Dumfriesshire volume 42

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes Transcriber's notes
OS1/10/42/1 PENPONT [parish] Penpont Walkers' Map of Scotland Crawford's Map of Dumfriesshire Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire 012; 013; 020; 021 ;022; 030; 031 The name of the parish is supposed to have been derived from a hanging bridge (pendens pons), believed to have been constructed by the Romans across Scar water, and which structure - on the Site of the existing Scar Bridge - was in use up to the year 1801. A more ingenious etymology and one perhaps more worthy of credit from its association with the aborigenes and characteristic features of the district is from the Celtic Ben or Ben high - and Pont a sharp crag. - Accordingly Glenquargen or Glenwhargen Crag at the Northern extremity of parish, - Giving several other heights in the neighbourhood descriptive of this interpretation, - presents itself to the South and South-West a bold and precipitous front of about 800 feet and which may with some propriety be acknowledged the particular object from which this Parish derives its name,- more especially when considered, that the district must have had a name anterior to the Roman entrance thereto.- The Parish of Penpont is bounded on the North by those of Sanquhar and Durisdeer, on the East by Morton and Closeburn, on the South by Keir and Tynron and on the West by Dalry in Kirkcudbrightshire.- There is no detached portion within the boundaries of another parish, nor is there within its limits as described by the foregoing adjacent Parishes a detached part of any other Parish.- Its shape is irregular - in extreme length from N.W [North West] to S.E. [South East] it is 14 miles and in average breadth nearly 2 and 2/3 miles.- Its area has been heretofore computed & Statistics etc. at 32½ Square miles or 20, 914 Impl. [Imperial] Acres.- The correct Area however has been found to exceed 22,000 Acres.- This Parish may be divided into two divisions; the upper which may contain about 2/3 of the entire Area is almost entirely pastoral, the lower division is for the most part arable.- Natural Wood is interspersed throughout the entire district, the Lr. [Lower] division is embellished with thriving plantations connected with those on the Drum-=lanrig Estate.- Only about 1/8 of the entire parish is cultivated.- There are about 40 farms which consist for the most part of Sheep pasture.- Farm Steadings are of the most commodious and sub=stantial description, the lands are well enclosed and protected and altogether, this district may be considered as steadily advancing in agricultural improvement. The upper division is diversified there with numerous hills which attain an altitude of from 500 to 1000 feet of which Glenwhangen, at the Northern extremity, may be considered the most prominent.- Towards the N.En. [North Eastern] district there is a bare hill of gradual ascent, which terminates in that of Cairnkinna 2,080 above sea level.- The Parish is watered by numerous Streams, the most considerable of which are the Nith, Scar Water, Chanlock
OS1/10/42/1 1 Parish of Penpont County of Dumfries
OS1/10/42/1 Part of the right edge of this page is missing or turned away from the scanner, but for the most part this is of little consequence. The word(s) after Ben-high, Glenwhagen and presents are the most obscure.
OS1/10/42/2 2 Parish of Penpont County of Dumfries [Continued] Glenmanna Burn, Druidhill Burn and Mar Burn.- The Nith from the North forms the Eastern boundary of the lower division - The Scar rising on the heights in the North - Western district runs South - East through the parish for about 10 miles, when it forms for about 7 miles South-western and southern Parish Boundaries.- Chanlock Burn - having its source nearly on the Western Parish Boundary - runs East through the upper division fro about 7 miles to Scar Water. Glenmanna Burn - taking its source from the same neighbourhood as preceding - sources also a similar direction which after a course of about 5 miles falls into Scar Water.- The other two Druidhill and Mar Burns - respectively from Sanquhar and Durisdeer - trace and form for a considerable distance the Eastern Parish Boundary - the former falling into Scar Water, the other into River Nith at respective points where these last named Streams commence to form the S.Wn. [South Western] and En. [Eastern] Parish Boundaries. There are numerous other Streams in the inland districts which, with one or two exceptions, form tributaries of Scar Water. - The Turnpike Road from Dumfries enters the Parish at its Sn. [Southern] extremity from which,- after a run of ½ mile,- three roads diverge at the village of Penpont to Moniaive, to Sanquhar and to Thornhill, traversing respectively a distance of ½ mile, 4 miles and 2½ miles - making altogether about 7½ miles of Turnpike within this Parish. Sandstone is abundant but has not been quarried for several years past. Indications of Coal and Lead have been noticed in the district adjoining Sanquhar which however have never been satisfactorily investigated. With the exception of a small woollen or Carding Mill in the SWn. [South Western] vicinity of Penpont village, there is no other manufacturing- The entire district is rural.- There is only one village - that of Penpont at Sn. [Southern] extremity of Parish distant 15 miles from Dumfries. It is pleasantly situate on the Scar, its general appearance is neat and clean - the houses are for the most part one storey high and in good repair - In it are the Parish Church, one Parish school and Sub-post office.- The population is nearly 500.- There are four Churches all within this Parish - the Established , Reformed Presbyterian, United Presbyterian and Free Church - and two Parish schools. Population of the Parish1290. A Roman Causeway is adverted to by several authorities as having passed up the side of Scar Water towards Tynron village - no traces of which can now be discovered.- A Roman Camp which Genl. [General] Roy in his antiquities mentions to be a square fort and supposes it of Roman origin was situated at the NEn. [North Eastern] extremity of the lower division of parish on the same site where existing remains of a stronghold are shown.- There exist no remains of such a fort and the vestiges as indicated on the grond are in every respect confirmatory that they belong to "a Castle which was garrisoned by the English in the early part of the wars of succession and was taken by surprise by Sir William Wallace" See Sir Robert Sibbald's book.- This stronghold was probably erected upon the site of a Camp which may have originated the supposition of the existing vestiges on the ground having formed a part of a Roman Fort. The name Tibbens Castle or Tiberie Castra - in honour of Tiberius Caesar is assigned by same as having originated with the Romans.- As the circumstances are conflicting - Tibbens Castle has been shown also as the site of a supposed Roman Camp.- An Obelisk is mentioned by Authorities but to which neither date nor origin is assigned.- Some people in the district have attached to it the character of a Runic Monument from the similarity of formation to the one at Ruthwell.- It is however wanting in the most essential point in being altogether sinless of inscription. It is a flattened pillar about 10 feet high, surmounted by a cross greatly dilapidated. Its two faces are sculptured, but the representations thereon are now so much defaced that it is impossible to say to what they relate.- Gordon in his Itinerarium while describing the Ruthwell Runic Monument which he thought was a Danish monument adverts to another of similar formation which he had examined but does not mention its situation. May this not be it? In the lower division of parish there is a large Tumulus called White Cairn being the only one of four stated by Statiatias to exist in this Parish which Examiners have been able to discover - unless that be another on the hill called Allan's Cairn where it is reported one Allan a Covenanter was slain.- A recently reclaimed marsh called Gallstack Well about 2 [and] 1/3 miles N.N.E [North North East] from penpont village is pointed oout as the Site of an ancient Druidical Temple (See Page 101) The name Gallstack evidently implies the Strangers' mounds - Which may be construed the stran[ge] place of interment - and the adjoining Knocktimpen may be considered a corruption of Knock or Cnoctiampill - the hill of the temple.- In Dunscore Parish a similar name occurred where an ancient church is said to have existed. At the Sn. [Southern] extremity of Parish there are remains of two separate intrenchments, which indicate by their formation and seemingly opposed Situations - a Roman and a British Post (Lauderdale Maitland of Eccles having caused some time ago, there to be dug up from the square entrenchments, he is of opinion that these structures formed foundations of a Castle!).- About 4½ miles West by North therefrom at Arkland there is a hillock which appears to have been strengthened by air, - believed in the locality to have formed a place of defence during a remote [war]. In close proximity thereto on the site of Arkland offices, the site of an ancient Tower is pointed out.- About 1¼ mile N.E. [North East] of preceding the site of an ancient Castle is shown, of which a lady in the immediate vicinity remembered there to have seen the walls and about 1½ mile N.N.W. [North North West] therefrom a Moat probably connected with this stronghold may be readily discerned.- Novr. [November] 29/56
OS1/10/42/3 CLEUGH HEAD Cleugh Head Cleugh Head Cleugh Head William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe A portion of mountain & mass land the surface water of which forms the Pulgowan Cleugh
OS1/10/42/3 Plan 12.11.Trace No. 1 Parish of Penpont 3
OS1/10/42/4 4 This page is empty
OS1/10/42/5 CLEUCH HEAD Cleugh Head Cleugh Head Cleugh Head William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 012 A position of mountain grassland the surface water of which forms the Pulgowan Cleugh.
