OS1/10/35/1 |
LANGHOLM [parish] |
Langholm |
Walkers' Map of Dumfriesshire
Crawfords' Map of Dumfriesshire
Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire |
036; 044; 045; 052; 053 |
[situation] In SEn. [South Eastern] division of Dumfriesshire.
This Parish derives Name from the holm or flat lands which stretch along the banks of the River Esk, upon which it is situated. |
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[page] 1
Ph. [Parish] of Langholm Co. [County] of Dumfries
Note. "Langholm Parish" says Chalmers in his Caledonia "comprehends the ancient Parishes of Staplegarton Wauchope and half of Morton Parish. The district upon either bank of the Esk below Wauchope belonged to the Priory of Canonbie. It stood near the Old Castle of Wauchope. It was demolished after the union of the Parishes in 1703. About the beginning of the last Century the Parish of Morton in Annandale was suppressed and the half of it annexed to Wauchope, which annexation still continues by the name Half Morton. The other half was united to Canonbie. The Site or Remains of Morton or Sark Church occurs in Canonbie Ph. [Parish].
The Parish of Langholm is bounded on the North by those of Westerkirk and Ewes, on the East by Ewes and Canonbie, on the south by Canonbie and Half Morton, and on the West by Middlebie and Westerkirk. There is no detached part of Langholm within the boundaries of another Parish nor is there within the limits above assigned to it a detached portion of any other Parish. The quad civilia Parish of Half Morton is however united quoad sacra to that of Langholm. The greatest length of this Parish is 8 miles, its greatest breadth 61/4 miles and its entire Area has now been computed at 17,180 Impl. [Imperial] Acres, of which 2,793 acres may be arable, 600 wood, and 13,787 pasture, roads, water etc. All the arable land lies along the bank of the Esk and its tributaries and is sheltered by finely wooded slopes, beyond which stretch to the West, North-West and South-East verdant hills which in many instances gradually attain an altitude of about 1,000 feet. The principal Streams Tarras Water on the Eastern boundary, Ewes Water from Ewes Ph. [Parish] in the Nr. [Northern] district and Wauchope Water from the Wn. [Western] district all contribute their Waters in the district to the River Esk which from North to S.S.E. [South South East] nearly bisects this Parish. Numerous rills and springs occur throughout the district. The Turnpike Road from Edinburgh to Carlisle from West to East runs through the [continued on next page] |
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[page] 2
Ph. [Parish] of Langholm Co. [County] of Dumfries
[continued from previous page]
from the town of Langholm. There is a Woollen Manufactory and Distillery situate in the En. [Eastern] district. Lead has been found near Westwater in the Wn. [Western] district and also at Broomholm in the Sn. [Southern] district. Coal formation begins at Langholm Bridge which extends South to Canonbie where it is extensively worked. Neither of these minerals are however wrought in this Parish. The proposed line of Railway from Hawick to Carlisle will run through the centre of this Parish. There are one Ph. [Parish] School, one Ph. [Parish] Church, one endowed School, two United Presbyterian Churches and one Free Kirk. The principal Mansions are Langholm Lodge and Broomholm, and the chief proprietor the Duke of Buccleuch. Population at the last Census 2,990. Langholm the capital of the district was erected into a Burgh of Barony in 1610, its charter renewed by the Douglas family in 1622 under the proviso that certain leaders of that house respectively erected a house within the burgh boundaries, but as if these conditions had not been complied with Another Charter is said to have been granted in 1643. The Town is intersected by the Esk; that part on the East bank - sometimes called Langholm Old Town - consists principally of one Street having a Marketplace in its centre where the Town Hall and Jail are situate, a handsome structure surmounted with Spire and Clock which was erected in 1811. In front of the Town Hall there is a monument to the memory of Admiral Sir Pultney Malcolm. The other part of Langholm is connected with foregoing by a fine stone bridge of three arches, it consists of about 150 houses built upon a regular plan of a triangular form, and which was begun by the late Duke of Buccleuch in 1778. In the Town are the Ph. [Parish] Church, Ph. [Parish] School, Endowed School, two United Presbyterian Churches, one Free Kirk, Town Hall, two branch Banks, Woollen Manufactory, four Inns, and Post Office etc. Several good shops enliven the principal Streets. A weekly market is held in it, also four Annual fairs, one of the latter being considered the most important next to Lockerbie for lambs. The population is composed of weavers and tradesmen who pay a small quit rent for house and garden to the Duke of Buccleuch the Superior, and who appoints a Baron who again appoints a depute.
"The second principal Roman Way or that which served as the principal communication into North Britain crosses" says General Roy " the Roman Wall at Stanix near Carlisle and leading by a place called Blackford seems to have passed the Esk at or near Langtown Church. In the neighbourhood of this place a road has branched off to the right, leading towards Netherby." An old road is still traceable in this Parish which is generally accredited in locale to be the track of the Roman Road between Netherbie, Castle Oer, and which traverses the routes assigned in the following quotation from the New Statistical Account of Dumfriesshire "The Roman Road of communication between Netherbie and Castle Oer or Overbie can still be traced to have entered the Parish at its South-East corner, crossed the Esk a little above Broomholm and frun thence North-West till it passed into Westerkirk. On the route of this road says the Old Statisical Account, " Some work-people found some denarii aurei viz. 4 Neros, 2 Vespasians, and 1 Domitian, all in excellent preservation." Forts usually dominated in this district. Burians occur throughout this Parish, the origin of which however seems never to have been settled. "Burians" says the New Statistical Account of Dumfriesshire " are to be seen in different places, but whether they were British Towns or Assylums for Cattle or Castra exploratoria, or for what other purpose they were formed and appropriated shall be left for Antiquaries to determine." In the Nn [Northern] vicinity of Langholm at confluence of the Esk with the Ewes stands a small fragment of Langholm Castle formerly the residence of the Nithsdale family, the head of which erected Langholm into a Burgh of Barony. About 3/4 mile S.W.W. [South West West] on a steep precipice overhanging Wauchope Water stood Wauchope Castle the fosse and other outworks of which are easily discernible. It is said to have been the first residence in Scotland of the Lindsay family 12th Centy. [Century]. About 13/4 miles N. [North] of the foregoing on the North bank of the Esk a small fragment of a wall is shewn as the remains of an ancient Stronghold called Barnsalloch Castle, which from indications on the ground appears to have been strongly fortified. Nothing is known about it. The Southern gable of the Buccleuch and Queensberry Inn in High Street Langholm is pointed out as the remains of a border Tower. Several other Towers existed within Parish, the remains of which have entirely disappeared. The Site and Remains respectively of Staplegardon and Wauchope Churches have been pointed out in the burying grounds attached thereto still in use
See Note on Preceding Page
[dated] Dumfries Sept 1857 |
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Bauchie Hill
Bauchle Hill
Bauchle Hill
Bauchle Hill |
Alexander Gray Potholm
James Elliot Middleholm
John Little Potholm
George Scott Langholm |
036 |
[situation] On the boundary between Langholm and Ewes.
A Considerable eminence on the Farms of Potholm & Sorby over which the parish Boundary passes. The surface of which is covered with Heathy pasture and on its Summit ia a trig. [trigonometrical] Station. |
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Millbeck Burn
Mill Beck
Mill Beck
Mill Beck |
Alexander Gray
John Little
James Elliot Middleholm
George Scott Langholm |
036 |
[situation] From the South of Bauchle Hill South to Staplegarden Burn.
A small stream which rises at the South Side of Bauchie [sic] Hill and flows in a Southerly direction till it joins the Staplegordon Burn. |
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Golf Hill
Golf Hill
Golf Hill
Golf Hill |
Alexander Gray
John Little
James Elliot, Middleholm
George Scott, Langholm |
036 |
[situation] Adjoining Bauchle Hill on the S.E. [South East]
This name applies to a very large hill on the farm of Potholm. Situated on the East side of the Douglas Cleugh. the surface of which is covered with Heathy pasture. |
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045 |
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[page] 3
Parish Langholm Sheet 36 No 14 Trace 2
[note at Bauchle Hill] Bauchle - distorted - Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Scott Dicty [Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scottish Language]
River Esk See Page Plan 45.11 Flows NW [North West] Parish S.E. [South East] through Langholm Town to Solway Firth. |
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Timpen Sike (045) was pre-entered on this page, but does not actually appear |
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Dhuglen Burn
Dhuglen Burn
Dhuglen Burn
Dowglen Burn
Dowglen Burn
Dowglen Burn
Dowglen Burn |
George Scott, Langholm
James Elliot, Middleholm
W.E. Malcolm Esq., Burnfoot
Valuation Roll
New Statistical Account of Dumfries
Johnston's County Map
See Name Sheet for Common Plan for Westerkirk |
036 |
[situation] On the boundary between Westerkirk and Langholm
A large stream having its source at Bauchle Hill & flowing in a southerly direction falls into the River Esk. |
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[page] 4
Parish of Langholm Plan 36.14
Staplegordon Burn Staplegordon Burn See Name Sheets for Plan 36.15
Sorbie Hass Sorbie Howse See Name Sheets for Plan 36.15
[crossed out] Stoney Brae
[crossed out] Dhuglen Park [note] Unnecessary |
OS1/10/35/5 |
Sorbie Hawse
Sorbie Hawse |
David Henderson
Walter Miller |
036 |
[situation] Between Bauchle and Wrae Hills.
Applies to the hollow situated between the hills "Stony Brae" & "Bauchel" its surface is covered with heath. |
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Langholm Parish Sheet 36 No 15 Trace 1
Hawse - It is used to denote a narrow passage between hills of mountains - Dr Jamiesons Scottish Dicty. [Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scottish Language]
Hass - is used, in a general sense to signify any opening or gap - Synon [Synomym]: Slack - Dr Jamiesons Dictionary [Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scottish Language]
Sorbie Hass - See Common Plan N. [North] Ph. [Parish] Ewes. |
OS1/10/35/6 |
Stoney Brae |
David Henderson
Walter Miller Shepherds Potholm |
036 |
[situation] On Wrae Hill
Applied to the West side of an irregular shaped hill on the farm of Potholm, over which the Ph. Bdy [Parish Boundary] passes. Its surface is covered with rough pasture |
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Staplegordon Burn |
D. Henderson
W. Miller |
036; 045 |
[situation] In Sorbie Hass.
A small stream rising in "Bauchel Hill" and running in a S.W. [South West] direction till it joins the river Esk a little above Potholm Farm House. |
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Langholm Parish Sheet 36 No 15 Trace 1 |
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Wrae Hill
Wrae Hill |
David Hardie Farmer Sorbie
Robert Anderson Farmer Wrae |
036 |
[situation] On the boundary between Langholm and Ewes.
A large hill the surface of which is rough pasture, rocks and loose stones; it is on the farms of Sorbie & Potholm There is a Trigl. [Triganometrical] Station on its highest point called Stony Brae. The west side of the hill is called Stony Brae, and the rocks on the east side are called Sorbie Craigs: the boundary separating the parishes of Langholm & Ewes passes over the top of it. |
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Wrae Hass
Wrae Hass |
David Hardie Farmer Sorbie
Robert Anderson Farmer Wrae |
036 |
[situation] At the South base of Wrae Hill
A wide opening between Potholm Hill & Wrae Hill, on the farms of [----------] & Potholm; covered with mixed wood & rough pasture. |
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[page] 7
Parish of Langholm Sheet 36 No. 15 Trace 2
[note at Wrae Hill] Rae, Wrae - An enclosure for Cattle - Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson [Jamieson's Dictionary of the Scottish Language]
[note at Wrae Hass] [------] to be another [?] [------] of the Plan |
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[Page] 8
Bauchle Hill - See Name sheets for Plan 36/14 |
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[Page] 9 -- Parish of Langholm -- Plan 44/4
Kirn Cleuch - See Name Sheets for Plan 44/8
Kirncleuch Fell - See Name Sheets for Plan 45/1 |
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[Blank Page] |
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Kirncleugh Fell |
John Scott Arlsgil
William ParK Logan Park |
044; 045 |
[Situation] In N.Wn [North Western] Parish district .
Applied to an elevated portion of ground on the farm of Westwater, the surfase of which is covered with rough pasture. |
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[Page] 11 -- Langholm Parish -- Sheet 45 -- No. 1 Trace
White Cleuch - See Name Sheets for Plan 45/5
Whitecleuch fell - See Name Sheets for Plan 45/5 |
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[Blank Page] |
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Henwell |
Alexander Gray Potholm
John Little Potholm |
045 |
[situation] 29 chains N.W. [North West] from Potholm.
A small Cottage one story high slated having a vegetable garden attached situated on the farm of Potholm a little to the W. [West] of Staplegordon Occupied by Walter Miller shepherd The property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/13 |
FORT [Henwell] |
Roman Camp
Fort |
John Little
Alexander Gray, Potholm
J Elliot, Westwater |
045 |
[situation] 7 chains East from Henwell.
This is the remains of a small camp situated on the farm of Potholm a little to the East of Henwell It was surrounded by one ditch and is in a bad state of preservation |
OS1/10/35/13 |
Blackstanes Pool
Blackstanes Pool |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Alexander Gray, Potholm |
045 |
[situation] In River Esk]
A long pool in the River Esk, about 3/4 of a mile below Dowglen Pool. Its name is derived from the black stones, that are next it. |
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Parish of Langholm -- Sheet 45 No 2 -- Trace 3 |
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Blackstanes Pool was not pre-entered on this page |
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Staple Gordon
Staplegordon |
Alexander Gray Potholm
John Little Potholm
Johnston's Co [County] Map
New Stat Acc [New Statistical Account]
Johnston's County Map
Chalmers Caledonia
Fullarton's Gazetteer
J Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] 18 Chains NW [North West] from Potholm.
This name applies to a small row of Cottages one story high slated on the farm of Potholm situated a little to the North of Staplegordon Churchyard occupied by farm labourers. The property of the Duke of Buccleuch.
In 1703 the Parish of Staplegordon was united to that of Wauchope which now forms that of Langholm. The ecclesiastical property of Staplegordon was given in the 12th Century by William de Cunigburo to the Monks of Kelso and it passed at the Reformation to the earl of Roxburgh but was purchased back by the Crown and enjoyed for a brief period by the bishop of Galloway
vide Statistical Gazetteer of Scotland |
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[page] 14
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 2 Trace 2 |
OS1/10/35/15 |
Potholm |
Alexander Gray Potholm
John Little Potholm |
045 |
[situation] About 11/2 mile from Nn. [Northern] point of Parish.
A good farm house two storys high slated. With suitable offices vegetable garden and a farm of land attached. All in good condition occupied by Alexander Gray. The property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/15 |
Staplegordon Burn
Staplegordon Burn |
Alexander Gray
John Little |
036; 045 |
[situation] At the East side of Staplegordon Churchyard.
A stream which rises at the East side of Bauchel Hill and flows in a southerly |
OS1/10/35/15 |
Potholm Burn |
Alexander Gray
John Little |
045 |
[situation] At the East side of Potholm.
