Dunbartonshire volume 04

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/9/4/1 Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Mr J. Liddell Factor Mr J Cunningham A Smollett Esqr 013 This burn gathers on the West Side of Cockhill Muir and flows in a General North direction to its junction with the Fruin Water in Luss parish it also forms the parish boundary from Cockhill Muir to the lands of Wester Auchindennan
OS1/9/4/1 Wester Auchindennan Wester Auchindennan Wester Auchindennan Wester Auchindennan Mr J. Liddell Factor James McKenzie Esqr A Smollett 013 A farm steading the property of Mr Buchanan now occupied by James McKenzie of Auchinheglish.
OS1/9/4/1 1 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/2 Redhouse Public House Redhouse Redhouse Redhouse Mr J. Liddell Factor Mr McCallum Walter Smith Inspector of Poor 013 A public house So called near Arden the property of Mr Buchanan now occupied by J Cunningham
OS1/9/4/2 Arden Cottage Arden Cottage Arden Cottage Arden Cottage Mr J. Liddell occr [occupier] Mr J. Cunningham Walter Smith 013 A Cottage and Garden the property of Mr Buchanan now occupied by J Liddell Factor.
OS1/9/4/2 Arden Arden Arden Arden Valuation Roll Walter Smith J. Liddell Factor 013 A Superior dwellinghouse with Garden Plantation and Ornamental Ground attached the property of Mr Buchanan now occupied by Mr James Lumsden.
OS1/9/4/2 2 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/3 Cockhill Muir Cockhill Muir Cockhill Muir Cockhill Muir Mr J. Liddell John McIntyre Mr Gavan Marshall 017 This Muir is the property of Captn [Captain] R. Buchanan it is bounded on the West by the parish Boundary On the South by Darleith Muir And on the East by Auchendennan Muir.
OS1/9/4/3 3 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/4 4 Blank page
OS1/9/4/5 Redburn Plantation Redburn Plantation Redburn Plantation Redburn Plantation Mr J Liddell Factor John McIntyre Gavan Marshall 017 An extensive plantation of forest and fir trees adjoining the Red Burn having a steep bank throughout its entire length Mr Buchanan Propr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/4/5 Auchindennan Cottage Auchindennan Cottage Auchindennan Cottage Auchindennan Cottage Mr J Liddell Gavan Marshall John McIntyre 017 This Cottage is So Called the property of Mr Buchanan and occuped by a servant of the proprietor.
OS1/9/4/5 5 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/6 Auchindennan Auchindennan Auchindennan Auchindennan Valuation Roll William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Walter Smith 017 A dwellinghouse with extensive offices and Gardens attached the property of William Campbell Senr. [Senior] now occupied by Gavan Marshall
OS1/9/4/6 Auchinheglish Auchinheglish Auchinheglish Auchinheglish Auchineglish James MacKenzie Propr [Proprietor] William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Walter Smith Valuation Roll 017 A Superior dwellinghouse of modern erection adjoining Loch Lomond with Ornamental ground and garden attached the property of and occupied by James Mackenzie Esqr.
OS1/9/4/6 6 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/7 Site of CHAPEL [Auchinheglish] Site of Chapel Mr J Liddell Factor William Campbell Junr. [Junior] James Mackenzie James Jamieson New Stat: [Statistical] Acct: [Account] 017 About 10 chains N.E. [North East] from Auchinheglish in Loch Lomond is a metal pole or flagstall considered by the Authorities quoted to mark the Site of a Roman Catholic Chapel. James Jamieson and William Campbell Junr. [Junior] states that when the water is low in Summer time some portion of the ruins is discernable. This object appears on the 6 inch Plan of Loch Lomond.
OS1/9/4/7 7 Parish of Bonhill Apocryphal. See The statement of a correspondent quoted in the New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Bonhill Ph. [Parish] JB Major "At Auchinheglish, on the lands of Auchindenanrie, was an old burying ground which was used within the last century. It probably belonged to a place of worship which gave name to the field, and the ruins of which are pointed out when the lake is low, at a short distance from the shore, having been overflowed by the gradual encroachment of the water." New Stat: Acct: [Statistical Account]
OS1/9/4/8 Site of Burial Ground Site of Burial Ground Site of Burial Ground Site of Burial Ground Site of Burial Ground James Mackenzie Esqr. William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Mr J Liddell Factor James Jamieson Gardener New Stat: Acct: [Statistical Account] 017 The Site of this burial ground is well known in the locality. Very recently while making improvements from the Lodge to Auchinheglish Several Stone Coffins and Skeletons with quantities of human bones were dug up it is is generally considered in the neighbourhood that the burial ground in question was connected with a Roman place of worship adjoining. See Description of Chapel.
OS1/9/4/8 8
OS1/9/4/9 Cock Hill Cock Hill Cock Hill Cock Hill Gowk Hill Mr J Liddell Factor John McIntyre Gavan Marshall R D Mackenzie Factor 017 A conspicuous Hill on the western side of the Parish the property of Captn. [Captain] R Buchanan at present occupied by John McIntyre.
OS1/9/4/9 Cockhill Plantation Cockhill Plantation Cockhill Plantation Cockhill Plantation Mr J Liddell John McIntyre Gavan Marshall 017 A plantation chiefly Fir on the East Side of Cock Hill Captn. [Captain] R Buchanan Propr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/4/9 Cockhill Cockhill Cockhill Cockhill Mr J Liddell John McIntyre Gavan Marshall 017 A farmsteading the property of Captn. [Captain] R Buchanan now occupied by John McIntyre.
OS1/9/4/9 9 Parish of Bonhill [Below entry for Cock Hill:] [ ]k Hill is the popular [ ] of pronunciation [Below entry for Cockhill:] [The] occupier states that [the] proprietor will not [cred]it the name Gowkhill
OS1/9/4/10 Auchindennan Muir Auchindennan Muir Auchindennan Muir Auchindennan Muir William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Gavan Marshall occr. [occupier] Mr J Liddell Factor 017 This Muir is bounded on the West by Cockhill Muir on the South by Darleith Muir and on the East by Cameron plantation the property of William Campbell Senr. [Senior] and occupied by Gavan Marshall.
OS1/9/4/10 Muirmailin Muirmailin Muirmailin Muirmailin William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Gavan Marshall John McIntyre 017 This place So Called was formerly a dwellinghouse but is now used as a place for Cattle Gavan Marshall occupier.
OS1/9/4/10 10 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/11 Belretiro Belretiro Belretiro Belretiro William Campbell Junr. [Junior] A Smollett Esqr. Valuation Roll 017 A Superior dwellinghouse with plantation garden and ornamental ground attached the property of and occupied by James Cochrane.
