Dumfriesshire volume 22

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/10/22/1 GRETNA Gretna Walkers' Map of Scotland Crawford's Map of Dumfriesshire Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire 058; 059; 063; 064 [Situation] At the S.En. [South Eastern] extremity of the County of Dumfries. - The name of this Parish was originally written Gretenhow. It is derived from Anglo-Saxon Gretan large and Hol - pronounced How - a hollow, which is descriptive of the village of Gretna situate as it is in a hollow upon the East bank of Kirtle Water. The Parish of Gretna is bounded on the North by Kirkpatrick Fleming and Half Morton on the East by Kirkandrews in Cumberlandshire, on the South by the Solway Firth and on the West by Dornock. There is no part of it detached nor is there within its boundaries a detached portion of any other Parish. Resembling in figure a paralm. [parallelogram] it stretches from East to west a distance of about 6½ miles and has an average breadth of nearly 3¼ miles. Its area has now been computed at 7926 acres of which 7,466 are arable, 400 pasture & 60 wood. There is also a Sandy Sea beach or foreshore measuring between 2,000 & 2,500 acres. The whole surface is flat, the soil for the most part being of a rich loamy nature interspersed with patches of moss. There are two prominent headlands on the Coast called RedKirk and Tordoff Points, the latter being rather of a bold character. - The district is well watered throughout with excellent springs which rise through Sandstone rock or beds of Sand of a reddish colour. - Sark a small river separates Gretna from Kirkandrews in England, Kirtle Water celebrated for the romantic scenery on its banks nearly bisects the Parish running S.E. [South East] to the Solway, and Black Sark from near the North-west [Continued on page 2]
OS1/10/22/1 [page] 1 Parish of Gretna -- County of Dumfries
OS1/10/22/2 GRETNA [Continued from page 1] -West point of Parish runs S.E. [South East] through northern district. - The Caledonian and Glasgow-and-South Western Railways traverse respectively the Central and Southern districts. The Carlisle and Portpatrick and the Carlisle and Glasgow Turnpike roads from the East side of the Parish run respectively west and north-west from which a line diverges North-east towards the Carlisle and Newcastle road. No minerals are wrought nor manufactory carried on but a great part of the population is employed by Carlisle houses in the weaving of Cotton stuffs and a Small shipping trade in Coals and farm produce is carried on along the coast. There are three hamlets Gretna-Green Rigg and Browhouses the population of which is composed of weavers and fishermen and also the village of Springfield on the Carlisle and Glasgow Road. This village is identified with the famed Gretna-Green the Scene of the inglorious marriage trade. It was commenced in 1791- by Sir William Maxwell and had its name from the farm on which it stands. Its plan is regular and its Streets about 50 feet wide. - It has a population of about 600. - There is a Parish Church and two parochial Schools also an United Presbyterian Church. - The population at the last Census was 1830. - The Clydesdale Roman Road may still be traced at intervals in this Parish by a raised way or embankment in which large pavement Stones are frequently found and of which road Genl [General] Roy remarks "The second principal Roman way or that which served as the western communication into North Britain crosses the Roman wall at Stanwix near Carlisle and leading by a place called Blackford seems to have passed the Esk at or near Longtown Church. - In the neighbourhood of this place a road has branched off to the right, leading towards Netherby, but the principal one, or at least that which is most conspicuous at present points towards Gretney From this place for many miles together, the vestiges of it are to be distinctly seen leading through the procestrium of the Station at Birrens near Middleby". - "The Sites of several Towers" says the New Statl. Acct. [Statistical Account] are still discernible in the Parish; they were generally of a square form and were intended for defence in feudal times. The most remarkable stood near Stone house at Old Graitney at Westhill and at Hirst" Those at Stonehouse and westhill are identified. - Forts have been sufficiently authenticated by indications on the ground. - "On the farm of Old Graitney says the Statl. Acct. [Statistical Account] and at no great distance from the confluence of the Kirtle and the Solway was seen not many years ago a number of white stones placed upright and enclosing half an acre of ground in an oval form. - One of them, the largest is all that now remains, as some suppose, of a Druidical temple x x This has obtained the name of the Lochmaben Stone; it is 8 feet in height and 21 in circumference etc which has been noticed. - At RedKirk Point the site of the ancient Church of RedKirk has been shown which belonged to the see of Glasgow. The present Parish comprehends the old Parishes of Gretan-how and Renpatrick & Redkirk which were united in 1609. April 1858
OS1/10/22/2 [Page] 2 Parish of Gretna -- County of Dumfries
OS1/10/22/3 RAEBURN FLOW Raeburn Flow Raeburn Flow Raeburn Flow Mr J Bell Newton Mathew Gass Raeburnhead David Gass Raeburnhead 058 [Situation] At the N. W. [North West] point of Parish. A large extent of moss partly on Raeburn Head Farm and Raeburn. Property of Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/10/22/3 RAE BURN Rae Burn Mr J. Bell Newton Matthew Gass Raeburn He [Head] David Gass Raeburnhead 058; 059 [Situation] On the Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary. A small burn having its rise on Hay field farm runs in a Westerly direction joins Logan Burn and after that is called the Black, Sark,
OS1/10/22/3 [page] 3 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 58. 12. -- Trace 3. & 6 [signed] J. G. Andrew Sr.R. E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/4 [page] 4 [Blank page]
OS1/10/22/5 LOGAN BURN Logan Burn Logan Burn Logan Burn Mr M Gass Raeburn Head Mr Nickson Raeburn Foot George Beattie Cowgarth Sir John Maxwell Bart [Baronet] 058; 059 [Situation] On the N.wn. [North Western] Ph [Parish] Boundary A small stream rising on Sark Shiels farm runs in a Southerly direction joins Rae Burn, and after that is termed the Black Sark
OS1/10/22/5 [page] 5 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.9. -- Trace 1 [Note Nellsfield (crossed out)] -- This is not a proper Name. [signed] John G Andrew R E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/6 [page] 6 [Blank page]
OS1/10/22/7 MILLIGANSBUSHFIELD Milligansbushfield Milligansbushfield Milligansbushfield Milikinsbussfield Rent Receipt Mr. Wallace George Beattie Cowgarth Valuation Rolls 059 [Situation] In close proximity to the Parish Boundy. [Boundary] A farm house with outbuildings & garden attached the property of Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] of Springkell
OS1/10/22/7 COWGARTH FLOW Cowgarth Flow Cowgarth Flow Cowgarth Flow Mr. Wallace Milliganbushfield Mr. Ferguson Aldermans Seat George Beattie Cowgarth 059 [Situation] 1/4 mile South of Milligansbushfield. A small extent of mossy [ground], on the farm of Milligansbusfield, & Aldermans Seat 1 Property of Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] of SpringKell.
OS1/10/22/7 WESTGILL SIKE Westgill Syke Westgill Syke Westgill Syke Mr. Wallace Milligansbushfield Mr. Ferguson Aldermans Seat George Beattie Cowgarth 059 [Situation] On the boundary between Half Morton And Gretna. A very small stream rising in Milligansbushfield, runs in a South Westerly direction & empties itself into the River Sark
OS1/10/22/7 [Page] 7 Parish of Gretna Sheet 59.9 Trace 3 Sike. Syk. Suik a rill Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Scott. Dicty [Scottish Dictionary] [Signed] J.G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/8 RAEBURNFOOT . Raeburnfoot Raeburnfoot Rent Receipt Mr. NicKson Mr. James Wallace Milligansbush Black's Co. [County] Map Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] 059 [Situation] About 1 mile S.W. [South West] from Milligansbushfield. A farm house with outbuildings & garden attached the property of Sir John Maxwell Bart [Baronet] of SpringKell
OS1/10/22/8 RAE BURN Rae Burn Rae Burn Rae Burn Mr. M. Gass Raeburn Head Mr. NicKson Raeburn Foot James Wallace Milligansbush 059 [Situation] On the Wn. Ph. [Western Parish] Boundary. A small stream having its rise on Hayfield farm, runs in a Westerly direction and joins Logan Burn, where the united streams take the name of Black Sark to its confluence with River Sark
OS1/10/22/8 BLACK SARK Black Sark Black Sark Black Sark Black Sark Black Sark Mr. George Beattie Cowgarth Mr. NicKson Raeburn Foot Andrew Broatch Goldieslee Johnston's County Map Blackwood's County Map 059 [Situation] From the junction of Rae and Logan Burns S.E. [South East] to River Sark. A stream formed by the junction of the two burns Logan burn & Rae burn runs in a Westerly direction & empties itself into the River Sark
OS1/10/22/8 [Page] 8 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.9 Trace 4 [Signed] John G Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/9 MILLIGANSBUSH Milligan's Bush Milligan's Bush Milligan's Bush Milligans-bush Milikensbuss Milligansbush Rent Receipt James Wallace George Beattie Cowgarth Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] Valuation Rolls (ancient) Johnston's County Map 059 [Situation] 24 chains nearly East from Raeburnfoot. A commodious farm house with outbuildings & garden attached the property of Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/10/22/9 GOLDIESLEA Goldieslea Goldieslea Goldieslea Goldieslea Gowdieslees Goldieslee Rent Receipt Andrew Broatch George Beattie Cowgarth Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] Valuation Rolls Johnston's County Map 059 [Situation] 23 chains S.E. [South East] of Milligansbush A farm house with outbuildings & garden attached the property of Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] of SpringKell.
