Dumfriesshire volume 46

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/10/46/1 TINWALD [parish] Tinwald Tinwald Tinwald Tinweld Walkers Map Crawford's Co. [County] Map Johnstone's Co. [County] Map Ancient Presbyterian Records 041; 042; 049; 050 [Situation] Between Nithsdale and Annandale and near the Centre of Dumfries-shire. The Name of this Parish has been supposed to signify the Harbour, as derived from Gaelic and also the House in the Wood, - as taken from the Saxon. "Whatever be the proper signification of the latter syllable" says the Statistical Account "perhaps the former Ting or Tin is derived from the Ting or Court of the Ancient Saxons, who at one time possessed the Country; and what under this supposition the more probable, is the existence of a Mound or Moat near the Church, which in many respects resembles one on the Isle of Man called a Ting and upon which local Courts were held until a recent period." The proper Signification therefore may be the Court in the woody district from the Saxon etymons Ting and Walda or Wealt, which is descriptive of the Parish at an early date covered as it was with wood.
OS1/10/46/1 [Page] 1 Parish of Tinwald
OS1/10/46/2 [Page] 2 [Tinwald Parish continued} The Parish of Tinwald lies doubtfully between Annandale and Nithsdale districts, but is generally considered to belong mainly to the former; none of it is within the boundaries of any other Parish neither is there a part of another Parish comprehended within its Parish Boundaries, - altho' it may at sametime be remarked that the ancient Parish of Trailflat is now united to it. See Page 3.Bounded on the North and North West by the Parish of Kirkmahoe, on the North-east by thatof Kirkmichael, on the East by Lochmaben, on the South-east by Torthorwald and on the South-west by Dumfries, its greatest length from North to South is 5 1/2 miles and its greatest breadth 4 1/3 miles, cosequently superficial area may be roughly compued at 15 square miles or 9,600, Imperial Acres ior according to Statistics of Parish 9,405. acres, whereof there may be 7,289. arable, 350 Pasture and Meadow, 119 Wood and 1647 unreclaimed land. The Hills have a gentle acclivity, which are the Northern part of a range extending S.E. [South East] through the Parishes of Torthorwald and Mouswald, admit of cultivation to the tops, the highest is about 682 feet. Lochar Moss at the west side of the Parish is oartially reclaimed into a fine meadow. There are two small pieces of water called respectively Black and Murder Loch, the latter at one time of great depth, now partially reclaimed. The chief Streams are the Water of Ae and Lochar Water, the farmer of which farms the northern Parish Boundary is a very rapid Stream and very liable to floods, is continually undermining its banks owing to the gravelly nature of its bed. There are two minor Streams respectively Park Burn and Amisfield Burn, the former tracing the Western Parish Boundary, which uniting near Lochar Briggs assume the Name of Lochar Water. The Turnpike Road from Dumfries to Moffat bisects the Parish - from S.W. [South West] to N.E. [North East] having a branch at N.E. [North East] extremity running in a N.W. [North West] direction for a short distance through Parish. No minerals abound - no manufacture of any extent is carried on, and the only one ever known was a Bleach-work, now almost extinct. Peat exists in considerable quantities and is still used by the poorer class for fuel. The Parish Church a praic barn-like edifice was built in 1763, has accommodation for 400 Sitters, but inconveniently