OS1/10/42/5 CRAWBURN HEAD Crawburn Head Crawburn Head William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 012 A tract of mountain grassland the drainage of which forms the Craw Burn
OS1/10/42/5 BITCHBURN HEAD Bitchburnhead Bitchburnhead Bitchburnhead William Sharp Robert Dryfe Samual Sharp 012 A tract of mountain grassland the drainage of which forms the Bitch Burn.
OS1/10/42/5 Plan 12.12 Trace No. 2 & 3 Parish of Penpont 5 [For Cleugh Head, the 'Situation' column reads] Of forming a portion of NWn. [North Western] Parish district [For Crawburn Head, the 'Situation' column reads] Adjoining Cleugh Head on the East [For Bitchburn Head, the 'Situation' column reads] Adjoining Crawburn Head on the East and forming the most Ny. [Northerly] point of Parish [signed] Owen Bassett
OS1/10/42/5 In the alternative names, the first one is Roughart (or similar), but scored through. There are only two names, attributed to the three persons
OS1/10/42/6 BITCHBURN SHOULDER Bitchburn Shoulder Bitchburn Shoulder Bitchburn Shoulder William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 012 A considerable eminence on the east side of Bitch Burn.
OS1/10/42/6 6 Plans 12.12.Trace No. 4 [Bitchburn shoulder 'Situation' column reads] In Nn. [Northern] Parish district on the East of Bitch=burn Head. [Signed] Owen Bassett
OS1/10/42/7 ROUGH HILL Rough Hill Rough Hill Rough Hill William Sharp Samuel Sharp John Milligan 012 A name given to a small piece of rising ground situated about ¼ mile North of Pulgowan
OS1/10/42/7 BITCH BURN Bitch Burn Bitch Burn Bitch Burn William Sharp Samuel Sharp John Milligan 012 A stream that takes its rise near the north of this parish and flows in a southward direction and falls into the Scar Water about ½ mile East of Pulgowan
OS1/10/42/7 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/12 Trace 3. 7 [Rough Hill 'Situation' column reads] About ¼ mile SW. [South West] from about the centre of Bitchburn Shoulder. [Bitch Burn 'Situation' column reads]From Bitchburn Head S.S.E. [South South East] to Scar Water. [Signed] James cowan C/a
OS1/10/42/8 ROUGH NAZE Rough Knees Rough Knees Rough Knees Rough Naze John Milligan Robert Dryfe Samuel Sharp William Sharp 012 A ridge of rising ground about ¼ mile West of the source of the Craw Burn along the boundry of Penpont and Sanquahr.
OS1/10/42/8 CRAW BURN Craw Burn Craw Burn Craw Burn Robert Dryfe William Sharp John Milligan 012 A small stream that takes its rise in the north of this parish and flows on a southward direction and falls into Pulgowana Cleugh.
OS1/10/42/8 8 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/12 Trace 2 [Rough Naze] This name is applied to a point of a ridge, - Naze or Nest, a point. Bells geography [Rough Naze 'Situation' column reads] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary between Penpont and Sanquhar.- [Craw Burn 'Situation' column reads]from Crawburn Head S.S.E. [South South East] to Scar Water [Signed] James Cowan C/A
OS1/10/42/9 BROAD KNOWE Broad Knowe Broad Knowe Broad Knowe Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe John Milligan 012 A small piece of rising ground about ¼ mile North East of Cadger's Knowe
OS1/10/42/9 CADGER'S KNOWE Cadger's Knowe Cadger's Knowe Cadger's Knowe Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe John Milligan 012 A name given to a small rocky rising piece of ground situated about ½ mile North East of Pulgowan
OS1/10/42/9 SMART'S HASS Smart's Hass Smart's Hass Smart's Hass Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe John Milligan 012 A name given to a small hollow piece of ground on the boundry between Penpont and Sanquhar
OS1/10/42/9 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/12 Trace 4 9 [Cadger's Knowe in 'Situation' column reads] ½ mile S.S.E. [South South East] of the most Northerly point of Penpont Parish [Broad Knowe in 'Situation' column reads] Adjoining Cadger's Knowe on the N.E. [North East] [Smart's Hass in 'Situation' column reads] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundry between Penpont and Sanquhar [Signed] James Cowan Ch.
OS1/10/42/10 SCAR WATER Scar Water Scar Water Scar Water William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 012; 013; 021; 031 A small River that rises near the North West end of this Parish and flows in a South East direction and falls into the River Nith.
OS1/10/42/10 10 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/12 trace 4 [Entry fro Scar Water, in 'Situation' column reads] From the high lands in Nn. [Northern] Parish district S.E. [south East] on to S. En. [ South Eastern] Parish Boundary.- [Signed] James Cowan C/a
OS1/10/42/10 The following entries exist crossed out on this page: -- Lawdside End -- William Sharp -- -- A large track of sheep pasture -- Lawdside End -- Samuel Sharp -- -- On Common Trace -- Lawdside End -- Robert Dryfe -- Pulgowan Hill -- William Sharp -- -- The sheep pasture land of the farm of Pulgowan -- Pulgowan Hill -- Samuel Sharp -- Pulgowan Hill -- Robert Dryfe
OS1/10/42/11 Parish of Penpont PLan 13.9 Tracce 1 11 [Signed] J Nish C/a
OS1/10/42/11 The following entry exists crossed out on this page, the only entry: -- Drove Road -- John Sharp Senr. [Senior] -- -- A track of road or right of way from Glenkend in Galloway and passing the west side of the Burgh of Sanquhar. -- Drove Road -- John Laurie -- Drove Road -- John Wilson
OS1/10/42/12 CLOUD HILL Cloud Hill Cloud Hill Cloud Hill Cloud Hill Cloud Hill John Sharp Senr. [Senior] William Sharp John Laurie James Thomson William Murdoch 013 A Hill on the farm of Glenwhorzean, Estate of the Duke of Buccleuch and on the By. [Boundary] between Penpont & Sanquhar
OS1/10/42/12 12 Parish of Penpont Plan 13.9 Trace 2 [Cloud Hill 'Situation' column reads] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary between Penpont and Sanquhar [Signed] J Nish c/a
OS1/10/42/13 WALLTREES HILL Welltrees Hill Welltrees Hill Wall Trees Hill Samuel Sharpe John Sharpe Senr. [Senior] John Wilson 013 A Hill on the farm of Glenwhorzean and Estate of the Duke of Buccleugh
OS1/10/42/13 BURNT CLEUCH Burnt Cleugh Burnt Cleugh Burnt Cleugh John Wilson Samuel Sharpe William Sharpe 013 A small cleugh thro' which a stream runs on the farm of Glenwhorzean & Estate of the Duke of Buccleugh.
