET Garbet Garbet Garbet Valuation Roll Andrew Melville Pr. [Proprietor] W. G. Russell. Garbethill Ho. [House] 026 A Farm Steading occupied by the Proprietor A good part of this property is moss & muir land, which originally belonged to the "Fannyside Muir"- south of it, but is now divided into different names on the muir according to the property to which it may belong.
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OS1/9/5/101 GARBETHILL Garbethill Garbethill Garbethill Valuation Roll Property Plan W. G. Russell Pr. [Proprietor] 026 A Farm Steading near which there is a Tomb or burial place which the Proprietor of Garbethill alone. possesses the right of internment. The Tomb (so called) is an unroofed square building of walls about 12 feet high surrounded by trees. The propr. [proprietor] recently interred in this Spot, & particularly authorizes it as a "Tomb". (See the "Tomb" at Arns. Trace 1).
OS1/9/5/101 HINDLAYERS (Ruin) Hindlayers (in ruin) Hindlayers (in ruin) Hindlayers (in ruin) Estate Map Johnston's Co [County] Map W. G. Russell. Garbethill Ho. [House] 026 A ruin in a portion of Cultivated ground Surrounded by moss or R. [Rough] Heathy Pasture, which is the property of W. Forbes Esquire of Callander.
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OS1/9/5/102 RESERVOIR [Threaprig] Reservoir Reservoir Reservoir William Baillie. Garbethill W. Russell Arns John Turner. Lint Mill (in Falkirk Ph. [Parish]) 026 This Reservoir was made in 1851 for Supplying a Lint Mill on Threaprig, in Falkirk Parish. As the Mill for which it was Constructed is not used in Summer the water is not dammed except when required - in Winter. The Reservoir is about equally divided between the two Parishes. the track of Stream, in or about the middle, being the Boundary between the Parishes, and the Counties. The ground occupied by the Reservoir is the property of W. Forbes Esqr. of Callander.
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OS1/9/5/103 CAT CRAIG Cat Craig Cat Craig Cat Craig Cat Craig Cat Craig Estate Map W. G. Russell Esqr. David. Gifford. Craigend W. Baillie Garbethill W. Russell 026 A Craggy eminence having numerous loose bolders of whinstone detached on the oval liKe Knoll of the crag which is surrounded by rough heathy pasture belonging to William Forbes Esqr of Callander. There is nothing of any importance Known of this Craig save the name, which is identified for miles around.
OS1/9/5/103 CRAIGEND Craigend Craigend Craigend Craigend Craigend Craigend Valuation Roll Johnston's Co [County] Map W. G. Russell. Garbethill Ho. [House] W. Russell. Arns D. Gifford. Tenant A Melville. Garbet 026 A Farm Steading the property of W. Forbes Esqr. This name is very improperly given as "Cat Craig" on a Trace, for By. [Boundary] purposes, from the Proprietors Estate Plan. It is distinctly named by itself "Craigend" and not as the "Cat Craig". by the authorities quoted & many others too numerous to quote.
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OS1/9/5/104 [Page] 104 [Blank page]
OS1/9/5/105 SCHOOL [nr Carbrain] School School School Miss Hamilton, Teacher William Marshall. Feuar A WalKer. Seafar 026 A School at southern end of the village of [ ] It is an adventure school, & has been two years as such. A small Sum was given by the Pr. [Proprietor] of Greenfaulds towards maintaining it, but this was not a permanent allowance.
OS1/9/5/105 BROKENQUARTER Brokenquarter Brokenquarter Brokenquarter A. WalKer, Seafar William Finlayson. Carbrain G. Steel. Lenzie mill 026 A little house almost in ruins on the farm of Lenziemill, the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming. The name is well Known.
OS1/9/5/105 CARBRAIN Carbrain Carbrain Carbrain William Finlayson Occupier R. AitKen Glencryan Johnston's Co [County] Map 026 A good Steading on Cumbernauld Estate - Colonel Fleming's property.
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OS1/9/5/106 GREENYARDS Greenyards Greenyards Greenyards Valuation Roll William Finlayson Carbrain Mrs AitKen Occupier 026 A Farm Steading on Cumbernauld Estate the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming. The "Vault Glen" begins near this Steading - on the north east.
OS1/9/5/106 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY (Castlecary Branch) Caledonian Railway (Castlecary Branch) Caledonian Railway (Castlecary Branch) Caledonian Railway (Castlecary Branch) Caledonian Railway (Castlecary Branch) Act of Parliament Company's addressed envelopes to Officials J. Graham Engineer of Cal. [Caledonian] Co. [Company] R. Beattie Engineer Assistant 026 A Branch passenger line of the Caledonian Company's between Gartsherrie in Old Monkland Ph. [Parish], Lanarkshire, & Greenhill - which connects it with the Scottish Central Railway, in Falkirk Parish Stirlingshire. There are no intermediate Stations on the Castlecary Branch. The Electric Telegraph is on the west side. This line runs through the whole of the bottom or valley of the "Vault Glen".