OS1/10/22/9 CAT SIKE Cat Syke Cat Syke Cat Syke Andrew Broatch Goldieslees George Beattie Cowgarth J. Ferguson Aldermans Seat 059 [Situation] From Cowgarth Flow S.W. [South West] A small stream having its source from Cowgarth Flow runs in a Southerly direction & empties itself into the Black Sark
OS1/10/22/9 [Page] 9 Parish of Gretna Sheet 59.9 Trace 5 [Signed] J.G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/10 [Page] 10 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.9 Trace 5
OS1/10/22/10 Cowgarth scored through
OS1/10/22/11 ALDERMAN'S SEAT Alderman's Seat Alderman's Seat Alderman's Seat Alderman's Seat Rent Receipt Mr John Ferguson Occupier George Beattie Cowgarth Johnston's County Map 059 [Situation] 3/4 mile nearly East from Milligansbush. A farm house with outbuildings & garden attached the property of Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] of Springkell
OS1/10/22/11 [Page] 11 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.9 Trace 6 [Signed] J.G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/12 [Page] 12 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/13 WESTGILL SIKE Westgill Syke Westgill Syke Westgill Syke Mr. Wallace Milligansbushfield George Beattie Cowgarth John Ferguson Aldermans Seat 059 [Situation] On the boundary At the N.E. [North East] point of Parish. A small stream having its rise in Half Morton Parish runs in a Southerly direction and empties itself into the River Sark.
OS1/10/22/13 [Page] 13 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.10 Trace 1 [Signed] J.G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/14 GALLS Galls Galls Galls Charles Graham. Gall George Beattie. Cowgarth J. Wallace. Milligansbushfield 059 [Situation] In close proximity to En [Eastern] Parish Boundary. A small cottage with garden
OS1/10/22/14 RIVER SARK River Sark Mr. C. Graham Gall George Beattie Cowgarth Mr Richmond Surrone 059; 064 [Situation] On the En. Ph. [Eastern Parish] Boundary. Flows in a Southerly direction and forms the boundary of England & Scotland between the place where the Scots dike touches it, and its effluence into the Solway.
OS1/10/22/14 [Page] 14 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.10 Trace 5 [Note] Enquiry made - Name retained JBJ. [Signed] J.G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/15 BLACK SARK . Black Sark Water Black Sark John Armstrong Aitchisons bank John Colvin Quintinshill William Riddick Quintinshill Colonel Graham (Mossknowe) 059 [Situation] Through Nn. [Northern] district of Parish S.E. [South East] A stream formed by the junction the Logan Burn & Rae Burn. Flows in a Southerly direction and joins the River Sark at Newton
OS1/10/22/15 [Page] 15 Ph. [Parish] of Gretna -- Plan 59/13 Trace 3 [Signed James Cowan C/A [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/16 AITCHIESONSBANK Aitchisonsbank Aitchisonsbank Aitchisonsbank Aitchisonsbank John Colvin Quintinshill William Riddick Quintinshill John Armstrong Aitchisonsbank Colonel Graham (Mossknowe) Johnston's County Map Valuation Roll 059 [Situation] On the West bank of Black Sark A two storey farm house with outbuildings & garden Stackyard and farm of land attached
OS1/10/22/16 NEWTON FLOW Newton Flow See Page 19
OS1/10/22/16 [Page] 16 Ph. [Parish] of Gretna -- Plan 59.13 Trace 3 [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/17 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway John Armstrong Aitchisonsbank Thomas Young Whinnyrigg William Riddick Quintinshill 059 [Situation] Through Nn. [Northern] district of this Parish. A trunk line of railway between Edinbro' [Edinburgh] Glasgow & Carlisle
OS1/10/22/17 WHINNYRIG Whinnyrigg Whinnyrigg Whinnyrigg John Armstrong Aitchisonsbank Thomas Young Whinnyrigg William Riddick Quintinshill 059 [Situation] 74 Chains Sw [South west] of Aitchisonsbank A farm house with outbuildings garden and farm of land attached
OS1/10/22/17 [Page] 17 Ph. [Parish] of Gretna Plan -- 59.13 Trace 5 [Signed James Cowan C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/18 QUINTINSHILL Quintinshill Quintinshill Quintinshill John Colvin Quintinshill William Riddick Quintinshill John Armstrong Aithchisonsbank 059 [Situation] 48 Chains South of Aitchisonsbank. This was formerly a farm house but is now let as Cottages
OS1/10/22/18 [Page] 18 Ph. [Parish] of Gretna -- Plan 59.13 Trace 6 [Signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/22/19 NEWTON FLOW Newton Flow Newton Flow Newton Flow Mr. Charles Graham Galls Mr. George Beattie Cowgarth John Ferguson Aldermans Seat 059 [Situation] In the N.En. [North Eastern] Ph. [Parish] district. A small extent of moss alias a bog named in the District.
OS1/10/22/19 WESTGILL SIKE Westgill Syke Westgill Syke Westgill Syke Mr. Charles Graham Galls George Beattie Cowgarth J Wallace Milligansbush 059 [Situation] To the N.E. [North East] of Newton Flow. A small stream having its rise in Half Morton parish runs in a Southerly direction and empties itself into the River Sark
OS1/10/22/19 RIVER SARK River Sark River Sark River Sark Mr. Richmond Surrone Mr. George Beattie Cowgarth John Ferguson 059; 064 [Situation] On the En. Ph. [Eastern Parish] Boundary. A Stream flowing in a Southerly direction, it forms the boundary of England & Scotland from the place where the Scots dike touches it, and its efflux into the Solway.
OS1/10/22/19 [Page] 19 Parish of Gretna Sheet -- 59.14 Trace 1 [Signed] J.G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/20 NEWTON-ON-SARK Newton Newton Newton Newton on Sark Mr. C Graham Galls Mr. George Beattie Cowgarth J Rice Westgill Syke John Armstrong, Aitchisonsbank Proprietor 059 Cottages with outbuildings attached inhabited by the labourers of Westgillsyke farm.
OS1/10/22/20 BLACK SARK Black Syke Black Syke Black Syke Mr. George Beattie Cowgarth Mr. John Ferguson Milligansbush Mathew Gass Raeburn Head 059 [Situation] From the junction of Logan and Rae Burns S.E. [South East] by E. [East] to River Sark. A small stream formed by the junction of the two burns, Rae burn & Logan burn runs in a South Westerly direction, and empties itself into the River Sark And so named in the District In Fullerton's Gazetteer, Black Sark is the name of the whole of this burn from its source to its confluence with the River Sark
OS1/10/22/20 [Page] 20 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.14 Trace 4 [Signed] J.G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/21 WESTGILLSIKE Westgillsyke Westgillsyke Westgillsyke Rent Receipt C. Graham Galls George Beattie Cowgarth 059 [Situation] On the West bank of River Sark. - A farm house with garden and outbuildings and farm attached the property of Sir John Maxwell.
OS1/10/22/21 [Page] 21 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.14 Trace 5 [Signed] J.G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/22 [Page] 22 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/23 WEST SCALES West Scales John Cochrane, West Scales A. Armstrong, East Scales Joseph Carruthers, Stonehouse 063 [Situation] Near the N Wn. [North Western] extremity of this Parish. A farm steading in good repair with a farm of land attached
OS1/10/22/23 NUTBERRY MOSS Nutberry Moss Nutberry Moss Nutberry Moss Mr. Ferguson farmer Mr Carruthers farmer Mr. Armstrong farmer 063 [Situation] At the N Wn. [North Western] point of this Parish. An extensive tract of bog Occupied by different Tenants. so named.
OS1/10/22/23 [Page] 23 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 63.3 Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson C/A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/22/24 [Page] 24 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/25 FORT [Maxwellfield] British Fort Joseph Carruthers, Stonehouse A. Armstrong, East Scales John Murray, Redkirk Mill Colonel Graham (Mossknowe) 063 [Situation] At the West side of this Parish. A small camp of an oval form on the farm of Stonehouse, in good preservation. Supposed to be of ancient British formation. J.W.
OS1/10/22/25 STAND BURN Stand Burn Stand Burn Francis Scott, Redhouse James Armstrong, Nouthill 063 [Situation] On the boundary between Gretna and Kirkpatrick Fleming. A Small Stream having its Source on Cranberry Far, runs in a Southerly direction and empties itself into Kirtle Water.
