Dumfriesshire volume 40

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/10/40/1 MORTON [parish] Morton Morton Morton Walker's Co[unty] Map Crawford's Co[unty] Map Johnstone's Co[unty] Map 014; 015; 022; 023; 031 [Situation] In Upper Nithsdale between Closeburn, Penpont and Durisdeer in Dumfriesshire and Crawford in Lanarkshire This name is Anglo-Saxon and is generally supposed to signify "the Stronghold or dwelling on the Moor" Near the centre of Parish at the N.W. extremity of an extensive Moor there still exist the Remains of a stronghold "Morton Castle" The Parish of Morton is bounded on the W. and N.E by Crawford in Lanarkshire, on the East and South by Closeburn, on the South-West and West by Penpont and Durisdeer. Its shape is an irregular, oblong with two points respectively projecting beyond the rest at the N.E. and S.W. The boundaries of this projection at the North-East are undefined. On the E. and S of the Parish the Boundaries are for the most part defined and traced by Cample Water, on the S.W. at the point of projection above mentioned the Boundaires are defined by a hedge and paling, on the W. and N. to Morton within the boundaries of another Parish nor within its limits as above described a detached part of any other Parish. The extent is about 7 miles from North to South and mean breadth 2½ miles. The area as [?] Statistics is 9,000 Imp[eria]l acres or [?] Fullarton 12¾ miles or 6,496 Scotch Acres which would give as 23=29 8,181; say 8,157 Imp[eria]l Acres, 3,000 of which may be cultivated, 700 wood, 957 capable of cultivation an 3,500 rough pasture and irreclaimable, - the whole with the exception of the farm of Riddings belongs to the Duke of Buccleuch. The surface is diversified by ridge and valley, the highest ground which lies towards the North attains a height of 2,500 feet above sea level. The hills or ridges run across the Parish from N.W. to S.E. The level ground is chiefly along the banks of River Nith and Cample Water and which is well protected by embankments from the encroachments of these Streams. The soil is dry and very productive. Farming and the rearing of Cattle are extensively carried on under the direct superindence of the Buccleuch's Steward, consequently large tracts of waste land are annually reclaimed. The Parish is well watered on each side by the Cample, Nith and Carron, numerous burns and rills and perennial springs supply the interior thereof. Among the latter a Spa or Strong Chalybeate Spring called Physic Well. Several small pieces of water are in the vicinity of Thornhill. The Turnpike from Dumfries and from Kirkcudbright [?] Moniaive and Penpont respectively enter the Parish at the South & West sides become convergent at Thornhill, run North-west for about 1½ miles to Carronbridge where they diverge towards Glasgow and Edinburgh. The North-East or upper district is almost destitute of Roads. The Glasgow and SWn [Southwestern] Railway enters the Parish near the middle of W[ester]n Boundary and runs S.E. towards Carlisle. No manufacture is
OS1/10/40/1 MORTON [parish] Morton Morton Morton Walker's Co[unty] Map Crawford's Co[unty] Map Johnstone's Co[unty] Map 014; 015; 022; 023; 031 In Upper Nithsdale between Closeburn, Penpont and Durisdeer in Dumfriesshire and Crawford in Lanarkshire This name is Anglo-Saxon and is generally supposed to signify "the Stronghold or dwelling on the Moor" Near the centre of Parish at the N.W. extremity of an extensive Moor there still exist the Remains of a stronghold "Morton Castle" The Parish of Morton is bounded on the W. and N.E by Crawford in Lanarkshire, on the East and South by Closeburn, on the South-West and West by Penpont and Durisdeer. Its shape is an irregular, oblong with two points respectively projecting beyond the rest at the N.E. and S.W. The boundaries of this projection at the North-East are undefined. On the E. and S of the Parish the Boundaries are for the most part defined and traced by Cample Water, on the S.W. at the point of projection above mentioned the Boundaires are defined by a hedge and paling, on the W. and N. to Morton within the boundaries of another Parish nor within its limits as above described a detached part of any other Parish. The extent is about 7 miles from North to South and mean breadth 2½ miles. The area as [?] Statistics is 9,000 Imp[erial] acres or [?] Fullarton 12¾ miles or 6,496 Scotch Acres which would give as 23=29 8,181; say 8,157 Imp[erial] Acres, 3,000 of which may be cultivated, 700 wood, 957 capable of cultivation an 3,500 rough pasture and irreclaimable, - the whole with the exception of the farm of Riddings belongs to the Duke of Buccleuch. The surface is diversified by ridge and valley, the highest ground which lies towards the North attains a height of 2,500 feet above sea level. The hills or ridges run across the Parish from N.W. to S.E. The level ground is chiefly along the banks of River Nith and Cample Water and which is well protected by embankments from the encroachments of these Streams. The soil is dry and very productive. Farming and the rearing of Cattle are extensively carried on under the direct superindence of the Buccleuch's Steward, consequently large tracts of waste land are annually reclaimed. The Parish is well watered on each side by the Cample, Nith and Carron, numerous burns and rills and perennial springs supply the interior thereof. Among the latter a Spa or Strong Chalybeate Spring called Physic Well. Several small pieces of water are in the vicinity of Thornhill. The Turnpike from Dumfries and from Kirkcudbright [?] Moniaive and Penpont respectively enter the Parish at the South & West sides become convergent at Thornhill, run North-west for about 1½ miles to Carronbridge where they diverge towards Glasgow and Edinburgh. The North-East or upper district is almost destitute of Roads. The Glasgow and SWn [Southwestern] Railway enters the Parish near the middle of W[ester]n Boundary and runs S.E. towards Carlisle. No manufacture is
OS1/10/40/1 Parish of Morton Parish County Dumfries
OS1/10/40/1A carried on and no minerals abound. The majority of the population are agricultural labourers almost exclusively employed on the Duke of Buccleuch's lands. Population about 3000. There are three villages viz Thornhill, Carronbridge and Gateleybrige. Gateleybridge is a small hamlet towards the S.E extremity of this Parish has a population of about 80 employed for the most part in the quarry adjoining. In it is a School supported by the Duke of Buccleugh erected by him in 1842. Also in the vicinity a commodious Workhouse for the Poor of Upper Nithsdale. On Carron Water near the centre of W[ester]n Boundary is situate the village of Carronbridge, the houses are with two or three exceptions one storey high. Its general appearance is tidy and clean. Population 225. It its S[outher]n vicinity is a School erected and supported by the Duke of Buccleuch, also an extensive Saw-Mill. Towards the S.W on the Summit of a ridge is situate Thornhill a large and beautiful village, which is considered to be the most tidy and generally attractive of its class in Britain. It has Authority for holding a weekly Market, in it four fairs an annually held on 2nd Tuesday (O.S.) of Feb[ruary], May, Aug[ust] and Nov[ember]. The Streets are wide and always clean and in numerous instances have broad stripes of grass between the pavement and the roadway, the houses with a few exceptions are uniform - one storey Cottages with small gardens behind. In it are Branch Offices of the British Linen Co[mpany] Bank, Western Bank and Union Bank - A sub Post Office, two first class Inns or Hotels, a Free Masons' Hall, a Brewery, a Tannery, several Public houses and an United Presbyterian Chapel. At the intersection of the principal Streets stands an elegant pillar surmounted by a Pegasus and Queensberry Arms. There is also a small Museum kept in a house, which is private property and merely a speculation. The Shops in the principal Streets are elegantly fitted up and lighted with Gas. The village is wholly under the superiority of the Duke of Buccleuch by whom it has been very liberally improved. Population 2000. The Parish Church, a handsome Gothic Structure was erected 1840-41 exclusively at the expense of of the Duke of Buccleuch, is prominently situate on a rising ground in the N.E[astern] vicinity of Thornhill. It has about 1200 sittings free. Stipend £236 2 [shillings] 7 [pence] with commodious manse & Glebe, the latter of the annual value of £25. The Parish School a substantial and most commodious building is situate between the Church and Thornhill and is usually attended by almost 100 scholars. Salary attached £34 4/4½ 34[pounds] 4[shillings] 4½ [pence] with house, garden and 2 acres of land and the School fees. The Schools at Carronbridge and Gateleybridge are side Parochial Schools but it may also be remarked that they were merely erected and almost entirely supported by the voluntary acts of Duke and Duchess of Buccleuch. It is not compulsory on the Duke of Buccleuch as sole proprietor of almost the entire Parish to endow
OS1/10/40/1B On Mortonmuir's Hill the remains of a strong entrenchment are yet visible pronounced by locals generally as having been of Roman Construction. Both The Old and New Statistical Accounts of Parish also notice it as such. "At a short distance North-West of the Castle and on the other side of the Glen are the remains of a strong fortification which seems to have been a Roman fort or Castellum still called by the Name of Deer Camp; it about two miles North of Tibbers, Tiberii Castra, the great Roman Station in the Parish of Penpont; a Station well chosen to guard against incursions from recesses of the Mountains on the North and North-East (see Page 20) About ¾ mile West of Above are also visible remains of Another entrenchment likewise set down by locals of Roman origin The dimensions of this Camp are small but its square formation might favor the supposition of its having been a Roman Post-Castra Aestiva - capable of holding from 20 to 100. See Page 16. But the most important circumstance for supposing these Camps of Roman origin is the fact of the Roman Road having traversed the district as noticed by Gen[eral] Roy and other Antiquarians and whereby it would appear to have crossed Carron Water near Carronbridge where the branches diverged respectively towards Ayrshire via Tiberii Castra and towards Clydesdale via Wall Path in Durisdeer. Particular enquiries have been made in locality A few people have pointed out that which is from existing features and uncharacteristic sinuosities not the Roman Road but evidently only an Old fence which enclosed a deer park during the occupancy of Morton Castle by Thomas Randolph Earl of Murray (See Pages 20 & 25) Although scarcely ½ remains of the original fortalice ?in Morton now exist, these are still noble and have been considered the most perfect ruin of the kind in this part of the Country. The existing remains extend to upwards of 100 feet in length by 30 in width. The wall of the South front is almost entire, which from the foundation is about 40 feet high, having on the top at each corner a large round tower about 12 feet in diameter. The walls are from 8 to 10 feet thick (see Page 45) It gave the title of Earl to James Douglas Lord of Dalkeith, promoted to be Earl of Morton by James I in 1458. This honour being forfeited by the above Earls grandson, was again revived in the person of Sir William Douglas of Lochlevin. This Castle however seems to have been of higher Antiquity having belonged, as is said to Dunenald, the predecessor of Thomas Randolph Earl of Murray: and having been disponed in the reign of Robert I to Douglas of Morton. It was dismantled by David II on his return from England according to agreement with Edward III. About 300 yards South from Castle is a slight elevation which may have been used either as a beacon post or lookout station
OS1/10/40/2 At a short distance
OS1/10/40/3 CARRON WATER Carron Water William Rae Robert Gracie William Scott 014; 022 [Situation] Tracing the ?Northern Parish Boundary A large Stream rising in the parish of Durisdeer, and flowing along the boundary between that parish and the parish of Morton and falls into the River Nith
OS1/10/40/3 HAPLAND BURN Hapland Burn William Rae Robert Gracie William Scott 014 [Situation] Tracing North and North West[ern] Parish Boundary. A considerable stream rising in the parish of Durisdeer and falling into Carron Water. It forms the Parish boundary for a short distance.
OS1/10/40/3 Parish of Morton Plan 14-15 Trace 1 W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/4 SHIEL BURN Sheil Burn Shiel Burn Shiel Burn Shiel Burn William Rae Joseph Brown Estate Map James Grierson Robert Gracie 014; 022 A small stream rising at the Swair and falling into Hapland Burn, - forms part of the northern boundary of the parish. The name is taken from Shield - a shelter but generally written without the final d
OS1/10/40/4 Parish of Morton Plan 14-15 Trace 1 W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/5 SCAW'D LAW Great Scawd Law Scawd Law Thomas Nevison Joseph Brown Estate Map William Brydon 014 A very high hill to the north of Glenleith Fell, the western and north eastern water sheds of which form part of the parish boundary
OS1/10/40/5 Parish of Morton Plan 14-16 Trace 1 W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/6 GLENLEITH FELL Glenleith Fell Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison Estate Map A very large hill to the west of Tansley Rig, the north western water shed of which forms part of the parish boundary.
OS1/10/40/6 Parish of Morton Plan 14-16 Trace 2 W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/7 SMURIN GUTTER Smuirin Gutter Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison 015 A Small Stream rising on the face of Glenleith Fell and falling into Glenleith Burn.
OS1/10/40/7 GLENLEITH BURN Glenleith Burn Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison Estate Map A considerable Stream formed by the confluence of a number of rivulets at the northern boundary of the parish between Glenleith Fell and Wedder Law - bears the name to Cample Water
OS1/10/40/7 Parish of Morton Plan 15-13 Trace 2 W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/8 RAE GRAIN Raegrain Cleuch Grain Branch of a river Thomas Nevison Joseph Brown Dr Jamieson A small stream flowing down a rocky cleuch between Wedder Law and Tansley Rig and falling into Glenleith Burn. The Authorities give this Rae Grain.
OS1/10/40/8 RAE CAIRN Rae Cairn Thomas Nevison Joseph Brown A shepherds pile a few chains north east of Rae grain Cleuch.
OS1/10/40/8 Parish of Morton Plan 15-13 Trace 2 W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/9 TANSLEY RIG Tansley Rigg Tansley Rigg Tansley Rigg Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison James Smith 015; 023 An elevated Ridge lying between Glenleith Burn & Tansley Grain.
OS1/10/40/9 WEDDER LAW Wedder Law Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison Estate Map 015 l A large hill to the north of Tansley Rig and between Berry Rig and Glenleith Fell. The northern water shed of this hill forms part of the parish boundary. This is sometimes called Weather Hill.