A small stream which rises at the Nt [North] West side of Potholm Hill and flows in a southerly direction till it joins the River Esk at Potholm Farm House |
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[page] 15
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 2 Trace 2 |
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Potholm Pool
Potholm Pool |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Alexander Gray, Potholm |
045 |
A long pool in the River Esk, situated immediately in front of Potholm |
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[page] 16
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 2 Trace 2
Craig Cleuch See Name Sheet for Plan 45.6
[signed] PMcHugh LcC.R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/17 |
Staplegordon Churchyard
Staplegordon Churchyard
Site of Staplegordon Church
Site of Staplegordon Church
Site of Staplegordon Church |
Alexander Gray Potholm
John Little Potholm
Chalmers' Caledonia
Fullarton's Gazetteer
New Statistical Account |
045 |
[situation] In the Sn. [Southern] vicinity of Staplegordon
A small Churchyard Surrounded by a wall. Situated a little north of the River Esk, on the farm of Potholm. Formerly Staplegordon was a parish and in this graveyard stood the Parish Church of which there is not at present the least Sign of its erection. In or about the cntre Stands a very neat Mausoleum a square building covered with lead. It was erected in or about the year 1817. and is the burying place of the Maxwell Family of Broomholm. This Building occupies the site of the old Parish Church An old tombstone in the Churchyard records the death of the Minister who last held the living in 1620. c [?] [circa, about] The old Ph. [Parish] Register is in the Register Office Edinburgh |
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[page] 17
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 2 Trace 2 |
OS1/10/35/18 |
Barntalloch Castle (Site of)
Barntalloch Castle (Site of)
Barntalloch Castle
Barntalloch Castle
Barntalloch Castle
Barntalloch Castle
Barntalloch Castle |
Mr Little Carlesgill
Rev [Reverend] Mr Watson Langholm
New Statistical Acct [Account] of Dumfriesshire
Estate Map
J. Elliot Middleholm
Impl [Imperial] Gazetteer of Scotland
Old Statistical Account of Dumfries |
045 |
[situation] 13 chains West from Potholm.
Situated on the North side of the River Esk a little to the South of Staplegordon Church yard, a very small portion of the wall still remains but the defences can easily be traced It appears to have been dfended on the Nth [North] side by a moat the East and South sides being naturally steep towards the River rendered further defences unecesary There is nothing whatever known about it in the neighbourhood further than the name |
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[page] 18
Ph. [Parish] of Langholm Sheet 45 No 2 Trace 3
River Esk See Name Sheets for Plan 45.11
Clark Fell See Name Sheets for Plan 45.6
Green Sike See Name Sheets for Plan 45.6 |
OS1/10/35/19 |
Cushat Wood
Cushat Wood |
William Graham Millholm
Alexander Gray Potholm |
045 |
[situation] On Sn. [Southern] Bank of River Esk.
A Small Wood consisting of mixed trees. On the Estate of Langholm. Situated on the South Side of the River Esk and north of Clark Fell. It is the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
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[page] 19
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No. 2 Trace 5
[crossed out] Roman Camp Birron [note] This is said to have formed a pond from which a thrashing Machine in the neighbourhood was supplied with water. |
OS1/10/35/20 |
Milnholm |
William Graham Millholm
Alexander Gray Potholm
Estate Plan
J.Elliott Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] 22 chains South from Potholm.
A good farm house two Stories high slated with suitable offices vegetable garden and farm of land attached, all in good condition, Occupied by Miss Margaret Malcolm and the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/20 |
FORT [Milnholm] |
Roman Camp
Birron or Fort |
William Graham
Alexander Gray |
045 |
[situation] In Sn. [Southern] vicinity of Millholm.
This is the remains of a Small ca[mp] Situated on the farm of Millholm close to the farm house. It was Constructed of one Circle the West Side of which is nearly destroyed. It is in a b[ad] State of preservation but its features can easily be traced out. This is Stated in the Locality to be a [Roman Camp (deleted)] Birron |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 2 Trace 5 |
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Potholm Burn
Potholm Burn |
Mr G Henderson Writer Langholm
Mr R Scott Langholm |
045 |
[Situation] From Potholm hill - S.W. [South West] to River EsK-
A small burn having its source at the North west of Potholm Hill it flows in a Southwesterly direction till it joins the River EsK - |
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[Page] 21 -- Parish of Langholm -- Sheet 45 No. 3 Trace 1 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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[Blank Page] |
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Parish of Langholm -- Plan 45/4 -- [Page] 27
Whitshiels Bog -- See Name Sheets for Plan 45/7
Terrona Hill - scored out |
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[Blank Page] |
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044; 045 |
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[Blank Page] |
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044 |
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044 |
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Glentenmont Height |
James JacKson Shaw
James Park Logan Head
Johnston's County Map
J. Elliot Esqr, Middleholm |
045 |
[Situation] 9 Chains S.W. [South West] from Drygutter Brae,
A considerable hill on the farm of "Westwater" Over which passes the parish boundary between WesterKirk & Langholm It is covered with rough pasture & on its Summit stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station . The property of the Duke of Buccleuch .- |
OS1/10/35/32 |
Langholm Parish -- Sheet 44 No. 8 -- [Page] 32
Rye Grain -- See Name Sheets for Plan 44/12
Mirkslair Hill - Mirkslair & Mirkslair Hill - See Page 76 |
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Feint writing on page |
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044; 045 |
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044; 045 |
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044; 045 |
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044 |
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044 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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Glencorf Burn |
John Scott
William Park |
045 |
[situation] From between Fingland Knowe and Craighope Head - S. [South] to Logan Water.
A stream which rises out of "Craighope Head" and flows in a S.W. [South West] direction till it joins Logan Water. |
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[page] 40
Langholm Parish Sheet 45 No 5 Trace 4
Craighope Head See Name Sheet for Plan 45.6 |
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Fingland Knowe
Fingland Knowe |
James Connel Esq Irvine House
Robert Byres Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 5 chains S.E. [South East] from Fingland Rig
A small hill to the west of Glencors Burn, the surface of which is rough pasture, The property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
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[page] 41
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 5 Trace 4
[signed] James Harper Ca [Civilian Assistant] |
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[blank page] |
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Timpen Syke
Timpen Syke |
William Beattie Becks
John Anderson Brackenwrae |
045 |
[situation] From Timpen Knowe N.E. [North East] to Green Sike.
A small Stream which rises at the north side of Timpen Knowe & flows in an Easterly direction till it joins the Green Syke, at the two mile Stone, from Langholm, |
OS1/10/35/43 |
Timpen Knowe
Timpen Knowe |
William Beattie
John Anderson |
045 |
[situation] Nearly on the Wn [Western] Parish Boundary.
An elevated portion of land on the farm of Becks Situated West of the Green Syke. The Surface of which is Covered with Rough pasture, |
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[page] 43
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 1 |
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Timpen Sike was not pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/44 |
Green Syke |
William Beattie Becks
John Anderson Brackenwrae |
045 |
[situation] From Mid Hill N.E. [North East] to En [Eastern] Ph. [Parish] Boundary.
A stream which rises at the N.W. [North West] Side of Mid Hill and flows in a Northerly direction till it falls into the Craig Cleugh where it forms the Ph. [Parish] Boundary between Langholm and Westerkirk. |
OS1/10/35/44 |
Padens View
Pedens View |
William Beattie
John Anderson
J. Elliott Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] About 1/2 mile East from Timpen Knowe.
This name applies to a small Hill [or] Knowe of a Conical Shape on the farm of Becks. Situated at the North Side of the Turnpike Road between Westerkirk & Langholm and south of Clark Fe [Fell?] The surface of which is covered with Heathy [pasture?] |
OS1/10/35/44 |
Padens Well |
William Beattie
John Anderson |
045 |
[situation] A little to the South of Pedens View
A spring well Situated on the Road Side from Westerkirk to Langholm. about one & a half from the lat-- [latter] place from which a Stream flows (Called Green Burn) in an Easterly direction till it joins the River Esk at the extreme North end of Gallow Side Wood. |
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[page] 44
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 2
[note] Peden's View So named from the noted Jacobite Preacher.
[note] Peden's Well Vide above. |
OS1/10/35/44 |
Peden was not a Jacobite preacher as noted, but a Covenanting Preacher - commemorated in several place names across the South West |
OS1/10/35/45 |
Craig Hill
Craig Hill |
James Connel Esq Irvine House
Mr Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining Timpen Knowe on the North.
A considerable hill a little to the north of Timpen Syke, the surface of which is rough pasture. The property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/45 |
Craig Cleuch
Craig Cleuch |
James Connel Esq Irvine House
Mr. Todd Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Between Craig Hill and Clark Fell.
A small hollow or glen to the north west of Clark Fell, through the centre of which flows Green Syke. |
OS1/10/35/45 |
Green Burn
Green Burn |
James Connel Esq Irvine House
Mr. Todd Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From between Peden's View and Mid Hill - S.E. [South East] to River Esk.
A small burn having its source at the north of Mid Hill and flowing in an easterly direction till it joins the River Esk |
OS1/10/35/45 |
[page] 45
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 2
[signed] James Harper Ca [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/10/35/46 |
[page] 46
OS1/10/35/47 |
Clark Fell
Clark Fell |
William Beattie Becks
John Anderson Brackenwrea |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining Mid Hill on the N.E. [North East]
A Considerable eminence of a Conical Shape on the Farm of Becks. It is situated North of Brackenwrea and East of Craig Cleugh. The surface of which is Covered with Heathy & Rough pasture and on its summit is a trig [trigonometrical] Station. |
OS1/10/35/47 |
Brackenwrea |
William Beattie
John Anderson |
045 |
[situation] A little to the S.E. [South East] of Clark Fell.
A Cottage one story high slated, with vegetable garden attached. It is situated on the farm of Becks. South of Clark Fell, Occupied by John Anderson Shepherd, and the property of the Duke of Buccluch [sic], |
OS1/10/35/47 |
Watt's Holes
Watt's Holes |
James Elliot, Middleholm
John Anderson, Brackenwrea |
045 |
A long pool in the River Esk; situated about 1/2 a mile above Dornie Pool. |
OS1/10/35/47 |
OS1/10/35/47 |
[page] 47
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 3
Langfauld Wood See Name Sheets for Plan 45.7 |
OS1/10/35/47 |
Brackenwrae was not pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/48 |
Back Burn |
William Beattie Becks
John Anderson Brackenwrea |
045 |
[situation] From the S.E. [South East] side of Black Knowe S.E. [South East] to Beck Burn.
A Stream which rises at the North Side of Neaze Hill and flows in a Easterly direction [to] the farm house called Becks where it takes the Name of the Becks Burn |
OS1/10/35/48 |
[page] 48
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/49 |
Black Knowe
Black Knowe |
Clement Brown Langholm
Mr Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 11 Chains East from Mid Hill
A small hill the surface of which is rough pasture, situated north of Craighope Head on the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/49 |
Craighope Head
Craighope Head |
James Connel Esq Irvine House
Mr Todd Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining Black Knowe on the South.
A considerable hill to the north west of Neaze Hill, the surface of which is rough pasture, on the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/49 |
Neaze Hill
Neaze Hill |
James Connel Esq Irvine House
Mr Todd Langholm |
045 |
[situation] A little to the S.E. [South East] of Craighope Head.
A large hill the surface of which is rough pasture, situated south of Beck Burn on the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/49 |
[page] 48
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 4
[note at Naze Hill] Naze a promontory - the nose - Dr Jamieson's Dictionary [Jamiesons Scottish Dictiionary]
[signed] James Harper C/a [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/10/35/50 |
Cows Thorn
Cows Thorn
Cowie's Thorn |
Mr R Scott Langholm
Mr G Henderson Writer
J. Elliott Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] On Common Brae on Mid Hill.
This name applies to a small Thorn Tree on "Common Brae," which got this name from the cows rubbing themselves against it |
OS1/10/35/50 |
Newland Cleuch
Newland Cleuch |
Mr R Scott Langholm
Mr G Henderson Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 16 Chains South from Cows Thorn.
A small hollow or glen the surface of which is rough pasture and through of which runs a small stream It is south of Mid Hill. |
OS1/10/35/50 |
[page] 50
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 5
[signed] James Harper C/a [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/10/35/51 |
Mid Hill
Mid Hill |
William Beattie Becks
John Anderson Brackenwrea |
045 |
[situation] Near the centre of this Parish.
A considerable eminence of a conical Shape on the farm of Becks, Situated N.E. [North East] of the Back Burn. The surface of which is covered with rough pasture and on its Summit is a Trig Station [Trigonometrical Station]. |
OS1/10/35/51 |
Aldery Syke
Aldery Syke |
William Beattie
John Anderson |
045 |
[situation] From the N. [North] of Mid Hill NE [North East] to Green Burn.
A Small stream which rises at the North Side of Mid Hill & flows in a Northerly direction till it joins the Green Burn. |
OS1/10/35/51 |
Common Brae
Common Brae |
William Beattie
John Anderson |
045 |
[situation] On the East side of Mid Hill.
This name applies to the East Side of Mid Hill which is very steep, through which there is a footpath leading from the Main Road to the farm House called the Becks, On the Common Brae is a Thorn popularly Known as Cowies Thorn, it is very conspicuous, being the uppermost Thorn on the Side of the Hill, of which there is a good many scattered about, There is no Knowing why it is called Cowies Thorn, |
OS1/10/35/51 |
[page] 51
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 5 |
OS1/10/35/52 |
Holmhead |
John Brown Holmhead
William Beattie Becks |
045 |
[situation] Nearly 3/4 mile N.W. [North West] from the Town of Langholm
A neat House three Storys high Slated. with Suitable offices. Dog Ken-- [Kennels] and vegetable garden attached, all in good repair. Situated a little to the N.W. [North West] of Langholm Lodge. Occupied by John Brown Gardner & Charles Crer- [Crerar] Game Keeper. The property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/52 |
March Syke
March Syke |
William Beattie
John Anderson Brackenwrea |
045 |
[situation] From Meikleholm Hill NEE [North East East] to River Esk
A small Stream which rises at the North Side of Mucklem Hill and flows in an Easterly direction through the Gallowside Wood till it joins the River Esk a a short dis-- [distance] from the Little Bridge. |
OS1/10/35/52 |
Little Bridge
Little Bridge |
William Beattie
John Anderson |
045 |
[situation] Over March Sike at the East side of Gallowside wood.
A Small Stone Bridge over the March Syke, in the Gallowside Woods, on the Road from WesterKirk to Langholm and about one mile from the latter place, |
OS1/10/35/52 |
Dowie Pool
Dowie Pool |
James Elliot Esq Middleholm
John Anderson Brackenwrae |
045 |
A long pool in the River Esk, extended immediately in front of Holmhead. |
OS1/10/35/52 |
[page] 52
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 6 |
OS1/10/35/53 |
Gallowside Wood
Gallowside Wood |
William Beattie Becks
John Anderson Brackenwrea |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining Meikleholm Hill on the North.
An extensive Wood Consisting chiefly of Forest trees, on the estate of Langholm at the South Side of the River Esk. Through which the Main Road passes between Langholm and WesterKirk and is the property of the Duke of Buccluch, |
OS1/10/35/53 |
Castle Holm
Castle Holm |
James Elliot, Middleholm
George Scott, Langholm |
045 |
A plain extending from Holmhead to Kiln Green; along the northern bank of the River Esk. Langholm Lodge is situated in the middle of it - it being the demesne attached to the above hunting seat of His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/53 |
[page] 53
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 6 |
OS1/10/35/54 |
[page] 54
OS1/10/35/55 |
Meikleholm Hill
Meikleholm Hill |
Mr. G Henderson Writer Langholm
Mr R Scott Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining Common Brae on the S.E. [South East]
A considerable hill south from Gallowside Wood, the surface of which is rough pasture and scattered thorns. The property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/55 |
[page] 55
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 6 Trace 6
River Esk See Name Sheet for Plan
[signed] James Harper Ca [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/10/35/56 |
[page] 56
OS1/10/35/57 |
Langholm Lodge |
John Irving
James Reid
Mason Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Nearly 1/2 mile E. [East] from the Town of Langholm.
