Dumfriesshire volume 49

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info
OS1/10/49/1 TYNRON [parish] Tynron Tynron Tynron Walkers' Map of Scotland Crawford's Map of Dumfriesshire Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire 020; 021; 029; 030; 031 [Situation] In NWn. [North Western] division of the County of Dumfries The Name of this Parish, according to Chalmers in his Caledonia, was anciently written Tyndron, " Tin-droyn or Tin-troyn in the Ancient British, and Dun-droyn in the Irish signify the fortified hill with a Nose". The Name was applied to a round hill which is still called the Doon of Tynron, and on which, there are accordingly still visible certain indications of an Ancient Fort. The Parish of Tynron is bounded on the North by that of Penpont, on the East by Penpont and Keir, on the South by Glencairn and on the West by Glencairn, and Dalry in Kircudbrightshire. There is no detached portion of Tynron within the boundaries of another Parish, nor is there within its boundaries, a detached part of any other Parish. Its length is about 10 miles and average breadth nearly 3 miles. Its area was computed by the Revd. [Reverend] Robert Wilson presently Minister of the Parish at 11,796 Scotch Acres which are equal to about 14,873 Impl. [Imperial] Acres. The correct Area however may be 24 2/3 Square miles or 15,700 acres, of which about 1/3 is arable and nearly 450 acres in wood, the remainder is good green pasture but incapable of profitable cultivation. The arable ground which is situate near the centre of the Parish in the Strath of the Shinnel has a [--] and sandy soil, the average rent of which is £1.7.6, and that of the hill or pasture land 5/- p. [£0.5.0 per] acre. The lands in general are well protected and enclosed with whinstone dikes. Farm Steadings have but limited accommodation, but this Parish has not been behind others in this County in the introduction of agricultural improvements, every encouragement being given by the principal proprietors the Duke of Buccleuch and Mr. Walker of Crawfordton in Glencairn. The principal house or mansion is Lann Hall the residence of Dr. [Doctor] Pringle. The prevailing rock is greywacke. At Corfardine towards the S.En. [South Eastern] district there is a bed of Clay Slate which was for some time worked, but latterly abandoned, from the inferior quality of the slate. There is also a bed of flinty slate at Shinnelhead. An attempt was once made to discover Lead on the farm of Stenhouse, which tho' unsuccessful, it is still asserted by many in the district that the metal exists in that locality. Small beds of Granite appear on the Estate of Landhall and the Farm of Ard where the mica being of a yellow colour, has been mistaken [Continued on page 2]
OS1/10/49/1 [Page] 1 Parish of Tynron -- County of Dumfries
OS1/10/49/2 TYNRON Tynron Tynron Tynron Walkers' Map of Scotland Crawford's Map of Dumfriesshire Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire 020; 021; 029; 030; 031 [Continued from page 1] mistaken for gold. There is accordingly no minerals wrought, neither is there any manufacture carried on - the district is consequently entirely rural. The hill have in most instances a gentle acclivity indeed the only exceptions being Craigturrah and Croglin Craig which are bold and precipitous. Tynron Doon which may have an elevation of 600 feet, is situated near the Sn. [Southern] extremity of the Parish, regular and of Conical shape, it presents a somewhat prominent face towards the South. As seen from the Vale of Nith, it is the conspicuous hill feature of this district. Bail Hill on the Western Boundary is stated to be the greatest elevation. Lamgarroch towards the N.Wn. [North Western] district is nearly of equal height vizt. 1800 ft. [feet] above sea level. The most considerable streams are the Shinnel and the Scar, the former rising near the head of the Parish runs S.E. [South East] through the whole length dividing the entire district into two nearly equal parts. The Scar, the largest tributary of the Nith, forms the Boundary with Penpont for about 3 miles on the North. Numerous other streams all having their sources within this Parish - some of which being of considerable bulk - contribute their waters to those of the Scar and the Shinnel. There is only one Turnpike Road which runs in a S.W. [South West] across the Southern district for about 2 1/2 miles to Moniaive in Glencairn. There is only one village Tynron, which consists of a few detached houses, - two and one storey high - all in good repair. In it are the Parish Church, an endowed School, a Sub Post Office and one Grocers Shop. There is only one Church in this Parish, which is Parochial and which is reported to have been partly built with stones taken from the Fort on Tynron Doon. Though of small dimensions, its style is graceful and rich and approaches to that of the Corinthian. It has Accommodation for 314 Sitters. Patron the Duke of Buccleuch. There is also one Parish School situate about 2 miles N.W. [North West] from Tynron village. Population of the Parish 474. (in 1853) The Roman Road is reported by various Authorities to have traversed this Parish. The New Statistical Account says "There are the remains of a Roman road leading from the Doon to Drumloff and crossing the Shinnel above Stenhouse, - along the line of which Roman urns have been found filled with calcined bones" notwithstanding which and due research and enquiry on the ground, Examiners have been unable to discover any traces of this road. On Tynron Doon the entrenchments of an Ancient Fort are well defined. "The foundations of an extensive building might lately have been traced on the top of this hill and it is stated in Blacks manuscript history of the Presbytery of Penpont deposited in the Advocates' Library that King Robert the Bruce after the death of Cummin was conducted to this as a place of safety" Statistics. If Chalmers interpretation of the Name of the Parish be correct, the period to be assigned to the origin of this stronghold must be that of the Scots-Irish or British. Black's manuscript however goes on to say that on Tynron Doon "there were very thick woods and great about that place - and it is reported that during his (Bruce's) abode there, he did often divert to a poor man's Cottage named Brownrig where he was content with such mean accommodation as the place could afford." This shews that the Fort was at that date untenable and it is probable that Bruce selected Tynron Doon not as a place of concealment but that - commanding as this hill does the entire Vale of the Nith - he deemed it the most advantageous position for descrying his enemies on their approach to or from the town of Dumfries, - "diverting to the poor man's Cottage" &c. during night. It is asserted in the district that several large stones were taken from this Fort - there are however no indications on the ground whereby to confirm the existence of a stone building and the most correct construction upon this Antiquity would seem to be that suggested by Chalmers in the Name of the Parish, that this Fort originated in the Ancient British or Scots-Irish period, which in fact may be farther confirmed by the features of existing entrenchments. "There was formerly a place of religious worship at Kirkconnel, which like other places of the name was dedicated to St. Connel" Statistics. Three Barrows or Cairns existed in this Parish which are said to have been opened about a Century ago, all traces of which have now disappeared. Novr. 15/56. [November 15 1856]
OS1/10/49/2 [Page] 2 Parish of Tynron -- County of Dumfries
OS1/10/49/3 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water William Clarke James Ritchie Robert Newall 020; 021; 030; 031 [Situation] From the NW [North West] side of Parish running S.E. [South East]. A large stream leaving its source in the spring called Water Head immediately after the Water links & issues again, about 1/4 mile lower down then flows in a South East direction falls into Scar Water near Penpont
OS1/10/49/3 LOCKERTY BURN Lockerty Burn Lockerty Burn Lockerty Burn John Clarke William Clarke James Ritchie 020 [Situation] From near NW [North West] point of Parish running S.E. [South East]. A stream having its source in the farm of Shinnelhead flows South and falls into the Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/3 [Page] 3 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/7 Trace 2 Water Head [crossed out] On Common Plan. [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/4 LOCKERTY BOG Lockerty Bog Lockerty Bog Lockerty Bog William Clarke James Ritchie John Clarke 020 [Situation] At the NW [North West] point of Parish A large extent of uncultivated Moorland belonging to the farm of Shinnelhead, This forms a portion of Shinnelhead Pasture & is merely a little softer than the other part of it but not a bog.
OS1/10/49/4 LOCKERTY SHEUCHS Lockerty Sheuchs Lockerty Sheuchs Lockerty Sheuchs William Clarke James Ritchie John Clarke 020 [Situation] At the S.E. [South East] side of Lockerty Bog A piece of rough rutty ground lying between Lockerty Bog and Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/4 CRAW LINN Craw Linn Craw Linn Craw Linn William Clarke James Ritchie John Clarke 020 [Situation] Nearly 3/4 mile from the source of Shinnel Water. A Waterfall in the Shinnel Water, it falls about 10 feet.
OS1/10/49/4 [Page] 4 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/7 Trace 2 [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/5 OVER GRAIN Over Grain Over Grain Over Grain William Clarke James Ritchie John Clarke 020 [Situation] From about 1 mile S.S.E. [South South East] of N.W. [North West] point of Parish running N.E. [North East]. A small stream having its source on the farm of Shinnelhead flows in a an Eastern direction & falls into Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/5 FINGLAND BURN Fingland Burn Fingland Burn Fingland Burn William Clarke James Ritchie John Clarke 020 [Situation] On the N.W. [North West] district running N.E. [North East]. A small stream which is formed by the gathering of surface water, falls into Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/5 HORSE GRAIN Horse Grain Horse Grain Horse Grain William Clarke James Ritchie John Clarke 020 [Situation] From about 16 chains N.E. [North East] running N.N.W. [North North West]. A small stream, formed by the gathering of surface water, falls into the Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/5 [Page] 5 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/7 Trace 5 Shinnelhead Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/6 GOOD BOG Good Bog Good Bog Good Bog William Clarke James Ritchie John Clarke 030 [Situation] Near NW [North West] side of Parish. A piece of spongy ground, but not a bog, on the north side of Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/6 COUNTAM Countam Countam Countam William Clarke James Ritchie John Clarke 020 [Situation] On N.Wn [North Western] Parish Boundary. A hill, over which the parish boundary runs, and having on it a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station, There are other Countams in the district also.
OS1/10/49/6 ALLAN'S CAIRN Allans Cairn Allans Cairn Allans Cairn Allans Cairn Allans Cairn William Sharp Penpont Thomas Sharp Penpont John Wilson Penpont Johnston's County Map 6" Map of Kirkcudbright 020 [Situation] On Parish Boundy. [Boundary] at N.W. [North West] point thereof A Hill on the N.W. [North West] point of this Parish which derives its Name from a Cairn thereon.
OS1/10/49/6 [Page] 6 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20.7 [Signed] Owen Barrett c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/7 HERD NAZE Herd Naze Herd Naze Herd Naze William Clark James Ritchie Samuel Clark 020 [Situation] On Parish Boundary towards NW. [North West] point of Parish. A small extent of rising ground at the north east corner of Lockerty Bog. This is an eminence on the point of a ridge.
OS1/10/49/7 LOCKERTY BOG Lockerty Bog Lockerty Bog Lockerty Bog William Clark John Borthwick Robert Johnston 020 [Situation] From the NW [North West] point of Parish extending East. A large extent of hill pasture situated in the north of this parish
OS1/10/49/7 LOCKERTY BURN Lockerty Burn Lockerty Burn Lockerty Burn William Clark John Borthwick Robert Newall 020 [Situation] From near N.W. [North West] point of Parish running S.E. [South East]. A stream that rises in the Lockerty Bog and flows in a South East direction and falls into the Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/7 [Page] 7 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/8 Trace 1 [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/8 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water William Clark John Borthwick Robert Newall 020; 021; 030; 031 [Situation] NW [North West] side of Parish running S.E. [South East]. A small river that rises in the North West of this parish and flows in a South East direction and joins the Scar Water near to Penpont
OS1/10/49/8 RED CLEUCH Red Cleuch Red Cleuch Red Cleuch William Clark James Ritchie John Borthwick 020 [Situation] At SEn. [South Eastern] extremity of Lockerty Bog. A hollow through which a small stream flows, the name extends as far as the stream.
OS1/10/49/8 LOCKERTY SHEUCHS Lockerty Sheuchs Lockerty Sheuchs Lockerty Sheuchs William Clarke James Ritchie John Borthwick 020 [Situation] At S.E. [South East] side of Lockerty Bog A rough rutty piece of ground lying between Lockerty Bog & the Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/8 [Page] 8 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/8 Trace 1 [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/9 WHITE KNOWE White Knowe White Knowe White Knowe William Clark John Borthwick Robert Johnston 012; 020 [Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary. A small hill situated on the boundary of this Parish with Penpont about 1/2 mile North of Ox Hill
OS1/10/49/9 OVER GRAIN Over Grain Over Grain Over Grain William Clarke John Borthwick James Ritchie 020 [Situation] From about 1 mile S.S.E. [South South East] of N.W. [North West] point of Parish running N.E. [North East]. A small stream, rising under Coats Hill, Joins Nether Grain & both united form the Grain Burn.
OS1/10/49/9 LAGGLUFF Laggluff Laggluff Laggluff William Clarke John Borthwick James Ritchie 020 [Situation] On N.W. [North West] district of Parish. A brow, extends from the top of Nether Grain to Craigeller, And falls downwards towards Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/9 [Page] 9 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/8 Trace 2 [Signed] James Cowan c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/10 OX HILL Ox Hill Ox Hill Ox Hill William Clark John Borthwick Robert Johnston 012; 020 On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary. A large hill situated on the boundary of this Parish with Penpont about 1/2 mile North of Shinnelhead house
OS1/10/49/10 [Page] 10 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/8 Trace 3 Shinnelhead Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace. [Signed] James Cowan c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/11 TROSTON HILL Troston Hill Troston Hill Troston Hill William Clark John Borthwick James Ritchie 020 [Situation] In NWn [North Western] Parish district A small hill near the North of this Parish situated between the Grain Burn and Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/11 GRAIN BURN Grain Burn Grain Burn Grain Burn William Clark John Borthwick James Ritchie 020 [Situation] From 15 Chains South of Troston Hill N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water. A stream formed by the Junction of Nether & Over Grain flows in an Easterly direction and falls into the Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/11 NETHER GRAIN Nether Grain Nether Grain Nether Grain William Clark John Borthwick James Ritchie 020 [Situation] From 1/2 mile South from Troston Hill N. [North] to Grain Burn A small stream that rises in the South East of Colt Hill and flows Northward and falls into the Grain Burn
OS1/10/49/11 [Page] 11 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/8 Trace 4 [Signed] James Cowan ca [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/12 CRAIGELLER Craigeller Craigeller Craigeller William Clark John Borthwick James Ritchie 020 [Situation] Towards NWn. [North Western] Parish district A name given to several small projecting rocks situated about 1/4 mile East of the junction of the White Burn with the Shinnel Water At this craig a conflict is said to have occurred between a party of Covenanters & one of troopers, a person called the Galloway Flail (from generally carrying one) distinguished himself, he threshed all the troopers & broke their swords with the instrument which he was named after.
OS1/10/49/12 LONG KNOWE Long Knowe Long Knowe Long Knowe William Clark John Borthwick James Ritchie 020 [Situation] 22 Chains N.E. [North East] from Craigeller. A small hill feature on Shinnelhead Hill which adjoins Ox Hill on the South-West
OS1/10/49/12 [Page] 12 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/8 Trace 5
OS1/10/49/13 WHITE BURN White Burn White Burn White Burn William Clark John Borthwick James Ritchie 020; 021 [Situation] From about 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] from Laggluff N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water A small stream that rises in the north east side of Lamgarroch Hill and flows in a north east direction and falls into the Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/13 LAMGARROCH STRAND Lamgarroch Strand Lamgarroch Strand Lamgarroch Strand William Clark John Borthwick James Ritchie 020 [Situation] From about 30 chains East of White Burn NN.E. [North North East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream that rises on the east of Lamgarroch Hill and flows in a north east direction and falls into the Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/13 PATIE'S CLEUCH Patie's Cleuch Patie's Cleuch Patie's Cleuch William Clark John Borthwick James Ritchie 020 [Situation] 10 Chains to the East of Lamgarroch Strand. A narrow glen through which a stream flows the Glen is coextensive with the stream, its rise about 1/4 mile South West of Shinnelhead house and flows in a northwardly direction and falls into the Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/13 [Page] 13 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20/8 Trace 6 [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/14 ROUGH CRAIG Rough Craig Rough Craig Rough Craig William Clarke John Clarke James Ritchie 020 [Situation] In NWn. [North Western] district of Parish. A low craig consisting of a few rocks with a few loose stones.
