
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
James Hiddleston Burn Foot
John Cooper Occupier
George P. Irvine Moat
Johnstone's Co. [County] Map
Valuation Roll in 1827.
040 [Situation] 34 Chains S.E. [South East] of Cairnhall
A farm house with outbuildings and Garden attached, the property of the Trustees of the late John Morrin Esq: occupied by John Cooper, See Remark *
LOCH MAILING Lochmailing
James Hiddleston
John Cooper
George P. Irvine
040 [Situation] 10 Chains N. [North] of Lochmailing.
Two Small Lakes - formerly one - from which the Farm of Lochmailing takes its name, - This Loch must have derived its name from the above farm - See Remark*

Continued entries/extra info

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Plan 40.12 trace No. 2

* The derivation of the name of this farm is apparently a misnomer, - as taken from the
neighbouring Lakes. - The name no doubt originated in feudal times from the Proprietor
or tenant of this farm paying "Mail" or a Sum of money to freebooters or others for the
security of his property thereon - and probably the original and Correct name is
simply Mailing. - And which is the Scotch term now or recently in use, for the par-
ticular period during which a farm is held by a Tenant, JB Junor.
or simply - a farm -

[Signed] Owen Barrett

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