OS1/10/40/9 Parish of Morton Plan 15-13 Trace 3 W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/10 Blank
OS1/10/40/11 KILN CLEUGH Kiln Cleuch Cleugh - a hollow Robert Gracie William McCall James Smith Dr Jamieson 022 [Situation] 3½ miles N of Thornhill. A hollow through which a small stream flows, the stream has no name, the hollow commences, at the entrance of the stream to the Wood, and terminates in a marsh near Carron Water. W. Paterson [civil/assistant]
OS1/10/40/11 CARRON WATER Carron Water James Smith William McCall J.B. Johnstone [Situation] Partially tracing the W[estern] Parish Boundary. A large Stream rising in the parish of Durisdeer and forming the western boundary of Morton Parish until its confluence with the Nith.
OS1/10/40/11 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 1 Cleugh the common mode adopted in Scotland and here made use of as more expressive of real features of Object than Cleuch from Irish Cloichs. W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/12 COG'S DISH Cogs Dish Cogs Dish Robert Gracie James Grierson 022 [Situation] On East Morton Hill 3½ miles NNE of Thornhill A Poud on the farm of East Morton
OS1/10/40/12 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 1 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/12 Carron Linns details crossed out.
OS1/10/40/13 SHIEL BURN Sheil Burn Shiel Burn Shiel Burn Shiel Burn W Rae Joseph Brown William Scott Estate Map Robert Gracie James Grierson 014; 022 [Situation] Tracing a portion of the North Eastern Parish Boundary. A Small Stream Rising at the Swair, and falling into Hopland Burn - forms part of the northern boundary of the parish. - The name is taken from Shield - a shelter but is generally without this [---]
OS1/10/40/13 THE SWARE The Swair Joseph Brown William Scott Robert Gracie 014; 022 [Situation] at North Eastern extremity of East Morton Hill. A small notch or valley between East Morton Hill and the adjoining hills in Durisdeer parish.
OS1/10/40/13 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 2 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/14 EAST MORTON HILL East Morton Hill Robert Gracie William Rae Joseph Brown 022 [Situation] 3½ miles North East by North of Thornhill. A hill of considerable emmine[nce] to the north of Morton Mains Hill - formerly within the farm of East Morton and still known by that name, but now included in the farm of Morton Mains.
OS1/10/40/14 MORTON MAINS HILL Morton Mains Hill Morton Mains Hill Morton Mains Hill James Grierson Thomas Nevison Joseph Brown 022 [Situation] [--] ¾ miles North East by North of Thornhill. A considerable hill having a Camp on its Summit, it commands Morton Castle.
OS1/10/40/14 14 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 2 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/15 GLASGOW AND SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow and South-Western Railway James Smith Alex[ander] McCowan Alex[ander] Grierson [Situation] In a South Eastern direction through Parish. A line of Railway between Glasgow and Carlisle through the South Western district of Scotland
OS1/10/40/15 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 3 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/16 ROMAN CAMP (Supposed) [Carron Water] Roman Camp Camp Robert Gracie James Grierson 022 A small & nearly rectangular Camp on the eastern side of Carron Water Mr Gracie, the farmer, states that [it ?was] a Roman Camp but I think it's too insignificant for one. it is certai[n it?] is a camp of some sort.
OS1/10/40/16 THE GILL The Gill James Smith William Rae Robert Gracie 022 A deep rough glen with a considerable stream running through it. The largest of the Carron Linn[?s] and well known in the district as The Gill
OS1/10/40/16 16 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 3 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/17 EAST MORTON East Morton Robert Gracie James Smith J.B. Johnstone 022 [Situation] 3 miles North of Thornhill. A dwellinghouse with garden barns etc and a farm of land attached. Residence of Robert Gracie
OS1/10/40/17 EAST MORTON COTTAGE East Morton Cottage Robert Gracie James Smith William Scott 022 [Situation] 3 miles North of Thornhill A small cottage house for the accommodation of the ploughman of East Morton
OS1/10/40/17 MARY'S WELL Mary Well Mary Well Robert Gracie James Grierson 022 [Situation] About 3½ miles North of Thornhill A Well supplied by several surrounding Springs. The name is ancient but it cannot be ascertained whether Sacred or not.
OS1/10/40/17 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 3 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/18 GILLHEAD WOOD Gillhead Wood Alex[ander] Grierson Rob[ert] Gracie W[illiam] Scott 022 [Situation] 3 miles North of Thornhill A natural plantation of forrest lies at the foot of Morton Mains Hill and forming the termination head of Abe Gill
OS1/10/40/18 THE HASS The Hass W[illiam] Scott Rob[er]t Gracie Joseph Brown 022 [Situation] 3¼ miles North East by North of Thornhill A notch or hollow between Morton Mains & East Morton Hill.
OS1/10/40/18 18 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 4 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/19 KETTLETON BURN Kettleton Burn Thomas Nevison Joseph Brown William Scott 022 [Situation] on Northern Boundary of North Eastern Parish district running South West A considerable stream formed by the confluence of several streamlets a few chains to the South-east of Kettletonhead.
OS1/10/40/19 MORTON PARK Morton Park Park Thomas Nevison Hist of Galloway 022 [Situation] Farm 3 to 4 miles North East of Thornhill. Here was formerly a park enclosed by Sir Thomas Randolph Earl of Murray, the park has long been disused, but the fences can still be traced.
OS1/10/40/19 TOM'S CLEUGH Tom's Cleuch Cleugh a hollow William Scott Joseph Brown Estate Map Dr Jamieson 022 [Situation] On East Morton Hill A small glen on the South-east slope of East Morton HIll with a streamlet running down it into Kettleton Burn. see page 11
OS1/10/40/19 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 5 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/20 ROMAN CAMP (Supposed) [Morton Mains Hill] Camp Alexander Grierson Robert Gracie William Scott 022 [Situation] On Mortonmains Hill. The remains of a strong intrenchment on the summit of Morton Mains Hill - supposed to be of Roman origin, its form is adapted to the nature of the ground - No one in the parish seems to know it as a "Deer Camp"
OS1/10/40/20 Parish of Morton Plan 22-3 Trace 5 If this was intended for a camp it never was finished. It does not seem to be very ancient. I think it is not Roman, very possibly it may have been a place for protecting or confining Deer, hence the name Deer Camp. W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/21 KETTLETON BURN Kettleton Burn Thomas Nevison Robert Gracie William Scott 022 [Situation] On Northern Boundary of N.E. Parish district running S.W. A Stream formed by the junction of several rivulets at Kettletonhead - bears the name to Cample Water.
OS1/10/40/21 THE SWARE The Swair Sware, Swire, Swyre the level between two hills Robert Gracie William Scott Joseph Brown Dr Jamieson 014; 022 [Situation] On Northern Parish Boundary 4 miles NNE of Thornhill A notch or hollow between East Morton HIll and the adjoining hills in Durisdeer Parish
OS1/10/40/21 Parish of Morton Plan 22-4 Trace 1 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/22 CLINTYCLEUGH GUTTER Clinty Cleuch Gutter James Smith Joseph Brown Estate Map 022 [situation] At North Eastern Extremity of Par Hill running North West. A Stream flowing down a rocky glen between Par HIll and Clinty Cleuch Rig and falling into Kettleton Burn. See Page 11.
OS1/10/40/22 CLINTYCLEUGH RIG Clinty Cleuch Rig James Smith Joseph Brown Estate Map 022 [situation] 4 miles NNE of Thornhill The eastern portion of Par Hill lying between Clinty Cleuch Gutter and Kettletonhead.
OS1/10/40/22 LITTLE FELL Little Fell Little Fell Little Fell Thomas Nevison Joseph Brown James Grierson 022 [situation] 4 miles N.E. of Thornhill A considerable hill, on which stands a ?Signal Station
OS1/10/40/22 Parish of Morton Plan 22-4 Trace 1 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/23 BACKHILL MOSS Backhill Moss Thomas Nevison Joseph Brown Estate Map 022 [situation] About 4½ miles N.E. of Thornhill. A piece of level heathy ground bounded on the north by Glenleith Fell, Tansley Rig & Berry Rig and on the South by Little Fell, Par HIll & Clinty Cleuch Rig.
OS1/10/40/23 KETTLETONHEAD Kettletonhead Thomas Nevison James Smith Joseph Brown 022 [situation] About 4½ miles N.E. of Thornhill. A dwellinghouse, garden and sheep fold - residence of the head of Burn farm. So called from being at the head of Kettleton Burn.
OS1/10/40/23 Parish of Morton Plan 22-4 Trace 2 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/24 GLENLEITH BURN Glenleith Burn Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison Estate Map [situation] At North Eastern extremity of Parish running S.W. A Stream flowing down and rising at the head of the valley between Glenleith Fell & Tansley Rig - bears the name to Cample Water. The name Glenleith is descriptive of Glen meaning in Gaelic the Grey Glen - which it is
OS1/10/40/24 Parish of Morton Plan 22-4 Trace 3 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/25 PAR HILL Par Hill Par Hill Par Hill William Maxwell Esquire Dabton Mr John Leach Kirkland Thomas Nevison Burn 022 [Situation] About 4 miles NNE of Thornhill A considerable Hill on which a Triangle Δ Stands & over the South side of which the Roman Road passes N.E. side of road is Heathy pasture S. side Rocky
OS1/10/40/25 Parish of Morton Plan 22-4 Trace 4
OS1/10/40/26 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water William Maxwell Esquire Mr John Leach Reverend John Murray 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Partially tracing Eastern and Southern Parish Boundary A considerable River which bears the name from where berry Grain joins it to its Conflux with the River Nith
OS1/10/40/26 MORTON PARK Morton Park Park Thomas Nevison History of Galloway AD 1684 022 [Situation] Farm 3 to 4 miles NE of Thornhill Near to this Castle (Morton) was a ---------- built by Sir Thomas Randolph Earl of --------- on the face of a very great high h---- so artificially that by the advantage --- the hill all wild beasts, such as ---- Harts, Roes & Hares did easily get ----- but could not get out again ---- any other Cattle such as Cows, Sheep or Goats did ---- Voluntarily leap in or were forced to it it is doubtful wh----- their owners were permitted to get them out again. History of Galloway It is this fence that is described as a Roman Road in the preceding page. Owen Bassett
OS1/10/40/26 Parish of Morton Plan 22 -4 Trace 6 Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/26 Right hand side disappears into binding
OS1/10/40/27 TANSLEY RIG Tansley Rigg Middle Rig Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison James Smith Estate Map 015; 023 [Situation] 4¾ miles N.E. of Thornhill A long ridge of hill sometimes called Middle Rig firm the circumstance of its being situated between Berry Rig and Burn or Glenleith Fell. this Word is generally Written with two gs
OS1/10/40/27 GLENLEITH BURN Glenleith Burn Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison Estate Map [Situation] On North Eastern Parish district running S.W. A considerable stream rising at the heart of the parish and falling into Cample Water
OS1/10/40/27 Parish of Morton Plan 23-1 Trace 1 W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/28 TANSLEY BURN Tansley Burn Stanes Cleuch Burn Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison Estate Map 023 [Situation] pm N.E. district of Parish running S.W. A considerable stream rising at the north east end of Berry Rig and forming after its junction with Berry Grain Cample Water
OS1/10/40/28 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water Thomas Nevison William Brydon Joseph Brown 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Partially tracing Eastern and Southern Parish Boundaries A Small but rapid River formed by the united waters of Berry Grain & Tansley Burn bears the name to its Junction with the River Nith.
OS1/10/40/28 Parish of Morton Plan 23-1 Trace 1 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/29 BERRY RIG Berry Rig Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison James Smith 023 [Situation] Forming the North - Eastern district of Morton Parish. A long ridge of hill commencing at the North - east corner of the parish extending in a south - westerly direction to the junction of Tansley Burn with Berry Grain.
OS1/10/40/29 BLACK GRAIN Black Grain Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison 023 [Situation] On North Eastern district of Parish running South A small stream rising on the top of Tansley Rig and falling into Tansley Burn, separating the aforesaid hill from Chedder Law
OS1/10/40/29 Parish of Morton Plan 23 - 1 Trace 2 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/30 BERRY GRAIN Berry Grain Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison 023 [Situation] Crossing Eastern Parish Boundary at Southern Extremity of this Parish. A Stream flowing along the boundary between the parishes of Morton & Closeburn, and falling into Tansley Burn
OS1/10/40/30 Parish of Morton Plan 23 - 1 Trace 3 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/31 Carron Linns Carron Linns James Smith J B Johnston William Bryden A rough wooded glen extending along the course of Carron Water from Holestane Bridge to Kiln Church
OS1/10/40/31 Carron Water Carron Water William McCall William Bryden Alexander McCowan Partially tracing Northern Parish Boundary A rapid and clear stream running along the boundary between the parishes of Morton & Durisdeer, and falling into the River Nith
OS1/10/40/31 Plan 22/6 Trace 1 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/31 Carron Linns scored out
OS1/10/40/32 HOLESTANE BRIDGE Holestane Bridge Holestane Bridge Holstain James Smith William Bryden Old Plan 022 [Situation] About 3 miles North of Thornhill A stone bridge of ?once Arch across the Carron Turnpike Trust. The name also includes a small cottage and garden attached to the farm of Holestane (Repaired by the county)
OS1/10/40/32 Parish of Morton Plan 22/6 Trace 1 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/32 Col 1 Under Holestane Bridge is written "(County)" & initialled D M. In the same ink and hand, under descriptive remarks is written "(Repaired by County)" In the same hand and ink, under descriptive remarks, "small" as the descriptive adjective for bridge is scored out and "stone" is inserted. Also after bridge is inserted "of (trice) arch". I cannot decipher (trice) The entry under situation is in red ink
OS1/10/40/33 DRUM Drum Alexander McCowan William McCall I.B. Johnstone 022 [Situation] About 2¾ miles N of Thornhill An elegant and commodious dwellinghouse with garden, barns etc and a farm of land attached - Situated on an eminence, hence the name
OS1/10/40/33 DRUM CLEUGH Drum Cleuch Alex McCall James Smith Alex Grierson 022 [Situated] 2½ Miles N. of Thornhill A wooded glen adjacent to Drum through which a small stream folows [sic]. the stream has no name. The name extends from the Railway to the public road. See page 11
OS1/10/40/33 Parish of Morton Plan 22/6 Trace 2 W. Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/34 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & South -Western Railway William Bryden Dr [Doctor] Grierson Dr [Doctor] Russell 022; 031 [Situation] From near centre of N[orthern] Parish Boundary running S.E. A line of Railway forming a communication between Glasgow and Carlisle through the South-Western district of Scotland
OS1/10/40/34 Parish of Morton Plan 22/6 Trace 2 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/35 GLASGOW AND SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & South-Western Railway Thomas Mathewson William Bryden William McCall [Situation] From about the centre of N[orthern] Parish Boundary running S.E. A line of Railway forming a communication between Glasgow & Carlisle through the Southwestern parts of Scotland
OS1/10/40/35 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 1 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/36 DRUMSHINNOCH Drumshinnoch Drumshinnoch J.B. Johnstone James Smith William McCall Valuation Rolls 022 [Situation] About 2¾ miles N of Thornhill A number of cottar houses with gardens etc attached, for the accommodation of the Duke of Bucleuch's farm servants.
