Dumfriesshire volume 07

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/10/7/1 CUMMERTREES [parish] Cummertrees WalKers' Map of Scotland Crawford's Map of Dumfries-shire Johnston's Map of Dumfries-shire 057; 061; 062; 066 [Situation] At the Sn [Southern] extremity of the County of Dumfries The Name of this Parish was originally spelt Cumbertrees as appears by Some Charter-deeds of the 12th Century, and which Name Chalmers in his Caledonia derives from British Cum - ber - tre, - the hamlet at the end of the short valley said to be descriptive of An Ancient village which stood at a short distance South of the present Parish Church, the exact Site of which cannot now be shewn. The Parish of Cummertrees is bounded on the North partly by those of Dalton St. Mungo and Hoddom, on the East by Annan, on the South by the Solway Firth and in the West by Ruthwell and Dalton. There is no detached part of the Parish situate within the boundaries of anoth [another] Parish nor is there within the limits here assigned to it a detached portion of any other Parish. Its form is very irregular at the East, it measures about 7 miles in extreme length and about 4 miles in extrem [extreme] breadth" [Continued on page 2]
OS1/10/7/1 [page] 1 Parish of Cummertrees -- County of Dumfries.
OS1/10/7/1 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/2 CUMMERTREES [continued from page 1] breadth, and its entire Area has now been computed at 11.747. Impl. [Imperial] Acres, - four fifths of which may be considered Arable and the remainder Wood and Moss in equal proportions. The greater part of the Parish is an inclined plain, rising gently from the South towards the North. The highest point of land is a small ridge towards the N,En. [North Eastern] district on which stands Repentance Tower, the elevation being about 200 feet. The whole of the coast is flat, sandy and uninteresting. The only Stream of any consequence is the River Annan - forming the Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary, a few rills and Springs water the interior. Lime-Stone is extensively wrought at Kelhead. The Glasgow and South-Western Railway from the Wn. [Western] boundary runs S,E,E, [South, East, East] across the Parish. Three lines of Turnpike Road enter the Ph. [Parish] at the S.E. [South East] side, a fourth line diverges from one of them in the interior of the Parish, the whole pursuing a N,Wn, [North Western] direction. This Parish has no Manufactories of any consequence. There is a small village called Cummertrees which consists of a single Street of Cottages. In it are the Parish Church and School. Population of the Parish about 1400. On the farm of Broom near the S.En. [South Eastern] extremity of the Parish there is a field called Bruce's Acre where it is said that King Robert Bruce through the treachery of a blacksmith sustained a severe repulse from the English. A quantity of human bones and several Swords - says the New Statistical Account of Dumfries - were lately found in a Moss near the field where the battle is said to have been fought. Lines of entrenchment are still distinctly visible in the N.Wn. [North Western] district, now termed in the district Moss Castle, the features of which are similar in appearance to those objects characterised [in] other parishes of this County as Ancient British Forts. Hoddom Castle a stronghold constructed by Lord Harris from the building-materials of the more Ancient Hoddam Castle is now partly modernized. The Tower of Repentance which overlooks the Castle is about 25 feet in height and is said to have been likewise built by Lord Harris in the 15th Century. The tradition is, that Lord Harris having also used some of the Stones of the old Chapel of Trailtrow in building Hoddom Castle, he, to pacify his Own conscience and to make peace with the diocesan of the Chapel built this Tower. It has doubtlessly been used as a Watch Tower, as upon the top of it, there still remains a place which has evidently been used to hold the alarm-fire. The Site of the ancient Chapel of Trailtrow as noticed by Chalmers etc has been shewn which Chaplaincy was united to Cummertrees in 1609,
OS1/10/7/2 [page] 2 Parish of Cummertrees -- Co [County] Dumfries
OS1/10/7/3 MURRAYTHWAITE Murraythwaite Murraythwaite . J.D. Murray Esqre of Murraythwaite 057 [Situation] Near the NWn [North Western] extremity of this Parish A small village containing about 40 inhabitants which is also called "Murraythwaite Mill" The whole of which is the property of John Dalrymple Murray Esqr of Murraythwaite House.
OS1/10/7/3 MURRAYTHWAITE HOUSE Murraythwaite House 057 See Page [--]
OS1/10/7/3 GILLHALL BURN Gillhall Burn Mr William Bell Farmer Gillhall Andrew Fletcher Smith Murraythwaitemill 057 [Situation] On the boundary between Dalton and Cummertrees A small burn forming part of the parish boundary between the parishes of Cummertrees & Dalton, flowing in a northerly direction till it joins the River Annan
OS1/10/7/3 [page] 3 Cummertrees Parish -- Sheet 57 No 5 -- Trace No 1
OS1/10/7/3 Carding Mill scored out. For Murraythwaite House see page 19. The word House has been added later.
OS1/10/7/4 NORTH LODGE [Murraythwaite] Northgate Lodge North Lodge William Sharp Esqr. of Knockhill & John Dalzell Gamekeeper Hoddam J.D. Murray Esqre of Murraythwaite 057 [Situation] 33 chains S.W. [South West] from Murraythwaite Mill. Is a small cottage one story high and in good repair having a vegetable garden attached it is at the Northern enterence of Murraythwaite demesne and is occupied by John Little Gardener to John Dalrymple Murray Esqr. of Murraythwaite House whose property it is
OS1/10/7/4 SAW MILL [Murraythwaite] Murraythwaite Saw. Mill John Dalrymple Murray Esqr Murraythwaite House near Annan John Little Gardener Murraythwaite 057 A plain stone building two storeys high a large vegetable garden attached - It is used for the purpose of sawing all Kinds of timber and the Machinery is driven by Water power by an overshot wheel - It is tenanted by William Thomphson and the property of J.D. Murray Esqr. Murraythwaite House, near Annan
OS1/10/7/4 [page] 4 Cummertrees Parish -- Sheet 57 No. 5 -- Trace No. 1 [Note Murraythwaite Saw Mill] -- As this Mill is within the domain of Murraythwaite, a repetition of the word is unnecessary.
OS1/10/7/5 GILLHALL Gillhall Gillhall William Sharp Esqre. of Knockhill John Dalziel, Gamekeeper Hoddom 057 A two storeyed house with Outhouses, having a garden and farm of land attached
OS1/10/7/5 RIVER ANNAN River Annan See Page 8 for Authorities and description.
OS1/10/7/5 [page] 5 Cummertrees Parish -- Sheet 57 No 5. -- Trace 1.
OS1/10/7/6 [page] 6 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/7 LOWER EDGE Lower Edge John Dalrymple Murray Esqr. Murraythwaite House near Annan Andrew Dalzell Laborer Loweredge 057 [Situation] Near the most Northerly point of Parish A small cottage one storey high and slated, having a vegetable garden attached occupied by Andrew Dalzell, and is the property of Lieut. [Lieutenant] Colonel Dirom - Mount Annan near Annan
OS1/10/7/7 WILDCAT BURN Wildcat Burn John Dalrymple Murray Esqr. Murraythwaite House Near Annan Andrew Dalzell Laborer Loweredge 057 [Situation] 21 chains West from Loweredge A small rivulet or Burn which rises at or near the road which leads from Murraythwaite Mill to "Back of the Woods" farm house and after running in a Northly direction for about 30 chains falls in to the River Annan a little to the Eastward of Murraythwaite Mill"
OS1/10/7/7 [page] 7 Cummertrees Parish -- Sheet No. 57 No 6 -- Trace No. 1. [Note Lower Edge] -- See "Edge" [Note Upper Craw Ford] -- cancelled Entries not scored out Spelling -- Upper Craw Ford Authorities -- William Sharp Esqr Knockhill Near Ecclefechan John Dalzell Gamekeeper Hoddam Castle Description -- [Situation] In River Annan at the northern point of this Parish Five deep pools in the "River Annan" well known to Anglers and other persons in the neighbourhood as being a favourite spot where Salmon and other Kinds of fishes are caught. Crawford Pools written at foot of page with part of bracket before above entries. [Note] -- Over
OS1/10/7/7 For Crawford Pools see page 8.
OS1/10/7/8 CRAWFORD POOLS Lower Craw Ford Crawford Pools Crawford Pools William Sharp Esqr Knockhill Near Eccllefecan J. Dalziel, Game Keeper See St. Mungo Name Book. Page 56. 057 [Situation] At the northern point of this Parish Two small deep pools in the River Annan well known in the neighbourhood as being a favourite spot where fishes are caught by anglers.
OS1/10/7/8 RIVER ANNAN River Annan River Annan River Annan Crawford's Map of Dumfriesshire Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire BlacKwood's Map of Dumfriesshire 057 [Situation] At the northern Parish Boundary between St. Mungo and Hoddom and Cummertrees. A river flowing through the centre of Dumfriesshire from North to South And forming the Northern boundary of this Parish. It rises in the Mountains where the Shires of Dumfries, Lanark and Peebles touch each other in Moffat Ph [Parish] and after a course of about 30 miles falls into the Solway Firth where it forms a small estuary.