OS1/10/22/25 [Page] 25 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 63-4 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson C/A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/22/25 Purley Burn scored through
OS1/10/22/26 KIRTLE WATER Kirtle Water Joseph Carruthers, Stonehouse A. Armstrong, East Scales John Murray, Redkirk Mill 063; 064 [Situation] Through Sn. [Southern] division of Ph. [Parish] S.S.E. [South South East]. A large Stream flowing through this parish and falling into the Solway Firth. -
OS1/10/22/26 EAST SCALES East Scales Joseph Carruthers A. Armstrong John Murray 063 [Situation] At the East side of this Parish. A large farm Steading in good repair with a farm of arable land attached
OS1/10/22/26 [Page] 26 Parish of Gretna-- Plan 63-4 Trace 5 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/27 STONEHOUSE Stonehouse Joseph Carruthers, Stonehouse A. Armstrong, East Scales John Murray, Redkirk Mill 063 [Situation] 46 Chains East of East Scales. A farm steading in good repair with a farm of arable land attached. A tower formerly stood in this locality called Stonehouse Tower.
OS1/10/22/27 GLASGOW and SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & Southwestern Railway Joseph Carruthers A. Armstrong John Murray 063 [Situation] Through Sn. [Southern] division of this Parish. A line of railway between Glasgow and Carlisle
OS1/10/22/27 Site of STONEHOUSE TOWER Stonehouse Tower (Site of) Colonel Graham (Mossknowe) A. Armstrong J. Carruthers 063 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile N.E. [North East] of Stonehouse. Site of an old arched keep or Tower. Which is Said to have been the property & occupied by the Flemings. nothing, authentic, Can be gleamed relative to its origin.
OS1/10/22/27 [Page] 27 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 63-4 Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant] Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp. R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/28 [Page] 28 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/29 STONYBRIDGE Stonybridge Stonybridge Stonybridge Rev. [Reverend] James Roddick Gretna Balantyne Fergusson Esqr. Gretna Mr. William Duff 064 [Situation] In the Wn. [Western] district of the Parish. A farm house and outbuildings with garden and lands attached, In good repair, the property of Mrs. Maxwell
OS1/10/22/29 ROMAN ROAD [Gretna parish] Roman Road (Site of) Roman Road (Site of) Col. [Colonel] Graham, Mossknow Balantyne Fergusson Eqr. Rev. [Reverend] James Roddick 064 [Situation] On the Glasgow and Carlisle Turnpike Road. The Roman Road enters this Parish from England a little to the east of the Village of Springfield. It forms a part of the Turnpike Trust leading from Glasgow to Carlilse, And was so used for a Considerable time without Any repair or Change of the surface.
OS1/10/22/29 [Page] 29 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 1 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/30 LANGRIG Langrig Langrig Langrig Rev. [Reverend] James Roddick, Gretna Balantyne Fergusson Esqr. Gretna Mr. William Duff Gretna 064 [Situation] 28 Chains S.w. [South West] from Stonybridge. A farmhouse And outbuildings garden And lands attached, property of the Earl of [Mawpeth]
OS1/10/22/30 MAXWELLFIELD Maxwellfield Maxwellfield Maxwellfield Rev. [Reverend] James Roddick Balantyne Fergusson Esqr. Mr. William Duff 064 [Situation] 1/4 mile N.W. [North West] from Stoneybridge. A Cottage residence one story in height, in good repair, with garden attached, the property of Mrs Maxwell.
OS1/10/22/30 BOGHEAD Boghead Boghead Boghead Rev. [Reverend] James Roddick Balantyne Fergusson Esqr. Mr. William Duff 064 [Situation] 11 Chains N.W. [North West] from Stonybridge. A farm house And outbuildings with garden And lands Attached the property of Mrs Maxwell
OS1/10/22/30 [Page] 30 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 1 [Signed] Philip Munro lce Corp R. E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/31 HILL Hill Hill Hill James Johnstone Stonybridge Balantyne Fergusson Esqr. Gretna Rev. [Reverend] James Riddock Gretna 064 [Situation] About 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] from Stonybridge. A farm house And outbuildings with garden and lands attached the property of Mrs Maxwell.
OS1/10/22/31 GRETNA T.P. Gretna Toll Bar Gretna Toll Bar Gretna Toll Bar James Johnstone B. Fergusson Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] J Riddick 064 [Situation] 12 Chains S.E. [South East] of Hill. A Cottage residence two story in height, in good repair, on the road leading from Glasgow to Carlisle, it is let once a year at Beattock Inn by Lawrence Hill & Co. [Company] of Glasgow.
OS1/10/22/31 [Page] 31 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 2 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/32 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway B Fergusson Esqr. Gretna John Armstrong, Gretna Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick 059; 064 [Situation] In Nn. [Northern division of Parish. The Caledonian Railway from Edinburgh And Glasgow to Carlisle, traverses this Parish from east to west, An Act of Parliament was granted for this line in the Session of 1845 And it opened throughout its whole length in the Year 1845.
OS1/10/22/32 QUEEN'S HEAD INN [Springfield] Queens Head (Inn) Queens Head (Inn) Queens Head (Inn) B. Fergusson Esqr. Gretna John Armstrong Gretna James Beattie Springfield 064 [Situation] In the village of Springfield. A house two stories in height in good repair, Occupied by James Beattie, who is licensed to sell spirits and wines.
OS1/10/22/32 HEADLESS CROSS T.P. Headless Cross Toll Bar Headless Cross Toll Bar Headless Cross Toll Bar Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick Gretna B. Fergusson Esqr. Gretna John Carruthers Headless Cross 064 [Situation] 1/4 mile N.W. [North West] from Springfield. A house one story in height in good repair on the road leading from Glasgow to Carlisle. It's let once a year at Beattock [Inn] by Lawrence Hill & Co. [Company] Glasgow
OS1/10/22/32 [Page] 32 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 3 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/32 Queens Head - refer to Map 64.1 [25 inch]
OS1/10/22/33 MAXWELLS' ARMS INN [Springfield] Maxwells' Arms Inn Maxwells' Arms Inn Maxwells' Arms Inn Isaac Wanop Springfield B. Fergusson Esqr. Gretna Mr. W. Duff Gretna 064 [Situation] In Springfield Village. house two stories in height, in good repair, with garden attached, & occupied by Isaac Wanop, who is licensed to sell spirits and wines.
OS1/10/22/33 SPRINGFIELD Springfield Springfield Springfield Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] At the East side of Parish. A small village near the east side of the Parish of Gretna on the road leading from Carlisle to Glasgow. It is regularly built, and the houses are Chiefly one story in height, occupied principally by weavers, In it are two Inns or Taverns, population about 500.
OS1/10/22/33 [Page] 33 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 3 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/33 Maxwells Arms Inn refer to 25 inch Map 64.1
OS1/10/22/34 FLOSHEND Floshend Floshend Floshend Isaac Richardson, Floshend Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick Gretna B. Fergusson Esqr. Gretna 064 [Situation] In the Wn. [Western] vicinity of Gretna Green. A farm house And outbuildings with garden And lands attached, the property of Mrs. Maxwell
OS1/10/22/34 BURNSIDE COTTAGE Burnside Cottage Burnside Cottage Burnside Cottage Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] In the Wn. [Western] vicinity of Gretna Green. A farm house with outbuildings with garden And lands attached the property of Mrs. Maxwell.
OS1/10/22/34 SCHOOL [Gretna Green] School (Parochial) School (Parochial) Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] In Gretna Green A house in good repair, Occupied as a parochial School, the Average number of Scholars Attending are about 90 who are taught the ordinary branches taught in [English] Schools, the School master is Mr. William Duff whose salary Amounts to £25 per Annum besides School fees a free house And garden
OS1/10/22/34 [Page] 34 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 5 [Signed] Philp Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/35 CHURCH [parish, Gretna Green] Estd. [Established] Church Estd. [Established] Church Estd. [Established] Church Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] In Gretna Green. A plain Stone building erected in 1787 at a Cost of about £1000 Capable of Accomodating 800 of a Congregation, the present Congregation is about 400, Communicants 300, The minister is the Rev. [Reverend] John Roddick whose Stipend varies 350£ to £400 per Annum. This Churchyard is the burial place of Wallace of Craigie, A lineal descendant of the renowned Sir William Wallace, who was slain at the battle of Sark.
OS1/10/22/35 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow And South Western Railway Glasgow And South Western Railway Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 063; 064 [Situation] In the South of Springfield. The Glasgow And Southwestern Railway from Glasgow to Carlisle, traverses this Parish from east to S.W. [South West] An Act of Parliament was granted for this line in the Session of 1846 And it was opened throughout its whole length in the Year 1849.
OS1/10/22/35 [Page] 35 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 5 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/36 MANSE [Gretna Green] Manse Manse Manse Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] In Gretna Green. A handsome edifice two Stories in height, in good repair, with garden attached, Occupied by the Reverend John Roddick.