OS1/10/42/13 WALLTREES TAPPIN Walltrees Taping Walltrees Taping Walltrees Taping Revd. [Reverend] Robert simpson Samuel McCall Sanquhar John McCall Sanquhar 013 A hill feature situate on the Boundary between Penpont and Sanquhar
OS1/10/42/13 Parish of Penpont Plan 13.9 Trace 3 13 [Welltrees Hill, 'Situation' column reads] In the Nn. [Northern] district 8¼ miles N.W. [North West] by N. [North] from Penpont village [Burnt Cleugh, 'Situation' column reads] At NWn. [North Western] base of Walltrees Hill.- [Walltrees Tappin, 'Situation' column reads] 28 Chains N. [North] from the summit of Walltrees Hill. [Walltrees Tappin] Tappin - A Crest - Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson- [Signed] J Nish c/a
OS1/10/42/14 14
OS1/10/42/14 This page is empty
OS1/10/42/15 SCAR WATER Scar Water Scar Water Scar Water John Sharpe Senr. [Senior] Thomas Sharpe William Young 012; 013; 021; 031 A small river rising on the farm of Pulskeoch & running into the Nith near the village of Keir.
OS1/10/42/15 Parish of Penpont Plan 13.9 Trace 4 15 [Scar Water, in the 'Situation' column it reads] From the high lands in the Nn. [Northern] Parish district S.E. [South East] on to South-Eastern Parish Boundary.- [Signed] JNish c/a
OS1/10/42/15 This page also has the following entries crossed out:- Old March -- Samuel Sharpe John Wilson William Sharpe -- -- A small stream on the farm of Pulgown and Estate of the Duke of Buccleuch The Grain -- John Wilson John Laurie Samuel Sharpe -- -- A small stream on the farm of Pulgown & Estate of the Duke of Buccleuch Cannot be recognised as proper names
OS1/10/42/16 POLGOWN CRAIGS Polgown Craigs Polgown Craigs Polgown Craigs Polgown Samuel Sharpe William Young William Dryfe Duke of Buccleuch Rent Roll and other Estate writings 013 A rocky eminence on the farm of Polgown & estate of the duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/42/16 COLLAR KNOWE Collar Knowe Collar Knowe Collar Knowe Revd. [Reverend] Robert Simpson William Sharp James Thompson 013 A hill feature on the boundary between Penpont and Sanquhar.
OS1/10/42/16 16 Parish of Penpont Plans 13.9 Trace 4 [Polgown Craig 'Situation' column reads] In Nn. [Northern] Parish district ½ mile South of Cloud Hill on Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary. [Collar Knowe 'Situation' column reads] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundy.[Boundary] between Penpont and Sanquhar- [Signed] J Nish C/a
OS1/10/42/17 STELL BURN Stell Burn Stell Burn Stell Burn John Wilson John Sharpe Senr. [Senior] Samuel Sharpe 013 A stream rising on the farm of Glenwhorzean running into the Scar Water on the Estate of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/42/17 SHIEL Shiel Shiel Shiel Shield John Wilson John Sharpe Senr. [Senior] John Laurie James Thomson 013 A farm house on Scar Water occupied by John Wilson, Shepherd & on the Estate of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/42/17 Parish of Penpont Paln 13.9 Trace 5 17 [Stell Burn, in 'Situation' column reads] From about 2 chains of Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary South to Scar Water [Shiel, in 'Situation' column reads] About 8½ miles N.W. [North West] by N. [North] of Penpont village.- [Shiel in 'Descriptive Remarks', same ink and handwriting as James Thomson was entered] From Shield to shelter. [Signed] JNish c/a
OS1/10/42/18 18 This page is otherwise empty
OS1/10/42/19 MARCH BURN March Burn March Burn March Burn John Wilson John Sharp Samuel Sharp 013 A stream having its source near the Sanquhar boundary flows Southward and falls into the Scar Water near Glenwhargen Craig.
OS1/10/42/19 WALLTREES BURN Welltrees Burn Welltrees Burn Welltrees Burn Wall-Wald- or Well James Thomson Andrew Hunter James Hastings Dr. [Doctor] Simpson - Sanquhar 013 A small stream having its source on the brow of Welltrees Hill
OS1/10/42/19 BOTANY BAY Botany Bay Botany Bay Botany Bay James Thompson Andrew Hunter James Hastings 013 A tongue of alnd lying between March and Welltrees Burn.
OS1/10/42/19 Plan 13.10 Trace 3 Penpont Parish 19 [March Burn, in 'Situation' column reads] From near the Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary South to Scar Water. [Walltrees Burn, in 'Situation' column reads] In Nn. [Northern] Parish District South to March Burn. [Walltrees burn, in 'Description' reads, probably referring to Dr. []Doctor] Simpson's entry] From Wealt or Walden - a wood [Botany Bay, in 'Situation' column reads] Between March and Waltrees Burn. [Signed by] Owen Bassett.
OS1/10/42/20 SHIEL BURN Shiel Burn Shiel Burn Shiel Burn Shield Burn John Wilson John Sharp John Laurie James Thomson 013 A small stream having its source near Shiel Hill falls into Glenwhargen Burn.
OS1/10/42/20 SHIEL HILL Shiel Hill Shiel Hill Shiel Hill Shield Hill John Wilson John Sharp John Laurie James Thomson 013 A considerable eminence, and on which stands a Trign. [Triangulation] Station.
OS1/10/42/20 20 Plan 13.9 Trace No. 4 Penpont Parish [Shiel Burn, in 'Situation' column reads] About 23 Chains S.W. [South West] W. [West] from Shiel Hill in Nn. [Northern] district S.E. [South East] to Glenwhargen Hass. [Shiel Hill, in 'Situation' column reads] In Nn. [Northern] district [Signed] Owen Bassett ca
OS1/10/42/21 GLENWHARGEN HASS Glenwhargen Hass Glenwhargen Hass Glenwhargen Hass Glenwhargen Hass James Thomson James Hastings Andrew Hunter Blackwood's Co. [County] Map 013 A hollow at the head of Glenwhargen Burn.
OS1/10/42/21 GLENWHARGEN BURN Glenwhargen Burn Glenwhargen Burn Glenwhargen Burn James Thomson James Hastings Andrew Hunter 013 A stream having its source in Glenwhargen Hass and falls into the Scar Water.
OS1/10/42/21 Plan 13.10 Trace No. [Number] 5 Penpont Parish 21 [Glenwhargen Hass, in 'situation' column reads] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary in Penpont and Sanquhar [Glenwhargen Burn, in 'Situation' column reads] From Glenwhargen Hass S.S.W. [South South West] to Scar Water. [Signed] Owen Bassett
OS1/10/42/21 Added these entries as page to transcribe into was empty
OS1/10/42/22 22 This page is empty
OS1/10/42/23 WETHER HILL Wether Hill Wether Hill Wether Hill James Veitch Esqre. John Paterson William Bell 013; 014 A hill on the Boundary between Penpont and Sanquhar
OS1/10/42/23 Parish of Penpont Plan 13.11 23 [Wether Hill, in 'Situation' column it reads] On Nn. [Northern] Boundary between Penpont and Sanquhar Parishes,
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OS1/10/42/25 POLSKEOCH RIG Pulskeoch Rig Pulskeoch Rig Pulskeoch Rig Polskeoch William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe Duke of Buccleuch Rent Roll and other Estate Papers 012 An elevated ridge over which the County boundary runs
OS1/10/42/25 POLSKEOCH BURN Pulskeoch Burn Pulskeoch Burn Pulskeoch Burn Polskeoch William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe Duke of Buccleuch Rent Roll and other Estate Papers 012; 020 A stream having its source between Pulskeoch Rigg and Corse Hill, & falls into the Scar Water.
OS1/10/42/25 GREENSIDE Greenside Greenside Greenside William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 012; 020 A tract of mountain grassland lying between Pulskeoch Rigg and Pulskeoch Burn.
