
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Logan Burn
Logan Burn
Mr M Gass Raeburn Head
Mr Nickson Raeburn Foot
George Beattie Cowgarth
Sir John Maxwell Bart [Baronet]
058; 059 [Situation] On the N.wn. [North Western] Ph [Parish] Boundary

A small stream rising on Sark Shiels farm runs in a Southerly direction joins Rae Burn, and after that is termed the Black Sark

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 5
Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.9. -- Trace 1

[Note Nellsfield (crossed out)] -- This is not a proper Name.

[signed] John G Andrew R E. [Royal Engineers]

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Moira L- Moderator, PeterRSL

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