OS1/10/40/36 CARRON WATER Carron Water Carron Water Carron Water James Grierson James Smith Mr Pagan 014; 022 [Situation] Tracing N[orthern] Parish Boundary A Stream having its source at the head of Durrisdeer Parish forming part of the boundary between it & Morton, falls into the Nith.
OS1/10/40/36 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 1 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/37 DRUMSHINNOCH BELT Drumshinnoch Belt William McCall Alexander Grierson William Bryden 022 [Situation] About 2¾ Miles NNE of Thornhill A narrow stripe of fir plantation immediately about Drumshinnoch
OS1/10/40/37 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 1 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/38 GILLHEAD WOOD Gillhead Wood Alex Grierson Thomas Nevison John Smith 022 [Situation] About 3¼ miles N of Thornhill A scattered open wood consisting of forrest trees of about 50 years growth so called in consequence of its standing at the head of The Gill.
OS1/10/40/38 THE GILL The Gill Alex Grierson Thomas Nevison William McCall 022 [Situation] About 3¼ miles N of Thornhill A large wooded glen on the head of which enters this plan. The Gill terminates at a small waterfall where the channel of the stream running through it becomes widened. The name extends from the waterfall above mentioned to the Carron water.
OS1/10/40/38 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 2 W Paterson
OS1/10/40/39 APPLETREE CLEUCH Appletree Cleuch Alexander Grierson John Smith William Bryden 022 [Situation] About 3 miles N.N.E. of Thornhill A very small gill with a streamlet running through it. The glen is covered with old forest trees, and among these, at a former period, there had probably been one or more of the Apple species
OS1/10/40/39 MORTON PARK Morton Park Old Park - or Morton Park Park James Smith James Grierson History of Galloway [Situation] About 3¼ miles N.E. of Thornhill See page 11
OS1/10/40/39 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 2 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/40 KETTLETON BURN Kettleton Burn Kettleton Burn Alex Grierson Thomas Nevison J.B. Johnstone Johnstone's County Map 022 [Situation] On Glenleith Hill running S.E. A very clear and rapid mountain stream rising about Kettletonhead and falling into Campel water
OS1/10/40/40 ROUTON BURN Routon Burn Routon Burn Routon Burn Thomas Nevison James Smith James Grierson 022 [Situation] On Bellybught Hill running W. into Kettleton A Stream having its source on Belliboght falls into Kettleton Burn
OS1/10/40/40 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 3 W Paterson
OS1/10/40/41 DRUM Drum Drums Alex McCowan William Bryden William McCall Johnstone's County Map 022 [Situation] 2¼ miles N of Thornhill A dwellinghouse, with barns and other farm offices & a farm of land attached-situated on an emminence or drum adjacent to the Glasgow and Southwestern Railway. Alex McCowan Occupier
OS1/10/40/41 DRUM CLEUCH Drum Cleuch Alex McCowan William McCall John Smith 022 [Situation] 2¼ Miles N of Thornhill. A wooded glen with a small stream running through it. Commences at Drum and terminates at the public road (in Common Plan) See Page 11.
OS1/10/40/41 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 4 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/42 DRUM BRIDGE 022 entry scored out
OS1/10/40/42 GALLOWS FLAT Gallow Flat Gallow's Flat Galliflat Alex Grierson William Bryden John Smith } Statistics of Parish 022 [Situation] About 2¼ miles N.N.E. of Thornhill A large arable field well known in the district by this name - within the farm, and immediately to the west of the steading of Morton Mains.
OS1/10/40/42 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 4 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/43 Entry for Morton Old Wood scored out
OS1/10/40/44 HANGING SHAW Hanging Shaw Alex Grierson William McCall William Bryden 022 [Situation] About 2½ Miles N.N.E. of Thornhill A steep wooded bank adjacent to Morton Mains. This and the adjoining field (Gallowflat) probably owe their names to some event which occurred during the period when Morton Castle was inhabited. This name is often given to Woods when situated on steep banks.
OS1/10/40/44 MORTON MAINS Morton Mains Morton Mains Morton Mains Alex Grierson Thomas Nevison William Bryden Gazetteer of Scotland Johnstone's County Map 022 [Situation] 2½ miles N.E. of Thornhill A dwellinghouse with garden, barns etc and a farm of land attached.
OS1/10/40/44 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 5 W Paterson c/a civil assistant
OS1/10/40/45 MORTON LOCH Morton Loch Alex Grierson Thomas Nevison William McCall 022 [Situation] 2½ Miles N.E. of Thornhill A deep natural glen into which several streams and drains are discharged. A large artificial bank has lately been thrown across the glen at Morton Castle converting the upper part into a lake
OS1/10/40/45 MORTON CASTLE (Remains of) Morton Castle Morton Castle Morton Castle Morton Castle Alex McCowan John Smith Thomas Nevison Old Statistical Account Gazetteer of Scotland Johnstone's County Map 022 [Situation] 2½ miles N.E. of Thornhill The ruins of an old castle - situateded (sic) on a steep isolated rock of a triangular form.- said to have been founded about the 10th Century and to have been given by Robert II as a dowry to his daughter Egidia the wife of William Douglas. The ruin is now the property of his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch. [In red ink] According to the McFarlane Mss [Manuscripts] in the Advocates library as quoted by Grose " this Castle is of uncertain origin; was kept in the minority of David Bruce, by Thomas Randolph Earl of Moray; and Stewards passed into the possession of that branch of the Douglases who became Earls of Morton, gave them their title and was allowed by them in their solicitude about other Strengths to go to ruins" Though not more than one half of the original structure now exists, it is considered to be the most perfect of the kind in this part of the County. It was originally protected by a sheet of water formed by large dams and strong embankments. The existing remains extend to upwards of 100 feet in length by 30 in width. The wall of the South front is almost entire, which from the foundation is about 40 feet high, having on the top at each corner a large round tower about 12 feet in diameter. The walls at the foundation are from 8 to 10 feet thick.
OS1/10/40/45 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 5 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/46 MORTON WOOD Morton Wood William Bryden J.B. Johnstone Alex Grierson 022 [Situation] Near the Centre of the Parish A young plantation of fir and forest trees - The oldest Wood is not yet 30 years old, this plantation has been planted at different time & all goes by the name Morton Wood
OS1/10/40/46 MORTON MOOR Morton Moor Morton Muir John Smith J.B. Johnstone Old Plan 022 [Situation] Near the centre of the Parish A large tract of land, all cultivated with the exception of a very small portion.
OS1/10/40/46 Parish of Morton Plan 22/7 Trace 5 W Paterson c/a civilian assistant
OS1/10/40/46 Please insert page numbers in headers Expand names ie Alex is Alexander Follow capitalisation as shown even if a bit unusual
OS1/10/40/47 WATCHMAN KNOWE Watchman's knowe Watchman Knowe Alexander Grierson William Mc Call William Bryden Statistics of Parish 022 [Situation] 2¼ Miles N.N.E. [North North East] of Thornhill A small portion of Morton Moor slightly elevated above the general level which had probably been used by the retainers of Morton Castle as a place of look out The Name here is of frequent occurrence in this district, but is never written in the possessive form.
OS1/10/40/47 DRUMCORK MOOR Drumcork Moor Drumcork Moor Drumcork Moor Drumcork Moor James Grierson Thomas Nevison John Leach Mr. Lorimer 022 [Situation] Forming Sn. [Southern] portion of Morton Moor, A large portion of land, a peat portion of which is now planted, it was formerly a moor.
OS1/10/40/47 [Page] 47. Plan 22/7 Trace 5 -- Parish of Morton [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/48 THE SHAW Shaw Wood The Shaw The Shaw Alexander Grierson Thomas Nevison William Mc Call 022 [Situation] About 3 Miles N.E, [North East] of Thornhill A natural wood of forest trees and hazel bushes,— Situated at the foot of Ballybught Hill on the banks of kettleton Burn
OS1/10/40/48 JUDGMENT THORN Judgment Thorn Judgment Thorn Alexander Grierson William Bryden Thomas Nevison Statistics of Parish 022 [Situation] About 2 Miles N.N.E, [North North East] of Thornhill A thorn tree probably the last representative of a group of thorns which had marked the spot where some execution or murder had occurred. — Within sight and at a short distance to the north-west there is a small conical hill encircled by a natural amphitheatre which might formerly have been used for judicial purposes.
OS1/10/40/48 [Page] 48. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22/7 Trace 6 [Note in Authority/Situation columns] Mr. Nevison, of the Burn, recollects the Ancient Thorn tree being standing, and says, this is growing from the old root [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/48 check The Shaw - Descriptive Remarks - assumed to be 'forest' trees and hazel 'bushes', although the o and s in forest and the first s in bushes are atypical. Judgment Thorn - Descriptive Remarks - some letters are lost in the fold ('where', 'west' and 'encircled' are assumed), the last letters of the first line is assumed to be 're-' and the last word of the second last line is assumed to be 'for'
OS1/10/40/49 HAW GILL Morton Gill Haw Gill Haw Gill Haw Gill - Thomas Nevison John Leach James Grierson 022 [Situation] 2¼ Miles N. E. [North East] of Thornhill, A long open glen extending from Morton Mains to Burn farm, but the upper part has recently been converted into a lake. — An acute bend near the middle of the glen causes it to embrace and defend Morton Castle on three sides .
OS1/10/40/49 [Page] 49. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22/7 Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/49 there is no 'Authority' for Morton Gill as an Other mode of Spelling and it is written in a different colour of ink from the Haw Gill entries.
OS1/10/40/50 [Page] 50.
OS1/10/40/50 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/40/51 BELLYBOUGHT HILL Bellybought Bellybought Bellybught Bellybought Bellybought Bellybught Bellybought Bellybught Hill Bught or Bought a Pen William Maxwell Esqr. Dabton John Leach Kirkland Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Morton Manse Thomas Nevison James Grierson Blackwoods Co. [County] map Valuation Rolls Johnstone's Co [County] Map Dr. Jamieson. 022 [Situation] 3½ miles N. E. [North East] of Thornhill A Considerable Hill about 1400 feet above the level of the Sea partly Rocky & partly Heathy pasture Duke of Buccleugh owner This name is pronounced Balliboght & may be taken from the Gaelic & Would signify Poor Town-or-Farm It is A Scotch Compound - I take it to mean the Bught or Pen in which Ewes [which deserving] the ram were enclosed. This Hill derives its name from the farm Bellybought in Glencairn Parish [---] Hill adopted as Bellybought does not imply the real object represented _ and which if so written would apply to a district rather than a hill feature. [---]
OS1/10/40/51 ROUTON BURN Routon Burn Routon Burn Routon Burn John Nevison Joseph Brown James Grierson 022 [Situation] On Bellybought Hill running W. [West] by S. [South] A stream having its source on Bellybought & falls into Kettleton Burn.
OS1/10/40/51 [Page] 51. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22- 8 Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil assistant
OS1/10/40/51 check Bellybought Hill - Descriptive Remarks - some words on line 9 not clear 'Ewes which deserving the ram'? Unclear initials/signature at end of last two sections. The last section beginning 'Hill adopted as...' is written in the Situation column, but I think it is a continuation of the Descriptive remarks? [Entry partially Scored Out/Incomplete] Rolling Cleugh - Other modes of Spelling & Authority... still have one entry, with two scored out below, but the Descriptive Remarks are crossed out - apart from the last line (Kettleton Burn Plan 22-7 -)
OS1/10/40/52 [Page] 52 Parish of Morton -- Plan 22—8 Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil assistant
OS1/10/40/52 [Entry Scored Out/Incomplete] Roman Road [Written underneath the Authority... entry]: The track of an old Park fence O.B . [Owen Barrett]
OS1/10/40/53 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing En. & Sn. [Eastern and Southern] Parish Boundary. A considerable River which rises on the moor North E. [East] end of the Parish & flows in Southerly direction to its jounction [junction] with the River Nith
OS1/10/40/53 GLENLEITH BURN Glenleith Burn Glenleith Burn Glenleith Burn William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 015; 022 [Situation] At N En. [North Eastern] Extremity of Parish running S.W. [South West] to Cample Water , A consider Stream which rises on the moor N. [North] East end of the Parish flows in a S. [South] Easterly direction to its jounction [junction] with the Cample Water on this Trace
OS1/10/40/53 [Page] 53. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-8 Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil assistant
OS1/10/40/54 [Page] 54. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22—8 Trace 3 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/54 [Entry Scored Out/Incomplete] Little Fell [Written underneath the Authority... entry]: On Common Plan O.B. [Owen Barrett]
OS1/10/40/55 THE SHAW Shaw Wood Shaw Wood Shaw Wood The Shaw The Shaw The Shaw The Shaw William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Thomas Nevison James Grierson Joseph Brown James Smith 022 [Situation] About 3 Miles N,E, [North East] of Thornhill, A considerable portion of Forest wood on either side of Kettleton Burn His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch Occupier & owner
OS1/10/40/55 [Page] 55. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22—8 Trace 4 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil assistant
OS1/10/40/55 [Entry Scored Out/Incomplete] Whitefauld
OS1/10/40/56 KETTLETON BURN Kettleton Burn Kettleton Burn Kettleton Burn William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] On Glenleith Hill running SW. [South West] & S,E, [South East] A Considerable Stream which rises a short distance South of the House Called Kettleton Head & runs in a South Westerly direction to its conflux with the Cample Water.