OS1/10/7/8 [page] 8 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No 6 -- Trace No 1
OS1/10/7/9 WEST LODGE [Hoddom Castle] West Lodge . West Lodge William Sharp Esqr Knockhill John Dalzell Gamekeeper Hoddam Castle J.D. Murray Esqre of Murraythwaite 057 [Situation] 33 chains west from Hoddam Estate A small cottage one storey high and slated having a vegetable garden attached, it is situated on the Western side of Hoddam Demesne and at the Gate which leads into it. It is occupied at present by Andrew McKenzie and is the property of the Representatives of the late General Sharp of Hoddam Castle
OS1/10/7/9 WARDPARK BURN Wardpark Burn John Bell Farmer Ward Park John Dalzell Gamekeeper Hoddam Castle 057 [Situation] At the west side of West Gate Lodge A very small rivulet which take its rise in a meadow a little to the westward of "Ward Park Farm House" and running in a North Eastwardly direction falls into the River Annan near to West Gate Lodge
OS1/10/7/9 CRAWFORD BURN Crawford Burn John Bell Farmer Ward Park John Dalzell Gamekeeper Hoddam Castle 057 [Situation] 15 chains west from Wardpark Burn Is a small stream which rises in a field about 20 chains due west from Wardpark farm house and running East and then North falls into the River Annan near Crawford Pools and near to where the "Water of Milk" falls into the River Annan
OS1/10/7/9 [page] 9 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No 6 -- Trace No 2
OS1/10/7/10 DILHOLM POOL Dilholm Pool Dilholm Pool John Dalziel Gamekeeper See Page 55 St Mungo Name Book 057 [Situation] In River Annan A part of River Annan where the water is deep - known by the name
OS1/10/7/10 [page] 10 Parish of Cummertrees Sheet 57 No 6 -- Trace No 2 [Note Milk Water Foot, crossed out] -- Not recognised as a proper Name. [but listed in Index on this page]
OS1/10/7/11 WARDPARK Wardpark John Dalrymple Esqr Murraythwaite House Mrs Jannet Bell Occupier Wardpark 057 [Situation] 34 chains S.E. [South East] from Loweredge Is a good substantial farm house one story high and slated - there is also attached a thrashing machine and a vegetable garden also a farm of arable land which contains about 100 acres. Occupied by Mrs Janet Bell and is the property of Colonel Dirom - Mount. Annan - near Annan
OS1/10/7/11 [page] 11 Cummertrees Parish -- Sheet 57 No 6 -- Trace No 2
OS1/10/7/12 [page] 12 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/13 HODDOM CASTLE Hoddam Castle Hoddom Hoddom William Sharp Esqr of Knockhill - and representative of the late General Sharp proprietor of Hoddam Castle John Dalzell Game Keeper Chalmers' Caledonia Johnston's County Map 057 [Situation] Near the northern extremity of Parish on the South bank of River Annan. It is a very large and handsome mansion house beautifully situated in the midst of a large and extensive demense, and although not at present inhabited it is in very good repair, it was much enlarged about 30 years ago by its then owner and occupier the late General Sharp. As I have not been able to find the date of this building I give an extract taken from "Pennants Tour through Scotland" which is considered by William Sharp Esqr of Knockhill to be correct and who is one of the representatives of the late General Sharp. "Hoddam Castle consists of a great square tower with three slender round turrets, the entry through a door protected by another of iron bars, and near it a square hole by way of Dungeon, and a square stair Case of stone suited to the place. On my visit here instead of finding a Captive damsel and a fierce Warder we met with a courteous Laird and his beateous spouse, the Dungeon was not filled with piteous prisoners but well stored [generous] wine "This Castle or rather Strong Border house was built by "John Lord Harris nick named John de reeve, a streneous supporter of Mary Stuart" who conveyed her safe from the Battle of Langside to his house of Terrylees in Gallaway and from thence to the abbey of Dundrennan, and [accompanied] her in a small vessel in her fatal flight into England. Soon after it was surrendered to the Regent Murray, who appointed the Laird of [Lanrig] Governer and Lord of the Marches. Before the accession of James VI Hoddam was one of the places of defence on the Borders for in Hollinshead [Tour] of Scotland" it is stated that the "House of Hoddam was to be keped with one wise Stout Man and to have with him two well horsed men and thier [own] two stark footmen to keep their horses." In the Walls about this house are preserved altars and inscriptions in the station at Burrens". It is the property [of the] representatives of the late General William Sharp Esqr. of Knockhill near Eccllefecan being one of them [Continued on page 14]
OS1/10/7/13 [Page] 13 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 6 -- Trace No.3 [Note] -- Hoddom is the mode of spelling adopted in Parish of that name, Vide Page 1 of Name Book.
OS1/10/7/14 HODDOM CASTLE [Continued from page 13] An extract taken from a document sent to this office by William Sharp Esqr. of Knockhill "The lands of Hoddam alias Hodalm - alias Hodelmer, for this the name was variously written in remote times belonged to the potent family of Brus. Their Castle stood on the opposite side of the River Annan to the present building which long retained the designation of the Castle of Hoddam Staines (Stones) from having been errected with the materials of the more ancient fortress, It is said to be built on the same plan with its predecessor; but only half finished, which from its appearance towards the south is very probable - how the stones of the Original Stronghold came to be carried to another site seems very strange, if it were not that the river Annan might be deemed an additional protection against the inroads from England, but this is certain that the newer Castle never possessed the artificial bulwarks of the other, which was situated on a rock, and had a very extensive moat, even on that side where the river might be supposed a sufficient gaurd. There were formerly traces of a large fish pond, with an island in the Middle - so named at least by tradition - which it is believed are now Obliterated. The Church of Hoddam, which stood near the Castle tho' [though] not within the moat is said to have been the Chapel of the Brus family - the foundations which could formerly be traced with care proved it to have been of a small size - but numerous fragments of carved stonework showed that it had been highly ornamented and in beautifull style. The late Charles Sharpe of Hoddam caused the foundations of the Chapel to be examined - not however destroying their Remains, according to the Gothic practise of the present day, when were discovered fragments of painted glass, a stone coffin in which was a large Spur - Sundry Stones with scrolls elegantly designed - and a number of tomb stones, with crosses carved in high relief - The remarkable thing was that no vestiges of an inscription appeared on any of them; It is not easy to say when the lands of Hoddam passed into the family of Herries subsequently elevated to the peerage as the older documents of the Hoddam charter chest are lost, This family it is well known, merged in an heiress who married Maxwell - afterwards Earl of Nithsdale - Over the first landing place of the staircase at Hoddam Castle was a square stone projecting from the roof most curiously and rudely carved, bearing the arms and initials of the heiress and her spouse. From the Nithsdale family Hoddam came by purchase to the Murrays, Earls of Annandale [blank] Earl of Annandale, in the year 1653 sold the estate and Castle to [blank] Earl of Southesk - In the year 1690 Lord Southesk sold the estate of Hoddam to John Sharpe of Collieston a property which he later disposed of and was of late in the possession of Mr. Copeland."
OS1/10/7/14 [Page] 14
OS1/10/7/15 BLACK SIKE Black Syke Willliam Sharp Esqr. Knockhill Near Ecclefecan John Dalzell Gamekeeper Hoddam 057 [Situation] 7 chains N.W. [North West] from Hoddom Castle. Is a small rivulet which rises near a public road a little to the Westward of Hoddam Garden, and after pursuing a North and Eastwardly course through Hoddam demesne, falls into the River Annan at the east end of "Melaly Holm".
OS1/10/7/15 GANNET WOOD Gannet Wood Willliam Sharp Esqr. Knockhill Near Ecclefechan John Dalzell Gamekeeper Hoddam 057 [Situation] About 12 chains west from Hoddam Castle Is a small Wood of full grown forest trees a great number of which are now being cut down. They consist of Beech, Elm, Oak and sycamore principally, situated in Hoddam demesne and is the property of the late General Sharp of Hoddam Castle
OS1/10/7/15 MELLAY HOLM Mellay Holm Willliam Sharp Esqr. Knockhill Near Ecclefechan John Dalzell Gamekeeper Hoddam 057 [Situation] 11 chains North from Hoddam Castle Is a flat piece of land lying close to the River Annan and forming part of Hoddam demesne. It is the property of the representatives of the late General Sharp of Hoddam Castle.
OS1/10/7/15 [page] 15 Parish of Cummertrees Sheet 57 No 6 -- Trace No 3 [Note Mellay Holm] -- Is named from the mellay or mixed colour of the Soil Mellay - adj. [adjective] mixed colour,
OS1/10/7/16 HORSE POOL Horse Pool William Sharp Esqr. of Knockhill near Ecclefechan & John Dalzell Gamekeeper Hoddam 057 [Situation] In River Annan Is a certain portion of the River Annan known by that name - It is deep and is a favourite for Anglers in their persuit of Salmon and other Kinds of fish
OS1/10/7/16 [page] 16 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No 6 -- Trace No 3
OS1/10/7/17 RIVER ANNAN River Annan See Page 8 for Authorities and description
OS1/10/7/17 GANNET WOOD Gannet Wood See page 15 for Authorities and description.
OS1/10/7/17 [page] 17 Ph. [Parish] of Cummertrees Sheet 57. 7.
OS1/10/7/18 [Page] 18 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/19 MURRAYTHWAITE HOUSE Murraythwaite House J.D. Murray Esqr J Murray Esqr Murraythwaite 057 [Situation] At the N.E. [North East] side of Parish A large & spacious Mansion, the seat of J. D. Murray Esqr., of Modern date, architecture plain, The house is in good repair and has good offices attached to it.
OS1/10/7/19 FORT (Remains of) [Moss Castle] Moss Castle J.D. Murray Esqr. J. Murray Esqr. Murraythwaite Ho [House] 057 [Situation] 14 chains S.E. by S. [South East by South] from Murraythwaite The remains of a camp supposed to be Brittish, of nearly circular form, in the Domain of J. D. Murray Esqr. This fort commands a good view on the W. [West]
OS1/10/7/19 SOUTH LODGE [Murraythwaite House] South Lodge J.D. Murray Esqr. J. Murray Esqr. Murraythwaite House 057 [Situation] 32 chains S.S.W. [South South West] from Murraythwaite A house one story high, on the South side of Murraythwaite Domain, It is in bad repair - with a vegetable garden attached
OS1/10/7/19 [page] 19 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No 9 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/20 MURRAYTHWAITE MAINS Murraythwaite Mains J. D. Murray Esqr. J. Murray Esqr. Murraythwaite 057 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile S.E [South East] from Murraythwaite A Small farm house, one story high in good repair with good offices attached. It is occupied by John Donwiddie - Proprietor J. D. Murray Esqr.
OS1/10/7/20 WOODHEAD Woodhead John Johnstone Edward McLean Woodhead 057 [Situation] About 32 chains S.E.E. [South East East] from Murraythwaite A small farm house one story high in bad repair with offices and a cottage house attached The farm is occupied by John Johnstone; the cottage occupied by Edward McLean and rented from the farmer Proprietor Mr Murray of Murraythwaite.
OS1/10/7/20 [page] 20 Ph [Parish] of Cummertrees -- Plan 57.9.
OS1/10/7/21 STENRIESHILL Stenrieshill J. D. Murray Esqr. J. Murray Esqr. Murraythwaite 057 [Situation] About 64 chains S.E. by S. [South East by South] from Murraythwaite. Two Small cottages occupied by farm Labourers and tenanted from Mr Murray of Murraythwaite. Those houses are in very bad repair, one story high, slated. There is a vegetable garden attached.
OS1/10/7/21 NORWOOD Norwood J. D. Murray Esqr. J. Murray Esqr. Murraythwaite 057 [Situation] 14 chains S.E. [South East] from Murraythwaite. A Small cottage house, one story high, in good repair, tennanted from William Kilpatick of Stenries. and occupied by Robert Mitchell There is an office house attached and a garden. Proprietor Mr Murray of Murraythwaite.
