
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BUGHT KNOWE Bught Knowe John JacKson Farner Megdale
William JacKson Shepherd Megdale
026 [Situation] ΒΌ of a mile S.E. [South East] of Megdale
A small Knowe the surface of which is covered with Rough Pasture situated at the base of Megsale Hill and South of Trough Hope Burn on the farm of Megdale the property of the Duke of Duke of Buccleuch
MEGDALE HILL Megdale Hill See Name Sheet for Plan 35.4 Page 10 No. 3 Book 3

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 24
Parish of WesterKirK Sheet 26 No 16 Trace 6

W. Stotherd
Capt. Rl Engrs. [Captain Royal Engineers]
31 st Augt. [August] 1857

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