OS1/10/40/56 [Page] 56 Parish of Morton -- Plan 22—8 Trace 4 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil assistant
OS1/10/40/56 [Entry Scored Out/Incomplete] Bush Shed [Written in red ink below the Descriptive Remarks]: Cancelled
OS1/10/40/57 CAMPLE CLEUGH Cample Cleugh Cample Cleugh Cample Cleugh William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Mr. Thomas Niveson 022 [Situation] About 3¼ miles N,E, [North East] of Thornhill. A deep rocky valley through which the Cample Water passes It bears the name from where Glenleith Burn joins the Cample to where the latter enters the enclosed land.
OS1/10/40/57 HASS HEAD Hass Head Hass Head Thomas Nevison Joseph Brown 022 [Situation] At Sn. [Southern] extremity of Bellybought Hill, A flat, its the head of a small hollow in the face of Balliboght It means the head of the hollow
OS1/10/40/57 [Page] 57. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22—8-Trace 5 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/58 MORTON PARK Morton Park Old Park or Morton Park Park James Smith James Grierson Hist. [History of] Galloway 022 [Situation] About 3¼ miles N. N. E. [North North East] of Thornhill Near to this Castle (Morton) was a Park, built by Sir Thomas Randolph Earl of Murray , on the face of a of a very great high hill, So artificially that, by the advantage of the hill, all Wild beasts, Such as Deer, Harts, Roes and Hares, did easily get in, but Could not get out again and if any other Cattle, Such as Cows, Sheep or Goats , did Voluntarily leap in, or were forced to it, it is doubtful whether their owners were permitted to get them out again, History of Galloway Sir Thomas kept the Castle of Morton during the minority of David Bruce, The Park fence Can still be traced with, with a very small exception on the south side.
OS1/10/40/58 [Page] 58. Parish of Morton Plan 22.8.Trace 5&c [Signed] Owen Barrett
OS1/10/40/58 Descriptive Remarks - ends of some words missing in the fold, but similar text found online in e.g. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, Vol. II by Walter Scott (http://www.fullbooks.com/Minstrelsy-of-the-Scottish-Border-Vol-II-of4.html)
OS1/10/40/59 DRUM COTTAGES Drum Cottages Drum Cottages Drum Cottages William Maxwell Esqr. Dabton Mr. John Leach Kirkland Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Morton Manse 022 [Situation] About 2 miles N. [North] of Thornhill, Two Cottages and Gardens attached Situated on the Farm Called Drum hence the name Duk [Duke] of Buccleuch owner.
OS1/10/40/59 CARRONHILL PLANTATION Carronhill Plantation William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] About 1¾ mile N. [North] of Thornhill A considerable Fir plantation partially mixed with Forest trees and bounded on the West Side by the Public roads and includes all the Drives and Small Streams Duke of Buccleuch Occupier and owner.
OS1/10/40/59 [Page] 59. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22.10 Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil assistant
OS1/10/40/60 CARRONHILL Carronhill Carronhill Carronhill William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] About 1¾ miles N [North] of Thornhill A large Dwelling House and outbuildings with Gardens attached Occupied by Mr. John Smith & Mrs. Hannah Duke of Buccleuch owner.
OS1/10/40/60 CARRON WATER Carron Water Carron Water Carron Water William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 014; 022 [Situation] Tracing the Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary, A considerable River or Water which rises in the N. [North]-east end of the Ph [Parish] of Durisdeer running in a South-westerly direction to its junction with the River Nith. It is the Boundary between Morton & Durisdeer Parishes.
OS1/10/40/60 [Page] 60. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22.10. Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/60 Carronhill - Descriptive remarks - the 2nd occupier's name is not clear. It is Hannah (see 1851 census for Carronhill - Janet Hannah / Head / Widow / 49 / F / Annuitant / Dumfries, Sanquhar)
OS1/10/40/61 DABTON Dabton Dabton Dabton William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 1 mile N. [North] of Thornhill. A large Dwelling House & outbuildings with Garden and land attached William Maxwell Esqr. (Chamberlain to his Grace) occupier Duke of Buccleuch owner
OS1/10/40/61 RIVER NITH River Nith William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022; 031 [Situation] Tracing W. [West] & SWn. [South Western] Parish Boundary. The Nith rises in the Parish of new Cumnock in Ayrshire and after a South-east course of about fifty miles in a direct line, and about 100 including its windings discharges itself into the Solway Firth about nine miles below the Town of Dumfries.
OS1/10/40/61 [Page] 61. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22. 10. Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/61 check Dabton - Descriptive Remarks - brackets? around 'Chamberlain to his Grace'
OS1/10/40/62 SCHOOL [N of Thornhill] School School School John Leach Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Murray George Lorimer 022 [Situation] 1½ mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Thornhill, A neat building erected by the Duke of Buccleuch for a school & masters house It is inspected by the Parochial Board & is suspect to its [regulations] Salary made up from, a Stipend from the Duke, And payments from the Children
OS1/10/40/62 CARRONHILL GLEN Carronhill Glen Carronhill Glen Carronhill Glen John Smith Charles Brown George Lorimer 022 [Situation] 1½ mile N. [North] of Thornhill, A Small Valley through which a stream flows, the stream has no name, the name extends from Kings Quarry to the road by West Newlands.
OS1/10/40/62 DABTON COTTAGES Dabton Cottages Dabton Cottages Dabton Cottages John Leach James Grierson George Lorimer 022 [Situation] About 1 mile n, [north] of Thornhill, A range of Cottages [Occupied] by the farm Servants of [Dabton]
OS1/10/40/62 [Page] 62 Parish of Morton -- Plan 22. 10. [Signed] O. Barrett
OS1/10/40/62 Descriptive Remarks - ends of some words missing in the fold.
OS1/10/40/63 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow and South Western Railway William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022; 031 [Situation] From near the Centre of Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary running S,E, [South East] The line between Glasgow and Gretna the principal Towns thro: [through] which it passes are Paisley Kilmarnock Thornhill and Dumfries. The Caledonian line meets it at Gretna.
OS1/10/40/63 [Page] 63. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-10 Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/63 Situation - unfortunately the writer sometimes writes his W [West] very similar to N [ North] - this example looks more like a N but elsewhere (and in a different hand OS1/10/40/1), it has the Railway entering "the Parish near the middle of Wn [Western] Boundary"
OS1/10/40/64 LOWER CARRONHILL Lower Carronhill Lower Carronhill Lower Carronhill William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] About 1½ mile N.NW. [North North West] of Thornhill, A Commodious Dwelling House & outbuildings with Garden and land attached Mr. James Gracie Occupier and a Ninety nine years Lease Duke of Buccleuch owner.
OS1/10/40/64 CARRONBANK Carronbank Carronbank Carronbank William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 1¼ Mile N.N W, [North North West] of Thornhill A Number of Cottages one Story high with Gardens attached also a Ninety nine years Lease His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch owner
OS1/10/40/64 [Page] 64. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22 . 10 Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/65 CARRON BRIDGE Carronbridge Carron Bridge Carron Bridge Carron Bridge William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray George Lorimer 022 [Situation] 1½ Mile N.N.W [North North West] of Thornhill A Stone Bridge over the Carron Water & from which the Village of Carronbridge derives its name . Repaired by the County.
OS1/10/40/65 CARRONBRIDGE Carronbridge Carronbridge Carronbridge William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 1½ Mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Thornhill The Village of Carronbridge stands on Carron Water a short distance above its influx to the nith & is partly in Durisdeer but Chiefly in morton with a population in the latter of a bout 200 His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch at his own expense got a neat School House built for the Village Children the master of which is paid his Grace .
OS1/10/40/65 [Page] 65. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22.10 Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil assistant
OS1/10/40/65 Carronbridge - Descriptive Remarks line 8 - check it is a 'neat School House'
OS1/10/40/66 MORTON MILL (Corn) Morton Mill Morton Mill Morton Mill William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] About 1¼ Mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Thornhill, A Farm House and Corn Mill with Cottages outbuildings Gardens & land attached Mr. John Hunter Occupier Duke of Buccleuch owner
OS1/10/40/66 [Page] 66. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22. 10 Trace 2 [Entry Scored Out] Carronfoot Saw Mill [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/67 KING'S QUARRY (Sandstone) Kings Quarry Kings Quarry Kings Quarry Kings Quarry William Maxwell Esqr Daolon [Dabton] George Lorimer Drumcork James Grierson morton mains William Brydon 022 [Situation] About 1¾ Mile N [North] of Thornhill A large sandstone Quarry in use at the present time His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch Occupier and owner.
OS1/10/40/67 CARRONHILL GLEN Carronhill Glen Carronhill Glen Carronhill Glen William Maxwell Esqr. George Lorimer James Grierson 022 [Situation] About 1½ Mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Thornhill A Small Valley under Plantation & through which a Small Stream Flows, Duke of Buccleuch Occupier and owner. The name extends from 'King's Quarry' to the road leading from 'West Newlands' to Carron Bridge.
OS1/10/40/67 [Page] 67. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-11 Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/68 MORTON WOOD Morton Wood Morton Wood Morton Wood William Maxwell Esqr. George Lorimer Thomas Niveson Burn 022 [Situation] About 1½ Mile N. [North] of Thornhill. A large portion of mixed wood which takes its name from the Farm Called Morton Duke of Buccleuch Occupier & owner.
OS1/10/40/68 [Page] 68. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-11 Trace 1 [Entry Scored Out] Carronhill viaduct [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/69 GLASGOW AND SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow and South Western Railway Glasgow and South Western Railway Glasgow and South Western Railway George Lorimer John Smith Station Board 022; 031 [Situation] From near the Centre of Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary running S.E. [South East] Railway line between Glasgow and Gretna, the principal Towns thro [through] which it passes are Paisley Kilmarnock Thornhill and Dumfries.
OS1/10/40/69 [Page] 69. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-11 Trace 1 [Entry Scored Out] Newlands Wood [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/69 Description remarks - check last word of line 2 is thro? [through] (it is written as 'through' for OS1/10/40/89)
OS1/10/40/70 DRUMCORK MOOR Drumcork Moor Drumcork Moor Drumcork Moor William Maxwell Esqr. George Lorimer John Smith 022 [Situation] About 1½ Mile N.N.E. [North North East] of Thornhill. A large tract of Cultivated ground part of which has been lately planted, it was formerly a Moor.
OS1/10/40/70 MORTON MOOR Morton Moor Morton Moor Morton Moor Morton Moor George Lorimer James Grierson Thomas Nevison John Leach 022 [Situation] Almost 2 Miles N.E. [North East] of Thornhill. A large tract of land a Small portion of which has not been Cultivated, there is a large portion lately planted
OS1/10/40/70 [Page] 70. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-11 Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/70 Description remarks for Morton Moor - check 2nd last word line 3 - there?
OS1/10/40/71 HAW GILL Morton Gill Morton Gill Morton Gill Haw Gill Haw Gill Haw Gill Haw Gill William Maxwell Esqr. George Lorimer John Smith James Grierson Thomas Nevison John Leach Joseph Brown 022 [Situation] 2¼ Miles N.E. [North East] of Thornhill A small Valley or dale through which a small stream flows S.E [South East] from Morton old Castle in the Occupation of Messrs Grierson & Nevison Duke of Buccleuch proprietor. I could meet no person who Knows this place by the name "Morton Gill"
OS1/10/40/71 DABTON COTTAGES Dabton Cottages Dabton Cottages Dabton Cottages John Leach Charles Brown James Grierson 022 [Situation] About 1¼ Mile N. N. W. [North North West] of Thornhill, A range of Cottages occupied by the Labours [Labourers] of Dabton farm.
OS1/10/40/71 [Page] 71. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-11 Trace 3 & 4 [inserted in the Authority for spelling column - applying to Dabton Cottages] Trace 4 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/71 Dabton Cottages - check Labourers in Description remarks, as it seems to be spelt wrong
OS1/10/40/72 NEWLANDS Newlands Newlands Newlands William Maxwell Esqr. George Lorimer John Smith 022 [Situation] Nearly 1½ Mile N. [North] of Thornhill. A Farm House & outbuilding with Garden and Land attached William Rae Occupier Duke of Buccleuch Owner.
OS1/10/40/72 WEST NEWLANDS Newlands West West Newlands West Newlands West Newlands West Newlands West Newlands William Maxwell Esqr. George Lorimer John Smith Charles Brown John Leach Thomas Nevison 022 [Situation] Nearly 1½ Mile N. [North] of Thornhill, Dwelling House & outbuilding with Garden & small portion of Land attached Charles Brown Occupier Duke of Buccleuch proprietor.
OS1/10/40/72 [Page] 72 Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-11 Trace 4 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/73 HILLEND Hillend Hillend Hillend Mr. John Leach Kirkland The Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Morton Manse Doctor Grierson Thornhill 022 [Situation] About 1½ Mile N.N.E. [North North East] of Thornhill. Two Small Cottages and Gardens Attached Mr. George Lorimer Occupier Duke of Buccleuch proprietor
OS1/10/40/73 UPPER HILLEND upper Hillend upper Hillend upper Hillend Mr. John Leach The Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Doctor Grierson 022 [Situation] 1½ Mile N.E. [North East] of of Thornhill A small Cottage with Outbuilding and Garden attached Mr. George Lorimer Occupier Duke of Buccleuch proprietor.
OS1/10/40/73 GUFFOG Guffog Guffog Guffog John Leach James Grierson George Lorimer 022 [Situation] 1 Mile N. N. E. [North North East] of Thornhill, An elevated ridge extends northwards from Morton Old Church
OS1/10/40/73 [Page] 73. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-11 Trace 5 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/74 KIRK BURN Kirk Burn Kirk Burn Kirk Burn George Lorimer John Leach Charles Brown 022 [Situation] On Drumcork Moor And Morton Wood running S.E. [South East] A Small stream having its source in Drumcork Moor bears the name from, near Lower Hillend to Cample Water.
