Dumfriesshire volume 06

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/10/6/1 CLOSEBURN [parish] Closeburn Closeburn Closeburn J. & W Walkers' Map of Scotland Crawford's Map of Dumfrieshire Johnston's County Map 022; 023; 031; 032; 040; 041 [Situation] In Nithsdale, at the Sn [Southern extremity of LanarKshire, The Name of this Parish was originally written Kilosbern, as appears by some old Deeds yet extant, - derived from Cella Osberni. - The Site of an ancient Church is shewn at a place a few chains to the North of Closeburn, of which structure there exist in the district various traditions. This may have been the Site of the edifice from which the Name of this Parish is derived. The Parish of Closeburn is bounded on the North by those of Moffat and Crawfurd in LanarKshire, on the East by KirKpatricK-Juxta and KirKmichael, on the South by Kirkmahoe and Keir And on the West by Keir, Penpont and Moffat. There is no detached portion of Closeburn within the limits of another Parish nor is there within its boundaries a detached portion of any other Parish. It measures 10 1/2 miles in extreme length and about 7 1/2 miles in extreme breadth. - Its Area has been variously estimated at 28,000 Impl. [Imperial] Acres And 20,745 Scotch Acres - 26,300, Impl. [Imperial] but its entire Area has now been computed at 29,353 Impl. [Imperial] Acres. The Soil along the West side is a rich loam, towards the centre where it becomes hilly, it is a Sandy gravel to the depth of nearly 20 feet - nearly the whole of the Eastern district is moorland pasture. - The greatest altitudes are Queensberry, AuchenlecK Hill and Garroch Fell in the Nn. [Northern] Parish District, the first having an elevation of 2,259, feet above sea level and the two latter nearly 2,000 feet. - The River Nith which traces the Wn. [Western] boundary is the principal Stream Cample Water on the Nn. [Northern] or N.Wn. [North Western] boundary is a considerable Stream which is subject to sudden and impetuous floods from [Continued on page 2]
OS1/10/6/1 [page] 1 Parish of Closeburn -- Co [County] of Dumfries 1
OS1/10/6/2 CLOSEBURN [Continued from page 1] From the uplands. Scar Water a large stream traces a small portion of the Wn. [Western] boundary. The Linn Burn in the Nn. [Northern] district is remarKable for the striKing scenery along its course. Not far from its Source it forms a very beautiful cascade by falling over a precipice about 80 feet high which is almost perpendicular. About half a mile below this the Water has in the course of ages hollowed out to itself a straight passage through a hill of red freestone, forming what is called Chrichope Linn, - peculiarly romantic. This linn from top to bottom is upwards of 100 feet, the channel of the Stream in some parts is so narrow that one might easily leap across it, were it not for the tremendous prospect below and the noise of the Water running its darK course. – The Parish is watered by numerous mountain streams. There is also a small sheet of water near the centre of Parish called Loch EttricK. – Limestone is extensively worKed in the Wn. [Western] district which is used principally for agricultural purposes, no other mineral is known to exist. The Glasgow and Carlisle TurnpiKe road traverses the Wn. [Western] district from which another line diverges in connection with the TurnpiKe road from Dumfries to LocKerbie. – There are three villages Closeburn, Kirkpatrick and Cample which are unimportant. – There is one Parish Church. The Schools of this Parish of which Wallacehall School is the principal are upheld by bequests and voluntary contributions of heritors. The chief Mansion is Closeburn Hall. Population of the Parish 1600, - There is also a Free Church. The Old embanKment noticed by Dr. [Doctor] Simpson in his History of Sanquhar has liKewise been traced in this Parish. It presents Similar features to those described by that Author and which, from its peculiar features and route attributed by various Antiquaries, has been characterised as the Celtic or Deil’s Dike. – Two Camps or Forts in the Wn. [Western] District have been characterised as Ancient British Strengths which present the usual features assigned to such Antiquities. – The sites of Ancient Cairns which appear on Estate Plans of this Parish have also been shewn, of which Cairns however no information can be gleaned in locale. – A few Stones lying in a field towards the Southern district are supposed by the people of locality to have formed or had some connection with an Ancient structure or monument, but sufficient information cannot be obtained whereby to judge of their origin. - Dr. [Doctor] Grierson of Thornhill who personally examined these Stones is of opinion, that they might have belonged to a Druidical Cairn, Altar or Circle, but he is not prepared in the absence of any Authority thereon and the fact of these Stones having been removed from their original Site - definitely to attach to them their real character. The principal Antiquity is Closeburn Castle, a Square building about 50 feet high consisting of a ground floor and three series of vaulted apartments, still inhabited. Its walls are from 8 to 12 feet thicK, it measures 33 1/2 feet long and 45 1/2 feet broad, and was originally surrounded by a fosse. As it bears no Date or inscription its Date cannot be correctly ascertained. From the plan of the building and the style of the mouldings of the Doors, it cannot be less than 800 years old. The present Parish comprehends those of Kilosbern and Dalgarno which were united in the 17th Century. The Site of an Ancient Church as shewn a little to the North of Closeburn village may have been that of the original Church of Kilosbern, which was granted to the MonKs of Kelso by the Lord of the Manor of Kilosbern. The ruins of the old Church of Dalgarnock were extant a few Years since, the Site however is all that can now be shewn. This Church stood on East bank of the Nith near the most westerly point of the present Parish of Closeburn, It was granted to the Monks of Holyroodhouse by Edgar, son of Duvenald of Stranith, which grant was confirmed by William the Lion. – Around this Church was formally a considerable village the burgh of the barony. The Site of an Ancient chapel dedicated to St Patrick is pointed out on a farm called KirKpatricK in the Sn. [Southern] district from which the Ancient family Kirkpatrick of Closeburn who figure conspicuously in the Scotch history doubtlessly also Derived Name. – The Nithsdale Roman Road is said to have passed through this Parish no vestige nor trace of which can be found. May 1857
OS1/10/6/2 [page] 2 Parish of Closeburn -- Co [County] Dumfries
OS1/10/6/3 BERRY GRAIN Berry Grain Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison John Mitchell 023 [Situation] Near the Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary. A rapid mountain Stream rising at the head of the parish. Flows in an eastern direction along the boundary of Morton & Closeburn & falls into Tansley Burn.
OS1/10/6/3 [Page] 3 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23-1 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/4 GARROCHSHIELS Garrochshiels John Mitchell Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile W. [West] from Garroch Fell A small piece of soft ground with a number of springs in it near a sheep stell at the foot of Garroch Fell
OS1/10/6/4 [Page] 4 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23-1 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/5 GLENBUITH Glenbuith Glenbuith Glenbuith John Mitchell Townfoot William Gardiner Townhead Joseph Brown Kettletonhead Buccleuch Estate Maps and documents. 023 [Situation] At the S,E, [South East] side of Garroch Fell, A long deep glen with a stream flowing through it which rises at the north-east end of Garroch Fell, and flows in a southern direction until it falls into Garroch Water
OS1/10/6/5 GARROCH FELL Garroch Fell Garroch Fell Garroch Fell Garroch Hill Garroch Fell John Mitchell Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison Burn Johnston's County Map New Statl [Statistical] Account of Dumfriesshire 023 [Situation] In Nn[Northern] district of this Parish. A ridgelike hill, considerably above 1000 feet in altitude, it is the highest in the Ph [Parish] with the exception of Queensberry
OS1/10/6/5 SNAPPERS SLACK Snappers Slack Snappers Slack Snappers Slack Adam Menzies. Garroch Peter McMorrin. Midtown Andrew Jardine. Burleywhag 023 [Situation] On Garrow Fell. A dry hollow or Cleuch on Garroch Fell, derivation not known
OS1/10/6/5 [Page] 5 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23-1 -- Trace 4 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/6 [page] 6 [Blank page]
OS1/10/6/7 GANA HILL Gawney Gawney Gawney Gana Hill George Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter Buccleuch Estate Plan - Feby. [February] 1857 023 [Situation] On the Boundary between Closeburn and Crawfurd in Lanarkshire A large ridge like hill situated on the north boundary of this parish dividing Dumfriesshire from Lanarkshire, It is upwards of 1000 feet high.
OS1/10/6/7 KENRIVA BURN Kenriva Burn Kenriva Burn Kenriva Burn Henrive Burn Kenriva Burn George Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter Johnston's Co. [County] Map Buccleuch Estate Map 1857 023 [Situation] From Gana Hill, S. [South] to Garroch Water. A large stream having its source near to the Gawney flows southward and falls into Garroch Water
OS1/10/6/7 [Page] 7 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/2 -- Trace 3 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/8 GANA SHANK Gawney Shank Gawney Shank Gawney Shank Gana Shank George Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter Buccleuch Estate Maps etc 023 [Situation] On the En. [Eastern] declivity of Gana Hill - on Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary. A name given to a ridge which Juts out from the brow of the hill called Gawney.