OS1/10/46/3 [Page] 3 [Tinwald Parish continued] situate, being one mile from Southern extremity and 4 1/2 from the other. It is at present undergoing a thorough repair. The Ministers Stipend amounts to £155 13s 7d with Manse and Glebe of 17 acres, the latter valued at £35. Patrons, the Crown and Marquis of Queensberry. There are two Parish Schools, supported however chiefly from the Interest of mortifications. There are two villages or hamlets vizt. [vizelicet] Tinwald and Amisfield Town. The Parish of Tinwald anterior to the Reformation was a free parsonage within the Deanery of Nith; it now comprehends the Ancient Parish of Trailflatt, which was united to it in 1650. Trailflat was previously a Vicarage under the Monks of Kelso. The Western side of the Parish having an alluvial soil, has originated the supposition of its having been at an early age the bed of the River Nith and that the tide flowed so far inland, in support of which it is even asserted that there is yet extant an ancient Dutch Chart, having a clause somewhat to effect "that the isles of Tinwald afford the safest and most commodious harbour for shipping in Scotland", and also in confirmation of this Tradition large pieces of boats have frequently been dug up at Cullyveat, a name perhaps of dutch origin - signifying the foot of the Gully - voet foot in dutch, or perhaps it is only the Gaelic Cully & vat - a harbour for boats. The Roman Road as pointed out by locals is evidently that called by General Roy and other antiquarians the Nithsdale or Western Roman Road, all of whom merely state that it passed by Murder Loch and Lanegate. A Camp at Amisfield is generally supposed by antiquarians to be of Roman construction which Chalmers particularly notices as a small Roman Post and where as the Parish Statistical Account remarks a Cohort or two may have been occasionally kept. Five others have been traced by Examiners, but there is no authority for supposing them of Roman origin, probably they have been only hill forts or as this district was possessed by the Danes they may possibly have been constructed by them, The Camp on Parshell Hill is however by some Antiquarians attributed to British design, and possibly may have formed the counterpart to the Roman Camp at Amisfield. There is a Tower or Border Fortress sometimes called Amisfield and Elmsfield Castle, like the generality it is merely a high square tower, having very thick walls and vaulted roofs.
OS1/10/46/4 [Page] 4 [Tinwald Parish continued] It is generally allowed to have been founded during the 16th Century by Sir John Charteris then Warden of the West March is chiefly remarkable as the residence of the Charteris family when James V. paid an angry visit to Sir John which subsequently led to the reduction of that - then most powerful family in the district. It is considered to be the most perfect Border Tower existing. The site of an ancient Peel belonging to the Maxwell family during Border Feuds still pointed out at a place bearing its name in that of The old Place of Tinwald. The Moat from which the Parish is supposed to derive its name is still visible near the Parish Church. Parts of the walls of the Ancient Church of Trailflat are yet visible the entire site being easily traced. It is represented in 1684as having been an excellent structure and "famed for the curious workmanship of its roof" (ceiling probably asthe roof was of ---
