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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GRETNA [Continued from page 1]
-West point of Parish runs S.E. [South East] through northern district. - The Caledonian and Glasgow-and-South Western Railways traverse respectively the Central and Southern districts. The Carlisle and Portpatrick and the Carlisle and Glasgow Turnpike roads from the East side of the Parish run respectively west and north-west from which a line diverges North-east towards the Carlisle and Newcastle road. No minerals are wrought nor manufactory carried on but a great part of the population is employed by Carlisle houses in the weaving of Cotton stuffs and a Small shipping trade in Coals and farm produce is carried on along the coast. There are three hamlets Gretna-Green Rigg and Browhouses the population of which is composed of weavers and fishermen and also the village of Springfield on the Carlisle and Glasgow Road. This village is identified with the famed Gretna-Green the Scene of the inglorious marriage trade. It was commenced in 1791- by Sir William Maxwell and had its name from the farm on which it stands. Its plan is regular and its Streets about 50 feet wide. - It has a population of about 600. - There is a Parish Church and two parochial Schools also an United Presbyterian Church. - The population at the last Census was 1830. -
The Clydesdale Roman Road may still be traced at intervals in this Parish by a raised way or embankment in which large pavement Stones are frequently found and of which road Genl [General] Roy remarks "The second principal Roman way or that which served as the western communication into North Britain crosses the Roman wall at Stanwix near Carlisle and leading by a place called Blackford seems to have passed the Esk at or near Longtown Church. - In the neighbourhood of this place a road has branched off to the right, leading towards Netherby, but the principal one, or at least that which is most conspicuous at present points towards Gretney From this place for many miles together, the vestiges of it are to be distinctly seen leading through the procestrium of the Station at Birrens near Middleby". - "The Sites of several Towers" says the New Statl. Acct. [Statistical Account] are still discernible in the Parish; they were generally of a square form and were intended for defence in feudal times. The most remarkable stood near Stone house at Old Graitney at Westhill and at Hirst" Those at Stonehouse and westhill are identified. - Forts have been sufficiently authenticated by indications on the ground. - "On the farm of Old Graitney says the Statl. Acct. [Statistical Account] and at no great distance from the confluence of the Kirtle and the Solway was seen not many years ago a number of white stones placed upright and enclosing half an acre of ground in an oval form. - One of them, the largest is all that now remains, as some suppose, of a Druidical temple x x This has obtained the name of the Lochmaben Stone; it is 8 feet in height and 21 in circumference etc which has been noticed. - At RedKirk Point the site of the ancient Church of RedKirk has been shown which belonged to the see of Glasgow. The present Parish comprehends the old Parishes of Gretan-how and Renpatrick & Redkirk which were united in 1609.
April 1858

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 2
Parish of Gretna -- County of Dumfries

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