OS1/9/4/11 Cameron Home Farm Cameron Home Farm Cameron Home Farm Cameron Home Farm A. Smollett Esqr. William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Gavan Marshall 017 Extensive Offices and dwellinghouse connected with Cameron A Smollett Esqr. Proprietor and occupier.
OS1/9/4/11 11 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/12 12 Blank page
OS1/9/4/13 Darleith Muir Darleith Muir Darleith Muir Darleith Muir A B Yuill Esqr. Mr J Liddell Alexander McAuly 017 An extensive Muir the property of A B Yuille Esqr. and is bounded on the west by the Parish by. [boundary] on the north by Cockhill Muir and Auchindennan Muir on the NE [North East] by Stoneymullin Muir and on the East by plantations
OS1/9/4/13 Killeter Killeter Killeter Killeter J. Donaldson, Prop. [Proprietor] Mr McAuly, Darleith Mr Calder, Colgrain 017 Described in Name Sheet of 17/7 Cardross Parish
OS1/9/4/13 13 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/14 14 Blank Page
OS1/9/4/15 Cameron Plantation Cameron Plantation A Smollett Esqr. Propr. [Proprietor] William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Mr Wilson Road Surveyor 017 A very extensive Fir Plantation So Called the property of and occupied by A Smollett.
OS1/9/4/15 Roundhill Roundhill Roundhill Roundhill A Smollett Esqr John McGregor Steward Gavan Marshall 017 An artificial Mound a short distance South of Cameron Home Farm Considered to be an Ancient Tumuli nothing however has been discovered at or about the place to lead to its supposed Origin.
OS1/9/4/15 Stoneymollan Muir Stoneymollan Muir Mr W Liddell Factor Robert Gardiner Occr [Occupier] R D MacKenzie 017 A small tract of Muirland So Called South Side of Cameron Plantation extending from the Site of Cross Stone Eastward to the cultivated ground Captn [Captain] Buchanan Propr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/4/15 15 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/16 Cross Stone Site of Cross Stone Site of Cross Stone Site of Cross Stone Site of Cross Stone A Smollett Esqr. William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Mr J Liddell Factor R. D MacKenzie Factor 017 A Stone Cross Stood here about 12 years ago which was popularly known by the name supplied the basement Stone is still to be seen and is about 4 feet long by 2 broad the origin of the Cross is doubtful as to its identity with the Roman Catholic Creed or as a Signal post or Telegraph Station connected with Stirling and Greenock
OS1/9/4/16 Cross Stone Well Cross Stone Well A Smollett Esqr William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Mr Liddell 017 A Spring well about 7 chains East of Cross Stone. The traditionary account of this well is that it was used in connection with Cross Stone for Baptism and other holy purposes.
OS1/9/4/16 16 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/17 Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Tumuli Mr A Smollett Mr William Campbell Junr. [Junior] John McGregor New Stat: Acct. [Statistical Account] 017 This tumuli or ancient burying place is near the East end of Cameron plantation it is about 300 links long and 130 links broad the line of graves numbers about 25 in two unfinished rows and on the North Side of the Space an immens quantity of Small loose Stones are Collected the Origin of this place is not known.
OS1/9/4/17 17 Parish of Bonhill "There is a collection of Ancient tumuli on the high lands of Sommer (Cameron ?) on the edge of the moor, which has of late years been planted with birch and Scotch firs; the graves of which there may be from twenty to twenty-five, within an oblong of 200 feet by 60, are of the usual description, formed by rude and undressed stones, The covers have been mostly removed or destroyed, Some forty or forty-five years ago [from 1840], an investigation of these having been made, bones and stone arrow-heads were discovered in them," New Stat: [Statistical] Acct: [Account]
OS1/9/4/18 Tullichewan Muir Tullichewan Muir Tullichewan Muir Tullichewan Muir William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Robert Gardiner Walter Smith 017 A small elevated tract of Muirland about 12 Chains South of Stoneymollan Muir planted on the West and East Sides and Bounded on the South by Bromley Muir. William Campbell Senr. [Senior] Propr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/4/18 18 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/19 Cross Stone Road Cross Stone Road Cross Stone Road Cross Stone Road A Smollett Esqr. William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Mr Wilson Road Surveyor 017 This parish road derived its name from a Stone Cross which stood about Midway on the Muir between Darleith and Tullichewan it is considered the oldest road in this part of the County. Name applies from Darleith to Turnpike road from Alexandria to Luss near Tullichewan.
OS1/9/4/19 Geilston Burn Geilston Burn 017 Described and authorities quoted in Name Book of Cardross Parish
OS1/9/4/19 19 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/20 Darleith House Darleith House Darleith House Darleith House Estate Map Valuation Roll Walter Smith Inspector 017 A neat dwelling house with extensive offices garden and ornamental ground attached the property of and occupied by A B Yuille
OS1/9/4/20 Milholm Millholm Millholm Millholm A B Yuille Propr [Proprietor] Mr Gilfillan occr. [occupier] Walter Smith 017 A Cottage with gardens Attached the property of A B Yuille now occupied by A. Gilfillan
OS1/9/4/20 Blackthird Blackthird Blackthird Blackthird Valuation Roll Walter Smith Inspector of Poor Alexander McAulay 017 A dwellinghouse with offices the property of A B Yuille now occupied by Alexander McAulay.
OS1/9/4/20 20 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/21 Overton Overton Overton Overton Mr Yuille Propr [Proprietor] Walter Smith James Michie occr [occupier] 017 This Small Cottage is the property of A B Yuille Esqr. and occupied by James Michie Gamekeeper.
OS1/9/4/21 Drumfairn Drumfairn Drumfairn Drumfairn Estate Map Mr Yuille Propr [Proprietor] Walter Smith 017 A farm steading So Called the property of and occupied by A B Yuille Esqr.
OS1/9/4/21 Garmore Garmore Garmore Garmore Valuation Roll Mr Yuille Propr. [Proprietor] Walter Smith 017 A dwellinghouse with offices the property of A B Yuille Esqr. now occupied by John Howatt.