OS1/10/7/21 [page] 21 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.9 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/22 [page] 22 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/23 EDGE Edge Mr John Kerr Farmer Edge Mr Bryden Farmer West Trailtrow 057 [Situation] In N.En. [North Eastern] Parish district. A Small Farm House 1 Story High thatched, having a thrashing machine and Vegetable garden attached with an arable Farm the Property of Mr Sharpe Knock Hill Occupied by Mr John Kerr
OS1/10/7/23 WEST TRAILTROW Trailtrow West . West Trailtrow Mr Williamson Bryden Farmer West Trailtrow John Kerr Farmer Edge Robert Garmery Inspector of Poor 057 [Situation] 22 chains nearly South from Edge. A Large Farm House two Stories high, Slated, and having extensive Offices with thrashing machine Vegetable garden and an arable Farm attached the Property of Mr Sharpe Knock Hill tenanted by Mr Williamson Bryden
OS1/10/7/23 [page] 23 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.10 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/24 [page] 24 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/25 TRAILTROW Trailtrow Trailtrow John Roddick Farmer Trailtrow Joseph Rutherford Plough man Trailtrow 057 [Situation] About 48 chains S.E. [South East] from Edge. A large farm house two stories high, with offices and thrashing machine - all in good repair. there is a garden and an arable farm attached. Tennanted by Mr John Roddick the property of Mr Sharpe Esq.
OS1/10/7/25 [page] 25 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.10 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/26 [page] 26 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/27 HODDOM MAINS Hoddam Mains Hoddam Mains Hoddam Mains George Weightman Occupier John Roddick Trailtrow Robert Howatson Schoolmaster 057 [Situation] About 1 1/8 mile East from Edge, A large Farmhouse two storeys high with suitable offices, all in good repair Occupied by George Weightman, and the property of William Sharpe Esq. of Knock Hill
OS1/10/7/27 REPENTANCEHILL Repentancehill Repentancehill Repentancehill George Weightman Hoddam Mains John Roddick Trailtrow Robert Howatson 057 [Situation] About 71 chains S.E. by E. [South East by East] from Edge A Farmhouse One storey high with offices and a Farm of land attached Occupied by John Roddick, Farmer, Trailtrow the dwellings are occupied by his Farm Servants; William Sharpe Esq. of Knockhill is proprietor
OS1/10/7/27 [page] 27 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.10 -- Trace 3
OS1/10/7/28 REPENTANCE TOWER Repentance Tower Hugh Johnstone South Bowhill John Roddick Trailtrow 057 [Situation] About 1/2 mile N.E. [North East] from Trailtrow. A Square building Said to have been erected about the Fifteenth Century, it is Situated on an Eminence and Commands Extensive Views of the surrounding Country. on a stone over the door on the north Side is Cut the Word "Repentance" with a Serpent at one end of the word, and a door at the other. - See the Published Accounts of the Antiquities of the Parish for further particulars
OS1/10/7/28 [page] 28 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.10 -- Trace 3
OS1/10/7/29 GRAVE YARD [Repentance Tower] Grave Yard John Roddick Trailtrow Robert Howatson Schoolmaster 057 [Situation] Surrounding Repentance Tower. This is an ancient Graveyard in which stands "Repentance Tower". It is said to have been attached to a Small Chapel* the remains of which have long since disappeared; it Contains Several Very old tombstones dating as far back as the beginning of the 17th Century. In the N.E. [North East] Corner of this Graveyard Stands a Square enclosure which is the Burial Vault of the family of Murray of Murraythwaite
OS1/10/7/29 Site of TRAILTROW CHAPEL Site of Trailtrow Chapel Site of Trailtrow Chapel Chalmers' Caledonia The Old Stat: Acc: [Statistical Account] of Dumfries 057 This is an ancient Graveyard in which stands "Repentance Tower". It is said to have been attached to a Small Chapel* the remains of which have long since disappeared; it Contains Several Very old tombstones dating as far back as the beginning of the 17th Century. In the N.E. [North East] Corner of this Graveyard Stands a Square enclosure which is the Burial Vault of the family of Murray of Murraythwaite
OS1/10/7/29 Page Heading - Parish of Cummertrees Sheet 57 No.10 Trace 3 [Note Grave Yard] -- Presently in use [Note Chapel of Trailtrow] -- *The Chapel of Trailtrow stood upon an eminence at the hamlet of Trail- -trow, where the ancient cemetery is still found convenient. Old Stat: acc: [Statistical account] of Dumfries Chalmers Caledonia - The chapelsy of Trailtrow was annexed to the Parish of Cummertrees in 1609 -- Chalmers' Caledonia
OS1/10/7/30 [page] 30 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/31 NORTH BOWHILL North Bowhill North Bowhill William Hadden Blacksmith North Bowhill Alexander Rae Farmer East Bowhill 057 [Situation] About 52 chains nearly South from Edge. A large house one story high in bad repair having a large vegetable garden attached, Part of the house is approprated as a Smithy, Occupied by William Hadden Blacksmith. Is on the farm of East Bowhill, the property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/31 NORWOOD Norwood See Page 21,
OS1/10/7/31 [page] 31 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.10 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/32 SCHOOL [North Bowhill] School (Parish) School (Parish) School (Parish) Robert Howatson, Teacher J. Roddick - Trailtrow Mr Alexander Rae Farmer, East Bowhill 057 [Situation] 1/2 mile nearly South from Edge A Cottage Situated a short distance to the north, of North Bowhill. It is rented by the Heritors of the parish as a Side School, from W. Sharpe Esq. - Hoddam. The Teacher, Robert Howatson receives £9 per Annum from the parish & the usual fees - from on Average 60 pupils, making in all, annually about £40 and teaches the usual branches of a plain English Education
OS1/10/7/32 [page] 32 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.10 -- Trace 4.
OS1/10/7/33 UPPERMOOR Uppermoor Uppermoor John Jeffrey Farmer Uppermoor Thomas Elliott Farmer Lowermoor 057 [Situation] 1/2 mile nearly South from Edge A large farm house one story high with extensive offices thrashing machine all in good repair; having a large vegetable garden and arable farm of 250 acres attached. Occupied by John Jeffrey Farmer the property of Mr William Sharpe Knock Hill Hoddam
OS1/10/7/33 WINTERSEUGH PLANTATION Winterseugh Plantation See Page 46,
OS1/10/7/33 [page] 33 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.10 -- Trace 6
OS1/10/7/34 [page] 34 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/35 BOGS Bogs John Jeffrey Uppermoor Richard Armstrong Ploughman Bogs 057 [Situation] In the N.En. [North Eastern] district of this parish A considerable farm house one story high with extensive offices thrashing machine all in good repair having a garden and large arable farm attached Occupied by Richard Armstrong Ploughman, the farm is tenanted by Mr John Dinwoodie Farmer Murraythwaite Mains the property of Mr William Sharpe Knock Hill Hoddam
OS1/10/7/35 [page] 35 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.11 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/36 [page] 36 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/37 TRAILTROW MOOR Trailtrow Moor Thomas Elliott Farmer Lowermoor John Jeffrey Farmer Uppermoor 057 [Situation] About 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] from Bogs A large portion of land covered with heathy pasture situate to the North West of Lowermoor the property of Mr William Sharpe Knock Hill Hoddam
OS1/10/7/37 EASTMOOR CHECK T.P. Eastmoor Side toll bar. Joseph Elliott Collector Eastmoor Thomas Elliott Farmer Lowermoor 057 [Situation] 52 chains S.E. [South East] from Bogs. A small house one story high in good repair having a vegetable garden attached Tenanted by William Shannon Lime-Kilns Toll-bar the property of Mr William Sharpe Knock Hill Hoddam.
OS1/10/7/37 [page] 37 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.11 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/38 [page] 38 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/39 UPPER STENRIES Stenries, Murraythwaite . Upper Stenries Upper Stenries William Kirkpatrick Farmer Stenries Murraythwaite Robert Edgar Labr. [Labourer] Stenriesgate Valuation Roll Johnstons' Co [County] Map 057 [Situation] Near the East Side of this Parish A farm house one story high in good repairs having good offices and gardens attached occupied by William Kilpatrick - Proprietor the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/39 STENRIESGATE Stenriesgate Robert Edgar, Roadman John Irvin Labr. [Labourer] Stenriesgate 057 [Situation] 28 chains S.W. [South West] from Upper Stenries. Two Small cottages on the Roadside leading from Annon to Dumfries, occupied by farm Labourers tennants of William Kilpatrick of Stenries, Murraythwaite The proprietor Mr Murray of Murraythwaite House, These houses are one story high Thatched, having vegetable gardens attached,
OS1/10/7/39 [page] 39 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No.13 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/40 UPPER MAINS Upper Mains Alexander Robson Robert Robson Uppermains 057 [Situation] 47 chains S.S.E. [South South East] from Upper Stenries A farm house in good repair one story and slated, There [are] good office houses and vegetable garden attached [to] this farmhouse. It is occ [occupied] by Alexander & Robert Robson - Proprietor the [Marquis] of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/40 KELHEAD MOSS PLANTATION Kelhead Moss Plantation Kelhead Moss Plantation Estate Plans of Queensberry George Bell Esqre. Factor 057; 062
OS1/10/7/40 [page] 40 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 13 -- Trace 4 [Note Upper Stenries] -- (two words) [Note Kelhead Wood] -- Cancelled [Entry not scored out] -- Authorities -- Alexander Robson Robert Robson Upper Mains Description -- [Situation] 47 chains S.E. [South East] from Upper Stenries A large wood consisting of fir and forest trees. The property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/40 Words lost in fold of page. Entry for Kelhead Wood on page 64. No description for Kelhead Moss Plantation.
OS1/10/7/41 NETHER STENRIES Stenries . Nether Stenries Nether Stenries Robert Bell, Farmer Stenries William Kilpatrick far [farmer] Stenries Murraythwaite Valuation Roll Johnston's Co [County] Map 057 [Situation] 21 chains S.E. [South East] from Upper Stenries A small farm house one story high in Bad repair, having office houses and vegetable garden attached, occupied by Robert Bell Proprietor The Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/41 [page] 41 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 13 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/42 TOPMUIR Topmuir or St. John's Cross Alexander Young Kerr Top muir Alexander Robson Uppermains 057 [Situation] About 64 chains S.S.W. [South South West] from Upper Stenries. A Small farm house one s [storey] high, with offices attach [attached] in good repair occup [occupied] by Alexander Young Kerr Proprietor the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/42 [page] 42 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 13 -- Trace 3
OS1/10/7/42 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/43 WEST BOWHILL West Bowhill John Rae Farmer West Bowhill Hugh Johnstone Farmer South Bowhill 057 [Situation] Near the centre of Parish A large farm house one story high with extensive offices thrashing machine all in good repair, having a vegetable garden and large Arable farm of about 200 acres attached. Occupied by John Rae. Farmer the Property of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/43 KELHEAD MOSS PLANTATION Kelhead Moss Plantation See Page 40.