OS1/10/42/25 Plan 12.14 Trace No. [Number] 2 Parish of Penpont 25 [Polskeoch Rig, in 'Situation' column reads] On Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary between Penpont and county of Kirkcudbright. [Polskeoch Burn, in 'situation' column reads] From over the most Westerly point of the Parish S.E. [south East] to Scar Water. [Greenside, in 'situation' column reads] Forming extreme Western district of Penpont Parish [Signed] Owen Bassett
OS1/10/42/25 Pulskeoch Rig was written as Pulskeoch Rigg, but has had the second 'g' crossed out
OS1/10/42/26 CORSE CLEUCH Corse Cleuch Corse Cleuch Corse Cleuch William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 013 A hollow through which a stream flows, commences under [Corse] Hill and falls into Pulskeoch [Burn]
OS1/10/42/26 26 Plan 12.14 Trace No. [Number] 2 Parish of Penpont [Corse Cleuch, in 'Situation' column reads] At Sn. [Southern] base of Corse Hill [Signed] Owen Bassett c/a
OS1/10/42/26 This web form was empty, all entries created at transcription. Rightmost edge of page missing, added 'Corse' and 'Burn' for second and third lines
OS1/10/42/27 RASHY GRAIN Rashie Grain Rashie Grain William Sharpe Samuel Sharpe 012 A small stream rising near Corse Hill and running into Dalgoner Cleugh.
OS1/10/42/27 CARNINE Carnine Carnine Carnine William Sharpe John Sharpe John Wilson 012 A considerable sized Hill on the farms of Pulskeoch & Dalgoner on the Estate of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/42/27 Parish of Penpont Plan 12.15 Trace 1 27 [Rashy Grain, in the 'Situation' column reads] In the NWn. [North Western] district from near Parish Boundary S.E. [South East] to Stream in Dalgoner Cleugh. [Rashy Grain, Rashy abounding in Rushes, Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson] [Carnine, in the 'Situation' column reads] In N.Wn. [North Western] Parish district.- [Signed] JNish C/a
OS1/10/42/27 Entry for Rashy Grain crossed out, read as follows: Rashie Grain -- William Sharpe John Laurie Samuel Sharpe -- -- A small portion of land producing Rashes on the Farm of Dalgoner & the source of Rashie Grain Burn Pre-filled entry fro Rashy Grain not present, so added it Entry for Rashy Grain was originally Rashie Grain Burn, but Burn crossed out. In the Description it was originally 'A small stream rising at Rashie Grain...'
OS1/10/42/28 CORSE HILL Corse Hill Corse Hill Corse Hill William Sharpe Samuel Sharpe William Young 012 A small Hill on the farm[s] of Pulskeoch & Dalgoner on [the] Estate of the Duke of Buccle[uch]
OS1/10/42/28 DALGONER CLEUCH Dalgoner Cleuch Dalgoner cleugh John Laurie Samuel Sharpe 012 A Cleugh or Slope extendin[g from] Dalgoner farm house to the Southend of Rashie Grain [] A glen through which a stream flow[s]. commences near Corse Hill & falls in[to] the Scar Water.
OS1/10/42/28 ROUGH SHOULDER. Rough Shoulder Rough Shoulder Rough Shoulder Samuel Sharp William Sharp Robert Dryfe 012 A considerable eminence on [the] boundary between Penpont & Sanq[har] having on its summit a Trign. [Triangulation] [Station].
OS1/10/42/28 28 Parish of Penpont Plan 12.15 Trace 3 [Corse Hill, in 'Situation' column reads] At N.Wn. [North Western] extremity of Parish on the Parish Boundary- [Dalgoner Cleugh, in 'Situation' column reads] In N.Wn. [North Western] Parish district [Rough SHoulder, in 'Situation' column reads] On Northern Parish Boundary [Signed]JNish C/a
OS1/10/42/28 Some of the right hand side of page is not visible. A second entry for Corse Hill is further down the page and crossed out. It reads: Corse Hill -- Samuel Sharp William Sharp Robert Dryfe -- -- A considerable hill on the bound[ary] between Penpont & Sanquhar having on its summit a Trign. [Triangulation] Station.
OS1/10/42/29 CLEUCH HEAD Cleuch head Cleuch head Cleuch head William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 012 A portion of mountain grassland the drainage of which forms the Pulgower Cleuch.
OS1/10/42/29 PEAT RIG Peat Rig Peat Rig Peat Rig William Sharp Samueal Sharp Robert Dryfe 012 An elevated portion of land having a peaty soil.
OS1/10/42/29 CORSE CLEUCH Corse Cleuch Corse Cleuch Corse Cleuch William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 012 A hollow through which a small stream flows, commences near Corse Hill and falls into Pulskeoch Burn.
OS1/10/42/29 Plan 12.15 Trace No. [Number] 3 & 4 Parish of Penpont 29 [Cleuch Head, in 'Situation' column reads] In N.Wn. [North Western] Parish district [Peat Rig, in 'Situation' column reads] Adjoining Cleuch Head on the South [Corsse Cleuch, in 'Situation' column reads] At the southern base of Corse Hill [Signed] Owen Bassett
OS1/10/42/29 Peat Rig was originally entered, in all occurrences, as Peat Rigg, but has subsequently had the second 'G' crossed out
OS1/10/42/30 POLSKEOCH BURN Pulskeoch Burn Pulskeoch Burn Pulskeoch Burn Polskeoch William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe Duke of Buccleuch Rent Roll and Estate documents 012; 020 A small stream having its [source] near Corse Hill and falls into [the] Scar Water
OS1/10/42/30 GREENSIDE Greenside Greenside Greenside William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 012; 020 A tract of mountain grass l[and] lying West of Pulskeoch Bu[rn]
OS1/10/42/30 30 Plane 12.15 Trace No. [Number] 4 Parish of Penpont [Polskeoch Burn, in 'situation' column reads] From near the most Westerly point of Parish S.E. [South East] to Scar Water [Greenside, in 'situation' column reads] In the NW. [North West] division of Parish [Signed] Owen [Bassett c/a]
OS1/10/42/30 Right side of image is missing and estimated values have been included in []
OS1/10/42/31 SCAR WATER Scar Water Scar Water Scar Water John Sharpe Junr. [Junior] James Sharpe John Sharpe senr. [Senior] 012; 013; 021; 031 A small river rising near Pulskeoch & running in a South easterly direction thro this Parish and empties itself into the River Nith about a mile east of the village of Keir
OS1/10/42/31 BUGHT GUTTER Bught Gutter Bught Gutter Bught Gutter William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe 012 A small stream having its source a littel to the north of Dalgoner falls into Scar Water. Commonly spelt Bucht.
OS1/10/42/31 Parish of Penpont Plan 12.15 Trace 5. 31 [Scar Water, in the 'Situation' column reads] From Scar Head near N.W. [North West] extremity of Parish S.E. [South East] to River Nith in Keir Parish. [Bught Gutter, in the 'Situation' column reads] From West base of Peat South to Scar Water. [Signed] JNish c/a
OS1/10/42/31 An entry exists at the top of the page, but is crossed out. It reads: Dalgoner Burn Dalgoner Burn -- William Sharpe John Laurie -- -- A small stream rising on the farm of Dalgoner & running into Scar Water. The name applies to it from Dalgoner farm house to Scar Water.