OS1/10/49/14 [Page] 14 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20.8 Trace No. 6
OS1/10/49/15 CRAIGSKEAN Craigskean Craigskean Craigskean John Borthwick William Clark James Ritchie 021 [Situation] In NWn. [North Western] district 22 Chains South from Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary A sharp precipice, have a Knife like edge, Skean in Irish means Knife
OS1/10/49/15 [Page] 15 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/5 Trace 1 Auchengall Cleuch [crossed out] [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/16 [Page] 16 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21.5 Trace 1 & 2 Shinnelhead Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace Auchengall Cleuch [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] Owen Barrett C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/17 WATER HEAD Water Head John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] Near NWn. [North Western] Parish Boundary. A Spring on the northern slope of Black Hill forming the head or Source of Shinnel Water The Water sinks near the spring, and issues about 1/4 mile lower down
OS1/10/49/17 BLACK HILL Black Hill John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] On NWn. [North Western] Parish Boundary A hill of considerable eminence a little to the West of Colt Hill, and near the sumit of which the parish boundary assumes the form of an acute angle.
OS1/10/49/17 [Page] 17 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-11 Trace 1 Signed W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/18 COLT HILL Colt Hill John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] On Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary. A large round hill near the north end of the parish, well known as Cout or Colt Hill.
OS1/10/49/18 [Page] 18 Parish of Tyron -- Plan 20-11 Trace 2 Shinnelhead Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace Appin Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] W. Paterson [C/a Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/19 BLACKCRAIG HILL Blackcraig Hill Blackcraig Hill Blackcraig Hill John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] On Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary. A large black hill near the head of Appin Burn, the watershed of which forms part of the boundary between this parish & Glencairn. The hill takes its name from Black Craig a precipice on its brow.
OS1/10/49/19 LAGDUBH HILL Lagdubh Hill Lagdubh Hill Lagdubh Hill William Wilson John Todd John Ferguson 021 [Situation] 1/4 mile East from Blackcraig Hill. A Considerable hill near Conrick and on the Boundary between this Parish and Glencairn
OS1/10/49/19 [Page] 19 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-11 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/20 APPIN BURN Appin Burn John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] From 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] from Colt Hill, S.E. by E. [South East by East] to Shinnel Water A rapid mountain Stream rising on the eastern slope of Colt Hill and flowing in western direction through the farm of Appin
OS1/10/49/20 [Page] 20 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-11 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson [c/a civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/21 NETHER GRAIN Nether Grain William McCaw John Clark John Borthwick 020 [Situation] 1/2 mile South from Troston Hill - N [North] to Grain Burn. A Small Stream rising on the northern slope of Mid Hill and falling into Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/21 LAGGLUFF Laggluff John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] Towards N.Wn. [North Western] district of Parish. A small natural bank near the head of Nether Grain facing the northwest, with a hollow at its base.
OS1/10/49/21 MID HILL Mid Hill John Clark John Borthwick William McCaw 020 [Situation] Towards NWn. [North Western] district of the Parish A large ridge like hill situated between Lamgarroch and Colt Hill the watershed of which forms the boundary between the farms of Shinnelhead & Appin
OS1/10/49/21 [Page] 21 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-12 Trace 1 [Signed] W Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/22 APPIN BURN Appin Burn John Clark John Borthwick William McCaw 020; 021 [Situation] From 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Colt Hill, S,E by E [South East by East] to Shinnel Water A rapid mountain Stream rising on the eastern slope of Colt hill and flowing in an eastern direction through the farm of Appin.
OS1/10/49/22 [Page] 22 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-12 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/23 WHITE BURN White Burn John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020; 021 [Situation] From about 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Laggluff N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water A Small mountain Stream rising on the northern slope of Lamgarroch Hill and falling into Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/23 LAMGARROCH STRAND Lamgarroch Strand John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] From about 30 Chains East of the source of White Burn - N.N.E. [North North East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream formed by the confluence of a number of drain on the northern slope of Lamgarroch Hill, and falling into Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/23 LAMGARROCH Lamgarroch Lamgarroch Lamgarroch Lamgarroch John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick Statistics of Parish 020 [Situation] Towards N.Wn. [North Western] Parish district. A large round hill, forming the culminating point of a range of hills consisting of Mid Hill, Pearl Rig, Brown Knowes and Croglin Craig. Height nearly 2,000 feet.
OS1/10/49/23 [Page] 23 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-12 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/24 [Page] 24 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-12 Trace 2 Shinnelhead Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/25 PATIE'S CLEUCH Patie's Cleuch John Clark John Borthwick William McCaw 020 [Situation] 10 Chains East from Lamgarroch Strand N.N.E. [North North East]. A slight hollow on the northern slope of Peat Rig with a stream flowing through it which falls into Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/25 THE COAL HOLE The Coalhole John Clark John Borthwick William McCaw 020 [Situation] 16 Chains S.E. [South East] from Patie's Cleugh A small cleuch with a streamlet flowing through it on the northern slope of Peat Rig. An attempt was once made to raise Coal in the vicinity of this cleuch - hence the name.
OS1/10/49/25 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick Johnstons Co. [County] Map 020; 021; 030; 031 [Situation] From N.W. [North West] side of Parish running South - East. A large mountain Stream rising at the head or western end of the Parish, and flowing in an eastern direction through the middle of it until it reaches the eastern end, after which it becomes the boundary between it [and] Keir.
OS1/10/49/25 [Page] 25 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-12 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/26 SHINNELHEAD Shinnelhead Shinnelhead Shinnelhead Shinnel-head John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick Johnstons Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] Near the centre of N.Wn. [North Western] district 6 miles NW [North West] from Tynron village. A dwellinghouse with garden and outhouses situated near the head of Shinnel Water. Residence of the Shepherd of Shinnelhead farm
OS1/10/49/26 PEAT RIG Peat Rig John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] In NWn. [North Western] district of Parish A long ridge of hill immediately to the south of Shinnelhead, the surface of which is level and mossy, and from which peats are frequently taken
OS1/10/49/26 BROWN KNOWES Brown Knowes John Clark John Borthwick William McCaw 020 [Situation] Near the Centre of N.Wn [North Western] district of Parish Two knowes on the Summit of a hill at the eastern end of Peat Rig one of which is within the farm of Shinnelhead and the other on that of Appin.
OS1/10/49/26 [Page] 26 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-12 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/27 CONRICK HASS Conrick Hass John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] On Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary. A deep valley or opening through the hills situated between Mulwhannie and Blackcraig Hill. The name is derived from a house called Conrick in the Parish of Glencairn
OS1/10/49/27 BLACK CRAIG Black Craig Black Craig Black Craig John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] 25 Chains N.W. [North West] from Conrick Hass. A cliff on the brow of a steep hill and so called from its colour.
OS1/10/49/27 [Page] 27 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-12 Trace 4 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/28 [Page] 28 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-12 Trace 5 Appin Hill [crossed out] Cancelled [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/29 YEARN CRAIG Yearn Craig John Borthwick William McCaw John Clark 020 [Situation] On the Sn. [Southern] slope of Peat Rigg A small rocky craig situated on the southern slope of Peat Rig
OS1/10/49/29 SHIEL CLEUCH Shiel Cleuch Shiel Cleuch Shiel Cleuch Shiel Cleuch John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick Robert Newall 020 [Situation] From 48 Chains South of Yearn Craig extending N.N.E. [North North East]. A natural hollow on the northern slope of Mulwhannie with a stream flowing through it, which falls into Appin Burn - from Shield - to shelter
OS1/10/49/29 DUN CLEUCH Dun Cleuch John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020 [Situation] 27 Chains East from Shiel Cleugh A small hollow on the northern slope of Mulwhannie with a stream flowing through it which falls into Appin Burn. The Slope of hill to the east of the Cleuch is known as Dun Brae. - the stream & cleuch is coextensive.
OS1/10/49/29 [Page] 29 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-12 Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/30 DUN BRAE Dun Brae John Clark William McCaw John Borthwick 020; 021 [Situation] On the East-side of Dun Cleugh A steep brow on the east side of Dun Cleuch & on the south side of Appin Burn.
OS1/10/49/30 [Page] 30 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20.12 Trace 6
OS1/10/49/31 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Thomas Sloan James Ritchie Adam Brown Johnstons Co. [County] Map 020; 021; 030; 031 [Situation] From N.W. [North West] side of Parish S.E. [South East] to River Nith A large stream having its source in the North West of this Parish flows in a South East direction and falls into Scar Water near Penpont
OS1/10/49/31 [Page] 31 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/9 Trace 1 Shinnelhead Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace Appin Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] William Wright
OS1/10/49/32 WHITE BURN White Burn Adam Glover William Clark James Ritchie 020; 021 [Situation] From about 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Laggluff - N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream having its source in the farm of Appin flows north and falls into Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/32 [Page] 32 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/9 Trace 1 [Signed] William Wright
OS1/10/49/33 BROKEN CRAIG Broken Craig William Clark John Clark James Ritchie 021 [Situation] Towards NWn. [North Western] district of Parish about 5 2/3 miles N.W. [North West] from Tynron village. A Small Craig in the Farm of Shinnelhead it derives its name from its broken appearance
OS1/10/49/33 HARD KNOWE Hard Knowe William Clarke John Clarke James Ritchie 021 [Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary about 14 Chains N.E. [North East] from Broken Craig. A hill on the parish boundary having a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] station on its summit.
OS1/10/49/33 [Page] 33 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/9 Trace 2 [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/34 SHARP CRAIG Sharp Craig James Ritchie James Johnstone William Wallace 021 [Situation] About 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] from Broken Craig. A steep rugged brow forming a series of precipices interspersed with scattered rocks and loose stones
OS1/10/49/34 [Page] 34 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/9 Trace 3 Auchenbrack Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/35 UPPER APPIN Upper Appin Upper Appin Upper Appin Appin Adam Glover James Ritchie William Clark Johnstons Co [County] Map 021 [Situation] About 5 2/3 miles N.W. [North West] from Tynron village. A Small cottage with garden attached belonging to the Farm of Appin the Property of Farances Wilson
OS1/10/49/35 SHIEL CRAIG Shiel Craig Adam Glover James Ritchie William Clark 021 [Situation] Nearly 1 mile S.W. [South West] from Broken Craig A small craig in the Farm of Appin
OS1/10/49/35 CROGLIN CRAIG Croglin Craig Croglin Craig Croglin Craig Croglin Croglin Croglin Thomas Hastings Adam Brown James Ritchie Modern Valuation Rolls Ancient Valuation Rolls Johnston's County Map 021 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.S.W. [South South West] from Broken Craig. A steep rugged brow forming a series of precipices interspersed with scattered rocks and loose stones
OS1/10/49/35 [Page] 35 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/9 Trace 4 [Signed] William Wright
OS1/10/49/36 MARCH BURN March Burn March Burn March Burn James Ritchie William Clark William Brown 021 [Situation] From near the middle of Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary S.W. [South West] to Shinnel Water A small stream having its source on the Farm of Auchenbrack flowing south west and falls into Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/36 APPIN BURN Appin Burn Appin Burn Appin Burn Appin Burn Appine Apine James Ritchie William Clark Adam Glover Johnston's Co. [County] Map Modern Valuation Rolls Ancient Valuation Rolls 020; 021 [Situation] From 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Colt Hill, S.E. by E. [South East by East] to Shinnel Water. A strong mountain stream, having its source in a number of small rills, on Appin Farm, falls into Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/36 LOOP END Loop End Loop End Loop End James Ritchie William Proudfoot William McCaw 021 [Situation] On Croglin Craig A loop in Croglin Craig - this is often pronounced Loupend
OS1/10/49/36 EVERSIDE Everside See Page 39. For Authorities & Description [Situation] In Nn. [Northern] division of this Parish.
OS1/10/49/36 [Page] 36 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/9 Trace 6
OS1/10/49/37 MARCH BURN March Burn March Burn March Burn James Ritchie Samuel Wallace James Johnstone 021 [Situation] From near the middle of Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary S.W. [South West] to Shinnel Water. A small stream rising on the north west corner of the Farm of Auchenbrack and after a course of about 1/2 a mile falls into Shinnel water near Old Auchenbrack. It was formerly a boundary between two Farms - hence the name
OS1/10/49/37 [Page] 37 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.10 Trace 1 Auchenbrack Hill [crossed out] [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/38 COUNTAM Countam Countam Countam James Ritchie James Johnstone James Thomson 021 [Situation] Near the middle of Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary. A Hill on the Farm of Auchenbrack from which an extensive view of Galloway can be obtained
OS1/10/49/38 [Page] 38 Parish of Tynrom -- Sheet 21.10 Trace 2 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/39 EVERSIDE Everside Everside Everside James Ritchie Samuel Wallace James Johnstone 020 [Situation] In Nn. [Northern] division of this Parish. A tract of level land situated near the March Burn & Shinnel Water on Auchenbrack farm.
OS1/10/49/39 AUCHENGOWER Auckengower Auckengower Auckengower James Johnstone John Johnstone James Ritchie 021 [Situation] In Nn. [Northern] division of this Parish. A small Hill on the Farm of Auchenbrack about 1/2 a mile from Old Auchenbrack This name although pronounced Auckengower, I think should be Auchengower, or Auchengour.
OS1/10/49/39 [Page] 39 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.10 Trace 4 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/40 FIDDLER'S MOSS Fiddlers Moss Fiddlers Moss Fiddlers Moss James Ritchie James Johnstone John Johnstone 021 [Situation] A little to the East of Auchengower. A name applied to a portion of land on the Farm of Auchenbrack.
OS1/10/49/40 [Page] 40 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.10 Trace 5 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/41 THORTER CLEUCH Thorter Cleuch Thorter Cleuch Thorter Cleuch James Ritchie James Johnstone John Johnstone 021 [Situation From Fiddlers Moss extending N.E. [North East] to the Parish Boundary. A cleuch on the Farm of Auchenbrack through which a stream flows having no name. The cleuch runs in a sloping direction along the Face of the Hill hence the name
OS1/10/49/41 LAMB CRAIGS Lamb Craigs Lamb Craigs Lamb Craigs James Ritchie James Smith James Johnstone 021 [Situation] 13 Chains S.S.W. [South South West] from Thorter Cleugh. A prominent portion of ground on the Farm of Auchenbrack, having some rocks on it.
OS1/10/49/41 [Page] 41 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.10 Trace 6 Craigencoon Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/42 [Page] 42 [Blank page]
OS1/10/49/43 ARKLAND BURN Arkland Burn Arkland Burn Arkland Burn Homer Burn James Ritchie Thomas Dickson James Dalziel Johnston's County Map. 021 [Situation] Partially tracing Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary A small Burn which takes its rise from some sheep drains on the Farm of Auchenbrack and after flowing nearly 3 miles along the boundary of the Parishes of Penpont & Tynron falls into Scar Water near Knockkelly
OS1/10/49/43 [Page] 43 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.11 Trace 1 Craigencoon Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/44 GLENDINNING CLEUCH Glendinning Cleuch Glendinning Cleuch Glendyne Cleuch Joseph Wilson James Dickson John Thomson 031 [Situation] Towards N.En. [North Eastern] point of Parish extending N.E. [North East]. A bold precipitous cleuch on the Farm of Auchenhaistnen through which a small stream flows and falls into Arkland Burn it bears the name through this Plan. This name is mostly pronounced Glendinning but some call it Glendyne, which agrees well with the nature of the object, Glendyne means in English - the deep valley - which it is.
