
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BOGLEHOLE Boglehole Colonel Grierson
James Henning Esqr.
Mr Robert Craig
040 [Situation] About 1½ Miles N.W. [North West] of Dunscore Village
A new Cottage of one story situated a lonely hollow place said by the super[stitious] to have been the haunt of a ghost or bogle, and hence called Boglehole. In consequence of the road taking a very sudden gturn here it is very freuently called Boglecorner

F.J. Wilson Esqr.
Mr George Hill
Mr James Gibson
William McLelland
040 [Situation] About 1½ Miles N.W. [North West] of Dunscore Village
A small eminence planted with firs. This names is probably derived from knock - a hill, Teampol a church, there was a church a little lower down, The word is pronounced Timpton here, may be the same as Timty a term in the Island of Lewes, for labouring the [soil] by digging with spades, and quite applicable The original designation hereof. J.B.J
DRUMSHANGAN Drumshangan F.J. Willson Esqr.
Estate Map
Mr Robert Barber
040 [Situation] 2 Miles N.W. [North West] pf Dunscore Bridge.
A dwellinghouse with garden, barns & other farm offices, and a farm of land attached - The property of F.J. Wilson Esqr.

Glenessland Burn
F.J. Wilson Esqr
Mr Joseph BArton
Rev. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Bryden
See Page
040 [Situation] From the Extremity of Sundaywell moor 4 Miles W. [West] of Dunscore Village in an En [Eastern] direction.
A Stream rising in upper part of Glenessland and falling into Cairn Water.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 30.
Plan 40/9 Trace 2 Parish of Dunscore

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