OS1/10/40/74 [Page] 74. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-11 Trace 6 [Entry Scored Out] Kirkland Wood [Entry Scored Out] Woodspur [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/75 HAW GILL Morton Gill Morton Gill Morton Gill William Maxwell Esqr. Dabton Mr. John Leach Kirkland The Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Morton Manse 022 [Situation] 2¼ Miles N E. [North East] of Thornhill, A small Glen through which a small Rivulet flows from Morton old Castle to its junction with Kettleton Burn Thomas Niveson Occupier Duke of Buccleuch owner.
OS1/10/40/75 KETTLETON BURN Kettleton Burn Kettleton Burn Kettleton Burn William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] On Glenleith Hill running SW. [South West] -& S.E. [South East] A considerable Stream which rises on the moors N. E. [North East] side of the Parish and bears this name to its junction with the Cample water
OS1/10/40/75 [Page] 75. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-12. Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/75 Check Haw Gill Descriptive Remarks: it looks like Niveson rather than Nevison, as elsewhere. KETTLETON BURN was not pre-entered - I am assuming it is an oversight as the Descriptive Remarks differ from OS1/10/40/40
OS1/10/40/76 KETTLETON BRIDGE Kettleton Bridge Kettleton Bridge Kettleton Bridge William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 2 Miles N.E.E. [North East East] of Thornhill A Stone Bridge on the Public road & over the Kettleton Burn from which it derives its name. - repaired by the Parish.
OS1/10/40/76 BURN COTTAGES Burn Cottages Burn Cottages Burn Cottages William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 2 Miles N.E.E. [North East East] of Thornhill Two Cottages with Gardens attached they belong to the Burn Farm Hence the name Mr. Nevison's Servants Occupy them Duke of Buccleuch proprietor.
OS1/10/40/76 [Page] 76. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-12. Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/76 Kettleton Bridge Descriptive Remarks - 4th last word is assumed to be 'repaired' as first few letters are very faint.
OS1/10/40/77 BURN or WHITEFAULD Burn Burn Burn Whitefauld Whitefauld William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Dukes Books & Receipts Valuation Rolls, 022 [Situation] 2¼ Miles N.E. [North East] of Thornhill, A Farm House and Outbuildings with Gardens & Land attached Mr. Thomas Nevison Occupier Duke of Buccleuch Owner. The official name of this farm is Whitefauld, but it is not known by that name except to owner & occupier, it is generally known as the Burn.
OS1/10/40/77 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing En. [Eastern] and Sn. [Southern] Parish Boundary, A Considerable River running in a Southerly direction & in part the Boundary between the Parishes of Closeburn and Morton.
OS1/10/40/77 [Page] 77. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-12. Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/77 WHITEFAULD was entered separately (as the 3rd entry on this page)
OS1/10/40/78 MORTON MOOR Morton Moor Morton Moor Morton Moor Thomas Nevison John Leach James Grierson 022 [Situation] 2 Miles N.E. [North East] of Thornhill. A large tract of land a great portion of which is planted, it was formerly a moor.
OS1/10/40/78 [Page] 78. Parish of Morton Plan 22 12. Trace No [Number] 1&2 [Signed] Owen Barrett
OS1/10/40/79 RIVER NITH River Nith River Nith River Nith William Maxwell Esqr. Dabton Mr. John Leach Kirkland Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Morton Manse 022; 031 [Situation] Partially tracing S.Wn. [South Western] Parish Boundary, and Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary, A large River which takes its rise in Ayrshire & flowing in a S [South] easterly direction passing this Ph. [Parish] on the West end where it becomes the By. [Boundary] of the Parish
OS1/10/40/79 WATERSIDE MAINS Waterside Mains Waterside Mains Waterside Mains Waterside William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray James Brown 022 [Situation] 1 Mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Thornhill Market Cross Farm House & outbuildings with Garden & land attached Mr. James Brown Occupier. Duke of Buccleuch Owner. This is generally Known as Waterside, but Waterside Mains is the Official name.
OS1/10/40/79 [Page] 79. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22. 14. Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/80 MEADOWBANK Meadowbank Meadowbank Meadowbank William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 1 Mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Thornhill Market Cross. Dwelling House & outbuildings with Gardens and land attached John Coltart Occupier Duke of Buccleuch Owner
OS1/10/40/80 DABTON LOCH PLANTATION Dabton Loch Plantation Dabton Loch Plantation Dabton Loch Plantation William Maxwell Esqr. John Leach William Brydon 022 [Situation] ¾ Mile N. [North] of Thornhill A large plantation Consisting of fir with a few forest trees interspersed, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/40/80 [Page] 80. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22.14. Trace 1 [Entry Scored Out] Dabton Lodge [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/81 LONGMYRE MAINS Longmyre Mains Longmyre Mains Longmyre Mains William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] ½ Mile N. W. [North West] by N. [North] of Thornhill, A Farm House and outbuildings with Garden and land attached James Hastings occupier Duke of Buccleuch Owner.
OS1/10/40/81 PHYSIC WELL (Chalybeate) Physic Well Physic Well Physic Well Chalybeate Spring William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Statistics of Parish 022 [Situation] 1 Mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Thornhill, Chalybeate Spring or Spa from which many are said to have derived great benefit in bilious and bowel complaints.
OS1/10/40/81 [Page] 81. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22. 14. Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/82 NITHBANK Nithbank Nithbank Nithbank William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] Upwards of ½ Mile NW. [North West] of Thornhill. Dwelling House & outbuildings with Garden & lands attached Mrs. Lawson Occupier and the Duke of Buccleuch Owner
OS1/10/40/82 NITHBANK COTTAGES Nithbank Cottages Nithbank Cottages Nithbank Cottages William Maxwell Esqr. Mr John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] Upwards of ½ Mile N. N. W. [North North West] of Thornhill A number of small Cottages let off by Mrs. Lawson to poor People These Cottages, large House, outbuildings, Garden & part of the land are a ninety nine years Lease Duke of Buccleuch owner
OS1/10/40/82 [Page] 82 Parish of Morton -- Plan 22.14. Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/83 DOCTOR'S POOL Doctor's Pool Doctor's Pool Doctor's Pool William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] In River Nith a little S [South] of Nithbank A deep spot on the East side of the River Nith "and near the House Called Nithbank." which was once occupied by a Doctor hence the name.
OS1/10/40/83 DOCTOR'S WELL Doctor's Well Doctor's Well Doctor's Well William Brydon James Hastings John Coltart 022 [Situation] Near Doctor's Pool A spring on the eastern bank of the River Nith.
OS1/10/40/83 GILL ROAD Gill Road Gill Road Gill Road William Brydon James Hastings John Coltart 022 [Situation] From N. Wn. [North Western] Extremity of Thornhill running W. [West] A Parish road extending from Gill Foot, to Thornhill.
OS1/10/40/83 [Page] 83. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22. 14. Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/84 THE CONDUIT The Conduit The Conduit The Conduit William Brydon John Coltart James Hastings 022; 031 [Situation] At N. Wn. [North Western] Extremity of Thornhill running W. [West] A Stream issuing at the north end of North Drumlanrig Street runs along Gill Road and falls into the River Nith .
OS1/10/40/84 GILL FOOT Gill Foot Gill Foot Gill Foot William Brydon John Coltart James Hastings 022 [Situation] About ¼ Mile N.W. [North West] of Thornhill. An opening from the end of Gill Road to the River Nith.
OS1/10/40/84 [Page] 84. -- Plan 22.14 -- Trace No. [Number] 2 [unsigned]
OS1/10/40/85 DRUMCORK Drumcork Drumcork Drumcork William Maxwell Esqr. Dabton Mr. John Leach Kirkland Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Morton Manse 022 [Situation] 1 mile N. N. E. [North North East] of Thornhill A Farm House and outbuildings with Garden and Land attached George Lorimer Occupier The Duke of Buccleuch proprietor
OS1/10/40/85 DABTON LOCH Dabton Loch Dabton Loch Dabton Loch William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] ¾ Mile N. [North] of Thornhill A small Artificial Lake Kept as a preserve for Wild-fowl derives its name from the land attached Duke of Buccleuch proprietor. This is more generally known as Rashbrigs Loch, but Dabton Loch is now the official name.
OS1/10/40/85 [Page] 85. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22- 15- Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/86 DABTON LOCH PLANTATION Dabton Loch Plantation Dabton Loch Plantation Dabton Loch Plantation William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] ¾ Mile N. [North] of Thornhill. A Fir Plantation partially mixed with Forest trees derives its name from the Land & Lough attached Duke of Buccleuch Owner
OS1/10/40/86 WHITE MOSS White Moss White Moss White Moss William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] About ¾ Mile N. N. E. [North North East] from Thornhill Market Cross. A portion of rough mossy pasture James Hastings pays something yearly for the Grass cut off it. The Duke holds it in his own hands as a preserve for Wild-fowl. This is more generally known as Rashbrigs Moss but White Moss is the official name.
OS1/10/40/86 [Page] 86. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15- Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/87 DRUMCORK MOOR Drumcork Moss Drumcork Moss Drumcork Moss James Lorimer John Leach James Hastings 022 [Situation] Near Centre of Morton Parish 1¼ Mile N.N. E. [North North East] of Thornhill. A large tract of arable land & rough pasture formerly a moor.
OS1/10/40/87 GUFFOG Guffog Guffog Guffog James Lorimer John Leach James Hastings 022 [Situation] About 1¼ Mile N. N. E. [North North East] of Thornhill A long and rather elevated ridge N.W. [North West] of the Old Church
OS1/10/40/87 MANSE BRAE Manse Brae Manse Brae Manse Brae John Leach James Lorimer James Milligan 022 [Situation] 9 Chains N. W. [North West] of Thornhill Railway Station running N.N.E. [North North East] A Very steep brow on the road from Thornhill to the Old Church, the brow commences at the Gate leading in to Mansefield, & terminates at the bend, near the Railway.
OS1/10/40/87 [Page] 87. Plan 22. 15. Trace No. [Number] 2 . [Signed] Owen Barrett
OS1/10/40/88 KIRK BURN Kirk Burn Kirk Burn Kirk Burn William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] On Morton Wood running S.E. [South East] A small stream which takes its rise in Morton wood from which place to its junction with the River Cample it bears the name of Kirkburn
OS1/10/40/88 [Page] 88. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 2 [Entry Scored Out] Woodspur [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/89 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & South Western Railway Glasgow & South Western Railway William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022; 031 [Situation] From near the Centre of Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary running S.E. [South East] Railway line between Glasgow and Gretna; The principal Towns through which it passes are Paisley Kilmarnock Thornhill and Dumfries.
OS1/10/40/89 [Page] 89. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 2 [Entry Scored Out] Drumcork Bridge [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/89 Railway entry is almost identical to OS1/10/40/69 (different Authorities for spelling)
OS1/10/40/90 GREENHEAD Greenhead Greenhead Greenhead Greenhead Greenhead William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray William Brydon Thomas Nevison 022 [Situation] About 1¼ Mile N. E. [North East] of Thornhill, Five Cottages & Smithy with Gardens attached Occupied Chiefly by Servants & work People The Duke of Buccleuch proprietor.
OS1/10/40/90 CHURCH [NE of Thornhill] Church (Remains of) Church Church William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] Nearly 1¼ Mile N. E. [North East] of Thornhill The Old Church erected in 1781. its northern gable & portions of walls attached are still standing in the north corner of the church yard. there is a Bell still attached to the gable end & at the distance of 140 [links] is supposed to be the site of the church which stood previous to the erection of the above mentioned one.
OS1/10/40/90 [Page] 90. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil/A [Assistant]
OS1/10/40/90 should '(Remains of)' be written 3-times in Various modes of spelling? It seems to have been written in later Church - Descriptive remarks: unknown word after 'distance of 140' - doesn't look like feet, chain, ell, fall, pole - looks like it starts with an li or h so guessing at 'links'
OS1/10/40/91 MANSEFIELD Mansfield Mansfield Mansfield William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] Nearly 1¼ Mile N.E. [North East] of Thornhill. The old Manse which still stands on the Glebe land It is Occupied by Mrs McVay who purchased it from the contractor for the New Manse after its being built. She pays ground rent to the Revd. [Reverend] John Murray A neat Cottage with outhouse & garden this was formerly the Manse, it being Within the Glebe it consequently is the property of the Minister of the Parish . for the time being .
OS1/10/40/91 THORNHILL STATION Thornhill Station Alexander Nisbet - Station Master Mr. John Leach Station Board 022 [Situation] Nearly 1 Mile N.E. [North East] of Thornhill. A first class station, Luggage warehouse & three Cottages with Gardens attached & coal depot: all Occupied by Railway Officials belonging to the Glasgow & South Western Company.
OS1/10/40/91 [Page] 91. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/91 check Mansefield - Descriptive Remarks - Occupied by Mrs. McVay?
OS1/10/40/92 KIRKLAND Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 1¼ Mile N. E. [North East] of Thornhill, Farm House outbuildings Gardens & thrashing machine with Land attached. Mr. John Leach Occupier Duke of Buccleuch proprietor.
OS1/10/40/92 KIRKLAND COTTAGE Kirkland Cottage Kirkland Cottage Kirkland Cottage William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 1¼ Mile N.E. [North East] of Thornhill, A Small Cottage with Garden attached It is on Mr. Leach's Farm and is Occupied by by one of his workmen.
OS1/10/40/92 BURN BRAE Burn Brae Burn Brae Burn Brae Thomas Nevison John Leach James Milligan 022 [Situation] From Kirkland Cottage in a N.En. [North Eastern] direction. A Steep brow on the road from Thornhill by Morton old Church to the Burn farm, the steep commences at Kirkland Cottages & terminates at the first [fence] to the right, above the Plantation.
OS1/10/40/92 [Page] 92. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 3 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/92 check Burn Brae - Descriptive Remarks, 2nd last line, last word - assumed to be 'fence'?