OS1/9/4/21 21 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/22 22 Blank page
OS1/9/4/23 Burn of Balloch Burn of Balloch Burn of Balloch Burn of Balloch A J D Brown Esqr Mr Wilson Road Surveyor Mr Thomson 018 A Stream So Called forming a portion of parish boundary between Kilmaronock and Bonhill name applies from its junction with Loch Lomond to the parish Road leading from Boturich to Alexandria
OS1/9/4/23 Over Balloch Over Balloch Over Balloch Over Balloch A J D Brown Esqr Propr [Proprietor] John Pollock occr [occupier] Mr Wilson Road Surveyor 018 A farmsteading the property of A J D Brown Esqr. now in the occupation of John Pollock
OS1/9/4/23 Loch Lomond "Loch Lomond" 018 Described and Authorities quoted in the Name Book of the 6 inch Plans of the "Loch"
OS1/9/4/23 23 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/23 For Loch Lomond, see Dunbartonshire Name Book 12, Loch Lomond and Islands, page 22.
OS1/9/4/24 Cameron Cameron Cameron Cameron Valuation Roll A Smollett Esqr Propr [Proprietor] Walter Smith Inspector 018 A superior dwellinghouse on the shore of Loch Lomond having extensive plantations Garden and ornamental ground attached the property of and occupied by A Smollett
OS1/9/4/24 Site of Castle Site of Castle Site of Castle Site of Castle Site of Castle A J D Brown Esqr David Hill overseer Mr Wilson Road Surveyor New Stat: Acct. [Statistical Account] 018 The site of this Castle formerly the residence of the Lennox family is about 24 chains S W [South West] of Balloch Castle having the remains of a Moat or ditch still traceable, its site is well known in the locality.
OS1/9/4/24 24 Parish of Bonhill The Castle of Belach (or Balloch) was the early seat of the Lennox family and their charters are dated from thence in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, before they resided at Inchmurrin. The site is still marked by the fosse but no remains of building have been seen in our time." New Stat [Statistical] Acct [Account]
OS1/9/4/25 BALLOCH CASTLE Balloch Castle Balloch Castle Balloch Castle Valuation Roll A J D Brown Propr. [Proprietor] Walter Smith 018 This Residence So Called is erected in the Castle style of Architecture having extensive Ornamental ground gardens and Offices attached the property of and occupied by A J D Brown.
OS1/9/4/25 BALLOCH COTTAGES Balloch Cottages Balloch Cottages Balloch Cottages A J D Brown Propr [Proprietor] David Hill Mr Thomson 018 Two Cottages near Lodge entrance to Balloch Castle named as Supplied the property of A J D Brown and occupied by the proprietors servants.
OS1/9/4/25 LOCH LOMOND 018 Described, and Authorities quoted in Name Book of Loch Lomond with its Islands.
OS1/9/4/25 25 Parish of Bonhill [Below entry for Balloch Castle:] "Bealach, A defile, A passage, the passage or gorge of a mountain" Gael. [Gaelic] Balladh, or Balla, (G.) [Gaelic] A wall, a rampart.
OS1/9/4/25 For Loch Lomond, see Name Book for Dumbartonshire, volume 9 Kilmaronock Parish, page 17.
OS1/9/4/26 26 [Blank page]
OS1/9/4/27 PADDY'S CASTLE Paddy's Castle Paddy's Castle Paddy's Castle Mrs. M Kippen Proprss [Proprietress] Walter Smith Inspector William Cairns occupier 018 A two story dwellinghouse generally occupied by Irish workmen Mrs Marianne Kippen proprietress
OS1/9/4/27 BALLAGAN Ballagan Ballagan Ballagan Valuation Roll Mrs M Kippen Walter Smith Inspector 018 A dwellinghouse with Offices in good repair the property of Mrs. M Kippen now occupied by Thomas Meikle
OS1/9/4/27 WESTERTON HOUSE Westerton House Westerton House Westerton House Valuation Roll Mrs M Kippen Walter Smith 018 A neat dwellinghouse with garden Ornamental ground and plantation attached the property and occupied by Mrs. Marianne Kippen
OS1/9/4/27 27 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/28 HAWTHORN PLACE Hawthorn Place Hawthorn Place Hawthorn Place Name Plate Mrs. M Kippen Proprss. [Proprietress] Walter Smith Inspector 018 Two dwellings So Called one of which is a public house the property of Mrs. Kippen & occupied by J McMorton and others
OS1/9/4/28 BALLAGAN MILL Ballagan Mill Ballagan Mill Ballagan Mill Valuation Roll Walter Smith Inspector James Campbell 018 A Mill for Cutting and dressing Stones named as Supplied the property and occupied by James Campbells Heirs
OS1/9/4/28 UPPER LEDERISHBEG Upper Lederishbeg Upper Lederishbeg Upper Lederishbeg A J D Brown Propr. [Proprietor] Mr Wilson Road Surveyor Walter Smith 018 This farmsteading is the property of A J D Brown Esqr. now in the occupation of Archibald McKinlay
OS1/9/4/28 LOWER LEDERISHBEG Lower Lederishbeg Lower Lederishbeg Lower Lederishbeg A J D Brown Propr [Proprietor] Mr Wilson Road Surveyor Walter Smith (Inspector) 018 A dwellinghouse with Offices the property of A J D Brown now occupied by John Ritchie.
OS1/9/4/28 28 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/29 BLAIRHOSH Blairhosh Blairhosh Blairhosh Valuation Roll Mrs M Kippen Proptress [Proprietress] Walter Smith (Inspector) 018 A dwellinghouse with Offices the property of Mrs. M Kippen now occupied by John Wotherspoon.
OS1/9/4/29 WESTERTON Westerton Westerton Westerton Valuation Roll Mrs M Kippen Walter Smith 018 A farm or home Steading So Called the property of and occupied by Mrs M Kippen
OS1/9/4/29 29 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/30 30 Blank page.
OS1/9/4/31 FORTH AND CLYDE JUNCTION RAILWAY Forth and Clyde Junction Railway Forth and Clyde Junction Railway Forth and Clyde Junction Railway Bills of Company Mr Bilsland Station Master R D MacKenzie Factor 018 A line of Railway So Called for the Conveyance of passengers and Minerals from Stirling to Balloch
OS1/9/4/31 31 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/32 32 Blank page.
OS1/9/4/33 BALLOCH PIER Balloch Pier Balloch Pier Balloch Pier Thomas Robertson Pier Master Mr Mitchell Balloch Hotel John McMurray S [Station] Master 018 This Pier is erected in Loch lomond and is also the Terminus of the Caledonian & Dumbartonshire Junction Railway
OS1/9/4/33 DRUMKINNAN Drumkinnan Drumkinnan Drumkinnan R D MacKenzie Factor Mr William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Mr Smollett 018 An old farmsteading the property of Captn [Captain] R Buchanan now occupied by William Campbell.
OS1/9/4/33 TULLICHEWAN COTTAGES Tullichewan Cottages Tullichewan Cottages Tullichewan Cottages William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Walter Howatt occr [occupier] Walter Smith 018 Two Cottages at the North end of the Crosstone Road the property of William Campbell Senr. [Senior] of Tullichewan Castle now occupied by Walter Howatt and others.