OS1/10/7/43 [page] 43 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 14 -- Trace 1 Kelhead Wood [not listed in Index] -- See Page 64 for Authorities and Description
OS1/10/7/44 [page] 44 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/45 EAST BOWHILL East Bowhill Alexander Rae Farmer East Bowhill Hugh Johnstone Farmer South Bowhill 057 [Situation] 36 chains East from West Bowhill A large farm house one story high with extensive offices thrashing machine all in good repair having a large garden attached. Occupied by Alexander Rae Farmer, the Property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/45 SOUTH BOWHILL South Bowhill Hugh Johnstone Farmer South Bowhill Alexander Rae Farmer East Bowhill 057 [Situation] 33 chains S.E. [South East] from West Bowhill. A large farm house one story high with offices thrashing machine all in good repair having a vegetable garden attached. Occupied by Hugh Johnstone Farmer, the Property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/45 [page] 45 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 14 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/46 BOW HILL Bow Hill Bow Hill John Rae Farmer West Bowhill Hugh Johnstone Farmer South Bowhill 057 [Situation] To the N.E. [North East] of West Bowhill. A small portion of Rising ground the surface being cultivated is divided into several farms On its highest point there is a district Trigl. stat [Trigonometrical station] called Bow Hill. The Property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/46 WINTERSEUGH PLANTATION Winterseugh Plantation Estate Maps of Queensberry George Bell Esqre. Factor to the Marquis of Queensberry. 057 A long strip of mixed wood on the farm of Winterseugh the property of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/46 [page] 46 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 14 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/47 KELHEAD FLOW Kelhead Flow J. D. Murray Esqre. Murraythwaite William Kilpatrick Stenries 057 [Situation] 32 chains South of west Bowhill A large tract of moss from which the tennantry of the neighbourhood get Peats. It is on the Marquis of Queensbery's Estate and is not occupied by any person individually but is kept for the use of the tennantry and work men of the estate
OS1/10/7/47 KELHEAD T.P. [Turn Pike] Kelhead Toll William Scott Kelhead Toll William Kilpatrick Stenries 057 [Situation] 54 chains S.S.W [South South West] from West Bowhill A small cottage on the road leading from Annan to Dumfries it is one storey high and in good repair with vegetable garden attached. The property of the Road chartees for the parish of Cummertrees
OS1/10/7/47 [page] 47 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 14 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/48 BECKHEAD Beckhead Beckhead Thomas Tweedie Labr. [Labourer] Walter Carruthers Wintershough 057 [Situation] 47 chains S.W. by W. [South West by West] from West Bowhill. A Small Cottage one story with vegetable garden atta [attached] The house is in good repair and occupied by Thomas Tw [Tweedie] Labr., [Labourer] rented from Mr Carr [Carruthers] of Wintershaugh who is a te [tenant?] of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/48 KELHEAD Kelhead Kelhead Thomas Tweedie Labr. [Labourer] Walter Carruthers 057 [Situation] 58 chains S.E. [South East] from West Bowhill This apply's to several Small cottages occupied by Lab [Labourers] principly in the Marquis [of] Queensberry's employme [employment] The Cottages are the [property] of the Marquis
OS1/10/7/48 KELHEAD QUARRY (Limestone) Kelhead Quarry Thomas Tweedie Labr. [Labourer] Walter Carruthers 057 [Situation] In the Sn. [Southern] vicinity of Kelhead. A large Lime works car [carried] on by the Marquis of Qu [Queensberry] on his Estate.
OS1/10/7/48 [page] 48 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 14 -- Trace 5
OS1/10/7/48 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/49 CLAYHOUSES Clayhouses Clayhouses Clayhouses William Edgar Clayhouse Toll James Shannon Clayhouses Johnston's [County Map] 057 [Situation] Adjoining Kelhead on the East. Two small cottages one story high, slated, with vegetable garden attached, occupied by Labourers Tennents of the Marquis of Queensberry, These houses are in good repair,
OS1/10/7/49 CLAYHOUSES T.P. [Turn Pike] Clayhouses Toll Clayhouses Toll Clayhouses Toll William Edgar Clayhouse Toll. James Shannon Clayhouses [?] 057 [Situation] 15 chains N.E. [North East] from Kelhead. A small cottage on story high in good repair with garden attached occupied by William Edgar. The property of the Road Trustees.
OS1/10/7/49 [page[ 49 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 14 -- Trace 5
OS1/10/7/49 Letter unclear
OS1/10/7/50 [page] 50 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/51 WINTERSHEUGH Wintershaugh Wintersheugh Winterseugh Winterseugh Winterseugh Mr Walter Carruthers Wintershaugh William Johnstone farmer Outerford Johnston's County Map Estate Maps of Queensberry George Bell Esqre. Factor to the Marquis of Queensberry Christopher Coulthart Forester 057 [Situation] 43 chains N.E. [North East] from Kelhead A neat farm house one story high with offices attached, all in good repair, slated, This house is occupied by Mr Walter Carruthers. Proprietor the Marquis of Queensberry. There is also a Thrashing Machine turned by Waterpower attached to this farm house.
OS1/10/7/51 BECKHEAD PLANTATION Beckhead Plantation Beckhead Plantation Beckhead Plantation Estate Maps of queensberry George Bell Esqre. Factor Christopher Coulthart Forester 057 [Situation] Between Beckhead and Winterseugh A Strip of mixed wood situate to the west of Winterseugh - the property of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/51 [page] 51 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 14 -- Trace 6 [Note Wintershaugh] -- Cancelled.
OS1/10/7/51 The name of Wintershaugh has been cancelled and replaced with Winterseugh.
OS1/10/7/52 [page] 52 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/53 RIGFOOT Rigfoot David Gilbertson Labourer Rigfoot James Scott Shepherd Rigfoot 057 [Situation] At the East side of this Parish A number of houses one Story high in good repair with garden ground attached; occupied by farm Labourers, on the farm of Winterseugh the property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/53 [page] 53 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 15 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/54 [page] 54 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/55 LOWERMOOR Lowermoor Lowermoor Thomas Elliott Farmer Lowermoor William Shannon LimeKiln Tollbar 057 [Situation] About 47 chains N.E. by E. [North East by East] from Rigfoot A Small farm house one story high with offices, thrashing machine, all in good repair; having a large garden and arable farm of 120 acres attached. Tenanted by Thomas Elliott Farmer, the property of Mr William Sharpe, Knock Hill, Hoddam
OS1/10/7/55 [page] 55 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 57 No. 15 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/56 [page] 56 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/57 MAULSCASTLE Marlscastle Maulsgill Maulscastle Maulscastle James Austin Farmer Gill Hugh Stewart Farmer Hollybush Johnston's County Map Estate documents of the Marquis of Queensberry Mr George Bell Factor to the Marquis of Queensberry 062 [Situation] At the west side of this parish A one Story house in very bad repair. having been occupied as a farm but at Present occupied by Walter Johnstone Railway labourer the offices are in a ruinous state: On the farm of James Austin Farmer Gill. the property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/57 [page] 57 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 1 -- Trace 1 [Note original name Marlscastle] -- cancelled
OS1/10/7/58 GILL Gill Gill James Austin Farmer Gill Hugh Stewart Farmer Hollybush 057 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.W. by S. [South West by South] from Maulscastle A large farm house [one] Story high having conside [considerable] offices and thrashing Mac [Machine] all in good rep [repair] there is a garden and la [large] Arable farm attached Occupied by James Aus [Austin] Farmer the property [of] the Marquis of Queensbe [Queensberry]
OS1/10/7/58 [page] 58 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 1 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/58 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/59 SUNNYBANK Sunnybank Sunnybank Hugh Stewart Farmer Hollybush James Austin Farmer Gill 062 [Situation] 26 chains nearly East from Maulscastle. A small cottage one story high with offices attached all in good repair, Lately occupied by John Tatham Gamekeeper to the Marquis of Queensberry. The Property of the last named.
OS1/10/7/59 [page] 59 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 1 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/60 HOLLYBUSH Hollybush Hugh Stewart Farmer Hollybush James Austin Farmer Gill 062 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] from Maulscastle A large farm house one storey high, with offices, thrashing machine all in good repair Having an Arable farm of 160 acres and large vegetable garden attached. Occupied by Hugh Stewart Farmer the property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/60 KELHEAD WOOD Kelhead Wood See Page 64, for Authorities and description
OS1/10/7/60 [page] 60 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 1 -- Trace 3
OS1/10/7/61 FLOSH Flosh Andrew Brown Millwright Flosh James Austin Farmer Gill 062 [Situation] About 52 chains S.W. by S. [South West by South] of Maulscastle. A Small house one story high in good repair having workshops and Smithy attached Occupied by Andrew Brown Millwright the property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/61 BRANTHAT PLANTATION Branthat Plantation George Bell Esqre. Estate Plans of Queensberry 062 [Situation] At the west side of Parish A Strip of mixed wood on the Queensberry Estate
OS1/10/7/61 HOLLY BUSH WOOD Holly Bush Wood 062 See Page 67
OS1/10/7/61 [page] 61 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 1 -- Trace 5
OS1/10/7/62 MACWHINNY PARK Macwhinny Park See Page 68
OS1/10/7/62 [page] 62 Cummertrees Ph. [Parish] -- Plan 62.1.
OS1/10/7/63 KINMOUNT HOUSE Kinmount House . . Kinmount Kinmount Estate Map George Bell Factor Kinmount James Barber Gardener Kinmount County Map of Dumfries List of Scotch Peers 062 [Situation] Near the centre of this Parish Is a large spacious and beautifully constructed Mansion house erected about 41 years ago - that is about the year 1816 - by the Right Honl. [Honourable] Charles Douglas Marquis of Queensberry & Uncle to the present Most Noble Archibald Douglas Marquis of Queensberry. It is pleasantly situated in the midst of a large and beautiful demesne and lawn, being surrounded by well laid out pleasure grounds shrubberies and plantations, There is attached a Court of office houses, and at a little distance stables etc also a well walled fruit garden amply stocked with fruit trees in full bearing - It is in the best of repair and is the property and residence of the Most Noble Archibald Douglas Marquis of Queensberry - Kinmount House near Annan
OS1/10/7/63 [page] 63 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 2 -- Trace No. 1
OS1/10/7/64 KELHEAD WOOD Kellhead Wood Kelhead Kelhead Kelhead Estate Map George Bell Factor Kinmount James Barber Gardener Kinmount Old and New Valn. [Valuation] Rolls. Estate documents George Bell, Factor to the Marquis of Queensberry 057; 062 [Situation] In the Northern vicinity of Kinmount A large wood so called consis [consisting] of nearly all Kinds forest and fir many of whom are full grown is situated upon Kinmount Es [Estate] and is the property of the Marqu [Marquis of] Queensberry - Kinmount Ho [House] near Annan
OS1/10/7/64 [page] 64 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 2 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/64 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/65 KELHEAD LIME WORKS Kellhead Limeworks Kelhead Kinmount Estate Map also George Bell - Factor on Kinmount Estate & James Barber - Gardener - Kinmount See Page 64. 062 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile N.E. by N. [North East by North] from Kinmount, Is a large extensive lime works where owing to the superiority of the stone, lime of the very best quality is made, there are four Kilns constantly burning and from 20 to 30 men are constantly employed, the quarry which is contigeous to the Kilns is very extensive and the stone is conveyed by trucks which runs upon a small tram road or railway and which [are] drawn up by the power of Machinery driven by a steam Engine of about 10 horse power. There are a few dwelling houses which are occupied by the workmen adjoining to the lime works which goes by the same name the whole of which together with the Lime Works is the property of the Most Noble the Marquis of Queensberry of Kinmount House near Annan.