OS1/10/40/93 HAYFIELD Hayfield Hayfield Hayfield William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] About 1½ Miles N. E. [North East] of Thornhill A Farm House and outbuildings with Gardens & Land attached James Milligan Occupier The Duke of Buccleuch owner
OS1/10/40/93 HAYFIELD COTTAGE Hayfield Cottage Hayfield Cottage Hayfield Cottage William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 1¼ Mile N. E. [North East] of Thornhill A small Cottage with Garden attached which takes its name from the Farm on which it stands John McDougall Occupier Duke of Buccleuch owner
OS1/10/40/93 [Page] 93. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 3 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/93 deleted - 'NORTH DRUMLASNRIG STREET [Thornhill]' from 'List of names as written' - added to OS1/10/40/95
OS1/10/40/94 LOANINGFOOT Loaningfoot Loaningfoot Loaningfoot Loaning foot Loaning foot William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray William Brydon James Milligan 022 [Situation] 1¼ mile N.E. [North East] of Thornhill Three Small Cottages with 2 small outbuildings and Gardens attached Occupied by work People Duk[e] of Buccleuch Proprietor. This place is well known as Loaning-foot - the word Cottages is newer added,
OS1/10/40/94 MOORHEAD Moorhead Moorhead Moorhead Moorhead Moorhead William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray James Milligan William Brydon 022 [Situation] About 1 Mile 5 Chns [Chains] N. E. [North East] of Thornhill Two small Cottages with outbuildings & Gardens attached Occupied by Work People The Duke of Buccleuch Owner.
OS1/10/40/94 [Page] 94 Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 3 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/94 check Loaningfoot - Descriptive Remarks, 2nd last line - 'Loaning' is separated from 'foot' - by a hyphen or a crossed-out hyphen?
OS1/10/40/95 THORNHILL Thornhill Village, Thornhill Village Thornhill Village William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022; 031 [Situation] 13⅓ Miles N.N. W. [North North West] or 14⅛ [---] road from the Town of Dumfries. A small portion of the North end of Thornhill Village The Houses of which are only one story high with Gardens attached Duke of Buccleuch proprietor
OS1/10/40/95 NORTH DRUMLANRIG STREET North Drumlanrig Street North Drumlanrig Street North Drumlanrig Street Board on Street Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022; 031 [Situation] Extending from Thornhill Market Cross to the N Wn. [North Western] extremity of Village. The high road from Dumfries to Glasgow & main street of the Village of Thornhill & bears the name of North Drumlanrig Street only from the North end to the Centre of the Village or its junction with East & West Morton Streets.
OS1/10/40/95 [Page] 95. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 4 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/95 Thornhill - Situation: unknown abbreviation? after 14 1/8 - [by]?
OS1/10/40/96 CHURCH [Thornhill] Morton Church Morton Church Morton Church William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] 23½ Chains N.E. [North East] of Thornhill Market Cross The Parish Church A New building first Opened for Divine Service on 10th Octr. [October] 1841 it affords accommodation for about 1200 persons Patron Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/40/96 MANSE [ph, Thornhill] The Manse The Manse The Manse William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] About 6 Chains N. [North] of Morton Church. A neat building the residence of the Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Parish Minister erected about the time of the Church being built.
OS1/10/40/96 [Page] 96. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 4 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/97 WHITEMOSS LOCH White Moss Loch White Moss Loch White Moss Loch William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] ½ Mile N. N. E. [North North East] of Thornhill A small artificial Lake into which the Water flows from Dabton Loch It is situated on the S. [South] end of White Moss hence the name Duke of Buccleuch Occupier & owner This is better known by the name New Loch but White Moss Loch is the Official name
OS1/10/40/97 KIRK PLANTATION Kirk Plantation Kirk Plantation Kirk Plantation William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] About ½ Mile N. N. E. [North North East] of Thornhill, A considerable portion of Fir Plantation partially mixed with Forest trees It is situated N. & S. [North and South] of the church from which it takes its name. Duke of Buccleuch Occupier & owner
OS1/10/40/97 GILL ROAD Gill Road Gill Road Gill Road William Brydon James Hastings John Leach 022 [Situation] From N. Wn. [North Western] Extremity of Thornhill running W [West] A Parish road extending from the end of Thornhill Village to the road running by the River Nith
OS1/10/40/97 [Page] 97. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 5 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/97 check Whitemoss Loch - Descriptive Remarks, 2nd last line - it is not clear, but I think it is 'New' Loch - compare the 'N' with that from Nith 9 lines below.
OS1/10/40/98 BLACKNEST Laught Blacknest Laught Blacknest Laught Blacknest Blacknest Blacknest Blacknest Blacknest William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray William Brydon James Milligan James Hastings James McMillan 022 [Situation] About ¾ Mile N. E. by E. [North East by East] of Thornhill Market Cross, Farm House and outbuildings with Gardens & Land attached Mrs. James McMillan Occupier Duke of Buccleuch proprietor This place is generally known as "Blacknest" it is situate[d] in the district called Laught Moor,
OS1/10/40/98 THE CONDUIT The Conduit The Conduit The Conduit William Brydon James Hastings John Leach 022; 031 [Situation] At NWn. [North Western] extremity of Thornhill runs W. [West] A small stream issuing at the end of Thornhill Village runs along 'Gill Road' & falls into the Nith, It carries away the refuse of the Village
OS1/10/40/98 [Page] 98. -- Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 5 [Entry Scored Out (with no Orthography)] Laught Moor Plantation [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/99 BLACKNEST LOCH Laught Blacknest Loch Laught Blacknest Loch Laught Blacknest Loch Blacknest Loch Blacknest Loch Blacknest Loch Blacknest Loch William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray William Brydon James Hastings James McMillan James Milligan 022; 031 [Situation] Nearly 1 Mile W. [West (actually East)] of Thornhill, A small Artificial Lake Situated on the South East of Laught Blacknest Farm from which it takes its name Duke of Buccleuch proprietor. This place is well known as Blacknest Loch.
OS1/10/40/99 LAUGHT MOOR Laught Moor Laught Moor Laught Moor William Brydon James McMillan John Leach 022; 031 [Situation] 1 Mile E. [East] from Thornhill A large district of Cultivated land, formerly a Common, This name is taken from Lacht or Laght a heap of stones, and has same signification in Ireland as the Cairn in this Country.
OS1/10/40/99 THE LAKE The Lake The Lake The Lake Mr. Lorimer James Hastings John Leach 022; 031 [Situation] At Sn. [Southern] extremity of Whitemoss Loch in a S.S.E. [South South East] direction A Small stream issuing from White Moss Loch, bears the name to the Cample Water.
OS1/10/40/99 [Page] 99. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-15 Trace 6 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/99 Blacknest Loch - Situation - W is a mistake, it is E on the maps!
OS1/10/40/100 STEP-OF-THE-LAKE Step-of the-Lake Step-of the-Lake Step-of the-Lake Mr. Lorimer John Leach William Brydon 022 [Situation] On the road from Thornhill to the Railway Station This name was formerly applied to Stepping stones over the stream Call[ed] The Lake, on the road from Thornhill to the Old Church, there is now a [race?] across it but the place is st[ill] known by the name.
OS1/10/40/100 WHINNY ROAD Whinny Road Whinny Road Whinny Road John Leach William Brydon John Coltart 022 [Situation] About ¾ Mile N. [North] of Thornhill. An Occupation road, extend[s] from the road, from Thornhill to the Railway Station, to the [Parish?] Road near Dabton Loch
OS1/10/40/100 [Page] 100. Plan 22 . 15 Trace 5 & c [Signed] Owen Barrett C. a [Civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/100 check Step-of-the-Lake - Descriptive Remarks - some letters are lost in the fold. Second last line - 'race'? across the stream check Whinny Road - Descriptive Remarks - some letters are lost in the fold
OS1/10/40/101 RIDDINGS Riddings Riddings Riddings Ridings Riddings William Maxwell Esqr. Dabton Mr. John Leach Kirkland Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Morton Manse Statistics of Parish Johnstone's Co. [County] Map 022 [Situation] 2 miles N.E. [North East] of Thornhill, A Farm House & outbuildings with Garden and land attached Robert Kennedy Occupier and Owner. This is the only house in Morton Ph. [Parish] that does not belong to the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/40/101 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing En. & Sn. [Eastern and Southern] Parish Boundary, A considerable River which rises on the moors N. [North] East side of the Parish flows in a South Westerly direction to its junction with the River Nith.
OS1/10/40/101 LAUGHT MOOR Laught Moor Laught Moor Laught Moor John Leach William Brydon Thomas Nevison 022; 031 [Situation] 1 Mile E [East] from Thornhill. A large tract of Cultivated ground, formerly a moor, the property of the Duke of Buccleuch.
OS1/10/40/101 [Page] 101. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-16. Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/102 GATELEY BRIDGE QUARRY (Sandstone) Gateleybridge Quarry Sand Stone Gateleybridge Quarry Sand Stone Gateleybridge Quarry Sand Stone Gatelaw Bridge William Maxwell Esqr. Dabton Mr. John Leach Kirkland Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Morton Manse Gilbert McLachlan Galeleybridge [Gateleybridge] 022 [Situation] 1¾ Mile NE. [North East] of Thornhill A large red Sandstone Quarry in present use Mr Gilbert McLachlan Occupier Duke of Buccleuch Owner
OS1/10/40/102 [Page] 102 Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-16 Trace 1 [Entry Scored Out (with no Orthography)] Hayfield Cottages [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/103 GATELY BRIDGE Galelaw Bridge Gateley Bridge Gateley Bridge Gateley Bridge Gateley Bridge Gilbert McLachlan William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray William Brydon 022 [Situation] About 1¾ Mile N.E. [North East] of Thornhill. A Stone Bridge over the Cample Water which devides [divides] the Parishes of Closeburn & Morton, & from which the Village takes the name, it is repaired by the County.
OS1/10/40/103 GATELEYBRIDGE Gateleybridge Gateleybridge Gateleybridge William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] About 1¾ Mile N E. [North East] of Thornhill, A small village which derives its name from the stone bridge above described is comprised of one Farm House a few cottages & School House the latter being built & Supported by his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch who is the owner of the property
OS1/10/40/103 SCHOOL [Gatelybridge] School School School John Leach William Brydon Thomas Nevison 022 [Situation] In Gateleybridge A School With masters house & garden, erected by the Duke of Buccleuch who supports it - he having nearly the entire Parish as his property. It is under Parchal [Parochial] Regulations.
OS1/10/40/103 [Page] 103. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-16 Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/103 Gateley Bridge - other modes of spelling - 'Galelaw' should probably be 'Gatelaw' with the writer forgetting to cross the 't' see previous page (OS1/10/40/102) and List of Names to be corrected. Gateleybridge has been corrected using different ink to Gateley Bridge - I have assumed this applies to the following two 'Do' entries since it applies to the Bridge and not the village. Gateleybridge - other modes of spelling - the t in Gateleybridge has not been crossed School - Descriptive Remarks - 'masters house' assumed, although it looks more like 'malters'? last line assumed to be Parochial Regulations with the 'o' (or 'c') and the 'i' missing from Parochial
OS1/10/40/104 KIRK BURN Kirk Burn Kirk Burn Kirk Burn William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 022 [Situation] In Morton Wood running S.E. [South East] A small rivulet which takes is rise in morton wood running in a S. [South] Easterly direction to its junction with the Cample water. The Authorities Write it in two words
OS1/10/40/104 UNION WORKHOUSE Upper Nithsdale Combination Poor House Union Workhouse William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray William Brydon 022 [Situation] About 1¾ mile N. E. [North East] from Thornhill, A new Poor House the building of which is now complete but the wall by which it is to be enclosed is not. His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch & the Heritors of Nine Parishes have been at the expense of the building hence the name It will hold 126 inmates
OS1/10/40/104 [Page] 104. Parish of Morton -- Plan 22-16. Trace 2 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil assistant
OS1/10/40/104 Kirk Burn - Descriptive remarks - last word assumed to be 'words'
OS1/10/40/105 RIVER NITH River Nith Dr [Doctor] Russell Dr [Doctor] Grierson John Mc Caig 022; 031 [Situation] Partially tracing Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary. A winding River forming the Boundary between the Parishs of Morton and Penpont.
OS1/10/40/105 CAPTAIN'S WELL Captain's Well Captain's Well Captain's Well William Brydon John Coltart William Davidson 031 [Situation] About 14 Chains W. [West] from Thornhill A Spring of good water- much used by the Old Ladies of Thornhill for making Tea.
OS1/10/40/105 LOVERS' WALK Lovers' Walk Lovers' Walk Lovers' Walk William Brydon John Coltart William Davidson 031 [Situation] About 22 Chains S.w. [South west] of Thornhill Market Cross A lonely Walk, much resorted to by the youth of both sexes in the neighbourhood. It extends from the [by] road, which leads into the 'Old Town' to near St Patricks Well.
OS1/10/40/105 [Page] 105. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 2 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/105 check Captain's Well - Descriptive Remarks - Ladie or Ladies? check Lovers' Walk - Descriptive Remarks - unclear road name which I initially thought might be 'Sn [Southern]', but it is more clearly written as 'by' on OS1/10/40/113
OS1/10/40/106 GILL FOOT Gill Foot Dr [Doctor] Russell Charles Fingland William Paterson 022 [Situation] About ¼ Mile N.W. [North West] of Thornhill A Small wooded glen by the side of the Public Road, through which a stream flows.
OS1/10/40/106 BOAT BRAE Boat Brae William Bryden John Mc Caig Charles Fingland 031 [Situation] About 20 Chains W. [West] of Thornhill Market Cross . A steep brae leading from Thornhill to Nith Bridge. The name had originated at the period when there was a ferry where the Bridge now Stands .
OS1/10/40/106 GILL ROAD Gill Road Gill Road Gill Road William Brydon James Hastings John Coltart 022 [Situation] From N w. [North west] extremity of Thornhill running W. [West] A Parish road - extends from Gill Foot to Thornhill
OS1/10/40/106 [Page] 106 Parish of Morton -- Plan 31 - 2 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/107 NITH BRIDGE Nith Bridge Dr [Doctor] Russell Dr [Doctor] Grierson William Paterson 031 [Situation] About ½ Mile W. [West] of Thornhill over River Nith. A handsome and substantial bridge across the Nith - Turnpike Trust. - _repaired by the County.