OS1/10/49/44 [Page] 44 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.11 Trace 2 Auchenhessnane [crossed out] [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/45 PARFIN Parfin Parfin Parfin Joseph Wilson James Thomson Joseph Robson 021 [Situation] In the N.En. [North Eastern] division of this Parish. A name given to a portion of the Highest part of Auchenhaistnen Farm.
OS1/10/49/45 [Page] 45 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21-11 Trace 3 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/46 [Page] 46 [Blank page]
OS1/10/49/47 SCAR WATER Scar Water Scar Water Scar Water Thomas Smith Joseph Wilson Thomas Sloan 021; 030; 031 [Situation] On the En. [Eastern] Parish Boundary A large stream having its source on the highlands of Penpont Parish flows in a South east direction and falls into the Nith near Keir Mill
OS1/10/49/47 ARKLAND BURN Arkland Burn Arkland Burn Arkland Burn Homer Burn Robert Newall William Clark Thomas Smith Johnston's County Map. 021 [Situation] Partially tracing Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary. A small stream having its source on the farm of Auchenbrack flows in an eastern direction and falls into the Scar Water near Knockelly
OS1/10/49/47 KNOCKELLY Knockelly Robert Newall James Ritchie Thomas Sloan 021 [Sitaution] 7 Chains S.W.W. [South West West] from the N.En. [North Eastern] point of Parish Three Cottages & Smithy with gardens attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/47 [Page] 47 Plan 21/12 Trace 1 [Signed] William Wright C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/48 WET WOOD Wet Wood Wet Wood Wet Wood Thomas Haining Thomas Smith Thomas Wilson 021 [Situation] 17 Chains South from the N.E. [North East] point of Parish. A mixed Wood closely planted & of average growth, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch.
OS1/10/49/48 [Page] 48 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21-12 Trace 1
OS1/10/49/49 MULLWHANNY Mulwhannie Mulwhannie Mulwhannie Mullwhanny Mullwhanny Mullwhanny William McCaw Adam Glover William Proudfoot William Wilson Glencairn William Todd Glencairn John Ferguson Glencairn 020 [Situation] On the Western Parish Boundary. A large round hill of considerable eminence within the farm of Appin, the Watershed of which forms the boundary between this parish and that of Glencairn May signify the hill abounding with lambs compd. [comprised] of Mull & vanaichie
OS1/10/49/49 SHIEL CLEUCH Sheil Cleuch Sheil Cleuch Sheil Cleuch Shiel Cleuch William McCaw Adam Glover William Proudfoot Robert Newal 020 [Situation] From 48 Chains South of Yearn Craig, extending N.N.E. [North North East]. A small natural hollow between Mulwhannie and Transparra hills, the stream flowing through which falls into Appin Burn. from Shield - a shelter.
OS1/10/49/49 WETHER HILL Wether Hill Wether Hill Wether Hill William Wilson Glencairn William Tod Glencairn John Ferguson Glencairn 020 [Situation] On the Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary. A hill of considerable altitude situate on the Boundary between this Parish and Glencairn.
OS1/10/49/49 [Page] 49 Parish of Tynron Plan -- 20-16 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/50 TRANSPARRA Transparra William McCaw William Proudfoot Adam Glover 020 [Situation] On the Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary. A large round hill within the farm of Appin and immediately to the east of Mulwhannie, the waters of which forms the boundary between this parish & that of Glencairn
OS1/10/49/50 DUN CLEUCH Dun Cleuch William McCaw Adam Glover William Proudfoot 020 [Situation] 27 Chains East from Shiel Cleugh extending N.N.E. [North North East]. A small natural hollow on the northern slope of Transparra, the stream flowing through which falls into Appin Burn
OS1/10/49/50 [Page] 50 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-16 Trace 2 Appin Hill [crossed out] [Signed] W. Paterson
OS1/10/49/51 DUN BRAE Dun Brae William McCaw William Proudfoot Adam Glover 020; 021 [Situation] On the East side of Dun Cleugh A steep natural slope commencing at Din Cleuch and extending eastward to a rocky shoulder on the northern face of Markreach Hill
OS1/10/49/51 [Page] 51 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 20-16 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/52 MAGMULLACH BURN Magmulloch Burn Marshmulloch Marshmulloch Marmulloch Magmalloch Old Valuation Rolls William McCaw William Proudfoot Adam Glover Valuation Rolls 1827 & 1675. 020; 021 [Situation] From 1/4 mile S.E [South East] of Transparra - E.N.E. [East North East] to Appin Burn. A small mountain Stream rising in the hollow between Transparra and Bale Hill There was at one time a farm so called. It may be compounded of Mag, the reclaimable field & Mullach - height - having reference probably to that of Bale Hill the greatest eminence in this Parish.
OS1/10/49/52 BAIL HILL Bale Hill Bale Hill Bale Hill Beal Hill William McCaw William Proudfoot Adam Glover David Hewitson 020; 021; 022; 029 [Situation] On the Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary. A range of hills of very considerable eminence having Cormunnoch Hill for its eastern, and Green Hill for its culminating point. The name is pronounced as if written Bale or Baal, the hill is decidedly the highest of the group whith which it is connected* The highest point of Bale Hill on which the Druids may have lighted the watch fire in honour of Baal This name may be taken from Baal - or from Beal - An opening or Cavity in the Hill. *This being the greatest eminence in the Area for miles around, the Name originated doubtless in the Watch or Bail fire having been lighted.
OS1/10/49/52 GREEN HILL Green Hill William McCaw William Proudfoot Adam Glover 020 [Situation] On the Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary.
OS1/10/49/52 [Page] 52 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21-16 Trace 3 Bail Hill [note] Bail. A watch-fire. Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/53 APPIN BURN Appin Burn Appin Burn Appin Burn Appin Burn William Proudfoot James Ritchie William McCaw Johnstones Co. [County] Map 020; 021 [Situation] From 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Colt Hill - S.E. by E. [South East by East] to Shinnel Water. A Stream that takes its rise in the north west side of this parish and flows in a south East direction and joins the Shinnel Water near to Old Auchenbrack
OS1/10/49/53 MARKREACH HILL Markreach Hill Markreach Hill Markreach Hill Markreoch William Proudfoot James Ritchie William McCaw Ant. [Ancient] & Mon. [Modern] Valuation Rolls 021 [Situation] N.Wn. [North Western] district about 5 1/3 miles N.W. [North West] from Tynron village. A piece of rising ground situated about 3/4 mile East of Appin house
OS1/10/49/53 [Page] 53 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/13 Trace 1 Appin Hill [crossed out] [Signed] James Cowan Ca [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/54 MAGMULLACH BURN Marshmulloch Burn Marshmulloch Burn Marshmulloch Burn Marmulloch Magmalloch William Proudfoot James Ritchie William McCaw Adam Glover Valuation Rolls 020; 021 [Situation] From 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Transparra - E.N.E. to Appin Burn. A small stream that takes its rise in the west side of this parish and flows in an Easterly direction and joins the Appin Burn about 1 mile South West of Appin house. The orthography of this name is doubtful - but Marmullach would seem to be the most correct according to what I conceive to be the derivation. Mullach - the Big Top or eminence. If so - Mormullach
OS1/10/49/54 DUN BRAE Dun Brae Dun Brae Dun Brae William Proudfoot James Ritchie William McCaw 020; 021 [Situation] On the East side of Dun Cleugh. A piece of ground that has a rising slope from the Appin Burn situated immediately to the north and West of Markreach Hill The name is taken from the color of the brow.
OS1/10/49/54 [Page] 54 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/13 Trace 1 [Signed] James Cowan c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/55 FAIRY CRAIG Fairy Craig Fairy Craig Fairy Craig William Proudfoot James Ritchie William McCaw 021 [Situation] 4 2/3 miles NW [North West] from Tynron Village. A rock of rather a conspicuous appearance situated near to the Appin sheep folds
OS1/10/49/55 EVERSIDE Everside Everside Everside James Ritchie William McCaw John Clarke 020 [Situation] In Northern division of this Parish. A low lying portion of ground on Auchenbrack Farm.
OS1/10/49/55 MARCH BURN March Burn March Burn March Burn James Ritchie William McCaw John Clark 021 [Situation] From near the middle of the Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary S.W. [South West] to Shinnel Water. A stream having its source in Auchenbrack Hill, and falls into the Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/55 [Page] 55 [Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/13 Trace 2 & 3 [Signed] James Cowan c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/56 APPIN Appin Appin Appin Appine Appin William Proudfoot James Ritchie William McCaw Valuation Rolls Johnston's Co. [County] Map 021 [Situation] 4 3/4 miles NW [North West] from Tynron Village. A substantial farm house and office with garden and farm of land attached the property of Mr Wilson of Stroquhan and farmed by Mr Harkness
OS1/10/49/56 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water William Proudfoot James Ritchie Robert Newall Johnstons Co. [County] Map 021 [Situation] From the NW [North West] side of Parish running S.E. [South East]. A small river that takes its rise in the North West side of this parish and flows in a South Easterly direction and joins the Scar Water near to Penpont
OS1/10/49/56 [Page] 56 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/13 Trace 3 Auchenbrack Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] James Cowan c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/57 CORMUNNOCH HILL Cormunnoch Hill Cormunnoch Hill Cormunnoch Hill William Proudfoot James Ritchie William McCaw 021 [Situation] 5 miles N.W. by W. [North West by West] from Tynron Village near the Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary A name given to a rising ground situated about a mile South West of Appin this is a seperate part of a range of hilly ground called Bale Hill
OS1/10/49/57 CORMUNNOCH BURN Curmunnoch Burn Curmunnoch Burn Curmunnoch Burn William McCaw William Proudfoot James Ritchie 021; 030 [Situation] From near the Sn. [Southern] extremity of Bale Hill S.E. by S. [South East by South] to Kirkconnel Burn. A name given to a small stream that takes its rise near Curmunnoch Hill and flows in a Southwardly direction and falls into Kirkconnel Burn
OS1/10/49/57 DEMPSTER'S HASS Dempster's Hass Dempster's Hass Dempster's Hass William McCaw William Proudfoot James Ritchie 021 [Situation] About 5 Miles NW. by W [North West by West] from Tynron A name given to a hollow piece of ground between Curmunnoch Hill and Brunt Hill
OS1/10/49/57 [Page] 57 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/13 Trace 4 [Signed] James Cowan c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/58 DEMPSTER'S BURN Dempster's Burn Dempster's Burn Dempster's Burn William McCaw William Proudfoot James Ritchie 021; 030 [Situation] From near Dempsters Hass extending S.E.by S. [South East by South]. A small stream that takes its rise near to Dempster's Hass and flows in a southwardly direction and falls into the Kirkconnel Burn
OS1/10/49/58 CORMUNNOCH HASS Curmunnock Hass Curmunnock Hass Curmunnock Hass Cormunnoch William McCaw William Proudfoot James Ritchie See Page 79 021 [Situation] At the Sn. [Southern] extremity of Bail Hill A name given to a hollow piece of ground situated immediately to the South of Curmunnock Hill
OS1/10/49/58 BAIL HILL Bale Hill Bale Hill Bale Hill Beal Hill William McCaw William Proudfoot James Ritchie David Hewitson 020; 021; 022; 029 [Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary An extensive range of hills situated near the North West side of this Parish composed of the Green Hill and Curmunnoch Hill This name is, no doubt, of Gaelic origin and possibly may take the name from an opening or hollow on the hill, if so Beal - would be the proper mode of spelling
OS1/10/49/58 [Page] 58 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/13 Trace 4 [Signed] James Cowan c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/59 BRUNT HILL Brunt Hill Brunt Hill Brunt Hill William McCaw William Proudfoot James Ritchie 021 [Situation] 4 2/3 miles NW by W. [North West by West] from Tynron. A name given to a rising ground situated about 1/2 mile north of Cormilligan
OS1/10/49/59 EWE CRAIG Ewe Craig Ewe Craig Ewe Craig William McCaw William Proudfoot James Ritchie 021; 030 [Situation] 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] from Brunt Hill. A name given to a small piece of rising rocky ground about 10 chains to the east of Brunt Hill
OS1/10/49/59 CAT'S CRAIG Cat's Craig Cat's Craig Cat's Craig William McCaw William Proudfoot James Ritchie 021 [Situation] 12 Chains nearly East from Ewe Craig. A name given to a rocky rising piece of ground situated about 1/4 mile South East of Brunt Hill
OS1/10/49/59 [Page] 59 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/13 Trace 5 [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/60 STONEFAULD KNOWES Stonefauld Knowes Stonefauld Knowes Stonefauld Knowes William McCaw William Proudfoot James Ritchie 021 [Situation] 4 1/6 mile NW [North West] from Tynron near the centre of this Parish. A piece of rising ground composed of rock and knolls situated on the North West side of the original farm of Kirkconnel.
OS1/10/49/60 MAQUESTON BURN Maqueston Burn Maqueston Burn Maqueston Burn Marqueston or Macqueston Marqueston William McCaw William proudfoot James Ritchie Modern Valuation Rolls Johnston's County Map 021 [Situation] From near Stonefauld Knowes N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water. A small Stream that takes its rise near Stonefauld Knowes and flows in a north West direction and falls into the Shinnel Water near to Old Auchenbrack
OS1/10/49/60 [Page] 60 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 21/13 Trace 6 Kirkconnel Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace. [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/61 OLD AUCHENBRACK Old Auchenbrack Old Auchenbrack Old Auchenbrack Auchenbreck James Ritchie Samuel Wallace James Johnston Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire 021 [Situation] 4 1/6 miles NW. [North West] from Tynron village. A neat substantial Cottage situated about 1/2 a mile north west of Auchenbrack Farmhouse
OS1/10/49/61 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Burn James Ritchie Samuel Wallace James Johnstone Blackford's Co. [County] Map 021 [Situation] From the NW. [North West] district SE. [South East] through this Parish A small river rising in the north west of this Parish and flowing in a south easterly direction through it It falls into Scar water near Penpont village
OS1/10/49/61 APPIN BURN Appin Burn Appin Burn Appin Burn Apin Appine Blackwoods Co. [County] Map James Johnston Samuel Wallace Ancient Deeds Modern Deeds 020; 021 [Situation] From 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Colt Hill S.E. by E. [South East by East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream rising in the north west of this Parish and falling into Shinnel water near Old Auchenbrack
OS1/10/49/61 [Page] 61 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.14 Trace 1 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/62 HALFMERK BURN Halfmark Burn Halfmark Burn Halfmark Burn Halfmerk James Johnston James Ritchie Samuel Wallace Valuation Rolls 021; 030 [Situation] From 1/2 mile North of Auchenbrack S.S.W. [South South West] to Shinnel Water A small stream rising near the Lambcraigs on the Farm of Auchenbrack and after flowing about 3/4 of a mile falls into shinnel water near Kilnmark Bridge. Name derived from the Scotch coin - Merk
OS1/10/49/62 CAIRNEY KNOWE Cairney Knowe Cairney Knowe Cairney Knowe Cairney Knowe James Ritchie James Johnstone John Armstrong Statistical Account of Tynron 021 [Situation] 50 Chains N.W. by N. [North West by North] from Auchenbrack A small eminence situated about 3/4 of a mile north west of Auchenbrack and having a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit
OS1/10/49/62 [Page] 62 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.14 Trace 2 Auchenbrack Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/63 KILNMARK Kilnmark Kilnmark Kilnmark Kilnmark James Ritchie James Johnstone Samuel Wallace Valuation Rolls. 021 [Situation] 3 2/3 miles NW. [North West] from Tynron village. A good dwelling house with offices & garden attached
OS1/10/49/63 [Page] 63 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.14 Trace 4 Kirkconnel Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace Craigencoon Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace Pingarie Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/64 KILNMARK BRIDGE Kilnmark Bridge Kilnmark Bridge Kilnmark Bridge Thomas Smith Samuel Wallace James Ritchie 021 [Situation] 15 Chains East from Kilnmark A small wooden bridge erected a few years ago over the Shinnel near Kilnmark
OS1/10/49/64 AUCHENBRACK Auchenbrack Auchenbrack Auchenbrack Thomas Smith Samuel Wallace James Ritchie 021 [Situation] 3 1/3 miles NW. [North West] from Tynron village A good substantial Farmhouse with offices garden & Farm of Land attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch and farmed by Mr Wallace
OS1/10/49/64 [Page] 64 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.14 Trace 5 Tenlaight Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/65 CRAIGENCOON Craigencoon Craigencoon Craigencoon Nether Craigencoon Agnes McKenzie Samuel Wallace James Hunter Valuation Roll. 021 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] from Auchenbrack A small Cottage with garden attached situated on the Farm of Bennan - This was formerly called Nether Craigencoon, but Upper Craigencoon being razed this now generally gets "Craigencoon".