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OS1/9/5/107 DEEP SLACK Deep Slack Deep Slack Deep Slack R. Aitken Glencryan William Finlayson. Carbrain J. Marshall Braehead 026 A natural brae having the side of a Parish Road running along its top, on the north & east sides of Glencryan. The name is well known. The The Deep Slack is said to be derived from a deep marshy hole which was here before the Quarry was opened.
OS1/9/5/107 WEST FOREST West Forest West Forest West Forest Valuation Roll William Finlayson Carbrain, William Barr, Tenant 026 A good Steading on Cumbernauld Estate the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming. (See Mid & East Forest 26-2.4).
OS1/9/5/107 JANE'S BRAES Jane's Braes Jane's Braes Jane's Braes William Finlayson, Carbrain G. Steel Lenzie Mill A. Walker, Seafar 026 Curious formed natural rough pasture braes in an arable field on the Lenzie Mill Farm said to be named from a woman who cut her throat in the place. Near the Bridge over the Railway the water shades - flowing east & west from the one place. This name is well known.
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OS1/9/5/108 KILBOUIE Kilbouie Kilbouie Kilbouie Johnston's Co [County] Map G. Steel. Tenant William Finlayson. Carbrain 026 A Farm Steading the lands of which are farmed with Lenziemill farm. This is now occupied by Cottars.
OS1/9/5/108 SHANK Shank Shank Shank Shank G. Steel. Tenant J. Walker Occupier William Finlayson Carbrain R. Aitken Glencryan 026 A cottar's dwelling on the Kilbouie lands the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming of Cumbernauld. There is another "Shank" on the Garbethill property. (Trace 2. 26 -3 ) but no distinction is used to either, both being well Known in their respective localities.
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OS1/9/5/109 GREENSIDE Greenside Greenside Greenside Valuation Roll R. Rankin Propr. [Proprietor] & oc. [occupier] J Marshall Esqr. Glenhoof. 026 A poor thatched house North of West Waterhead. It is occupied by the Pr. [Proprietor] R. Rankin.
OS1/9/5/109 WEST WATERHEAD West Waterhead West Waterhead West Waterhead Valuation Roll J. Marshall Esqr G. Steel Lenzie Mill 026 A farm Steading the property of Mr. J. McKenzie. (See Eas Waterhead. Trace 2. 26 -9).
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OS1/9/5/110 GLENCRYAN QUARRY Glencryan Quarry Glencryan Quarry Glencryan Quarry Valuation Roll R. AitKen William Finlayson 026 This is an old freestone Quarry which has been worked for fifty years & is well known by the name. It is on Cumbernauld Estate
OS1/9/5/110 BACKMUIR (Ruin) Backmuir (in Ruin) Backmuir (in Ruin) Backmuir (in Ruin) William Finlayson Carbrain R. Aitken Glencryan J. Stevenson Feuar Dibside 026 A Ruin on the Waterhead lands well known by the name.
OS1/9/5/110 GLENCRYAN Glencryan William Finlayson Carbrain R. Aitken Glencryan J. Stevenson Feuar Dibside Valuation Roll 026 A small farm house which was at one time called "E. [East] Waterhead," but changed to Glencryan on being purchased by the Propr. [Proprietor] of Cumbernauld Estate. It is now known by no other name than "Glencryan".
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OS1/9/5/111 DIBSIDE Dibside Dibside Dibside J Stevenson Feuar R. Rankin. Glencryan J Marshall. Esqr Glenhoof 026 A feu off the lands of Waterhead on which the feuar has built a dwelling. The name is well known.
OS1/9/5/111 ORCHARD Orchard J Stevenson Feuar R. Rankin. Glencryan J Marshall. Esqr Glenhoof 026 Another feu off the same lands as "Dibside" (also having a small dwelling) and pretty well known by the name.
OS1/9/5/111 SANDYKNOWES Sandyknowes Sandyknowes Sandyknowes Valuation Roll D. Sym Pr. [Proprietor] & Oc. [Occupier] J. Marshall Esqr 026 A farm Steading to which the name is wholly applicable, there being no Knowes near it. This is occupied by the Pr. [Proprietor] D Sym.
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OS1/9/5/112 GLENCRYAN BURN Glencryan Burn Glencryan Burn Glencryan Burn Glencryan Burn R. Aitken. Glencryan G. Barclay. Palacerig William Finlayson. Carbrain J. MarShall Braehead 026 This Burn comes from the lochs of Fannyside (26-6-6) & flows west and northwards into the Bonny Water at the northern Boundary of this Parish (20.10.4). It is called "Glencryan Burn" until it enters the "Vault Glen". (See N [Name] Sheet of "Vault Glen" Trace 6. 26-1 & of "Red Burn" 20.14 Trace 1)
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OS1/9/5/113 FOREST PLANTATION Forest Plantation Forest Plantation Forest Plantation Forest Plantation James Marshall Braehead James Shaw Glenhead R. Aitken, Glencryan G. Barclay Palacerig 026 A large mixed Plantation on the Moss of Fannyside Muir, said to be named from the ancient Caledonian Forest being at the place as late as the end of the last century. A Public Right of Way passes through this Plantation from E. [East] Burntrig. in the South (Trace 4) to the T. P. [Turn Pike] Road on the northern extremity of the Plantation. This is Col. [Colonel] Fleming's property.