OS1/10/7/65 QUARRY PARK WOOD Quarry Park Wood Quarry Park Wood Estate Plans of Queensberry George Bell Esqre. Factor 062 [Situation] At the East of Kinmount pleasure grounds, Mixed Wood on the East side of the domain of Kinmount.
OS1/10/7/65 [page] 65 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 2 -- Trace No. 2
OS1/10/7/66 MUIRHOUSE Muirhouse Muirhouse Kinmount Estate Map & George Bell - Factor on Kinmount Estate James Barber Gardener Kinmount Ancient and Modern Valuation Rolls 062 [Situation] About 46 chains N.E. [North East] from Kinmount. Is a small cottage one story high w [which] is thatched having a small vegetab [vegetable] garden attached - occupied by William Thompson Farm servant - and is the prop [property] of the Most Noble the Marquis of Queensb [Queensberry] of Kinmount House near Annan
OS1/10/7/66 KELHEAD MOSS PLANTATION Kelhead Moss Plantation See Page 40.
OS1/10/7/66 [page] 66 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 2 -- Trace No. 2 Entry for Gate Lodge crossed out.
OS1/10/7/66 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/67 CHARLESFIELD Charlesfield Kinmount Estate Map & George Bell - Factor Kinmount Estate Joseph Carruthers Farmer & occupier Charlesfield 062 [Situation] About 1 1/8 mile N.E.E. [North East East] from Kinmount. Consists of a very excellent dwelling house two storeys high and slated with an extensive range of office buildings a thrashing machine and a vegetable garden attached. The farm which contains about 286 acres of arable land is of the best description and is under the highest state of cultivation - occupied by Mr Joseph Carruthers and is the property of the Marquis of Queensberry Kinmount House near Annan
OS1/10/7/67 HOLLY BUSH WOOD Holly Bush Wood Holly Bush Wood George Bell Esqre. Estate Plans of the Queensberry Property 062 Mixed wood adjoining that of Kelhead Wood on the South - Situate within the domain of Kinmount.
OS1/10/7/67 [page] 67 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 2 -- Trace No. 3
OS1/10/7/68 MACKWHINNY PARK MacKwhinny Park Estate Maps of Queensberry George Bell Esqre. Factor 062 An enclosure on the domain of the Estate of Kinmount now planted with mixed wood
OS1/10/7/68 [page] 68 Ph. [Parish] of Cummertrees -- Plan 62.2
OS1/10/7/69 GOOLEY HILL Gooley Hill Kinmount Estate Map & George Bell - Factor - on Kinmount Estate James Barber Gardener Kinmount 062 [Situation] 27 chains S.E. by S. [South East by South] from Kinmount. Is a small circular shaped eminence on which are planted full grown forest trees of various Kinds - it is on the Kinmount Estate and belongs to the Marquis of Queensberry - Kinmount House near Annan
OS1/10/7/69 BEETYLANDS PARK Beetylands Park Beetylands Park Estate Maps of Queensberry George Bell - Factor 062 An enclosure on the domain of Kinmount, planted with mixed wood.
OS1/10/7/69 [page] 69 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 2 -- Trace No. 5
OS1/10/7/70 [page] 70 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/71 BACKKERR Backkerr or Back of the Kerr Backkerr or Back of the Kerr Backkerr or Back of the Kerr Back of Kerr Kinmount Estate Map & George Bell - Factor on Kinmount James Barber Gardener Kinmount Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire 062 [situation] Nearly 1 mile S.E. [South East] from Kinmount. Consists of a small thatched house one storey high with a Barn a Byre and a vegetable garden attached the farm contains about 50 acres of arable land and is occupied by James Kerr and is the property of the Marquis of Queensberry of Kinmount House near Annan
OS1/10/7/71 BACKKERR BURN Backkerr Burn Kinmount Estate Map George Bell Factor Kinmount James Barber Gardener Kinmount 062 [Situation] In the wn. [western] vicinity of Backkerr Is a small stream which rises at Kelhead Limestone Quarry and falls into the Solway Firth near Muirbeck
OS1/10/7/71 [page] 71 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 2 -- Trace No. 6
OS1/10/7/72 [page] 72 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/73 LADYFIELD Ladyfield Ladyfield John Miller Farmer Ladyfield Joseph Carruthers 062 [Situation] At the East side of this Parish A small farm house one story high, with offices, thrashing machine, all in good repair having a large vegetable garden Attached. Occupied by John Miller Farmer, the property of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/73 [page] 73 Ph [Parish] of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62. 3 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/74 [page] 74 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/75 BURNSIDE Burnside Burnside David Fisher Farmer Burnside John Miller Farmer Ladyfield 062 [Situation] About 49 chains S.E.E. [South East East] from Ladyfield A large farm house one story high with offices and thrashing machine all in good repair having a large vegetable garden and arable farm attached Occupied by David Fisher Farmer the property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/75 BLACK JUSTENLEES Black Justinlees Black Justinleys Black Justenlees Black Justenlees John Aitchison Black Justinlees David Fisher Farmer Burnhside Johnston's Co. [County] Map Estate Documents George Bell Esqre Factor to the Marquis of Queensberry 062 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile South from Burnside. A small house one story high in good repair having lately been occupied as a farm house, but now occupied by farm labourers. is On the farm of White Justinleys occupied by Mr William Kelton the property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/75 [page] 75 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 3 -- Trace 3
OS1/10/7/76 CORRIEKNOWES Corrieknowes Corrieknowes CorrieKnowes George Lindsay Farmer Corrieknowe David Fisher Farmer Burnside New Statistical Acct [Account] of Dumfries 062 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. by E. [South East by East] from Burnside. A considerable farm house one [storey] high with extensive offices thras [thrashing] machine all in good repair. ha [having] an arable farm of 75 acres atta [attached] Occupied by George Lindsay Far [Farmer] the property of the Marquis [of] Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/76 JUSTENLEES PLANTATION Justenlees Plantation Justenlees Plantation George Bell Esqre. Factor to the Marquis of Queensberry John Dalziel - Forester 062 A Fir Plantation situate between Black Justenlees and Ladyfield on the Estate of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/76 [page] 76 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 3 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/76 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/77 PRIESTSIDE FLOW Priestside Flow See Page 105 for authorities and description.
OS1/10/7/77 HOW CREEK How Creek How Creek James Paterson, Longfords Andrew Rae, Broom 061 [Situation] On the boundary between Ruthwell and Cummertrees A hollow along a small stream on the boundary between Ruthwell and Cummertrees to which the name is applied
OS1/10/7/77 [page] 77 Parish of Cummertrees -- Plan 61.8
OS1/10/7/78 [page] 78 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/79 LONGBANK Longbank Andrew Anderson Coachman Longbank Andrew Brown Millwright Flosh 062 [Situation] 37 Chains S.W. [South West] from Glenstewart A small house one Story high in good repair having a vegetable garden attached. Occupied by Andrew Anderson Coachman to the Marquis of Queensberry the property of the last named
OS1/10/7/79 HIDEWOOD Hidewood Mr George Paterson Farmer Horseclose David McKay Farmer Hurkledale 061 [Situation] 56 Chains S.W.W. [South West West] from Glenstewart A Small cottage one Story high in very bad repair having a vegetable garden attached; Occupied by [--] railway labourer on the farm of Horseclose the property of Lord Mansfield
OS1/10/7/79 [page] 79 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 5 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/79 Gap in text.
OS1/10/7/80 DOCTOR'S TROUGH Doctors Trough James Johnstone Butt St Annan 062 [Situation] 32 chains S.W. by W [South West by West] from Glenstewart. A watering trough supplied by a spring. situated on the north side of the Road leading from Annan to Dumfries, near the 4th milestone. It is supposed to have been placed there by a doctor for the purpose of Watering his horse from whence it derives its name
OS1/10/7/80 POW WATER Pow Water For description see page 113
OS1/10/7/80 BRANTHAT PLANTATION Branthat Plantation See Page 61,
OS1/10/7/80 [page] 80 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 5 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/80 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/81 GLEN STEWART Glen Stewart GlenStewart Mr Robert Wightman Farmer Branthat Mr David McKay Farmer HurKledale List of Scotch Peers, 062 [Situation] In the neighbourhood of Glen Stewart House, This name applies to a Glen the surface of Which is covered with mixed moor near its centre stands a house called Glenstewart it is the property of Lord Mansfield
OS1/10/7/81 GLEN BURN Glen Burn Mr Robert Wightman Farmer Branthat Mr David McKay Farmer HurKledale 062 [Situation] In Glen Stewart This name applies to a stream running through Glen Stewart it only takes its name from the head of the glen till it reaches the Road leading from Annan to Dumfries
OS1/10/7/81 MACKWHINNY PARK MacKwhinny Park See Page 68.
OS1/10/7/81 [page] 81 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 5 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/82 [page] 82 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/83 GLENSTEWART Glenstewart Robert Wightman Farmer Branthat David McKay Farmer Hurkledale 062 [situation] On Glen Burn about 12 1/2 miles from Dumfries Burgh A large house three story high of Modern construction being the Seat of the Marquis of Queensberry it is situated in a deep glen and surrounded by an enclosed Wood from whence it derives its name there are extensive offices and Kennel connected with it about a quarter of a mile to the south east of Glenstewart being the property of his Grace.
OS1/10/7/83 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 5 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/84 BRANTHAT Branthat Branthat Robert Wightman Farmer Brantheth James Austin Farmer Gill Ancient and modern Valuation Rolls 062 [Situation] 9 chains S.W. [South West] from Glenstewart A large farm house one story high in good repair having offices and thras [thrashing] machine attached there is a large garden and ara [arable] farm Attached Occupied by Robert Wightman Property of the Marquis [of] Queensberry
OS1/10/7/84 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow and South-western Railway See Page 94 for authorities and description.