OS1/9/4/33 33 Parish of Bonhill [At bottom of page:] Caledonian and Dumbartonshire } Junction Railway..........................} River Leven .................................} described in N. [Name] Sheets of 10 ft [foot] Plans
OS1/9/4/34 BALLOCH STATION Balloch Station Balloch Station Balloch Station Bills of Company John McMurray (S. M. [Station Master]) William Campbell Junr. [Junior] 018 A railway Station near the banks of Loch Lomond on the Caledonian & Dumbartonshire Junction Railway.
OS1/9/4/34 SUSPENSION BRIDGE [Balloch] Balloch Bridge Balloch Bridge Balloch Bridge Mr Mitchell Lessee William Campbell Junr .[Junior] Walter Smith 018 An Iron Suspension bridge So Called across the River Leven on which tolls are payable Sir James Colquhoun is proprietor Mr. Mitchell Tacksman
OS1/9/4/34 HOTEL [Balloch] Balloch Hotel Balloch Hotel Balloch Hotel Sign Board Mr Mitchell occr [occupier] William Campbell Junr. [Junior] 018 A first class Hotel the property of Sir James Colquhoun occupied by Mr J Mitchell
OS1/9/4/34 BALLOCH Balloch Balloch Balloch Mr Brown Mr J Mitchell William Campbell Junr [Junior] 018 A few dwellinghouses named as Supplied near Balloch Hotel
OS1/9/4/34 34 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/35 STONEYMOLLAN Stoneymollan Stoneymollan Stoneymollan Stoneymullin R D MacKenzie Factor W Liddell Factor Robert Hamilton occr. [occupier] Valuation Roll 018 A farm steading the property of Captn [Captain] R Buchanan now occupied by Robert Hamilton and Robert Gardiner.
OS1/9/4/35 THE DAIRY [Tullichewan Castle] The Dairy The Dairy The Dairy William Campbell Junr [Junior] Robert Hamilton Walter Smith 018 The Dairy Connected with Tullichewan Castle Mr William Campbell Senr. [Senior] Propr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/4/35 DALVAIT COTTAGE Dalvait Cottage Dalvait Cottage Dalvait Cottage Mr J. Nairn Propr [Proprietor] Walter Smith Mr Roxburgh (Manager) 018 A neat Cottage the property of and occupied by John Nairn.
OS1/9/4/35 35 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/36 WOODBANK Woodbank Woodbank Woodbank Valuation Roll William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Walter Smith 018 A neat dwelling house with ornamental ground attached the property of and occupied by William Campbell Junr. [Junior]
OS1/9/4/36 HOME FARM Home Farm Home Farm Home Farm Valuation Roll William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Walter Smith 018 This farm steading with Saw Mill attached is the property of William Campbell Senr. [Senior] now occupied by Robert Hamilton
OS1/9/4/36 TULLICHEWAN CASTLE Tullichewan Castle Tullichewan Castle Tullichewan Castle Tillichewan Castle Mr A Smollett William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Walter Smith Valuation Roll 018 A Superior residence in the Castle Style of Architecture with Garden plantations and extensive ornamental grounds adjoining the property of and occupied by William Campbell Senr. [Senior]
OS1/9/4/36 36 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/37 CARROCHAN BURN Carrochan Burn Carrochan Burn Carrochan Burn Mr D A Stewart Captn [Captain] Ritchie Mr Thomas Roxburgh 018 The name of this burn is applicable from the boundary of Kilmaronock being the Continuation of Cranloch Burn to its junction with the River Leven at Levenbank Works.
OS1/9/4/37 ROSEHEAD Rosehead Rosehead Rosehead William Asson occ [occupier] Mr McMurray Station Mr. [Master] Walter Smith 018 A Cottage the property of the Forth and Clyde Junction Railway Compy. [Company] occupied by William Asson.
OS1/9/4/37 MILL OF BALLOCH Mill of Balloch Mill of Balloch Mill of Balloch Valuation Roll Mr D A Stewart Walter Smith 018 A grain Mill near Levenbank Works the property of Patrick McAlister now occupied by William Pollock
OS1/9/4/37 37 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/37 Rosehead: William Asson found as William Easson, in Bonhill, in 1861 Scottish Census.
OS1/9/4/38 KNOWHEAD Knowhead Knowhead Knowhead Valuation Roll Mr Thomas Roxburgh Walter Smith 018 A dwellinghouse So Called the property of and occupied by John Nairn.
OS1/9/4/38 LENNOXBANK Lennoxbank Lennoxbank Lennoxbank Mr Thomas Roxburgh Walter Smith William Campbell Junr [Junior] 018 A neat dwellinghouse with garden attached the property of and occupied by Archibald Orr Ewing.
OS1/9/4/38 DALVAIT Dalvait Dalvait Dalvait Valuation Roll Mr Thomas Roxburgh Walter Smith 018 A few dwellinghouses So Called the property of A. O Ewing now occupied by Alexander Sharp and others
OS1/9/4/38 LEVENBANK PRINT WORKS Levenbank Works Levenbank Works Levenbank Works Valuation Roll Mr Thomas Roxburgh (Manager) Walter Smith 018 An extensive establishment in which Calico fabrics are dyed & printed the property of and occupied by Archibald Orr Ewing
OS1/9/4/38 38 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/39 MOLLANBOWIE Mollanbowie Mollanbowie Mollanbowie Valuation Roll A J D Brown Esqr. Walter Smith 018 A dwellinghouse with offices the property of A J D Brown now occupied by William Lindsay
OS1/9/4/39 BLACKHOUSELIN Blackhouselin Blackhouselin Blackhouselin A J D Brown David Hill (overseer) Walter Smith Inspector 018 Two Cottages So Called the property of A J D Brown now occupied by Archibald Campbell & others
OS1/9/4/39 HALDANE'S MILL Haldane's Mill Haldane's Mill Haldane's Mill Road Schedule Duncan McCall Walter Smith 018 A small village having a Corn Mill Smithy and Toll Bar the property of William McAlister and occupied by James Craig and others.