OS1/9/5/113 FANNYSIDE MUIR Fannyside Muir Fannyside Muir Fannyside Muir Fannyside Muir New Statl. [Statistical] Account Fullarton's Gazetteer W. G. Russell Esqr. Garbethill G. BlacK Esqr. Pr. [Proprietor] 026 An extensive Muir said to be the highest part of the Parish, but Croy Hill appears higher. The name applies from Glenhead in the north (26-2 Trace 5) to the Southern Boundary of the Parish, between [continued on page 114]
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OS1/9/5/114 FANNYSIDE MUIR (Continued) Fannyside Muir/continued 026 [Continued from page 113] Bog Bridge (26-11) and Torbrex (26-10). The eastern extremity is at Garbethill Farm, (26-3 Trace 5) & the western by the Forest Plantation (Trace 1 of this Plan). Near the centre of the Muir are two large freshwater lakes of the same name. A T. P. [Turn Pike] Road from Cumbernauld to Airdrie or Slamannan (See Road at "Bog Bridge") passes through the Muir. It is mentioned in the New Statl. [Statistical] Account, that a Roman Road, leading from the South, to the Military Way at Castlecary Fort on the line of Antoninus's Wall is to be seen through the Moss, but no traces of it are known to any of the inhabitants of the district. At the farm of Garbet (Trace 4.25-3) the Moss boundary between that farm and the Propr. [Proprietor] of Fannyside has been sketched as it is undefined, to shew the extent to which the name applies. The Pr. [Proprietor] of Garbet & Garbethill having a desire to have their portions of the Moss not included under the name of the Muir. The Muir is the Property of Gavin Black Esqr. .
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OS1/9/5/115 PALACERIG Palacerig Palacerig Palacerig Palaceridge Valuation Roll G. Barclay Tt. [Tenant] R. Aitken. Glancryan Johnston's Co. [County] Map 026 A Farm Steading on Cumbernauld Estate the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming
OS1/9/5/115 MILTONNEUK Milton-neuk Milton-neuk Milton-neuk G. Barclay Palacerig James Stevenston Feuar J. Aitken. Blackmyreknoll 026 A feu off Col. [Colonel] Fleming's Estate. The name is a well known one.
OS1/9/5/115 WESTER BURNTRIG Wester Burntrig Wester Burntrig Wester Burntrig Property Plan Valuation Roll R. Gow. Esqr. Factor 026 A Farm Steading belonging to the heirs of a Mr. Watson.
OS1/9/5/115 EASTER BURNTRIG Easter Burntrig Property Plan Valuation Roll R. Gow. Esqr. Factor 026 There is upon the same authorities another Burntrig east of this on the same property. A Public Right of Way passes through Eater Burntrig to the Forest Plantation north.
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OS1/9/5/116 STONYLEE Stonylee Stonylee Stonylee P. Brown. Feuar J. Aitken Blackmyreknoll David Slater. E. [Easter] Burntrig 026 A Feu on which there is a dwelling known throughout the locality by the name authorized.
OS1/9/5/116 BLACKMYREKNOLL Blackmyreknoll Blackmyreknoll Blackmyreknoll R. P. Newton Esqr. Factor Rent Receipts J Aitken Tenant 026 A Farm Steading sometimes called Blackmuirknowe, but which is used as authorized by the Proprietor's Agent. The Earl of Zetland is the Proprietor of this Farm. South of this on an old Mill Road - a Right of way, between "Rig" (26-7.4) & the Parish Road coming from W. [Wester] Burntrig there is a part of the old Road well known as the "Black Caus'ey", which from the nature of the Caus'ey have been a Roman Road which was said to have gone through Fannyside
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OS1/9/5/117 FANNYSIDE LOCHS Fannyside Lochs Fannyside Lochs Fannyside Lochs Fannyside Lochs Fannyside Lochs Fannyside Lochs Fannyside Lochs New Statl [Statistical] Account Gazetteer of Scotland John Hopkin. SurfaceMan G. Black Esqr. James Gardiner. Fannyside Mill J. Aitken, Blackmyreknoll R. Aitken, Glencryan 026 Two large fresh water lakes, Through the space of Moss between these there is a Turnpike Trust of recent date - about 10 years since. These Lochs were at one period joined as one Lake, but within the memory of the oldest persons quoted - two of whom, the Aitkens, are nearly 80 years of age, they appear to have been as at the present time. It is not known whether the name is derived from the Muir or the Muir from the Lochs. The terms "east" & "west" are given commonly to the Lochs in order to distinguish them, but these cannot be considered [continued on page 118]
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OS1/9/5/118 FANNYSIDE LOCHS (Continued) Fannyside Lochs/ continued 026 [continued from page 117] more than mere distinctions in speaking &c. The Lakes are the property of Colonel Fleming of Cumbernauld. Fannyside Lochs have never been remembered becoming dry in any season. The west Loch is the deepest.