A plain but neat stone building two stories high and slated, having gardens and pleasure grounds attached. It is a commodious house and is replete with convenience for the residence of a gentleman The property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/57 |
[page] 57
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 7 Trace 4
[Crossed out] Lodge
Castle Holm See Name Sheet for Plan 45.6 |
OS1/10/35/57 |
Wyseby Old Lodge was pre-entered on this page, but does not actually appear |
OS1/10/35/58 |
Milltown |
John Irving Cornmill Langholm
William Goodfellow Shepherd Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Nearly 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] from Langholm Lodge.
A neat stone building one story high and slated having vegetable and flower gardens attached. It is the occupation of Dr Brown, and the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. It derives its name from its adjacency to two mills. One a Saw & the other a Cornmill. |
OS1/10/35/58 |
Langholm Mill (Corn) |
John Irving Cornmill Langholm
William Goodfellow Shepherd Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In the Nn. [Northern] vicinity of Milltown
A plain stone building two stories high and slated, having the necessary apparatus for grinding corn chiefly barley. It is worked by water power. Occupied by Mr John Irving. The property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/58 |
[page] 58
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 7 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/58 |
Wyseby Lodge was pre-entered on this page but does not actually appear |
OS1/10/35/59 |
Duchess' Bridge
Duchess' Bridge |
Dr. Brown Milltown, Langholm
Robert Harvey Gardiner Langholm. |
045 |
[situation] Over River Esk a little to to the S.W. [South West] of Langholm Lodge.
An iron ornamental foot bridge across the "River Esk" connectiong the "Gallowside Wood" with "Langholm Lodge", The property of the Duke of Buccleuch. It is said that the Duchess drew the plan of this bridge from which circumstance it derives its name. |
OS1/10/35/59 |
[page] 59
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 7 Trace 4
[crossed out] Saw Mill |
OS1/10/35/60 |
Castle Scrogs
Castle Scrogs
Castle Scrogs |
Andrew Hogg Langholm
Walter Irving Langholm
Mathew Little Langholm |
045 |
[situation] To the E. [East] of Castle Hill.
This Name is applied to the East side of Castle Hill which is covered with stunted trees. |
OS1/10/35/60 |
[page] 60
[Parish of Langholm Sheet 45] |
OS1/10/35/61 |
Castle Bank |
William Goodfellow Shepherd Langholm
John Irving Cornmill, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining Langholm Lodge on the N.E. [North East]
Is applied to a sloping piece of ground of considerable extent. It is covered with mixed wood and has numerous walks through it for the convenience of parties shooting ------. It abounds with game. The property of the Duke of Buccleuch. It derives its name from the vicinity of an old castle. Now Ruins. |
OS1/10/35/61 |
Chapelpath Cottage
Chapelpath |
John Irving
James Reid Mason Langholm
James Elliott, Middleholm
George Scott, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 30 Chains East from Langholm Lodge.
A neat cottage one story high and slated having a vegetable garden attached. It is occupied by a gamekeeper. The property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/61 |
[page] 61
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 7 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/62 |
Castle Hill
Castle Hill
Castle Hill |
John Irving Cornmill Langholm
William Goodfellow Shepherd Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 18 Chains N.E. [North East] from Langholm Lodge
Is applied to a hill covered with heathy pasture and scattered thorn trees. It is in the occupation of various people of the town of Langholm grazing cows. It is the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. - This hill derives its name from a castle which stands at its base on the south side. Now Ruins |
OS1/10/35/62 |
Langfauld Wood
Langfauld Wood |
John Irving
William Goodfellow |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining Castle Bank on the N.W. [North West]
Applies to a wood belonging to "Langholm Lodge" It is chiefly fir and has numerous walks through it for the convenience of parties shooting and others. It abounds with Pheasants etc The property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/62 |
[page] 62
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 7 Trace 4
Gallowside Wood See Name Sheet for Plan 45.6
River Esk See Name Sheets for Plan 45.11 |
OS1/10/35/63 |
WHITSHIELS (Ruins of) |
Whitshiels |
John Paterson Terrrona
Thomas Harper Hillhead
J. Elliott Esq Middleholm
Estate Documemts
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
[situation] Nearly 1 mile East from Langholm Lodge.
This name is applied to what originally was a farm house but is now in ruins, The belonging to the Whiteshiels farm is now anexed to that of Terrona & is the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/63 |
Whiteshiels Bridge
Whiteshiels Bridge
Whitshiels Bridge
Whitshiels Bridge
Whitshiels Bridge |
J. Paterson
T. Harper
J. Elliott Esq Middleholm
Estate Documemts
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
[situation] 24 Chains nealy W. [West] from Whiteshiels.
A small one arched stone bridge built over the stream which flows thro [through] the "near Whiteshiels cleugh" on the Main Road between Langholm & Edinbro [Edinburgh]. |
OS1/10/35/63 |
Greenhead |
Simon Irving Langholm Mill
T. Hope |
045 |
[situation] 1/2 mile East from Langholm Lodge.
Applied to a house one story high slated, and in good repair having vegetable garden attached, It is Situate near the Langholm Mill and is the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/63 |
[page] 63
Langholm Ph [Parish] Sheet 45 No 7 Trace 5 |
OS1/10/35/63 |
Greenhead was not pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/64 |
Ewes or Whiteshiels Mill
Ewes or Whiteshiels Mill
Ewes or Whiteshiels Mill
Whitshiels Mill
Whitshiels Mill
Whitshiels Mill |
William Cairns Manufacturer Langholm
John Archibald Langholm
Lease Receipt
Dr Maxwell Langholm
William Cairns
James Lindsay |
045 |
[situation] About 67 Chains N.E. [North East] from Langholm Lodge.
Is a large building four storys high used as a spinning and woolen mill, and employing at an average forty hands, 28 Males & 12 Females. The power used for driving the Machinery is water. It is the property of Dr[?] Maxwell Ashbank Langholm |
OS1/10/35/64 |
Wattie's Bank
Wattie's Bank |
James Elliot Esq Middleholm
George Scott Esq Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining Langholm Mill on the North
A steep bank covered with mixed wood, extending from Langholm Mill for about a half mile along the west side of Ewes Water |
OS1/10/35/64 |
Miller's Hill
Miller's Hill |
James Elliot Esq Middleholm
George Scott Esq Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 11 Chains S.E. [South East] of Langholm Mill.
A large green eminence at the north end of Langholm, on which are held the Langholm cattle fairs, and customs are levied by the Duke of Buccleuch, from all persons exposing cattle for sale thereon. |
OS1/10/35/64 |
[page] 64
Langholm Ph [Parish] Sheet 45 No 7 Trace 5
Ewes Water See Name Sheets for Plan 45.11 |
OS1/10/35/65 |
Whiteshiels Bog |
T. Hope
J. Paterson |
045 |
[situation] 1/2 mile N.E. [North East] from Ewes Mill.
A elevated portion of ground on the farm of Terrona, the surface of which is covered with rough pasture. |
OS1/10/35/65 |
Far Whiteshiels cleuch |
T. Hope
J. Paterson |
045 |
[situation] Between Whiteshiel Bog and Whiteshiel Knowe.
Applies to a hollow situate on the S. [South] side of Whiteshiel Bog and extending in a W. [West] direction] to Ewes Water. The surface of which is covered with trees, a small stream flows through this cleugh into Ewes Water. |
OS1/10/35/65 |
[page] 65
Langholm Ph [Parish] Sheet 45 No 7 Trace 3
Whitshiels See Authorities Pages 63 & 64
Potholm Hill See Name Sheet for Plan 45.3 |
OS1/10/35/66 |
Whiteshiels Knowe
Whiteshiels Knowe |
J. Paterson
T. Hope |
045 |
[situation] 11 Chains S.W. [South West] from Whiteshiels Bog.
Is a fine green portion of elevated ground on the farm of Terrona Situate between the far & near Whiteshiel Cleughs on the S. [South] side of the former & N. [North] of the later |
OS1/10/35/66 |
Near Whiteshiel Cleugh
Near Whiteshiel Cleugh |
J. Paterson
T. Hope |
045 |
[situation] At the South Side of Whiteshiel Knowe.
Is a hollow of the farm of Terrona situate on the S. [South] side of Whiteshiel Knowe and extending in a W. [West] direction to Ewes Water, its surface is thickly covered with fir trees and a small stream runs through it to Ewes Water. |
OS1/10/35/66 |
OS1/10/35/66 |
[page] 66
Langholm Ph [Parish] Sheet 45 No 7 Trace 6
Whitshiels See Page 64
Whita Hill See Name Sheets for Plan 45.11
Hillhead See Name Sheets for Plan 45.11 |
OS1/10/35/66 |
Whita Hill was pre-entered on this page, but the details are not in fact recorded here |
OS1/10/35/67 |
Terrona Hill
Terrona Hill
Tarrona Hill
Tarrona Hill |
John Paterson Terrona
Thomas Hope Hillhead
Johnston's County Map
J. Elliott Middleholm
Estate Maps |
045 |
[situation] Near the N.E. [North East] point of Langholm Parish.
Is a large portion of elevated ground on the farm of Terrona The surface of which is covered with rough and heathy pasture A stone wall dividing the Phs [Parishes] of Langholm & Ewes runs along the top of this hill an [and] on its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station. |
OS1/10/35/67 |
[page] 67
Langholm Ph [Parish] Sheet 45 No 8 Trace 1
Whitshiels Bog See Name Sheets for Plan 45.7 |
OS1/10/35/68 |
page] 68
OS1/10/35/69 |
Charlie's Moss
Charlie's Moss |
James Scot Shepherd Hillhead
James Jackson Shepherd Arkle--- [Arkleloanheid?] |
045 |
[situation] On the Boundary between Langholm and Ewes.
A portion of moss situated on Whita Hill. The boundary dividing the parishes of Ewes and Langholm passes through it. Supposed to have received its name from an old man who used to herd on it; the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/69 |
[page] 69
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 8 Trace 2
Whita Hill See Name Sheets for Plan 45.11
[signed] John McDonnell CplRE [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/70 |
[page] 70
OS1/10/35/71 |
Haggy Hill
Haggy Hill
Haggy Hill |
James Elliot, Middleholm
James Elliot, Westwater
John Jackson Shaw |
044 |
A very large hill on the farm of Westwater, the surface of which is rough & heathy pasture. There are Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Stations on its north & south ends, and they are situated at the highest points of the hill. There is no distinctive term used, to distinguish this hill from Haggy Hill on 52.4; at the south end of the parish: they were on separate farms at one time, but they are both at present on the farm of Westwater. |
OS1/10/35/71 |
[page] 71
Parish of Langholm Plan 44.11 Trace 1
[signed] P. McHugh LCplR.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/72 |
[page] 72
OS1/10/35/73 |
Coomb Syke
Coomb Syke
Coomb Syke |
John Scott Shepherd Arlsgill
James Jackson Glentenment
James Elliot Esq Middleholm |
044 |
[situation] About 19 Chains N.W. [North West] from Buttery Bog,
A Small Stream which rises out of "Haggy Hill" and runs in a S.E. [South East] direction into "Glentenment Burn". |
OS1/10/35/73 |
Buttery Bog
Buttery Bog |
John Scott
James Jackson |
044 |
[situation] In Wn [Western] Ph [Parish] district
A low lying piece of ground on the farm of "Westwater" situated on the W. [West] side of Glentenment Burn. Its surface is covered with rough pasture. |
OS1/10/35/73 |
[illegible note - signature?]
[page] 76
Parish of Langholm Sheet 44 No 12 Trace 1
Scarry Sike See Name Sheets for Plan 44.8
Sauchie Sike See Name Sheets for Plan 44.8 |
OS1/10/35/74 |
Tod Syke |
John Scott Arlsgill
James Jackson Glentenment |
044 |
[situation] Adjoining Butter Bog on the N.E. [North East]
Applied to a Small stream that rises out of "Mirks lair" and runs in a W. [Western] direction into "Glentenment Burn". |
OS1/10/35/74 |
Tod Syke Bog |
John Scott
James Jackson |
044 |
[situation] Adjoining Butter Bog on the N.W. [North West]
Applied to a piece of Marshy [ground] on the farm of Westwater. Situated on the E. [East] side of Glentenment Bog |
OS1/10/35/74 |
[page] 74
Parish of Langholm Sheet 44 No 12 Trace 2
Glentenmont Burn See Name Sheets for Plan 44.8 |
OS1/10/35/75 |
Aresgill Syke |
John Scott
James Jackson |
044; 045 |
[situation] Between Mirkslair Hill and Rashy Knowe.
A small but rough and rugged rivulet which takes its rise in "Rashy Knowes" and runs in a E. [Eastern] direction till it joins "Logan Water a little beneath "Aresgill Herds House. |
OS1/10/35/75 |
Rashy Knowes |
John Scott
James Jackson |
044; 045 |
[situation] 1/2 mile East from Todside Bog
An eminence on the farm of "Westwater" covered with rough pasture & the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/75 |
[page] 75
Langholm Parish Sheet 44 No 12 Trace 3 |
OS1/10/35/76 |
Mirkslair Hill |
John Scott Arlsgill
James Jackson Glentenment |
044 |
[situation] 11 Chains N.E. [North East] from Todsike Bog,
A considerable eminence on the farm of "Westwater" covered heaths A Trigl. St. [Trigonometrical Station] stands on the summit of this hill. |
OS1/10/35/76 |
Ryegrain |
John Scott
James Jackson |
044 |
[situation] Between Mirkslair Hill and Cockplen
A small but rough stream which rising out of Mirkslaw runs in a S.E. [South East] direction into "Arlsgill Syke". |
OS1/10/35/76 |
[page] 76
Langholm Parish Sheet 44 No 12 Trace 3
Cockplay Hill See Name Sheets for Plan 44.8 |
OS1/10/35/77 |
Kitty's Cairn
Kitty's Cairn
Kitty's Cairn
Kitty's Cairn
Kitty's Cairn
Katy's Cairn |
John Scott
James Jackson, Shaw
James Elliot, Middleholm
James Elliot, Westwater
Mr Cattle Dormont Grange
Estate Map bearing date 1790 |
044 |
[situation] On the Boundary between Middlebie and Langholm
A small knowe partly on the farm of Westwater, over which the Ph. Bdy. [Parish Boundary] passes. The surface of this hill is covered with rough pasture, and on its summit there is a cairn; to the latter object the name applies. It is said by tradition that an old woman called Kitty died here; and that this cairn was erected to her memory. |
OS1/10/35/77 |
Kitty's Cleugh
Kitty's Cleugh
Kitty's Cleugh
Kitty's Cleugh |
John Scott
James Jackson Shaw
James Elliot Middleholm
James Elliot Westwater |
044 |
[situation] Between Kittys Cairn and Buttery Bog,
A small glen; a small stream rising in "Kitty's Cairn" and running in a N.E. [North East] direction into Glentenment Burn is coextensive with it. |
OS1/10/35/77 |
[page] 77
Langholm Parish Sheet 44 No 12 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/78 |
Cockgair Hill |
John Scott
James Jackson |
044 |
[situation] 29 Chains N.E. [North East] from Kitty's Cairn
Applies to a hill on the farm of Westwater, the surface of which is covered with rough pasture. A Trigl Ststn.[Trigonometrical Station] stands on the Summit of this hill. |
OS1/10/35/78 |
Cock Gair
Cock Gair
Cock Gair |
James Elliot, Middleholm
James Elliot, Westwater
John Jackson Shaw |
044 |
[situation] On the East of Cockgair Hill.