OS1/10/7/84 [page] 84 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 5 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/84 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/85 MOSS COTTAGE Moss Cottage James Murray Ploughman Moss Cottage Mr George Paterson Farmer Horseclose 062 [situation] About 65 chains SW. [South West] from Glen-Stewart. A Small house one story high in good repair having a vegetable garden attached. Occupied by James Murray. Ploughman. the property of Lord Mansfield
OS1/10/7/85 [page] 85 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 5 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/86 HURKLEDALE Hurkledale David McKay Farmer Hurkledale Robert Wightman Farmer Brantheth 062 [Situation] 46 chains S. by E. [South by East] from Glenstewart A large farm house on [one] story high with extensive offices thrashing machi [machine] all in good repair; the [there] is a large vegetable gard [garden] and arable farm attach [attached] Occupied by David McK [McKay] Farmer the property of the Marquis of Queensber [Queensberry]
OS1/10/7/86 PRIESTSIDE FLOW Priestside Flow See Page 105 for Authorities and description
OS1/10/7/86 [page] 86 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 5 -- Trace 5
OS1/10/7/86 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/87 HANNAH Hannah James Wightman Farmer Hannah Christopher Coulthart Hannahgate 062 [Situation] Towards the S.W. [South West] side of this Parish. A large farm house one Story high Slated; all in good Repair with offices and thrashing Machine - There is a Small garden attached and an arable Farm Tennented by James Wightman the property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/87 HANNAHGATE Hannahgate Christopher Coulthart James Wightman Farmer Hannah 062 [Situation] 9 chains N.E. [North East] from Hannah. A Small house one Story high Situated on the Road Side Slated, and has a Small garden attached Tennanted by. C Coulthart the Property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/87 MACKWHINNY PARK MacKwhinny Park See Page 68,
OS1/10/7/87 [page] 87 Parish of Cummertrees -- [Sheet] 62 No. 6 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/88 HANNAH PARK Hannah Park Hannah Park Estate maps of Queensberry George Bell Esqre. Factor 062 [Situation] At the S.W. [South West] extremity of Kinmount grounds, An enclosure on the domain of Kinmount now planted
OS1/10/7/88 [page] 88 Cummertrees Ph. [Parish] -- Plan 62. 6
OS1/10/7/89 HITCHILL Hitchill Hitchhill Hitchill Hitchill Robert Osburn Farmer Hitchill Johnston's County Map Estate Documents George Bell Esqre. Factor for Marquis of Queensberry 062 [Situation] About 1/2 mile East from Hannah A large farm house two stories high,with extensive offices and Waterwheel - There is a large Vegetable garden and an Orchard - Tennanted by Robert Osburn - The Property of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/89 LAVEROCKHAA LaverocK haa Robert Osburn Farmer Hitchill C Coulthart Hannahgate 062 [Situation] About 32 chains N.E. [North East] from Hitch-hill A Small house one Story high in bad repair - There is a Small vegetable garden attached Tennanted by. Isabella Carsbish - the Property of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/89 HITCHILL COTTAGE Hitchill Cottages Thomas Hope Farm Servant David Kennedy. Farmer Cummertrees 062 [Situation] About 1/4 mile N.E. [North East] from Hitch-hill Four cottages Situated on the Road Side one story high in good repair occupied by the Farm Servants on Hitchill - Thomas Hope Thomas Henry. John Johnston John Young - the Property of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/89 [page] 89 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 6 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/90 [page] 90 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/91 BACKBURN BacKburn William Chalmers Farmer BacKburn William Cronn Farmer Barrasgate 062 [Situation] 3/4 mile N.E. by E. [North East by East] from Hitch-hill. A large farm house one Story high with offices and Waterwheel in good repair There is a Small garden attached Tennanted by William Chalmers the Property of Lord Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/91 BACK BURN Back Burn Back Burn William Chalmers BacKburn Robert Osburn Hitchill 062 [Situation] In S.Wn. [South Western] vicinity of Backburn A small burn running in a southeasterly direction past the farm house of BacKburn and changing its name in the different farms through which it flowes
OS1/10/7/91 [page] 91 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 - 6 -- Trace 3
OS1/10/7/92 [page] 92 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/93 SCHOOL [Cummertrees] School (Ph.) [Parish] John Young Thomson Schoolmaster Cummertrees James Dalgliesh Cummertrees 057 [Situation] 13 Chains N.W. [North West] from Cummertrees village A plain building one story high attached to the masters residence having a large vegitable garden adjoining. It is large enough to afford accomodation for about 100 scholars - Average number of attendants 70. The branches taught are Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Mathematics, and Geography. Mr John Young Thomson is the master, his salery is composed of the Maximum allowed by government, The scholars fees from 2 to 5 shillings per quarter and what he receives for being Registrar for the parish of Cummertrees.
OS1/10/7/93 [page] 93 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 6 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/94 POST OFFICE [Cummertrees] Post Office (Sub.) Revd. [Reverend] George Gillespie Minister Cummertrees William Frood Postmaster Cummertrees 062 [Situation] Near the East end of Cummertrees village A small house one story high, and in good repair, having a garden attached. Occupied by William Frood, Postmaster; the property of the Marquis of Queensberry. There is one delivery and one despatch each day.
OS1/10/7/94 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow and South-Western Railway Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire Bradshaw's Railway Map 062 [Situation] Through Sn. [Southern] division of Parish in a S.E.E [South East East] direction. Double lines of Rail from Glasgow to Carlisle which run in a S.E.E. [South East East] direction and pass the village of Cummertrees where there is a Station.
OS1/10/7/94 [page] 94 Parish of Annan -- Sheet 62 No 6 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/94 This page relates to the Parish of Cummertrees, not Annan.
OS1/10/7/95 CHURCH [Cummertrees] Church (Ph.) [Parish] John Young Thompson Schoolmaster Cummertrees James Gillespie Cummertrees 062 [Situation] At the East end of Cummertrees village. A large plain building erected in the year 1777 having a gallery at its south end. It is in good repair and is surrounded by a grave yard. It is seated for 400, the average number at attendants is about 150. The communicants number about 200. The Revd. [Reverend] George Gillespie is the minister. The Marquis of Queensberry is the Patron.
OS1/10/7/95 MANSE [Cummertrees] Manse (Ph.) [Parish] John Young Thomson James Dalglish 062 [Situation] 32 chains N.W. [North West] from Ph. [Parish] Church. A plain stone building two stories high & slated, having a garden and Glebe of 30 acres arable land attached the stipend is about 150£. It is occupied by the Revd. [Reverend] George Gillespie.
OS1/10/7/95 [page] 95 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 6 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/96 CUMMERTREES [village] Cummertrees John Young Thomson Schoolmaster Cummertrees James Dalgliesh Cummertrees 062 [Situation] About 1/2 mile from the Sn. [Southern] extremity of Ph. [Parish] A Small village extending along the south side of the road leading from Annan to Dumfries. With the exception of a farm house, and the Railway Station, which stands on the N. [North] side of the road. the houses are one story high and in good repair occupied by agricultural laborers. The principal buildings are the Ph. [Parish] Church. Ph. [Parish] School, Queensberry Arms, Two grocers shops, a Post Office Cornmill and a Smithy, all Fued from the Marquis of Queensberry. The population amounted to 163 last census - 1851
OS1/10/7/96 POW WATER Pow Water See 113 Page for Authorities and Description
OS1/10/7/96 [page] 96 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 6 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/97 AGNESHILL Agneshill Christopher Coulthart Farmer Agneshill William Chalmers Farmer Backburn 062 [Situation] 27 chains nearly East from Cummertrees village A Small farm house one Story high in very good repair with an arable farm of 12 acres and a Small garden attached Tennanted by Christopher Coulthart the Property of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/97 GATESIDE Gateside Robert Osburn Farmer Hitchill James Kerr Gateside - Farm Servant 062 [Situation] 45 chains nearly East from Cummertrees village A Small house one Story high thatched. Situated on the RoadSide in very bad repair - There is a small vegetable garden attached occupied by the families James Kerr George Graham The Property of. Mr David Kennedy Cummertrees
OS1/10/7/97 [page] 97 Parish of Cummertrees -- [Sheet] 62 No. 6 -- Trace 5
OS1/10/7/98 [page] 98 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/99 BARRASGATE Barrasgate William Crome Farmer Barrasgate William Chalmers Farmer BacKburn 062 [Situation] 71 chains N.W. by W. [North West by West] from Cummertrees village A large farm house one Story high with offices and thrashing machine in good repair - There is a vegetable garden and an arable Farm of 170 acres Tennanted by William Crome Farmer Barrasgate. the Property of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/99 HIGH BROOM HighBroom William Crome Farmer Barrasgate Adam Scott Laborer Highbrom 062 [Situation] Nearly one mile S.W.W. [South West West] from Cummertrees village A Small house one Story high occupied by. two Families Adam Scott Laborer and Widow Haddow: in good repair the Property of the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/99 [page] 99 Ph [Parish] of Cummertrees -- [Sheet] 62 No. 6 -- Trace 6
OS1/10/7/100 [page] 100 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/101 JUSTENLEES Justenlees Justenlees Estate documents George Bell Esq. Factor to the Marquis of Queensberry 062 A large and comfortable farm house two story high & slated having a good supply of office houses attached, all in good repair. There is also a good vegetable garden attached. The farm & house is occupied by Mr William Kelton - proprietor the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/101 [page] 101 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 7 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/102 LONGFORDS Longfords Longford Longfords Mr William Kelton farmer Justinlees James Patterson farmer Longfords Johnstone's County Map Estate documents 062 [Situation] In the most Easterly district of this Parish. A neat farm house one story high, in good repair having offices attached as also a vegetable garden. It is occupied by James Patterson - proprietor the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/102 GLASGOW AND SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow and South Western Railway See Page 94 for authorities and description.
OS1/10/7/102 BACK BURN Back Burn See Page 91 for authorities and description.
OS1/10/7/102 [page] 102 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 7 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/103 HOWCREEK Howcreek David Ferguson Farmer Howcreek James Murray Farmer East How Creek 062 [Situation] Near the N.W. [North West] point of this Parish A Small farm house 1 Story high with offices and thrashing machine attached - all in good repair - There is a Small vegetable garden and an arable farm of. 70 acres. attached Tenanted by. David Ferguson the Property of Lord Mansfield
OS1/10/7/103 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See following Page
OS1/10/7/103 PRIESTSIDE FLOW Priestside Flow See Page 105, for authorities and description
OS1/10/7/103 HOW CREEK How Creek See Page 77 for authorities and description.