OS1/10/6/8 CAMPBELL CRAIGS Campbell Craigs Campbell Craigs Campbell Craigs George Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile S,E, by E, [South East by East] from Gana Hill A long range of Craigs, a little East of Gawney sh [shank]
OS1/10/6/8 CAMPBELL CLEUCH Campbell Cleuch Campbell Cleuch Campbell Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 1 mile S,E, [South East] from Gana Hill. A Cleuch thro' [through] which a stream, having its sou [source] at the Campbell Craigs, flow [flows] Eastward and falls into Capel Burn
OS1/10/6/8 [Page] 8 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/2 -- Trace 4 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/8 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/9 WHITESPOT HILL Whitespot Hill Whitespot Hill Whitespot Hill Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile S,E, [South East] from Gana Hill, A small round hill a little East of the Camel Craig,s
OS1/10/6/9 [Page] 9 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/2 -- Trace 4 [signed] William Wrigh c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/10 VOCHUMS CLEUCH Vochums Cleuch Vochums Cleuch Vochums Cleuch Vochums Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter Buccleuch Estate Map 023 [Situation] Nearly 1 mile S,E, [South East] from Gana Hill. A Slight hollow through which a stream flows it extends from a little North of the Three Knowe,s to the Camel Craig,s
OS1/10/6/10 BURLEY SIKE Burley Syke Burley Syke Burley Syke Burley Sike Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter Estate Maps, 023 [Situation] From the Moor 1 mile E. [East] of Gana Hill S. [South] to Capel Burn, A small stream having its source near to the boundary flows South and falls into Capel Burn
OS1/10/6/10 [Page] 10 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/2 -- Trace 5 [Note Burley Sike] -- Burly - Strong -- Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson Sike, Syk, Syik - a Rill -- Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson Note - Burley Sike adopted here as in unison with Burleywhag, which see on Common Plan [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/11 EWE CRAIGS Ewe Craigs Ewe Craigs Ewe Craigs Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 70 Chains East from Gana Hill. A sort of rising ground covered with small craigs and loose stones it derives its name from Ewe a sheep.
OS1/10/6/11 [Page] 11 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/2 -- Trace 5 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/12 [Page] 12 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/6/13 EARN CRAIG Earn Craig Earn Craig Earn Craig Andrew Jardine Thomas Davidson Adam Menzies 023 [Situation] About 30 chains S, [South] from Nn [Northern] point of this Parish, A rugged craig about a mile to the North of Burliewhag where an Eagle had its Eyrie. At the bottom among the loose stones there is a Cave where, it is said, the Covenanters hid themselves in the time of the Persecution
OS1/10/6/13 EARN CLEUCH Yearn or Yern Cleuch Yearn or Yern Cleuch Yearn or Yern Cleuch Andrew Jardine Andrew Davidson William Scott 023 [Situation] 13 Chns. [Chains] N,E, [North East] from Earn Craig, A Small Glen near to Erne Craig through which a Stream flows. falling into Capel Burn. The cleuch extends as far as the stream.
OS1/10/6/13 EARNCRAIG HILL Yearn or Yern Craig hill Yearn or Yern Craig hill Yearn or Yern Craig hill Andrew Jardine Andrew Davidson Adam Menzies 023 [Situation] On Nn [Northern] Parish Boundary, A round hill on the Boundary of this Parish. Kirkpatrick Juxta. and Lanarkshire Derives Name from above Earn Craig, which See,
OS1/10/6/13 [Page] 13 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/3 -- Trace No. 1 [Note Earn Craig] -- Earn or Erne the eagle -- Dr. [Doctor] Jamieson [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/14 CAPEL BURN Capel Burn Capel Burn Capel Burn Andrew Jardine Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] From 1/4 mile N,E [North East] of Earn Craig - S.S,W [South South West] to Water of Ae, A Stream rising near to the Erne Craig flowing in a Southerly direction And falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/14 PENBRECK SLIDDERS Penbreck Slidders Penbreck Slidders Penbreck Slidders Penbrack Slidders Penbrecht Andrew Jardine John Henry Andrew Davidson Adam Menzies. Garroch Buccleuch Estate Map 023 [Situation] 16 Chains East from Earn Craig, A Steep rocky Brow on the Side of Penbreck
OS1/10/6/14 BERRY RIG Berry Rigg Berry Rigg Berry Rigg William Scott Andrew Jardine Adam Brown 023 [Situation] On Nn. [Northern] Parish Boundary A ridge like hill on the Boundary of this Parish
OS1/10/6/14 [Page] 14 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/3 -- Trace No.1 [Note Berry Rig] -- Rig - to be adopted as P [Per] order from Southampton. [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/15 CAPEL YETTS Capel Yetts Capel Yetts Capel Yetts Capplegate William Scott Andrew Jardine Adam Menzies Johnstone's Co. [County] Map 023 [Situation] On Boundary between Closeburn and Crawfurd in Lanarkshire, This name is applied to the Head of the Glen through which Capel Burn flows
OS1/10/6/15 [Page] 15 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/3 --Trace No 2 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/16 WALLACE'S KIST Wallace's Kist Wallace's Kist Wallace's Kist Andrew Jardine Andrew Davidson Adam Menzies 023 [Situation] 18 chains S,E, [South East] from Earn Craig This name is applied to a hollow portion of Penbreck Slidders
OS1/10/6/16 LANG GRAIN Lang Grain Lang Grain Lang Grain Andrew Jardine William Scott Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] 33 Chains SSE [South South East] from Earn Craig A Small Stream rising near to Penbreck and falling into Capel Burn
OS1/10/6/16 [Page] 16 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/3 --Trace No 3 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civlian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/17 PENBRECK Penbreck Penbreck Penbreck Penbrack Penbreck Andrew Jardine John Henry Andrew Davidson Adam Menzies. Garroch. Buccleuch Estate Map Feby. [February] 1857. 023 [Situation] 27 chains S,E, by E, [South East by East] from Eam Craig; A round hill on the Boundary of this Parish. "Penbrack" - the "Spotted hill".
OS1/10/6/17 BROCK HOLES Brock Holes Brock Holes Brock Holes Andrew Jardine Andrew Davidson Adam Brown 023 [Situation] 43 chains S,E, by S [South East by South] from Earn Craig A Steep & rugged brow along Glenbeth Burn where it is said Badgers made their Holes
OS1/10/6/17 [Page] 17 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/3 -- Trace No 4 [Note Brock Holes] -- Broc the badger -- McLeod's Gaelic Dictionary [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/17 Glenbeth Head notes are written and scored through. I assume they are on another page
OS1/10/6/18 [Page] 18 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/6/19 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water Peter McMorrin Mr Mitchel Mr Harper 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing Boundary between Closeburn & Morton Parishes, A stream that takes its rise in the Parish of Morton and flows in a South West direction and falls into the River Nith
OS1/10/6/19 KEEL BURN Keel Burn Keel Burn Keel Burn Peter McMorrin Adam Menzies William Anderson 022; 023 [Situation] On N,En [North Eastern] side of Auchenleck Hill N,W, [North West] to Cample Water in Morton Parish, A small stream that takes its source in this parish and flows in a Westerly direction and falls into Cample Water
OS1/10/6/19 BACK BURN Back Burn Back Burn Back Burn Adam Menzies Peter McMorrin John Douglas 022; 023 [Situation] On the N. [North] side of Auchenleck Hill W, [West] to Cample water, A stream that takes its rise in this parish and flows in a Westerly direction and falls into Cample Water
OS1/10/6/19 [Page] 19 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/8 -- Trace No 2 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/20 WHITE SNOUT White Snout White Snout White Snout Peter McMorrin John Douglas William Anderson 022 [Situation] On Auchenleck Hill. A name given to a piece of ground on the farm of Townhead the property of then trustees of Mr Baird
OS1/10/6/20 AUCHENLECK HILL Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Blackwood's Co. [County] Map Peter McMorrin, Shepherd, Midtown Thomas Nevison Farmer, Burn 022; 023 [Situation] In N.Wn [North Western] Parish District An elevated track of Tableland upwards of 1000 feet high Nearly 2000 ft. above sea level.
OS1/10/6/20 [Page] 20 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/8 -- Trace No 2
OS1/10/6/20 Collector's signature lost.
OS1/10/6/21 BLACK SNOUT Black Snout Black Snout Black Snout Peter McMorrin David Hunter William Anderson 022 [Situation] At the W, [West] side of Auchenleck Hill. A name given to a piece of ground on the farm of Townhead the property of the trustees of Mr Baird
OS1/10/6/21 WINDY EDGE Windy Edge Windy Edge Windy Edge Peter McMorrin David Hunter William Miller 022 [Situation] At the West of Auchenleck Hill A name given to a brow on the farm of Towhead the property of the Trustees of Mr Baird
OS1/10/6/21 DRY GUTTER Dry Gutter Dry Gutter Dry Gutter Peter McMorrin David Hunter Adam Menzies 022 [Situation] On the W. [West] side of Auchenleck Hill A stream which is often dry takes its rise on the farm of Townhead and flows in a Westerly direction and falls into the Cample Water
OS1/10/6/21 [Page] 21 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/8 -- Trace 3 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/22 BELL'S CAIRN Bell's Cairn Bell's Cairn Bell's Cairn Peter McMorrin Shepherd, Midtown Mr Mitchel Farmer. Townfoot David Hunter 022 [Situation] On Auchenleck Hill, A Shepherds Pile on Auchenleck Hill
OS1/10/6/22 CAIRN HILL Cairn Hill Cairn Hill Cairn Hill Peter Mc Morrin David Hunter Adam Menzies Garroch 022 [Situation] On the summit of Auchenleck Hill. A rising piece of grou [ground] on the farm of Townhe [Townhead] the property of the trust [trustees] of Mr Baird, This is a part of Auchenleck Hill
OS1/10/6/22 [page] 22 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/8 -- Trace 4 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/22 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/23 KEEL BURN Keel Burn Keel Burn Keel Burn James Harper George McMurdo Adam Menzies 022; 023 [Situation] From the N,E. [North East] side of Auchenleck Hill - N.W, [North West] to Cample Water in Morton Parish, A stream rising on the farm of Townhead & running in a N.W. [North West] direction into Cample Water.
OS1/10/6/23 BACK BURN Back Burn Back Burn Back Burn James Harper George McMurdo Adam Menzies 022; 023 [Situation] On the Nn [Northern] side of Auchenleck Hill W. [West] to Cample Water A stream rising about 12 chains W. [West] from the head of Keel Burn & running into Cample Water.
OS1/10/6/23 [Page] 23 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23.5 -- Trace 1.
