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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Euchan Bridge
Euchan Bridge
Rev [Reverend] Robert Simpson
George Osborne
John WIlliamson
006 A large substantial one arched stone
Bridge across
the Euchan Water built, and repaired
when necessary at the expense of the Parish,
Euchan Quarry
Euchan Quarry
Rev [Reverend] Robert Simpson
George Osborne
John Williamson
006 A large Sandstone Quarry, the stone
of which is well adapted for building
The name is well established in
the District.
EUCHAN WELL (Chalybeate) Euchan Well
Euchan Well
Euchan Well
Euchan Well
Rev [Reverend] Robert Simpson
George Osborne
John Williamson
Mr. J. Ewing Chemist & Drugt. [Druggist] Sanqr. [Sanquhar]
006 A small spaw well or spring which
is visited very much by all class in the
Summer Season The Mineral properties
are Chalybeate, It possesses medicinal
qualities of a valuable description and
especially important in the treatment of
Stomach complaints. Analyzed by
Professor Penny, of the Andersonian Institution

Continued entries/extra info

[Page:] 200
Parish of Sanquhar -- Plan 6/14 Trace 6

[EUCHAN BRIDGE - Situation:]
Over Euchan Water
About ¾ mile S.S.W [South South West]
from Sanquhar. -

[EUCHAN WELL - Situation:]
4 Chains West
from Euchan Bridge

[EUCHAN QUARRY - Situation:]
About ¾ miles
S.S.W. [South South West] from the
Newtown of Sanquhar

[Page is signed:]
Samuel S Hill
Lce. Corpl [Lance Corporal] RS&M [Royal Sappers and Miners]

Transcriber's notes

The original transcription table contained an entry for EUCHAN COTTAGE which does not appear on the image, but does appear on OS1/10/44/280. I have deleted this table entry and created one on OS1/10/44/280 using the map reference from this page: 013.

- See Descriptive Remarks: 'spaw' is an archaic variant of 'spa'.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

George Howat

  Location information for this page.