OS1/10/46/5 BLACK LOCH Black Loch Black Loch Black Loch Black Loch Edward Nicholson, Moorhous William Nicholson, Moorhouse James Harper, Annfield Johnstone's Co[unty] Map 041 [Situation] At N.Wn. [North Western extremity of Parish about 4 miles N.N.W. [North North West] of Tinwald village A large pond in an extensive piece of moss, and on the Parish Boundary between Kirkmahoe and Tinwald,
OS1/10/46/5 [Page] 5 Parish of Tinwald Plan 41/3 Trace 1 [Signed] James Hill Lc. Corpl RS&M [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners]
OS1/10/46/6 [Page] 6 [Blank page]
OS1/10/46/7 BLACKLOCH BURN Blackloch Burn Blackloch Burn Blackloch Burn George Moor, Burnfoot James Harper, Annfield William Nicholson 041 [Situation] Tracing Parish Boundary on the N.N.W. [North North West] A small stream having its source in Black Loch, it flows in Easterly direction and falls into Goukstane Burn South of Burnfoot
OS1/10/46/7 BURNFOOT Burnfoot Burnfoot Burnfoot George Moor James Harper William Nicholson 041 [Situation] At extreme N. [North] point of Parish upwards of 4 miles from Tinwald village A small cottage and gardens the property of David B. Dalziel Esq and occupied by two families
OS1/10/46/7 GOUKSTANE BURN Glenmaid Burn Glenmaid Burn Glenmaid Burn Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn James Henderson, Amisfield Lower Andrew Gillison, Amisfild Lower George Moor Johnstone's Co[unty] Map Gazr. [Gazetteer] of Scotland Crawfords Co[unty] Map Authorities in Kirkmahoe Name Book 041 [Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary A large stream flowing in an Easterly direction through this Plan This stream is locally known by the respective names of Auchengeith, Glenmaid, Gledenholm and Gussels Burn. Goukstane is the name recognised by Statisticsand maps and is known in locality also which has accordingly been adopted on the whole course of stream through Kirkmahoe
OS1/10/46/7 [Page] 7 Parish of Tinwald Plan 41/4 Trace 1 [Signed] James Hill Lce. Corpl RS&M [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners]
OS1/10/46/8 WATER OF AE Water of A.E. Water of A.E. Water of A.E. Water of Ae Water of Ae The Ae The Ae James Henderson Andrew Gillison William Nicholson Dr. Singer's Agricultural Survey Johnstone's Co[unty] Map Gazr. [Gazetteer] of Scotland Statistics of Dumfries 041; 042 [Situation] Tracing for the most part N.E. [North East] Parish Boundary A large stream flowing in Southerly direction through this Plan
OS1/10/46/8 [Page] 8 Parish of Tinwald Plan 41/4 Trace 1 [Signed] James Hill Lce. Corpl RS&M [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners]
OS1/10/46/9 ANNFIELD MOOR Annfield Moor Annfield Moor Annfield Moor James Harper, Annfield William Nicholson, Moorhouse James Henderson, Amisfield Town James Morgan 041 [Situation] At Wn. [Western] side of Parish 3 miles N.N.W. [North North West] of Tinwald village A large tract of moorland so called from it being on the farm of Annfield