OS1/10/6/24 GARROCH FELL Garrock Fell Garrock Fell Garrock Fell Garroch Fell Garroch Fell Garroch Fell Garroch Garroch Garroch, James Harper George McMurdo Adam Menzies Joseph Brown - Kettletonhead John Mitchel - Townhead Thomas Nevison - Burn Valuation Roll Estate Documents Buccleuch Estate Map Feby. [February] 1857 023 [Situation] In the Nn, [Northern] District of Parish About 1 mile N, E, [North East] from Auchenleck Hill, A large hill on the farm of Garrock and estate of the Duke of Buccleuch, on its summit is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party "Garrock" This hill is considerably above 1000 feet in altitude, being the highest in the Ph [Parish] with the exception of Queensberry.
OS1/10/6/24 [page] 24 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23.5 -- Trace 2 [Note Snapper's Slack, crossed out] -- on common Plan.
OS1/10/6/25 GLENBUITH Glenbooth Glenbooth Glenbooth Glenbuith Glenbuith Glenbuith Glenbuith Glenbuith James Harper George McMurdo Adam Menzies William Gardiner John Mitchel, Townhead Joseph Brown - Kettletonhead Thomas Nevison - Burn Buccleuch Estate Map 1857 023 [Situation] At the S.En [South Eastern] side of Garroch Fell A deep glen with a smart running stream rising about half a mile N.W. [North West] of Tod Craig Hill & running into Garrock Water The glen & stream are coextensive.
OS1/10/6/25 TOD CRAIG HILL Tod Craig Hill Tod Craig Hill Tod Craig Hill Adam Menzies James Harper George McMurdo 023 [Situation] Nearly 3/4 mile S,E, [South East] from Garroch Hill. A large hill on the farm of Garrock & estate of the Duke of Buccleuch, on its summit is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party "Lower Garock"
OS1/10/6/25 GLENBUITH CAIRN Glenbuith Cairn Shepherds Pile Glenbuith Cairn Shepherds Pile Glenbuith Cairn Shepherds Pile John Mitchell Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison 023 [Situation] 28 chains N. [North] from Tod Craig hill, A Shepherd's Pile on the east side of Glenbuith.
OS1/10/6/25 [Page] 25 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23.5 -- Trace 3
OS1/10/6/26 GARROCH WATER Garrock Water Garrock Water Garrock Water Garroch Water Garroch Water Garroch Water Garroch Adam Menzies James Harper George McMurdo Joseph Brown John Mitchel Thomas Nevison Valuation Roll 023 [Situation] From the N, En [North Eastern] Side of Auchenleck Hill - S.E, by S, [South East by South] to [--] Burn. A stream rising on the farm of Garrock & running S.E. [South East] into Capell, it is merely a Burn altho' [although] known in the locality as Garrock Water.
OS1/10/6/26 THE DOD The Dod The Dod The Dod Adam Menzies James Harper George McMurdo 023 [Situation] Adjoining Auchenleck Hill on the East A small hill on the farm of Garrock & estate of the Duke of Buccleuch, on its Summit is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party "Garocks"
OS1/10/6/26 [page] 26 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23.5 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/6/26 Gap in text.
OS1/10/6/27 AUCHENLECK HILL Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Adam Menzies. Garroch Andrew Jardine. Burleywhag Peter McMorrin, Midtown Johnston's Co [County] Map Fullarton's Gazetteer 022; 023 [Situation] In N.Wn [North Western] Parish District A large tract of Table land upwards of 1000 feet in altitude,
OS1/10/6/27 BISHOP HOLES Bishop Holes Bishop Holes Bishop Holes Adam Menzies Andrew Jardine Peter McMorrin 023 [Situation] At En [Eastern] base of Auchenleck Hill, A small patch of hollow & undulating ground, It is not known from what circumstance this place has got the name.
OS1/10/6/27 BRANDY HOLES Brandy Holes Brandy Holes Brandy Holes Adam Menzies Andrew Jardine Peter McMorrin 023 [Situation] 12 chains S,S,E, [South South East] from Bishop Holes. A hollow piece of undulating ground, It is said this place used to be a rendezvous for Smugglers.
OS1/10/6/27 [page] 27 Ph [Parish] of Closeburn -- Plan 23.5 -- Trace No 4 [signed] Owen Barrett
OS1/10/6/28 DOD CLEUCH Dod Cleuch Dod Cleuch Dod Cleuch Adam Menzies, Garroch, Shepherd Andrew Jardine, Shepherd, Barleywhag Peter McMorrin, Shepherd, Midtown 023 [Situation] On N.En [North Eastern] slope of Dod Hill A glen with a stream passing through, and falling into Glenbuith, the glen extends as far as the Stream
OS1/10/6/28 WESTER HILL Wester Hill Wester Hill Wester Hill Adam Menzies Andrew Jardine Peter McMorrin 023 [Situation] About 1/2 mile S,E, [South East] from The Dod, An elevated ridge being a rest on the ascent to Tod Craig Hill
OS1/10/6/28 [page] 28 Ph [Parish] of Closeburn -- Plan 23.5 -- Trace No 5 [signed] [Owen Barrett]
OS1/10/6/29 PALMER'S KNOWE Palmer's Knowe Palmer's Knowe Palmer's Knowe James Harper George McMurdo Adam Menzies 023 [Situation] 15 chains S [South] from The Dod, A conspicuous eminence on the farm of Garrock & estate of the Duke of Buccleuch, there is no authentic information regarding how it obtained the name; probably from the person named Palmer who built a small cairn on the W. [West] side of it.
OS1/10/6/29 [page] 29 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23.5 -- Trace 5 [signed] J Nish
OS1/10/6/30 GARROCH BURN Garroch Burn Garroch Burn Garroch Burn Adam Menzies, Shepherd. Garroch Andrew Jardine Shepherd. Burleywhag Peter Morrin. Sheperd Midtown 023 [Situation] From Sn [Southern] slope of Tod Craig Hill S,S,W, [South South West] to Kenriva Burn, See page 60
OS1/10/6/30 TOD CRAIG Tod Craig Tod Craig Tod Craig Adam Menzies Andrew Jardine Peter McMorrin 023 [Situation] On S,En [South Eastern] side of Tod Craig Hill A few rocks among which Foxes [burrow]
OS1/10/6/30 [page] 30 Ph [Parish] of Closeburn -- Plan 23.5 -- Trace No 6 [signed] Owen Barrett
OS1/10/6/30 Word lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/31 KENRIVA BURN Kenriva Burn Kenriva Burn Kenriva Burn Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] From Gana Hill S. [South] to Garroch Water, A large Stream taking its rise a little East of the Gana flows South and falls into Garrock Water
OS1/10/6/31 BITCH CLEUCH Bitch Cleuch Bitch Cleuch Bitch Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [situation] Nearly 1 mile N.W. by N, [North West by North] from Haggie Hill, A slight hollow through which a stream flows it rises a little North of Tod Craig hill and falls into Kinriva Burn
OS1/10/6/31 [page] 31 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/6 -- Trace 1 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/31 Entry Brown Knowe - scored out
OS1/10/6/32 LAMB CLEUCH Lamb Cleuch Lamb Cleuch Lamb Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile N,W, by N, [North West by North] from Haggie Hill, A slight hollow through which a Stream flows it rises near the South end of the Gauney Shank and falls into Kenriva burn
OS1/10/6/32 [page] 32 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/6 -- Trace 1 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/32 Entry Lowland Cleuch scored out
OS1/10/6/33 CAMPBELL CLEUCH Campbell Cleuch Campbell Cleuch Campbell Cleuch Andrew Jarden Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 1 mile S,E, [South East] from Gana Hill, A Glen with a stream having its source at the Campbell Craigs, flows East ward and falls into Capel Burn. The Cleuch extends as far as the Stream.
OS1/10/6/33 [page] 33 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/6 -- Trace 2 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/33 Entries for Gauna Shank & Dry Syke are scored out
OS1/10/6/34 CAPEL BURN Capel Burn Capel Burn Capel Burn Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter Andrew Jarden 023 [Situation] From 1/4 mile N,E, [North East] from Earn Craig SS,W, [South South West] to Water of Ae, A large stream having its source near to [Erne] Craig flows South ward and falls into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/34 BURLEY SIKE Burley Sike Burley Sike Burley Sike Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [situation] From the Moor 1 mile E, [East] of Gana Hill, S. [South] to Capel Burn. A small stream having [its] source near the Ewe craigs and falls into Capel [Burn]
OS1/10/6/34 BURLEYWHAG Burleywhag Burleywhag Burleywhag Burleywhag Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter Buccleuch Estate Map 023 [Situation] At the junction of Burley Sike and Capel Burn, A small cottage with [garden] attached the property [of] the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/6/34 [page] 34 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/6 -- Trace 3 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/34 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/35 GRAINY CLEUCH Grainy Cleuch Grainy Cleuch Grainy Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [situation] Nearly 3/4 mile N,W, [North West] from Haggie Hill A deep hollow or glen through which a Small Stream flows it rises near to Tod craig hill and fall into Kenriva Burn
OS1/10/6/35 BIRKIE CLEUCH Birky Cleuch Birky Cleuch Birky Cleuch Adam Menzies, Garroch Andrew Jardine, Burleywhag Andrew Hunter. 023 [Situation] 30 Chains N,W,W, [North West West] from Haggie Hill, A Slight hollow through a Stream flows it rises near to the Hard hill and falls into Kenriva burn
OS1/10/6/35 [page] 35 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/6 -- Trace 4 [Note Birkie Cleuch] -- Birkie - Abounding with birch wood -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson, [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/36 HARD HILL Hard Hill Hard Hill Hard Hill Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 8 Chains N, [North] from Haggie Hill - A large ridge like hill a little to the South of the Gauna Shank
OS1/10/6/36 HAGGIE HILL Haggie Hill Haggie Hill Haggie Hill Haggie Hill Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter Buccleuch Estate Map 023 [Situation] Near the centre of Nn [Northern] Division of this Parish, A Small round hill a little south of the Har [Hard] Hill, The name is taken from some moss Haggs on its Summit.