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OS1/9/5/119 GARBETHILL BURN Garbethill Burn Garbethill Burn Garbethill Burn Garbethill Burn W. G. Russell Garbethill Ho [House] W. Russell Arns Lawrence Melville Fannyside James Gardiner Miller Fannyside 026 This Burn rises in Falkirk Ph. [Parish] Stirlingshire. beyond Craigend (Trace 1. 26-4) from which point to its junction with the "Avon Water" (Trace 5 of this Plan) it is generally known. It forms the Boundary of the Parish at this place
OS1/9/5/119 FANNYSIDE Fannyside Fannyside Fannyside Fannyside Valuation Roll G. Black Esqr. Pr. [Proprietor] Lawrence Melville Oc. [Occupier] Johnston's Co. [County] Map 026 A new Steading named from the Muir. Garbethill Burn flows past its south eastern side. On the north-east margin of this Trace about ½ a quarter of a mile from the Farm there is an old Coal Pit at which there is also old Kilns used at one time for charring coal into Coke.
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OS1/9/5/120 FANNYSIDE MILL (Corn) Fannyside Mill (Corn) Fannyside Mill (Corn) Fannyside Mill (Corn) Fannyside Mill (Corn) Valuation Roll L. Melville. Fannyside James Gardiner Miller G. Black. Esqr. 026 A Corn Mill the property of Colonel Fleming. The Lade for this Mill comes from the "Fannyside Lochs"
OS1/9/5/120 RIG Rig Rig Rig Valuation Roll L. Melville. Fannyside James Gardiner Miller G. Black. Esqr. 026 An old thatched house commonly called the "Rig Barn". but recognised as "Rig" only by the Pr. [Proprietor] & his documents - G. BlacK Esqr. Propr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/5/120 FANNYSIDE T.P. Fannyside T. P. [Turn Pike] Valuation Roll L. Melville. Fannyside James Gardiner Miller G. Black. Esqr. Toll Board 026 A toll house & gate on the turnpike Road which passes between the Lochs of the same name.
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OS1/9/5/121 LENZIEMILL Lenziemill Lenziemill Lenziemill Lenziemill Valuation Roll G. Steel Occupier Robert Forrest. Miller Occupiers Carts 026 A good Farm Steading belonging to Cumbernauld Estate, the property of Colonel Fleming. This Mill name is preserved from the ancient name of the Parish, which, along with Kirkintilloch was 'till 1649 called "Lenzie". This Farm & the Mill near it are commonly called by one name, or the Mill name seems to apply to both without any distinction in the form of writing, as "Lenzie Mill". It is seldom compounded. In the Leases of the farm & Mill they are respectively styled the lands of "Lenzie Mill" & the Mill of Lenzie.
OS1/9/5/121 [Page] 121 Dumbartonshire -- Cumbernauld Parish Luggie Bridge -- Luggie Bridge -- Described and Authorities quoted in Name Sheets of adjoining Parish.
OS1/9/5/122 LENZIE MILL (Corn) Lenzie Mill (Corn) Lenzie Mill (Corn) Lenzie Mill (Corn) Valuation Roll G. Steel. Tenant of Farm R. Forrest Occupier & Miller 026 A Mill for grinding oats, beans, pease & barley. There is no flour made here. This is the property of Col. [Colonel] Fleming of Cumbernauld. There is also a "Lint Mill" west of the Corn Mill (Trace 3 25-12)
OS1/9/5/122 EAST WATERHEAD East Waterhead East Waterhead East Waterhead Valuation Roll R. Forrest. Miller William Finlayson. Carbrain 026 A Farm Steading the property of Mr. J. McKenzie. The name is taken from the remarkable shading of the water at a point near where the Carlisle T. P. [Turn Pike] Road crosses the Castlecary Branch. (Trace 4.26-5). The water flows east & west from the point or about the place described. There is a West Waterhead. west of this. (Trace 5.25-5).
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OS1/9/5/123 LUGGIE WATER Luggie Water Luggie Water Luggie Water Luggie Water Luggie Water Luggie Water Head of Logie Water Forrest's Co [County] Map of Lanark New Statl. [Statistical] Account Fullarton's Gazetteer R. Aitken. Glencryan Revd. [Reverend] H. Park Revd. [Reverend] H. Baird Johnstons Co [County] Map of Dumbarton 026 This little River forms the Southern Boundary of the Parish from its head at "Fannyside Muir" (Trace 2. 26-10) which comes from a well known Chalybeate Spring, Known as "Toddle Well", which is on the New MonKland side of the Boundary at the place shewn on Trace referred to. "Luggie (The), a rivulet of Lanarkshire, and the detached part of Dumbartonshire. Issuing from a small laKe on the Boundary between the Counties, near the south-east extremity of the Parish of Cumbernauld, it Runs 6½ miles westward along the boundary augmented in its Progress by four or five feeders from Lanarkshire." Fullarton's Gazetteer The Burn which comes through Glenhoof in New Monkland* is commonly considered the proper source of this Water, but as quoted from the Gazetteer & Co [County] Map, its proper head seems to be from the "Toddle Well", which is the head of the Stream running from that point along the Southern By. [Boundary] of this Parish. From the Toddle Well to "Rumblybugs" it is commonly called by the people " Toddle Burn", a name which properly belongs to the Spring or well as it is called, & has not therefore been written to the part described from its inconsiderable length.
