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but weaving is carried on by many of the inhabitants in connection with Carlisle and Glasgow houses. There is no Railway, but it is contemplated to form a branch from Dumfries to Lockerbie in connection with the Caledonian Railway._ The Turnpike Road towards Nn[Northern] Parish Boundary runs N. N. E. for about 4 miles to Lochmaben, but it is seldom frequented, a road at the East side of Parish having been found more convenient; these Roads converge however at Lochmaben, the Turnpike then pursues its course to the South of the Town where it is divergent to the great Carlisle Road via Lockerbie and to Annan respectively traversing 2 1/4 miles S. E. and 2 3/4 S. S. E through Parish. Another Turnpike Road runs from Lochmaben N.N.E. for about 2 miles, where after having crossed Kinnel Water, two branches strike off [] to the N.E. through Applegarth and N to Moffat via Beattock running a respective distance of 1 and 1 3/4 miles through Parish._ There are numerous other Roads all in excellent condition. Lochmaben situate near the centre of Parish 8 miles from Dumfries is a Burgh, but at what date erected thereto cannot be traced;-all its records having been twice burnt during the inwads[invades?] of the English. It is generally supported however, that it was constituted a Burgh by King Robert Bruce._ Jame VI, on 16th July 1612 granted a Novodamus of its Charter . By a summons yet extant wherein the Duke of Albany was cited in 1497 to answer the charge of treason, it would thereby appear that the citation was executed at Dumfries and also "apud cruceum fore burgi de Lochmaben". It unites with Dumfries, Annan, Sanquhar and Kirkcudbright in sending a member to Parliament:- The Parliamentary Boundaries are thus described in the Burgh Records "From the point on the North-East of the town near Bogle Hole at which a Burn crosses the road to the Bridge on Kinnel Water, in a straight line to a point on the Bank of the Castle Loch which is distant five hundred yards in a straight line to the South-East of the summit of the Knoll of the Old Castle; thence in a straight line to a point on the Dumfries road which is distant five hundred yards (measured along the Dumfries Road) to the West of the Town House; thence in a straight line to a point which is four hundred yards due West of the point first mentioned; thence in a straight line to the point first described"._Present Parliamentary Constituency 38.- It haslong been Bankrupt, however, a Provost, three Bailies, a Dean of Guild, 9 Councillors and a Town Clerk watch over its interests. From the Parish to the North extremity of Town Hall the High Street runs 28 chains North and forms the South portion of the Town. It is spacious. In it are several shops and genteel houses two storeys high. Bruce Street extends from near the West side of the Town Hall 17 Chains W. along the road to Dumfries, - near its Eastern extremity West Street branches off running nearly 21 Chains N.N.E. where converging with East Street which extends from the Town Hall to this point, the town is again represented by a single street running N.N.E. for about 30 chains and in which are two detached ranges of Cothouses respectively Barras and Boglehole. Two narrow Streets or Alleys lying between West and East Streets called Castle Street and Well Street nearly intersect each other._ All the houses with the exception of a few in High Street and Bruce Street are one storey high and in indifferent repair. The Town Hall surmounted by a spire with clock facing the South is small and not altogether inelegant, especially as seen when entering High Street from the East;- the upper apartments therein are set apart for Town Council Conventions, but when opportunity offers, they are readily let out to itinerant dancing masters. [??] on the ground floor there is a loathsome Lockup or Jail also an apartment in which the Meal Market is held._ The Market Cross is immediately in front, a relic chiefly remarkable for its ori=ginal costliness (see Page 3*). _ The Parish Church at the Sn. [Southern] extremity of Town is a handsome and most substantial building, and its elegancy in respect to the Burgh's general character and appearance - may be said to be its greatest blemish._ The Free Church near the South extremity of East Street is a plain structure._ The United Presbyterian Church at Nn [Northern] extremity of Barras is also a plain but substantial building. There are also a Parish School - a Public Library connected therewith - a Free Church School - a Branch Office of the National Bank of Scotland and three well conducted Inns A Sub Post Office and two Manses respectively belonging to the Parish Church and the Free Church all within the Burgh - Number of Proprietors 141 - Population 1,100._ There are also 5 Villages viz Hightae about 2 1/2 miles South of Lochmaben, which consists of one Street flanked on the West by numerous detached houses and a short street extending from its N. W. extremity-S. W. - in it , are a Sub Post Office and good Inn. Population about 460._ Heck a hamlet about 1 mile N. of Hightae may have a population of about 80. Greenhill also a hamlet about 3/4 mile N.E. of Hightae has a population of 96. Smallholm distant from Hightae consisting of about a dozen Cothouses has a population of 65. All the houses in these villages are one storey high and in indifferent repair. Population thereof are for the most part composed of small Proprietors. They constitute the Fourtowns of Lochmaben (see Page 3),_ Templand situate on the Moffat road is a more modern village and its population numbering about 110 are chiefly agricultural labourers._ Mr Dickson of Elshishields [Elsieshields] is its superior who supports a School in it, - it has also the advantage of a sub-Post Office. The principal Mansions in this Parish are Elshieshields, Halleaths and Newmains or Broadchapel, - the public buildings [viz?] are a Parish Church erected by the heritors in 1819 at an expense of £3000- its site is central and convenient - it can acommodate upwards of 1,700. Patron the Earl of Mansfield - Stipend £265 with a Manse and Glebe, the latter of £10 Annual value, - an United Presbyterian Church which is seated for about 900 - built 1818. Stipend £80.Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
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