OS1/10/46/9 BLACK LOCH Black Loch Black Loch Black Loch Black Loch James Harper William Nicholson James Henderson James Morgan Johnstone's Co[unty] Map 041 [Situation] At N.Wn. [North Western] extremity of Parish about 4 miles N.N.W. [North North West]of Tinwald village A large pond situated at the north of Annfield Moor
OS1/10/46/9 PARK BURN Park Burn Park Burn Glenae Burn Andrew Gillison, Amisfield Town Janes Henderson James Harper 041; 049 [Situation] Partially tracing Wn. [Western] Boundary. A small stream having its source in the Parish of Kirkmahoe it flows along and forms part of the Parish Boundary between Kirkmahoe and Tinwald, it bears this name until it joins Lochar Water at Lochar Bridge.
OS1/10/46/9 [Page] 9 Parish of Tinwald Plan 41/7 Trace 1 [Signed] Samuel S Hill Lce. Corpl RS&M [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners]
OS1/10/46/10 RORIE HILL Rorie Hill Rorie Hill Rorie Hill Rorie Hill Rorie Hill Rowntree William Nicholson Edward Nicholson James Harper James Nicholson William Morgan Johnstone's Co[unty] Map 041 [Situation] About 2 3/4 miles N.N.W. of Tinwald village A small Hill situated on the farm of Rorr (hence the name)
OS1/10/46/10 THE HEIGHT Height Height Height William Nicholson Edward Nicholson James Harper 041 [Situation] About 2 3/4 N.N.W. [North North West] of Tinwald village. A small Hill having its name from it being the heighest point on the farm
OS1/10/46/10 [Page] 10 Parish of Tinwald Plan 41/7 Trace 2 [Signed] Samuel S Hill Lce. Corpl RS&M [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners]
OS1/10/46/11 AE BRIDGEND 041
OS1/10/46/11 WATER OF AE 041; 042
OS1/10/46/11 WATER OF AE BRIDGE 041
OS1/10/46/12 RORIE 041
OS1/10/46/12 SMITHTOWN MOSS 041
OS1/10/46/13 AE BANK 041
OS1/10/46/13 FULTON 041
OS1/10/46/14 DALRUSCAN 041
OS1/10/46/14 DALRUSCAN PLANTATION 041; 042
OS1/10/46/15 HUNTHILL 041
OS1/10/46/15 HUNTHILL MOOR 041
OS1/10/46/16 FULTON MOOR 041
OS1/10/46/16 FULTON MOSS 041
OS1/10/46/17 WATER OF AE 041; 042
OS1/10/46/18 CARSE OF AE 042
OS1/10/46/19 LAMBHOLM FORD 042
OS1/10/46/21 UNDER CARSE 042
OS1/10/46/22 LAKE BURN 042
OS1/10/46/22 MILL-LAND 042
OS1/10/46/23 AMISFIELD MOOR 041
OS1/10/46/23 ANNFIELD 041
OS1/10/46/23 ANNFIELD MOOR 041
OS1/10/46/23 REYNARD BRAE 041
OS1/10/46/24 GLENAE 041
OS1/10/46/24 GLENAE MAINS 041
OS1/10/46/24 ORCHARD WALLS 041
OS1/10/46/26 EAST WOOD 041
OS1/10/46/26 HECKET HILL 041
OS1/10/46/26 LONG WOOD 041
OS1/10/46/26 PARK BURN 041; 049
OS1/10/46/27 Remains of Supposed FORT [Annfield] 041
OS1/10/46/29 Remains of Supposed FORT [Annfield] 041
OS1/10/46/30 SMITHTOWN MOSS 041
OS1/10/46/31 BRICKFIELD 041
OS1/10/46/31 DALRUSCAN PLANTATION 041; 042
OS1/10/46/31 JOHNSFIELD MOSS 041
OS1/10/46/32 JOHNSFIELD 041
OS1/10/46/33 EAST WOOD 041
OS1/10/46/35 BLAIRHALL BURN 041
OS1/10/46/35 OLD ANNFIELD 041
OS1/10/46/36 MUIRHEAD 041
OS1/10/46/36 WEST LANEGATE 041
OS1/10/46/37 RED CLEUCH 041
OS1/10/46/37 WALLACE'S THORN 041
OS1/10/46/39 ROMAN ROAD [Tinwald parish] 042
OS1/10/46/40 AMISFIELD BURN 041; 042; 049
OS1/10/46/41 AMISFIELD MOOR 041
OS1/10/46/41 LANEGATE ROAD 041
OS1/10/46/43 DALRUSCAN PLANTATION 041; 042
OS1/10/46/46 ROMAN ROAD [Tinwald parish] 042
OS1/10/46/47 MURDER LOCH 042
OS1/10/46/48 LOCH BURN 042
OS1/10/46/48 NORTH COWSHAW 042
OS1/10/46/48 I found NORTH COWSHAW erroneously assigned to Dumfriesshire Volume 44 Page 48 - should have been Volume 46 page 48 (here). I created the table entry in this volume but have not transcribed further.