OS1/10/42/32 DALGONER CRAIGS Dalgoner Craigs Dalgoner Craigs Dalgoner Craigs John Sharpe Samuel Sharpe William Young 012 A small rocky face about quarter of a mile east of farm of Dalgoner
OS1/10/42/32 DALGONER Dalgoner Dalgoner Dalgoner John Laurie Samuel Sharpe John Sharpe 012 A farm house occupied by [John] Laurie shepherd to Mr. [] of Auchenbingil who rents the attached from the Duke of Buc[cleugh]
OS1/10/42/32 32 Parish of Penpont Plan 12.15 Trace 6 [Dalgoner Craigs, in 'Situation' column, reads] In NWn. [North Western] district of Parish [In NWn. []North Western] division of Parish - about 10¼ mile NW. [North West] from the village of Penpont. [Signed] JNish c/a
OS1/10/42/32 Considerable detail missing from the right hand side of page, estimate in []. An entry for Wether Hill also exists on this page, crossed out: Wether Hill -- John Laurie Samuel Sharpe William Sharpe -- -- A considerable sized Hi[ll] on the farm of Dalgoner On Common Plan
OS1/10/42/33 POLGOWN CLEUCH Pulgown Cleuch Pulgown Cleuch Pulgown Cleuch Polgown John Sharpe Samuel Sharpe Robert Dryfe Duke of Buccleuch Rent Roll and Estate Documents 012 A hollow track of ground through which a stream runs Has its source in Cleuch Head & falls into the Scar Water
OS1/10/42/33 PEAT RIG Peat-Rigg Peat-Rigg Peat-Rigg William Sharpe Samuel Sharpe Robert Dryfe 012 A Name give to a ridge of rising ground
OS1/10/42/33 SCAR WATER Scar Water Scar Water Scar Water William Sharpe Samuel Sharpe Robert Dryfe A small river that rises near the North West end of this Parish and flows in a South East direction and falls into the River Nith
OS1/10/42/33 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/16 Trace 1 33 [Polgown Cleuch, in 'Situation' column reads] Near the NWn. [North Western] point of the Parish. [Peat Rigg, in 'situation' column reads] In NWn. [North Western] district- adjoining Cleuch Head on the South [Scar Water, in 'Situation' column reads] From Scar Head in Wn. [Western] Parish district- SE. [south East] on to S.En. [South Eastern] Parish Boundary.- [Signed] James Cowan C/a
OS1/10/42/33 Polgown Cleuch, first entry in 'Spelling' was Pulgowan and was then crossed out and Pulgown written in its place. The entry for Scar Water was added - situation unknown/
OS1/10/42/34 CRAW BURN Craw Burn Craw Burn Craw Burn William Sharpe Samuel sharpe Robert Dryfe 012 A small stream that h[as] iys rise near the North [of] this Parish and flows [in] a southwardly direction [where it] joins Pulgowan Cleuch.
OS1/10/42/34 POLGOWN Pulgowan Pulgowan Pulgown Polgowen Polgown William Sharpe John Sharpe Robert Sharpe Johnston's County Map Duke of Buccleuch Rent Roll and Estate documents. 012 A farm house and stea[ding] and garden and sh[eep] farm - the property of the duke of Buccleuch [] farmed by Mr McT[] the house is occupied by William Dryfe
OS1/10/42/34 34 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/16 Trace 2 [Craw Burn, in the 'Situation' column reads] From Crawburn Head near NWn. [North Western] point of Parish S.S.E. [South South East] to Pulgowan Cleuch (Burn) [Polgowan, in the 'Situation' column reads] About 9¾ miles N.W. [North West] from Penpont village. [Signed]James Cowan
OS1/10/42/34 Right hand side of page missing, some words estimated. There is also an entry for Pulgowan Hill on this [page, but crossed out. It reads: Pulgowan Hill -- William Sharpe John Sharpe Robert Dryfe -- -- The sheep pasture land of the farm of Pulgow[an]
OS1/10/42/35 GLAID BURN Gled Burn Gled Burn Gled Burn Robert Dryfe William Sharpe Samuel Sharpe 012 A small stream that rises about ½ mile South of Pulgowan and flows in a North West direction and joins the Scar Water The meaning is the smooth running Burn - hence Glaid - V. Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson
OS1/10/42/35 CRAIGLELLAN Craiglellan Craiglellan Craiglellan Robert Dryfe William Sharpe samuel Sharpe 012 A name given to some projecting rocks on Pulgowan Farm
OS1/10/42/35 THACK GAIR Thack-Gair Thack-Gair Thack-Gair Robert Dryfe John Milligan Samuel Sharpe 012 A name given to a small strip of ground on Pulgowan Farm
OS1/10/42/35 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/16 Trace 2 35 [Glaid Burn, in the 'Situation' column, reads] On the heights in NWn. [North Western] parish district.- [Craiglellan, in the 'Situation' column, reads] In NWn. [North Western] parish district [Thack-Gair, in the 'Situation' column, reads] 32 Chains NE. []North East from Craiglellan.[signed]James Cowan
OS1/10/42/35 Glaid Burn, under the 'Alternative spelling..' column this was originally spelled "Glede", but has the final "e" crossed out. Craiglellan, has the word 'Craigs' after its Aternative Name, but is crossed out. Craiglellan, has the word 'Hill' after the name 'Pulgowan' in General Observations, but is crossed out, with the word 'Farm' added. Thack-Gair, in 'General Observations' column, has the word 'Thack' crossed out and replaced with 'Strip' and has the word 'Hill' after Pulgowan crossed oout and rep[laced with the word 'Farm'.
OS1/10/42/36 BITCH BURN Bitch Burn Bitch Burn Bitch Burn Robert Dryfe Samuel Sharpe William Sharpe 012 A small stream that takes its rise near the North of this Parish a[nd] flows in a South East direction and joins the Scar Water
OS1/10/42/36 WEE BURN Wee Burn Wee Burn Wee Burn Robert Dryfe John Milligan Samuel Sharpe 012 A small stream that r[ises] on Pulgowan flows in a North West direction and joins the Scar Water
OS1/10/42/36 LANGSIDE END Langside End Langside End Langside End Robert Dryfe John Milligan Samuel Sharpe 012; 013 A name given to the point of a long ridge
OS1/10/42/36 36 Parish of penpont Plan 12/16 Trace 3 [Bitch Burn, in the 'Situation' column, reads] From Bitchburn Head at NWn. [North Western] extremity of Parish s.S.E. [South South East] to Scar Water [Wee Burn, in the 'Situation' column, reads] On the heights in NWn. [North Western] Parish district.- [Langside End, in the 'Situation' column, reads] Inwards NWn. [North Western] district of parish [signed] James Cowan CA
OS1/10/42/36 A small part of the right hand side of this page is missing, completion of some words estimated. For Wee Burn, in the 'General Observations' it is recorded as rising on Pulgowan Hill and [], but the 'Hill and' is crossed out. For Langside End, the Alternative Name was also marked as Landside End, the 'd' in Land having been added over an original 'g', but was all crossed out, and a clear 'Langside' left. Also, in 'General Observations' originally read 'A name given to a considerable track of Pulgowan Hill', but was largely crossed out and the final text added
OS1/10/42/37 CORSE BURN Corse Burn Corse Burn Corse Burn John Sharpe William Sharpe Robert Dryfe 012; 020 A stream that rises on Dalgoner Farm flows in a Northward direction and joins the Scar Water
OS1/10/42/37 POLMULLACH BURN Pulmullach Burn Pulmullach Burn Pulmullach Burn Polmullach John Sharpe William sharpe Robert Dryfe Duke of Buccleuch Estate documents.- 012; 020 A stream that rises near the North of the Parish of Tynron, and flows in a North East direction and joins the Scar Water
OS1/10/42/37 Parish of Penpont Paln 12/16 Trace 4 37 [Polmullach Burn, in 'situation' column reads] From Burn Head in Nn. [Northern] district of Parish N.N.E. [North North East] to Scar Water [Corse Burn] In Nn. [Northern] Parish district about ½ mile NNE [North North East] , of Black Rigg - N.N.W. [North NOrth West] to Scar Water [signed] James Cowan C/a
OS1/10/42/37 In the 'Alternative Names' column for Polmullach Burn, the original name, Pulmolloch Burn, was crossed out. In the 'Observations' column for Corse Burn, the rise was originally described as 'Dalgoner Hill and', but was crossed out and 'Farm' added. This page also contains a description of Dalgoner Hill, but crossed out: Dalgoner Hill -- John Sharpe William Sharpe Robert Dryfe -- -- The sheep pasture land connected to the farm of Dalgoner
OS1/10/42/38 CLEUCH HEAD Cleuch Head Cleuch Head Cleuch Head Cleugh Head Cleugh Head William Sharp Samuel Sharp Robert Dryfe Statistics of Penpont John Smith Minr. [Minister] Assembly Hall, Edinr. [Edinburgh] 012 A position of mountain lu[] land, the drainage of whic[h] forms the Pulgown Cleuch.