OS1/10/49/65 [Page] 65 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.14 Trace 6 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/66 [Page] 66 [Blank page]
OS1/10/49/67 CRYSTAL FAULDS Crystal Faulds Crystal Faulds Crystal Faulds William Davidson Joseph Wilson James Fergusson 021 [Situation] Towards N.En. [North Eastern] district nearly 3 miles N.W. by N. [North West by North] from Tynron village. A name given to an eminence on the Farm of Auchenhaistnen
OS1/10/49/67 [Page] 67 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.15 Trace 1 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/68 GLENDINNING CLEUCH Glendinning Cleuch Glendinning Cleuch Glendyne Cleuch James Dalziell Robert Davidson James Ritchie 031 [Situation] Towards N.En. [North Eastern] point of Parish extending N.E [North East]. A deep Precipitous cleuch through which a stream flows and falls into Arkland Burn The name extends from the junction of two small streams, near Pingarie Hill to Arkland Burn. Glendyne - the deep glen.
OS1/10/49/68 PARFIN Parfin Parfin Parfin Joseph Wilson James Thomson Joseph Robson 021 [Situation] In the NEn. [North Eastern] division of this Parish. A name given to a portion of the highest part of Auchenhessnane Farm.
OS1/10/49/68 [Page] 68 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.15 Trace 2 Auchenhaistnen Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/69 CROW PLANTATION Crow Plantation Crow Plantation Crow Plantation James Dalziell Joseph Wilson James Davidson 021 [Situation] In NEn. [North Eastern] district About 3 miles N.N.W. [North North West] from Tynron village A small Fir Plantation on the Farm of Auchenhaistnen
OS1/10/49/69 AUCHENHESSNANE BURN Auchenhaistnen Burn Auchenhaistnen Burn Auchenhaistnen Burn Auchenhasnane Burn Auchenhasnane Auchenhasnane Auchenhessnane James Dalziell Joseph Wilson James Davidson James Thomson Valuation - 1855-6. Estate Documents See Page 73 021 [Situation] From 3/4 mile East from Crystal Faulds E. by S [East by South] to Scar Water A small stream flowing Past Auchenhaistnen, It is formed by the junction of several sheep drains on Auchenhaistnen farm, and falls into the Scar Water.
OS1/10/49/69 [Page] 69 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.15 trace 3 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/70 PINGARIE HILL Pingarie Hill Pingarie Hill Pingarie Hill Pingarzie John Hunter William Coltart John Armstrong Johnston's Co. [County] Map 021 [Situation] 2 1/2 miles NW. by N. [North West by North] from Tynron village. A Hill on the Farm of Bennan the height of which is about 700ft [feet].
OS1/10/49/70 TORBRAEHEAD Torbraehead Torbraehead Torbraehead John Hunter William Coltart John Armstrong 021 [Situation] 24 Chains N.E. [North East] from Pingarie Hill. A small eminence on the Farm of Bennan & within the Pingarie farm
OS1/10/49/70 [Page] 70 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.15 trace 6 Bennan Burn See P. [Page] 93 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/71 DUDDIESTONE HASS Duddiestone Hass Duddiestone Hass Duddiestone Hass Duddiston Hass John Hunter William Coltart John Armstrong Johnston's County Map 030 [Situation] 1/2 mile East from Pingarie Hill. A name applied to a very abrupt portion of the road leading from Auchenhaistnen to Bennan. According to a tradition in the district a battle was fought here between the Scots & English. A rhyme current among the people says, - "Duddiestone Hass where the English let the Scotch three times them pass" that is the English let the Scotch pass three times not daring to attack them
OS1/10/49/71 WEE HILL Wee Hill Wee Hill Wee Hill John Hunter William Coltart John Armstrong 021 A small hill on the Farm of Bennan & within Pingarie farm.
OS1/10/49/71 [Page] 71 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.15 trace 5 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/72 BACK BURN Back Burn Back Burn Back Burn John Armstrong William Coltart William Thomson 021 [Situation] From 1/2 mile East of the Summit of Pingarie Hill NEE. [North East East] to Scar Water. A small stream rising near Duddiestone Hass & falling into Scar water near Auchenhaistnen
OS1/10/49/72 CORFARDINE [land] Corfardine Corfardine Corfardine Corfardine James Wilson Joseph Robson William Thomson Valuation Roll - 1855-6. 021; 030 [Situation] Forming a portion of N.En. [North Eastern] division of this Parish. A large tract of Hilly Pasture land on the farm of Laight, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/72 [Page] 72 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 21.15 Trace 6 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/73 AUCHENHESSNANE Auchenhaistnene Auchenhaistnene Auchenhasnane Auchenhaistnine Auchenhasnane Auchenhessnane Auchenhessnane Auchenhessnane Auchenhessnane Robert Newall Thomas Wilson Valuation Roll - Modern Ancient Valuation Estate documents. Johnston's County Map Edinburgh Gazette Septr 26/56 [Septembe 26 1856] Ancient and Modern Valuation Rolls Estate Documents of Duke of Buccleuch. 021 [Situation] 2 1/3 miles N. [North] from Tynron Village. A large farm house with out houses and garden attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch Auchenhastnan is the general way of pronouncing this name.
OS1/10/49/73 SCAR WATER Scar Water Scar Water Scar Water Thomas Sloan George Menzies Thomas Haining 021; 030; 031 [Situation] On Eastern Parish Boundary. A large stream having its source in the highlands of Penpont forms the boundry of this Parish for about two miles falls into the Nith near Keir Mill
OS1/10/49/73 WET WOOD Wet Wood Wet Wood Wet Wood Thomas Haining Thomas Smith Thomas Wilson 021 [Situation] 17 Chains South from the N.En. [North Eastern] point of Parish A mixed Wood, trees of average size And closely planted, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/73 [Page] 73 Plan 21/16 Trace 1 [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/74 CORFARDINE [house] Corfardine Corfardine Corfardine Corfarthing Corfardine Robert Newall Thomas Smith James Haining Joseph Wilson Johnston's County Map 020 [Situation] 2 miles North from Tynron village. Two Cottages with gardens attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/74 CORFARDINE [land] Corfardine Corfardine Corfardine Corfardine Thomas Wilson Thomas Smith James Haining Johnston's Co. [County] Map 021; 030 [Situation] Forming N.En. [North Eastern] district of Parish. A large uncultivated enclosure the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/74 AUCHENLAW BURN Auchenlaw Burn Auchenlaw Burn Auchenlaw Burn Auchenlaw Burn James Haining Thomas Smith George Menzies See page 97 021; 030 [Situation] From about 1 2/3 miles NW. by N. [North West by North] from Tynron N.E. by E. [North East by East] to Scar Water A small burn having its source in the western extremity of the Farm of Laight flows in an eastern direction falls into the Scar near to Laight
OS1/10/49/74 [Page] 74 Plan 21.16 Trace 2 [Signed] William Wright C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/75 THIEF'S LOUP Thief's Loup Thomas Smith Joseph Wilson Robert Johnstone 021 [Situation] On Scar Water 14 Chains N.W. [North West] from Corfardine. A rocky place in the Scar Water takes the name from the circumstance of a man having leapt across with a sack of meal which he had stolen
OS1/10/49/75 MUCKLE WOOD Muckle Wood Muckle Wood Muckle Wood Auchenhaistnen Wood Thomas Smith Thomas Wilson Thomas Haining Robert Johnston 021 [Situation] 1/4 mile North from Auchenhessnane A mixed Wood, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch.
OS1/10/49/75 AUCHENHESSNANE BURN Auchenhasnane Burn Auchenhasnane Burn Auchenhaistnen Burn Auchenhessnane Valuation Roll Estate Documents Thomas Smith See Page 73 021 [Situation] From 3/4 mile East of Crystal Faulds - E. by S [East by South] to Scar Water A small Stream having its source in Common Plan & falls into the Scar Water.
OS1/10/49/75 [Page] 75 Plan 21.16 Trace 2 [Signed] William Wright C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/76 LAIGHT Laight Laight Laight Laight Laight Thomas Haining Thomas Smith Robert Newall Johnston's Co. [County] Map Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 1 3/4 mile North from Tynron. A commodies farm steading with garden and land attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/76 BACK BURN Back Burn Back Burn Back Burn Thomas Haining Thomas Smith Joseph Wilson 021 [Situation] From 1/2 mile East of the Summit of Pingarie Hill N.E.E. [North East East] to Scar Water. A stream having its source in Common Plan & falls into the Scar Water.
OS1/10/49/76 NEW BRIDGE New Bridge (County) New Bridge (County) New Bridge (County) Thomas Haining Thomas Smith Joseph Wilson 021 13 Chains South from Auchenhessnane. A stone bridge of one arch over the Back Burn, on the road that leads up the Valley of the Scar, erected by the County.
OS1/10/49/76 [Page] 76 Plan 21/16 Trace 3 [Signed] William Wright C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/77 BAIL HILL Bale Hill William McCaw William Proudfoot Adam Glover 020; 021; 022; 029 [Situation] On the Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary between this Parish and Glencairn A range of hills of considerable eminence at the north-west corner of Cormilligan farm.
OS1/10/49/77 GREEN BURN Green Burn William McCaw William Proudfoot Adam Glover 029 [Situation] From near Bail Hill running South East A small mountain stream rising on the southern slope of Green Hill, and flowing in an eastern direction until it falls into Kirkconnel Burn
OS1/10/49/77 [Page] 77 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 29-4 Trace 1 Cormilligan Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/78 KIRKCONNEL BURN Kirkconnel Burn Adam Glover William McCaw William Proudfoot 029; 030 [Situation] From 1/2 mile S.E. by E [South East by East] from Bail Hill S.E. [South East] to Shinnel Water. A considerable mountain Stream formed within the farm of Cormilligan by the confluence of Green Burn with several small tributaries
OS1/10/49/78 [Page] 78 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 29-4 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/79 KIRKCONNEL BURN Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnel Burn William McCaw David Howatson William Proudfoot 029; 030 [Situation] From 1/2 mile S.E. by E. [South East by East] of Bail Hill - SE. [South East] to Shinnel Water. A large stream having its source in the North West of Kirkconnel farm flowing South East and falls into Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/79 CORMUNNOCH BURN Cormunnoch Burn Cormunnoch Burn Cormunnoch Burn William Proudfoot William McCaw David Howitson 021; 030 [Situation] From near the Sn. [Southern] extremity of Bail Hill - S.E. by S. [South East by South] to Kirkconnel Burn. A small stream taken its rise on Kirkconnel farm flows south and falls into Kirkconnel Burn
OS1/10/49/79 [Page] 79 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30/1 Trace 1 Cormilligan Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace. [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/80 DEMPSTER'S BURN Dempster's Burn Dempster's Burn Dempster's Burn William McCaw William Proudfoot David Howitson 021; 030 [Situation] From near Dempsters Hass - S.E. by S [South East by South] to Kirkconnel Burn. A small stream taking its rise on Kirkconnel farm flows southward and falls into Kirkconnel Burn
OS1/10/49/80 [Page] 80 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30/1 Trace 1 [Signed] William Wright C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/49/81 CORMILLIGAN Cormilligan Cormilligan Cormilligan William McCaw William Proudfoot David Howitson 030 [Situation] 4 2/3 miles N.W. [North West] from Tynron village A House with outhouses and garden attached formerly the farm house of Cormilligan occupied by Mr. McCaw & the property of Mr Walker of Woodlands
OS1/10/49/81 EWE CRAIG Ewe Craig William McCaw William Proudfoot David Howitson 021; 030 [Situation] 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] from Brunt Hill - 5 miles N.W. [North West] from Tynron village. A small rocky brow on the farm of Kirkconnel near to Cormilligan
OS1/10/49/81 [Page] 81 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30/1 Trace 2 [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/82 DRY BURN Dry Burn Dry Burn Dry Burn William McCaw William Proudfoot David Howitson 030 [Situation] From near the centre of Parish - S. [South] - to Kirkconnel Burn A stream having its source in the farm of Kirkconnel flows southward and falls into the Kirkconnel Burn
OS1/10/49/82 [Page] 82 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30/1 Trace 3 Kirkconnel Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace Bennan [crossed out] This Crag has no name - See Plan 30/3 Page 93 [Signed] William Wright
OS1/10/49/83 CORMILLIGAN BOTTOM Cormilligan Bottom Cormilligan Bottom Cormilligan Bottom David Howitson William Proudfoot William McCaw 030 [Situation] 4 miles nearly west from Tynron village. A large extent of uncultivated ground belonging to the farm of Kirkconnel
OS1/10/49/83 GLENSKELLY HILL Glenskelly Hill William McCaw William Proudfoot Adam Glover 030 [Situation] On the Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary. A large hill with a gentle slope within the farm of Cormilligan, the water shed of which forms the boundary between this parish and that of Glencairn
OS1/10/49/83 [Page] 83 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30/1 Trace 6 & 5 [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/84 [Page] 84 [Blank page]
OS1/10/49/85 DRY BURN Dry Burn Dry Burn Dry Burn David Howatson Joseph Paterson William McCaw 030 [Situation] From near the centre of Parish - South to Kirkconnel Burn. A small stream rising on the original farm of Kirkconnel and flowing in a southerly direction till it falls into Kirkconnel burn. It takes its name on account of its channel being dry the most of the summer season
OS1/10/49/85 [Page] 85 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.2 Trace 1 Tenlaight Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace Kirkconnel hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/86 STRATHMILLIGAN HILL Strathmilligan Hill Strathmilligan Hill Strathmilligan Hill Stramilligan Strathmilligan David Howatson John Glencorse James Glencorse Valuation Rolls Johnston's Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] About 2 3/4 miles NW. by N. [North West by North] from Tynron village A hill on the farm of Strathmilligan the surface of which is Covered with fine mountain grass and from whence a fine view of Shinnel Water can be obtained until it reaches Tynron village
OS1/10/49/86 THISTLEMARK HILL Thistlemark Hill Thistlemark Hill Thistlemark Hill Joseph Paterson John Glencorse David Howatson 030 [Situation] 6 Chains NW [North West] from Strathmilligan Hill A hill situated near Kirkconnel being a portion of the mountainous land lying between Shinnel water & Kirkconnel burn
OS1/10/49/86 Site of ST CONNEL'S CHAPEL Kirkconnel (Site of) Kirkconnel(Site of) Kirkconnel (Site of) St. Connel's Chapel James Glencorse David Howatson William McCaw Statistics of Tynron 030 [Situation] 3 1/2 miles N.W. by W. [North West by West] from Tynron village Here, according to tradition, stood a chapel or Hermitage dedicated to St. Connel or Conal, the foundation is still visible.