OS1/9/4/39 39 Parish of Bonhill [Below entry for Blackhouselin:] This would appear to have been originally Blackhouseland
OS1/9/4/40 HALDANE'S COTTAGE Haldane's Cottage Haldane's Cottage Haldane's Cottage James Craig Occr [Occupier] Walter Smith John Mitchell 018 A neat Cottage So Called the property of Mr Murray now occupied by James Craig
OS1/9/4/40 BALLAGAN BURN Ballagan Burn Ballagan Burn Ballagan Burn James Craig D A Stewart (Redcraig) Mr Thomas Roxburgh 018 This name is applicable to this Stream from the Boundary of Kilmaronock by Paddy's Castle thence to Ballagan Mile to its Junction with Carrochan Burn near Milton
OS1/9/4/40 MILTON Milton Valuation Roll 018 This farmsteading is a life Rent [for] Mrs. Ewing Mr C Ewing is the principal proprietor - in the occupation of John Blair.
OS1/9/4/40 40 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/41 DUMBAIN Dumbain Dumbain Dumbain Valuation Roll Mrs Marianne Kippen Walter Smith 018 A dwellinghouse with offices the property of Marianne Kippen now occupied by James McConachie.
OS1/9/4/41 AUCHINCARROCH Auchincarroch Auchincarroch Auchincarroch Valuation Roll James McAlister occr [occupier] Walter Smith 018 A neat dwellinghouse with offices adjoining the property of William McAlister Donald now in the occupation of James McAlister
OS1/9/4/41 MID AUCHINCARROCH Mid Auchincarroch Mid Auchincarroch Mid Auchincarroch James McAlister D A Stewart Redcraig Walter Smith 018 This farmsteading is the property of Miss McAlister now in the occupation of Robert Bilsland.
OS1/9/4/41 41 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/42 CRANLOCH BURN Cranloch Burn Cranloch Burn Cranloch Burn R D MacKenzie Factor D A Stewart Mr John Robb 018 The Source of this burn is Caldarvan Loch name applicable from thence to the Carrochan Burn in Bonhill
OS1/9/4/42 FREE CHURCH SCHOOL [Jamestown] School School School David Orkney Teacher Mr Thomas Roxburgh Captn n[Captain] Ritchie 018 A one Story building used as a School in Connection with the Free Church by which body the Teacher is Supported together with the Goverment Grant Scholars pay a Small fee
OS1/9/4/42 POST OFFICE [Jamestown] Post office Post office Post office Mr T Roxburgh Captn [Captain] Ritchie Mr J McAlister 018 There is one delivery and one departure of Mails daily here it [is] a receiving office to Alexandria P.O. [Post Office]
OS1/9/4/42 42 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/43 JAMESTOWN STATION Jamestown Station Jamestown Station Jamestown Station Bills of Compy. [Company] John Robertson Station Mr. [Master] Mr Thomas Roxburgh 018 A railway Station at the village of Jamestown on the Forth and Clyde Junction Railway.
OS1/9/4/43 LEVENBANK COTTAGE Levenbank Cottage Levenbank Cottage Levenbank Cottage Mr Thomas Roxburgh occr. [occupier] Walter Smith Inspector Mr William Pollock 018 A neat Cottage occupied by the Manager of Levenbank Works A O Ewing proprietor
OS1/9/4/43 MILTON COTTAGE Milton Cottage Milton Cottage Milton Cottage Mr Thomas Roxburgh William Pollock Walter Smith 018 A dwelling house So Called the property of A O Ewing now occupied by William Pollock
OS1/9/4/43 REDCRAIG Redcraig Redcraig Redcraig Valuation Roll Mr D A Stewart Propr [Proprietor] Walter Smith 018 A dwellinghouse with Small Plantn. [Plantation] and garden attached the property of and occupied by D A Stewart.
OS1/9/4/43 43 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/44 JAMESTOWN Jamestown Jamestown Jamestown Mr William Campbell Junr [Junior] Walter Smith Inspector Thomas Roxburgh 018 A Small Village about ¾ of a mile north of the Village of Bonhill on the Turnpike Road to Stirling there is a post office and Parish School it also adjoins Levenbank Works
OS1/9/4/44 SCHOOL [Jamestown] School Mr Thomas Roxburgh 018 A neat Stone building now in the course of erection intended for the Parish School the Heritors of the parish have Subscribed 300£ towards its completion and Mr Archibald Orr Ewing will defray the remainder. Robert Brown Teacher
OS1/9/4/44 44 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/45 ARTHURSTON MILL (Dyewood) Arthurston Mill Dyewood Arthurston Mill Dyewood Arthurston Mill Dyewood D A Stewart Propr. [Proprietor] Mr Thomas Roxburgh Walter Smith 018 In this establishment particular Wood is manufactured for Dyeing purposes Mr D A Stewart is the proprietor and occupier.
OS1/9/4/45 RUCHETMOSS BURN Ruchetmoss Burn Ruchetmoss Burn D A Stewart Mr James McAlister 018 This small burn is named as Supplied from its Junction with the Carrochan Burn at Arthurston Mill to the parish road at 22 chains East of the Same
OS1/9/4/45 45 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/46 RING Ring Ring Ring Valuation Roll Mr James McAlister D A Stewart 018 An old farmsteading the property of William McAlister Donald now in the occupation of Alexander Gray.
OS1/9/4/46 TAMMYDHU Tarnadhu Tammydhu Tammydhu Tammydhu Valuation Roll D A Stewart James McAlister John Graham Woodside 018 This house is named as Supplied but unoccupied William McAlister Donald is the proprietor
OS1/9/4/46 BLAIRVAULT BURN Blairvault Burn Blairvault Burn Blairvault Burn D A Stewart James McAlister John Graham 018 This name is applicable from Fairview to junction with Carrochan Burn near Ring.
OS1/9/4/46 46 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/47 BLAIRVAULT Blairvault Blairvault Blairvault Valuation Roll D A Stewart Walter Smith 018 This dwellinghouse is the property of William McAlister Donald in the occupation of James McAlister
OS1/9/4/47 FAIRVIEW Fairview Fairview Fairview Mr James McAlister John Graham D A Stewart 018 A Cottage So Called on an Elevated position the property of William McAlister Donald now in the occupation of James McAlister.
OS1/9/4/47 47 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/48 48 Blank page
OS1/9/4/49 EASTER AUCHINCARROCH Easter Auchincarroch Easter Auchincarroch Easter Auchincarroch William MacKinlay Propr. [Proprietor] Mr James McAlister Robert Bilsland 018 A farm steading named as Supplied the property of Mr. William MacKinlay now occupied by Mr. Robert Bilsland
OS1/9/4/49 AUCHINCARROCH PLANTATION Auchincarroch Plantn. [Plantation] Auchincarroch Plantation Auchincarroch Plantation Mr James McAlister William McAlister Donald Robert Bilsland 018 A plantation of Fir on an elevated portion of ground adjoining Auchincarroch Muir the property of William McAlister Donald.