A green patch of ground on the west side of Cockgair Hill. |
OS1/10/35/78 |
FORT [Cockgair Hill] |
Roman Camp or Birron
Fort |
John Scott
James Jackson
J. Elliot Middleholm |
044 |
[situation] On Cockgair Hill
The remains of this "Roman Camp" or "Birron" is situates on the S.W. [South West] extremity of Cockgair and consists of a circular embankment and the remains of another. It is used as a sheepfold nothing further is Known in the neighbourhood concerning it. |
OS1/10/35/78 |
[page] 78
Langholm Parish Sheet 44 No 12 Trace 5
Upper Annie Grain See Name Sheets for Plan 44.16 |
OS1/10/35/79 |
Shaw Hill |
John Scott
James Jackson |
044; 045 |
[situation] 5 Chains East from Cockgair
A considerable hill on the farm of "Westwater" covered with rough pasture. A Trigl. Stat. [Trigonometrical Station] Stands on the Summit of this hill. |
OS1/10/35/79 |
Hailstane Gill |
John Scott
James Jackson |
044 |
[situation] Between Cockgair and Shaw Hill
Is a hollow through which flows a small stream rising on "Cockgair" runs in a S. [South] direction into Glentenment Burn. The hollow is coextensive with the stream. |
OS1/10/35/79 |
Muckle Whitson Sike |
John Scott
James Jackson |
044; 045 |
[situation] At the N.E. [North East side of Shaw Hill.
A small stream issuing out of "Shaw Hill" and running in a E. [East] direction into "Logan Burn". |
OS1/10/35/79 |
[page] 79
Langholm Ph [Parish] Sheet 44 No 12 Trace 6 |
OS1/10/35/80 |
[page] 80
OS1/10/35/81 |
[page] 81
Parish of Langholm Plan 45.9
Aresgill Sike See Name Sheets for Plan 44.12
Rashy Knowe See Name Sheets for Plan 44.12
Cockplay Hill See Name Sheets for Plan 44.8
Logan Water See Name Sheets for Plan 45.5
Fingland Rig See Name Sheets for Plan 45.5
Glencorf Burn See Name Sheets for Plan 45.5
Finfland Burn See Name Sheets for Plan 45.5 |
OS1/10/35/81 |
Aresgill Sike was pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/82 |
Muckle Whitson Sike |
John Scott Aresgill
James Jackson Glentenment |
045 |
[situation] At the N.E. [North East] side of Shaw Hill.
A small Stream rising out the W. [West] end of "Gibbs Hill" and flowing in an easterly direction into Logan Burn. |
OS1/10/35/82 |
Gibb's Hill |
John Scott
James Jackson |
045 |
[situation] In the N.Wn. [North Western] district of this Parish.
An elevated portion of land on the farm of Westwater the [surface] of which is rough pasture. [The] property of the Duke of B [Buccleuch] |
OS1/10/35/82 |
Rain Syke |
James Jackson
John Scott |
045 |
[situation] At the N.E. [North East] side of Gibb's Hill.
A Small stream rising out of [the] North Side of "Gibb's Hill" and running in an easterly direction into "Logan Burn". |
OS1/10/35/82 |
[page] 82
Langholm Parish Sheet 45 No 9 Trace 4
Little Whitson Sike See Name Sheets for Plan 45.13
Shaw Hill See Name Sheets for Plan 44.12 |
OS1/10/35/82 |
Only Dry Gill and Gibb's Hill were pre-entered on this page - but Dry Gill does not actually appear here
Some entries are partly obscured by the page fold on the right, but the meaning is clear |
OS1/10/35/83 |
Calfield Rig
Calfield Rig |
William Thompson Cleuchfoot
Andrew Beasly Cleuchfoot |
045 |
[situation] In the N.Wn. [North Western] district of this Parish.
Is applied to an elevated position of land on the farm of "Caulfield" the surface of which is rough pasture and on its summit stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station. the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/83 |
Scoreknow |
William Thompson
John Scott Aresgill
J. Elliott Esq Middleholm
Estate documents
Johnston's County Map |
045 |
[situation] Between Cocklaw [?] and Fingland Rig.
Is applied to a cottage on the Farm of "Westwater". It is one story high occupied by the shepherd the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/83 |
Gulf Syke |
John Scott
James Jackson Glentenment |
045 |
[situation] Between Tansy Hill and Fingland Rig.
A small stream rising out of "Fingland Knowe" and running in a S.W. [South West] direction into Logan Burn. |
OS1/10/35/83 |
[page] 83
Langholm Parish Sheet 45 No 9
Fingland Knowe See Name Sheets for Plan 45.51 |
OS1/10/35/84 |
Tansy Hill |
William Thompson Cleughfoot
Andrew Beaty Cleughfoot |
045 |
[situation] In the NWn [North Western] district of this Parish.
A hill on the farm of "Westwater" the surface of which is rough pasture, and on its summit stands a trigl. [trigonometrical] station the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/84 |
Glenroch Sike
Glenroch Sike
Glenroch Sike
Glenroch Sike |
William Thompson
James Elliot, Westwater
Andrew Beaty
James Jackson Shaw |
045 |
[situation] At the S.W. [South West] side of Tansy Hill.
A small stream rising out of Tansy Hill and flowing [in] a Westerly direction into Lo- [Logan] Burn. |
OS1/10/35/84 |
Wiley Syke
Wiley Syke
Wily Sike |
William Thompson
Andrew Beaty
James Jackson Shaw |
045 |
[situation] At the South of Tansy Hill
A stream rising out of the south side of "Tansy Hill" and flows in an easterly direction into L- [Logan] Burn. |
OS1/10/35/84 |
[page] 84
Langholm Parish Sheet 45 No 9 Trace 5
[note at Tansy hill] Tansy - an herb
[note at Wily Sike] Wily - cunning- full of stratagem - English Dicty [Dictionary] |
OS1/10/35/85 |
Lea Gill
Lea Gill |
A McVitie Farmer Hallcroft
William Beattie Farmer Becks |
045 |
[situation] At the West side of Naze Hill.
A large hollow having a stream flowing through its centre which has no name |
OS1/10/35/85 |
Naze Hill
Naze Hill |
A McVitie. Farmer, Hallcroft
Wiliam Beattie. Farmer. Becks |
045 |
[situation] Near the Centre of this Parish
A considerable eminence the surface of which is Covered with Rough Pasture, the Property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/85 |
Purly Gill
Purly Gill
Pirlie Gill
Pirlie Gill |
A McVitie, Farmer Hallcroft
William Beattie, Farmer, Becks
James Elliot, Middleholm
George Scott, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Towards the South of Naze Hill.
A small hollow through which flows a small burn it rises at the Eastern ---- [head?] of Naze Hill flowing in a Southerly direction and empties itself into Lea Gill |
OS1/10/35/85 |
[page] 85
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 10 Trace 1
[note at Naze Hill] Naze - a promontory the nose Dr Jamieson's Dictionary [Jamieson's Scottish Dictionary]
[note at Pirlie Gill] This name derives from Pirlie (the little finger)
[signed John McDonell RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/86 |
Newland Cleuch
Newland Cleuch |
A McVitie Farmer Hallcroft
William Beattie Farmer Becks |
045 |
[situation] At the S.W. [South West] side of Meikleholm Hill.
A Small hollow through which a st-- [stream] runs the stream rises at the Western h-- [holm?] of Mid Hill, flowing in a South Eastern direction and empties itself into Becks Burn |
OS1/10/35/86 |
Back Burn
Back Burn |
A McVitie Farmer Hallcroft
William Beattie Farmer Becks |
045 |
[situation] Between Naze and Mid Hills
A small Burn having its Source at the Southern holm of Mid Hill, flowing in a Southerly direction and empties itself into Becks Burn. |
OS1/10/35/86 |
Castle (Site of)
Castle (Site of)
Calfield Tower (Site of)
Calfield Tower (Site of) |
A McVitie Farmer Hallcroft
William Beattie Farmer Becks
James Elliot, Middleholm
L.L. Rome, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the S.E. [South East] extremity of Naze Hill.
This is the site of one of the old Border Towers which belonged to the Armstrongs and Supposed to be one of the first in the Parish No remains of it can be Seen, This is said to have been the residence of "Archie of Ca'field." celebrated in Scott's Border Minstrelsy; see vol. 2, Page 116 |
OS1/10/35/86 |
[page] 86
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 10 Trace 5
[signed] John McDonnell Spr RE. [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/87 |
Meikleholm Hill
Meikleholm Hill |
James Walker Farmer Calfield
James Connell Farmer Irving House |
045 |
[situation] 27 Chains East of Naze Hill.
A considerable Hill, the surface of which is Covered with Heathy Pasture the property of the Duke of Buccleuch, on its Summit there is a Trigonometrical Station |
OS1/10/35/87 |
Battle Knowe
Battle Knowe |
James Elliot, Middleholm
David Tait, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the NE. [North East] side of Meikleholm Hill.
A small knowe at the east base of Meikleholm Hill the surface of which is rough pasture. The pasturage is very good here, therefore many cattle flock to it, and they have severe contests; and to that circumstance it owes its name. |
OS1/10/35/87 |
[page] 87
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 10 Trace 3
Meikleholm Bank See Page 99
[signed] John McDonnell sapper RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/88 |
Martin Syke
Martin Syke |
William Beattie Farmer Becks
A McVitie Farmer Hallcroft |
045 |
[situation] At the East side of Calfield Rig.
A small burn rising at the base of Calfield Rig. flowing in a northerly direction and empties itself into Lea Gill |
OS1/10/35/88 |
Rough Syke
Rough Syke |
William Beattie. Farmer Becks
A McVitie Farmer Hallcroft |
045 |
[situation] A little to the East of Calfield Rig,
A Small stream having its source at the head of Calfield Rig, flowing in a Northerly direction and empties itself into Lea Gill |
OS1/10/35/88 |
Calfield |
James Walker Farmer Calfield
James Connell Factor Irving House |
045 |
[situation] In the centre of this Parish
A middling sized farm house two storeys high slated and in good repair having extensive office houses an arable and sheep farm and a vegetable garden attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/88 |
FORT [Calfield] |
Fort |
William Beattie Farmer Becks
James Walker Farmer Calfield
J. Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] 15 chains S.W. by S. [South West by South] from Calfield
An enclosure used for the p--- [protection?] of Cattle in former times. |
OS1/10/35/88 |
Boughs Linn
Boughs Linn |
William Beattie Farmer Becks
James Walker Farmer Calfield |
045 |
[situation] 1/4 N.W. [North West] from Calfield.
A small Rock Projecting over Lea Gill the water runs over it with ---- [great?] force when the burn is flooded |
OS1/10/35/88 |
[page] 88
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 10 Trace 4
[signed] John McDowell Sapper RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/88 |
Boughs Linn was not pre-entered on this page
Some words on the right are wholly or partly obscured by the page fold |
OS1/10/35/89 |
Becks |
William Beattie Farmer Becks
James Walker Farmer CValfield |
045 |
[situation] About 24 Chains N.E. [North East] from Calfield
A middling sized farm house one story high slated and in good repair having office houses and a garden attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch Tenanted by William Beattie There is also a large arable and sheep farm attached |
OS1/10/35/89 |
Becks Burn |
William Beattie Farmer Becks
James Walker Farmer Calfield |
045 |
[situation] South of Becks
A Continuation of Lea Gill recives its name after it passes Becks farm, flowing in an Easterly direction and empties itself into Wauchope Water |
OS1/10/35/89 |
Becks Knowe |
William Beattie Farmer Becks
James Walker Farmer Calfield |
045 |
[situation] 18 Chains S.E. by E. [South East by East] from Becks
A Small hillock the surface of which is Rough Pasture the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/89 |
Crossmungo Moss
Crossmungo Moss
Crossmungo Moss
Crossmungo Moss |
William Beattie Farmer Becks
James Walker Farmer Calfield
James Elliot, Middleholm
Estate Map |
045 |
[situation] 13 Chains South from Becks
A Considerable Cree of Moss amounting to nearly 60 acres it is on the farm of Becks the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/89 |
[page[ 89
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45.10 T [Trace] 5
[signed] John McDonnell Sapper RE [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/90 |
Hallcroft |
A McVitie Farmer Halcroft
James Connell Factor Irving House |
045 |
[situation] Nearly 3/4 mile S.E. by E. [South East by East] from Becks.
A small farm house one story high slated and in dood repair, having a vegetable garden attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. Tenanted by A McVitie There is also a small arable farm attached |
OS1/10/35/90 |
Mirk Syke
Mirk Syke |
A McVitie Farmer Hallcroft
James Walker Farmer Calfield |
045 |
[situation] 14 Chains N.W. [North West from Hallcroft
A small burn rising about 8 chains South of Becks Knowe flowing in a northerly direction and empties itself into Becks Burn |
OS1/10/35/90 |
WAUCHOPE CASTLE (Remains of) |
Wauchope Castle (Remains Of)
Wauchope Castle (Remains Of) |
A McVitie Farmer Halcroft
William Beattie Farmer Becks |
045 |
[situation] 17 Chains East from Hallcroft.
This was one of the old Towers which belonged to the Border ---- [Reivars?] in former times, some remains of it can still be seen. it is supposed to be one of Principal Strongholds of the Armstrongs in the Parish, this Position is very good, as there [is] a moat Surrounding it while the Moat Can easily be supplied with Water from Becks Burn; the steep banks [of] Wauchope Water forms a good natural defence on the east [Side] |
OS1/10/35/90 |
[page] 90
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45.10 Trace 6
[signed] John McDonnell SprRE [Sapper Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/90 |
Mirk Sike was wrongly pre-entered as Mirk "Sire" |
OS1/10/35/91 |
Wauchope Water
Wauchope Water |
James Connell Factor Irving House
James Walker Labourer Langholm |
045; 053 |
[situation] At the S.E. [South East] side of this Plan.
This is a considerable burn, takes its name from the junction of Glentenment and Mire Burns flowing nearly tangent with the main road for two or three miles and empties itself into the River Esk |
OS1/10/35/91 |
Young's Cairn
Young's Cairn |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Robert Byres, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 17 Chains South from Hallcroft,
A small cairn erected to the memory of a boy called Young, on the spot where he was killed by a fall from a horse. |
OS1/10/35/91 |
Rawgair Holm
Rawgair Holm |
James Elliot, Middleholm
James Stothert, Bloch |
045 |
[situation] At the Nn. [Northern] extremity of Stubholm Hill.
A small plain extending along the south side of Wauchope Water, and at the base of Raw Gair. |
OS1/10/35/91 |
Raw Gair
Raw Gair |
James Elliot, Middleholm
James Stothert, Bloch |
045 |
[situation] At the Nn. [Northern] extremity of Stubholm Hill.
A green prominence on the north base of Stubholm Hill. |
OS1/10/35/91 |
[page] 91
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45.10 Trace 6
Stubholm Hill See Name Sheet for Plan 45.15
[signed] John McDonnell Sapper R.E. [Royal Engineers] |
OS1/10/35/92 |
[page] 92
OS1/10/35/93 |
Ewes Water
Ewes Water |
Robert Byres Mason Langholm
Clement Brown Crown Inn Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the East of this Parish.
This Water has its source at the confluence of Eweslees Burn and Mosspaul Burn flowing in a southerly direction till it enters the River Esk a short distance above the junction of the Wauchope Water |
OS1/10/35/93 |
River Esk
River Esk |
Robert Byers Mason Langholm
Clement Brown Crown Inn Langholm |
045; 053 |
[situation] Running through the Town of Langholm.
