
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ST HELEN'S WELL St. Helen's Well
St. Helen's Well
St. Helen's Well
John Potter
James Potter
William Boyd
050 An excellent spring of water at the East side of the Roucan, an inscription on a stone at the side of the well thus 1796 may indicate the date of its erection.
The date 1796 is merely the date of some repairs & of the time the name was cut in the stone, this name was Well Known previous to that period & is Considered to be a name handed down from Catholic times.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 37
Ph. [Parish] of Torthorwald Plan 50.9

Entries for Clunching Hill & Lambing Pool scored through.
[Signed] Philip Munro
Pt. R.S.M. [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]

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DANIALSAN, lowlandscot

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