OS1/10/7/103 [page] 103 Parish of Cummertrees -- [Sheet] 61 No. 12 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/104 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth Solway Firth Solway Firth Solway Frith Solway Frith Solway Frith New Statistical Account of Dumfriesshire Dr [Doctor] Singer's Agricultural Survey of Dumfriesshire Blackwood's County Map of Dumfries Walker's Map of Scotland Crawford's Map of Dumfriesshire Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire 062; 063; 066 A very large bay projecting from the Irish Sea north-eastward between England and Scotland. - It bounds Cummertrees Ph. [Parish] on the South, - its width from shore to shore opposite this Parish being fully seven miles at full tides, but at ebb tides the only water in this part of the Firth is that of the Rivers Esk, Eden, and Annan, which run for upwards of a mile in one large and deep navigable channel. This Stream then separates suddenly, one part running along the English Coast and another along the Scotch, forming what is generally termed the English and Scotch channels. Firth is the colloquial term invariably applied here, which in such instances may be preferred to the word Frith, as the spelling thereof approaches nearer the derivative Norwegian Fiord - Latin fretum - a sea the root of the English term Frith. [initialled] JWJ
OS1/10/7/104 [page] 104 Parish of Cummertrees -- Plan 62 No. 9 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/105 PRIESTSIDE FLOW Priestside Flow Richard Murray Farmer Howcreek Robert Murray Farmer Howcreek [Situation] On the boundary between Ruthwell and Cummertrees A extensive moss or where turf or bog is cut by the surrounding tenantry for fuel. It is the property of the Earl of Mansfield Scoone Palace near Perth
OS1/10/7/105 [page] 105 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 9 -- Trace 3
OS1/10/7/106 [page] 106 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/107 EAST MIDTOWN East Midtown William Graham Farmer East Midtown James Landels 062 [Situation]At the SWn. [South Western] extremity of this Parish. A Small farm house 1 Story high in good repair, with a Small Vegetable garden and an arable farm of 20 acres. Tennanted by William Graham the Property of Lord Mansfield
OS1/10/7/107 MIDTOWN Midtown James Landells Farmer Midtown William Graham East Midtown 062 [Situation] 10 chains nearly west from West Midtown A Small farm house on Story high in good repair with a Small Vegetable garden and an arable farm attached. Tenanted by three people chiefly occupied by. James Landells the Property of Lord Mansfield
OS1/10/7/107 EAST HOWCREEK East Howcreek Robert Murray Farmer James Landells Farmer Midtown 062 [Situation] 8 chains N.W.W. [North West West] from Midtown. A Small farm house one Story high in, Bad repair - There is a Small garden and an arable farm attached Tenanted by Robert Murray. the Property of Lord Mansfield
OS1/10/7/107 [page] 107 Parish of Cummertrees -- [Sheet] 62 No. 9 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/7/108 [page] 108 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/109 EAST NETHERTOWN East Nethertown David Murray Farmer East Nethertown John Kennedy Laborer West Nethertown 062 [Situation] 15 chains N.E. [North East] from East Midtown A large farm house one Story high with offices and thrashing machine all in good repair - There is a Vegetable garden and an arable farm attached Tenanted by. David Murray. the Property of. Lord Mansfield
OS1/10/7/109 [page] 109 Parish of Cummertrees -- [Sheet] 62 No. 9 -- Trace 5 [Note West Nethertown, scored out] -- Cancelled
OS1/10/7/110 [page] 110 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/111 WEST MOSS-SIDE Westmoss-side Andrew Nicholson Farmer West MoSS-Side Thomas Frood Schoolmaster PriestSide 062 [Situation] 33 chains S.E. by E. [South East by East] from East Nethertown. A Small farm house one Story high, in good repair: There is a Small Vegetable garden and an arable farm attached Tennanted by Mr Andrew Nicholson the Property of Lord Mansfield
OS1/10/7/111 PRIESTSIDE SCHOOL Priestside School Thomas Frood Schoolmaster Andrew Nicholson Farmer West Moss-side 062 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [South East] from East Nethertown A one Story house used as a School, built by. the Tennantry of the adjacent farms, for the Purpose of teaching the Children of that neighbourhood, Average No. of scholars 45, Mr Frood is the Schoolmaster, he has a free house, the ground on which the house Stands is a grant from Lord Mansfield.
OS1/10/7/111 [page] 111 Parish of Cummertrees -- [Sheet] 62 No. 9 -- Trace 6
OS1/10/7/112 RIDDINDYKE RiddindyKe RiddindyKe Christopher Nicholson Farmer RiddindyKe William Graham Farmer RiddindyKe William Graham Farmer RiddindyKe C Nicholson Farmer Riddindyke 062 [Situation] 63 chains East from East Nethertown A Small farm house one Story high with offices and thrashing machine in good [repair] There is a small Vegetab [vegetable] garden and an arable f [farm] of. 17 acres Tennanted [by] C Nicholson the Pro [property] of Lord Mansfield [Situation] 63 chains East from East Nethertown A small farm house on [one] Story high in good repair - There is a Small Vegetable g [garden] and an arable farm of 50 a [acres] Tennanted by. William Graham the property of Lord Mansf [Mansfield]
OS1/10/7/112 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See Page 104
OS1/10/7/112 [page] 112 Parish of Cummertrees -- [Sheet] 62 No. 9 -- Trace 6
OS1/10/7/112 Two entries made for Riddindyke, bracketed together. Farm appears to have been divided. Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/113 RYEHILL Ryehill John Dalrymple farmer William Mathison Labr. [Labourer] Ryehill 062 [Situation] 1/2 mile north from the Solway Firth A small farm house one story high, slated, having offices attached all in good repair. There is also a good vegetable garden attached, It is occupied by John Dalrymple & the proprietor is the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/113 POW WATER Pow Burn Pow Burn Pow Water Pow Water Pow Water Pow Water William Graham Riddingdike Johnston's Countly Map New Statl. [Statistical] Account of Dumfries James Scott Ruthwell Revd. [Reverend] Mr Stephenson of Ruthwell Blackwood's County Map 056; 061; 062 [Situation] S.E.E. [South East East] through S.Wn. [South Western] division of Parish. A considerable Stream which rises in Dalton Parish flows S.S.E. [South South East] through that Ph. [Parish] Ruthwell and Cummertrees where it falls into the Solway Firth.
OS1/10/7/113 [page] 113 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 10 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/114 [page] 114 Parish of Cummertrees -- Plan 62.10 PRIESTSIDE BANK -- Priestside Bank [Authorities] -- See Page 104 of Ruthwell Name Book [Description] -- [Situation] In Solway Firth That part of the Solway Sands lying between Lochar Water and the River Annan.
OS1/10/7/114 Priestside Bank not listed in Index.
OS1/10/7/115 POWFOOT Powfoot William Chambers Hill House John Smith Joiner Powfoot 062 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E. [south East] from Ryehill A small village of houses in good repair and slated, having vegetable gardens attached, They are occupied chiefly by Labrs. [Labourers] and they are tennants of the Marquis of Queensberry
OS1/10/7/115 NETHERFIELD Netherfield James Graham Netherfield John Smith Powfoot 062 [Situation] 7 chains N.W. [North West] from Powfoot. A small farm house one story high, Thatched, having offices attached in tollerable repair It is occupied by James Graham, the proprietor the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/115 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See Page 104
OS1/10/7/115 [page] 115 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 10 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/7/116 HILLHOUSE Hillhouse William Chambers Hillhouse John Smith Powfoot 062 [Situation] Nearly 50 chains S.E.E. [South East East] from Ryehill A small cottage, one storey high occupied by William Chambers the proprietor is the Marquis of Queensberry from whom he rents it
OS1/10/7/116 POWFOOT SCAR Powfoot Scar Powfoot Scar Andrew Nicholson Thomas Frood 062 [Situation] On the Solway Sands. A large patch of shingle on the Solway Firth visible at low water mark.
OS1/10/7/116 WARREN Warren Warren William Chambers John Smith 062 [Situation]1/4 mile S,W, [South West] from Powfoot A cottage one storey high on the Solway beach having a garden attached.
OS1/10/7/116 [page] 116 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 10 -- Trace 3 [Note Fish House, scored out] -- not a proper name
OS1/10/7/117 BRUCE'S ACRE Bruces Acre Bruces Acre Bruce's Acre Mr James Paterson Longfords Mr Andrew Ray Broom New Statistical Account of Dumfries 062 [Situation] At the S.En. [South Eastern] extremity of this Parish. This name applies to a portion of land in a field a little to the east of the farm house of "Broom", where it is said there was a battle fought between the English and Scotch, the latter being under the command of Robert Bruce, A number of Swords and other weapons were found at and near this place
OS1/10/7/117 Site of BATTLE (13th Century) [Bruce's Acre] Site of Battle 062 [Situation] At the S.En. [South Eastern] extremity of this Parish. This name applies to a portion of land in a field a little to the east of the farm house of "Broom", where it is said there was a battle fought between the English and Scotch, the latter being under the command of Robert Bruce, A number of Swords and other weapons were found at and near this place
OS1/10/7/117 PRIESTSIDE BANK Priestside Bank See Page [114] for description etc
OS1/10/7/117 [page] 117 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 11 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/118 [page] 118 [Blank page]
OS1/10/7/119 BROOM Broom Andrew Wray, farmer Broom James Patterson farmer Longfords 062 [Situation] 17 chains N.W. [North West] from Bruce's Acre A neat and comfortable farm house, one story high with office houses attached, all in good repair, there is also a good vegetable garden attached. The farm & house is occupied by Andrew Wray - Proprietor the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/119 BROOM KNOWES Broom Knowes Broom Knowes Andrew Ray Broom James Paterson Longfords 062 [Situation] Adjoining Broom on the South A number of small undulating hillocks, a little to the south of Broom farm house, the surfaces of which are arable land
OS1/10/7/119 [page] 119 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 11 -- Trace 1
OS1/10/7/120 MUIRBECK Muirbeck Andrew Wray farmer Broom 062 [Situation] 16 chains S. by E. [South by East] from Broom Two Small cottages situated on the Broom farm the cottages are occupied by farm Lab [Labourers] who tennant them from Andrew Wray on whose far [farm] the cottages are built. the proprietor is the Marquis of Queensberry.
OS1/10/7/120 MUIR BECK Muir Beck Muir Beck James Paterson, Longfords Andrew Rae, Broom 062 [Situation] On the boundary between Cummertrees and Annan. A Small Stream which takes its rise in Annan Ph [Parish] and forms a part of the Boundary between that Parish and Cummertrees. It flows S.W. [South West] to the Solway Firth
OS1/10/7/120 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See Page 104 for Authorities and Description
OS1/10/7/120 [page] 120 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 11 -- Trace 3
OS1/10/7/120 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/7/121 CHANNEL OF LOCHAR WATER Lochar Water (Channel) Lochar Water (Channel) Andrew Nicholson Farmer Moss-side Thomas Frood Schoolmaster - Priestside, 061; 062 [Situation] On Solway Firth Sands. The estuary of a small river which forms the boundary between Carlaverock and Ruthwell - the channel of which is here liable to change.
OS1/10/7/121 ROUGH SCAR Rough Scar Rough Scar Andrew Nicholson Thomas Frood 061 A large patch of shingle visible at low water of the Solway Firth.
OS1/10/7/121 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See Page 104 for Authorities and description.