OS1/10/22/36 POST OFFICE [Gretna Green] Post Office Post Office Post Office Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] In Gretna Green. A Small house used as a Sub Post Office for the Accommodation of Gretna Ph. [Parish].
OS1/10/22/36 INFANT SCHOOL [Gretna Green] Infant School Infant School Infant School Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] In Gretna Green. A house one story in height, in good repair, occupied as a Sunday School, This house was built by Miss Morgan of Burnside Cottage
OS1/10/22/36 GRETNA HALL Gretna Hall Gretna Hall Gretna Hall Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] About 10 Chains North of Gretna Church. A handsome edifice 3 Stories in height, in good repair, formerly a public house, but now Converted into a gentlemans Seat, Since passing of the Bill of the [Martial] Law of Scotland.
OS1/10/22/36 [Page] 36 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 5 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/37 GRETNA GREEN Gretna Green Gretna Green Gretna Green Gretney Green Gretne Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick Gretna B. Fergusson Esqr. Gretna Mr. W. Duff Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire New Statl. Acct. [New Statistical Account] 064 [Situation] - Near the East Side of Parish. A Small village near the east side of the Parish of Gretna on the road leading from Carlisle to Glasgow, It was formerly a Burgh of Barony in which there were several markets or Fairs in the Course of the year, It is Celebrated for its marriages which Ceased to be valid, since the first of January 1837, unless the parties to be wedded Conformed to Conditions, in many instances impossible,
OS1/10/22/37 Site of MARKET CROSS [Gretna Green] Site of Market Cross Site of Market Cross Site of Market Cross Rev. [Reverend] J Roddick Gretna B. Ferguson Esqr. Gretna Mr. W. Duff Gretna 064 [Situation] - In Gretna Green. The Spot where the Market Cross of Gretna Stood. The New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] remarks "In the village of Gretna which was a burgh of barony there formerly was a Cattle-market, And it is not many years Since the market-cross was thrown down."
OS1/10/22/37 [Page] 37 -- Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 6 Gretna Green situation - Near the East side of Parish. Site of Market Cross situation - In Gretna Green. Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/38 STATION [Gretna Green] Gretna Green Station Gretna Green Station Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick Gretna B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] On the Glasgow and South-Western Railway This name applies to the Railway Station at Gretna Green on the Glasgow And Southwestern [Railway] the building is small And of wooden Construction.
OS1/10/22/38 Site of FORT [Gretna Hill] British Fort (Site of) British Fort (Site of) Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] On Gretna Hill The vestiges of a British Fort situated on a gently rising Eminence a little to the east of the village of Gretna Green, This must have been a place of Considerable Strength from [the nature] of the ground and the size of the Entrenchment.
OS1/10/22/38 GRETNA HILL Gretna Hill Gretna Hill Gretna Hill Rev. [Reverend] J. Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] of Gretna Green. A small hill on the farm of Allisonsbank and Commands a delightful prospect.
OS1/10/22/38 [Page] 38 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.1 Trace 6 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/39 WATCHHILL WELL Watchhill Well Watchhill Well Watchhill Well Benjamin Johnstone Springfield John Armstrong Springfield James Beattie Springfield 064 [Situation] At the East side of Parish, nearly on the Boundary. An excellent spring which supplies the inhabitants of Springfield, with water, and consists of being a small spout. Derives name from the Circumstance of a place near it being formerly, named and used, as a Watch hill.
OS1/10/22/39 RIVER SARK River Sark River Sark River Sark Rev. [Reverend] J Roddick Gretna B. Fergusson Esqr. Gretna Mr. W. Duff Gretna 059; 064 [Situation] On the En. [Eastern] Parish Boundary. A small River which rises in the Parish of Langholm, near Broachwell, forms the boundary for a short distance between Scotland and England And mingles with the Solway Firth in the immediate neighbourhood of Gretna Green.
OS1/10/22/39 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway Rev. [Reverend] J Roddick Gretna B. Fergusson Esqr. Gretna Mr. W. Duff Gretna 064 [Situation] Through Nn. [Northern division of Parish. The Caledonian Railway from Edinburgh And Glasgow to Carlyle traverses this Parish from east to west, An Act of Parliament was granted for this line in the Session of 1845 And it was opened throughout its whole length in the year 1848.
OS1/10/22/39 [Page] 39 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 84.8 Trace 1 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/40 ROMAN ROAD Roman Road Roman Road Roman Road Rev. [Reverend] J Roddick Gretna B. Fergusson Esqr Gretna Mr. W. Duff Gretna 064 [Situation] East of Springfield. The Roman Road enters the Parish a Short distance to the east of Springfield. It forms a part of the Turnpike Trust leading from Carlisle to Glasgow, And was so used for a Considerable time without Any repair or Changes of the Surface.
OS1/10/22/40 GLASGOW and SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow and South Western Railway Glasgow and South Western Railway Rev. [Reverend] J Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] Through Sn. [Southern] division of Parish. This Railway traverses this Parish from east to S.W. [South West]. An Act of Parliament was granted for this line in the Session of 1846 and it was opened throughout its whole length in the year 1849.
OS1/10/22/40 SPRINGFIELD Springfield Springfield Springfield Rev. [Reverend] J Roddick B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] At the East Side of Parish. A small village near the east side of Parish of Gretna on the road leading from Carlisle to Glasgow, It is [regally] built and the houses are Chiefly one Story in height, occupied principally by weavers, population about 500
OS1/10/22/40 [Page] 40 Parish of Gretna-- Plan 64.2 Trace 2 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce Corp. E.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/41 HUSTLE BANK Hustle Bank Hustle Bank Hustle Bank Mr. William Blythe Mr. Carruthers Mr. Beattie 064 [Situation] At the East Side of this Parish. A Steep And rugged precipice part of which is Covered with Brushwood It is An Old established name.
OS1/10/22/41 [Page] 41 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.2 Trace 2 [Signed] M. Donohue Civil Asst. [Civilian Assistant] Oct [October] 18 57 [1857] -
OS1/10/22/42 RIVER SARK River Sark River Sark River Sark Rev. [Reverend] J Roddick Gretna B. Fergusson Esqr. Mr. W. Duff 064 [Situation] On the En. [Eastern] Parish Boundary. A Small River which rises in the Parish of Langholm, near Broach well, forms the boundary for a short distance between Scotland and England, And falls into Solway Firth in the immediate neighbourhood of Gretna.
OS1/10/22/42 [Page] 42 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.6 Trace 1 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/43 HUSTLE BANK Hustle Bank Hustle Bank Hustle Bank Mr. William Blythe Mr. Carruthers Mr. Beattie 064 [Situation] At the East side of this Parish. A Steep And rugged precipice part of which is Covered with Brushwood, It is An Old established name.
OS1/10/22/43 [Page] 43 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 64.6 Trace 1 [Signed] M. Donohue Oct. [October] 1857
OS1/10/22/44 [Page] 44 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/45 NUTBERRY MOSS Nutberry Moss Mr. Armstrong (Farmer Nutberry) John Gass Birkhill William Bell Green Mr. Barclay (Schoolmaster Mountpleasant) 063 [Situation] At the West Side of this Ph. [Parish]. This name applies to an extensive tract of rough ground. - Situated on the North West Side of Birkhill.
OS1/10/22/45 [Page] 45 Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 63 No. 7 Trace 1 [Signed] Thomas Watson 2nd Corp. R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/46 [Page] 46 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/47 BIRKHILL Birkhill John Gass William Bell James Barclay 063 [Situation] To the S.E. [South East] of Nutberry Moss. A row of dilapidated houses with a croft of arable and moss land attached
OS1/10/22/47 WHITE MOSS White Moss John Gass William Bell James Barclay 063 [Situation] Adjoining Nutberry Moss on the East. A piece of rough ground on the farm of Green
OS1/10/22/47 [Page] 47 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 63.7 Trace 2 Entry for Topres Hill score out [Signed] W. Paterson C/A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/22/48 BLAATBOG Blaatbog John Gass, Birkhill William Bell, Green James Barclay, Mountpleasant 063 [Situation] 33 Chains S.E. [South East] of Birkhill. A small dilapidated cottage on the farm of Green, formerly a farmsteading.
OS1/10/22/48 [Page] 48 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 63.7 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson C/A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/22/49 GLASGOW and SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & Southwestern Railway John Gass, Birkhill William Bell, Green James Barclay, Mountpleasant 063; 064 [Situation] From West to East of Sn [Southern] division of Parish. A line of railway between Glasgow and Carlisle.
OS1/10/22/49 [Page] 49 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 63.7 Trace 4 [Signed] W. Paterson C/A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/22/50 WOODFIELD Woodfield David Bell, Woodfield William Bell, Green John Gass, Birkhill 063 [Situation] About 1/2 mile nearly South of Birkhill. A farm steading in good repair with a farm of land attached.