OS1/10/49/86 [Page] 86 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 30.2 Trace 2 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/87 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel water Shinnel water Shinnel water Shinnel Shinnel Water David Howatson Robert Newall Thomas Smith Sympson's Hist. [History] of Galloway 1684. Johnstons Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] From the N.W. [North West] side of Parish - S.E. [South East] to Scar Water. A small river rising on the north west of this Parish and flowing in a southerly direction untill it falls into Scar water near Penpont
OS1/10/49/87 BROOMY KNOWE Broomy knowe Broomy knowe Broomy knowe Agnes Mckenzie James Ritchie William McCaw 030 [Situation] 2 1/2 miles NW [North West] from Tynron Village. A small round hill situated near the roadside about 1/2 a mile south east of Craigen Coon house
OS1/10/49/87 TENLAIGHT (Ruins of) Tenlaight Tenlaight Tenlaight Tenleago Robert Newal James Glencorse William McCaw Valuation Roll -1855-6. 030 [Situation] 3 miles NW [North West] from Tynron village. The ruin or walls of what was formerly a farm house , it is still well known by the name
OS1/10/49/87 [Page] 87 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 30.2 Trace 3 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/88 CONNEL'S WELL Connels Well Connels Well Connels Well Joseph Paterson David Howatson William McCaw 030 [Situation] Near the Site of St. Connel's Chapel. A name applied to a strong spring on the original farm of Kirkconnel. A small Chapel or hermitage is supposed to have existed in the immediate vicinity the occupants of which got their water from this well and from this Circumstance the well derives its name The name is supposed to be taken from St. Conal or Connel, to whom the Chapel was dedicated.
OS1/10/49/88 KIRKCONNEL BURN Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnell Kirkconnel James Hunter Robert Newal James Glencorse Valuation Rolls Johnston's Co. [County] Map 029; 030 [Situation] From 1/2 mile S.E. by E. [South East by East] of Bail Hill S.E. [South East] to Shinnel Water. A Stream rising in the west of this Parish and flowing in a south easterly direction untill it falls into Shinnel water a little north east of Macqueston Farm house
OS1/10/49/88 STELLBRAE PLANTATION Stellbrae Plantation Stellbrae Plantation Stellbrae Plantation David Howatson Joseph Paterson James Douglas 030 [Situation] 3 1/3 miles NW by W. [North West by West] from Tynron village. A very small narrow strip of Plantation about a 1/4 mile north west of Kirkconnel Cottage, the name is probably given to it from a sheep stell being situated near it
OS1/10/49/88 [Page] 88 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.2 Trace 4 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/89 SIGHT KNOWE Sight Knowe Sight Knowe Sight Knowe David Howatson Joseph Paterson James Douglas 030 [Situation] 3 1/3 miles NW. by W [North West by West] from Tynron village A small eminence north of Stellbrae Plantation and immediately adjoining it it is supposed to have been used in former times by scouts or sentinels as a place of observation and hence the name
OS1/10/49/89 [Page] 89 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 30.2 Trace 4 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/90 [Page] 90 [Blank page]
OS1/10/49/91 KIRKCONNEL COTTAGE Kirkconnel Cottage Kirkconnel Cottage Kirkconnel Cottage Kirkconnell Kirkconnel David Howatson Joseph Paterson James Glencorse Valuation Rolls Johnston's Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] 3 miles N.W. by W. [North West by West] from Tynron village. A small Cottage with garden attached situated about 100 yards west of Kirkconnel
OS1/10/49/91 KIRKCONNEL Kirkconnel Kirkconnel Kirkconnel Kirkconnel Kirkconnell Joseph Paterson David Howatson James Glencorse Johnstons Co. [County] Map Valuation Rolls. 030 [Situation] 3 miles NW by W [North West by West] from Tynron village. A dwelling house with offices, garden &c. formerly a farm house & now inhabited by a shepherd
OS1/10/49/91 KIRKCONNEL LINN Kirkconnel Linn Kirkconnel Linn Kirkconnel Linn Kirkconnel Linn Kirkconnell David Howatson Joseph Paterson James Glencorse Johnston's Co. [County] Map Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 13 Chains S.E. [South East] from Kirkconnel. A deep ravine Covered with trees through which a small stream flows and falls into Kirkconnel Burn
OS1/10/49/91 [Page] 91 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 30.2 Trace 5 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/92 STRATHMILLIGAN Strathmilligan Strathmilligan Strathmilligan Strathmilligan Stramilligan James Glencorse John Glencorse Robert Newall Johnston's Co. [County] Map Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 2 1/4 miles NW by W [North West by West] from Tynron village A substantial Farmhouse with offices garden and farm of land attached situated a little west of the junction of Kirkconnel Burn & Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/92 HELL'S CALDRON Hell's Caldron Hell's Caldron Hell's Caldron James Glencorse John Glencorse William M'caw 030 [Situation] In Kirkconnel Burn 12 Chains nearly East from Strathmilligan A Pool in Kirkconnel Burn near Strathmilligan Farm house. The high precipitous hanging rocks high above this Pool together with the close brushwood and trees have no doubt been the reason of this name being applied to this Place. Here a man was accidently drowned while bathing
OS1/10/49/92 PAGAN'S THORN Pagan's Thorn Pagan's Thorn Pagan's Thorn John Glencorse John Glencorse Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] 12 Chains East from Strathmilligan. A Thorn bush near Strathmilligan and Hells Caldron cultivated & trained into the shape of an armchair by a man named Pagan from whom it takes its name
OS1/10/49/92 [Page] 92 Parish of Tynron -- Sheet 30.2 Trace 6 [Signed] John Houston
OS1/10/49/93 OLD PINGARIE Old Pingarie Old Pingarie Old Pingarie John Hunter John Armstrong Robert Newall 030 [Situation] 2 1/3 miles NW by N. [North West by North] from Tynron village. This has been formerly a farm house and steading but is now used as a cottage. The property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/93 BENNAN [hill] Bennan Bennan Bennan John Hunter Adam Grierson Robert Newal 030 [Situation] 1 1/2 mile NW by N [North West by North] from Tynron village. A ridge like hill, having a Trigl [Trigonometrical] station on its summit. Authorities reconsulted .. It is called merely Bennan.
OS1/10/49/93 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water John Hunter Robert Newall William Coltart 020; 021; 030; 031 [Situation] From the NW [North West] side of Parish - S.E. [South East] to Scar Water. A small river that takes its rise in the North West side of this parish, and flows in a south East direction and joins the Scar Water about 3/4 of a mile West of the village of Penpont
OS1/10/49/93 BENNAN BURN Bennan Burn Bennan Burn Bennan Burn John Hunter William Coltart John Armstrong 030 [Situation] From Wee Hill 3 miles NW. by N. [North West by North] from Tynron village - South to Shinnel Water. A stream that takes its rise about 1/4 mile north of Old Pingarie and flows in a southward direction and falls into the Shinnel Water near to Holm House
OS1/10/49/93 [Page] 93 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30/3 Trace 1 [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/94 AUCHENLAW BURN Auchenlaw Burn Auchenlaw Burn Auchenlaw Burn Thomas Haining John Armstrong William McCaw 021; 030 [Situation] From about 1 2/3 miles NW. by N. [North West by North] from Tynron village, NE. by E. [North East by East] to Scar Water. A small stream that takes its rise about a mile west of the Laight farm house and flows in a easterly direction and falls into the Scar Water
OS1/10/49/94 BROWN KNOWE Brown Knowe Brown Knowe Brown Knowe Thomas Haining John Armstrong William McCaw 030 [Situation] Nearly 2 1/3 NW. by N. [North West by North] from Tynron village. A considerable hill on which stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station - the field also is known by the name
OS1/10/49/94 CORFARDINE Corfardine Corfardine Corfardine Valuation Roll 1856 Robert Newall John Armstrong 030 [Situation] Forming N.En [North Eastern] district of this Parish. A large field of Heathy moorland, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch.
OS1/10/49/94 MOUNTHOOLIE BRIDGE Mounthoolie Bridge (County) Mounthoolie Bridge (County) Mounthoolie Bridge (County) Robert Newall John Armstrong James Glencorse 030 [Situation] 2 miles N.W. [North West] from Tynron village. A stone bridge of one arch over Shinnel Water - on the road through Tynron Ph. [Parish], it is repaired by the County.
OS1/10/49/94 LAIRDS BRIDGE Laird's Bridge Laird's Bridge Laird's Bridge Robert Newal John Armstrong James Glencorse 030 [Situation] Over Kirkconnel Burn 13 1/2 Chains South of Shinnel Water. A stone bridge of one arch over Kirkconnel Burn, repaired by the Parish.
OS1/10/49/94 [Page] 94 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.3 Trace 3
OS1/10/49/95 PINGARIE Pingarie Pingarie Pingarie Pingerzie Pingarie Pingarie John Hunter Robert Newall William Coltart Statistical Acc. [Account] of Tynron Statistical Acc. [Account] of Tynron Johnston's County Map 030 [Situation] 2 miles NW. [North West] from Tynron village. A name given to a cottage outhouse and garden This was formerly a farm house, The property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/95 BENNAN [house] Bennan Bennan Bennan John Hunter William Coltart John Armstrong 030 [Situation] Nearly 2 miles NW. [North West] from Tynron village A substantial farm house and steadings garden and farm of land attached The property of the Duke of Buccleuch, and posessed by Mr John Hunter
OS1/10/49/95 SCHOOL [nr Berman] School (Parochial) School (Parochial) School (Parochial) Robert Newall John Hunter William Coltart 030 [Situation] About 2 miles N.W. [North West] from Tynron village. This is a parochial school and school house with garden attached the school is taught by Robert Newall, the average attendance of scholars is about 20
OS1/10/49/95 [Page] 95 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.3 Trace 4 [Signed] James Cowan c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/96 HOLMHOUSE Holmhouse Holmhouse Holmhouse William McCaw Robert Newall John Hunter 030 [Situation] About 2 miles NW. by W [North West by West] from Tynron village This is a neat cottage and garden attached situated near the junction of the Kirkconnel Burn with the Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/96 MAQUESTON Maqueston Maqueston Maqueston Macqueystoun Macqueston or Marqueston McQueston Marqueston Marqueston Marqueston Mr John Tyre John Hunter Robert Newall History of Galloway - 1684 Valuation Roll Statistical Account of Tynron Johnston's County Map Crawfords County Map - 1812. See Page [--] for local Authority. 030 [Situation] About 2 miles NW by W [North West by West] from Tynron village This is a substantial farm House with garden Orchard and farm of land attached The property of Mr Walker and posessed by Mr John Tyre
OS1/10/49/96 KIRKCONNEL BURN Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnel Burn John Hunter Robert Newall Mr Tyre 029; 030 [Situation] From 1/2 mile S.E. by E. [South East by East] of Bale Hill - S.E. [South East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream that takes its rise in the North West side of this parish and flows in a south eastward direction and falls into the Shinnel Water near to Macqueston
OS1/10/49/96 [Page] 96 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30/3 Trace 4 [Signed] James Cowan
OS1/10/49/97 CORFARDINE [land] Corfardine Corfardine Corfardine Corfarding Corfardine Corfardine Thomas Haining Joseph Wilson Robert Newall Mr. McTurk Statistical Account of Parish Johnston's County Map 021; 030 [Situation] Forming N.En. [North Eastern] district of this Parish. A large uncultivated inclosure the Property of the Duke of Buccleuch Fardingdale - an old term for a measure or portion of land.
OS1/10/49/97 AUCHENLAW BURN Auchenlaw Burn Auchenlaw Burn Auchenlaw Burn Thomas Haining Joseph Wilson George Menzies 021; 030 [Situation] From about 1 2/3 mile N.W. by N. [North West by North] from Tynron village - N.E. by E. [North East by East] to Scar Water. A small stream taking its rise in the western extremity of the Laight farm, it flows in an eastern direction and falls into the Scar near to the Laight
OS1/10/49/97 LAIGHT HILL Laight Hill Laight Hill Laight Hill James Haining Joseph Wilson George Menzies 030 [Situation] 1 2/3 miles N. [North] from Tynron village. A amall hill with a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] station on its summit
OS1/10/49/97 [Page] 97 Plan 30/4 Trace 1 [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/98 LAIGHT WOOD Laight Wood Laight Wood Laight Wood Laight James Haining George Menzies Joseph Wilson Johnston's County Map 030 [Situation] 1 2/3 miles N.N.E. [North North East] from Tynron village. A large wood consisting of forest trees and Brushwood the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/98 SCAR WATER Scar Water Scar Water Scar Water Robert Newall Thomas Haining George Menzies 021; 030; 031 [Situation] On Eastern Parish Boundary. A large stream having its source in the highlands of Penpont forms the boundary of this Parish for about two miles falls into the Nith near Keir Mill
OS1/10/49/98 LAIGHT BURN Laight Burn Laight Burn Laight Burn Laight Robert Newall Thomas Haining Joseph Wilson See above 030 [Situation] 1/2 mile SE. [South East] from Laight Mill - East to Scar Water. A small stream having its source on the Laight farm it flows Eastward and fall into the Scar it bears the name from its source
OS1/10/49/98 [Page] 98 Tynron P [Parish] -- Plan 30/4 Trace 2 [Signed] William Wright C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/99 AUCHENGIBBERT HILL Auchengibbert Hill Auchengibbert Hill Auchengibbert Hill James Menzies Thomas Sloan Robert Newall 030 [Situation] 1 mile N. [North] from Tynron village. A small hill with a trig [trigonometrical] station on its summit.
OS1/10/49/99 CRAIGNEE BURN Craignee Burn Craignee Burn Craignee Burn Thomas Smith Thomas Sloane James Menzies 030; 031 [Situation] From 1/2 mile South of Craignee - East to Scar Water A small stream having its source in Auchengibbert Hill, bears the name untill its junction with the Scar Water.
OS1/10/49/99 CRAIGNEE WOOD Craignee Wood Craignee Wood Craignee Wood Thomas Smith Thomas Sloane James Menzies 030; 031 [Situation] Near En [Eastern] Parish Boundary A Wood consisting of forest trees and Brushwood, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch.
OS1/10/49/99 [Page] 99 Tynron [Parish] -- Plan 30/4 Trace 4 Craignee Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/100 CRAIGNEE Craig Nee Craig Nee Craig Nee Craignee Robert Newall James Haining Thomas Wilson Johnston's County Map 030 [Situation] 1/3 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron A steep rugged brow forming a series of precipices and interspersed with scattered rocks and loose stones, Viewing it from the South it forms a bold and picturesque object
OS1/10/49/100 CRAIGNEE COTTAGE Craig Nee Cottage Craig Nee Cottage Craig Nee Cottage Robert Newall James Haining Thomas Wilson 030 [Situation] About 1 1/3 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron A small cottage with garden attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/100 [Page] 100 Plan 30/4 Trace 6 [Signed] William Wright c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/101 CRAIGNEE WOOD Craignee Wood Craignee Wood Craignee Wood Craignee Wood Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey Valuation Rolls 030; 031 [Situation] Near the En. [Eastern] Parish Boundary. A wood, consisting of forest trees & underwood, on the farm of Craignee
OS1/10/49/101 CRAIGNEE BURN Craignee Burn Craignee Burn Craignee Burn Craignee Burn Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey Valuation Rolls 030; 031 [Situation] From 1/4 mile South of Craignee - East to Scar Water. A stream having its source on Craignee Hill, falls into the Scar Water
OS1/10/49/101 CAMLING WOOD Camling Wood Camling Wood Camling Wood Camling Wood Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey Valuation Rolls 031 [Situation] Adjoining Craignee Wood on the East A Wood, consisting of forest trees and underwood, on the farm of Camling
OS1/10/49/101 [Page] 101 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 31.1 Trace No. 1 [Signed] Owen Barrett Ca [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/102 OLD CAMLING Old Camling Old Camling Old Camling Old Camling Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey Valuation Rolls. 031 [Situation] 1 2/3 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron village. A cottage, on the site of what was the old farm house of Camling.