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OS1/9/5/124 FLAX MILL [Low Tannoch] Tannoch Lint Mill Tannoch Lint Mill Tannoch Lint Mill James Marshall Esqr. Mrs. Aitken, Occupier Robert Forrest. Miller Lenzie Mill 026 A Small Lint Mill & a dwelling. It is at present wrought by Mrs. Aitken. This Mill is for making lint from flax, & is the same as the "Croy Flax Mill", which is differently styled. (See N. [Name] Sheet of Croy "Flax Mill" Trace 6. 25-3.) This is upon the low lands of Tannoch, but is, upon the authority of the Propr. [Proprietor] from whom it is feued, never designated farther than the Lint Mill of Tannoch.
OS1/9/5/124 LOW TANNOCH Low Tannoch James Marshall Esqr. Mrs. Aitken, Occupier Robert Forrest. Miller Lenzie Mill Valuation Roll 026 A Cottars house possessed by a different Propr. [Proprietor] from that of "Tannoch". The distinction "Low" is well known. It is the property of J. Marshall Esqr. of Glen hoof. New Monkland. A Right of Way passes north of this through the fields to the Parish Road north. (Trace 6. 26-5).
OS1/9/5/124 TANNOCH Tannoch James Marshall Esqr. Mrs. Aitken, Occupier Robert Forrest. Miller Lenzie Mill Valuation Roll 026 A Superior Farm Steading the property of Mr William Waddell.
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OS1/9/5/125 TORBREX Torbrex Torbrex Torbrex Torbrex Torbrecks Titles of Property Property Plan R. Gow Esqr. Factor Valuation Roll Occupier's Carts 026 A farm Steading the property of the heurs of W. Watson. The Burntrig Farms are also on the same property.
OS1/9/5/125 RUMBLYBUGS Rumblybugs Rumblybugs Rumblybugs Rumblybugs J. Aitken. BlacKmyreknoll James Slater. Torbrecks R. Aitken. Glencryan James Marshall. Glenhoof 026 A name so well known in the locality that whatever its origin may be, which cannot be ascertained, is always given to a part of the "Luggie water" having some little waterfalls on the N. [North] West side of the Bridge, on the Ph. [Parish] Road for a distance of a few chains from the Bridge. There is no person of any time in the vicinity but knows the name, & however confused it may be in its application should not be lost sight of as if written as upon the Trace, it cannot well be disputed. Every inquiry has been made respecting it, & the more it is inquired about the greater the conviction becomes that the name should in some manner be retained. (Supply Waterfalls from Trace.
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OS1/9/5/126 BLACK CAUS'EY Black Caus'ey Black Caus'ey Black Caus'ey J. Aitken Blackmyreknoll R. Aitken. Glencryan J. Slater. Torbrex 026 A very compact Causeway was to be seen on the old Mill Road at this place,as shown in black dotted lines on Examination Trace, through Fannyside Muir coming from "Rig." (Trace 4. 26-7) about 40 years ago. The Caus'ey was not more than 3 chains long. and was called "Black Caus'ey". which is now well known & given to the improved or new road made at the time the Mill Road was altered. It is said upon the authority of J & R. Aitken that the Old Causeway may be seen a little below the surface. The name of the farm steading near the old causeway, on the north side, is supposed to be taken from this & not, as might be supposed, the Caus'ey name from the Steading. The"BlacK Cause'y is a well known and proper name, & should be retained. This portion of Causeway is the only probable part of the Roman Road, which coming from the South to the Fort at Castlecary, on the line of the Roman Wall, is said, on the authority of the New Statl. [Statistical] Account (which see) "may be seen in the map of Fannyside". This portion of Causeway could not be identified with the Roman Road, nor could any traces nor site of the same be identified at any part of the Moss, nor in the Parish of Cumbernauld.
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OS1/9/5/127 HERD'S HILL Herd's Hill Herd's Hill Herd's Hill Herd's Hill G. Black Esqr. Pr. [Proprietor] J. Aitken. Blackmyreknoll W. Hopkin. Surface Man J. Slater. Torbrex 026 A hill in Fannyside Muir of no great altitude from the surrounding moss or R.H.P. [Rough Heathy Pasture] but of great importance as a name which is generally known for miles around, & is said to have its origin from the herd or watcher, who was stationed upon it to give the alarm to the preachers &c. of the Covenanters. who, during the persecutions, used to assemble here for Religious purposes. It is the property, as well as the Muir of Fannyside, of Mr. G. Black. It was planted with trees for a long time but they were cut down recently. The top and bottom of this hill have been sketched as shewn in a yellow dotted line.