This river has its source at the confluence of the Black Esk and White Esk flowing in a southerly direction till it empties itself into the Solway Firth |
OS1/10/35/93 |
[page] 93
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 1
[crossed out] Ewes Bridge
[signed] Thomas Ratcliffe Ca [Civilan Assistant] |
OS1/10/35/94 |
[page] 94
OS1/10/35/95 |
LANGHOLM [burgh] |
Langholm |
Mr. Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr. George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Towards the East side of this Parish
A burgh of barony 1610 and the capital of Langholm Parish and of Eskdale, stands on the Esk at the confluence with it, of the Ewes and the Wauchope, 12 miles from Longtown, 21 from Carlisle, 13 from Annan, 30 from Dumfries, and 23 from Hawick. |
OS1/10/35/95 |
[page] 95
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Traces 1 & 2
The town is embosomed in one of the sweetest landscapes in Scotland, - neither extensive, romantic, nor grand, but in the strictest sence, beautiful. The old part of the town, or what is called Old Langholm, stands on the east bank of the Esk, immediately below the influx of the Ewes, and stretches southeastward along the Edinburgh and Carlisle road. It consists of one principle street, with a market-place nearits middle, Many of the houses are in a superior style for a place of its size; and all are roofed with blue slate. At the market-place stands the town-hall and jail built in 1811, ornamented with a spire , and hansome in appearance, and having in front a monument erected to Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm. On a rising ground behind the town stands the Parish-church. Several good shops enliven the street and the Crown Inn is well known to tourests, travellers, ans sportsmen, The New part of the town or New Langholm, stands on the west bank of the Esk immediately above the influx of Wauchope water and bestrides the road which leads from the town to Upper Eskdale. It consists of nearly 200 houses built in regular street arrangement in the form of a triangle. The inhabitants are mostly tradespeople, and pay a small quit rent for their house and garden. the town has two Woolen factorys, a distillery a brewery, and some dyehouses, also branch offices of the British Linen companys bank, and the National and Western Banks of Scotland. It was commenced in 1778 and is fewed from the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/96 |
[page] 96
OS1/10/35/97 |
Ewes Bridge
Ewes Bridge |
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
Mr Robert Byres Mason Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Over Ewes Water 12 Chains N. [North] of Langholm Town.
This is a substantial and beautifully built Bridge of two Arches over the Ewes Water it leads from the town to Langholm Lodge it is situated a few chains north of the Townhead Bridge. |
OS1/10/35/97 |
LANGHOLM CASTLE (Remains of) |
Langholm Castle (Remains of)
Langholm Castle (Remains of) |
Mr George Henderson Writer Langholm
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Watson Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the junction of Ewes Water with River Esk
The ruins of a Castle or place of residence formerly the property of the Earl of Nithsdale now in the possession of the Duke of Buccleuch it is situated at the confluence of the River Esk and Ewes Water |
OS1/10/35/97 |
[page] 97
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 1
[crossed out] Langholm Lodge Nursery] |
OS1/10/35/98 |
MARY STREET [Langholm] |
Mary Street
Mary Street |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Along the South bank of the River Esk.
This street consists of a row of one storey houses principally occupied by Weavers. It is situated on the right bank of the River Esk immediately opposite Langholm Castle |
OS1/10/35/98 |
Montagu Street
Montagu Street |
Mr George Todd Langholm
Mr Scott Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From the West end of Mary Street South to Buccleuch Square.
A small Street - consisting of one and two storey houses leading from Buccleuch Square to Mary Street |
OS1/10/35/98 |
SCHOOL [NW of Langholm] |
Parish School
Parish School |
Mr. George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Revd. [Reverend] James MacTurk Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In the N.Wn. [North Western] vicinity of Langholm Village.
A beautiful and well ventilated building erected in 1854 for male and female scholars. Mr. G. Todd Schoolmaster whose maximum salary is £34.4.41/2 [34 pounds 4 shillings 41/2 pence] wil school fees average number of scholars 120 the usual branches of education are taught. This school is situated a little west of Buccleuch Square. |
OS1/10/35/98 |
[page] 98
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 1
[note at Montagu Street] The Name of this St. [Street] is derived from that of the Duke of Buccleuch spelt Montagu.
Walter Francis Montagu Douglas Scott Oliver & Boyd's Almanac. |
OS1/10/35/99 |
CHURCH [Langholm] |
Ph [Parish] Church
Ph [Parish] Church |
Revd [Reverend] James W MacTurk Minister Langholm
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the junction of Wauchope Water with River Esk.
A handsome building with belfry on its north gable situated near the confluence of the Wauchope Water and River Esk, opened 17th May 1844 Sittings 1380 average number of communicants 400 and attendants 1000 it is under the patronage of the Crown and Duke of Buccleuch alternately |
OS1/10/35/99 |
Stubholm |
Mr. Thomas Gaskill Wood Forester Stubholm
James Elliot, Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] 9 Chains SSW [South South West] from Ph. [Parish] Church.
A two storey house in good repair having vegetable garden and offices attached situated on the farm of Stubholm and occupied by Mr Thomas Gaskill it is the property of his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/99 |
Meikleholm Bank
Meikleholm Bank |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Thomas Gaskill, Stubholm |
045 |
[situation] In the S.Wn. [South Western] vicinity of Langholm village
A steep bank covered with mixed wood, on the west side of Meikleholm Mill. |
OS1/10/35/99 |
Corse Holm
Corse Holm |
James Elliot, Middleholm
James Stothert, Bloch |
045 |
[situation] To the S. [South] of Meikleholm Bank.
A small plain below the Ph [Parish] Manse, nearly surrounded by Wauchope Water |
OS1/10/35/99 |
[page] 99
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 1
Castle Holm See Name Sheets for Plan 45.6 |
OS1/10/35/100 |
[page] 100
Ph. [Parish] of Langholm Plan 45.11
Wauchope Water See Name Sheets for Plan 53.1 |
OS1/10/35/101 |
Elizabeth Street
Elizabeth Street |
Mr George Todd Langholm
Mr Scott Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Along the West bank of River Esk.
This street extends from Caroline Street to the Townhead Bridge consisting of one row of houses one storey high with gardens attached occupied by tradesmen |
OS1/10/35/101 |
HENRY STREET [Langholm] |
Henry Street
Henry Street |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From the S.E. [South East] side of Buccleuch Square S.S.E. [South South East] to Caroline Street.
This street consists of one storey houses with vegetable gardens attached occupied by tradesmen and weavers it extends from Busccleuch Square to Caroline Street |
OS1/10/35/101 |
WOOLLEN MANUFACTORY [nr Henry St, Langholm] |
Tying & Weaving Sheds
Tying & Weaving Sheds |
Mr J Bowman Dyer & Manufacturer Langholm
MrManufacturer Langholm Taylor |
045 |
A building one storey high of Wooden Sheds and brick houses for the purpose of Tying and weaving Checks and Shepherds plaids fitted up with hand and Steam looms an engine of 15 horse power, average number of hands 90 it is the property of Messrs. J Bowman and Son Langholm. |
OS1/10/35/101 |
[page] 101
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 1
[crossed out but re-instated] Woollen Manufactory |
OS1/10/35/101 |
Woollen Manufactory was clearly crossed out, but was pre-entered - a tick indicates the entry stands |
OS1/10/35/102 |
Caroline Street
Caroline Street |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Mercht [Merchant] Langholm |
045 |
[From Meikleholm T.P. [Toll Point] N.E. [North East] to Elizabeth St. [Street]
This street consists of one storey houses with gardens attached situated on the left bank of the Wauchope Water extending from Meikleholm Toll Bar to Elizabeth Street and occupied by tradesmen and others |
OS1/10/35/102 |
Meikleholm Mill (Corn)
Meikleholm Mill (Corn) |
Mr John Miller Propritor Langholm
Mr Walter Armstrong Toll Toll Keeper Meikleholm Toll Bar |
045 |
[situation] At the S.W. [South West] end of Langholm Town.
A house two storey high used for grinding corn principally it has an excellent supply of Water of about 5 horse power three stone wheels for Corn and one for Barley it is situated at the west end of Caroline Street and is the property of Messrs John & William Miller. Millers Langholm |
OS1/10/35/102 |
Meikleholm TP [Toll Point]
Meikleholm TP [Toll Point] |
Mr Walter Armstrong Tollkeeper Meikleholm Toll Bar
Mr John Miller Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In S.Wn. [South Western] vicinity of Meikleholm Mill
A one storey house with garden attached used for collecting tolls occupied bu Mr Walter Armstrong situated at the west end of Caroline Street and is the property of the Scotsdykes and Haremoss Trustees |
OS1/10/35/102 |
[page] 102
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 1 |
OS1/10/35/103 |
Charlie's Pool
Charlie's Pool |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Robert Byres, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In River Esk
A deep pool in the River Esk at the confluence of the Ewes Water with the above river |
OS1/10/35/103 |
FACTORY ENTRY [Langholm] |
Factory Entry
Factory Entry |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From Henry St. [Street] to Elizabeth Street.
An entry so called as it leads from Henry Street to the Factory extending on to Elizabeth Street, on each side are allotments of gardens for various tenants |
OS1/10/35/103 |
Meikleholm Cottage
Meikleholm Cottage |
Mr John Scott Gamekeeper Meikleholm Cottage
Mr Robert Byres Mason Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 9 chains N.E. by N. [North East by North] from Meikleholm Mill.
A small but neat built one storey Cottage with garden attached situated a little west of the new town occupied by Mr John Scott and is the property of the Duke of Bucclech |
OS1/10/35/103 |
[page] 103]
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 1
[crossed out] Tanery
[crossed out] Dog Hole [note] Not generally recognised
[crossed out] Mary's Stream |
OS1/10/35/104 |
TANNERY [Langholm] |
Tannery |
Mr Walter Scott Tanner Langholm
Mr Adam Niven Tanner Langholm |
045 |
A small tannery situated in Elizabeth Street for the purpose of dressing and tanning hides the property of Mr Walter Scott Langholm |
OS1/10/35/104 |
WOOLLEN MANUFACTORY [Elizabeth St, Langholm] |
Factory (Woollen)
Factory (Woollen) |
Mr. Taylor Manufacturer Langholm
Mr. Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
A pretty good sized building the South end being four Storeys high it is situated behind Elizabeth Street - fitted up with the most improved machinery and Stem engine of 30 Horse power, it is likewise worked by water having a wheel of 12 feet diameter and 10 horse power there are a number of hand looms as well as power looms for the purpose of weaving checks and Shepherds plaids, average number of hands emplyed 130 Messrs. Reid and Taylor Proprietors and Manufacturers |
OS1/10/35/104 |
OS1/10/35/104 |
[page] 104
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 1 |
OS1/10/35/104 |
Both entries have been lightly crossed out, but have been pre-entered and are presumed to stand |
OS1/10/35/105 |
Buccleuch Square
Buccleuch Square |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the N.W. [North West] end of Langholm Town.
This square consists of two Storey houses in good repair occupied by the more wealthy part of the inhabitants, there is an excellent pump with gas lamp attached placed at the north side of the square for the use of the tenants. |
OS1/10/35/105 |
Charles Street
Charles Street |
Mr George Todd Langholm
Mr Scott Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From the East side of Buccleuch Square East to Townhead Bridge.
This is a regular built Street consisting of two Storey houses in good repair with vegetable gardens attached occupied by respectable tradesmen and others, it extends from Buccleuch Square to the Townhead Bridge |
OS1/10/35/105 |
Frances Street
Frances Street
Frances Street
Frances Street |
Mr George Todd Langholm
Mr Scott Langholm
Property Documents
James Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] From the junction of Charles and Elizabeth Streets E. [East] to Mary Street.
A small row of two Storey houses facing the River Esk, extending from Charles Street to Mary Street |
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SAW MILL [Langholm] |
045 |
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Townhead Bridge
Townhead Bridge |
Mr Clement Brown Town Hotel Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Over River Esk
A handsome built bridge of three arches over the River Esk uniting the Old and New parts of the town and forming the commencement of the road into Upper Eskdale, the Ewes Water uniting with the River Esk immediately above it |
OS1/10/35/106 |
WOOLLEN MANUFACTORY [Buccleuch St, Langholm] |
045 |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 1
[crossed out] Woollen Manufactory
[crossed out] Saw Mill |
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Saw Mill [Langholm] AND Woollen Manufactory [Buccleuch St, Langholm] were pre-entered, but have been CROSSED OUT |
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KIRK WYND [Langholm] |
Kirk Wynd
Kirk Wynd |
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Towards the S.E. [South East] side of Langholm Town.
This wynd consists of two rows of two storey houses substantially built it is situated near the centre of of the town extending from the High Street to the Drove Road it took its name from being the principle entrance to the Old Parish Church |
OS1/10/35/107 |
Wapping Lane
Wapping Lane |
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] About 2 chains S.E. [South East] from Kirk Wynd - running parallel thereto.
A narrow lane consisting of a few houses one storey high leading from the Town Hall up to the Drove Road and occupied by Working people |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 2
[crossed out] Drove Road |
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CHURCH - 1703 (Remains of) [Langholm] |
Ph. [Parish] Church (Remains of)
Ph. [Parish] Church (Remains of) |
Revd. [Reverend] James W. MacTurk Minister Langholm
Mr. George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the S.E. [South East] side of Langholm Town
This was formerly the Parish Church but was taken down all but the west gable end, on which is the belfrey in 1846 it is situated on a rising ground immediately behind the town, |
OS1/10/35/108 |
Commercial Inn
Commercial Inn |
Mr. William Grieve Innkeeper Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the junction of Well Street with High St. [Street]
A commodious built two storey house with garden attached it is occupied by Mr william Grieve Innkeeper and is the property of Mr Thomson Moodiehill Caconbie |
OS1/10/35/108 |
IRVING'S CLOSE [Langholm] |
Irvings Close
Irvings Close |
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the west side of Market Place.
A small close consisting of a few one storey houses situated nearly opposite the High Street and occupied by tradespeople etc. |
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Gas Entry
Gas Entry |
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Near the S.E. [South East] end of High Street
A small entry consisting of a few houses and vegetable gardens, leading from the High Street to the River Esk there is also the Gas Works situated in it |
OS1/10/35/109 |
GAS WORKS [Langholm] |
Langholm Gas Works
Langholm Gas Works |
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr Murray Gasman Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In Gas Entry]
A small building consisting of dwelling house. Furnace Gasometer and Sheds for the purpose of supplying the town with gas the gasometer contains about 6000 Cubic feet it is situated in Gas Entry and is the property of the Shareholders |
OS1/10/35/109 |
Townfoot TP [Toll Point]
Townfoot TP [Toll Point] |
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the S.E. [South East] end of High Street
A one storey house situated at the foot of the Old Town on the Edinburgh and Carlisle Road for the purpose of collecting tolls occupied by Mr John Beattie it is the property of the Scotsdykes and Haremoss Trustees |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 2 |
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Buccleuch and Queensberry Hotel
Buccleuch and Queensberry Hotel |
Mr Thomas Scott Hotel Keeper Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Hotel Keeper Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In High Street opposite Gas Entry
A commodious two Storey building having vegetable garden and stabling attached is well fitted up for the accomodation of travellers etc. it is occupied by Mr Thomas Scott and is the property of Mr John Connell Eskdale House Langholm |
OS1/10/35/110 |
TOWER (Remains of) [Langholm] |
Tower |
Mr Young Langholm
Mr Scott Hotel Keeper Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the Buccleuch and Queensberry Hotel.