OS1/10/42/38 38 Plan 12.16 Trace 1 Parish of Penpont [Cleuch Head, in the 'situation' column reads] Of forming a part of NWn. [North Western] Parish district
OS1/10/42/38 Some of the right hand side of this page is missing and estimated values have been added where possible.
OS1/10/42/39 DALGONER CRAIGS Dalgoner Craigs Dalgoner Craigs Dalgoner Craigs John Sharpe John Sharpe William sharpe 012 A name given to a few conspicuous rocks on Dalgoner Farm
OS1/10/42/39 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/16 Trace 4 39 [Dalgoner Craigs, in the 'situation' column reads] In NWn. [North Western] district of this Parish
OS1/10/42/39 Dalgoner Craigs - Descriptive Remarks - originally ' ... rocks on Dalgoner Hill', Hill crossed out and replaced by farm
OS1/10/42/40 OX HILL Ox Hill Ox Hill Ox Hill Robert Dryfe John Sharpe Samuel Sharpe 012; 020 A name given to a [] of ground higher than [] the common range of [] hills
OS1/10/42/40 45 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/16 Trace 5 [Ox Hill, in the 'Situation' column reads] In NWn. [North western] Parish district 9¼ miles NW [North west] from Penpont village {Signed] James Cowan C[/A]
OS1/10/42/40 Much of the right hand side of this page is missing. This page also contain an entry for Glenmanna Hill, but it is crossed out: Glenmanna Hill -- John Wilson John Sharpe Robert Dryfe -- -- The sheep pasture land connected with the farm of Glenmanna
OS1/10/42/41 WHITE KNOWE White Knowe White Knowe White Knowe William Sharpe John Wilson robert Dryfe 012; 020 A Knowe on which stands a Trigl. [Triangulation] Station.
OS1/10/42/41 GLENMANNA BURN Glenmanna Burn Glenmanna Burn Glenmanna Burn Glenmanno John Sharpe John Wilson Samuel Sharpe Duke of Buccleuch's Estate Papers A stream that takes its rise about a mile south Pulgowan and flows in a South Easterly direction and joins Scar Water near Glenmanna.
OS1/10/42/41 Parish of Penpont Plan 12/16 Trace 6 41 [Glenmanna Burn, in its 'Situation' column reads] From the high land in NWn. [North Western] Parish district N. E. E. [North East East] to Scar Water [White Knowe, in 'Situation' column reads] In Nwn, [North Western] Parish district 9 miles NW. [North West] from Penpont village.-
OS1/10/42/41 Entry for Glenmanna Burn was not on index and so added.
OS1/10/42/42 42
OS1/10/42/42 This page is blank
OS1/10/42/43 NETHER BURN 013
OS1/10/42/44 LANGSIDE END 012; 013
OS1/10/42/45 POLGOWN CRAIGS 013
OS1/10/42/45 SCAR WATER 012; 013; 021; 031
OS1/10/42/46 MAHOMELA BURN 013
OS1/10/42/46 PEELY KNOWES 013
OS1/10/42/47 MARCH BURN 013
OS1/10/42/48 SHIEL LOCH 013
OS1/10/42/48 SLETHAT BURN 056; 061
OS1/10/42/49 HORSE CLEUCH 013; 014
OS1/10/42/49 SHIEL CRAIG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/49 SHIEL STRAND 013
OS1/10/42/50 PEAT CRAIG 013
OS1/10/42/50 PEAT HILL 013
OS1/10/42/51 MARCH BURN 013
OS1/10/42/51 SCAR WATER 012; 013; 021; 031
OS1/10/42/52 SHIEL BURN 013
OS1/10/42/52 WHITESIDE 013
OS1/10/42/53 LITTLE CLEUCH 013
OS1/10/42/54 HEATHERY HILL 013
OS1/10/42/54 JARNEY BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/56 HALL BURN 013; 021
OS1/10/42/56 THORTER CLEUCH 013
OS1/10/42/57 HALL BURN 013; 021
OS1/10/42/57 HALLSCAR RIG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/57 JARNEY KNOWES 013
OS1/10/42/58 BLACK RIG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/58 REDSCAR CLEUCH 013; 014
OS1/10/42/59 CAIRN BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/60 EWELAIR KNOWE 013
OS1/10/42/60 HARESTANES BOG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/60 LAMBLAIR KNOWE 013
OS1/10/42/61 DRUIDHILL BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/61 DUNDUFF [hill] 013
OS1/10/42/62 BRECKENSIDE 013
OS1/10/42/63 GREENSIDE 012; 020
OS1/10/42/65 POLSKEOCH 020
OS1/10/42/65 POLSKEOCH BURN 012; 020
OS1/10/42/65 WETHER HILL 020
OS1/10/42/66 BLACK BURN 020
OS1/10/42/66 SCAR HEAD 020
OS1/10/42/67 ROWANTREE SLACK 020
OS1/10/42/68 BLACK RIG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/68 BURN HEAD 020
OS1/10/42/68 CHANLOCK BURN 020; 021
OS1/10/42/68 POLMULLACH BURN 012; 020
OS1/10/42/69 BLACK RIG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/69 CORSE BURN 012; 020
OS1/10/42/71 COUNTAM 020
OS1/10/42/72 BURN HEAD 020
OS1/10/42/72 FINGLAND BURN 020
OS1/10/42/73 HERD NAZE 020
OS1/10/42/73 ROTTEN KNOWE 120
OS1/10/42/74 BIRK HILL 020
OS1/10/42/74 BIRKHILL BURN 020
OS1/10/42/74 BLACK BURN 020
OS1/10/42/75 HORSE CLEUCH 013; 014
OS1/10/42/76 WETHER HILL 013; 014
OS1/10/42/77 BUCK CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/77 SHIEL CRAIG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/78 DALZEAN BURN 021
OS1/10/42/78 GREENSIDE 012; 020
OS1/10/42/78 TIBBERS WOOD 022
OS1/10/42/79 CHANLOCK BURN 020; 021
OS1/10/42/79 SMILE GRAIN 021
OS1/10/42/80 BLACKCRAIG HILL 021
OS1/10/42/81 CRAIGBUIE HILL 021
OS1/10/42/81 SCAR LAW 021
OS1/10/42/83 GREENSIDE 012; 020
OS1/10/42/84 DALZEAN BURN 021
OS1/10/42/84 DALZEAN SNOUT 021
OS1/10/42/85 HALL BURN 013; 021
OS1/10/42/85 HALLBURN BRIDGE 021
OS1/10/42/86 DALZEAN 021
OS1/10/42/87 HALLSCAR CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/87 HALLSCAR CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/87 HALLSCAR RIG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/88 SCAR LAW 021