OS1/10/6/36 [page] 36 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/6 -- Trace 5
OS1/10/6/37 THORNY CLEUCH Thorny Cleuch Thorny Cleuch Thorny Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 A slight hollow through which a stream flows it takes its source a little south of the Dog, Knowe,s and falls into the Capel Burn
OS1/10/6/37 [page] 37 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/6 -- Trace 6 Mid Campbell , name crossed out Mid Campbell Cleuch, name crossed out [signed] William Wright
OS1/10/6/38 DOG KNOWES Dog Knowes Dog Knowes Dog Knowes Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 30 Chains N,E, [North East] from Haggie Hill Three small Knowes a little East from the Haggie hill
OS1/10/6/38 SPOUT CLEUCH Spout cleuch Spout cleuch Spout cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile N,E.E, [North East East] from Haggie Hill A slight hollow through which a Stream flows rising near to Grit hill and falls into Capel [Burn]
OS1/10/6/38 [page] 38 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/6 -- Trace 6 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/39 BROCK HOLES Brock Holes Brock Holes Brock Holes Adam Brown Andrew Davidson Andrew Jardine 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile N,W, [North West] of the Summit of Queensberry, A Steep rugged brow along Glenbeth where, it is said, Badgers were accustomed to make their holes.
OS1/10/6/39 [page] 39 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/7 -- Trace No 2 Entry for Glenbeth Head scored out [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/40 WATER OF AE Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae John Dunwoodie John Henry William Scott 023; 032 [Situation] From Pot of Ae on En [Eastern] Parish Bdy [Boundary] S.E, by S. [South East by South] to Kinnel Water in Lochmaben A Water rising near Queensberry. flowing in a Southerly direction and falling into Kinnell Water
OS1/10/6/40 POT OF AE Pot of Ae Pot of Ae Pot of Ae John Henry Andrew Jardine Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] On the boundary between Kirkpatrick Juxta and Closeburn At the N,En, [North Eastern] base of Queensberry The name given to the Hollow in which the Water of Ae rises
OS1/10/6/40 HARD GRAIN Hard Grain Hard Grain Hard Grain Andrew Davidson John Henry Andrew Jardine 023 [Situation] From En [Eastern] slope of Queensberry S,E, [South East] to Water of Ae, A Glen with a Small Stream rising on the East Side of Queensberry and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/40 [page] 40 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/7 -- Trace No 3 [signed] William Hyslop
OS1/10/6/41 QUEENSBERRY Queensberry Queensberry Queensberry Queensberry Hill Queensberry Hill Queensberry Queensberry John Henry Andrew Davidson John Brown Johnston's Co [County] Map Gazetteer of Scotland New Statistical Acct [Account] of Dumfries Blackwood's Map, 023 [Situation] In N,En [North Eastern] Parish District, One of the highest hills in Dumfries shire, is situated near the Boundary of this Parish From its Summit an Extensive view of the surrounding Country can be obtained. and From it the Duke of Buccleuch derives one of his titles, The hill is about 2000 feet high, 2,259 ft above Sea level. Some suppose the Name Queensberry to be Derived from a species of berry called the Nub Berry which resembles the rasp or bramble berry. - As this berry - that is the Nub berry - is thought the most Delicious of wild berries, it has been Supposed therefrom, that it may have been appropriately termed the Queen of berries and from its abundant growth on this height - hence the Name Queensberry Hill. The origin of the Name now generally accredited is that the adjunct Berry is from the Anglo-Saxon Berg - a hill which is often formed into berry, as burg is softened into bury, - hence Queensberry.
OS1/10/6/41 [page] 41 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/7 -- Trace No 3 [signed] William Hyslop C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/42 SPOUT CLEUCH Spout Cleuch Spout Cleuch Spout Cleuch Andrew Hunter Andrew Jardine Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] About 1 mile S,W.W [South West West] from Queensberry. A Small Glen through which a Stream, rising on the West side of Queensberry, and falling into Capel Burn, flows
OS1/10/6/42 CLERK GRAIN Clerk Grain See page 70 for Authorities etc.
OS1/10/6/42 MIRK GRAIN Mirk Grain See Page 68 for Authorities etc.
OS1/10/6/42 HEN GRAIN Hen Grain See page 79 for Authorities etc.
OS1/10/6/42 [page] 42 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/7 -- Trace No 4 [signed] William Hyslop
OS1/10/6/43 CAPEL BURN Capel Burn Capel Burn Capel Burn Andrew Jardine Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] Flows near Capel Yetts, S,S,W, [South South West] to Water of Ae. A Stream rising near to the [Erne] Craig flowing in a Southerly direction and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/43 GLENBEATH Glenbeath Glenbeath Glenbeath Andrew Davidson John Henry Andrew Jardine 023 [Situation] At N,Wn [North Western] base of Queensberry. A Glen with a Stream rising near to Queensberry and falling into Capel Burn. The glen extends as far as the Stream.
OS1/10/6/43 BERRY GRAIN Berry Grain Berry Grain Berry Grain Andrew Davidson Andrew Jardine Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] From between Queensberry and Grit Hill - N,W, [North West] to the Stream in Glenbeath, A glen with a Small Stream rising near Great Hill and falling into Glenbeth. the glen extends as far as the stream,
OS1/10/6/43 [page] 43 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/7 -- Trace No 4 [Note Glenbeath] -- Glen - a valley -- McLeod's Gaelic Dictionary Beath, - Birch wood -- McLeod's Gaelic Dictionary [Note Berry Grain] -- Grain, A valley at the upper end where it divides into two -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson [signed] William Hyslop C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/43 Capel Burn - Erne Craig is correct on map . The blue "Y " added later.
OS1/10/6/44 GRIT HILL Great Hill Great Hill Great Hill Grit Hill Andrew Jardine Andrew Davidson John Henry Buccleuch Estate Maps And Documents 023 [Situation] Adjoining Queensberry on the W, [West] A round Hill to the West of Queensberry
OS1/10/6/44 THREE KNOWE HEADS Three Knowe Heads Three Knowe Heads Three Knowe Heads Andrew Jardine Andrew Davidson Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] Adjoining Grit Hill on the N,W, [North West] Three Small Hills to the West of Gret Hill
OS1/10/6/44 BURLEY BOG Burley Bog Burley Bog Burley Bog Andrew Jardine Andrew Hunter Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] About 1 mile W. [West] from Queensberry, A portion of rough ground between Capel Burn and The Three Knowe Heads
OS1/10/6/44 [page] 44 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23.7 -- Trace No 1 [Note Grit Hill] -- Grit - Great -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [Note Burley Bog] -- Burly, having a rough appearance -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson See Burleywhag and Burley Sike (Note). [signed] William Hyslop C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/45 WATER OF AE Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae Adam Menzies. Garroch Andrew Jardine, Burleywhag William Harper. Townfoot 023 [Situation] On En [Eastern] Parish Boundary, A Stream having its source near Queensberry, falls into the Kinnel Water,
OS1/10/6/45 HARD GRAIN Hard Grain Hard Grain Hard Grain Adam Menzies Andrew Jardine William Harper 023 [Situation] From En [Eastern] slope of Queensberry S,E, [South East] to Water of Ae, A hollow through which a stream flows falling into the Water of Ae.
OS1/10/6/45 HEN GRAIN Hen Grain See Page 79 for Authorities etc.