OS1/9/4/49 AUCHINCARROCH MUIR Auchincarroch Muir Auchincarroch Muir Auchincarroch Muir William MacKinlay Propr [Proprietor] James McAlister Robert Bilsland 018 A Considerable portion of rough heathy pasture extending Southward from the Cultivated lands of Easter Auchincarroch to the Common Kist
OS1/9/4/49 49 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/50 50 Blank page
OS1/9/4/51 BROMLEY MUIR Bromley Muir Bromley Muir Bromley Muir Mr William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Mr John Turnbull Walter Gardiner 018 This Muir farms part of the high ridge on the West Side of Alexandria, William Campbell Senr. [Senior] is the proprietor
OS1/9/4/51 HIGH BROMLEY High Bromley High Bromley High Bromley William Campbell Junr [Junior] John McIntosh occr. [occupier] Walter Smith 018 Formerly a farm steading, now occupied by John McIntosh, Gamekeeper, William Campbell Senr. [Senior] Propr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/4/51 BROMLEY Bromley Bromley Bromley Broomly William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Mr John Turnbull Walter Smith Valuation Roll 018 A Superior dwellinghouse with Garden and Ornamental Ground, the property of William Campbell Senr. [Senior], and occupied by Mr James Campbell
OS1/9/4/51 51 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/52 OVERTON MUIR Overton Muir Overton Muir Overton Muir Mr A Smollett William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Mr John Turnbull 018 Its bounded on the North by Bromley Muir on the South by Millburn Muir on the West by the parish boundary and forms part of that high Ridge of Muirland on the West Side of Alexandria Mr A Smollett proprietor
OS1/9/4/52 MULLOUR Mullour Mullour Mullour Mullour Millour Mr A Smollett propr [proprietor] Mr John Turnbull Walter Smith Revd [Reverend] Mr Kidd William Campbell Junr [Junior] 018 The highest part of Overton Muir So Called, from which a very extensive view of the Surrounding Country can be obtained.
OS1/9/4/52 MILLBURN MUIR Millburn Muir Millburn Muir Millburn Muir Mr John Turnbull Walter Gardiner Mr A Smollett 018 Bounded on the North by Overton Muir on the West and South by the Parish By. [Boundary] Mr A Smollett propr. [proprietor]
OS1/9/4/52 52 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/53 OVERTON Overton Overton Overton Mr A Smollett Walter Smith Mr John Turnbull 018 A farmsteading on the lands of Middleton So Called, the property of Mr A Smollett, occupied by Walter Gardiner,
OS1/9/4/53 MILLBURN Millburn Millburn Millburn Mr A Smollett, Propr [Proprietor] Mr John Turnbull Walter Smith 018 A dwellinghouse with offices the property of Mr A Smollett, now in the occupation of Messrs. Turnbull,
OS1/9/4/53 WATER TANK Water Tank Water Tank Water Tank Mr McKinlay, Post office, Walter Smith, Walter Gardiner, This water tank or Reservir is Roofed from which the inhabitants of Alexandria are Supplied with water,
OS1/9/4/53 53 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/54 MANSE [nr Millburn] Manse Manse Manse Revd [Reverend] M Kidd Mr John Turnbull Walter Smith 018 This manse with garden is Church property connected with the Q.S. [Quod Sacra] parish of Alexandria the Revd. [Reverend] M Kidd, occupier
OS1/9/4/54 CARMAN [hill] Carman Carman Carman Carman Hill Mr John Turnbull William Campbell Junr. [Junior] Walter Smith Co [County] Map 018 A Conspicuous hill So Called the highest point of which is in Bonhill parish on the South Side of Millburn Muir
OS1/9/4/54 54 Parish of Bonhill [After entry for Carman:] Watties Loan School Caledonian and } Described in N. [Name] Sheets of Dumbartonshire.. 10 feet plans Junction Railway
OS1/9/4/55 SCHOOL School School School J Mushat Schoolmaster Robert McAdam Pupil Teacher W. McFarlane Merchant 018 A handsomely built edifice erected a few years ago by the heritors of the parish The lower flat is occupied as the Ph. [Parish] School and the upper as the Schoolmaster's residence.
OS1/9/4/55 55 Plan 018.09 Parish of Bonhill Dumbartonshire
OS1/9/4/56 56 Blank page
OS1/9/4/57 NORTHFIELD COTTAGE Northfield Cottage Northfield Cottage Northfield Cottage Mr John McGowan Alexander Rattray Walter Smith 018 A Cottage So Called with Small garden attached the property of Mr C Ewing now occupied by Alexander Rattray (Gamekeeper).
OS1/9/4/57 57 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/58 WOODSIDE Woodside Woodside Woodside Valuation Roll Walter Smith John Graham 018 A dwellinghouse with offices the property of Mr C Ewing now occupied by John Graham
OS1/9/4/58 58 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/59 DROVE ROAD [Bonhill-Stirling] Drove Road Drove Road Drove Road Mr Walter Smith Mr John McGowan Wood Merchant Alexander Rattray Gamekeeper 018 This Drove road extends from Bonhill Village by Pappert Hill thence by the Common Kist across the northern part of Dumbarton Moor in direction of Stirling
OS1/9/4/59 PAPPERT HILL Pappert Hill Pappert Hill Pappert Hill Mr Walter Smith John McGowan Alexander Rattray 018 An eminence So Called planted with fir a portion of which is in Dumbarton parish the property of Mr C Ewing The highest point of the hill is in Bonhill.
OS1/9/4/59 59 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/60 PAPPERTHILL WELL Papperthill Well Papperthill Well Papperthill Well Andrew Jenkins Shepherd Mr John McGowan Alexander Rattray 018 A spring well So Called near Pappert Hill on the North Side of the Drove Road name well known.