OS1/10/46/49 WOOD HILL 042
OS1/10/46/50 TINWALD MILL 049
OS1/10/46/51 CAT CLEUCH 042
OS1/10/46/51 SHIELHILL 042
OS1/10/46/52 DALFIBBLE FORD 042
OS1/10/46/53 WOODHEAD 042
OS1/10/46/54 AMISFIELD BURN 041; 042; 049
OS1/10/46/55 BARRSHELL WOOD 042
OS1/10/46/55 EAST LANEGATE 042
OS1/10/46/57 SOUTH COWSHAW 042
OS1/10/46/58 PINNACLE HILL 042
OS1/10/46/59 FORT [Pinnacle Hill] 042
OS1/10/46/60 COWSHAW STAND 042
OS1/10/46/62 TRAILFLAT 042
OS1/10/46/63 AUNTY'S KNOWE 042
OS1/10/46/63 CUDDY'S COURSE 042
OS1/10/46/63 PINNACLE HILL 042
OS1/10/46/64 HOLY WELL [Pinnacle Hill] 042
OS1/10/46/64 THE FOX COVER 042
OS1/10/46/65 HOLYWELL WOOD 042
OS1/10/46/67 BELZIES 042
OS1/10/46/67 SHEEPCOT HILL 042
OS1/10/46/68 KENEAN HILL 042
OS1/10/46/68 ROSE KNOWE 042
OS1/10/46/68 TAM'S KNOWE 042
OS1/10/46/69 BELZIES KNOWE 042
OS1/10/46/71 AARON'S WELL 042
OS1/10/46/71 MOSES' WELL 042
OS1/10/46/73 ROMAN CAMP [Amisfield] 041
OS1/10/46/74 TOWER [Amisfield] 041
OS1/10/46/75 BLAIRHALL ROAD 041
OS1/10/46/77 PARK BURN 041; 049
OS1/10/46/77 PARKBURN 041
OS1/10/46/77 PARKBURN BRIDGE 041
OS1/10/46/78 ROMAN CAMP [Amisfield] 041
OS1/10/46/79 AMISFIELD 041
OS1/10/46/79 TOWER [Amisfield] 041
OS1/10/46/80 Site of CHAPEL [Amisfield] 041
OS1/10/46/81 HAZELRIGG 041
OS1/10/46/83 BLAIRHALL BURN 041
OS1/10/46/83 LAWRIDDING 041
OS1/10/46/83 ROMAN ROAD [Tinwald parish] 042
OS1/10/46/84 TINWALD ISLE 049
OS1/10/46/85 AMISFIELD MOOR 041
OS1/10/46/85 HARDBUSH 041
OS1/10/46/85 LANEGATE ROAD 041
OS1/10/46/86 BARR COTTAGE 041
OS1/10/46/86 BARR COVER 041
OS1/10/46/86 MOORFOOT 041
OS1/10/46/87 AMISFIELD BURN 041; 042; 049
OS1/10/46/88 BARR HILL 041
OS1/10/46/88 BARRSHELL HILL 041
OS1/10/46/89 CAMP [Barrshell Hill] 041
OS1/10/46/90 OLD HAZELRIGG 041
OS1/10/46/90 OLD LAWRIGGING 041
OS1/10/46/90 ROBERTLAND 041
OS1/10/46/91 DAM BANK 041
OS1/10/46/91 SCHOOL [nr Amisfield Tower] 041
OS1/10/46/91 WALLTREEBURN 041
OS1/10/46/92 AMISFIELD TOWN 041; 049
OS1/10/46/92 BARR SHAW 041; 049
OS1/10/46/92 DELVEN BRAE 041; 049
OS1/10/46/93 AUCHENLADDER 041
OS1/10/46/94 DAMHEAD 041
OS1/10/46/94 HILLHEAD 041
OS1/10/46/95 HIGH AUCHNANE 042
OS1/10/46/95 SCHOOL [nr High Auchnane] 042
OS1/10/46/95 SOUTH COWSHAW 042
OS1/10/46/96 BARRSHELL 042
OS1/10/46/96 LAIGH AUCHNANE 042
OS1/10/46/98 BARRSHELL WOOD 042
OS1/10/46/99 TOMSHIEL 042
OS1/10/46/99 WHITE HILL 042; 050
OS1/10/46/99 WHITEHILL MOSS 042
OS1/10/46/100 BLACK HILL 042; 050