OS1/10/6/45 [page] 45 Ph [Parish] of Closeburn -- Plan 23.8 -- Trace 2 [signed] [Owen] Barrett
OS1/10/6/46 [Page] 46 [Blank Page]
OS1/10/6/47 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water Peter Mc Morrin Mr Mitchel Mr Harper 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing the boundary between Closeburn and Morton Parishes- A stream that takes its rise in the Parish of Morton and flows in a South West direction and fall into the River Nith
OS1/10/6/47 BURN BRIDGE Burn Bridge Burn Bridge Burn Bridge Mr Nevison Peter Mc Morrin Adam Menzies 022 [Situation] Over Cample Water A name given to a stone bridge crossing the Cample Water, erected & repaired at the expense of the Parish
OS1/10/6/47 Parish of Closeburn-- No21 -- Plan 22/12 Trace 1 [Page] 47
OS1/10/6/48 WINDY EDGE Windy Edge Windy Edge Windy Edge Peter McMorrin Adam Menzies John Douglas 023 [Situation] At the West of Auchenleck Hill A name given to a Rocky brow on the farm of Townhead the property of the Trustees of Mr Baird
OS1/10/6/48 GREEN DASS Green Dass Green Dass Green Dass Peter McMorrin Adam Menzies John Thomson 023 [Situation] 15 Chains N,E, by N, [North East by North] from Townhead, A name given to a Small knoll on the farm of Townhead It is probable that "Dais" should be the correct mode of spelling*
OS1/10/6/48 [page] 48 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/12 -- Trace 2 [Note Gled's Nest, crossed out] -- See Page 65 for correct feature to which Name is Applied, [Note Green Dass] -- *Dass is probably correct. Dass a Small landing place. -- its [origin] [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/49 TOWNHEAD Townhead Townhead of Auchenleck Townhead Townhead Mr Mitchel Pater McMorrin Mr Harper Closeburn Estate Maps 022 [Situation] Near the centre of this Plan, A substantial farm house with steading garden Stackyard and farm of land attached the property of the Trustees of Mr Baird and occupied by Mr Mitchel, Auchenleck Was the Ancient name of the Estate
OS1/10/6/49 AUCHENLECK HILL Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Blackwood's Co [County] Map Peter McMorin. Midtown John Mitchel. Townfoot Gazetteer of Scotland Johnstone's County Map Blackwood's County Map 022; 023 [situation] In NWn [North Western] District nearly 1/2 mile N,E, [North East] from Townhead. A large, flat & irregularly shaped hill, upwards of 1000 feet in height,
OS1/10/6/49 [page] 49 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/12 -- Trace 2 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/50 CAIRN HILL Cairn Hill Cairn Hill Cairn Hill Peter McMorrin Adam Menzies John Thomson 022 [Situation] On Auchenleck Hill, A Knoll on Auchenleck Hill & farm of Townhead
OS1/10/6/50 TOWNHEAD LOCH Townhead Loch Townhead Loch Townhead Loch Peter McMorrin Adam Menzies John Thomson 022 [Situation] On Auchenleck Hill A name given to a pond on the farm of Townhead this pond is situated near the top of a hill
OS1/10/6/50 THE BAND The Band The Band The Band Peter McMorrin Adam Menzies Peter Douglas 022; 023 [Situation] At the S. [South] of Auchenleck Hill, A name given to a rocky Brow [on] the farm of Townhead & South slope of Auchenleck Hill,
OS1/10/6/50 [page] 50 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/12 -- Trace 3 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/51 MIDTOWN Midtown Midtown Midtown Peter McMorrin Adam Menzies Peter Douglas 023 [Situation] Between Townhead and Townfoot, A Small cottage and garden on the farm of Townhead
OS1/10/6/51 TOWNFOOT Townfoot Townfoot Townfoot Townfoot of Auchenleck Townfoot Mr Harper John Thomson Adam Menzies Valuation Rolls, Estate Maps of Closeburn, and Particulars of Closeburn Estate 022 [Situation] 34 Chains S,E, by S. [South East by South] from Townhead A Substantial farm house and offices attached likewise garden stackyard and farm of land the property of the Trustees of Mr Baird and occupied by Mr Harper
OS1/10/6/51 WYNDHOLM CROOK Wyndholm Crook Wyndholm Crook Mr Adams, Factor for Closeburn Mr Wightman, Courance 022 [Situation] In Cample Water, A bend in Cample Water to which this Name is applied.
OS1/10/6/51 [page] 51 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/12 -- Trace 5 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/52 TOWNFOOT RIG Townfoot Rigg Townfoot Rigg Townfoot Rigg Mr Harper Peter McMorrin Adam Menzies 022; 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile S,E, [South East] from Townhead, A name given to a ridge of ground on the farm of Townfoot
OS1/10/6/52 CELTIC DIKE Celtic Dike Celtic or Deil's Dike Simpson's History of Sanquhar Revd Dr [Reverend Doctor] Simpson, Sanquhar 022; 023; 032 [Situation] From Morton Ph [Parish] South through Closeburn The old embankment noticed by Dr [Doctor] Simpson in the history of Sanquhar as traced on the ground from that Parish, which from precisely similar features thereto and route attributed by various Authorities to the Deil's Dike has been characterised as Celtic or Deils Dike. See Sanquhar - Name Book etc
OS1/10/6/52 [page] 52 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/12 -- Trace 6 [Faint pencil note] -- ? Cleuch Omitted trace 3 [signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/53 FELL END Fell End Fell End Fell End George Harper, Townfoot James Thomson Joseph Kerr, Dallard 023 [Situation] At S,En [South Eastern] extremity of Auchenleck Hill. A name applied to a neck of elevated land being the extreme end of Auchleck Hill,
OS1/10/6/53 THE BAND The Band The Band The Band George Harper James Thomson Adam Menzies, Garroch 022; 023 [Situation] At the S. [South] of Auchenleck Hill The sloping face of Auchenleck Hill on the farm of Townhead
OS1/10/6/53 AUCHENLECK HILL Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Auchenleck Hill Blackwood's Co [County] Map Peter McMorrin. Shepherd Midtown Thomas Nevison. Farmer. Burn. 022; 023 [Situation] In N.Wn [North Western] Division of this Parish A large, flat and irregularly shaped hill, upwards of 1000 feet in height.
OS1/10/6/53 [page] 53 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 23.9 -- Trace 1 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/54 GLENBUITH Glenbuith Glenbuith Glenbuith Adam Menzies George Harper James Thomson 023 [Situation] At the S,E, [South East] of Garroch Fell, A deep precipitous glen through which a burn flows And falls into Garrock Water
OS1/10/6/54 GARROCH WATER Garrock Water Garrock Water Garrock Water Garroch Water Garroch Water Garroch Water Garroch Garroch Adam Menzies George Harper James Thomson Joseph Brown Thomas Nevison John Mitchell Valuation Roll 1856 Blackwoods Co [County] Map 023 [Situation] From the N,En [North Eastern] side of Auchenleck Hill, S.E, by S, [South East by South to [--] Burn, A stream rising in the north West of Closeburn and flowing in an easterly direction falls into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/54 RASHY HEIGHT Rashy Height Rashy Height Rashy Height Adam Menzies George Menzies James Thomson 023 [Situation] On S,En [South Eastern] slope of Auchenleck Hill. A name applied to a portion of the high [lying] land on the Farm of Townhead, This place is also known as "Fell End".
OS1/10/6/54 [page] 54 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 23.9 -- Trace 2 [Note Glenbuith] -- Probably a compound of Glen & buouth - literally the valley of rage - the adjunct having reference to the stream which during rain [rushes along the glen with great [impetous] [Note Rashy Height - Rashy - Covered with Rushes -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [Pencil note] -- (Tumulus) written on the Plan [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/55 DUCK LOCH Duck Loch Duck Loch Duck Loch George Harper James Thomson Robert Jackson 023 [Situation] On Wester Hill A small mountain tarn on the farm of Garoch.
OS1/10/6/55 WESTER HILL Wester Hill Wester Hill Wester Hill Adam Menzies, Garroch George Harper. Townfoot Peter Morrin, Midtown 023 [Situation] About 1/2 mile S,E, [South East] from The Dod A long ridge of elevated ground, being a rest on the ascent to Tod Craig Hill.
OS1/10/6/55 GARROCH BURN Garroch Burn Garroch Burn Garroch Burn Garroch Burn Adam Menzies, Garroch Andrew Jardine, Burleywhag Peter McMorrin, Midtown Johnstones County Map [in pencil] 023 [Situation] From Sn [Southern] slope of Tod Craig Hill S,S,W, [South South West] to Kenriva Burn. See Page 60,
OS1/10/6/55 [page] 55 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 23.9 -- Trace 3 [signed] [John Houston]
OS1/10/6/55 Part of name lost in page damage.
OS1/10/6/56 BRAIDSHAW RIG Braidshaw Rigg Braidshaw Rigg Braidshaw Rigg Braidshaw Rigg John Mitchell George Harper Johnstones County Map [in pencil] 023 [Situation] 50 Chains S,S.E, [South South East] from Fell End, A long low ridge like hill a little to the north East of Moch-hill Moss.
OS1/10/6/56 [page] 56 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 23.9 -- Trace 5 [Note The Corse, crossed out] -- Merely a pastoral Name - not recognised in Estate Maps nor Documents. [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/57 THREAP MOOR Threipmoor Threipmoor Threipmoor Threap Moor Threap Moor Threap Moor Threapmoor Threap Moor George Harper James Thomson Adam Menzies Robert Hunter. Beuthead John Harper William Kerr Valuation Roll - 1833 Buccleuch Estate Plans, Feby [February] 1857, - See Page 93. 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Near the central district of Parish A tract of Heathy pasture near Garroch Water
OS1/10/6/57 STAR SIKE Star Syke Star Syke Star Syke George Harper John Mitchell Adam Menzies 023 [Situation] On Threap Moor, A small Stream having its source on Threipmoor, falls into Garroch Water.
OS1/10/6/57 [page] 57 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 23.9 -- Trace 6 [Note Star Sike] -- Sike, Suik, Syk - A Rill -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/58 58
OS1/10/6/59 KENRIVA BURN Kenriva Burn Kenriva Burn Kenriva Burn Kenriva Burn Kenriva Burn Adam Menzies Shepherd, Garroch Andrew Hunter Andrew Jardine Shepherd Burleywhag Johnston's County Map Buccleuch Estate Map, Feby [February] 1857, 023 [Situation] From Gana Hill S. [South] to Garroch Water A Stream which takes its rise a little East of the Gauney, flows South and Joins Garrock water, both united form Clachope Water,
OS1/10/6/59 BUGHT CLEUCH Bught Cleugh Bught Cleugh Bught Cleugh Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter Andrew Jarden 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile N E, [North East] from Garroch, A hollow or glen through which a stream flows it rises near the Haggie Hill and falls into Kinriva burn
OS1/10/6/59 GARROCH Garroch Garroch Garroch Garroch Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter Andrew Jarden Estate Maps and Documents of the Duke of Buccleuch 023 [Situation] At the w, [west] side of this Plan, Two Cottages with garden attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/6/59 [page] 59 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/10 -- Trace 1 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/60 GARROCH BURN Garroch Burn Garroch Burn Garroch Burn Garroch Burn Adam Menzies Shepherd, Garroch Andrew Hunter Andrew Jarden Shepherd, Burleywhag Johnstons County Map [in pencil] 023 [Situation] From Sn [Southern] slope of Tod Craig Hill S,S,W, [South South West] to Kenriva Burn A stream having its source near Todcraig Hill, falls into Kenriva Burn.