This name applies to the gable end of the Buccleuch and Queensberry Arms Hotel near the High Street it is supposed to have been a tower or peel house belonging to the Armstrongs the cellar underneath is strongly built and arched over with stone |
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BUCK INN [Langholm] |
Buck Inn
Buck Inn |
Mr Thomas Davidson Innkeeper Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 11/2 chains S. [South] of North U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church.
A two Storey house with stabling attached situated on the right hand side of the High Street occupied by Mr Thomas Davidson Innkeeper and is the property of Mrs Elliot Langholm |
OS1/10/35/111 |
Clinthead |
Doctor Carlyle, Langholm
Hugh Dobie Esq Langholm
James Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] Near the Nr. [Northern] extremity of Langholm village
A large house two storeys high, having garden & pleasure grounds attached. The property & residence of Colonel Borthwick |
OS1/10/35/111 |
MANSE [F.C., Langholm] |
Free Church Manse
Free Church Manse |
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Watson Minister Langholm
Mr William Easton Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the N.E. [North East] side of Langholm Town.
A very neat and commodious house two storeys high with an extensive view of the River Esk and Langholm Castle it is occupied by the Revd [Reverend] Charles Watson whose average Stipend is £170 pr. [per] annum |
OS1/10/35/111 |
NORTH U.P. CHURCH [Langholm] |
North UP [United Presbyterian] Church
North UP [United Presbyterian] Church |
Revd [Reverend] William Ballantyne Minister Langholm
Mr William Easton Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Towards the North end of High Street.
This Church is situated nearly opposite the Townhead Bridge and was built in 1822 sittings 550 average number of communicants 320 attendance 400 |
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Tibbie Lug's Entry
Tibbie Lug's Entry
Tibbie Lug's Entry
Tibbie Lug's Entry |
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
James Elliot Middleholm
Alexander Stevenson, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In the N.En. [North Eastern] vicinity of Langholm Town.
A narrow road leading from White Road to the adjoining feilds which are let out to different tenants. So named after an old woman who was nicknamed Tibbie Lugs, on account of her large Ears. |
OS1/10/35/112 |
Townhead T.P.
Townhead T.P. |
Townhead T.P. [Toll Point]
Townhead T.P. [Toll Point] |
045 |
[situation] At the North end of High Street
A one Storey house with garden attached situated at the head of the Old Town on the Edinburgh and Carlisle Road for the purpose of Collecting tolls occupied by Mrs Elizabeth Hogg it is the property of the Scotsdykes and Haremoss Trustees |
OS1/10/35/112 |
WHITA ROAD [Langholm] |
Whita Road
Whita Road |
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From the N.E. [North East] end of Kirk Wynd extending N.E. [North East
A very steep rugged road leading from Kirk Wynd towards Whita Hill, having a beautiful view of the Old and New Town of Langholm |
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Ashy Bank
Ashy Bank |
Dr. [Doctor] Maxwell, Ashy Bank
Mr. Dow, Crown Inn |
045 |
[situation] At the SEn. [South Eastern] extremity of Langholm Town.
A neat Cottage residence with garden and pleasure ground attached. |
OS1/10/35/113 |
Davie's Well
Davie's Well |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Revd. [Reverend] William Watson, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the Nn. [Northern] extremity of Langholm village.
A small spring well at the north end of Langholm; near the Free Church Manse. |
OS1/10/35/113 |
Kiln Green
Kiln Green |
James Elliot Esq Middleholm
George Scott Esq Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the Nn. [Northern] extremity of Langholm village.
A small plain at the north end of Langholm, extending along the eastern bank of Ewes Water. |
OS1/10/35/113 |
MARKET PLACE [Langholm] |
Market Place
Market Place |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In the Centre of High Street
A place so called owing to a weekly market being held every Wednesday it is situated in the High Street immediately in front of the Town Hall |
OS1/10/35/113 |
MONUMENT [Market Place, Langholm] |
Monument |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In Market Place.
A handsome and elegant monument with Statue erected in front of the Town Hall by subscription the following inscription is lettered in front
"In honour of Admiral Sir Pultney Malcolm GCB [Knight Grand Cross (of The Bath)] GCCMG [Grand Commander Order of St Michael & St George] Born Feby [February] 21st 1768 Died July 20th 1838 |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 2
Miller's Hill See Name Sheets for Plan 45.7 |
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Monument 1835 (Whita Hill) 045 was pre-entered but does not in fact appear on this page |
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Greenbank |
James Elliot Esq Middleholm
Hugh Dobie Esq Occupant |
045 |
[situation] Near the Nn. [Northern] extremity of Langholm village.
A large house two stories high with garden & pleasure grounds attached. The property & residence of Hugh Dobie Esq. |
OS1/10/35/114 |
Holm Cottage
Holm Cottage |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Robert Byres, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the N.E. [North East] side of Langholm village.
A small house one storey high, having a garden attached. Tenanted by Mr Ballard; the property of Alexander Stevenson Esq. |
OS1/10/35/114 |
LAIRD'S ENTRY [Langholm] |
Laird's Entry
Laird's Entry |
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From Market Place - S.W. [South West]
This entry consists of a few houses one and two storey high with vegetable gardens attached it extends from Market Place to the banks of the River Esk |
OS1/10/35/114 |
WESTERN BANK [Langholm] |
Western Bank of Scotland (Branch of)
Western Bank of Scotland (Branch of) |
Mr Hugh Dobbie Banker Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Near the middle of High Street,
A two storey house situated in the High Street near the Post Office occupied as a branch office of the Western Bank of Scotland by Mr Hugh Dobbie Manager it is the property of Mr Little Merchant Langholm |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 2
[crossed out] Stamp and Tax Office |
OS1/10/35/115 |
Charles Street
Charles Street |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[ situation] From S.W. [South West] end of John Street N.E. [North East] to David Street.
This street extends from George Street to David Street consisting of one and two Storey houses occupied by tradespeople the Free Church and School are in this street |
OS1/10/35/115 |
DAVID STREET [Langholm] |
David Street
David Street |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From John Street E. [East] to Market Road.
This street consists of two story houses extending from John Street to High Street and occupied by tradesmen and others |
OS1/10/35/115 |
POST OFFICE [Langholm] |
Post Office
Post Office |
Mr T R Rome Stationer Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Near the middle of High Street.
Part of a house in High Street and opposite Nells Close occupied as a Stationers Shop Mr T R Rome Postmaster there are two deliverys each lawful day |
OS1/10/35/115 |
Souter's Stane
Souter's Stane |
James Elliot Esq Middleholm
Robert Byres, Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In River Esk
A small prominent rock in the River Esk, projecting into the river from its eastern bank. |
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GEORGE STREET [Langholm] |
George Street
George Street |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From the S.W. [South West] end of John Street E.N.E. [East North East] along En. [Eastern] bank of River Esk,
This street consists of a row of one Storey houses situated on the bank of the River Esk occupied by tradesmen etc. it extends from John Street upwards |
OS1/10/35/116 |
INFANT SCHOOL [Langholm] |
Infant School
Infant School |
Mrs Isabella Thompson Schoolmistress Langholm
Revd [Reverend] William Ballantyne Minister Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Near the N. [North] end of George Street,
A small school for the purpose of instructing young children it was instituted by William E Malcolm Esq of Burnfoot Mrs Isabella Thompson Schoolmistress Salary £30 per Annum and Free House |
OS1/10/35/116 |
JOHN STREET [Langholm] |
John Street
John Street |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From the South end of George Street N.E. [North East] to High Street.
This street consists of two rows of one and two storey houses chiefly occupied by tradespeople etc. it extends from George Street to High Street |
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British Linen Co [Company] Bank (Branch of)
British Linen Co [Company] Bank (Branch of) |
Mr Alexander Stevenson Banker Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the junction of John Street with High Street
A two Storey house situated at the corner of High Street and John Street used as a Branch Office of the British Linen Cos [Company's] Bank, Mr Stevenson Manager it is the property of the British Linen Co [Company] |
OS1/10/35/117 |
HIGH STREET [Langholm] |
High Street
High Street |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From N.W. to S.E. [North West to South East of the old town of Langholm.
This street consists of houses two storeys high with the exception of the Crown Hotel which is three, it extends from the Townhead Toll Bar to the Townfoot Toll Bar having a Market place near its middle there are several good Shops in it also a Library and three Branch Banks and Post Office |
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CROWN INN [Langholm] |
Crown Inn
Crown Inn
Crown Inn |
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining the National Bank on the South.
A commodious building three stories high with Stabling and vegetable garden attached well fitted up for the accomodation of travellers tourists etc. It is at present occupied by Mr C Brown and is the property of Mrs Dow Langholm |
OS1/10/35/118 |
NATIONAL BANK [Langholm] |
National Bank (Branch of)
National Bank (Branch of) |
Mr Robert Wallace Banker Langholm
Mr Stevenson Banker Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Nearly the junction of John and High Streets.
A two storey house situated in the High Street nearly opposite John Street occupied as a Branch Office of the National Bank of Scotland by Mr Robert Wallace Manager it is the property of the National Bank of Scotland |
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FREE CHURCH [Langholm] |
Free Church
Free Church |
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Watson Minister Langholm
Mr William Easton Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Near the middle of Charles Street
A small but neat building situated in Charles Street built in 1845 sittings 370 average number of communicants 110 and attendants 160 the Revd. [Reverend] Charles Watson Minister |
OS1/10/35/119 |
SCHOOL [Free Church, Langholm] |
Free Church School
Free Church School |
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Watson Minister Langholm
Mr William Easton Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[A little to the East of the Free Church.]
A commodius and well ventilated School where the usual branches of education are taught average number of scholars male and female 125 Mr William Easton Schoolmaster Salary £36 per Annum (One half paid by government and the other by the Church) besides school fees |
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WELL CLOSE [Langholm] |
Wells Close
Wells Close |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From the East side of High Street N.E. [North East]
This close consists of one and two storey houses extending from the High Street to the Drove Road occupied by tradespeople etc. |
OS1/10/35/120 |
Langholm Library
Langholm Library |
Mr T.R. Rome Stationer Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] Near the middle of High Street
Part of a house situated in the High Street opposite the Commercial Inn used as a Library which is kept up by yearly subscriptions Mr T.R. Rome Librarian the premises is the property of Mrs Walter Irvine Auldgirth Dumfriesshire |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 2 |
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Library was not pre-entered on this page |
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Broomholm Free School (endowed)
Broomholm Free School (endowed) |
Mr Thomas Wilson Scoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 5 Chains East of Market Place.
A two storey house the upper flat of which is used as a school, under the management of the Minister of Langholm and other trustees. The Schoolmaster Mr Wilson is paid the interest of about £600 on condition of gratuitously teaching 26 children. £400 was left by the late George Maxwell Esq of Broomholm for this purpose. The average number of scholars is 90 |
OS1/10/35/121 |
JOUKERS CLOSE [Langholm] |
Joukers Close
Joukers Close
Joukers Close |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
James Elliot, Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] 2 Chains East from Market Place.
This close consists of a few one storey houses situated a little south of Wapping lane leading up to the Drove Road and occupied by tradespeople. So called on account of its seclusion being well suited to evade search. |
OS1/10/35/121 |
ROYAL OAK INN [Langholm] |
Royal Oak Inn
Royal Oak Inn |
Mrs Mary Nichol Innkeeper Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Innkeeper Langholm |
045 |
[situation] in High Street 2 chains S.E. [South East] of Market Pl. [Place]
A two Storey house situated in the High Street for retailing Spirituous liquors occupied by Mrs Mary Nichol and is the property of Mr Matthew Scoon, Wheatlyside Canonbie |
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KING'S ARMS INN [Langholm] |
King's Arms Inn
King's Arms Inn |
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
Mr Henry Jackson Innkeeper Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the S.W. [South West] side of Market Place.
A two storey house in good repair with vegetable garden and stabling attached it is situated in the High Street opposite the Monument and occupied by Mr Henry Jackson Mr Thomas Walker 17 David Street Maxwelltown Dumfriesshire Proprietor |
OS1/10/35/122 |
SHOULDER OF MUTTON (P.H.) [Langholm] |
Shoulder of Mutton P.H. [Public House]
Shoulder of Mutton P.H. [Public House] |
Mr Robert Douglas Innkeeper Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Langholm |
045 |
[situation] In High Street adjoining Royal Oak Inn on the N.W. [North West]
A two Storey house situated in the High Street occupied by Mr Robert Douglass and is the property of Mr Thomas Chambers Brewer Langholm |
OS1/10/35/122 |
Town Hall
Town Hall |
Mr Alexander Stevenson Banker Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] At the S.E. [South East] side of Market Place
A square building two storets high built in 1811 ornamented with a spire and clock situated in the centre of the High Street it is used for small debt courts and jail |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 2 |
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Town Hall was not pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/123 |
Betty's Well
Betty's Well |
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] About 21/2 Chains South from Market Plac e.
A small well of excellent and refreshing water situated at the foot of the narrow entry leading off the High Street it is supposed to have derived its name from some old woman who resided near that locality of the name of Betty |
OS1/10/35/123 |
Esk Cottage
Esk Cottage |
Revd. [Reverend] William Watson Minister Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Inn Langholm |
045 |
[situation] About 6 Chains South of Market Place.
A neat self contained two storey cottage with vegetable garden attached it is the residence of the Revd. [Reverend] William Watson Minister of the North UP [United Presbyterian] Church whose average Stipend is £100 |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 2
[crossed out] Inland Revenue Office |
OS1/10/35/124 |
SOUTH U.P. CHURCH (Langholm) |
South UP [United Presbyterian] Church
South UP [United Presbyterian] Church |
Revd. [Reverend] William Watson Minister Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 4 Chains S.E. by E. [South East by East] from Market Place.
A commodious building built in 1807 it is situated at the north end of Brewery lane Sittings 650 average number of communicants 132 attendants 160 the Revd. [Reverend] William Watson is Minister |
OS1/10/35/124 |
BREWERY LANE (Langholm) |
Brewery Lane
Brewery Lane |
Mr George Todd Schoolmaster Langholm
Mr Scott Merchant Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From near the S.E. [South East] end of High Street - N.E. [North East] to South U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church.
This lane consists of a Brewery and a few houses it extends from the High Street to the Drove Road |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 2
[crossed out] Brewery |
OS1/10/35/125 |
Charteres' Craigs
Charteres' Craigs
Charteres' Craigs |
Mr Thomas Carskill Wood Forester Stubholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
James Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] 1/4 mile S.E.E. from Crossknowe.
A rocky peice [sic] of ground situated on White Hill near the Freestone Quarry over which runs a small stream and passes down the Kill Cleugh Is called after Charteres of Annisfield, one of the Scotch Chiefs at the Battle of Aikenholm; this battle was fought where the town of Langholm stands. |
OS1/10/35/125 |
Crowsknowe |
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
Mr Andrew Lunn Drover Crowsknowe |
045 |
[situation] 36 Chains S.E.E. from Market Place Langholm.
A small one storey house with vegetable garden attached situated near Kill Cleugh occupied by Mr Andrew Lunn Drover and is the property of Mr Little Earlston Roxburghshire |
OS1/10/35/125 |
Whita Well
Whita Well |
James Elliot Esq Middleholm
Alexander Stevenson Esq Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 1/2 mile East of Langholm village.
A powerful spring issuing from the base of Whita Hill; it suppies [supplies] the inhabitants of Langholm with water, my means of a reservoir. |
OS1/10/35/125 |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 3
[note at Charteris' Craigs] Charteris - the surname of the Wemyss family |
OS1/10/35/125 |
Whita Well was not pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/126 |
Hillhead |
Mr Thomas Stape Shepherd Hillhead
Mr Robert Byers Mason Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 1/2 mile N.E. [North East] from Langholm.