OS1/10/22/50 OLD GREEN Old Green David Bell William Bell John Gass 063 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. by S. [South East by South] of Birkhill. A cottage with garden attached on the farm of Woodfield.
OS1/10/22/50 [Page] 50 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 63.7 Trace 5 [Signed] W. Paterson
OS1/10/22/50 Glen - Scored through - Not worth inserting
OS1/10/22/51 GREEN Green William Bell, Green David Bell, Woodfield James Barclay, Mountpleasant 063 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] of Birkhill. A farm steading in good repair with a farm of land attached.
OS1/10/22/51 MOUNTPLEASANT SCHOOL Mountpleasant School (Parochial) William Bell David Bell James Barclay 063 [Situation] 28 Chains East of Green. A parish School in the upper part of Gretna parish. Salary £25 per annum.
OS1/10/22/51 BLAATWOOD Blaatwood William Bell David Bell James Barclay 063 [Situation] 30 Chains S.E. [South East] of Green. A small cottage with garden &c attached on the farm of Green, formerly a farm steading
OS1/10/22/51 [Page] 51 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 63.7 Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson C/A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/22/52 [Page] 52 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/53 RIGMOOR Rigmoor . Rigmoor . Rigmoor Rigmoor Joseph Graham, Riggmoor Thomas Ewart, Grain Thomas Little, Rigg Mr. Rome (Baurch) 063 [Situation] To the West Side of this Parish. A farm steading in very bad repair with a farm of land attached.
OS1/10/22/53 [Page] 53 Parish of Gretna -- Plan 63.8 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/54 KIRTLE WATER Kirtle Water Thomas Little, Rigg Thomas Ewart, Grain Joseph Graham, Riggmoor 063; 064 [Situation] S.E. [South East] though Sn [Southern] division of this Parish. A large stream flowing through the parish and falling into the Solway Frith.
OS1/10/22/54 MILLFLAT Millflat Thomas Little Thomas Ewart Joseph Graham 063 [Situation] About 3/4 mile N.E.E. [North East by East] of Rigmoor. A small farm steading on the side of Kirtle, in very bad repair. Sometimes called Kirtle Side
OS1/10/22/54 MILLFLAT BRIDGE Bridge Thomas Ewart Thomas Little Joseph Graham 063 A good Bridge on Kirtle Water at Millflat. Some times called Kirtle Bridge. Upheld by the County
OS1/10/22/54 [Page] 54 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/55 RIG . Rigg Rigg Col. [Colonel] Graham of Mossknow Thomas Little, Rigg Thomas Ewart, Grain Joseph Graham , Rigmoor Mr. Rome (Farmer Baurch) Valuation Rolls Statistics of Gretna Johnston's Co. [County] Map 063 [Situation] Towards S. En. [South Eastern] district. A small but very struggling village containing a United Presbyterian Church and one Inn
OS1/10/22/55 CHURCH (United Presbyterian) [Rig] Chapel (United Prebyterian) Thomas Little Thomas Ewart Joseph Graham 063 [Situation] In Rig village. A small church in the village of Rigg. Rev. [Reverend] Mathew McGill Minister
OS1/10/22/55 SPUR INN [Rig] Spur Inn Thomas Little Thomas Ewart Joseph Graham 063 [Situation] Towards the N. [North] of Rig village. A Small Inn in the village of Rig. Formerly the village supported three public houses
OS1/10/22/55 [Page] 55 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/22/56 MUCKLE GREEN Muckle Green Thomas Little, Rigg Thomas Ewart, Grain Joseph Graham, Rigg Moor 063 [Situation] To the East of Rig village. A dwellinghouse in the village of Rigg with outhouses and a small portion of land attached
OS1/10/22/56 [Page] 56 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 2 [Signed] W. Patterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/57 REDKIRK MILL (Corn) Redkirk Mill Thomas Little Thomas Ewart Joseph Graham 063 [Situation] 1/2 mile East of Rig village. A corn and flour mill on the banks of the Kirtle a little to the north of Redkirk with an excellent dwelling house and Suitable out offices attached. J.W.
OS1/10/22/57 [Page] 57 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/57 Millflat Head - scored through
OS1/10/22/58 GRAIN Grain Thomas Ewart, Grain Thomas Little, Rigg Joseph Graham, Riggmoor 063 [Situation] To the S.W. [South West] of Rig village. A dwellinghouse with outhouses and a small piece of ground attached.
OS1/10/22/58 BRACKEN Bracken Colonel Graham (Mossknowe) Thomas Ewart Thomas Little Joseph Graham Mr. Rome (Farmer Baurch) 063 [Situation] S.W. [South West] of Rig village. A row of cottages on Nevenhill farm with garden &c. attached, formerly a farm steading
OS1/10/22/58 NEVENHILL Nevenhill homas Ewart Thomas Little Joseph Graham 063 [Situation] S.W. [South West] of Rig village. A dwellinghouse with outhouses, garden & a farm of arable land attached
OS1/10/22/58 [Page] 58 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 4 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/59 BAURCH Baurch Thomas Little Thomas Ewart Joseph Graham 063 [Situation] 36 Chains South of Bracken. A farm steading with a farm of arable land attached.
OS1/10/22/59 [Page] 59 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 4 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/59 Blaatlees - scored through
OS1/10/22/60 WHITESIKE Whitesyke Thomas Litle Thomas Ewart Joseph Graham 063 [Situation] In the Sn. [Southern] vicinity of Rig. A dwellinghouse in the village of Rigg with garden and about an acre of land attached
OS1/10/22/60 RIG COTTAGE Rig Cottage Thomas Little Thomas Ewart Joseph Graham 063 [Situation] 10 Chains S.E. [South East] of Whitesike. A farm steading in the village of Rigg with a farm of arable land attached
OS1/10/22/60 [Page] 60 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 5 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/60 Grainhall -scored through
OS1/10/22/61 [Page] 61 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 5 [Gordonshall - scored through] [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/62 [Page] 62 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 6 [All entries scored through] Not proper names to insert J.W. [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/63 RIGFOOT Rigfoot Thomas Little, Rigg Thomas Ewart, Grain Joseph Graham, Riggmoor Mr. Rome (Framer Baurch) 063 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] of the village of Rigg. A few cottages with gardens &c attached.
OS1/10/22/63 REDKIRK Redkirk Thomas Little Thomas Ewart Joseph Graham 063 [Situation] Nearly 3/4 mile S.E. [South East] of the village of Rig. A large farm steading in good repair with a farm of arable land attached
OS1/10/22/63 [Page] 63 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.8 Trace 6 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/64 [Page] 64 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/65 NEWHOUSE Newhouse Newhouse Newhouse John Kennedy Woodside Mr. Richmond Surrone Mr. Birrel Old Gretna 064 [Situation] In the central district of this Parish. A house with garden & outhouse attached Formerly a public house, and once a farm town the name is established from time immemorial
OS1/10/22/65 HAILSTONEMOOR Hailstonemoor Hailstonemoor Hailstonemoor Hailstonemoor John kennedy Woodside Mr. Richmond Surrone Mr. Birrel Old Gretna Mr Barclay schoolmaster 064 [Situation] 31 Chains S.E. [South East] of Newhouse. Row of cottages with gardens attached to each. This place was formerly a Moor the name is well Known.
OS1/10/22/65 [Page] 65 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.5 Trace 1 [Signed] J S Andrew Sr. R.E [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/65 Woodside Cottage - scored through
OS1/10/22/66 KIRTLE WATER Kirtle Water Mr. Richmond Surrone Mr. Birrel Old Gretna Mr. John Kennedy Wodside 064 [Situation] Through Sn [Southern] division of Ph. [Parish] A stream flowing in a Southerly direction till it empties itself into the Solway Firth
OS1/10/22/66 [Page] 66 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.5 Tace 1 [Signed] John G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/67 LOWNWATH Lownwath Lownwath Lownwath Mr. Birrel Old Gretna Mr. Richmound Surrone John Kennedy Woodside 067 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] of Newton. A few Cottages with garden & conveniences atached. The name is established from time immemorial. Signifies the habitation by the Calmford.
OS1/10/22/67 [Page] 67 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.5 Trace 2 [Signed] John G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/68 SURRONE Surrone Surrone Surrone Rent Receipt Mr. Richmond Mr. Birrel 064 [Situation] 1/2 mile East of Newhouse. A commodious farm house with outbuildings and garden attached the property Maxwell
OS1/10/22/68 ALISON'S BANK T.P. Alison's bank Toll bar Alison's bank Toll bar Alisons bank Toll bar Mr. John Murray Mr. Richmond Surrone Mr. Birrel Old Gretna 064 [Situation] On the Glasgow And Carlisle Trust Road. First Toll Bar in Scotland on the Road leading from Carlisle to Glasgow. celebrated as one of the places where the runaway marriage ceremony is performed.