OS1/10/6/60 BIRKIE CLEUCH Birky Cleuch Birky Cleuch Birky Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter Andrew Jarden 023 [Situation] 30 chains N,N,W, [North North West] from Haggie Hill A slight hollow through which a stream flows it rises near to the Hard Hill and, falls into Kenriva burn
OS1/10/6/60 [page] 60 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/10 -- Trace 1 [Note Birkie Cleuch] -- Birkie - abounding with Birches -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/61 CRIGHTON'S CAIRN Crichton's Cairn Crichton's Cairn Crichton's Cairn Adam Menzies Shepherd, Garroch Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter Shepherd, Burleywhag 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile E, [East] from Garroch A small cairn of stones being erected by a man named Crichton, hence the Name
OS1/10/6/61 GREYMARE'S GUTTER Greymare''s Gutter Greymare''s Gutter Greymare''s Gutter Adam Menzies Andrew Jardine Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] From Glengowan Hill W, [West] to Capel Burn, A Small Stream, has its source on the brow of Glengowan Hill and falls into Capel Burn,
OS1/10/6/61 HAGGIE HILL Haggie Hill Haggie Hill Haggie Hill Adam Menzies Andrew Jardine Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] Near the centre of Nn [Northern] Division of this Parish. A hill approaching to 1000 feet in altitude, takes its name from some Moss Haggs on its summit.
OS1/10/6/61 [page] 61 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/10 -- Trace 2 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/62 CAPEL BURN Capel Burn Capel Burn Capel Burn Cappel Burn Adam Menzies Shepherd, Garroch Andrew Jarden Shepherd, Burleywhag Andrew Hunter Johnston's County Map 023 [Situation] From a 1/4 mile N,E, [North East] of Earn Craig flows S,S,W [South South West] to Water of Ae, A stream having its source near Erne craig flows Southward and falls into the [Water] of AE, bears the name Capel Burn to its Junction with Clachhope Water - thence to the Water of Ae, it [bears] the name of Capel Water, Probably the Name is derived from capella - a chapel
OS1/10/6/62 CAPEL LINNS Capel Linns Capel Linns Capel Linns Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] On Capel Burn A rocky place in Capel Bu [Burn] which extends from the Fox [holes] to the Watch Knowe
OS1/10/6/62 WATCH KNOWE Watch Knowe Watch Knowe Watch Knowe Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 1 1/2 mile N,E,E, [North East East] from Garroch A Small hill or Knowe [between] the Loch Cleugh and the [Watch] Cleugh.
OS1/10/6/62 [page] 62 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/10 -- Trace 3 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/62 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/63 LOCH CLEUCH Loch Cleuch Loch Cleuch Loch Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] At the N,W, [North West] of Watch Knowe, A slight hollow through which a stream flows it takes its rise a little East of the Haggie hill, and falls into the Capel Burn
OS1/10/6/63 WATCH CLEUCH Watch Cleuch Watch Cleuch Watch Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] At the W, [West] of Watch Hill, A slight hollow through which a Stream flows it takes its Source a little South of the Haggie hill, & falls into Capel Burn
OS1/10/6/63 REID'S CLEUCH Reids Cleuch Reids Cleuch Reids Cleuch Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] About 1/4 mile S,W, [South West] from watch Knowe, A slight hollow through which a stream flows it rises a little North of Crichton's Cairn and falls into Capel Burn
OS1/10/6/63 [page] 63 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/10 -- Trace 3 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/64 GARROCH WATER Garroch Water Garroch Water Garroch Water Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter Andrew Jarden 023 [Situation] From N,E, [North East] side of Auchenleck Hill S,E, by S, [South East by South] to [--] Burn A large stream taking its source near Garrock fell, bears this name to its confluence with Kenriva Burn - thence to Capel Burn, it bears the name Clachope Water,
OS1/10/6/64 CLACHOPE WATER Clachope Water Clachope Water Clachope Water Adam Menzies, Garroch James Proudfoot. Mitchellslacks Andrew Jardine, Burleywhag 023 [Situation] From the junction of Kenriva Burn And Garroch Water S,E, [South East] to Capel Water, A stream formed by the united Waters of, Garroch Water & Kenriva Burn, bears [this] name to its Junction with Capel Burn, The united Waters of the latter mentioned streams form the Capel Water.
OS1/10/6/64 THREAP MOOR Threip Moor Threip Moor Threip Moor Threap Moor Adam Menzies James Proudfoot Andrew Jardine See Pages 57, & 93. 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Near the centre of Parish A tract of Moorland, on the farm of Mitchellslacks.
OS1/10/6/64 [page] 64 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/10 -- Trace 4 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/64 Gap in text. Word lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/65 GLED'S NEST Gled's Nest Gled's Nest Gled's Nest Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter Andrew Jarden 023 [situation] About 1 mile S,E, by E, [South East by East] from Garroch. A rocky cliff, a little east of Crichton's cairn, where it is said that the Hawks have their nests
OS1/10/6/65 [page] 65 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/10 -- Trace 5 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/66 THE LAW The Law The Law The Law Adam Menzies Andrew Jarden Andrew Hunter 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile S,EE, [South East East] from Gled's Nest, A small round hill a [little] East from the Fox holes
OS1/10/6/66 BROWN KNOWE Brown Knowe See following Page,
OS1/10/6/66 [page] 66 Parish of closeburn -- Plan 23/10 -- Trace 6 Fox holes - scored out [signed] William Wright
OS1/10/6/67 GREYMARE'S GUTTER Greymare's Gutter Greymare's Gutter Greymare's Gutter Andrew Jardine Burliewhag Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks George Henry Branrig 023 [Situation] From Glengowan Hill W. [West] to Capel Burn A Small Stream rising near Queensberry and falling into Capel Burn
OS1/10/6/67 BROWN KNOWE Brown Knowe Brown Knowe Brown Knowe Andrew Davidson George Henry Andrew Jardine 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile N,W,W, [North West West] from Wee Queensberry, A Small round Knowe near Capel Linns
OS1/10/6/67 GLENGOWAN HILL Glengowan Hill Glengowan Hill Glengowan Hill Andrew Davidson George Henry James Scott Branrig 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile N,W,W, [North West west] from Wee Queensberry, A Hill about a mile to the South west of Queensberry
OS1/10/6/67 [page] 67 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 1 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/68 BRAN BURN Bran Burn Bran Burn Bran Burn Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks George Henry Branrig James Scott Branrig 023 [Situation] From the junction of Mirk and Lang Grains, S,S.W, [South South West] to Water of ae, A Stream, formed by the junction of the Lang and Mirk Grains flowing In a South Easterly direction and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/68 MIRK GRAIN Mirk Grain Mirk Grain Mirk Grain Andrew Davidson George Henry James Scott 023 [Situation] 1/2 N,W, [North West] from Wee Queensberry, A Small stream rising near Queensberry. And forming along with Land Grains. The Bran Burn
OS1/10/6/68 LANG GRAIN Lang Grain Lang Grain Lang Grain Andrew Davidson George Henry James Scott 023 [Situation] 1/4 mile N,W, [North West] from Wee Queensberry A Small Stream rising near Little Queensberry and forming along with Mirk Grain the Bran Burn
OS1/10/6/68 [page] 68 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 1 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/69 PEACE KNOWE Peace Knowe Peace Knowe Peace Knowe George Henry Branrig James Scott Branrig Andrew Jardine Burliewhag 023 [Situation] About 1/2 mile N,E, by N, [North East by North] from Wee Queensberry, A Small round Knowe on the South East side of Queensberry
OS1/10/6/69 EWE KNOWE Ewe Knowe Ewe Knowe Ewe Knowe Andrew Davidson James Scott George Henry 023 [Situation] 50 chains N,E, [North East] from Wee Queensberry, A Small round Knowe near the Clerk Grain
OS1/10/6/69 [page] 69 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 3 [Back Gair, name and authorities crossed out] -- Description -- A piece of flat ground near the source of Clerk Grain [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Clerical Assistant]
OS1/10/6/70 CLERK GRAIN Clerk Grain Clerk Grain Clerk Grain George Henry Branrig James Scott Branrig John Henry Lochan Head 023 [Situation] From Sn [Southern] base of Queensberry S,E, [South East] to Water of Ae, A Stream rising near Queensberry and falling into the water of Ae
OS1/10/6/70 [page] 70 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace 3 Old Lodge, not listed in Index and appears scored out [signed] William Hyslop C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/71 HIGH CHURCH [natural] High Church High Church High Church Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile S,W, by S, [South West by South] from Wee Queensberry, A rocky Eminence about half a mile to the South west of Little Queensberry
OS1/10/6/71 [page] 71 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 4 Entry for the Stells crossed out [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/72 WEE QUEENSBERRY Little Queensberry Little Queensberry Little Queensberry Wee Queensberry Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks Andrew Jardine Burliewhag George Henry Branrig Buccleuch Estate Maps & Documents, Johnstons Co. [County map [in pencil] 023 [Situation] About 1 mile to the S, [South] of Queensberry A Hill about a mile to the South of Queensberry So named from its resemblance to that hill
OS1/10/6/72 CRAIK HILL Craik Hill Craik Hill Craik Hill Andrew Davidson John Proudfoot George Henry 023 [Situation] At the S,W, [South West] of Wee Queensberry A Hill near to High Church
OS1/10/6/72 [page] 72 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 5 Entry Little Craik Hill scored out [signed] William Hyslop
OS1/10/6/73 PISHNACK BURN Pishnie Burn Pishnie Burn Pishnie Burn Pishnack Burn James Scott George Henry Andrew Jardine Burliewhag Buccleuch Estate Map, 023 [Situation] From Craik Hill S, [South] to Water of Ae, A Stream rising near Little Queensberry and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/73 [page] 73 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 5 [Note Big Craig Hill, crossed out] -- See preceding Page [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/74 WEE RIG Wee Rigg Wee Rigg Wee Rigg James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] About 1/2 mile S. [South] of wee Queensberry, A Small ridge Like hill near to Pishnie
OS1/10/6/74 [page] 74 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 5 Entries for Rispie Gair & Nameless Knowe - scored out "Not generally recognised in locality" [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/75 [page] 21 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 5 [Note Heart Hole, crossed out] -- Not generally recognised [signed] William Hyslop c/a [civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/76 BELD CRAIG Beld Craig Beld Craig Beld Craig James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] A little to the SE, [south East] of Wee Queensberry A Small Knowe a little to the South East of Little Quennsberry There are a few rocks on the east side.