OS1/10/49/102 CAMLING Camling Camling Camling Camling Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey Valuation Rolls 031 [Situation] About 1 3/4 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron village. A farm house with outhouses garden & land attached, occupied by James Mounsey.
OS1/10/49/102 SCAR WATER Scar Water Scar Water Scar Water Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey 021; 030; 031 [Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary. A strong and rapid stream through a rocky channel, has its source at the top of Penpont and falls into the Nith, near Keir Moss
OS1/10/49/102 [Page] 102 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 31.1 Trace No. 1 [Signed] Owen Barrett
OS1/10/49/103 GLENMARLIN Glenmarlin Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey 031 [Situation] In Scar Water. A rocky part of Scar Water where the channel is narrow - the water dashing impetuously against the rocks, & then falls about 12 feet.
OS1/10/49/103 PRIEST'S POOL Priest's Pool Priest's Pool Priest's Pool Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey 031 [Situation] In Scar Water. A Shallow pool in Scar Water origin of name not known.
OS1/10/49/103 [Page] 103 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 31.1 Trace No.1. [Signed] Owen Barrett
OS1/10/49/104 SCAR BRIDGE Scar Bridge Scar Bridge Scar Bridge Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey 031 [Situation] Over Scar Water 2 1/3 miles N.E. [North East] from Tynron. A stone bridge of one arch, over the Scar Water, on the road from Penpont to Minnyhive - it is repaired by the County.
OS1/10/49/104 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Thomas Smith John Kirk James Mounsey Johnston's Co. [County] Map 020; 021; 030; 031 [Situation] From NWn. [North Western] district S.E. [South East] through Parish A stream having its source at Water Head, in the Ph. [Parish] of Tynron falls into the Scar Water, near Penpont.
OS1/10/49/104 [Page] 104 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 31.1 Trace No. 2 [Signed] Owen Barrett C/A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/49/105 CORMILLIGAN BOTTOM Cormilligan Bottom Cormilligan Bottom Cormilligan Bottom William McCaw David Hewitson James Glencorse 030 [Situation] At the West side of Parish 4 miles West from Tynron village A large enclosure of mountain grassland attached to the farm of Cormilligan
OS1/10/49/105 [Page] 105 Tynron Parish -- Plan 30.5 Trace 1 & 2 Corriedow Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] Owen Barrett Civil [Civilian] Assistant
OS1/10/49/106 [Page] 106 [Blank page]
OS1/10/49/107 KIRKCONNEL BURN Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnel Burn Kirkconnell David Kerr John McCaw Adam Kennedy Valuation Rolls 029; 030 [Situation] From 1/2 mile S.E. by E. [South East by East] of Bail Hill S.E. [South East] to Shinnel Water. A considerable Stream rising on the farm of Cormilligan & running into the Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/107 CORRODOW Corriedow Corriedow Corriedow Corrodow Corrydow Corrodow David Kerr John McCaw Adam Kennedy Ancient & Modern Valn [Valuation] Rolls Johnston's County Map See Page [--] Glencairn N. [Name] Book 030 [Situation] 2 2/3 miles nearly West from Tynron village. A house & outhouse formerly the farm house of Corriedow occupied by Mrs. Kerr and the property of Mr. Walker of Woodlands near Dumfries
OS1/10/49/107 CORRODOW HILL Corriedow Hill Corriedow Hill Corriedow Hill Corrodow David Kerr John McCaw Adam Kennedy Valuation Rolls 029; 030 [Situation] 27 Chains S.W. [South West from Corrodow. A large enclosure of Mountain Grass land on the farm of the same name and rented by James Grierson of Morton Mains. on its summit is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station called "Corriedow"
OS1/10/49/107 [Page] 107 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.6 Trace 2 Corrodow Hill [note] Copy this name on to Common Plan
OS1/10/49/108 HALFMERK BURN Halfmark Burn Halfmark Burn Halfmark Burn David Kerr John McCaw Adam Kennedy 021; 030 [Situation] From 1/2 mile North from Auchenbrack S.S.W. [South South West] to Shinnel Water. A small mountain stream forming part of the march between the farms of Corriedow & Maqueston and running into Kirkconnel Burn
OS1/10/49/108 CLODDEROCH BURN Clodderoch Burn Clodderoch Burn Clodderoch Burn David Kerr John McCaw Adam Kennedy 030 [Situation] From near the Western Parish Boundary N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream having its source on Maqueston hill, and falls into Shinnel Water, it bears the name the entire way.
OS1/10/49/108 MARGMONY HILL Margmoney Hill Margmoney Hill Margmoney Hill John McCaw David Hewitson Thomas Grierson 030 [Situation] 2 1/3 miles S.W. by W. [South West by West] from Tynron village. A large enclosure of mountain Grassland, attached to the farm of Margmoney.
OS1/10/49/108 [Page] 108 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.6 Trace 2 [Signed] J. Nish C/a [Civilian assistant] July 29
OS1/10/49/109 MAQUESTON HILL Maqueston Hill Maqueston Hill Maqueston Hill Marqueston or Macqueston David Kerr John McCaw Adam Kennedy Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 2 1/3 miles West from Tynron village A good sized Hill on the farm of Maqueston situated on the boundary between the Parishes of Glencairn & Tynron.
OS1/10/49/109 [Page] 109 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.6 Trace 4 [Signed] J. Nish C/a [Civilian assistant] July 20 1856
OS1/10/49/110 [Page] 110 [Blank page]
OS1/10/49/111 MAQUESTON Maqueston Maqueston Maqueston Marqueston Marqueston Markestoune John Tyre John Hunter Albert Newall See Page 96 Modern Valuation Rolls Ancient Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 2 miles N.W. by W. [North West by West] from Tynron village. A substantial farm house and steadings with farm of land attached the property of Mr Walker and posessed by Mr John Tyre Only a part of the outbuildings on this Plan
OS1/10/49/111 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Robert Newall Thomas Smith John Hunter Johnston's Co. [County] Map 020; 021; 030; 031 [Situation] From the N.W. [North West] side of Parish, running S.E. [South East]. A small river that takes its rise in the north west end of this parish and flows in a South East direction and joins the Scar Water near to Penpont Village
OS1/10/49/111 CLODDEROCH BURN Clodderoch Burn Clodderoch Burn Clodderoch Burn John McCaw Thomas Smith Robert Newall 030 [Situation] From near the Wn [Western] Parish Boundary N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water A stream that takes its rise in the West side of this Parish and flows in a Easterly direction and falls into the Shinnel Water near to, Clodderoch, from which it derives its name
OS1/10/49/111 [Page] 111 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.7 Trace 1 [Signed] James Cowan c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/112 BIRKHILL Birkhill Birkhill Birkhill John Tyre James McNight Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] 1 1/2 mile N.W. by W. [North West by West] from Tynron village Two neat Cottages and gardens attached situated on the farm of Maqueston
OS1/10/49/112 CLODDEROCH Clodderoch Clodderoch Clodderoch John McCaw Thomas Smith Robert Newall 030 [Situation] 1 1/4 mile N.W. by W. [North West by West] from Tynron village A small cottage with garden attached possessed by John McCaw, situated on the farm of Maqueston
OS1/10/49/112 GLED BRAE Gled Brae Gled Brae Gled Brae John McCaw Robert Newal Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] 1 3/4 mile N.W. [North West] from Tynron village extending South. A Steep brow on a Drove Road, supposed to have got its name from the circumstance of the place being much frequented by Hawks.
OS1/10/49/112 KILLYWARREN WOOD Killywarren Wood Killywarren Wood Killywarren Wood James Kerr John McCaw Robert Newal 030 [Situation] 1/4 mile NW. [North West] from Killywarren. A mixed Wood of small growth, part of it is altogether a Brushwood
OS1/10/49/112 [Page] 112 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.7 Trace 2
OS1/10/49/113 KILLYWARREN Killywarren Killywarren Killywarren Killiewarran Killiewarren Killiewarren Killiewarran James Kerr Thomas Smith James Ritchie Valuation Roll (old) Valuation Roll - 1855-6. Ancient Valuation Rolls Modern Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 1 mile NW. [North West] from Tynron village. A farm house the walls of which are 4 feet thick and the date 1617 is upon a stone that was built into and arch that led into the farm yard, there is now a steading garden and farm of land attached it is now the property of the Duke of Buccleuch and posessed by Mr James Kerr (In old times it belonged to the family of Douglas of Stenhouse)
OS1/10/49/113 AUCHENGIBBERT WOOD Auchengibbert Wood Auchengibbert Wood Auchengibbert Wood George Menzies Thomas Smith James Kerr 030 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] from Killywarren Wood. A large extent of wood on the West of the farm of Auchengibbert, from which it derives its name
OS1/10/49/113 ROUGH GLEN Rough Glen Rough Glen Rough Glen James Kerr John McCaw Robert Newal 030 [Situation] In Nn. [Northern] vicinity of Killywarren. A Wooded Glen thro' which a stream flows, the stream has no particular name, the name is coextensive with the Wood.
OS1/10/49/113 [Page] 113 Patish of Tynron -- Plan 30.7 Trace 3 [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/114 STENHOUSE WOOD Stenhouse Wood Stenhouse Wood Stenhouse Wood Stenhouse Wood Adam Grierson John McCaw Thomas Smith Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 1/4 mile West from Stenhouse A large tract of wood, so called from being on the farm of Stenhouse
OS1/10/49/114 STENHOUSE HILL Stenhouse Hill Stenhouse Hill Stenhouse Hill Adam Grierson John McCaw Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.W. [South West] from Stenhouse Wood. An extensive tract of rising ground situated on the West side of the farm of Stenhouse and about 3/4 mile West from the house
OS1/10/49/114 MARGMONY Margmony Margmoney Margmoney Margmoney Margmony Thomas Smith Robert Newal Valuation Roll Mr. Grierson Ancient Valn. [Valuation] Rolls. 030 [Situation] 1 1/4 mile N.W. by W. [North West by West] from Tynron village. This has been formerly a farm house and steading but is now held as a possession off the farm of Stenhouse Compounded of Marg and money - many merks or marks signifying that the land was rated at many merks
OS1/10/49/114 [Page] 114 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30/7 Trace 5 Auchengibbert Hill [crossed out]
OS1/10/49/115 MARGMONY BURN Margmoney Burn Margmoney Burn Margmoney Burn Margmony John McCaw Robert Newal Thomas Smith Ancient Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] From near Southern Parish Boundary N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream having its source near the Parish boundary, falls in Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/115 CLOCHQUHANOCH BURN Cleughwhinnoch Burn Cleughwhinnoch Burn Cleughwhinnoch Burn Cleughwhinnoch Burn Robert Newall Parish Register 1801. James Kerr John McCaw 030 [Situation] From near Southern Parish Boundary N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water. A stream having its source in Glencairn Parish, falls into the Shinnel Water, near Tynron Village.
OS1/10/49/115 [Page] 115 Plan 30.7 Trace No. 4 Margmoney Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace
OS1/10/49/116 STENHOUSE Stenhouse Stenhouse Stenhouse Istenhouse Stenhouse Adam Grierson Thomas Smith James Ritchie History of Galloway 1684 Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 1/2 mile West from Tynron. This is a substantial farm house with garden and offices and farm of land attached. The old name of this place was Istenhouse and was posessed by the family of Douglas it now belongs to the Duke of Buccleuch and is posessed by Mr Adam Grierson
OS1/10/49/116 STENHOUSE COTTAGE Stenhouse Cottage Stenhouse Cottage Stenhouse Cottage Stenhouse Cottage Adam Grierson Thomas Smith James Ritchie Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 13 1/4 Chains West from Stenhouse. A neat cottage with small garden situated about 2 chains into the East corner of Stenhouse Wood
OS1/10/49/116 MILLHOUSE Millhouse Millhouse Millhouse Adam Grierson Alexander Frazer Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] 7 1/4 Chains West from Stenhouse A neat cottage and garden situated about 7 chains west of Stenhouse there was formerly a Corn Mill near this place, from which it has derived its name
OS1/10/49/116 [Page] 116 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30/7 Trace 6 [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/117 [Page] 117 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.8 Trace 1 Auchengibbert Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace Site of Castle [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace Craigturra Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/118 MID HILL Mid Hill John Paterson John Kennedy Esq. James Walker 030 [Situation] 3/4 mile N.E. by N. [North East by North] from Tynron village A large hill within the farm of Clonrae forming the apex of a triangle, a line between Craigturra and Tynron Doon being the base
OS1/10/49/118 CRYSTAL KNOWE Crystal Knowes John Paterson James Walker 030 [Situation] 1 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron village. Two little knolls between Mid Hill & Tynron Doon.
OS1/10/49/118 [Page] 118 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 2 Craignee Hill [crossed out] Cancelled on Trace [Signed] W. Paterson
OS1/10/49/119 CRAIGTURRA BURN Craigturra Burn Craigturra Burn Craigturra Burn Craigturra Burn John Paterson Thomas Smith George Menzies Johnston's Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] From Mid Hill South-East to 11 chns. [chains] S.E [South East] from Clonrae. A small burn rising within the farm of Craigturra and flowing along the boundary between it and Clonrae until it falls into Hulton Burn. Hulton Burn is formed by the Junction of Craigturra Burn & a small stream which flows from Aird Loch.
OS1/10/49/119 CRAIGTURRA LINN Craigturra Linn Craigturra Linn Craigturra Linn Craigturra Linn John Paterson Thomas Smith George Menzies Johnston's Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] On Craigturra Burn. A small wooded glen a little to the west of Craigturra, and through which Craigturra Burn flows. The Name is applicable to that portion of Craigturra Burn which runs through a wooded Glen.
OS1/10/49/119 CRAIGTURRA Craigturra Craigturra Craigturra Criagturrah Craigturra John Kennedy Esq. Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson Thomas Smith New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Tynron by Revd. [Reverend] R. Wilson Johnston's County Map 030 [Situation] 1/4 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron village. A steep rocky craig a little to the north of the road between Thornhill & Tynron. This is a precipice formed of irregular and projecting Crags one above the other, and having slight flat spaces intervening
OS1/10/49/119 [Page] 119 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/120 CRAIGTURRA WOOD Craigturra Wood Craigturra Wood Craigturra Wood Craigturra Wood John Paterson Thomas Smith George Menzies Johnston's Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] 1/2 mile N.E. by E. [North East by East] from Tynron village A small plantation of forest tees a little to the west of Craigturra
OS1/10/49/120 [Page] 120 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson
OS1/10/49/121 TYNRON DOON Tynron Doon Tynron Doon Tynron Doon Dune of Tynron Tynron Doon Fort Tynron Doon Fort Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson John Kennedy Esq. John Paterson History of Galloway - 1684. Statistical Account of Tynron Gazetteer of Scotland 030 [Situation] 1 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron village A steep conical hill of considerable eminence on which there had been once a strong fortification. About six years ago the farmer removed twenty cart loads of hewn stones from the summit of the hill. * *In the Barony of Aird pertaining to Sir Robert Grierson of Lagg, is the Dune of Tynron, on the top of which there hath been some Dune or Fort, it is not known by whom it was inhabited, whether Romans, Picts or Scots. To this place Robert Bruce was conducted by Roger Kirkpatrick of Closeburn, after they had killed the Cummin [Comyn] at Dumfries, which is 9 miles from this place. It is stated while here, that he did often divert to a poor mans cottage named Brownrig situate in a small parcel of stony land incompassed with woods, where he was content with the accomodation as the place could afford, the poor man's wife being advised to petition the King for somewhat, was so modest in her desires, that she sought no more but security for the croft in her husbands possession, and liberty of pasturage for a very few Cattle on the hill, and the rest of the bounds, of which privilege that ancient family by the injury of time, hath long been deprived, but the Croft continues still in possession of their Heirs & successors - they still retain the old charter. Symson's Hist. [History] of Galloway 1684.