OS1/10/22/68 RIVER SARK River Sark River Sark River Sark Mr. Carruthers Sark Bridge Mr. Richmond Surrone Mr. John Murray 059; 064 [Situation] On the En. Ph. [Eastern Parish] Boundary. A stream flowing in a Southerly direction towards the Solway it forms the Boundary of England & Scotland from the place where the Scots dike touches it, and its efflux into the Solway Copied from some old Geography River-Sark sometimes called White Sark.
OS1/10/22/68 [Page] 68 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.5 Trace 3 [Signed] J. G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/69 SARK BRIDGE Sark Bridge Sark Bridge Sark Bridge Mr. Richmond Surrone Mr. Carruthers Sark Bridge Mr. John Murray 064 [Situation] Over Sark River. A substantial stone bridge of two aches, across the River Sark, on the Road leading from Carlisle to Glasgow.
OS1/10/22/69 ALISON'S BANK Alison's bank Alison's bank Alison's bank Mr. Richomond Surrone Mr. Carruthers Sark Bridge Mr. Birrel Old Gretna 064 [Situation] 13 Chains West of Sark Bridge. A farm house with outbuildings & garden attached the property of Col. [Colonel] Maxwell
OS1/10/22/69 SARKBRIDGE Sarkbridge Sarkbridge Sarkbridge Rent Receipt Mr. Carruthers Mr. Richmond Surrone 064 [Situation] 24 Chains S.S.W. [South South West] from Surrone. A farm house with outbuildings & garden attached the property of Col. [Colonel] Maxwell
OS1/10/22/69 [Page] 69 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.5 Trace 3 [Note] Alisons in the possessive should not be compounded with Bank. [Signed] J. G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/70 OLD GRETNA HOLE Old Gretna Hole Old Gretna Hole Old Gretna Hole Mr Birrel Old Gretna Mr Richmond Surrone John Kennedy Woodside 064 [Situation] In Kirtle Water. A deep pool in Kirtle Water
OS1/10/22/70 [Page] 70 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.5 Trace 4 [Signed] J. G. Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/71 LOCHMABEN STONE Lochmaben Stone Lochmaben Stone Lochmaben Stone Mr. Barclay Somaster Mr. William Blythe Mr. Carruthers 064 [Situation] 25 Chains South of Old Gretna. A large, irregular shaped Boulder of Whinstone Computed to weigh 20 tons and supposed to have formed part of the outline of a Druidical Temple, which stood here
OS1/10/22/71 Site of BATTLE OF SARK Site of Battle of Sark Site of Battle of Sark Battle - 1448 Lindsay's Chronicles of Scotland Buchanan's History of Scotland Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire 064 [Situation] On the Sn. [Southern] vicinity of Old Gretna. The Scene of a sanguinary engagement between the English and Scotch under the leaderships respectively of the the Duke of Northumberland with Magnus Rid & George Douglas the Earl of Ormond with Wallace of Craig, fought in 1448 and wherein the English were defeated with the loss of 3,000
OS1/10/22/71 [Page] 71 Parish of Gretna Plan 64.5 T. [Trace] 5 [Signed] M. Donohue
OS1/10/22/72 [Page] 72 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/73 OLD GRETNA Old Gretna Old Gretna Old Gretna Rent Receipt Mr. Birrel Mr. Richmond Surrone 064 [Situation] 24 Chains South of Lownwath. A commodious farmhouse with outbuildings and garden attached the property of Lord Mansfield Now called Old Gretna, the Ph. [Parish] derives its name from this.
OS1/10/22/73 STORMONT COTTAGE Stormont Cottage Stormont Cottage Stormont Cottage Rent Receipt Mr. Birrel Old Gretna Mr. Richmond Surrone 064 [Situation] 26 Chains South East of Old Gretna. A neat, well built house with garden attached the property of Earl Mansfield Formerly this was a neat fisherman's dwelling and locally named Port Stormont. Stormont Cottage is on the Site. It gives title to Lord Stormont.
OS1/10/22/73 DRUIDICAL CIRCLE (Remains of) [Old Gretna] Druidical Temple Druidical Temple Druidical Temple Mr. Birrel Old Gretna Mr. Richmond Surrone Mr. Carruthers Sark Bridge 064 [Situation] 24 Chains South of Old Gretna. Formerly consisted of nine upright stones placed in the form of an oval two of which are only now remaining. One of which is locally named Lochmaben Stone
OS1/10/22/73 [Page] 73 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.5 Trace 5 [Signed] J.G.Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/74 SARKFOOT Sarkfoot Sarkfoot Sarkfoot Rent Receipt Mr. Birrel Old gretna Mr. Carruthers Sark Bridge 064 [Situation] 1/2 mile East of Old Gretna. A farm house with outbuildings & garden attached the property of Col. [Colonel] Maxwell of Mossknowe.
OS1/10/22/74 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See Page 93
OS1/10/22/74 [Page] 74 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.5 Trace 6 [Signed] J.G. Anndrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers] M. Donohue Oct 1857
OS1/10/22/75 STYLE Style Style Style James Hamilton Robert Rome James Turnbull 063 [Situation] Near the S.Wn [South Western] point of this Ph. [Parish] A row of cottages on the farm of Hope,s they are built of mud, are thatched & in poor repair. It is long established & near the Ph. [Parish] Boundary the insertion may be necessary.
OS1/10/22/75 [Page] 75 Parish of Gretna Sheet 63.11 Trace 1 [Signed] Charles J Fearnside S. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/76 HILLS Hills Hills Hills Rent Receipt James Graham Westhill Robert Rome Newton James Barclay 063 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] from Style. A farm house with outbuildins garden & Cottages attached the property of Lord Mansfield.
OS1/10/22/76 WESTHILL MOSS Westhill Moss Westhill Moss Westhill Moss James Hamilton Robert Rome James Turnbull 063 [Situation] To the S.W. [South West] of Westhill. A tract of mossy ground on the farms of Westhill & Hill
OS1/10/22/76 Site of FORT [Westhill Moss] British Fort British Fort British Fort Mr. James Barclay Schoolmaster Mr. Robert Rome Mr. James Graham 063 [Situation] On Westhill Moss. Site of a british fort the exterior line was a Small Sod bank now reduced the site of Camp is overgrown with furze. MD.
OS1/10/22/76 [Page] 76 Parish of Gretna Sheet 63.11 Trace 2 [Signed] J.G.Andrew Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/77 CLERKSTON Clerkston Clerkston Clerkston Clarke'ston John Miller Broomfield John Irving Westhll William Irving Hollenbush Mr. James Barclay Schoolmaster 063 [Situation] 1 1/4 mile East of Style. A few Cottages one story in height, in bad repair, the property of the Earl of Mansfield. Clarke,s-town now corrupted to Clarkeston derives name from being the habitation of persons of the name of Clarke Signifies town of Clark Clarke'ston is the approved
OS1/10/22/77 Site of TOWER [Westhill] Tower Tower Tower John Miller John Irving William Irving 063 [Situation] At Westhill. A Baronial residence of the 15th. Century now in ruins is situated at the Southern side of this Parish, part of the Wall is still standing and which may be seen, it forms a part of the barn wall it is said that the outbuildings are built of the Stones of this tower. MD
OS1/10/22/77 [Page] 77 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.11 Trace 3 [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporol Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/78 WESTHILL Westhill Westhill Westhill John Miller, Broomfield John Irving, Westhill William Irving, Hollenbush 063 [Situation] 1/2 mile N.E. [North East] of Hills. A farmhouse And outbuildings With garden And lands attached, the property of the Earl of Mansfield.
OS1/10/22/78 [Page] 78 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.11 Trace 3 [Note] Standing Stone - This is not an Antiquity or Standing Stone. [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporol Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/79 TORDOFF Torduff Torduff Torduff Tordoff Tordoff Tordoff Tordoch James Hamilton Robert Rome Charles Rome Johnstone's Map Blackwood's County Map New Statl. [Statistical] Account of Dumfries Valuation Rolls 063 [Situation] 1 mile S.W. [South West] from Tordoff. An extensive farming establishment consisting of dwelling house offices & Garden, the buildings all slated & in good repair. Tordoff is the approved.
OS1/10/22/79 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth Solway Firth Solway Firth Fullartons Imperial Gazetteer Johnstones County Map Blackwoods County Map 063 [Situation] South of Parish. An extensive arm of the Irish Sea. Solway Frith - correct mode and most appoved frith being from latin fretum, root of firth unknown.
OS1/10/22/79 [Page] 79 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.11 Trace 4 [Signed] Charles J Fearnside S R.E [Sapper Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/80 [Page] 80 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/81 BROOMHILLS Broomhills Broomhills Broomhills Broomhills John Miller John Irving William Irving Mr. James Barclay Schoolmaster 063 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.S.E. [South South East] from Hills. A farm house And outbuildings with garden And lands attached, the property of the Earl of Mansfield. Broomhills - correct mode.