OS1/10/6/76 EWE BRAE Ewe Brae Ewe Brae Ewe Brae James Scott George Henry Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile E, [East] of Wee Queensberry A piece of gently sloping ground to the east of Beld Craig
OS1/10/6/76 GRINDSTONE CLEUCH Grindstone Cleuch Grindstone Cleuch Grindstone Cleuch Andrew Davidson James Scott George Henry 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile S,E, [South East] from Wee Queensberry, A small Glen through which a Stream, rising near Beld Craig, and falling in the Water of Ae, flows
OS1/10/6/76 [page] 76 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 6 [Note Beld Craig] -- Beld - Bald -- Dr [Doctor] Jamiesons Dictionary
OS1/10/6/77 UPLAW KNOWE Uplaw Knowe Uplaw Knowe Uplaw Knowe James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] 48 chains S,E, [South East] from Wee Queensberry, A Small Knowe to the South of Grindstone Cleuch
OS1/10/6/77 UPLAW SLACK Uplaw Slack Uplaw Slack Uplaw Slack James Scott George Henry John Proudfoot 023 [Situation] To the W, [West] of Uplaw Knowe A Small hollow to the west of Uplaw Knowe
OS1/10/6/77 [page] 77 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/11 -- Trace No 6 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/78 [page] 78 [Blank page]
OS1/10/6/79 WATER OF AE Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae John Henry Lochanhead Andrew Jardine Burliewhag George Henry Branrig 023; 032 [Situation] On En [Eastern] Parish Boundary A Stream having its source on the East Side of Queensberry flowing in a South Eastern direction and falling into the Kinnel.
OS1/10/6/79 HEN GRAIN Hen Grain Hen Grain Hen Grain John Henry George Henry James Scott Branrig 023 [Situation] From S,E, [South East] base of Queensberry - S,E, [South East] to water of Ae. A Stream rising on the Ssouth East side of Queensberry and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/79 CLERK GRAIN Clerk Grain Clerk Grain Clerk Grain John Henry George Henry James Scott 023 [Situation] From Sn [Southern] base of Queensberry S,E, [South East] to Water of Ae, A Stream rising on the South side of Queensberry and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/79 [page] 79 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/12 -- Trace No 1 [Signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/80 GRINDSTONE CLEUCH Grindstone Cleuch Grindstone Cleuch Grindstone Cleuch George Henry Branrig James Scott Branrig Andrew Jardine Burliewhag 023 [situation] 3/4 mile S,E, [South East] from Wee Queensberry A Small Glen through which, a Stream, rising near Beld Craig And falling in the Water of Ae, flows
OS1/10/6/80 [page] 80 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/12-- Trace No 2 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/81 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Peter Mc Morrin Shepherd Midtown John Douglas William Mitchel Townhead 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing Western Parish Boundary A stream that takes is rise in the Parish of Morton and flows in a South West direction nearly along the Boundary of Morton and Closeburn. It then takes a westerly direction and falls into the River Nith
OS1/10/6/81 SANDRUM Sandrum Sandrum Sandrum Sundrum Sandrum High Sandrum John Johnstone Mrs Hunter John Stoba Valuation Roll 1856 Property Map Particulars of Sale of Closeburn Estate 022 [Situation] 1/4 mile N. [North] from Newton neat cottage and garden the property of the Trustees of William Baird and occupied by Mrs. Hunter
OS1/10/6/81 NEWTON HIGH QUARRY Newton High Quarry (Sandstone) Newton High Quarry (Sandstone) Newton High Quarry (Sandstone) John Johnstone George Jardine John Stoba 022 [Situation] 1/4 mile N. [North from Newton A sandstone quarry situated on the farm of Newton
OS1/10/6/81 Parish of Closeburn No. 21. Plan 22/16 Trace 1 [Page] 81
OS1/10/6/82 CAMP [Townfoot Rig] Camp (supposed) Camp (supposed) Camp (supposed) William Harper John Johnstone John Stoba 022 [Situation] About 1 mile N,E. [North East] from Newton, An embankment of about four feet high can very easily be traced round this supposed camp; being situated on the side of Townfoot Rigg its West side dips considerably. The ground within is rugged, and from the appearance seems to have been of British construction.
OS1/10/6/82 TOWNFOOT RIG Townfoot Rigg Townfoot Rigg Townfoot Rigg William Harper John Johnstone Peter McMorrin 022; 023 [Situation] About 1 1/4 mile N,E, [North East] from Newton, A name given to a ridge of ground on the farm of Townfoot the property of the Trustees of Mr Bai [Baird]
OS1/10/6/82 [page] 82 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/16 -- Trace 3 [signed] [James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/82 Collector's signature lost.
OS1/10/6/83 NEWTON Newton Newton Newton John Johnstone George Jardine John Stoba 022 [Situation] At the W. [West] side of this Plan, A substantial farm house with steading garden stackyard and farm of land attached the property of the Trustees of Mr Baird and occupied by Mr Johnstone
OS1/10/6/83 GATELY BRIDGE Gateley Bridge Gateley Bridge Gateley Bridge John Johnstone George Jardine John Stoba 022 [Situation] Over Cample water on wn [Western] Parish Boundary A stone bridge over the Cample Water Upheld at the expense of the County.
OS1/10/6/83 NEWTON LOW QUARRY Newton Low Quarry Newton Low Quarry Newton Low Quarry John Johnstone George Jardine John Stobo 022 [Situation] 8 Chains S,W, [South West] from Newton A sandstone quarry on the farm of Newton, There are two quarries on this farm & distinguished by the term High & Low.
OS1/10/6/83 [page] 83 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/16 -- Trace 4 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/84 NEWTONQUARRY Newtonquarry Newtonquarry Newtonquarry John Johnstone Farmer, Newton George Jardine John Stobo 022 [Situation] 10 chains N.W [North West] from Newton. A cottage with garden attached on the farm of Newton, property of Mrs Baird
OS1/10/6/84 [page] 84 Plan 22.16 -- Trace No 4 -- Parish of Closeburn
OS1/10/6/85 HIGHLAND Highland Highland Highland Highland Thomas Davidson William Harper Peter McMorrin Closeburn Estate Maps 023 [Situation] 47 chains E. [East] from Newton A name given to a cottage and garden on the farm of Townfoot
OS1/10/6/85 [page] 85 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/16 -- Trace 5 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/86 GREYMARE'S TAIL Grey Mare's Tail Grey Mare's Tail Grey Mare's Tail Greymare's Tail Greys Mare's tail Greymare's Tail William Harper John Johnstone John Stoba Johnston's County Map Statl. [Statistical] Account of Dumfries, Sinclairs Statistical Account of Dumfries 032 [Situation] On Linn Burn A beautiful waterfall on the Linn Burn the water in its fall striking against the rocks has an undulating & white appearance like a horses tail "hence the name"
OS1/10/6/86 LINN BURN Linn Burn Linn Burn Linn Burn William Harper John Johnstone John Stobo 23 [Situation] From Townfoot Loch S,W, [South West] to Crichope Burn, A Stream which has its Source in Townfoot Loch & falls into Crichope Burn, near Dallard,
OS1/10/6/86 [Page] 86 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/16 Trace 6 [Note Crichope Burn, crossed out] -- On Common Plan [Signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/87 TOWNFOOT RIG Townfoot Rigg Robert Hunter, Benthead John Harper, Townfoot [--] Kerr, Dallard 022; 023 [Situation] 26 chains W, [West] of Townfoot Loch. A low ridge of land extending between Linnburn Hill & Townfoot
OS1/10/6/87 TOWNFOOT LOCH Townfoot Loch Robert Hunter, Benthead John Harper, Townfoot [--] Kerr, Dallard 023 [Situation] Towards N,W, [North West] corner of this Plan, A large artificial loch on the farm of Townfoot constructed about 20 years ago
OS1/10/6/87 MOCH HILL Moach-hill Moch Hill Robert Hunter John Harper [--] Kerr Buccleuch Estate Map 023 [Situation] In S,En [South Eastern] vicinity of Townfoot Loch - A small oval knowe at the foot of Townfoot Loch
OS1/10/6/87 [page] 87 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23-13 -- Trace 1 [Note Moch Hill] -- Moch - moist -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/87 Gap in text.
OS1/10/6/88 MOCH-HILL MOSS Moach-hill Moss Moch Robert Hunter, Benthead John Harper, Townfoot [--] Kerr, Dallard See preceding Page. 023 [Situation] In S,En [South Eastern] vicinity of Townfoot Loch, A small piece of soft mossy ground at the foot of Townfoot Loch &. and Braidshaw Rig
OS1/10/6/88 LINN BURN Linn Burn Robert Hunter John Harper [--] Kerr 23 [Situation] From Townfoot Loch S,W, [South West] to Crichope Burn, A small stream running from Townfoot Loch. Flows through the Greymares Tail. & falls into Crichope Burn
OS1/10/6/88 [page] 88 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23-13 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/88 Gap in text.
OS1/10/6/89 BRAIDSHAW BURN Braidshaw Rigg Robert Hunter, Benthead John Harper, Townfoot [--] Kerr, Dallard 023 [Situation] 1/4 mile E, [East] of Townfoot Loch A long low ridge like hill a little to the northeast of Moach-hill Moss.