OS1/10/49/121 CRAIGNEE BURN Craignee Burn Craignee Burn Craignee Burn Craignee Craignee Thomas Smith Robert Newall Thomas Sloan Johnston's Co. [County] Map Valuation Rolls 030; 031 [Situation] From 1/2 mile South of Craignee - East to Scar Water. A small burn flowing through the farm of Clonrae. Sometimes called Lag Burn from an old farm which formerly stood in the glen through which it flows. Has its source 1/2 mile South of Craignee & falls into the Scar Water.
OS1/10/49/121 CRAIGNEE WOOD Craignee Wood Craignee Wood Craignee Wood Craignee Wood Caignee Wood John Paterson Thomas Smith John Walker Johnston's Co. [County] Map Valuation Rolls 030; 031 [Situation] Near En. [Eastern] Parish Boundary 1 1/2 mile NE. [North East] from Tynron. A plantation of forest trees within the old farm of Craignee mow included in that of Clonrae.
OS1/10/49/121 [Page] 121 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/122 CLONRAE Clonrae Clonrae Clonrae Clonrae Clonrae John Paterson John Kennedy Esq. Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson Valuation Rolls Johnston's Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] About 1 mile N.E. by E. [North East by East] from Tynron village. A farm steding with a large farm of arable land and pasture land attached His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch Proprietor. John Paterson Occupier
OS1/10/49/122 HULTON WOOD Hulton Wood John Paterson James Hyslop James Smith 030; 031 [Situation] 1 1/4 mile N.E. by E. [North East by East] from Tynron village A plantation of forest trees within the farm of Clonrae. The name is derived from an old farm called Hulton within which it was once included.
OS1/10/49/122 HULTON BURN Hulton Burn John Paterson James Hyslop James Smith 030; 031 [Situation] From the junction of Craigturrah Burn and another stream, NEE. [North East East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream flowing through and formed at the east end of Hulton Wood by the junction of Craigturra Burn with another tributary and falling into Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/122 AIRD WOOD Aird Wood See Page [--] Plan 31/5, for Authorities & Description
OS1/10/49/122 [Page] 122 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 3 Signed W. Paterson
OS1/10/49/123 TYNRON [village] Tynron Tynron Tynron Tynron Tynron John Kennedy Esq. Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson Thomas Smith Valuation Rolls Johnston's Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] 16 miles N.E. [North East] from the Town of Dumfries A small village which has sprung up around the Parish Church of Tynron - The property of John Kennedy Esq. The name Tynron Kirk is mostly applied.
OS1/10/49/123 TYNRON BRIDGE Tynron Bridge Tynron Bridge Tynron Bridge John Kennedy Esq. Thomas Smith George Menzies 030 [Situation] Over Shinnel Water and adjoining Tynron village on the South. A substantial County bridge at Tynron carrying the public roads from Dumfries & Minnyhive [Moniaive] to Tynron across Shinnel Water. The Bridge is of stone & has one Arch.
OS1/10/49/123 KIRKLAND Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland John Kennedy Esq. Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson Thomas Smith Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 11 Chains N.E. by E. [North East by East] from Tynron. A handsome and commodious dwellinghouse with offices and pleasure gardens attached - The property and residence of John Kennedy Esq.
OS1/10/49/123 [Page] 123 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 4 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/124 AUCHENGIBBERT Auchengibbert Auchengibbert Auchengibbert Auchengibbert Auchengibbert Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson George Menzies Thomas Smith Johnston's Co. [County] Map Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 15 Chains North from Tynron village A farm steading with a farm of arable and pasture land attached Auchengibbert = the field of minerals Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson, - George Menzies Occupiers His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch Proprietor
OS1/10/49/124 AUCHENGIBBERT WOOD Auchengibbert Wood Auchengibbert Wood Auchengibbert Wood George Menzies Thomas Smith John Kennedy Esq. 030 [Situation] 27 Chains NW. [North West] from Tynron village A large plantation of fir and forest trees within the farm of Auchengibbert.
OS1/10/49/124 AUCHENGIBBERT LINN Auchengibbert Linn Auchengibbert Linn Auchengibbert Linn George Menzies Thomas Smith John Paterson 030 [Situation] In the Eastern vicinity of Auchengibbert. A small rocky glen with a stream flowing through it a little to the west of Auchengibbert
OS1/10/49/124 [Page] 124 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 4 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/125 CLOCHQUHANOCH BURN Clochquhanoch Burn Clochquhansch Cleughwhinnoch Burn Cleughwhinnoch Cleughwhinnoch Burn Clochquhanoch Clochquhanoch Thomas Smith Mr McTurk Robert Newal Parish Register 1801. John McCaw Johnston's County Map Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] From near Southern Parish Boundary N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream rising in Glencairn Ph. [Parish] and falling into Shinnel Water a little above Tynron Bridge. The name is taken from a house called Cleughwhinnoch, which formerly stood on the bank of the stream.
OS1/10/49/125 CHURCH [Tynron] Church John Kennedy Esq. Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] In Tynron village A modern gothic church for the parish of Tynron, built to accommodate 400 [sitters] Minister's stipend about £250.0.0 exclusive of the Glebe.
OS1/10/49/125 POST OFFICE [Tynron] Post Office Post Office Post Office Notice Board William Hyslop Thomas Sloane 030 [Situation] In Tynron village A good stone building used as a shop & Post Office, one delivery & one departure.
OS1/10/49/125 SCHOOL [Tynron] Tynron School Statistical Account of Tynron 030 [Situation] In Tynron village A one storey building erected partly by the heritors and partly by subscription, the Salary attached to which is paid by the Society for propagating Christian Knowledge, - in accordance with the will of the late Mr. John Gibson Merchant in London (1754) originally a native of this Parish.
OS1/10/49/125 [Page] 125 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 4 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/126 SHINNEL WATER Shinnell Water Shinnell Water Shinnell Water Shinnel Water John Kennedy Esq. Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson George Menzies Johnston's Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] From NWn. [North Western] district S.E. [South East] - on to En. [Eastern] Parish Boundary. A large stream flowing for a considerable distance in a western direction through the middle of the parish and afterwards forming the boundary between it and the parish of Keir. - has its source at West end of Tynron Ph. [Parish] & falls into the Scar.
OS1/10/49/126 PARKHOUSE Parkhouse George Black Adam Grierson Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] 16 Chains SW. [South West] from Tynron village. A dwellinghouse with garden & Smithy attached a little to the south-east of Tynron.
OS1/10/49/126 PARK POOL Park Pool Thomas Smith George Black Adam Grierson 030 [Situation] In Shinnel Water 15 Chains S.W. [South West] from Tynron village. A pool at a rapid bend in the Shinnel near Parkhouse.
OS1/10/49/126 [Page] 126 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 4 [Signed] W. Paterson
OS1/10/49/127 CRAIGTURRA COTTAGE Craigturra Cottage Craigturra Cottage Craigturra Cottage Craigturra Thomas Smith John Paterson John Kennedy Esq. Johnston's Co. [County] Map 030 [Situation] About 1/2 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron village A Small Cottage at the bottom of Craigturra originally built as a cottage for Craigturra farm
OS1/10/49/127 MANSE [Tynron] Manse John Kennedy Esq. Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] 22 Chains S.E. [South East] from Tynron village. A handsome dwelling house with offices and garden attached for the accommodation of the parish Minister.
OS1/10/49/127 MILTON Milton Milton Milton Milntown Milton Milton Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Wilson John Kennedy Esq. Adam Grierson Thomas Sloane Adam Brown Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 30 Chains S.E. [South East] from Tynron village A dwellinghouse with garden & farm offices attached. John Hunter Proprietor, Adam Brown Occupier
OS1/10/49/127 [Page] 127 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 5 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/128 COURT HILL Court Hill Court Hill Court Hill John Paterson Thomas Smith John Kennedy Esq. 030 [Situation] 47 Chains West from Tynron village A small hill on which stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] station. This hill being within what was formerly the Barony of Aird it is probable it takes the name, from being the place of Baronial meetings, and where Causes coming within the cognisance of Baronial Courts were tried.
OS1/10/49/128 [Page] 128 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 5 Miltonbraes [crossed out] [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/129 UPPER CAIRNEYCROFT Upper Cairneycroft Thomas Smith Robert Newall James Hyslop 030 [Situation] 1 1/10 mile nearly East from Tynron village A dwellinghouse and offices with a small farm of land attached. The property of the Kirk Session of Tynron
OS1/10/49/129 AIRD LOCH Aird Loch John Paterson James Hyslop Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] Nearly 1 mile East from Tynron village A small natural loch within the farm of Aird formerly of larger extent but recently much reduced by drainage.
OS1/10/49/129 [Page] 129 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30-8 Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/130 [Page] 130 [Blank page]
OS1/10/49/131 CAMLING WOOD Camling Wood Camling Wood Camling Wood Camling Wood John Paterson James Munsie William Coat Valuation Rolls 031 [Situation] 1 1/3 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron village A large plantation of oak and other forest trees within the farm of Camling.
OS1/10/49/131 CAMLING CRAIG Camling Craig Camling Craig Camling Craig Camling Craig John Paterson James Munsie William Coats Valuation Rolls 031 [Situation] 1 1/3 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron village A rocky eminence with a steep precipitous slope to the south-west. Situated a little to the east of, and at one time included within the farm of Camling.
OS1/10/49/131 AIRD WOOD Aird Wood Aird Wood Aird Wood Airds James Munsie William Coats John Paterson Valuation Rolls 030; 031 [Situation] About 1 1/3 mile N.E. [North East] from Tynron village A straggling plantation thinly covered with brushwood and forest trees. The name is derived from an old farm called Aird within which it was once included
OS1/10/49/131 [Page] 131 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 31-5 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/132 HULTON WOOD Hulton Wood John Paterson Mr Hyslop William Coats 030; 031 [Situation] 1 1/3 N.E. [North East] from Tynron village A small plantation of forest trees which takes this name from an old farm which formerly stood near it
OS1/10/49/132 HULTON BURN Hulton Burn John Paterson Mr Hyslop Thomas Smith 030; 031 [Situation] Running East to Shinnel Water. A small stream flowing through & formed at the east end of Hulton Wood by the confluence of two tributaries one of which bears the name of Craigturra Burn, Falls into Shinnel Water at Shinnel Forge.
OS1/10/49/132 LOWER CAIRNEYCROFT Lower Cairneycroft John Paterson Thomas Smith Robert Newall 031 [Situation] 1 2/3 miles N.E.E. [North East East] from Tynron village. A small dwellinghouse with garden, cottage & outhouses, & a small farm of land attached - The property of the Kirk Session of Tynron. This and Upper Cairneycroft constitute the small whole granted by Robert Bruce to the person who supplied him with food, when he was wandering in a destitute condition
OS1/10/49/132 [Page] 132 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 31-5 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant
OS1/10/49/133 FORD HILL Ford Hill Thomas Smith Mr Hyslop William Coats 031 [Situation] 1 1/6 mile East from Tynron village. A hill of moderate eminence with a rocky summit situated immediately behind Upper Cairneycroft. Included withing the farm of Ford
OS1/10/49/133 SHINNEL BRIDGE Shinnel Bridge John Paterson Thomas Smith William Hyslop 031 [Situation] 1/2 mile South from Cairneycroft. A County Bridge carrying the public road between Thornhill & Minnyhive across Shill water.
OS1/10/49/133 [Page] 133 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 31-5 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/134 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Rev. [Reverend] Mr Wilson John Kennedy Esq. William Coats 031 [Situation] From N.Wn. [North Western] district S.E. [South East] through Parish A large and rapid flowing stream forming the boundary between the parishes of Tynron & Keir.
OS1/10/49/134 SHINNEL FORGE Shinnel Forge William Coats Thomas Smith James Munsie 031 [Situation] 1 3/4 mile East from Tynron village A small forge on the banks of the Shinnel worked by water power and chiefly used for the manufacture of shovels - William Coats Occupier
OS1/10/49/134 CLONE ROAD Clone Road Clone Road Clone Road James Hiddleston William Coats Thomas Smith 031 [Situation] From near Shinnel Forge extending S.W. [South West]. A Turnpike Road leading from Minnyhive to Penpont, the name applies to the portion lying between, the, junction of roads at Shinnel Forge, & the road leading from Minnyhive to Dumfries
OS1/10/49/134 [Page] 134 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 31-5 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/135 CLOCHQUHANOCH BURN Clochquhanoch Burn Clochquhanoch Burn Clockquhanoch Burn Thomas Sloane Thomas Smith Mr. McTurk 030 [Situation] From near Southern Parish Boundary N.E. [North East] to Shinnel Water. A small stream having its source in Glencairn Parish & falls into the Shinnel Water, it bears the name the entire way. Cloch - a Stone & Quhanoch pronounced Whanoch, or, Fawnoch. May be taken to imply, A stone loosely placed on a steep or brow and liable to roll away. Le Fawnoch in Irish, means Castaway, & Fawnoch, a Slope.
OS1/10/49/135 STENHOUSE HILL Stenhouse Hill Stenhouse Hill Stenhouse Hill Istenhouse Stenhouse Stenhouse Stenhouse Thomas Sloane Robert Kennedy Thomas Smith History of Galloway 1684. Modern Valuation Rolls Johnston's Co. [County] Map Ancient Valuation Rolls 030 [Situation] 1 1/2 mile S.W. [South West] from Tynron village. A ridge like hill of considerable altitude having a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit.
OS1/10/49/135 LADY'S KNOWE Lady's Knowe Lady's Knowe Lady's Knowe Thomas Smith John Douglas Mr. Grierson 030 [Situation] 1/2 mile East from Stenhouse Hill. A conical knowe planted with fir trees.
OS1/10/49/135 [Page] 135 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.11 Trace 2 [Signed] Owen Barrett Civil [Civilian] Assistant
OS1/10/49/136 DALMAKERRAN Dalmakerran Dalmakerran Dalmakerran Damacurran Dalmacurran Robert Kennedy Esq. Thomas Sloane Valuation Roll 1855 Valuation Roll 1782 Johnston's County Map 030 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.W. from Tynron village A neat mansion, in the Cottage style of architecture, with outoffices, ornamental grounds &c. attached, the property and residence of Robert Kennedy Esq.
OS1/10/49/136 HILLHEAD Hillhead Hillhead Hillhead Robert Kennedy Esq. John Douglas Thomas Sloane 030 [Situation] About 2/3 mile S.W. from Tynron village A cottage with garden and offices attached, the property of Robert Kennedy Esq. Occupied by John Douglas, this was formerly a farm house.
OS1/10/49/136 THE AIKS Dalmacurran Damacurran Dalmakerran Wood Dalmakerran Wood Dalmakerran Wood The Aiks The Aiks The Aiks The Aiks Johnston's Co. [County] Map Valuation Rolls A&M [Ancient & Modern] Robert Kennedy Esq. John Douglas Thomas Sloane Robert Kennedy Esq. John Douglas Thomas Sloane Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] 2/3 mile S.W. [South West] from Tynron village. A mixed Wood on either side of Clochquhanoch Burn, trees of average size, Although this Wood is known by the name Dalmakerran Wood, 'The Aiks' is more general.
OS1/10/49/136 [Page] 136 Tynron Parish -- Plan 30.11 Trace 3. [Signed] Owen Barrett ca [civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/137 LANN HALL Lann Hall Lann Hall Lann Hall Lawn or Land Hall Land Lands Andrew Pringle Esq. Thomas Sloan James Hiddleston Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Wilson Valuation Roll Ancient and Modern Valn. [Valuation] Rolls. 030 [Situation] 1 /2 mile South from Tynron village. A good residence, with outhouses, garden and farm attached, the property of the Occupier Andrew Pringle Esq. Lann - Land - Gaelic.