OS1/10/7/121 [page] 121 Parish of Cummertrees -- Plan 61.16. [Note Lochar Water] -- Surveyed 24th May 1856
OS1/10/7/122 [page] 122 Ph. [Parish] of Cummertrees -- Sheet 61.16. Priestside Bank -- See Page 114 for description etc Blackshaw Bank -- [Authorities] -- See Page 89 of Ruthwell Name Book [Description] -- That part of the Solway Sands lying between the estuary of River Nith and channel of Lochar Water.
OS1/10/7/122 Neither of these entries is listed in the Index.
OS1/10/7/123 BREWING SCAR Brewing Scar Andrew Nicholson Farmer Moss-side Thomas Frood Schoolmaster PriestSide 062 A large patch of Shingle Situated at Low Water MarK, on the South Side of the Solway Firth, and about a mile to the east of the Junction of Lochar Water - with the Low Water Mark.
OS1/10/7/123 ROUGH SCAR Rough Scar 061 See Page 121 for Authorities and description
OS1/10/7/123 LOCHAR WATER Lochar Water channel See Page 121 for Authorities and description
OS1/10/7/123 [page] 123 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 13 -- Trace 5 [Note Lochar Water] -- Surveyed 24th May 1856
OS1/10/7/124 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See Page 104 for authorities and description.
OS1/10/7/124 [page] 124 Parish of Cummertrees -- Plan 62.13 Priestside Bank -- See Page 114 for authorities & description. Blackshaw Bank -- See Page 122 for authorities etc
OS1/10/7/124 Priestside Bank and Blackshaw Bank not listed in Index.
OS1/10/7/125 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See Page 104 for authorities and description
OS1/10/7/125 [page] 125 Parish of Cummertrees -- Sheet 62 No. 14 -- Trace 1 & 2 Howgarth Scar [Spelling] -- Howgarth Scar [Authorities] -- Andrew Nicholson Farmer MoSS-Side Thomas Frood Schoolmaster PriestSide [Description] -- A large Patch of Shingle Situated at the Low Water Mark, on the South Side of the Solway Firth, and about half a mile east of the Brewing Scar. Priestside Bank [Spelling] -- Priestside Bank -- See Page 114 for description etc
OS1/10/7/125 Howgarth Scar and Priestside Bank not listed in Index.
OS1/10/7/126 SOLWAY FIRTH Solway Firth See Page for Authorities and description
OS1/10/7/126 LOCHAR WATER Channel of Lochar Water See page 121.
OS1/10/7/126 [page] 126 Parish of Cummertrees -- Plans 66 No. 4 & No. 8 & 62.17- BLACKSHAW BANK -- Blackshaw Bank -- See Page 122 [signed] R. Stotherd Capt. Rl. Engrs [Captain Royal Engineers] 31st Decr [December] 1857.
OS1/10/7/126 Blackshaw Bank not listed in Index.
OS1/10/7/127 [Page] 127 7 OS1/10/7 Co. [COUNTY] DUMFRIES [stamped] ORDNANCE SURVEY M.S. [MANUSCRIPT] STORE -- 15 MAR [MARCH] 1895 -- SOUTHAMPTON PH. [Parish] of CUMMERTREES. Scale 25.344 PLAN -- Page 57 5 -- 3 57 6 -- 7 57 7 -- 17 57 9 -- 19 57 10 -- 23 57 11 -- 35 57 13 -- 39 57 14 -- 43 57 15 -- 53 62 1 -- 57 62 2 -- 63 62 3 -- 73 61 8 -- 77 62 5 -- 79 62 6 -- 87 62 7 -- 101 61 12 -- 103 62 9 -- 105 62 10 -- 113 62 11 -- 117 61 16 -- 121 62 12 -- 123 62 14 -- 125 66 4 -- 126 66 8 -- 126 62 17 -- 126 26 PLANS
OS1/10/7/128 [page] 128 INDEX Plan -- Name of Object -- Page 62/7, -- Agneshill -- 97, 62/1 62/5, -- Branthat Plantation -- 61, 80, 57/6, -- BlacK SiKe -- 15, 57/11, -- Bogs -- 35, 57/14, -- Bow Hill -- 46, 57/14, -- BecKhead -- 48, 62/2, -- BlacKKerr -- 71. 62/2, -- BlacKKerr Burn -- 71, 62/3, -- Burnside -- 75, 62/3, -- Black Justinlees -- 75, 62/5, -- Branthat -- 84, 62/6, -- BacKburn -- 91, 62/6, 62/7, -- BacK Burn -- 91,102. 62/6, -- Barrasgate -- 99. 62/11, -- Bruce's Acre -- 117, 62/11, -- Broom -- 119, 62/11, -- Broom Knowes -- 119. 62/13, -- Brewing Scar -- 123, 57/14, -- BecKhead Plantation -- 51, 62/2, -- Beetylands Park -- 69, 57/6, -- Crawford Burn -- 9, 57/14, -- Clayhouses -- 49, 57/14, -- Clayhouse T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 49, 62/2, -- Charlesfield -- 67, 62/3, -- Corrieknowe -- 76. 62/6, -- Church -- 95, 62/6, -- Cummertrees -- 96, 61/16, 62/13, -- Channel of Lochar water -- 121, 123, 57/6, -- Crawford Pools -- 7, 8, 57/6, -- Dilholm Pool -- 10, 62/5, -- Doctor's Trough -- 80, 57/10. -- Edge -- 23. 57/11, -- Eastmoor ChecK. T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 37, 57/14, -- East Bowhill -- 45, 62/9, -- East HowcreeK -- 107. 62/9, -- East Nethertown -- 109, 62/1, -- Flosh -- 61, 62/10, -- Fish House -- 116, 57/5, -- Gillhall Burn -- 3, 57/5, -- Gillhall -- 5, 57/6, 57/7, -- Gannet Wood -- 15, 17, 62/1, -- Gill -- 58, 62/2, -- Gooley Hill -- 69, 62/5, -- Glen Stewart -- 81, 62/5, -- Glen Burn -- 81, 62/5, -- Glenstewart -- 83, 62/5, 62/6, 62/7. -- Glasgow & S.Wn [South Western] Railway -- 84, 94, 102, 62/6, -- Gateside -- 97, 62/6, -- Hannah Park -- 88, 57/6, -- Hoddom Castle -- 13, 57/6, -- Horse Pool -- 16, 57/9, -- Holly Bush -- 27, 62/1, -- Hollybush -- 60, 61/8, 61/12, -- How Creek -- 77, 103, 61/8, -- Hidewood -- 79, 62/5, -- HurKledale -- 86, 62/6, -- Hannah -- 87, 62/6 -- Hannahgate -- 87, 62/6, -- Hitchill -- 89, 62/6, -- Hitchill Cottage -- 89, 62/6, -- High Broom -- 99. 61/12, -- Howcreek -- 103, 62/10, -- Hillhouse -- 116, 62/14, -- Howgarth -- 125, 62/1, 62/2, -- Holly Bush Wood -- 61, 67, 62/7 -- Justenlees -- 101, 62/3, -- Justenlees Plantation -- 76, 57/14, 62/1 62/2, -- Kelhead Wood -- 43, 60. 64, 57/14, -- Kelhead Flow -- 47, 57/14, -- Kelhead T.P. [Turn Pike] -- 47, 57/14, -- Kelhead Quarry -- 48, 62/2. -- Kinmount House -- 63, 62/2. -- Kelhead Lime Works -- 65, 57/13, 57/14, 62/2, -- Kelhead Moss Plantation -- 40, 43, 66, 57/6, -- Lower Edge -- 7, 57/15, -- Lowermoor -- 55, 62/3, -- Ladyfield -- 73, 62/5, -- Longbank -- 79, 62/6, -- Laverockhaa -- 89, 62/7, -- Longfords -- 102, 57/5, -- Murraythwaite -- 3, 57/5, 57/9. -- Murraythwaite House -- 3, 57/6, -- Milk Water Foot -- 10, 57/6, -- Mellay Holm -- 15, 57/9, -- Moss Castle -- 19, 57/9. -- Murraythwaite Mains -- 20, 62/1, -- Maulscastle -- 57, 62/2, -- Muirhouse -- 66, 62/5, -- Moss Cottage -- 85, 62/6, -- Manse -- 95, 62/9, -- Midtown -- 107, 62/11, -- MuirbecK -- 120, 62/11 -- Muir BecK -- 120 62/1, 62/2, 62/5, 62/6 -- MacWhinney Park -- 62, 68, 81. 87,
OS1/10/7/129 [Page] 129 INDEX Plan -- Name of Object -- Page 57/5, -- North Lodge -- 4, 57/9, 57/10 -- Norwood -- 21, 31, 57/10,-- North Bowhill -- 31, 57/13, -- Nether Stenries -- 41,, 62/10, -- Netherfield -- 115, 61/8, 62/5, 60/12, 62/9, -- Priestside Flow -- 77, 86, 103, 105, 62/5, 62/6. 62/10, -- Pow Burn -- 80, 96, 113, 62/9, -- Priestside School -- 111, 62/10, -- Powfoot -- 115, 62/10, -- Powfoot Scar -- 116, 62/2, -- Quarry Park Wood -- 65, 57/5, 57/6, 57/7, -- River Annan -- 5, 8, 17, 57/9,-- Repentancehill -- 27, 57/9, -- Repentance Tower -- 28, 57/15,-- Rigfoot -- 53, 62/9, -- Riddingdyke -- 112, 62/10, -- Ryehill -- 113, 61/16, 62/13, -- Rough Scar -- 121, 123, 57/9, -- South Lodge -- 19, 57/9, -- Stenrieshill -- 21, 57/10, -- School -- 32 57/11, -- Stenriesgate -- 39, 57/14, -- South Bowhill -- 45, 62/1, -- Sunnybank -- 59. 62/6. -- School -- 93, 62/9, 62/11, 61/16, 62/13, 62/14, 66/4, 66/8 -- Solway Firth -- 104, 120, 121, 124, 125, 126, 57/10. -- Trailtrow (West) -- 23, 57/10, -- Trailtrow -- 25. 57/11, -- Trailtrow Moor -- 37, 57/13, -- Topmuir -- 42, 57/10, -- Trailtrow Chapel -- 29, 57/10, -- Uppermoor -- 33. 57/13. -- Upper Stenries -- 39, 57/13, -- Upper Mains -- 40, 57/6, -- Wildcat Burn -- 7, 57/6, -- West Lodge -- 9, 57/6, -- Wardpark Burn -- 9. 57/6, -- Wardpark -- 11, 57/9, -- Woodhead -- 20, 57/13, -- West Powhill -- 43, 57/14, -- Winterhseugh -- 51,, 62/10, -- Warren -- 116. 57/10 57/14, -- Winterseugh Plantation -- 33, 46,