
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Lower Crawford Pool
Lower Crawford Pool
Robert McGregor
Henry Irvin Bell Esq
Walter Cowan
057 [Situation] In River Annan.
A large Pool in the Annan River noted for its fish.
CRAWFORD POOLS Upper Crawford Pool
Upper Crawford Pool
Upper Crawford Pool
Robert McGregor
Henry Irvin Bell Esq.
Walter Cowan
057 [Situation] A large pool in the Annan River noted for its fine fish.
NANNIE'S CLEUCH BURN Nannie's Cleuch Burn
Nannie's Cleuch Burn
Nannie's Cleuch Burn
Robert McGregor
Henry Irvin Bell Esq
Walter Cowan
057 [Situation] From ½ mile N.W. [North West] of Uper Brocklerigg E. [East] to Water of Milk.
A Small stream which rises ½ mile N.W. [North West] of Upper Brocklerigg flows East to Water of Milk.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 56
Parish of St. Mungo Plan 57.6

[Signed] Samuel S. Hill
Lce. Corp. RS&M [Lance Corporal Royal Sappers & Miners]

W. Stoherd
Capt. E. Engs [Captain Royal Engineers]
28th. Feb. [February] 1857.

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