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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Newton on Sark
Mr. C Graham Galls
Mr. George Beattie Cowgarth
J Rice Westgill Syke
John Armstrong, Aitchisonsbank Proprietor
059 Cottages with outbuildings attached inhabited by the labourers of Westgillsyke farm.
Black Syke
Black Syke
Mr. George Beattie Cowgarth
Mr. John Ferguson Milligansbush
Mathew Gass Raeburn Head
059 [Situation] From the junction of Logan and Rae Burns S.E. [South East] by E. [East] to River Sark.
A small stream formed by the junction of the two burns, Rae burn & Logan burn runs in a South Westerly direction, and empties itself into the River Sark
And so named in the District In Fullerton's Gazetteer, Black Sark is the name of the whole of this burn from its source to its confluence with the River Sark

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 20
Parish of Gretna -- Sheet 59.14 Trace 4

[Signed] J.G. Andrew
Sr. R.E. [Sapper Royal Engineers]

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