OS1/10/46/100 FORT (Remains of) [White Hill] 042
OS1/10/46/101 BESSY MOSS 042
OS1/10/46/103 BOGHALL 042
OS1/10/46/103 BRUNTSHIELS 042
OS1/10/46/104 BRUNTSHIELS HILL 042
OS1/10/46/105 DUCHESS' ROAD 042; 050
OS1/10/46/105 LONG PLANTATION 042; 050
OS1/10/46/105 PUMPLANDBURN 042
OS1/10/46/106 AMISFIELD BURN 041; 042; 049
OS1/10/46/106 FERNYCLEUCH MOOR 042; 050
OS1/10/46/107 PUMPLAND BURN 042
OS1/10/46/109 ROUND PLANTATION 042
OS1/10/46/110 WHITE HILL 042; 050
OS1/10/46/111 BANKHEAD LINN 042
OS1/10/46/111 BANKHEAD SHAW 042
OS1/10/46/112 BANKHEAD 042
OS1/10/46/112 TRAILFLAT CHURCH (Remains of) 042
OS1/10/46/114 ARTHUR'S STONE 042
OS1/10/46/114 TIPPERWHIPPY 042
OS1/10/46/115 SLACKS 042
OS1/10/46/116 ROMAN ROAD [Tinwald parish] 042
OS1/10/46/116 SLACKS BANK 042
OS1/10/46/117 BANKHEAD MOSS 042
OS1/10/46/119 HUGH'S KNOWE 042
OS1/10/46/119 Site of FORT [Slacks] 042
OS1/10/46/120 BLIND LOCHS 042
OS1/10/46/120 TOLL COURSE 042
OS1/10/46/121 BANKHEAD MOOR 042
OS1/10/46/121 WHITE HILL 042; 050
OS1/10/46/122 SKIPMIRE MOOR 042; 050
OS1/10/46/123 HUNTERHOUSE MOOR 042; 050
OS1/10/46/125 HUNTERHOUSE BURN 042; 050
OS1/10/46/127 HUNTERHOUSE MOSS 042
OS1/10/46/128 HOSPITAL RIG 042; 050
OS1/10/46/128 LONG ISLES 042
OS1/10/46/129 HOLEHOUSE 049
OS1/10/46/129 PARK BURN 041; 049
OS1/10/46/131 DELVENBRAE 049
OS1/10/46/131 LOW ROAD 049; 050
OS1/10/46/131 TINWALD [village] 049
OS1/10/46/132 HIGH ROAD 049; 050
OS1/10/46/133 AMISFIELD BRIDGE 049
OS1/10/46/134 AMISFIELD BURN 041; 042; 049
OS1/10/46/134 SANDYKNOWE 049
OS1/10/46/135 BOG WELL 049
OS1/10/46/136 AMISFIELD TOWN 041; 049
OS1/10/46/137 BRAEHEAD WELL 049
OS1/10/46/137 DELVEN BRAE 041; 049
OS1/10/46/137 DELVEN COTTAGE 049
OS1/10/46/138 BARR 049
OS1/10/46/138 BARR SHAW 041; 049
OS1/10/46/138 PIE KNOWES 049
OS1/10/46/139 COTLAND LINN 049
OS1/10/46/139 COTLANDHILL 049
OS1/10/46/140 LOANINGHEAD 049
OS1/10/46/140 TOWNHEAD [farm] 049
OS1/10/46/141 COUPLAND'S WELL 049
OS1/10/46/141 LAMB KNOWE 006
OS1/10/46/142 KIRK BANK 049
OS1/10/46/142 KIRKLAND BURN 049
OS1/10/46/143 LOANINGHEAD HILL 049
OS1/10/46/144 SMIDHOLM 049
OS1/10/46/144 THE MANSE [Tinwald] 049
OS1/10/46/145 OLD MANSE [Tinwald] 049
OS1/10/46/146 KIRK BRAE 049
OS1/10/46/146 TINKER'S CORNER 049 A small corner of Roug [...] [Rough] Ground Situated betwe [...] [between] Amisfield Burn & the Ed [...] [Edinburgh] & Dumfries Road, frequ [...] [frequently] occupied by Tinkers, h [...] [hence] the name