OS1/10/49/137 MOUNTRASCAL Mountrascal Mountrascal Mountrascal Robert Kennedy Esq. Thomas Sloan Thomas Smith 030 [Situation] About 3/4 mile S.S.W. [South South West] from Tynron village The brow of a steep hill - the land was formerly ploughed, and the name is said to have arisen from the ploughman addressing his horses with the words "Mount you Rascal."
OS1/10/49/137 [Page] 137 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.12 Trace No. 1 [Signed] Owen Barrett Civil [Civilian] Assistant
OS1/10/49/138 AIRD LINN Aird Linn Aird Linn Aird Linn Andrew Pringle Esq. James Hiddleston Thomas Sloan 030 [Situation] In Shinnel Water A rugged waterfall in Shinnel Water
OS1/10/49/138 LINNHOUSE Linnhouse Linnhouse Linnhouse Andrew Pringle James Hiddleston Thomas Sloan 030 [Situation] 3/4 mile S.S.E. [South South East] from Tynron village. A cottage the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/49/138 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Andrew Pringle Esq. James Hiddleston Thomas Sloan 030 [Situation] From N.W. [North West] district S.E. [South East] through Parish A stream having its source at the top end of Tynron Parish, and falls into the Scar Water near Penpont.
OS1/10/49/138 [Page] 138 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.12 Trace No. 2 [Signed] Owen Barrett
OS1/10/49/139 FORD [a farm] Ford Ford Ford Mrs. Corie - Occupier Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Wilson Thomas Sloan 030 [Situation 1 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] from Tynron village. A farm house with outhouses and farm attached, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch, occupied by Mrs. Corie.
OS1/10/49/139 CLONE BURN Clone Burn Clone Burn Clone Burn James Hiddleston Thomas Smith George Menzies 030 [Situation] Near the S.En. [South Eastern] point of Parish N.N.W. [North North West] to Shinnel Water. A small stream, has its source in Glencairn Parish, bears the name from the Junction of the Tynron Road with the Clone Road, to Shinnel Water.
OS1/10/49/139 MILTON Milton See page 127 for authority and description [Situation] 30 Chains SE [South East] from Tynron Village.
OS1/10/49/139 [Page] 139 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.12 Trace 3. [Signed] Owen Barrett C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/49/140 LOW-LANN Low-lann Low-lann Low-lann Low Lawn or Low Land Andrew Pringle Esq. James Hiddleston Thomas Sloan Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Wilson 030 [Situation] 1 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] from Tynron village. A farm house with outhouses and farm attached, the property of Andrew Pringle Esq., occupied by James Hiddleston.
OS1/10/49/140 [Page] 140 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 30.12 Trace No. 6
OS1/10/49/141 SHINNEL WATER Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Shinnel Water Thomas Sloan Robert Newal Thomas Smith 031 [Situation] On Eastern Parish Boundary. A Stream having its source at Water Head in Tynron Ph. [Parish] falls into the Scar Water near Penpont.
OS1/10/49/141 [Page] 141 Parish of Tynron -- Plan 31.9 Trace No. 1 [Signed] R. Stotherd Capt.R.Engrs. [Captain Royal Engineers] 15th Novr. [November] 1856. [Signed] Owen Barrett
OS1/10/49/142 [Page 142 OS1/10/49 CO. [COUNTY] DUMFRIES Parish of Tynron. Scale 45.344 PLANS -- Page From -- To 20 -- 3 -- .. -- .. 20 -- 4 -- .. -- .. 20 -- 7 -- 3 -- 6 20 -- 8 -- 7 -- 14 21 -- 5 -- 15 -- 16 20 -- 11 -- 17 -- 20 20 -- 12 -- 21 -- 30 21 -- 9 -- 31 -- 36 21 -- 10 -- 37 -- 42 21 -- 11 -- 43 -- 46 21 -- 12 -- 47 -- 48 20 -- 16 -- 49 -- 52 21 -- 13 -- 53 -- 60 21 -- 14 -- 61 -- 66 21 -- 15 -- 67 -- 72 21 -- 16 -- 75 -- 76 29 -- 4 -- 77 -- 78 30 -- 1 -- 79 -- 84 30 -- 2 -- 85 -- 92 30 -- 3 -- 93 -- 96 30 -- 4 -- 97 -- 100 31 -- 1 -- 101 -- 104 30 -- 5 -- 105 -- 106 30 -- 6 -- 107 -- 110 30 -- 7 -- 111 -- 116 30 -- 8 -- 117 -- 130 31 -- 6 -- 131 -- 134 30 -- 10 -- .. -- .. 30 -- 11 -- 135 -- 136 30 -- 12 -- 137 -- 140 31 -- 9 -- 141 -- 142 31 Plans [Stamped] ORDNANCE SURVEY M.S. STORE SOUTHAMPTON 15 MAR. [MARCH] 1898
OS1/10/49/143 [Page] 143 INDEX Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages 20/7 -- Allan's Cairn -- 6 20/11. 20/12. 21/9. 21/13. 21/14. -- Appin Burn -- 20, 22, 36, 53, 61 21/10 -- Auchengower -- 39 21/11. 21/12. -- Arkland Burn -- 43, 47 21/13 -- Appin -- 56 21/14 -- Auchenbrack -- 64 21/15. 21/16 -- Auchenhasnane Burn-- 69, 75 21/16 -- Auchenhasnane -- 73 21/16. 30/3. 30/4. -- Auchenlaw Burn -- 74, 94, 97 30/4 -- Auchengibbert Hill -- 99 30/7. 30/8 -- Auchengibbert Wood -- 113, 124 30/8, 31/5 -- Aird Wood -- 122, 131 30/8 -- Auchengibbert -- 124 30/8 -- Auchengibbert Linn -- 124 30/8 -- Aird Loch -- 129 30/12 -- Aird Linn -- 138 20/11 -- Black Hill -- 17 20/11 Blackcraig Hill -- 19 20/12 -- Brown Knowes -- 26 20/12 -- Black Craig -- 27 21/9 -- Broken Craig -- 33 20/16. 21/13. 29/4 -- Bail Hill -- 52, 53, 77 21/13 -- Brunt Hill -- 59 21/15. 21/16 -- Back Burn -- 72, 76 30/2 -- Broomy Knowe -- 87 30/3 -- Bennan -- 93 30/3 -- Brown Knowe -- 94 30/3 -- Bennan (house) -- 95 30/7 -- Birkhill -- 112 20/7 -- Craw Linn -- 4 20/7 -- Countam -- 6 20/8 -- Craigeller -- 12 21/5 -- Craigskean -- 15 20/11 -- Colt Hill -- 18 20/12 -- Conwick Hass -- 27 21/9 -- Croglin Craig -- 35 21/10 -- Countam -- 38 21/13 -- Cormunnock Hill -- 57 21/13. 30/1 Cormunnock Burn -- 57, 79 21/13 -- Cormunnock Hass -- 58 21/13 -- Cats Craig -- 59 21/14 -- Cairney Knowe -- 62 21/14 -- Craigencoon -- 65 21/15 -- Crystal Faulds -- 67 21/15 -- Crow Plantation -- 69 21/15. 21/16. 30/3. 30/4 -- Corfardine -- 72, 74, 94, 97 20/16 -- Corfardine (House) -- 74 30/1 Cormilligan -- 81 30/1. 30/5 -- Cormilligan Bottom -- 83, 105 30/2 -- Connels Well -- 88 30/4. 31/1. 30/8 -- Craignee Wood -- 99, 101, 121 30/4 -- Craignee -- 100 30/4 -- Craignee Cottage -- 100 31/1 -- Camling Wood -- 101 31/1 -- Camling -- 102 30/6 -- Corrodow -- 107 30/6 -- Corrodow Hill -- 107 30/6. 30/7 -- Clodderoch Burn -- 108, 111 30/7 -- Clodderoch -- 112 30/7. 30/8. 30/11 -- Clochquhanoch Burn-- 115, 125, 135 30/8 -- Crystal Knowe -- 118 30/8 -- Craigturra Burn -- 119 30/8 -- Craigturra Linn -- 119 30/8 -- Craigturra -- 119 30/8 -- Craigturra Wood -- 120 30/8 -- Clonrae -- 122 30/8 -- Church -- 125 30/8 -- Craigturra Cottage -- 127 30/8 -- Court Hill -- 128 31/5 -- Camling Craig -- 131 31/5 -- Clone Road -- 134 30/12 -- Clone Burn -- 139 20/12, 20/16 -- Dun Cleuch -- 29, 50 20/12, 20/16, 21/13 -- Dun Brae -- 30, 51, 54 21/13 -- Dempster's Hass -- 57 21/13, 30/1 -- Dempster's Burn -- 80 30/1 -- Duddiestone Hass -- 71 30/1, 30/2 -- Dry Burn -- 82, 85 30/11 -- Dalmakerran -- 136 20/10, 20/13 -- Everside -- 39, 55 21/13, 30/1 -- Ewe Craig -- 59, 81 20/7 -- Fingland Burn -- 5 21/10 -- Fiddlers Moss -- 40 21/13 -- Fairy Craig -- 55 31/5 -- Ford Hill -- 133 30/8 -- Fort -- 121 30/12 -- Ford -- 139 20/7 -- Good Bog -- 6 20/8 -- Grain Burn -- 11 21/11. 21/15 -- Glendinning Cleugh -- 44, 68 20/16 -- Green Hill -- 52 29/4 -- Green Burn -- 77 30/1 -- Glenskelly Hill -- 83 31/1 -- Glenmarlin -- 103 30/9 -- Gled Brae -- 112 20/7 -- Horse Grain -- 5 20/8 -- Herd Naze -- 7 21/9 -- Hard Knowe -- 33 21/14, 30/6 -- Halfmerk Burn -- 62, 108 30/2 -- Hells Caldron -- 92 30/3 -- Holmhouse -- 96 30/8, 31/5 -- Hutton Wood -- 122, 133 30/8, 31/5 -- Hutton Burn -- 122, 132 30/11 -- Hillhead -- 136 21/12 -- Knockelly -- 47 21/14 -- Kilnmark -- 63 21/14 -- Kilnmark Bridge -- 64 29/4, 30/1, 30/2, 30/3, 30/6 -- Kirkconnel Burn -- 78, 79, 88, 96, 107 30/2 -- Kirkconnel Cottage -- 91 30/2 -- Kirkconnel -- 91 30/2 -- Kirkconnel Linn -- 91 30/7 -- Killywarren Wood -- 112 30/7 -- Killywarren -- 113
OS1/10/49/144 [Page] 144 Plans --Name of Object -- Pages 30/8 -- Kirkland -- 123 20/7, 20/8 -- Lockerty Burn -- 4, 7 20/7, 20/8 -- Lockerty Bog -- 4, 7 20/7, 20/8 -- Lockery Sheuchs -- 4, 8 20/8, 20/12 -- Lagluff -- 9, 21 20/8 -- Long Knowe -- 12 20/8 -- Lamgarroch Strand -- 13 21/11 -- Lagdubh Hill -- 19 20/12 -- Lamgarroch Strand -- 23 20/12 -- Lamgarroch -- 23 21/9 -- Loop End -- 36 21/10 -- Lamb Craigs -- 41 21/16 -- Laight -- 76 30/3 -- Laird's Bridge -- 94 30/4 -- Laight Hill -- 97 30/4 -- Laight Wood -- 98 30/4 -- Laight Burn -- 98 31/5 -- Lower Cairneycroft -- 132 30/11 -- Lady's Knowe -- 135 30/12 -- Lann Hall -- 137 30/12 -- Linn House -- 138 30/12 -- Low Lann -- 141 20/12 -- Mid Hill -- 21 21/9, 21/10, 21/13 -- March Burn -- 36, 37, 55 20/16 -- Mullwhanny -- 49 20/16, 21/13 -- Magmullach Burn -- 52, 54 21/13 -- Markreach Hill -- 53 21/13 -- Maqueston Burn -- 60 21/16 -- Muckle Wood -- 75 30/3 -- Mounthoolie Bridge -- 94 30/3, 30/7 -- Maqueston -- 96, 111 30/6 -- Margmony Hill -- 108 30/6 -- Maqueston Hill -- 109 30/7 -- Margmony -- 114 30/7 -- Margmony Burn -- 115 30/7 -- Millhouse -- 116 30/8 -- Mid Hill -- 118 30/8 -- Manse -- 127 30/12, 30/8 -- Milton -- 127, 139 30/12 -- Mountrascal -- 137 20/8, 20/12 -- Nether Grain -- 11, 21 21/16 -- New Bridge -- 76 30/7, 20/8 -- Over Grain -- 5, 9 20/8 -- Ox Hill -- 10 21/14 -- Old Auchenbrack -- 61 30/3 -- Old Pingarie -- 93 31/1 -- Old Camling -- 102 20/8, 20/12 -- Patie's Cleuch -- 13, 25 20/13 -- Prat Rigg -- 26 21/11, 21/15 -- Parfin -- 45, 68 21/15 -- Pingarie Hill -- 70 30/2 -- Pagan's Thern -- 92 30/3 -- Pingarie -- 95 31/1 -- Priest's Pool -- 103 30/8 -- Post Office -- 125 30/1 -- Parkhouse -- 126 30/8 -- Park Pool -- 126 20/8 -- Red Cleugh -- 8 20/8 -- Rough Craig -- 14 30/7 -- Rough Glen -- 113 20/7, 20/8, 20/12, 21/9, 21/13, 21/14, 30/2, 30/3, 31/1, 30/7, 30/8, 31/5, 30/12, 31/9 -- Shinnel Water -- 3, 8, 25, 31, 56, 61, 87, 93, 104, 111, 126, 134, 138, 141 20/12 -- Shinnelhead -- 26 20/12, 20/16 -- Shiel Cleugh -- 29, 49 21/9 -- Sharp Craig -- 34 21/9 -- Shiel Craig -- 35 21/12, 21/16, 30/4, 31/1 -- Scar Water -- 47, 73, 98, 102 21/13 -- Stanefauld Knowes -- 60 30/2 -- Strathmilligan Hill -- 86 30/2 -- St. Connel's Chapel -- 86 30/2 -- Stellbrae Plantation -- 88 30/2 -- Sight Knowe -- 89 30/2 -- Strathmilligan -- 92 30/3 -- School -- 95 31/1 -- Scar Bridge -- 104 30/7 -- Stenhouse Wood -- 114 30/7 -- Stenhouse Hill -- 114 30/7 -- Stenhouse -- 116 30/7 -- Stenhouse Cottage -- 116 30/8 -- School -- 125 31/5 -- Shinnel Bridge -- 133 31/5 -- Shinnel Forge -- 134 30/11 -- Stenhouse Hill -- 135 20/8 -- Troston Hill -- 11 20/12 -- The Coal Hole -- 25 21/10 -- Thorter Cleugh -- 41 20/16 -- Transparra -- 50 21/15 -- Torbraehead -- 70 21/16 -- Thiefs Loup -- 75 30/2 -- Thistlemark Hill -- 86 30/2 -- Tenlaight (Ruins) -- 87 30/8 -- Tynron Doon -- 121 30/8 -- Tynron -- 123 30/8 -- Tynron Bridge -- 123 30/11 -- The Aiks -- 136 21/9 -- Upper Appin -- 35 30/8 -- Upper Cairneycroft -- 129 20/8 -- White Knowe -- 9 20/8, 20/12, 21/9 -- White Burn -- 13, 23, 32 20/12 -- Water Head -- 17 21/12, 21/16 -- Wet Wood -- 48 20/16 -- Wether Hill -- 49 20/12 -- Yearn Craig -- 29