OS1/9/5/127 [Page] 127 Dumbartonshire (Det. [Detached]) -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/127 The Sheet number given on the page is 020, but this is on map sheet number 026.
OS1/9/5/128 [Page] 128 Blank page
OS1/9/5/129 BOG BRIDGE Bog Bridge Bog Bridge Bog Bridge Bog Bridge J. Aitken. Blackmyreknoll J. Hopkin, Surfaceman John Moor Bridgend N. [New] Monkland G. Black Esqr. Pr. [Proprietor] of Fannyside 026 A Small Stone Bridge (County Bridge) of one arch over the "Avon Water" on the line of Road from Cumbernauld to Slamanan & Airdrie. Twenty chains, or about that distance south of the Bridge this road joins a road running east & west which to the west goes to Airdrie, & to the East to Slamanan, hence the words "To Slamanan or Airdrie" on Trace. The name is well known.
OS1/9/5/129 AVON WATER Avon Water Avon Water Avon Water Avon Water Avon Water Avon Water Avon Water New Statl. [Statistical] Account Fullarton's Gazetteer Estate Map J. Aitken. Blackmyreknoll G. Black Esqr. W. G. Russell Esqr. Garbethill Ho. [House] W. Russell Arns 026 A River which rises in New MonKland. Lanarkshire, at a place named from its head - "Avonhead" & flows eastward to the Forth. It forms the the Boundary of this Parish for a short distance, & is little better than a moss ditch is [in] size as well as the flow of water. A Common Account given in Gazetteers &c. of the head of this little river, is that it takes its rise from the Lochs of Fannyside, but this is not now correct, although. it is believed to have once had its source from these Lochs. The Name of the Water is well known in the Cumbernauld & N. [New] Monkland districts.
OS1/9/5/129 [Page] 129 Dumbartonshire (Det. [Detached]) -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/130 TODDLE KNOWE Toddle Knowe Toddle Knowe Toddle Knowe Toddle Knowe G. Black Propr. [Proprietor] J Aiken. Blackmyreknoll John Hopkin. Surfaceman James Gardiner Miller 026 A remarkable Knowe on Fannyside Muir through which the Turnpike Road to Airdrie cuts near the middle, leaving Steep cuttings on both sides of the Road. The bottom of this Knowe is sketched to show its extent as from the top or table of it being very small there is not room to write the name without encroaching considerably upon its eastern side. The Road cutting through near the middle also makes the writing of the name in its proper place difficult. It commences to fall, on the west side from the top of the cutting on the east side of the Road. East of this in the rough heathy pasture there are several smaller Knowes which do not bear any name. On the north side of Toddle Knowe, at the bottom, there is an artificial Cutting at present seeming like a Cutting for a Car TracK, but of which there is nothing known more than the name of the Knowe in the surrounding locality.
OS1/9/5/130 [Page] 130 Dumbartonshire ([Det. [Detached]) -- Cumbernauld Parish
OS1/9/5/131 [Page] 131 OS1/9/5 CO. DUMBARTON (Detached) PARISH OF CUMBERNAULD
