List of names as written | Various modes of spelling | Authorities for spelling | Situation | Description remarks |
OLDFOLD CLEUCH | Fold Cleugh Fold Cleugh Fold Cleugh Fold Cleuch Oldfauld Cleuch Oldfauld Cleuch Oldfauld Cleuch |
[deletion] John Williamson George Osborne Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Simpson William Hislop John Lindsay Durisdeer Adam Lockhart Durisdeer |
014 | [The opening sentence is marked with an arrow directing the reader to a correction regarding the Descriptive Remarks:] A small stream haiving its source ½ mile East of Knockcony Dod and falls into the Marr Burn. Cleuch, and not Cleugh is the mode recommended by Dr. [Doctor] Simpson, it being the Scottish Mode of writing that name, [Arrowed text:] A hollow through which a Stream flows - the Cleuch extends as far as marked [two symbols denoting the delineation] on Trace.- Oldfold adopted for the sake of euphony.- |
Continued entries/extra info
[Page:] 332Parish of Sanquhar, -- Plan 14/2, Trace 4
[OLDFOLD CLEUCH - Situation:]
On En. [Eastern] Parish
[Page is signed:]
Samuel S Hill
Lce. Corpl [Lance Corporal] RS&M [Royal Sappers and Miners]
Transcriber's notes
Two Authorities are assigned to Durisdeer by a bracket, I have transcribed as if 'ditto'.Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
George Howat
Location information for this page.
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