
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CAMP (Remains of) [Tassies Height] Roman Camp (Site of)

Roman Camp
Roman Camp
Roman Camp
Roman Camp
Roman Camp
Robert Burgess, Broomlands
James Johnstone, Palaceknowe
Thomas Richardson, Milton
C. Stewart Esqr. (Hillside)
New Statistical Account of Dumfriesshire
Old Statistical Account of Dumfriesshire
Dr. [Doctor] Singer's Agricultural Survey of Dumfriesshire
Fullerton's Gazetteer of Scotland
General Roy's Roman Antiquities
024 A small camp in an arable field near the line of the Roman Road and supposed to be of Roman origin
TASSIES HEIGHT Tassie's Height C. Stewart Esqr
R. Burgess
J. Hastie
024 A small eminence on the farm of Milton - vestiges of a Roman Camp are still visible near to the summit of this hill feature. "Tassies" - derived from Tacitus-the name of a Roman General.
ROMAN ROAD [Kirkpatrick Juxta parish] Roman Road C. Stewart Esqr.
R. Burgess
Mr Humphrey- Cranstoun (Moffat)
Mr J Hastie- Marchbank Toll
009; 016; 024 Vestiges of the ancient Militaryway leading from the Gallaberry to the Clyde; its track here is scarcely traceable. T.W

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 146
[Parish] of Kirkpatrick Juxta
Plan 24/3 Trace 3

[Text in Situation column]
[Camp] On Tassies Height 1 mile S.E.E. [East South East] from Craigielands House
[Tassies Height] 1 mile S.E.E. [East South East] from Craigielands House
[Roman Road] From the Nn [Northern] point of Ph S.E. by S [Parish South South East through En [Eastern] Parish district

W. Paterson c/a [civilian assistant]

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