OS1/9/5/132 [Page] 132 INDEX Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Auchinstarry -- -19A -- 15 -- 3 Auchinstarry Drawbridge -- 19A -- 15 -- 3 Arniebog -- 20 -- 13 -- 31 Auchenbee -- 25 -- 4 -- 53 Airdriehead -- 25 -- 4 -- 53 Auchinkilns -- 25 -- 12 -- 69 Auchinkilns T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 25 -- 12 -- 70 Abronhill -- 26 -- 2 -- 91 Arns -- 26 -- 3 -- 98 Avon Water -- 26 -- 11 -- 129 Back Drain -- 20 --- 9 -- 20 Bonny Water -- 20 -- 9 -- 21 Barbegs -- 25 -- 3 -- 48 Board Burn -- 25 -- 3 -- 49 Brown Knowes -- 25 -- 4 -- 56 Balloch -- 25 -- 8 -- 59 Broom Lands -- 25 -- 8 -- 65 Bank -- 26 -- 1 -- 77 Bank -- 26 -- 1 -- 77 Bank -- 26 -- 1 -- 77 Baronhill -- 26 -- 1 -- 80 Bog Stank -- 26 -- 1 -- 82 Braehead -- 26 -- 1 -- 82 Braehead -- 26 -- 1 -- 88 Back O' Bog T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 26 -- 2 -- 91 Broken Quarter -- 26 -- 5 -- 105 Backmuir (Ruin) -- 26 -- 5 -- 110 Backmyreknoll -- 26 -- 6 -- 116 Black Caus'ey -- 26 -- 10 -- 126 Bog Bridge -- 26 -- 11 -- 129 Cumbernauld Ph. [Parish] -- 26 -- 11 -- 1 Craigmarloch Wood -- 19A -- 15 -- 3 Craigmarloch Drawbridge -- 19A -- 16 -- 9 Croyhill -- 19A -- 16 --11 Chantyclear Burn -- 19A -- 16 -- 13 Castlecarey Station --- 20 -- 10 -- 23 Castlecary House -- 20 -- 10 -- 23 Cumbernauld T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 20 -- 13 -- 33 Castlecary Limeworks -- 20 -- 14 -- 40 Croy Hill -- 25 -- 3 -- 45 Croy Station -- 25 -- 3 -- 51 Croy Mill -- 25 -- 3 -- 51 Craigmore -- 25 -- 4 -- 53 Craighalbert -- 25 -- 4 -- 55 Craiglinn -- 25 -- 7 -- 57 Cullachsink -- 25 -- 8 -- 59 Corbiston -- 25 -- 8 -- 63 Craighouse -- 25 -- 8 -- 66 Condorrat -- 25 -- 12 -- 67 Chapelton Road -- 25 -- 12 -- 72 Church -- 26 -- 1 -- 73 Cumbernauld -- 26 -- 1 -- 75 Carrick Stone -- 26 -- 1 -- 76 Cumbernauld House -- 26 -- 1 -- 84
OS1/9/5/133 [Page] 133 Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Craighead -- 26 -- 2 -- 93 Crowbank -- 26 -- 2 -- 93 Cat Craig -- 26 -- 4 -- 103 Craigend -- 26 -- 4 -- 103 Carbrain -- 26 -- 5 -- 105 Caledonian Railway Castlecary Jnt [Junction] -- 26 -- 5 -- 106 Dullatur House -- 19A -- 16 -- 13 Dykehead -- 19A -- 16 -- 13 Deil's Seat -- 19A -- 16 -- 14 Drumcap Plantation -- 20 -- 13 -- 34 Dunns Wood -- 20 -- 14 -- 39 Dam -- 25 -- 3 -- 43 Dumback -- 25 -- 3 -- 46 Drumglass -- 25 -- 3 -- 47 Drumglass Cottage -- 25 -- 3 -- 47 Deep Slack -- 26 -- 5 -- 107 Dibside -- 26 -- 5 -- 111 Edinburgh and Glasgow Railwy. [Railway] -- 19A -- 16 -- 11 Easter Dullatur -- 19A -- 16 -- 12 Eastfield -- 25 -- 4 -- 55 East Forest -- 26 -- 2 -- 94 Easter Burntrig -- 26 -- 6 -- 115 East Waterhead -- 26 -- 9 -- 122 Forth and Clyde Canal -- 19A -- 16 -- 10 Faulds Cottage -- 20 -- 13 -- 34 Faulds Cottage -- 25 -- 8 -- 65 Flax Mill -- 25 -- 12 -- 71 Free Church -- 26 -- 1 -- 81 Forest Plantation -- 26 -- 6 -- 113 Fannyside Muir -- 26 -- 6 -- 113 Fannyside Lochs -- 26 -- 6 -- 117 Fannyside -- 26 -- 7 -- 119 Fannyside Mill -- 26 -- 7 -- 120 Fannyside T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 26 -- 7 -- 120 Flax Mill -- 26 -- 9 -- 124 Flax Mill -- 25 -- 3 -- 52 Glenhead -- 19A -- 16 -- 15 Glen Cottage -- 20 -- 14 -- 41 Girnall Hill -- 25 -- 3 -- 44 Guilmuir -- 25 -- 3 -- 44 Greenfaulds -- 25 -- 8 -- 66 Gas Works -- 26 -- 1 -- 77 Glasgow Road -- 26 -- 1 -- 78 Glenhead Feus -- 26 -- 2 -- 92 Glenhead -- 26 -- 2 -- 95 Garbet Hill House -- 26 -- 3 -- 99 Graystone Knowe -- 26 -- 3 -- 99 Garbethill Pits (Ironstone) -- 26 -- 3 -- 100 Garbet -- 26 -- 3 -- 100 Garbethill -- 26 -- 3 -- 101 Greenyards -- 26 -- 5 -- 106 Greenside -- 26 -- 5 -- 109 Glencryan Quarry -- 26 -- 5 -- 110