OS1/10/22/81 [Page] 81 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.11 Trace 5 [Note] See Page 76 for Westhill Moss. [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/82 HOLYNBUSH Hollenbush Hollenbush Hollenbush Hollandbush Hollynbush John Miller Broomfield John Irving Westhill William Irving Hollenbush Mr. James Barclay Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] 063 [Situation] About 3/4 mile East of Broomhills. A few thatched Cottages one Story in height, in middling repair, with gardens attached, the property of the Earl of Mansfield. Holynbush is the correct mode Holyn is holly in Anglo Saxonit is Holegn, Holen, and signifes holm, or Alder-tree, it is also written Hallin & Holin
OS1/10/22/82 LEEHOUSES Leehouses Leehouses Leehouses Mr. Irving Mr. Barclay Mr. Miller 063 [Situation] 33 Chains N.E.E. [North East East] of Broomhills. Formerly a village of greater Magnitude, now reduced to a few dwellings, occupied by boring operatives. Being an old established name, it may be necessary. MD
OS1/10/22/82 [Page] 82 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.11 Trace 6 Holyn - the holly Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson's Sc. [Scottish] Dictionary [Signed] Philip Munro Lce. Corp. R.E. [Lance Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/83 CLERKSTON Clerkston William Bell, Green James Rome, Baurch Robert Sime, Redkirk 063 [Situation]In the Sn. [Southern] district of this Ph. [Parish] Two old cottages with garden &c attached near the road side
OS1/10/22/83 OLD BAURCH Old Baurch William Bell James Rome Robert Sime 063 [Situation] 15 Chains East of Clekston. Two old dilapidated houses on the farm of Baurch which are about to be taken down
OS1/10/22/83 BAURCH Baurch William Bell James Rome Robert Sime 063 [Situation] 30 Chains N.E.E. [North East East] of Clerkston. A farm steading in good repair wath a farm of good arable land attached
OS1/10/22/83 [Page] 83 Parish of Gretna Plan 63-12 Trace 1 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/84 REDKIRK POINT Redkirk Point Robert Sime, Redkirk James Rome, Baurch William Bell, Green 063 [Situation] At the S.W. [South West] point of this Parish. This name applies to a prominent headland near the site of Red Kirk.
OS1/10/22/84 [Page] 84 Parish of Gretna Plan 63-12 Trace 3 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/84 An error has been crossed out relating to a cottage with gardens.
OS1/10/22/85 BROWHOUSES Browhouses Robert Sime, Redkirk James Rome, Baurch William Bell, Green 063 [Situation] About 50 Chns. [Chains] S.W. by S. [South West by South] from Baurch. A small village on the sea shore occupied by weavers and fishermen
OS1/10/22/85 Channel of RIVER ESK River Esk Robert Sime James Rome William Bell 063; 064 [Situation] On the Solway Firth. A large river following a sinuous and shifting course through the Solway Sands
OS1/10/22/85 [Page] 85 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.12 Trace 4 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/86 MIDDLE BANK Middle Bank Mr. James Rome (Baurch) Mr. William Bell (Green) Mr. David Little (Rig) 063; 064 [Situation] On the Solway Firth between Esk and Eden Channels. An extensive tract of Sand Situated between the River's Esk and Eden.
OS1/10/22/86 [Page] 86 Parish of Gretna Plan 63.12 Trace 5 [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant] Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp: R.E. [Second Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/86 Solway Sands - scored through
OS1/10/22/87 Site of RED KIRK Red Kirk (Site of) Robert Sime, Redkirk James Rome. Baurch William Bell, Green 063 [Situation] At the S.En. [South Eastern] point of this Parish. A few large stones a little within high water mark indicate the site of the ancient Red Kirk
OS1/10/22/87 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See Page 92
OS1/10/22/87 [Page] 87 Parish of Gretna Plan 63-12 Trace 6 [Note] Red Kirk or Rainpatrick Church - Chalmer's Caledonia. [Signed] W. Paterson C/a [Civilian assistant]
OS1/10/22/88 [Page] 88 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/89 Chanel of RIVER SARK River Sark River Sark River Sark White Sark Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] Mr. J. McDonald. Factor Blacks', County Map Mr. William Blythe 064 [Situation] On the Solway Firth. A small river, which rises in two head streams, the one from the N.W. [North West] corner of Canoby, and the other from the N.W. [North West] extremity of Half Morton And runs in a S.W. [South West] direction to the Solway Frith.
OS1/10/22/89 [Page] 89 Parish of Gretna Plan 64.9 Trace 2. [Signed] M. Donohue C. A. [Civilian Assistant] Sep 1857
OS1/10/22/90 KIRTLE WATER Kirtle Water Kirtle Water Kirtle Water Fullartons Gazetteer Sir John Maxwell Bart. [Baronet] Blacks Co. [County] Map of D. shire [Dumfriesshire] 063; 064 [Situation] Through the Sn [Southern] division of Ph. [Parish] in a S.E. [South East] direction. A stream which has its rise in the N. [North] of the Parish of Middlebie and flows 3 3/4 miles due South receiving several tributary brooks and falls upon the parish of Kirkpatrick Fleming and for 5 miles divides it from Middlebie Annan And a detached part of Dornock, It then runs 2 1/2 miles S.E. [South East] through this Ph. [Parish] And falls into the Solway Frith at Kirtlefoot.
OS1/10/22/90 [Page] 90 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.9 Trace 2 [Signed] M. Donohue [Civilian Assistant. Sep. 1857]
OS1/10/22/91 Channel of RIVER ESK River Esk River Esk River Esk River Esk River Esk River Esk Black's Co. [County] Map British Map of Scotland Mr. William Blythe Mr. Beattie Fullartons Imperial Gazetteer Webster's Topographical Dictionary 063; 064 [Situation] On the Solway Firth. A stream which has its rise on the East of Ettrick Pen runs in a S.E. [South East] direction to its confluence with Liddel Water. It then takes a S.W. [South West] direction and forms the boundary between England And Scotland for about mile. It enters England At the Scots dyke and flowing by Longtown it is joined by the R. [River] Lyne (or Line) after a short course, loses itself in the Solway Frith. River Esk will be written on margin of Plan although on the English side. MD.
OS1/10/22/91 [Page] 91 Plan 64.9 Trace 4 [Signed] M. Donohue [Civilian Assistant. Sep. 1857]
OS1/10/22/92 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Frith Solway Frith Solway Frith Solway Frith Solway Frith Solway Frith Col. [Colonel] Graham Sir John Maxwell Roman Map of Scotland Mr. Barclay schoolmaster Fullerton's Gazetteer Webster's Topographical Dicty. [Dictionary] 064 [Situation] To the South of this Parish. A navigable arm of the Seawhich extends Eastward from the Irish Sea forming the boundary between England and Scotland for upwards of 50 miles. The shore is flat and sandy with a few sunk rocks, but almost every part affords safe landing places for small vessels of 100 tons burden within six miles of its extremity. Frith is sometimes written Firth. Frith is the most approved being from the Latin Fretum. Firth, etymology unknown, and is therefore incorrect. Firth is derived from Norwegian Fiord - a Sea, is here preferred it being the term generally applied in this district and also throughout Scotland.
OS1/10/22/92 [Page] 92 Parish of Gretna Plan 64 - 9 T. [Trace] 4 & 5 & 6 [Note] Solway Firth See following page
OS1/10/22/93 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth Solway Firth Solway Firth Blackwoods Map Crawfords Map New Statistical Account 063; 064 [Situation] To the South of this Parish. A navigable arm of the sea which extends Eastward from the Irish Sea forming the boundary between England and Scotland for upwards of 50 miles. The shore is flat and sandy with a few sunk rocks but almost every part affords safe landing places for Small vessels of 100 tons burden to within 6 miles of its extremity
OS1/10/22/93 [Page 93] Gretna Parish Plan 63.14 Trace 1
OS1/10/22/94 [Page] 94 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/95 TORDOFF POINT . Torduff Point Tordoff Point Tordoff Point Tordoff Point Tordoff Point Mr Hamilton (Farmer Torduff) Mr Rome (Farmer Baurch) Mr Wield (Farmer Brownhouses) Johnston's County Map Blackwood's County Map New Statistical Account of Parish Imperial Gazetteer of Scotland 063 [Situation] At the Sn. [Southern] point of this Ph. [Parish]. Applies to a Small promontory bounded by the Solway Firth - Situated on the Southern extremity of Torduff farm.
OS1/10/22/95 LOCH Loch Mr. Hamilton Mr. Rome Mr. Wield 063 [Situation] Near Tordoff Point. Applied to a fisherman's cot (immediately South of Torduff farm house) at present in a very dilapidated state.