OS1/9/4/60 COMMON KIST Common Kist Common Kist Common Kist William MacKinlay Mr John McGowan Andrew Jenkins 018 A well known boundary mark named as Supplied adjoining Dumbarton Muir forming the Junction of Bonhill and Kilmaronock parishes
OS1/9/4/60 60 Parish of Bonhill [Below entry for Common Kist:] As this object was discovered to be an antiquity after the Plans were forwarded to OSO [Ordnance Survey Office] Southn. [Southampton] will you please to arrange and write the name in Old English. By order B Render 2nd Corpl. [Corporal] RE [Royal Engineers] Captain Scott R.E. [Royal Engineers] It is an ancient Stone Kist or Coffin. See Name Book of adjoining Parish J[K]
OS1/9/4/61 PLACE OF BONHILL Place of Bonhill Place of Bonhill Place of Bonhill Mr A Smollett Propr [Proprietor] Mr John Turnbull occr [occupier] Walter Smith Inspector 018 This place was formerly the residence of the Smollett family but is now occupied by Messrs J & S Turnbull Mr A Smollett proprietor
OS1/9/4/61 61 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/62 POACHY GLEN Poachy Glen Poachy Glen Poachy Glen Mr John Turnbull Mr W Ritchie Walter Smith 018 A glen So Called stretching Westward from Millburn Works for about ½ a mile the stram forming the parish boundary flows through this place
OS1/9/4/62 MILLBURN WORKS Millburn Works Millburn Works Millburn Works Mr John Turnbull Joseph Turnbull Walter Smith 018 The Manufacture of Pyroligneous Acids is carried on here by Messrs. John & Joseph Turnbull
OS1/9/4/62 DILLICHIP PRINT WORKS Dillichip Works Dillichip Works Dillichip Works John McAllan Mr John Turnbull Walter Smith 018 In this establishment Calico fabric is dyed and printed business conducted by McAllan and Brother
OS1/9/4/62 62 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/63 KIRKLANDGLEN Kirklandglen Kirklandglen Kirklandglen John Macfarlane occ [occupier] Mr James Murray Walter Smith 018 A dwellinghouse So Called, the property of Mr Pearson, now occupied by John Macfarlane,
OS1/9/4/63 DILLICHIP Dillichip Dillichip Dillichip Valuation Roll Mr James Murray Walter Smith 018 A farmsteading named as Supplied, the property of Mr. Arthur, now in the occupation of Andrew Biggar,
OS1/9/4/63 LADYTON COTTAGE Ladyton Cottage Ladyton Cottage Ladyton Cottage John McEwer Propr [Proprietor] Walter Smith John Macfarlane 018 A neat Cottage with garden attached, the property of & occupied by John McEwer,
OS1/9/4/63 LISSA COTTAGE Lissa Cottage Lissa Cottage Lissa Cottage James L Parker occr [occupier] John McEwer Walter Smith 018 A Cottage, the property of Mr MacKlin, now occupied by James L. Parker,
OS1/9/4/63 63 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/63 The proprietor of Ladyton Cottage seems to be written John McEwer, although it may more likely be McEwen.
OS1/9/4/64 DILLICHIP COTTAGE Dillichip Cottage Dillichip Cottage Dillichip Cottage John McAllan Propr [Proprietor] Mr James Murray Walter Smith 018 A neat Cottage with gardens attached the property of and occupied by John McAllan
OS1/9/4/64 REDBURN COTTAGE Redburn Cottage Redburn Cottage Redburn Cottage Mr James Murray Walter Smith John McAllan 018 A Cottage So Called the property of Mr Ewing now in the occupation of James Murray.
OS1/9/4/64 RED BURN Red Burn Red Burn Red Burn Mr. James Murray John McAllan William Conbrough 018 This name applies to a Stream forming the parish boundary from the River Leven to the East Side of Crof Huggan.
OS1/9/4/64 64 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/65 CROFT HUGGAN Croft Huggan Croft Huggan Mr James Murray William Conbrough 018 This name applies to an inclosure planted with forest trees through which the Red Burn flows Mr C Ewing Propr. [Proprietor]
OS1/9/4/65 NOBLESTON Nobleston Nobleston Nobleston Valuation Roll Mr James Murray William Conbrough 018 A farmsteading the property of Mr Ewing now occupied by William Conbrough.
OS1/9/4/65 65 Parish of Bonhill
OS1/9/4/66 Bonhill Bonhil Bonhill Bonhill Bonhill Bonhil Bonhill Bonhill Old Stat Act. [Statistical Accounts] New Stat Act [Statistical Account] Fullarton's Gazetteer Origines Par [Parochiales] Scotiae Chalmer's Caledonia County Map Sheriff's Returns "According to the erudite author of the "Caledonia", this parish derives its name from the Gaelic word Bog-n'-uill, or "foot of the rivulet" - an etymology which is supported by the situation of the parish church. In olden times the named was spelt "Buthelulle", "Bohtlul, and "Buchlul" but the Gaelic guttural became afterwards softened into Balul, and finally into its present form, Bonhill. The parish which is about 4 miles square, is bounded on the north by Kilmarnonock, Lochlomond, and Luss, on the south by Dumbarton and Cardross, on the east by Kilmaronock, and on the west by Cardross. Prior to 1650, the parish comprehended little more than the ten merk of land of Bonhill on the Leven, but in that year it was enlarged by the addition of Tillichewan, Stuckrogert, Cameron, and Auchendenan, from the parish of Luss, and of Balloch, Milton, Blairquhois (or Westerton), Ballagan, and Ledrishbeg, from the parish of Kilmaronock. This annexation was made by the commissioners for the [continued on page 67]
OS1/9/4/66 66
OS1/9/4/67 67 [Continued from page 66] Plantation of Kirks at the desire of the heritors and Presbytery. The earliest reference to this parish which has yet been discovered is in a charter granted in 1270 by Maldowen the third Earl of Lennox." (Irving's History of Dumbartonshire). "The lands in this parish, as may readily be conceived from the larger manufacturing population, are all cultivated according to the most improved methods, Furrow draining has been adopted to some extent, and with the usual good effects. The subsoil plough has been but partially used, but in some instances where it has been tried, it has doubled the value of the land. The horses generally used for agricultural purposes are the Clydesdale breed. The cows are chiefly of the Ayrshire variety, and considered to be excellent for the purposes of the dairy". - New Stat Act [Statistical Account] There is no portion of this parish detached, nor part or parts of any other Parish, contained within the proper boundary of this parish.
