
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Broomy Knowe
Broomy Knowe
Angus Harper
John Hyslop
John Drefe
006 A small arable hill west of the Ward
which in former times was covered
with broom, hence the name
The Ward
The Ward
The Waird
The Waird
The Waird
[struck out]
Angus Harper
John Hyslop
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Simpson
History of Sanquhar
Mr. John Williamson
006 A small patch of Rough ground
which is used in the winter time
for Curling upon, It is generally damed [dammed]
before the Frost sets in,
WALD'S END Wald's End
Wald's End
Wald's End
Warld,s End
Warld,s End
Warld,s End
History of Sanquhar
Rev [Reverend] Robert Simpson
George Osborne
Popular pronunciation
Mr. John Williamson
Mr. James Thorburn
006 A Small Row of thatched Cottages and gardens,
it is generally supposed that these cottages
stood at the end of the Wood which
extended up Nithsdale, which gave
to them that name, as Wald signifies
Wood - but it is sometimes corrupted
into Warld,s End-

Continued entries/extra info

[Page:] 186
Parish of Sanquhar -- Plan 6/14 Trace 3,

[THE WAIRD - Situation:]
13 Chains S,S,W, [South South West]
from the Newtown
of Sanquhar. -

[BROOMY KNOWE - Situation:]
16 Chains S.W, [South West]
from the Newtown
of Sanquhar,

[WALD'S END - Situation:]
At West end
of Sanquhar Burgh

[Page is signed:]
Samuel S Hill
Lce. Corpl [Lance Corporal] RS&M [Royal Sappers and Miners]

Transcriber's notes

THE WAIRD - struck out text noted to keep alignment of the names and authorities.
BROOMY KNOWE - John Drefe's surname appears also as Dryfe, Drife in other pages.
WALD'S END - one of the authors uses 'comma' to denote the possessive apostrophe, I have transcribed thus.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

George Howat

  Location information for this page.