OS1/10/40/107 HOLMHILL Holmhill Miss Douglas Dr [Doctor] Russell John Mc Caig 031 [Situation] About ½ Mile S.W. [South West] of Thornhill. An elegant and commodious dwelling[house] situated on a slight emminence, with barns &c., and a small farm of holm land attach- Residence of Miss Douglas, aged 96 - the last of the Douglases .
OS1/10/40/107 [Page] 107. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 2 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/107 Holmhill - Descriptive Remarks - last word of 1st line assumed to be 'dwellinghouse'
OS1/10/40/108 ST PATRICK'S WELL St Patricks Well Dr [Doctor] Russell John Mc Caig Charles Fingland 031 [Situation] About ½ Mile S.w. [South west] of Thornhill A Small spring of excellent water about a quarter of a mile South-west from Thornhill. It was customary during the last generation to have water from this well on the table during dinner, but no one in the district seems to have any idea how the name originated - the idea is that the name has been handed down from 'Popish' times, The name must be very ancient merely from the fact of it being Called after St Patrick ,
OS1/10/40/108 [Page] 108. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 2 Trace 2 [unsigned]
OS1/10/40/108 Descriptive Remarks - last word of line 7 assumed to be 'district'
OS1/10/40/109 THE LOOP The Loop Charles Fingland William Paterson John Mc Caig 031 [Situation] In River Nith about 1¼ mile SW. [South West] of Thornhill An a cute bend in the River Nith commencing about a quarter of a mile below Nith Bridge
OS1/10/40/109 THE CONDUIT The Conduit The Conduit The Conduit William Brydon John Coltart James Hastings 022; 031 [Situation] At N.wn. [North western] Extremity of Thornhill running S.W. [South West] A Small Stream which carries away the refuse of Thornhill. extends from the end of North Drumlanrig Street to the River Nith.
OS1/10/40/109 [Page] 109. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 2 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/110 [Page] 110.
OS1/10/40/110 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/40/111 THORNHILL Thornhill Dr [Doctor] Russell Dr [Doctor] Grierson William Mc Caig 022; 031 [Situation] 13½ Miles N.N.w. [North North west] or 14⅛ miles [--] road from the Town of Dumfries, An airy and well arranged village beautifully situated among the woods of Drumlanrig. - Formerly a Burgh of Regality Called New Dalgarno - The property of his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch. 4 Fairs are held annually in the village.
OS1/10/40/111 GALLOWS BRAE Gallow Brake Nursery Galla Breck Gallows Brae William Bryden William Mc Caig Rent Roll William Edgar 031 [Situation] About 17 Chains N.w. [North west] from Thornhill Market Cross A Knowe on the North-west side of Thornhill. - There is a tradition [that] a man was executed about this place during the period when Thornhill was a Burgh .
OS1/10/40/111 DRY GILL Dry Gill Dry Gill Dry Gill William Edgar William Brydon William Davidson 031 [Situation] About 6 Chains N.E. [North East] of Thornhill Market Cross A Valley extending from a little north of East Morton Street to the Dumfries Road.
OS1/10/40/111 [Page] 111. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/111 Thornhill - Situation - unknown abbreviation? between miles and road check Gallows Brae - Descriptive Remarks - last word of line 2 - that?
OS1/10/40/112 SCHOOL [Thornhill] Morton School Charles Fingland Dr [Doctor] Russell Thomas Mathewson 031 [Situation] About 13 Chains N. E. [North East] of Thornhill Market-Cross Parish School of Morton - commodius [commodious], and finely situated between the village of Thornhill and Morton Church.
OS1/10/40/112 BOAT BRAE Boat Brae William Bryden Thomas Mathewson Charles Fingland 031 [Situation] About 20 Chains N. [North] of Thornhill Market Cross A Steep Brae leading from Thornhill to Nith Bridge. There was formerly a ferry [boat] where the bridge now stands, [hence] the name of the Brae.
OS1/10/40/112 THORNHILL COMMON Thornhill Common Thornhill Common Thornhill Common William Brydon William Edgar William Davidson 031 [Situation] About ¼ mile S. [South] of Thornhill Market-Cross An arable field, this, and a now extensive tract was formerly Common to the inhabitants of Thornhill, but they have lost their rights by some means & the Duke of Buccleuch posesses the whole.
OS1/10/40/112 [Page] 112. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/112 Descriptive Remarks - ends of some words missing in the fold
OS1/10/40/113 NEW STREET [Thornhill] New Street William Mc Caig William Bryden Dr [Doctor] Grierson 031 [Situation] From North Drumlanrig St. running S.W. [South West] A Street leading from the top of the Boat Brae to North Drumlanrig Street.
OS1/10/40/113 NORTH DRUMLANRIG STREET [Thornhill] North Drumlanrig Street Thomas Mathewson James Smith J. B. Johnstone 022 [Situation] From the Market Cross running N. W. [North West] Part of the main Street extending from the North end of Thornhill to the Market Cross .
OS1/10/40/113 LOVERS' WALK Lovers' Walk Lovers' Walk Lovers' Walk William Brydon John Coltart James Hastings 031 [Situation] About 22 Chains S.W. [South West] of Thornhill Market Cross A lonely Walk extending from the by road which leads into the 'Old Town' to near St Patricks Well
OS1/10/40/113 [Page] 113. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/113 NB: Brydon/Bryden is spelt differently by the two different writers making entries on this page.
OS1/10/40/114 SOUTH DRUMLANRIG STREET [Thornhill] South Drumlanrig Street Dr [Doctor] Russell Dr [Doctor] Grierson William Paterson 031 [Situation] Running S.E. [South East] from the Market Cross Part of the main Street extending from the Market Cross to the South end of Thornhill.
OS1/10/40/114 MARKET CROSS [Thornhill] Market Cross William McCaig Charles Fingland William Bryden 031 [Situation] Near the Centre of Thornhill A doric Column raised upon a broad hexagonal base, and [surmounted] by the Queesberry [Queensberry] arms, a flying horse. Erected by the Queensberry family
OS1/10/40/114 WESTERN BANK [Thornhill] Western Bank Western Bank Western Bank Inscription on Building William Brydon John McCaig 031 [Situation] In West Morton St A Branch Bank belonging to the Western Bank of Scotland
OS1/10/40/114 [Page] 114 Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson
OS1/10/40/114 Descriptive Remarks - ends of some words missing in the fold. Market Cross Descriptive Remarks - 'surmounted' taken from http://www.scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/record/rcahms/65145/thornhill-drumlanrig-street-market-cross/rcahms?inline=true
OS1/10/40/115 BUCCLEUCH AND QUEENSBERRY HOTEL [Thornhill] Buccleuch Hotel Buccleuch & Queensberry Hotel Dr [Doctor] Russell John Hamilton Daniel Mathewson Sign 031 [Situation] A little Sw. [South west] of the Market Cross at the Corner of West Morton St. The head Inn Situated at the Corner of West Morton Street and South Drumlanrig Street. At present rebuilding on an extensive scale by his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch.
OS1/10/40/115 GEORGE INN [Thornhill] George Inn William McCaig Daniel Mathewson William Bryden 031 [Situation] At the West-side of S. [South] Drumlanrig Street , The Second Inn, Situated at the junction of Back Street with South Drumlanrig Street.
OS1/10/40/115 [Page] 115. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/116 KATIE'S WELL Katy's Well Katie's Well William McCaig Charles Fingland John Hamilton William Edgar 031 [Situation] About 24 Chains S.W. [South West] from Thornhill Market Cross , A Small well of excellent water a little to the South-west of Thornhill, and near to which Thornhill originally stood— At [present closed up. —]
OS1/10/40/116 [Page] 116. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/116 Descriptive Remarks - last line seems to have been scored out, but the line is faint.
OS1/10/40/117 EAST MORTON STREET [Thornhill] East Morton Street James Smith Dr [Doctor] Russell William Bryden 031 [Situation] Running N.E [North East] from Thornhill Market Cross , A Street leading from the Market Cross to the east side of Thornhill. Formerly called the Dry Gill
OS1/10/40/117 WEST MORTON STREET [Thornhill] West Morton Street Charles Fingland William Paterson William Mc Caig 031 [Situation] Running Sw. [South west] from Thornhill Market Cross A Street extending from the Market Cross to Townhead Street. Formerly called Old Street.
OS1/10/40/117 UNION BANK [Thornhill] Union Bank Union Bank Inscription on Bg. [Building] William Brydon 031 [Situation] At the W. [West] side of South Drumlanrig Street , A good stone building used as a Branch Bank belonging to the Union Bank of Scotland
OS1/10/40/117 [Page] 117. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/118 BOW ENTRY Bow Entry William Bryden John Hamilton William Paterson 031 [Situation] heading from W [West] Morton Street to Back St. A covered passage leading from West Morton Street to Back Street.
OS1/10/40/118 BACK STREET [Thornhill] Back Street William Mc Caig James Smith John Hamilton 031 [Situation] Extending from Bow Entry WMorton [St] to the George Inn A back lane extending from the Bow Entry to South Drumlanrig Street
OS1/10/40/118 BRITISH LINEN COMPANY'S BANK [Thornhill] British Linen Cos. [Company's] Bank British Linen Cos. [Company's] Bank Inscription on Building William Brydon 031 [Situation] At the East side of South Drumlanrig Street, A good stone building _used as a Branch Bank by the British Linen Company.
OS1/10/40/118 [Page] 118. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/119 CHURCH (United Presbyterian) [Thornhill] Chapel (United Presbyterian) Chapel (United Presbyterian) Chapel (United Presbyterian) Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Rogerson Minister William Brydon Mr. McMillan 031 [Situation] At Swn. [South western] extremity of Thornhill. A neat & substantial stone building used as a place of worship by a congregation of the United Presbyterian Church.
OS1/10/40/119 MANSE [U.P., Thornhill] Manse Manse Manse Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Rogerson William Brydon Mr. McMillan 031 [Situation] At S.wn. [South western] extremity of Thornhill. A substantial stone building of two stories, occupied by the Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Rogerson, who is also proprietor, for the time being.
OS1/10/40/119 POST OFFICE [Thornhill] Post Office Post Office Post Office William Brydon Mr. McMillan Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Rogerson 031 [Situation] Adjoining George Inn at the W. [West] side of South Drumlanrig Street A room in the George Inn used as a Post office, two deliveries and two departures.
OS1/10/40/119 [Page] 119. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31. 3 . [unsigned]
OS1/10/40/120 [Page] 120.
OS1/10/40/120 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/40/121 CUDDIE LANE Cuddy Lane Cuddie Lane Cuddie - an ass William Mc Caig William Bryden John Hamilton William Edgar Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson 031 [Situation] From Back Street running S.W. [South West] A small back lane jutting off Back Street, and lying parallel to West Morton Street. —This place used to be a resort of Tinkers & Gipsies Who frequently kept a number of Doukies. Cuddie is the usual Way of Writing this Word.
OS1/10/40/121 TOWNHEAD STREET [Thornhill] Townhead Street William Mc Caig William Bryden Daniel Mathewson 031 [Situation] Between New Street and West Morton Street. A Street extending from the top of New Street along the west side of Thornhill to the old Town
OS1/10/40/121 FREE MASONS' HALL [Thornhill] Free Masons' Hall Free Masons' Hall Free Masons' Hall Inscription on Building William Brydon John Hamilton 031 [Situation] At the East side of South Drumlanrig Street , A building erected by the Freemasons & used as a Public hall, the ground belongs to the Duke of Buccleuch.
OS1/10/40/121 [Page] 121. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/121 In Lowland Scots, cuddie usually refers to a donkey or ass but may also denote a short, thick, strong horse. Gypsies is spelt wrong
OS1/10/40/122 OLD TOWN Old Town William Mc Caig John Hamilton William Bryden 031 [Situation] At S.wn [South western] extremity of Thornhill. A row of one Story houses built upon part of the site of the original Thornhill, which occuppied a knoll between this and Katie's Well.
OS1/10/40/122 [Page] 122. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/122 Old Town - Descriptive Remarks - occupied is spelt wrong [Entry Scored Out/Incomplete] Museum
OS1/10/40/123 MOORSIDE Muirside Moorside Moorside Moorside Moorside Gilbert Grierson James Smith J. B. Johnstone John Leach James Milligan Thomas Nevison William Brydon 031 [Situation] About 53 Chains E [East] of Thornhill Market Cross A dwellinghouse, and garden with joiners shop and barns, and a small farm of land attached— Residence of Gilbert Grierson .
OS1/10/40/123 THE LAKE The Lake The Lake The Lake George Lorimer John Leach James Milligan 022; 031 [Situation] At Sn. [Southern] extremity of Whitemoss Loch running South, A stream having its source in Whitemoss Loch, bears the name to Cample Water.
OS1/10/40/123 [Page] 123. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 3 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/124 BLACKNEST LOCH Blacknest Loch James Smith J. B. Johnstone William Paterson 022; 031 [Situation] About ¾ Mile E [East] of Thornhill. A Small natural loch on the lands of Blacknest farm
OS1/10/40/124 BLACKNEST COTTAGE Blacknest Cottage Gilbert Grierson William Paterson William Bryden 031 [Situation] ¾ Mile E [East] of Thornhill An eligant [elegant] Cottage lately built by His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch for the accommodation of his Gamekeepers.
OS1/10/40/124 [Page] 124. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/125 LAUGHT MOOR Laught Muir Laught Moor Laught Moor Laught Moor Laught Moor James Smith J. B. Johnstone William Bryden John Leach James Milligan Thomas Nevison George Lorimer 022; 031 [Situation] 1 Mile . E. [East] of Thornhill A large A large tract of land formerly a moor.
OS1/10/40/125 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & South-western Railway James Smith J. B. Johnstone Dr. [Doctor] Russell 022; 031 [Situation] From near the Centre of Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary running S.E , [South East] A line of railway forming a communication between Glasgow and Carlisle through the South - western district of Scotland
OS1/10/40/125 [Page] 125. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/125 Laught Moor - Descriptive Remarks - "A large" is repeated
OS1/10/40/126 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Camp Hill Dr. [Doctor] Russell Dr. [Doctor] Grierson William M 'Caig Old Plan 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing En. [Eastern] and Sn. [Southern] Parish Boundaries A Stream flowing along the boundary between the parishs of Morton & Closeburn, and falling into the Nith; passing in its course the village of Cample, which had probably been originally Camp Hill.