OS1/9/4/69 69 INDEX Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Arden Cottage -- 13 -- 16 -- 2 Arden -- 13 -- 16 -- 2 Auchendennan Cottage -- 17 -- 4 -- 5 Auchindennan -- 17 -- 4 -- 6 Auchinheglish -- 17 -- 4 -- 6 Auchindennan Muir -- 17 -- 4 -- 10 Auchincarroch -- 18 -- 6 -- 41 Arthurston Mill (Dyewood) -- 18 -- 6 -- 45 Auchincarroch Plantation -- 18 -- 7 -- 49 Auchincarroch Muir -- 18 -- 7 -- 49 Belretiro -- 17 -- 4 -- 11 Blackthird -- 17 -- 11 -- 20 Burn of Balloch -- 18 -- 1 -- 23 Balloch Castle -- 18 -- 1 -- 25 Balloch Cottage -- 18 -- 1 -- 25 Ballagan -- 18 -- 2 -- 27 Ballagan Mill -- 18 -- 2 -- 28 Blairhosh -- 18 -- 2 -- 29 Balloch Pier -- 18 -- 5 -- 33 Balloch Station -- 18 -- 5 -- 34 Balloch -- 18 -- 5 -- 34 Blackhouslin -- 18 -- 6 -- 39 Ballagan Burn -- 18 -- 6 -- 40 Blairvault Burn -- 18 -- 6 -- 46 Blairvault -- 18 -- 6 -- 47 Bromley Muir -- 18 -- 9 -- 51 Bromley -- 18 -- 9 -- 51 Cockhill Muir -- 17 -- 3 -- 3 Cock Hill -- 17 -- 4 -- 9 Cockhill Plantation -- 17 -- 4 -- 9 Cockhill -- 17 -- 4 -- 9 Cameron Home Farm -- 17 -- 4 -- 11 Cameron Plantation -- 17 -- 8 -- 15 Cross Stone -- 17 -- 8 -- 16 Cross Stone Well -- 17 -- 8 -- 16 Crosstone Road -- 17 -- 11 -- 19 Cameron -- 18 -- 1 -- 24 Caledonian & Dumbartonshire Junct [Junction] Raily. [Railway] -- 18 -- 5 -- 33 Carrochan Burn -- 18 -- 5 -- 37 Cranloch Burn -- 18 -- 6 -- 42 Carman -- 18 -- 9 -- 54 Common Kist -- 18 -- 11 -- 60 Croft Huggan -- 18 -- 14 -- 65 Darleith Muir -- 18 -- 7 -- 13 Darleith House -- 18 -- 11 -- 20 Drumfairn -- 18 -- 12 -- 21 Drumkinnan -- 18 -- 5 -- 33 Dalvait Cottage -- 18 -- 5 -- 35 Dalvait -- 18 -- 5 -- 38 Dumbain -- 18 -- 6 -- 41 Drove Road -- 18 -- 11 -- 59 Dillichip Print Works -- 18 -- 13 -- 62 Dillichip -- 18 -- 14 -- 63 Dillichip Cottage -- 18 -- 14 -- 64 Easter Auchincarroch -- 18 -- 7 -- 49 Forth & Clyde Junction Railway -- 18 -- 3 -- 31 F.C. [Free Church] School -- 18 -- 6 -- 42
OS1/9/4/70 70 Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Fairview -- 18 -- 6 -- 47 Garmore -- 17 -- 12 -- 21 Hotel -- 18 -- 5 -- 34 Hawthorn Place -- 18 -- 2 -- 28 Home Farm -- 18 -- 5 -- 36 Haldane's Mill -- 18 -- 5 -- 39 Haldane's Cottage -- 18 -- 5 -- 40 High Bromley -- 18 -- 9 -- 51 Jamestown Station -- 18 -- 6 -- 43 Jamestown -- 18 -- 6 -- 43 Killeter -- 17 -- 7 -- 13 Knowhead -- 18 -- 5 -- 38 Kirklandglen -- 18 -- 14 -- 63 Lower Ledrishbeg -- 18 -- 2 -- 28 Loch Lomond -- 18 -- 1 -- 25 Lennoxbank -- 18 -- 5 -- 38 Levenbank Print Works -- 18 -- 5 -- 38 Levenbank Cottage -- 18 -- 6 -- 43 Loch Lomond -- 18 -- 1 -- 23 Ladybow Cottage -- 18 -- 14 -- 63 Lissa Cottage -- 18 -- 14 -- 63 Muirmailin -- 17 -- 3 -- 10 Millholm -- 17 -- 8 -- 20 Mill of Balloch -- 18 -- 5 -- 37 Mollanbowie -- 18 -- 6 -- 39 Milton -- 18 -- 6 -- 40 Mid Auchincarroch -- 18 -- 6 -- 41 Milton Cottage -- 18 -- 6 -- 43 Mullour -- 18 -- 9 -- 52 Millburn Muir -- 18 -- 9 -- 52 Millburn -- 18 -- 9 -- 53 Manse -- 18 -- 9 -- 54 Millburn Works -- 18 -- 13 -- 62 Northfield Cottage -- 18 -- 10 -- 57 Nobleston -- 18 -- 14 -- 65 Overton -- 17 -- 12 -- 21 Over Balloch -- 18 -- 1 -- 23 Overton Muir -- 18 -- 9 -- 52 Overton -- 18 -- 9 -- 53 Paddy's Castle -- 18 -- 2 -- 27 Post Office -- 18 -- 6 -- 42 Pappert Hill -- 18 -- 11 -- 59 Papperthill Well -- 18 -- 11 --- 60 Place of Bonhill -- 18 -- 11 -- 61 Poachy Glen -- 18 -- 13 -- 62 Red Burn -- 13 -- 16 -- 1 Redhouse T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 13 -- 16 --2 Redburn Plantation -- 17 -- 3 -- 3 Round Hill -- 17 -- 8 -- 15 Rosehead -- 18 -- 5 -- 37 Redcraig -- 18 -- 6 -- 43 Ruchetmoss Burn -- 18 -- 6 -- 45 Ring -- 18 -- 6 -- 46 Redburn Cottage -- 18 -- 14 -- 64 Red Burn -- 18 -- 14 -- 64 Site of Chapel -- 17 -- 4 -- 7 Site of Burial Ground -- 17 -- 4 -- 8 Stoneymollan Muir -- 17 -- 8 -- 15 Site of Castle -- 18 -- 1 -- 24 Suspension Bridge -- 18 -- 5 -- 34
OS1/9/4/70 Haldane's Mill and Haldane's Cottage should be Trace 6, not Trace 5 as implied by the ditto marks which themselves refer back to the Hotel entry, Hawthorn Place being in insertion.
OS1/9/4/71 71 Names -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Stoneymollan -- 18 -- 5 -- 35 School -- 18 -- 6 -- 44 School -- 18 -- 9 -- 55 Tumuli -- 17 -- 8 -- 17 Tullichewan Muir -- 17 -- 8 -- 18 Tullichewan Cottages -- 18 -- 5 -- 33 The Dairy -- 18 -- 5 -- 35 Tullichewan Castle -- 18 -- 5 -- 36 Tommydhu -- 18 -- 6 -- 46 Upper Lederishbeg -- 18 -- 2 -- 28 Wester Auchindennan -- 13 -- 16 -- 1 Westerton House -- 18 -- 2 -- 27 Westerton -- 18 -- 2 -- 29 Woodbank -- 18 -- 5 -- 36 Water Tank -- 18 -- 9 -- 53 Woodside -- 18 -- 10 -- 58