A small one storey thatched house with two vegetable gardens attached it is situated near the base of Whitta Hill occupied by Thomas Hope and the property of the Duke Of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/126 |
Whita Hill
Whita Hill |
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
Mr Robert Byers Mason Langholm |
045 |
[situation] About 3/4 mile E. [East] from Langholm Tower.
A considerable sized hill the surface of which is heathy and rough pasture and moss it is situated immediately above the town of Langholm having on its highest point an obelisk in honour of Sir John Malcolm it is the property of the Duke of Buccleuch and George Maxwell Esq of Broomholm |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 3 |
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MONUMENT - 1835 [Whita Hill] |
Monument |
Mr Robert Byers Mason Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Inn Langholm |
045 |
[situation] On Whita Hill.
This Monument Or Obelisk was erected in 1835 by voluntary subscription of the inhabitants of Eskdale. It is situated on the top of Whita Hill and stands a hundred feet high from the surface. On its sides are the following inscriptions. (Front) Sir John Malcolm born on the 2nd of May MDCCLXIX [1769] died in London on the -- of May MDCCCXXXIII [1833] (Right side) In honor of Major General Sir John Malcolm born at Burnfoot in MDCCLXIX [1769] -- and cross of the most Honourable Military Order of the Bath, Knight of the Persian Order of the Lion and Sun --RTKK Erected by his countrymen the men of Eskdale with the aid of other friends whom he acquired in [the] course of an active and eventfull life, by his private virtues, his splendid talents, and his eminent public ---vices [services]. Confidentially employed in the east from his youth in the highest political and military affairs, by the indefatigable exertion of those extensive mental and physical powers with which providence had endowed him he -- [became]? alike distinguished in the arts of war and of government, in letters and in arms, and at the same time [no] man was more liberal in appreciating and bringing forward merit in others, whilst in the intercourse of private ---- he was the ornament and delight of every society. During the whole of his arduous and honourable career in [the] service of his country, having exerted himself with no less zeal to improve the condition, and promote the --- [happiness]? of the natives of India. whilst his fame lives in the history of Nations, his memory is cherished in [the] heads of gratefull Millions.
[continued on page 128] |
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[page] 127
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 3 |
OS1/10/35/127 |
Some words on the left side are partly obscured by the page fold |
OS1/10/35/128 |
MONUMENT [continued] |
045 |
[continued from page 127]
(Left Side) The first stone of this obelisk was laid on the 16th day of September 1835 by the Right HonourableSir James Graham Bart [Baronet] of Netherby grand Master of the Cumberland Lodge of Free Masons accompanied in procession by the brethern of several masonic Lodges and by some thousands of spectators from both sides of the neighbouring borders. The work was executed according to the designs of Robert Horn Esq by a company of Masons of Langholm who finished it in less than a year. |
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[page] 128
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 3
[continued from page 127] |
OS1/10/35/129 |
MANSE [nr Parish Church, Langholm] |
Manse Ph [Parish]
Manse Ph [Parish] |
Revd [Reverend] James W McTurk Langholm
Mr George J Todd Schoolmaster Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 31 Chains S.W. [South West] from the Ph. [Parish] Church.
A two Storey house having office houses garden and glebe attached, situated to the north of Wauchope grave yard on the banks of Wauchope Water it is at present under repair and will be occupied by the Revd. [Reverend] James W McTurk whose stipend is 18 Chalders with £40 for glebe and £20 for Manse |
OS1/10/35/129 |
WAUCHOPE CHURCH (Remains of) |
Wauchope Church (Remains of)
Wauchope Church (Remains of) |
Revd. [Reverend] Charles Watson Minister Langholm
Revd. [Reverend] James McTurk Minister Langholm. |
045 |
[situation] About 36 Chains S.W. [South West] from the Ph. [Parish] Church.
This name applies to the remains of Wauchope Church which is distinctly seen in the Churchyard, the burying-ground still remains it was formerly in the parish of Wauchope but now in the parish of Langholm further information could not be obtained |
OS1/10/35/129 |
[page] 129
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/130 |
Carlingill Wood
Carlingill Wood
Carlingill Wood |
Mr Thomas Gaskill Wood Forester Stubholm
James Elliot Esq Middleholm
Estate Map |
045 |
[situation] About 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] from Ph. [Parish] Manse.
A considerable sized bank the surface of which is mixed wood it is situated above Stubholm and extends down to Carlin Gill it is the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/130 |
Stubholm Bank
Stubholm Bank
Stubholm Bank |
Mr Thomas Gaskill Wood Forester Stubholm
Mr Alexander Stevenson Banker Langholm
James Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] 7 Chains East of Ph. [Parish] Manse,
A sloping bank the surface of which is mixed wood it is situated below Stubholm and extends to the end of the wood beyond Langholm Manse it is the property of the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/130 |
[page] 130
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/131 |
Cairnie Gill
Carlin Gill
Carlin Gill
Carlin Gill |
Mr Alexander Scott Murtholm
Mr Thomas Gaskill Stubholm
James Elliot Esq Middleholm
Estate Map |
045 |
[situation] At the N.W. [North West] end of Robin's Bank.
A small sloping bank covered with mixed wood situated on the farm of Murtholm it is the property of Mrs Dow Langholm |
OS1/10/35/131 |
Kilncleuch |
Mr Alexander Scott Greive Murtholm
Mr Thomas Gakill Forester Stubholm
County Maps
George Scott Esq Langholm
Estate Map
James Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] Nearly 1 mile S.E. by E. [South East by East] from Ph [Parish] Manse.
A small one storey house, thatched having a vegetable garden attached, situated a little south of Oak Cottage it is on the Farm of Broomholmshiels and occupied by Mr Thorburn Labourer |
OS1/10/35/131 |
Robin's Bank
Robin's Bank |
Mr Alexander Scott Murtholm
Mr Thomas Gaskill Stubholm |
045 |
[situation] About 51 Chains S.E. [South East] from Ph [Parish] Manse
A small sloping bank covered with mixed wood situated on the farm of Murtholm it is the property of Mrs Dow Langholm |
OS1/10/35/131 |
[page] 131
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 5 |
OS1/10/35/132 |
Eskdale House
Eskdale House |
Mr James Connell Occupant
Mr C Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 58 Chains East from Ph [Parish] Manse
A commodious two storey House with garden attached occupied by Mr James Connell itis situated a little south of the Townfoot Toll Bar on the Edinburgh and Carlisle road and it is the property of Dr Graham |
OS1/10/35/132 |
Kill Cleugh
Kill Cleugh
Kiln Cleuch
Kiln Cleuch
Kiln Cleuch |
Mr Thomas Gaskill Forester Stubholm
Mr Alexander Scott Grieve Murtholm
George Scott Esq Langholm
Estate Map
James Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] From between Oak Cottage and Killcleuch extending NE. [North East]
A hollow the surface of which is heathy pasture through which runs a small stream having its source at the head of Charters Craigs and flowing in a southeasterly direction till it enters the River Esk. |
OS1/10/35/132 |
Oak Cottage
Oak Cottage |
Mr John Irving Proprietor
Mr James Connell Eskdale House Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 14 Chains SE. [South East] from Eskdale House.
A one Storey Cottage with small vegetable garden attached delightfully situated on the Edinburgh and Carlisle road at the foot of Kill Cleugh having an extensive of view of the River Esk it is the property of Mr John Irving Occupant |
OS1/10/35/132 |
[page] 132
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 5 |
OS1/10/35/133 |
Langholm Distillery
Langholm Distillery |
Mr James Connell Eskdale House Langholm
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 34 Chains S.E. [South East] from Eskdale House.
This name applies to a Distillery situated on the Edinburgh and Carlisle Road for making making malt spirits only the business is carried on by John & Arthur Connell Distillers residing at Eskdale House It is the property of George Maxwell Esq of Broomholm |
OS1/10/35/133 |
Murtholm |
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
Mr Alexander Scott Greive Murtholm |
045 |
[situation] 23 Chains nearly S. [South] from Eskdale House.
A farm steading in good repair situated on the farm of Murtholm on the south side of the River Esk it is at present tenanted by Mr Brown Crown Hotel Langholm and is the property of Mrs Dow Langholm |
OS1/10/35/133 |
[page] 133
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 5
Bessie's Bank Bessy's Bank See Name Sheets for Plan 45.15
Bessie - abbn [abbreviation] of Elizabeth Dr Jamieson's Sc. Dicty. [Scottish Dictionary] |
OS1/10/35/133 |
Murtholm was pre-entered as Martholm |
OS1/10/35/134 |
Whita Quarry (Sandstone)
Whita Quarry (Sandstone) |
Mr Clement Brown Crown Hotel Langholm
Mr Robert Byres Mason Langholm |
045 |
[situation] 46 Chains East from Eskdale House.
A considerable sized Freestone Quarry situated on Whita Hill. it is celebrated for the excellent quality of its stone which hardens the longer it is exposed to the atmosphere, the parish Church School House and a number of houses are built out of it, his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch Proprietor |
OS1/10/35/134 |
[page] 134
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 11 Trace 6
[crossed out] Roman Road
Velvet Knowe See Name Sheets for Plan 45.15 |
OS1/10/35/135 |
Castle Craigs |
John Oliver
Robert Oliver |
045 |
[situation] A little to the East of Common Moss.
An elevated portion of ground situate on the E. [East] side of the "Common Moss" on the farm of "Rathshiel" the surface of which ic covered with heath and abounding with large scattered rocks, |
OS1/10/35/135 |
Common Moss |
John Oliver Farmer Rathshiel
Robert Oliver Broomhom Knowe |
045 |
[situation] At the East Side of this Parish.
Is a portion of ground consisting of about 100 acres on the farm of Rathshiel and situate on the E. [East] side of Whita Hill. Several of the inhabitants of Langholm having a right to cut peats on the Moss, hence the name of Commons. |
OS1/10/35/135 |
[page] 135
Langholm Parish Sheet 45 No 12 Trace 1
Whita Hill See Name Sheet for Plan 45.11 |
OS1/10/35/136 |
Castle Knowe
Castle Knowe |
J. Oliver
R. Oliver |
045 |
[situation] Adjoining Castle Craigs on the North.
Is a small portion of elevated ground on the farm of "Rashshiel" the surface of which is covered with heathy pasture It is situated at N. [North] side of the "Castle Craigs" and is noted as being the place where the Langholm Common Riding is yearly proclaimed. |
OS1/10/35/136 |
Rowantree Well
Rowantree Well |
J. Oliver
R. Oliver |
045 |
[situation] Between Common Moss and Castle Craigs.
A fine spring situate on the S.W. [South West] side of the "Castle Craigs" and it takes it name from a large "Rowantree, or Mountain Ash, which green area near to the well, though there is now nothing but the root remaining. |
OS1/10/35/136 |
[page] 136
Langholm Parish Sheet 45 No 12 Trace 1 |
OS1/10/35/137 |
Little Tarras Water
Little Tarras Water |
James Connel Esq Irvine House
Robert Byers Langholm |
045 |
[situation] From En [Eastern] Ph. [Parish] Boundary S. [South] to Tarras Water.
This burn rises in the parish of Ewes and flows in a southerly direction till it empties itself into Tarras Water, |
OS1/10/35/137 |
Tarras Water
Tarras Water |
James Connel Esq Irvine House
Robert Byers Langholm |
045; 053 |
[situation] S. [South] through En. [Eastern] Parish district,
This Water has its source at Millstone Edge Parish of Ewes, and flows in a southerly direction till it enters the River Esk a little below Irvine House. |
OS1/10/35/137 |
[page] 137
Parish of Langholm Sheet 45 No 12 Trace 2
[signed] James Harper Ca [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/10/35/138 |
[page] 138
[blank page] |
OS1/10/35/139 |
Rush-hill Syke
Rush-hill Syke
Rush-hill Syke
Rush-hill Syke
Rush-hill Syke |
J. Oliver Rush-hill
R. Oliver Bloomholmknowe
George Scott Esq Langholm
Estate Map
James Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] From about 14 Chains S.E. [South East] of Castle Craigs - S.E. [South East] to Tarras Water
A small stream which rising in Whita Hill runs in a SE [South East] direction into Tarras Water. |
OS1/10/35/139 |
[page] 139
Langholm Parish Sheet 45 No 12 Trace 2 |
OS1/10/35/140 |
[page] 140
[blank page] |
OS1/10/35/141 |
Kiln Knowe |
John Oliver
Robert Oliver |
045 |
[situation] 6 Chains S.E. [South East] from Rashshiel
A small portion of elevated ground on the farm of "Rashshiel" situate a little South of the house the surface of which is covered with rough pasture. In former times corn was dried at this spot, hence the name of "Kiln Knowe". |
OS1/10/35/141 |
[deleted] Rashshiel [inserted] Rush-hill
Rush-hill |
John Oliver Farmer Rashshiel
Robert Oliver BroomholmKnowe
George Scott Esq Langholm
Estate Map
James Elliot Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] In En. [Eastern] Parish district 11/2 mile S.E. [South East] from Langholm Town.
This name is applied to a farm house one storey high, thatched and in good repair, having suitable Offices & vegetable garden attached. It is occupied by John Oliver Tenant & is the property of George Maxwell Esq Broomholm, near Langholm. |
OS1/10/35/141 |
OS1/10/35/141 |
[page] 141
Langholm Parish Sheet 45 No 12 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/141 |
The surveyor has been unsure whether the name Rashshiel ought to be Rush-hill, with both versions used in different places, with several alterations. The Index shows only Rushshiel (Rush being English for Scots Rash) |
OS1/10/35/142 |
Ringan's Well
Ringan's Well
Ringan's Well
Ringan's Well
Ringan's Well |
J. Oliver Rush-hill
R. Oliver Broomholmknowe
George Scott Esq Langholm
Estate Map
James Elliott Esq Middleholm |
045 |
[situation] About 18 chains S.W. [South West] from Rashiel
A fine spring situated a little to the west of Rashhill farm house, the water of which is conveyed along a drain for the use of the farm house Ringan is a corruption of the name Ninian, but the former is the local spelling & pronunciation. |
OS1/10/35/142 |
OS1/10/35/142 |
[page] 142
Langholm Parish Sheet 45 No 12 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/142 |
There is confusion about this place name. The Index has Rigans Well - this was originally also in the Record Place Entry and in the Various Spellings Entry. However these have been later altered to Ringan's Well.
Note similar confusion over Rashshiel - Rush-hill. |
OS1/10/35/143 |
Upper Annie Grain
Upper Annie Grain |
James Elliot Tenant Westwater
James Jackson Shepherd Shaw |
044 |
[situation] From between Katie's Cairn and Greencleuch Bog N.E. [North East] to Glentenment Burn.
A smalll stream rising in "Kittys Cairn" and running in a N.E. [North East] direction into "Glentenment Burn." |
OS1/10/35/143 |
[page] 143
Langholm Parish Sheet 44 No 16 Trace 1 |
OS1/10/35/144 |
Lower Annie Grain
Lower Annie Grain |
James Elliot
James Jackson |
044 |
[situation] From between Raes Knowes and Greencleuch Bog N.N.E. [North North East] to Glentenment Burn.
