
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Garwald Cottage
James Moffat. Garwald.
James Anderson. Shepherd. Garwald Cottage
026 [Situation] About 25 Chains S.W. [South West] of Garwald
A one storey slated dwelling-house in good repair, with garden attached. It is situated on the farm of Garwald on the North Side of Blood Syke - & is inhabited by a Shepherd.
Blood Syke
James Moffat. Garwald.
James Anderson. Shepherd Garwald Cottage
026 [Situation] Flows South of Garwald Cottage
This Syke originates at the Northern end of Monkingshaw doors, and extends westerly by Garwald Cottage. It contains a Small stream which is formed by drains, & which runs into Monkingshaw Burn.
PEAT RIG Peat Rig See p. [page] 10
MONKINGSHAW BURN Monkingshaw Burn See p. [page] 56
FORT [Rough Castle Hill] Fort James Moffat
James Anderson Garwa[ld Cottage]
026 [Situation] On Rough Castle Hill
An extensive British Encampment, in a fair state of preservation - Situated on Rough Castle Hill.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 29
Parish of Eskdalemuir
Sheet 26. No 1. Trace 5

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