OS1/9/5/134 [Page] 134 Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Glencryan -- 26 -- 5 -- 110 Glencryan Burn -- 26 -- 5 -- 112 Garbethill Burn -- 26 -- 7 -- 119 Garnhall -- 20 -- 10 -- 24 Hirst -- 20 -- 13 -- 31 Hag Knowe -- 20 -- 13 -- 33 High Pollockshole -- 25 -- 8 -- 64 Hill Crescent -- 25 -- 12 -- 70 Hill -- 25 -- 12 -- 70 Hole -- 26 -- 1 -- 86 Holehead -- 26 -- 1 -- 86 Hole Brae -- 26 -- 1 -- 88 Hindlayers -- 26 -- 3 -- 101 Herds Hill -- 26 -- 10 -- 127 Island Wood -- 19A -- 16 -- 10 Iron Foundry -- 20 -- 9 -- 19 Inn Farm -- 20 -- 13 -- 36 Island -- 25 -- 7 -- 57 Jane's Burn -- 26 -- 5 -- 107 King's Seat -- 19A -- 16 -- 12 Kelvinhead Jetty -- 20 -- 9 -- 18 Kildrum -- 26 -- 1 -- 89 Kilt Bridge -- 26 -- 2 -- 92 Kilbouie -- 26 -- 5 -- 108 Langhill -- 19A -- 15 -- 4 Loch Bar -- 20 -- 13 -- 32 Lochbar Quarry -- 20 -- 13 -- 35 Longfaulds -- 25 -- 8 -- 59 Langlands -- 25 -- 8 -- 66 Lenzie Mill Crossing -- 25 -- 12 -- 71 Low Abronhill -- 26 -- 1 -- 85 Lenzie Mill -- 26 -- 9 -- 121 Luggie Bridge -- 26 -- 9 -- 121 Lenzie Mill -- 26 -- 9 -- 122 Luggie Water -- 26 -- 9 -- 123 Low Tannoch -- 26 -- 9 -- 124 Muirhead -- 19A -- 16 -- 15 Mainhead Plantation -- 20 -- 13 -- 34 Mainhead -- 20 -- 13 -- 35 Manse -- 26 -- 1 -- 81 Muirhouse -- 26 -- 1 -- 86 Mid Forest -- 26 -- 2 -- 94 Miltownneuk -- 26 -- 6 -- 115 Main Street -- 26 -- 1 -- 75 Manse -- 26 -- 1 -- 75 Moss Water -- 25 -- 7 -- 58 Nether Croy -- 19A -- 15 -- 6 Netherwood Colliery -- 20 -- 9 -- 19 Netherwood Quarry -- 20 -- 9 -- 20 Netherwood -- 20 -- 9 -- 21 North Whitelees -- 20 -- 14 -- 41 North Wood -- 26 -- 1 -- 82 Overcroy Cottage -- 25 -- 3 -- 43 Over Croy -- 25 -- 3 -- 45
OS1/9/5/135 [Page] 135 Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Old Lint or Spade Mill -- 25 -- 3 -- 47 Old Shields -- 26 -- 3 -- 97 Orchard -- 26 -- 5 -- 111 Pollockshole -- 25 -- 4 -- 64 Palacecraig -- 26 -- 6 -- 115 Roman Altar -- 19A -- 15 -- 7 Roman Sculpture -- 19A -- 15 -- 7 River Kelvin -- 19A -- 16 -- 9 Redburn Bridge -- 20 -- 10 -- 24 Remains of Roman Wall &c. -- 20 -- 10 -- 25 Red Burn -- 20 -- 14 -- 37 Ravenswood or Bogedge -- 25 -- 7 -- 61 Roadside Street -- 26 -- 1 -- 78 Reservoir -- 26 -- 2 -- 102 Rig -- 26 -- 7 -- 120 Rumblybugs -- 26 -- 10 -- 125 Station on Roman Wall -- 20 -- 13 -- 27 Site of the Military Way -- 20 -- 13 -- 29 Smithstown -- 25 -- 3 -- 51 Standing Stone -- 25 -- 4 -- 54 Seafar -- 25 -- 8 -- 63 School -- 25 -- 12 -- 68 Spur Inn -- 26 -- 1 -- 77 Smithy Inns -- 26 -- 1 -- 78 School -- 26 -- 1 -- 79 South Whitelees -- 26 -- 2 -- 91 School -- 26 -- 3 -- 97 Shank -- 26 -- 3 -- 97 Shankend -- 26 -- 3 -- 98 School -- 26 -- 5 -- 105 Shank -- 26 -- 5 -- 108 Sandyknowes -- 26 -- 5 -- 111 Stonylea -- 26 -- 6 -- 116 The Shore -- 19A -- 16 -- 14 Tollypark -- 20 -- 13 -- 33 Thorn -- 25 -- 12 -- 69 The Road -- 26 -- 1 -- 78 Towe Hill -- 26 -- 1 -- 83 The Moat -- 26 -- 1 -- 85 Tannock -- 26 -- 7 -- 124 Tarbrax -- 26 -- 10 -- 125 Toddle Knowe -- 26 -- 11 -- 130 U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 26 -- 1 -- 81 Vault Glen -- 26 -- 1 -- 89 Wester Dullatur -- 19A -- 16 -- 12 Windford Loch -- 20 -- 9 -- 17 Westerwood -- 20 -- 13 -- 31 Wallbrae Cottage -- 20 -- 13 -- 35 Ward Park -- 20 -- 13 -- 36 Walton Burn -- 20 -- 14 -- 42 Westfield -- 25 -- 7 -- 57 West Forest -- 26 -- 5 -- 107 West Waterhead -- 26 -- 5 -- 109 Wester Burntrig -- 26 -- 6 -- 115