A small stream rising in "Raes Knowes" and running in a N. [Northerly] direction into "Glentenment Burn. |
OS1/10/35/144 |
Rais Knowes
Rais Knowes |
James Elliot
James Jackson |
044 |
[situation] Towards S.W. [South West] Parish district
Applied to several undulating hills on the farm of Westwater, covered with rough pasture. A Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station stands on one of the highest points |
OS1/10/35/144 |
[page] 144
Langholm Parish Sheet 44 No 16 Trace 2 |
OS1/10/35/144 |
Raes Knowes was not pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/145 |
Jenkins Syke
Jenkins Syke |
J. Elliot
J. Jackson |
044 |
[situation] From S.E. [South East] base of Rae's Knowes E. [East] to Glentenment Burn.
Is a small stream rising in "Raes Knowes" and running in a Easterly direction into "Glentenment Burn." |
OS1/10/35/145 |
Shaw |
James Elliot Westwater
James Jackson Shaw |
044 |
[situation] About 1/2 mile East of Raes Knowes.
This name is applied to a house situated at the Southern extremity of " Shaw Hill" on the farm of Westwater, one storey high, slated, and in good repair with vegetable gardens attached. It is occupied by James Jackson, shepherd and the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/145 |
[page] 145
Parish of Langholm Sheet 44 No 11 Trace 3
Glentenment Burn See Name Sheets for Plan 44.8
Shaw Hill See Name Sheets for Plan 44.12 |
OS1/10/35/146 |
Cock Law
Cock Law
Cock Law |
J. Elliot, Westwater
J. Jackson, Shaw
James Elliot, Middleholm |
044 |
[situation] 8 chains S.E. [South East] from Greencleuch Bog.
Allies to an eminence on the farm of Westwater. It is covered with rough pasture & on oits summit stand a Trigl. St [Trigonometical Station] |
OS1/10/35/146 |
Green Burn
Green Burn |
James Elliot Westwater
James Jackson Shaws |
044 |
[situation] From N. [Northern] extremity of Cocklaw Knowe. N.E. [North East] to Glentenment Burn
A small stream rising in "Cocklaw Knowe" and running in an Easterly direction through a dense fir wood into Glentenment Burn. |
OS1/10/35/146 |
Green Cleuch
Green Cleuch
Green Cleuch |
James Elliot, Middleholm
James Elliot, Westwater
James Jackson, Shaw |
044 |
A green hollow on the farm of Westwater through which Green Burn flows. |
OS1/10/35/146 |
Mine Syke |
Edward Thompson Schoolmaster Wachope
John Dalgliesh Bigholm |
044; 052 |
[situation] From the West side of Cocklaw Knowe - S [South] to Mine Burn.
A small stream rising out of [the] West side of "Cocklaw Knowe" and runs in a Southerly direction till it joins "Mine Burn" Copper ore is said to be fo-- [found] |
OS1/10/35/146 |
[page] 146
Parish of Langholm Sheet 44 No 16 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/147 |
044 |
OS1/10/35/147 |
147 Parish of Langholm Sheet 44 No. 16 Trace 4 |
OS1/10/35/148 |
Cocklaw Brae |
J. Elliot
J. Jackson |
In S.Wn. Vicinity of Westwater |
An elevated portion of ground on the farm of Westwater, and [situated] on the East side of "Cocklaw [Knowe"] and its surface is covered with pasture. |
OS1/10/35/148 |
Westwater |
James Elliot
James Jackson |
1/2 mile East from Cocklaw Knowe. |
Is a farm house, two storeys high, slated and in good repair with garden, and commodious offices attached. It is occupied by James Elliot Tenant, and the property of his grace the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/148 |
Westwater Cottage |
James Elliot
James Jackson |
Nearly 1/4 mile North from Westwater |
A small but neat house one storey high slated & in good repair, with vegetable garden attached. It is on the farm of Westwater and the property of the Duke of Buccleuch. [the entry for Westwater Cottage is entirely crossed out] |
OS1/10/35/148 |
148 Langholm Parish Sheet 44 No. 16 Trace 5 |
OS1/10/35/149 |
045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045 |
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045; 053 |
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045 |
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045 |
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FORT [Glencorf] |
045 |
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045 |
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044; 045; 053 |
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045 |
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CAIRN [nr Crossmungo Moss] |
045 |
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045 |
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ROMAN ROAD [Langholm parish] |
045 |
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045; 053 |
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052 |
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044; 052 |
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045; 053 |
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053 |
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053 |
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GRAINS WELL (Chalybeate) |
053 |
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053 |
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052; 053 |
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BLOCH WELL (Sulphureous) |
053 |
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053 |
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045; 053 |
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053 |
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[Blank page] |
OS1/10/35/197 |
The Rig
The Rig |
Mr Andrew Aitchison Farmer Irvine (old)
Robert Aitchison Servant Irvine (old) |
045; 053 |
[situation] At the Sn. [Southern] Extremity of this Parish.
A considerable eminence the Surface of which is covered with rough and heathy pasture, situated at the west side of Dockenbeck Burn, on the Farm of Irvine (old] property of His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch. |
OS1/10/35/197 |
[page] 197]
Parish of Langholm Sheet 53 No 3 Trace 1
Docken Beck See Name Sheets for Plan 45.15 |
OS1/10/35/198 |
Ashy Syke |
Andrew Aitchison
William Armstrong Servant Irvine |
053 |
[situation] In Dean Bank Plantation.
A small stream that takes its rise in a field to the west of Dean Bank anf flows in an easterly direction falling into the River Esk |
OS1/10/35/198 |
FORT [Burian Hill] |
Fort |
Mr Andrew Aitchison Farmer Irvine (old)
Robert Aitchison Servant Irvine (old)
James Elliot Esq |
053 |
[situation] At the SE. [South East] side of Burian Hill
An enclosure of a square form used for protecting cattle from the bordr reivers situated on the east side of the Burian Hill on the farm of Irvine (old) |
OS1/10/35/198 |
The Steel
The Steel |
Andrew Aitchison
Robert Aitchison |
053 |
[situation] To the West of Hinds Hole
A steep hollow on the west bank of Tarras Water. |
OS1/10/35/198 |
Dean Bank Plantation |
Andrew Aitchison
Robert Aitchison |
053 |
[situation] To the West of Hinds Hole |
OS1/10/35/198 |
[page] 198
Parish of Langholm Sheet 53 No 3 Trace 2
Burian Hill See Name Sheets for Plan 45.15 |
OS1/10/35/198 |
Dean Bank Plantation was not pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/199 |
Irvine Moss |
Mr Andrew Aitchison Farmer Irvine (old)
William Armstrong Servant Irvine |
053 |
[situation] 12 Chains S.E. [South East] from The Rig.
A considerable tract of Moss the surface of which is covered with heathy pasture, on the farm of Irvine (old) the property of His Grace The Duke of Buccleuch. |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 53 No 3 Trace 4
Irvine Burn See Name Sheets for Plan 45.14 |
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Irvine House
Irvine House |
Mr Connell Factor Irvine House
Mr James Young Gardeiner Irvine Lodge |
053 |
[situation] Near the SEn [South Eastern] point of this Parish.
A wo Storey House with large vegetable garden attached and other office houses it is beautifuly situated on the banks of the River Esk near opposite where the Tarras Water empties itself it is occupied by Mr Connell Factor and the property of his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/200 |
Mid Pool
Mid Pool |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Robert Oliver, Broomholmknowe |
053 |
A deep pool in the River Esk situated at the foot of Irvine Burn; and between Auchenrivoch Pool & Tarrasfoot Pool. |
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Tarrasfoot Pool
Tarrasfoot Pool |
James Ellio, Middleholm
Robert Oliver, Broomholmknowe |
053 |
A deep pool in the River Esk, situated about 7 chains below Tarras Foot |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 53 No 3 Trace 6
River Esk See Name Sheets for Plan 45.11
Tarras Fort Not a proper name
Tarras Water See Name Sheets for Plan 45.12 |
OS1/10/35/201 |
Irvine |
Mr Andrew Aitchison Farmer Irvine (old)
William Armstrong Servant Irvine |
053 |
[situation] 43 Chains N.W. [North West] from Irvine House.
A small farm house one storey high, slated, in good repair with vegetable garden, and farm of land attached, occupied by Mr Andrew Aitchison the property of his Grace the Duke of Buccleuch, |
OS1/10/35/201 |
Irvineburn Wood
Irvineburn Wood |
Robert Murray Canonbie
James Campbell Auchenrivock |
053 |
[situation] On the boundary between Langholm and Canonbie
A considerable plantation of mixed wood through the centre of which flows Irvine Burn. The property of The Duke of Buccleuch. |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 53 No 3 Trace 5 |
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Broomholm |
Mr Matthew Little Grieve Broomholm
Mr Thomas Bruce Gamekeeper Broomholm |
053 |
[situation] 55 chains N.N.W. [North North West] from Irvine House.
A two storey house having offfice houses and vegetable garden attached it is beautifully situated on the east bank of the River Esk about a mile from Irvine House, it is occupied by Mr Skinner Farmer and the property of George Maxwell Esq of Broomholm |
OS1/10/35/202 |
Broomholm Knowe |
Mr Matthew Little Grieve Broomholm
Mr Thomas Bruce Gamekeeper Broomholm |
053 |
[situation] In the En [Eastern] vicinity of Broomholm.
A small know situated on the farm of Broomholm the surface of which is covered with rough pasture there are some Banks also on it and a few scattered trees it is the property of George Maxwell Esq of Broomholm |
OS1/10/35/202 |
Crane Holm
Crane Holm |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Robert Oliver, Broomholmknowe |
053 |
[situation] On the Wn. [Western] bank of River Esk.
An arable field attached to Irvine House. It owes its name to the evenness of its surface. |
OS1/10/35/202 |
Scar Pool
Scar Pool |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Robert Oliver, Broomholmknowe |
053 |
[situation] In River Esk.
A long pool in the River Esk, situated in front of Crane Holm |
OS1/10/35/202 |
Tod Holes
Tod Holes |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Robert Oliver, Broomholmknowe |
053 |
[situation] In River Esk.
A small pool in the River Esk, at the South end of the Wash. |
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[page] 202
Parish of Langholm Sheet 53 No 3 Trace 3
Roman Road See Name Sheets for Plan 45.15
[crossed out] Mars Stream |
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Tod Holes was not pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/203 |
Broomholm Knowe |
John Ballentine Farmer Mumbiehead [?]
William Johnston Postman Canonbie |
053 |
[situation] In SEn. [South Eastern] parish district.
A considerable hill, the surface of which is arble [sic] land, and mixed wood; situated on the west side of Glentarras Distillery. On its highest point there is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] station called "Brown Moores." It is the property of George Maxwell Esq of Broomholm. |
OS1/10/35/203 |
Hinds Hole |
John Ballentine Farmer Mumbiehead [?]
William Johnston Postman Canonbie |
053 |
[situation] At the S. [South] East side of Broomholm Knowe.
A natural hollow situated in a wood on the south side of Broomholmknowe on the property of George Maxwell Esq Broomholm. |
OS1/10/35/203 |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 53 No 4 Trace 1 |
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Parish of Langholm Plan 53.4
Tarras Water See Name Sheets for Plan 45.12 |
OS1/10/35/205 |
Gall Syke |
D. Kennedy
J. Scott |
053 |
[situation] From a little N.E. [North East[ of Broomholm Knowe S.E. [South East] to Tarras Water.
A small stream which takes the name of "Gall Syke" It runs in a S. [Southerly] direction passing "Glentarras Distillery" into "Tarras Water," |
OS1/10/35/205 |
Hindshole |
D. Kennedy
J Scott |
053 |
[situation] 6 chains S.W. [South West] from Glentarras Distillery.
Is a house situated on the W. [West] side of the road between Canonbie and Langholm, one story high with vegetable garden attached & the property of George Maxwell Esq Broomholm |
OS1/10/35/205 |
Glentarras Distillery |
David Kennedy Distiller
John Scott Hinds Hole |
053 |
[situation] Nearly on SEn. [South Eastern] Parish Boundary
A large building on the side of Tarras Water used for distilling Malt and employing at an average 3 hands, It is tenanted by D. Kennedy and is the property [of] George Maxwell Esq Broomholm |
OS1/10/35/205 |
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[page] 205
Langholm Parish Sheet 53 No 4 Trace 1 |
OS1/10/35/205 |
Glentarras Distillery was not pre-entered on this page |
OS1/10/35/206 |
Tarras Bridge |
Thomas Little Farmer Netherbog
John Dalgleish Broomholmshiels |
053 |
[situation] Over Tarras water between Langholm And Canonbie.
Applied to a bridge across the Tarras Water, on the road between Canonbie and Langholm, built of stone having one arch. |
OS1/10/35/206 |
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Langholm Parish Sheet 53 No 4 Trace 1
[crossed out] Mail Well [note] see Canonbie Ph [Parish] |
OS1/10/35/207 |
Collin Hags |
052; 053 |
[situation] At the SWn. [South Western] point of this Parish.
Applied to a considerable portion of elevated ground the surface of which is in general heathy pasture on the farm of Bigholms. This hill abounds with holes & pools of Water and moss, which are denominated "hags" which name has been given to the Hill. A Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station stands on the summit of this hill. |
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[page] 207
Langholm Parish Sheet 52 No 8 Trace 3
Gowd Muir See Name Sheets for Plan 52.4 |
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[page] 208
[blank page] |
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Hope Burn |
John Dalgliesh Farmer Bigholms
William Hardie Shepherd Bigholms |
053 |
[situation] From the East Side of Langgrain Head N. [North] to Peat Sike.
Is a small stream rising in "Langgrain Head" and running in a northerly direction till its junction with "Peat Sike" when it tales the name of Back Burn. |
OS1/10/35/209 |
Lang Grain |
John Dalgleish
William Hardie |
053 |
[situation] To the North of Langgrain Head.
Applied to a small stream which rises in "Langgrain Head" and runs in a Easterly direction into Hope Burn. |
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[page] 209
Langholm Parish Sheet 53 No 5 Trace 1& 2
[crossed out] Brown Rig
[crossed out] Heily Hill |
OS1/10/35/210 |
053 |
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Leaheads Hill
Leaheads Hill |
James Hislop
Thomas Stothert |
053 |
A considerable portion of elevated ground on the farm of Keir in Canonbie over which the Parish Boundary dividing Canonbie from Half Morton and Langholm passes [parishes]. |
OS1/10/35/210 |
Drove Knowes
Drove Knowes |
James Elliot, Middleholm
Andrew Barton, Blochburnfoot |
053 |
Two small knowes on the farm of Bloch, situated at the south end of Langshaw Rig. |
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[page] 210
Langholm Parish Sheet 53 No 5 |
OS1/10/35/210 |
Drove Knowes was not pre-entered on this page
Lang Grain Head was pre-entered, but does NOT in fact appear on this page |
OS1/10/35/211 |
Blochwell |
Mr James Stothert Farmer Blough
Andrew Barton Shepherd Bloughburnfoot
J. Elliot Esq
Estate Maps |
053 |
[situation] Nearly on the S. [Southern] Parish By. [Boundary.
A Small house one storey high thatched, in good repair with a small farm of land attached, and vegetable garden used as an Inn, situated on the roadside a short distance North from the boundary that separates the parishes of Langholm and Canonbie. occupied by Mrs Bridget Stothert property of His Grace the Duke of Buccleuch |
OS1/10/35/211 |
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Parish of Langholm Sheet 53 No 4 Trace 1
Irvine Burn See Name Sheets for Plan 45.14 |
OS1/10/35/212 |
[page] 212
[blank page] |
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[page] 213
Parish of Langholm Plan 53.7
Irvine Moss See Name Sheets for Plan 53.3
Irvine Burn See Name Sheet for Plan 45.14 |