OS1/10/22/95 Channel of RIVER ESK River Esk Mr. Hamilton Mr. Rome Mr. Wield 063; 064 [Situation] On the Solway Firth. A considerable River rising in Dumfriesshire, and empties itself into the Solway Firth near Gretna.
OS1/10/22/95 [Page] 95 Parish of Gretna Sheet 63 No. 15 Trace 2 [Signed] Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/96 Solway Firth Solway Firth Solway Firth Solway Firth Blackwoods Map Crawford Map New Statistical Account 063 [Situation] To the South of this Parish. A navigable arm of the Sea which extends Eastwards from the [Irish] Sea forming the boundary between [England] and Scotland for upwards of 50 [miles]. The shore is flat and sandy with a [sunken] rock's but almost every part affords landing places for small vessels of [100] tons to within 6 miles of its extremity.
OS1/10/22/96 [Page] 96 Gretna parish Sheet 63.15
OS1/10/22/97 MIDDLE BANK Middle Bank Mr Hamilton (Farmer Torduff) Mr Rome (Farmer Baurch) Mr J Wield (Farmer Brownhouses) 063; 064 [Situation] On the Solway Firth. Applies to a large Sandbed Situated at the junction of the River's Esk and Eden, extending in an easterly direction to Rowcliff March
OS1/10/22/97 Channel of RIVER EDEN River Eden Mr. Hamilton Mr. Rome Mr. Wield 063 [Situation] On the Solway Firth. A considerable River rising in England and discharges itself into the Solway Firth
OS1/10/22/97 [Page] 97 Parish of Gretna Sheet 63 No. 15 Trace 6 [Signed] Thomas Watson 2nd. Corp: R.E. [Corporal Royal Engineers]
OS1/10/22/98 [Page] 98 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/99 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth 063; 064 For Description and Authorities See page 96
OS1/10/22/99 MIDDLE BANK Middle Bank 063 For Description and Authorities See page 97
OS1/10/22/99 Channel of RIVER ESK Channel of River Esk 063; 064 For Description and Authorities See page 95
OS1/10/22/99 [Page] 99 Gretna Parish Sheet 63.16
OS1/10/22/100 [Page] 100 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/22/101 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth 063; 064 For Description and Authorities see Page 96
OS1/10/22/101 MIDDLE BANK Middle Bank 063; 064 For Description and Authorities See page 97
OS1/10/22/101 CHANNEL OF RIVER ESK Channel of River Esk 063; 064 For Description and Authorities See Page 95
OS1/10/22/101 [Page] 101 Parish of Gretna Sheet 64.13 [Signed] R. Stotherd Capt. Rl. Engrs. [Captain Royal Engineers] 30th. April 1858.
OS1/10/22/102 [Page] 102 OS1/10/22 Co. [County] DUMFRIES Ph [Parish] of GRETNA Scale 25.344 PLAN -- page 58.12 -- 3 59.9 -- 5 59.10 -- 13 59.13 -- 15 59.14 -- 19 58.3 -- 23 59.4 -- 25 64.1 -- 29 64.2 -- 39 64.6 -- 42 63.7 -- 45 63.8 -- 53 64.5 -- 65 63.1 -- 75 63.12 -- 83 63.14 -- 93 63.15 -- 95 63.16 -- 101 20 PLANS
OS1/10/22/103 [Page] 103 INDEX Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages 59.9 -- Alderman's Seat -- 11 59.13 -- Aitchiesonsbank -- 16 64.5 -- Alison's Bank T.P. [Turn Pike] --68 59.9. 59.13. 59.14 -- Black Sark -- 8. 15. 20 64.1 -- Boghead -- 30 64.1 -- Burnside Cottage -- 34 63.7 -- Birkhill -- 47 63.7 -- Blaatbog -- 48 63.7 -- Blaatwood -- 51 63.8 -- Bracken -- 58 63.8 -- Baurch -- 59 63.11 -- Broomhills -- 81 63.11 -- Browhouses -- 85 64.1 -- Battle of Sark Site -- 71 59.9 -- Cowgarth Flow -- 7 59.9 -- Cat Sike -- 9 59.13. 64.1. 64.2 -- Caledonian Railway -- 17. 32. 39 64.1 -- Church -- 35 63.8 -- Church (U.P. [United Presbyterian]) -- 55 63.11. 63.12 -- Clerkston -- 77. 83. 64.5 -- Druidicial Circle -- 73 63.4 -- East Scales -- 26. 63.4. 64.1 63.11. -- Forts -- 25. 38. 76. 64.1 -- Floshend -- 34. 59.9 -- Goldieslea -- 9 63.4. 64.1. 64.2. 63.7. 63.8 -- Glagow & south Western Railway -- 27. 35. 40. 49. 53 64.1 -- Gretna T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 31 64.1 -- Gretna Hall -- 36 64.1 -- Gretna Green -- 37 64.1 -- Gretna Hill -- 38 63.7 -- Green -- 51 63.8 -- Grain -- 58 63.11 -- Greenhill Moss -- 81 59.10 -- Galls -- 14 64.1 -- Headless Cross T.P. [Turn Pike] --32 64.2. 64.6 -- Hustle Bank -- 41. 43 64.5 -- Hailstonemoor -- 65 63.11 -- Hills -- 76 63.11 -- Holynbush -- 82 64.1 -- Infant School -- 36 63.4. 63.8. 64.5. 64.9 -- Kirtle Water -- 36. 54. 66. 90 59.9 -- Logan Burn -- 5 64.1 -- Langing -- 30 64.5 -- Lochmaben Stone -- 71 63.11 -- Leehouses -- 82 63.15 -- Loch -- 95 59.9 -- Milligansbushfield -- 7 59.9 -- Milligansbush -- 9 64.1 -- Maxwellfield -- 30 64.1 -- Maxwell's Arms Inn -- 33 64.1 -- Manse -- 36 64.1 -- Market Cross -- 37 63.7 -- Mountpleasant School -- 51 63.8 -- Millflat -- 54 63.8 -- Muckle Green -- 56 63.12. 63.15. 63.16. 64.13 -- Middle Bank -- 86. 97. 99. 101 59.14 -- Newton Flow -- 19 59.14 -- Newton-on-Sark -- 20 63.3. 63.7 -- Nutberry Moss -- 23. 45 63.8 -- Neven Hill -- 58 64.5 -- Newhouse -- 65 63.7 -- Old Green -- 50 64.5 -- Old Gretna -- 73 64.5 -- Old Gretna Hall -- 70 63.11 -- Old Baurch -- 83 63.4 -- Purley Burn -- 25 64.1 -- Post Office -- 36 59.13 -- Quntinshill -- 18 64.1 -- Queen's Head Inn -- 32 58.12 -- Raeburn Flow -- 3 58.12. 59.9 -- Rae Burn -- 3. 8 59.9 -- Raeburnfoot -- 8 59.10. 59.14. 64.8. 64.9 -- River Sark -- 14. 19. 42. 43. 68. 89. 64.1. 64.2 -- Roman Road -- 29. 40 63.8 -- Rigmoor -- 53 63.8 -- Rigg -- 55 See correspondence in name Book of Eskdalemuir Ph. [Parish] 63.8 -- Rig Cottage -- 60 63.8 -- Rigfoot -- 63 63.8 -- Redkirk -- 63 63.12 -- Redkirk Point -- 84 63.12. 64.9. 63.15. 66.16. 64.13 -- River Esk -- 85. 91. 95. 99. 101 63.12 -- Red Kirk -- 87 63.15 -- River Eden -- 97 63.4 -- Stand Burn -- 25 63.4 -- Stonehouse -- 27 63.4 -- Stonehouse Tower -- 27 64.1 -- Stonybridge -- 29 64.1. 64.2 -- Springfie;d -- 33. 40 64.1 -- School -- 34 64.1 -- Station -- 38 63.8 -- Spur Inn -- 55 64.5 -- Surrone -- 68 64.5 -- Sark Bridge -- 69 64.5 -- Sarkbridge -- 69 64.5 -- Stormont Cottage -- 73 64.5 -- Sarkfoot -- 74
OS1/10/22/104 [Page] 104 INDEX Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages 63.11 -- Style -- 75 63.11. 64.9. 63.14. 63.15. 63.13. 64.13. 63.11 -- Solway Firth -- 79. 92. 93. 96. 99. 101 63.11 -- Tower -- 77 63.11 -- Tordoff -- 79 63.15 -- Tordoff Point -- 95 59.9. 59.10. 59.14 -- Westgill Sike -- 7. 13. 19 59.13 -- Whinnyrig -- 17 59.14 -- Westgillsike -- 21 63.3 -- West Scales -- 23 64.2 -- Watch-hill Well -- 39 63.7 -- White Moss -- 47 63.7 -- Woodfield -- 50 63.8 -- Whitesike -- 60 63.11 -- Westhill Moss -- 76 63.11 -- Westhill -- 78