OS1/10/40/126 [Page] 126. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 3 Trace 4 [unsigned]
OS1/10/40/127 CAMPLE BRIDGE Cample Bridge James Smith J. B. Johnstone Dr. [Doctor] Russell 031 [Situation] ¾ Mile S.S.E. [South South East] of Thornhill A Small Bridge leading the Glasgow and Dumfries Road over Cample Water Turnpike Trust. - Repaired by the County.
OS1/10/40/127 [Page] 127. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 3 Trace 5 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/128 LAUGHT Laught James Smith William Fingland Dr. [Doctor] Russell 031 [Situation] 1¼ Mile S.E. [South East] of Thornhill Market Cross. A Dwellinghouse, and garden, with barns &c. and a farm of land attached. Residence of James Fingland.
OS1/10/40/128 LAUGHT COTTAGE Laught Cottage James Smith J. B. Johnstone James Fingland 031 [Situation] 1 Mile SEE. [South East East] of Thornhill A Small Cottage of one story lately built within the farm of Laught.
OS1/10/40/128 [Page] 128. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 3 - Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/129 LAUGHT BANK Laught Bank James Fingland James Smith J. B. Johnstone 031 [Situation] 1¼ Mile S.E. [South East] from Sn. [Southern] extremity of Thornhill A steep wooded bank within the farm of Laught. —Had at one time been the bank of Cample Water
OS1/10/40/129 [Page] 129. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/130 [Page] 130. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-3 Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [civil assistant]
OS1/10/40/130 Cample Viaduct entries crossed out
OS1/10/40/131 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water William Maxwell Esqr. Dabton Mr. John Leach Kirkland Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Morton Manse 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing En. and Sn. [Eastern and Southern] Parish Boundaries A small river which takes its rise in the N. E. [North East] Side of the Parish running in a S. [South] Westerly derection [direction] until its junction with the River Nith
OS1/10/40/131 BANKHEAD Bankhead Bankhead Bankhead Bank Head Bank Head William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray Thomas Nevison John Leach 031 [Situation] 1¼ Mile East of Thornhill. A Farm House & outbuildings with Garden & Land attached Mr. James Deas Occupier and the Duke of Buccleuch owner
OS1/10/40/131 [Page] 131. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31-4. Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant
OS1/10/40/132 LAUGHT MOOR Laught Morr Plantation Laught Moor Laught Moor Laught Moor Laught Moor Laught Moor William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach The Revd. [Reverend] John Murray James Milligan Thomas Nevison George Lorimer 022; 031 [Situation] 1 Mile E. [East] from Thornhill . A considerable portion of land formerly a moor. Duke of Buccleuch owner.
OS1/10/40/132 BANKHEAD COTTAGE Bankhead Cottage Bankhead Cottage Bankhead Cottage William Maxwell Esqr. Mr. John Leach Revd. [Reverend] John Murray 031 [Situation] 1¼ Mile E. [East] of Thornhill A small Cottage which derives its Name from the Farm on which it is situated Occupied by one of Mr. Deas servants Duke of Buccleuch proprietor.
OS1/10/40/132 LAUGHT BANK Laught Bank See Page 031 [Situation] 1½ Mile S.E. [South East] of Thornhill. See Page
OS1/10/40/132 [Page] 132. Parish of Morton -- Plan 31- 4. Trace 1 [Signed] Hugh Doherty Civil Assistant [Signed] R. Stotherd Capt. [Captain] Rl. Engn. [Royal Engineers] 10th June 1856.
OS1/10/40/132 check additional final page signature as it is unclear/smudged - from FAQ seems to be: STOTHERD.... Richard Hugh Stotherd .... 1st Lieut., 1st Captain, Colonel RE, Director General*
OS1/10/40/133 OS1/10/40 [Page] 133 Co. [County] Dumfries Parish of Morton Plan. -- Page. -- -- From -- To XIV -- 15 -- 3 -- 4 XIV -- 16 -- 5 -- 6 XV -- 13 -- 7 -- 10 XXII -- 3 -- 11 -- 20 XXII -- 4 -- 21 -- 26 XXIII -- 1 -- 27 -- 30 XXII -- 7 -- 35 -- 50 XXII -- 8 -- 51 -- 58 XXII -- 10 -- 59 -- 66 XXII -- 11 -- 67 -- 74 XXII -- 12 -- 75 -- 78 XXII -- 14 -- 79 -- 84 XXII -- 15 -- 85 -- 100 XXII -- 16 -- 101 -- 104 XXXI -- 2 -- 105 -- 110 XXXI -- 3 -- 111 -- 130 XXXI -- 4 -- 131 -- 132
OS1/10/40/133 [stamped]: ORDNANCE SURVEY M S. STORE 15 MAR. 1898 [SOUTHAMPTON]
OS1/10/40/134 [Page] 134 INDEX. Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages 22/7 -- Appletree Cleugh -- 39. 22/4. -- Blackhill Moss -- 23. 23/1 -- Black Grain -- 29. 23/1. -- Berry Rigg -- 29. 23/1. -- Berry Grain -- 30. 22/8. -- Bellybought Hill -- 51. 22/12. -- Burn Cottages -- 76. 22/12. -- Burn or Whitefauld -- 77. 22/16. -- Burn Brae -- 92. 22/15. -- Blacknest -- 98. 22/15. 31/3. -- Blacknest Loch -- 99. 124. 31/2 31/3. -- Boat Brae -- 106. 112. 31/3. -- Buccleuch & Queensberry Hotel -- 115. 31/3. -- Bow Entry -- 118. 31/3. -- Back Street -- 118. 31/3. -- British Linen Co.'s [Company's] Bank -- 118. 31/3. -- Blacknest Cottage -- 124. 31/4 -- Bankhead -- 131. 31/4. -- Bankhead Cottage -- 132. 14/15 14/15. 22/3. 22/6. 22/7. 22/10. -- Carron Water -- 3. 11. 31. 36. 60. 22/3. -- Cogs Dish -- 12. 22/4. -- Clintycleugh Gutter -- 22. 22/4. -- Clintycleugh Rigg -- 22. 22/4. 23/1. 22/8. 22/12. 22/16. 31/3. 31/4. -- Cample Water -- 26 . 28. 53. 77. 101. 126. 131. 22/8. -- Cample Cleugh -- 57. 22/10. -- Carronhill -- 60. 22/10 -- Carronhill Plantation -- 59. 22/10. 22/11. -- Carronhill Glen -- 62. 67. 22/10. -- Carronbank -- 64. 22/10. -- Carron Bridge -- 65. 22/10. -- Carronbridge -- 65. 22/15. -- Church (Ruin) -- 90. 22/15. -- Church -- 96. 31/2. -- Captain's Well -- 105. 31/3. -- Church (United Presbyterian) -- 119. 31/3. -- Cuddie Lane -- 121. 31/3. -- Cample Bridge -- 127. 22/6. 22/7. -- Drum -- 33. 41. 22/6. 22/7. -- Drum Cleugh -- 33. 41. 22/7. -- Drumshinnoch -- 36. 22/7. -- Drumshinnoch Belt -- 37. 22/7. -- Drum Bridge -- 42. 22/7 22/11. 22/15. -- Drumcork Moor -- 47. 70. 87. 22/10. -- Dabton -- 61. 22/10. 22/11. -- Dabton Cottages -- 62. 71. 22/14. 22/15. -- Dabton Loch Plantation -- 80. 86. 22/14. -- Doctor's Pool -- 83. 22/14. -- Doctor's Well -- 83. 22/15. -- Drumcork -- 85. 22/15. -- Dabton Loch -- 85.
OS1/10/40/135 [Page] 135 INDEX. Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages 31/3 -- Dry Gill -- 111. 22/3. -- East Morton Hill -- 14. 22/3. -- East Morton -- 17. 22/3. -- East Morton Cottage -- 17. 31/3. -- East Morton Street -- 117. 31/3. -- Free Masons' Hall -- 121. 14/16. -- Glenleith Fell -- 6. 15/13. 22/4. 23/1. 22/8. -- Glenleith Burn -- 7. 24. 27. 53. 22/3. 22/7. 22/6. 22/10. 22/11. 22/15. 31/3. -- Glasgow & S.Wn. [South Western] Railway -- 15. 34. 35. 63. 69. 89. 125 22/3. 22/7. -- Gillhead Wood -- 18. 38. 22/7. -- Gallows Flat -- 42. 22/11. 22/15. -- Guffog -- 73. 87. 22/14. 22/15. 31/2. -- Gill Road -- 83. 97. 106. 22/14 31/2. -- Gill Foot -- 84. 106. 22/15. -- Greenhead -- 90. 22/16. -- Gateleybridge Quarry -- 102. 22/16. -- Gateley Bridge -- 103. 22/16. -- Gateleybridge -- 103. 31/3. -- Gallows' Brae -- 111. 31/3. -- George Inn -- 115 14/15. -- Hapland Burn -- 3. 22/6. -- Holstane [Holestane] Bridge -- 32. 22/7. -- Hanging Shaw -- 44. 22/7. 22/11. 22/12. -- Haw Gill -- 49. 71. 75. 22/8. -- Hass Head -- 57. 22/11. -- Hillend -- 73. 22/15. -- Hayfield -- 93 22/15. -- Hayfield Cottages -- 93. 31/2. -- Holmhill -- 107. 22/7. -- Judgment Thorn -- 48. 22/3. -- Kiln Cleugh -- 11. 22/3 22/4. 22/7. 22/8. 22/12. -- Kettleton Burn -- 19. 21. 40. 56. 75. 22/4. -- Kettletonhead -- 23. 22/11. -- Kings Quarry -- 67. 22/12. -- Kettleton Bridge -- 76. 22/15. -- Kirkland -- 92. 22/15. -- Kirkland Cottages -- 92. 22/15. -- Kirk Plantation -- 97. 22/11. 22/15. 22/16. -- Kirk Burn -- 74. 88. 104. 31/3. -- Katie's Well -- 116. 22/4. -- Little Fell -- 22. 22/10. -- Lower Carronhill -- 64. 22/14. -- Longmyre Mains -- 81. 22/15. -- Loaningfoot -- 94. 22/15. 22/16. 31/3 31/4. -- Laught Moor -- 99. 101. 125. 132. 31/2. 31/3. -- Lovers' Walk -- 105. 113. 31/3. -- Laught -- 128. 31/3. -- Laught Cottage -- 128. 31/3. 31/4. -- Laught Bank -- 129. 132. 22/3. -- Morton Mains Hill -- 14. 22/3. -- Mary's Well -- 17. 22/3. 22/4. 22/7. 22/8. -- Morton Park -- 19. 26. 39. 58. 22/7. -- Morton Mains -- 44. 22/7. -- Morton Loch -- 45. 22/7. -- Morton Castle -- 45.
OS1/10/40/136 [Page] 136 INDEX. Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages 22/7. 22/11. -- Morton Wood -- 46. 68. 22/7. 22/11. 22/12. -- Morton Moor -- 46. 70. 78. 22/10. -- Morton Mill -- 66. 22/14. -- Meadowbank -- 80. 22/15. -- Manse Brae -- 87. 22/15. -- Mansefield -- 91. 22/15. -- Moorhead -- 94. 31/3. -- Market Cross -- 114. 31/3. -- Manse -- 119. 31/3. -- Moorside -- 123. 22/11. -- Newlands -- 72. 22/14. -- Nithbank -- 82. 22/14. -- Nithbank Cottages -- 82. 22/15. 31/3 -- North Drumlanrig Street -- 95. 113 31/2. -- Nith Bridge -- 107. 31/3. -- New Street -- 113. 31/3. -- Old Town -- 122. 22/4. -- Par Hill -- 25. 22/14 -- Physic Well -- 81. 31/3. -- Post Office -- 119. 15/13. -- Rae Grain -- 8. 15/13. -- Rae Cairn -- 8. 22/3. -- Roman Camps -- 16. 20. 22/7. 22/8. -- Routon Burn -- 40. 51. 22/10. 22/14. 31/2. River Nith -- 61. 79. 105. 22/16. -- Riddings -- 101. 14/15. 22/3. -- Shiel Burn -- 4. 13. 14/16. -- Scaw'd Law -- 5. 15/13. -- Smurin Gutter -- 7. 22/3. -- School -- 62. 22/15. -- Step- of the Lake -- 100. 22/16. -- School -- 103. 31/2. -- St Patrick's Well -- 108. 31/3. -- School -- 112. 31/3. -- South Drumlanrig Street -- 114. 15/13. 23/1. -- Tansley Rigg -- 9. 27. 22/3. 22/4. -- The Sware -- 13. 21. 22/3. 22/7. -- The Gill -- 16. 38. 22/3. -- The Hass -- 18. 22/3. -- Tom's Cleugh -- 19. 23/1. -- Tansley Burn -- 28. 22/15. -- Thornhill Station -- 91. 22/15. -- The Manse -- 96. 22/7. 22/8. -- The Shaw -- 48. 55. 22/14. 31/2. -- The Conduit -- 109. 84. 22/15. 31/3. -- Thornhill -- 95. 111. 22/15. 31/3. -- The Lake -- 99. 123. 31/2. -- The Loop -- 109. 31/3. -- Thornhill Common -- 112 31/3 -- Townhead Street -- 121. 22/11. -- Upper Hillend -- 73. 22/16. -- Union Workhouse -- 104. 31/3. -- Union Bank -- 117. 15/13. -- Wedder Law -- 9 22/7. -- Watchman Knowe -- 47. 22/11. -- West Newlands -- 72. 22/14. -- Waterside Mains -- 79. 22/15. -- White Moss -- 86. 22/15. -- Whitemoss Loch -- 97. 22/15. -- Whinny Road -- 100. 31/3. -- Western Bank -- 114. 31/3. -- West Morton Street
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