OS1/10/42/89 HALLSCAR 021
OS1/10/42/90 CLOUGH CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/91 HALLSCAR RIG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/91 MCTURK'S CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/91 THREAPLAND 021
OS1/10/42/92 CAIRNKINNA HILL 021
OS1/10/42/92 MOAT HILL 021
OS1/10/42/92 REDSCAR CLEUCH 013; 014
OS1/10/42/93 HARESTANES 021
OS1/10/42/94 HARESTANES BOG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/94 WEE CAIRN 021
OS1/10/42/95 PEARSON'S CAIRN 021
OS1/10/42/95 WOODEND CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/96 CAIRN BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/96 SCAR WATER 012; 013; 021; 031
OS1/10/42/97 BURN HEAD 021
OS1/10/42/97 ELLERTREE BRAE 021
OS1/10/42/98 GREEN BRAE 021
OS1/10/42/98 RIDDINGS CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/99 BLACK HILL 021
OS1/10/42/99 CAIRNKINNA BURN 021
OS1/10/42/99 WOODEND BURN 021
OS1/10/42/100 ELLERTREE BOG 021
OS1/10/42/100 LAGGAN BOG 021
OS1/10/42/100 LITTLE MOAT HILL 021
OS1/10/42/100 STELL BURN 021
OS1/10/42/101 CAIRN BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/101 DUNDUFF [cottage] 021
OS1/10/42/101 HARESTANES BOG 013; 014
OS1/10/42/102 DRUIDHILL BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/102 MOAT [Moat Hill] 021
OS1/10/42/103 LITTLE MOAT HILL 021
OS1/10/42/104 BLACK CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/104 MOAT HASS 021
OS1/10/42/104 SHIELD CLEUCH 031
OS1/10/42/105 ALLAN'S CAIRN 020
OS1/10/42/105 CAIRN (Remains of) [Allan's Cairn] 020
OS1/10/42/107 HERD NAZE 020
OS1/10/42/108 BLACK BURN 020
OS1/10/42/108 WHITE KNOWE 012; 020
OS1/10/42/109 BIRKHILL BURN 020
OS1/10/42/109 OX HILL 012; 020
OS1/10/42/110 SHIEL STRAND 020; 021
OS1/10/42/111 CHANLOCK BURN 020; 021
OS1/10/42/111 CRAW CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/111 SHIEL STRAND 020; 021
OS1/10/42/112 SCAR LAW 021
OS1/10/42/112 THREE CRAIGS 021
OS1/10/42/113 BLACK CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/114 CRAIGBUIE 021
OS1/10/42/114 SCAR LAW 021
OS1/10/42/114 THE RUSH 021
OS1/10/42/115 BREWER'S CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/115 CHANLOCKHEAD 021
OS1/10/42/115 PENTHOUSE CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/116 REES BURN 021
OS1/10/42/116 TIPPET KNOWE 021
OS1/10/42/117 JARNEY BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/117 JARNEY HILL 021
OS1/10/42/119 BRAXHOLE RUSH 021
OS1/10/42/119 CHANLOCK BURN 020; 021
OS1/10/42/119 SCAR LAW 021
OS1/10/42/120 POLVAGLEY BURN 021
OS1/10/42/120 YAD STONE 021
OS1/10/42/121 CRAIGDASHER 021
OS1/10/42/121 STELL BUSH 021
OS1/10/42/123 KEB HILL 021
OS1/10/42/123 KEB TORRS 021
OS1/10/42/123 POLVAGLEY 021
OS1/10/42/124 COUNTAM BURN 021
OS1/10/42/125 ARKLAND RIG 021
OS1/10/42/125 CANT SHOULDER 021
OS1/10/42/125 SHIEL CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/126 CANT BURN 021
OS1/10/42/127 CHANLOCK BURN 020; 021
OS1/10/42/127 SCAR WATER 012; 013; 021; 031
OS1/10/42/129 LOOKY KNOWE 021
OS1/10/42/129 RIDDINGS CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/129 WOODEND WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/130 CHANLOCKFOOT 021
OS1/10/42/131 FOX CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/131 LAGGAN BOG 021
OS1/10/42/131 WOODEND HILL 021
OS1/10/42/132 BROAD FLOSH 021
OS1/10/42/132 WOODEND 021
OS1/10/42/132 WOODEND BURN 021
OS1/10/42/133 CRAIG BURN 021
OS1/10/42/134 CHANLOCK CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/135 GLENCOBEN 021
OS1/10/42/135 HOLM WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/136 BACK WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/136 GLENCOBEN BRIDGE 021
OS1/10/42/136 GLENCOBEN WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/137 DRUID HILL 021
OS1/10/42/137 JOCK'S LODGE 021
OS1/10/42/137 MERKLAND HILL 021
OS1/10/42/137 PEDLAR'S DAM 021
OS1/10/42/138 DRUIDHILL BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/138 MICHAEL'S CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/139 WASTE POTS 021
OS1/10/42/139 WHITE CRAIG 021
OS1/10/42/139 WHITECRAIG HEAD 021
OS1/10/42/140 GLENCOBEN WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/141 MERKLAND 021
OS1/10/42/141 MERKLAND BRIDGE 021
OS1/10/42/141 WINDYEDGE BRAE 021
OS1/10/42/143 AUCHENGASSEL 021
OS1/10/42/143 AUCHENGASSEL CLEUCH 021; 022
OS1/10/42/144 GOUKTHORN 021
OS1/10/42/144 Site of CASTLE [Auchengassel] 021
OS1/10/42/144 TOWNHEAD BURN 021; 022
OS1/10/42/145 AUCHENGASSEL CLEUCH 021; 022
OS1/10/42/145 HOLEHOUSE WOOD 022
OS1/10/42/145 MARCH-HOUSE 022
OS1/10/42/146 MAR BURN 014; 022
OS1/10/42/146 PARKHOUSE BRIDGE 022
OS1/10/42/147 DRUMLANRIG WOODS 022
OS1/10/42/147 ST GEOFFERY'S BRIDGE 022
OS1/10/42/149 HARD KNOWE 021
OS1/10/42/149 JARNEY BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/151 COUNTAM 021
OS1/10/42/151 HILLBACK WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/151 KEB HILL 021
OS1/10/42/152 ARKLAND BURN 021
OS1/10/42/152 ARKLAND RIG 021
OS1/10/42/153 ARKLAND BURN 021
OS1/10/42/153 GREEN CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/154 GLENGEPP BURN 021
OS1/10/42/155 ARKLAND RIG 021
OS1/10/42/155 BACK WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/155 BROWN HILL 021
OS1/10/42/156 SCAR WATER 012; 013; 021; 031
