
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
POLUAGRIE BURN Poluaigrie Burn pronounced pewhagrie David Lambie
James McKnight
James Hislop
005 [situation] From S.En. [South Eastern] slope of Poluagrie Hill S.E. by S [South East by South] to Polstacher Burn.
A small stream rising on the south side of the hill range that separates the valleys of Keith and Kello and flowing in a southerly direction falls into Polstacher Burn, opposite Hill End.
CLOSE Close David Lambie
James McKnight
David Millar
005 [situation] At the En. [Eastern] side of Poluagrie Hill.
A name applied to that part of the hill range that separates the valleya of Keith & Kello, lying between the heads of Polwhagrie and March Burns
Probable root of name "clos," stillness

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 216

Parish of Kirkconnell Sheet 5.14 Trace No 5

[signed] C.A. [Civilian Assistant] Thomas Matheson

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