
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BANK HEAD Bankhead
Bank Head
Bank Head
Mr John Wilson Bilholm
James Scott Labourer Airswood
Simon Park
Andrew Halliday
035 [Situation] On the boundary between Eskdalemuir and Westerkirk.
A small hill on Bilholm Farm. Occupied by Mr John Wilson. it is Situated on the N [North] side of Airswood Hill and the Surface is rough pasture.
Yards Rig
Thomas Wightman
Robert Graham
035 [Situation] On the boundary between Eskdalemuir and Westerkirk.
A ridge like elevation covered with rough pasture to the South of Bank Head.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 14
Parish of Westerkirk -- Sheet 35 No 2 Trace 1

[Note] Sheet 35.6

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DANIALSAN, Larry mag

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