OS1/10/42/157 BACK WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/157 SCHOOL [nr Woodside] 021
OS1/10/42/157 WOODSIDE 021
OS1/10/42/158 DRUID HILL 021
OS1/10/42/159 DRUIDHALL 021
OS1/10/42/159 DRUIDHALL BRIDGE 021
OS1/10/42/159 DRUIDHILL BURN 013; 014
OS1/10/42/160 OAK KNOWE 021
OS1/10/42/160 TOWNHEAD HILL 021
OS1/10/42/161 TOWNHEAD 021
OS1/10/42/161 TOWNHEAD BURN 021; 022
OS1/10/42/161 TOWNHEAD WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/162 ARKLAND 021
OS1/10/42/162 ARKLAND BRIDGE 021
OS1/10/42/162 ARKLAND COTTAGE 021
OS1/10/42/163 ARKLAND BURN 021
OS1/10/42/163 ARKLAND KNOWE 021
OS1/10/42/163 FOGGIEHALL 021
OS1/10/42/163 FORT (Supposed) [Arkland Knowe] 021
OS1/10/42/164 DOONS 021
OS1/10/42/164 HILL PLANTATION 021
OS1/10/42/164 PLEASURE KNOWE 021
OS1/10/42/164 Site of TOWER [Arkland] 021
OS1/10/42/165 FIDDLER'S KNOWE 021
OS1/10/42/165 GHOST CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/165 WHITE CAIRN 021
OS1/10/42/166 TINKER'S BUSH 021
OS1/10/42/167 GALLSTACK WELL 022
OS1/10/42/167 HOLEHOUSE WOOD 022
OS1/10/42/167 KNOCKTIMPEN 022
OS1/10/42/167 Site of DRUIDICAL CIRCLE [Knocktimpen] 022
OS1/10/42/168 HOLMFOOT 022
OS1/10/42/168 MAR BURN 014; 022
OS1/10/42/168 PARKHOUSE 022
OS1/10/42/169 AUCHENAIGHT WOOD 022
OS1/10/42/169 BUTTS KNOWE 022
OS1/10/42/169 DRUMLANRIG WOODS 022
OS1/10/42/171 HOLM 022
OS1/10/42/171 HOLM COTTAGE 022
OS1/10/42/172 HOLM BURN 022
OS1/10/42/173 JOCK AN' THE HORN 022
OS1/10/42/173 STARN BURN 022
OS1/10/42/174 HOLMBANK 022
OS1/10/42/174 HONEYHOLE 022
OS1/10/42/174 RING 022
OS1/10/42/175 GLENHAUPENOCH 022
OS1/10/42/175 TOWNHEAD BURN 021; 022
OS1/10/42/175 TOWNHEAD WOOD 021
OS1/10/42/177 AUCHENAIGHT 022
OS1/10/42/177 STARN LOCH 022
OS1/10/42/179 DRUMLANRIG WOODS 022
OS1/10/42/179 MAR BURN 014; 022
OS1/10/42/180 DUCHESS' WELL 022
OS1/10/42/180 STARN BURN 022
OS1/10/42/181 BLACK BRIDGE 022
OS1/10/42/181 GARDEN COTTAGE 022
OS1/10/42/181 POET'S BRIDGE 022
OS1/10/42/182 RIVER NITH 022; 031
OS1/10/42/182 Site of CAMP (Supposed Roman) [Tibbers Castle] 022
OS1/10/42/182 TIBBERS CASTLE (Remains of) 022
OS1/10/42/183 KEELY CLEUCH 022
OS1/10/42/183 MALLYFORD 022
OS1/10/42/183 STARN LOCH 022
OS1/10/42/184 TIBBERS WOOD 022
OS1/10/42/185 CASTLE BANK 022
OS1/10/42/185 COURT HILL 022
OS1/10/42/185 WILLOWHOLM POOL 022
OS1/10/42/187 CAIRNSALLOCH BOG 021
OS1/10/42/187 HILL PLANTATION 021
OS1/10/42/187 MILL SHOULDER 021
OS1/10/42/188 THIEF'S LOUP 021
OS1/10/42/189 MILLIGAN'S CLEUCH 021
OS1/10/42/190 EWE HILL 021
OS1/10/42/191 AUCHENBAINZIE 022
OS1/10/42/192 GILLYGOWN BURN 022; 031
OS1/10/42/192 HOLM BURN 022
OS1/10/42/193 DHU LOCH 022
OS1/10/42/195 BURNSIDE 022
OS1/10/42/195 NICKIE'S MOSS 022
OS1/10/42/196 CLONHIE 022
OS1/10/42/196 CLONHIE COTTAGE 022
OS1/10/42/196 CLONHIELOCH 022
OS1/10/42/196 GLENGAR COTTAGE 022
OS1/10/42/197 ECCLES 022
OS1/10/42/197 ECCLES BURN 022
OS1/10/42/197 EWCCLES MAINS 022
OS1/10/42/198 DRUMEERIE 022
OS1/10/42/198 DRUMEERIE CLEUCH 022
OS1/10/42/199 COURT HILL 022
OS1/10/42/199 TIBBERS 022
OS1/10/42/199 TIBBERS COTTAGE 022
OS1/10/42/200 RIVER NITH 022; 031
OS1/10/42/201 CROFTJEAN 022
OS1/10/42/205 GLENGAR HILL 030
OS1/10/42/205 GRENNAN HILL 030
OS1/10/42/205 SCAR WATER 012; 013; 021; 031
OS1/10/42/207 FARDINGALLAN 031
OS1/10/42/207 GLENGAR 031
OS1/10/42/207 GLENGAR (Ruins of) 031
OS1/10/42/208 TOWNHEAD BURN 031
OS1/10/42/209 CORSE CLEUCH 031
OS1/10/42/209 PENPONT BURN 031
OS1/10/42/210 BOG 031
OS1/10/42/210 DEEP BRIDGE 031
OS1/10/42/210 GILLYGOWN BURN 022; 031
OS1/10/42/211 ECCLES WOOD 031
OS1/10/42/211 TIPPET WOOD 031
OS1/10/42/211 WOODHEAD 031
OS1/10/42/212 CORSEGATES ROAD 031
OS1/10/42/212 HURCHEON CLEUCH 031
OS1/10/42/213 GRENNAN CRAIG 031
OS1/10/42/213 SCAR WATER 012; 013; 021; 031
OS1/10/42/213 THE CROOK 031
OS1/10/42/214 BROOMFIELD 031
OS1/10/42/214 BROOMFIELD CRAIG 031
OS1/10/42/214 PRIEST'S POOL 031
OS1/10/42/215 CHURCH (Reformed Presbyterian) [SW of Penpont] 031
OS1/10/42/215 GRENNAN 031
OS1/10/42/215 SCAR BRIDGE 031
OS1/10/42/216 MANSE [nr R.P. Church] 031
OS1/10/42/217 PENPONT [village] 031
OS1/10/42/217 POINTHEAD 031
OS1/10/42/218 BRIERBUSH 031
OS1/10/42/218 PRINGLETON 031
OS1/10/42/218 TOWNHEAD 031
OS1/10/42/219 POST OFFICE [Penpont] 031
OS1/10/42/219 SCHOOL [Penpont, SE end] 031
OS1/10/42/219 SCHOOL [Penpont] 031
OS1/10/42/220 BILBOW 031
OS1/10/42/220 CHURCH [parish, Penpont] 031
OS1/10/42/220 MANSE [ph, Penpont] 031
OS1/10/42/221 CAIRNMILL 031
OS1/10/42/221 KIRK POOL 031
OS1/10/42/221 SPRINGBANK 031
OS1/10/42/223 ECCLES WOOD 031
OS1/10/42/223 Site of CASTLE [nr Tippet Wood] 031
OS1/10/42/223 TIPPET WELL 031
OS1/10/42/223 TIPPET WOOD 031
OS1/10/42/224 ECCLES BURN 022
OS1/10/42/224 FLOORS COTTAGE 031
OS1/10/42/224 STEPENDS 031
OS1/10/42/225 GROVEHILL 031
OS1/10/42/225 MANSE [U.P., Burnhead] 031
OS1/10/42/225 VIRGINHALL 031
OS1/10/42/226 BOATFORD 031
OS1/10/42/226 FREE CHURCH [Virginhall] 031
OS1/10/42/226 MANSE [F.C., Virginhall] 031
OS1/10/42/227 FORT [Gallows Dike] 031
OS1/10/42/227 GALLOWS DIKE 031
OS1/10/42/227 TIBBERS-KNOWE 031
OS1/10/42/227 WITCH KNOWE 031
OS1/10/42/228 BURNHEAD 031
OS1/10/42/228 CHURCH (United Presbyterian) [Burnhead] 031
OS1/10/42/229 MONUMENT (Supposed Runic) [E of Burnhead] 031
OS1/10/42/229 NITH BRIDGE 031
OS1/10/42/231 KIRKLAND 031
OS1/10/42/232 FLOORS 031
OS1/10/42/233 SCAR POOL 031
OS1/10/42/233 TOWNHEAD BURN 031