OS1/10/46/147 LOCHAR BRIGGS 049
OS1/10/46/147 LOCHAR WATER 049
OS1/10/46/148 CULLYVEAT 049
OS1/10/46/148 ROUND LOCH 049
OS1/10/46/149 LOCHAR MOSS 049
OS1/10/46/149 PARK BURN 041; 049
OS1/10/46/150 KIRKLAND 049
OS1/10/46/151 CHURCH [Tinwald] 049
OS1/10/46/151 MARTYR'S MONUMENT [Tinwald Churchyard] 049
OS1/10/46/152 MOAT [Tinwald] 049
OS1/10/46/153 KIRKLAND BRIDGE 049
OS1/10/46/153 SAINT'S WELL 049
OS1/10/46/153 TOWNHEAD [cottages] 049
OS1/10/46/154 TINWALD COTTAGE 049
OS1/10/46/155 CROCHMADE ROAD 049; 050
OS1/10/46/155 TINWALD SHAWS 049
OS1/10/46/157 GALLGREEN (Ruins) 050
OS1/10/46/157 HIGH DAM 050
OS1/10/46/157 SHAWS HILL 050
OS1/10/46/158 BACK HILL 050
OS1/10/46/158 BLACK HILL 042; 050
OS1/10/46/158 FERNYCLEUCH MOOR 042; 050
OS1/10/46/158 MOSS LOCH 050
OS1/10/46/159 ROUND PLANTATION 042
OS1/10/46/160 SKIPMIRE MOOR 042; 050
OS1/10/46/161 DUCHESS' ROAD 042; 050
OS1/10/46/161 GALL MOSS 050
OS1/10/46/161 LONG PLANTATION 042; 050
OS1/10/46/163 CROCHMADE 050
OS1/10/46/163 SKIPMIRE 050
OS1/10/46/165 SIDE BURN 050; 049
OS1/10/46/165 SIDE LINN 050
OS1/10/46/167 CROCHMADE ROAD 049; 050
OS1/10/46/167 FERNYCLEUCH 050
OS1/10/46/169 SKIPMIRE MOOR 042; 050
OS1/10/46/169 WHITE HILL 042; 050
OS1/10/46/170 HUNTERHOUSE MOOR 042; 050
OS1/10/46/171 HUNTERHOUSE BURN 042; 050
OS1/10/46/173 HUNTERHOUSE 050
OS1/10/46/175 OLD BURYING GROUND [nr Hunterhouse] 050
OS1/10/46/177 HOSPITAL RIG 042; 050
OS1/10/46/177 NEWMAINS MOSS 050
OS1/10/46/178 TOD KNOWES 050
OS1/10/46/179 SKIPMIRE 050
OS1/10/46/181 SKIPMIRE MOSS 050
OS1/10/46/182 BURNSIDE 050
OS1/10/46/183 DEWS HOLE 049
OS1/10/46/183 THE PACKMAN'S HOLLOW 049
OS1/10/46/184 LOCHAR WATER (New Cut) 049
OS1/10/46/184 OLD PLACE 049
OS1/10/46/185 LOCHAR WATER (Old Course) 049
OS1/10/46/186 TINWALD PARK 049
OS1/10/46/187 HIGH ROAD 049; 050
OS1/10/46/187 LOVERS' WALK 049
OS1/10/46/187 LOW ROAD 049; 050
OS1/10/46/189 THE MANSE MOSS 049
OS1/10/46/189 TINWALD PLACE (Site of) 049
OS1/10/46/191 SIDE BURN 050; 049
OS1/10/46/191 SIDE-OF-TINWALD 050
OS1/10/46/192 NANNY STOTT'S WELL 050
OS1/10/46/192 TINWALD HOUSE 049
OS1/10/46/193 HIGH ROAD 049; 050
OS1/10/46/193 SIDE BRIDGE 050
OS1/10/46/195 LOCHAR WATER (New Cut) 049
OS1/10/46/195 TINWALD ISLE 049
OS1/10/46/196 LOCHAR WATER (Old Course) 049
OS1/10/46/197 ISLE MOSS 049
OS1/10/46/197 THE MANSE MOSS 049