OS1/10/6/89 POLDIVAN LAKE Pendeven Burn Pendeven Burn Pendeven Burn Poldivan Lake Poldivan Lake Poldivan Lake Poldivan Lake Pendibben Burn or Pedibben Burn Robert Hunter John Harper [--] Kerr Johnstone's County Map Adam Menzies. Garroch Andrew Hunter. Locherben Peter McMorrine - Midtown Buccleuch Estate Map 023; 032 [Situation] From the E, [East] side of Braidshaw Rig S.E, [South East] to Capel Water, A small stream rising from a chalybeate Spring near an artificial water course. Flows southeest & falls into Capel Water. The Name may probably be compounded of Pol - a pool - de - of, uan a lamb,
OS1/10/6/89 [page] 89 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23-13 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/89 Gap in text.
OS1/10/6/90 THREAP MOOR Threap Moor Threapmoor Robert Hunter, Benthead John Harper, Townfoot [--] Kerr, Dallard Valuation Roll - 1856 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Near the Centre of this Parish, A track of moor land lying immediately to the north of Pendeven Burn & bounded on the west by Star syke
OS1/10/6/90 STAR SIKE Star Syke Robert Hunter John Harper [--] Kerr 023 [Situation] On Threap Moor A small streamlet rising on the west side of Threap Moor, flows westward and falls into Garroch Water
OS1/10/6/90 CLOG KNOWE Clog Knowe Clog Knowe Clog Knowe Robert Hunter John Harper William Kerr 023 [Situation] On Threap Moor A Small hill on which stands a Trgl.[Trigonometrical] Station.
OS1/10/6/90 [Page] 90 Parish of Closeburm -- Plan 23-13 -- Trace 3 [Note Threap Moor] -- See Page 93, [Signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/91 LINBURN HILL Linburn Hill Linburn Hill Lintburn Lin, Lyn, Lynn Lin or Linn Lin or Linn - a cascade etc Robert Hunter, Benthead John Harper, Townfoot [--] Kerr, Dallard New Map of Closeburn Estate Particulars of Sale of Closeburn Estate Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary Fullarton's Gazetteer of Scotland Brockett's Glossary of North Country words 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile from Townfoot Loch, A small low hill immediately to the south of Crichope Burn, within the farm of Linnburn which is now included in that of Townfoot Mr [Adams] - Factor for Closeburn Estate - states that Linburn Hill is the usual mode of spelling. -
OS1/10/6/91 BUTTAVIEW PLANTATION Buttaview Plantation Robert Hunter John Harper -- Kerr 023; 032 [Situation] On the W, [West] slope of Linburn Hill A small fir plantation on the western slope of Linnburn Hill. It can only be viewed from one side.
OS1/10/6/91 BLACK LINN Black Linn Black Linn Black Linn Robert Hunter John Harper William Kerr 023 [Situation] On Linn Burn A portion of Linn Burn overhung by precipitous and rocky banks.
OS1/10/6/91 CELTIC or DEIL'S DIKE Celtic or Deil's Dike See page 52.
OS1/10/6/91 [page] 91 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23-13 -- Trace 4 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/92 KNOCKBRACK Knockbrack Knockbreck Robert Hunter, Benthead John Harper, Townfoot -- Kerr, Dallard Johnstones Co [County] Map 023 [situation] 3/4 mile S.E, [South East] from Townfoot Loch A long low ridgelike hill situated between the Artificial water course & the cartrack leading through the [moors] to Garroch - Knockbrack - the "Spotted Hill" - If so, Knockbrock would be the spelling.
OS1/10/6/92 [page] 92 Parish of Closeburn -- Trace 23-12 -- Trace 5 [Note Knockbrack] -- Knock - a hill -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary Brack - a stripe of uncultivated ground between two [shors] or plots of land -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/93 CLACHOPE WATER Clachope Water Clachope Water Clachope Water Adam Menzies Garroch Andrew Hunter Garroch John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] From the junction of Kenriva and Garroch Water S,E, [South East] to Capel Water A name given to a part of the water between the foot of Kenriva Burn and where it joins the Capel water, This name extends from the confluence of Kenriva Burn With Garroch Water, to the Capel water.
OS1/10/6/93 GLASS RIG Glass Rigg Glass Rigg Glass Rigg Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter John Proudfoot 032 [Situation] 3/4 mile S [South] from Locherben A long ridge like hill to the west of Capel Water
OS1/10/6/93 THREAP MOOR Threap Moor Threap Moor Threap Moor Threap Muir Threip Muir Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter John Proudfoot Buccleuch Estate Map Closeburn Estate Map 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Near the centre of Parish, A tract of moor land to the West of the Glassrig. So named from the proprietorship of this Moor having been at one time disputed -
OS1/10/6/93 [page] 93 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/14 -- Trace 1 [Note Threap Moor] -- Threpe or Threap 1. pertinacious affirmation 2. Contest -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/94 LOCHERBEN Locherben Locherben Locherben James Harper Locherben Adam Menzies Garroch Andrew Hunter Garroch 023 [Situation] About 4 3/4 miles N.E, [North East] from Closeburn village, A large farm steading with out houses and farm of land attached the property of the Duke of Buccleugh.
OS1/10/6/94 CAPEL WATER Capel Water Capel Water Capel Water Adam Menzies Andrew Hunter William Ker Dullart 023; 032 [Situation] From the junction of Clachope Water And Capel Burn S,E, by S, [South East by South] to Water of Ae, A large Stream having its Source Near the Urne Craig flows South and falls into the Water of Ae, It bears the name Capel Water from the Junction of Clachope Water With Capel Burn, to the Water of Ae.
OS1/10/6/94 CAPEL BURN Capel Burn Capel Burn Capel Burn James Harper Adam Menzies Andrew Jardine 023 [situation] From Capel Yetts on Nn [Northern] Parish By [Boundary] S,W, [South West] to Capel Water. A Stream having its source near Erne Craig, bears the name to where it Joins Clachope Water, thence the [United] Waters bears the name "Capel Water."
OS1/10/6/94 [page] 94 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/14 -- Trace 2 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/95 UPPER DOD Upper Dod Upper Dod Upper Dod Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks Andrew Hunter Garroch 023 [Situation] 73 chains S,E,E, [South East East] from Locherben A round hill a little to the North East of Mitchelslacks
OS1/10/6/95 [page] 95 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/14 -- Trace 3 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/96 POLDIVAN LAKE Pedibben Burn Pedibben Burn Pedibben Burn Poldivan LaKe Poldivan Burn Poldivan Burn Poldivan Burn Adam Menzies Garroch Andrew Hunter Garroch Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks Johnstone's Co [County] Map William Parker, Blawbare James Harper, Locherben Peter McMorrine, Midtown 023; 032 [Situation] From the E [East] side of Braidshaw Rig S.E, [South East] to Capel Water A stream having its source near the Threep Muir flows Eastward and falls into Capel Water
OS1/10/6/96 [page] 96 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/14 -- Trace 4 [Note] " Poldivan Lake - See Page 89" [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/97 MITCHELLSLACKS Mitchelslacks Mitchelslacks Mitchelslacks Mitchellslacks Mitchellslacks MitchilslacKs Mitchellslacks Thomas Harkness Mitchelslacks James Harper Locherben Andrew Hunter Garroch Valuation Roll Estate Documents Old Estate Map of Closeburn Johnston's County Map, 023 [Situation] Nearly 3/4 mile S,E, [South East] from Locherben, A large farm steading with out houses and farm land attached the property of the Duke of Buccleugh
OS1/10/6/97 [page] 97 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/14 -- Trace 6 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/98 [page] 98 [Blank page]
OS1/10/6/99 BRAN BURN Bran Burn Bran Burn Bran Burn Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks George Henry Branrig James Scott Branrig 023 [Situation] From the junction of Lang and Mirk Grains S.S.W. [South South West] to Water of Ae A Stream formed by the junction of the Lang and Mirk Grains flows in a South Easterly direction and fall into the Water of Ae.
OS1/10/6/99 UPPER DOD Upper Dod Upper Dod Upper Dod Andrew Davidson George Henry John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] 73 chains S.EE. [South East East] from Locherben A round Hill about half a Mile to the North East of Mitchelslacks
OS1/10/6/99 [page] 99 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 1 Entry for Dry Slack scored out [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/100 IRVINE'S PILLAR Irvine's Pillar Irvine's Pillar Irvine's Pillar George Henry James Scott Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] 56 chains NW [North West] from Killyminshaw Hill - A Shepherd's Cairn so named from the Man who raised it.
OS1/10/6/100 MARCH SLACK March Slack March Slack March Slack George Henry Branrig James Scott Branrig Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] 50 chains N.W. [North West] from Killyminshaw A Hollow to the east of Bran Burn
OS1/10/6/100 [page] 100 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 1 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/101 WETHERSTANE KNOWE Weatherstone Knowe Weatherstone Knowe Weatherstone Knowe George Henry Branrig James Scott Branrig Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile NW, [North West] from Killyminshaw Hill A Small Knowe to the South East of High Church
OS1/10/6/101 [page] 101 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/10 -- Trace No 1 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/102 BIG RIG Big Rigg Big Rigg Big Rigg James Scott George Henry John Proudfoot 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile NW. by N. [North West by North] from Killyminshaw Hill A ridge like hill to the East of Cat Slack
OS1/10/6/102 CAT SLACK Cat Slack Cat Slack Cat Slack James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] 53 chains NW by N [North West by North] from Killyminshaw Hill A Small rocky Hollow near High Church
OS1/10/6/102 [page] 102 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 2 [Note Craigy Holes, crossed out] -- Not recognised as a proper Name [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/103 CRAIGY KNOWE Craigy Knowe Craigy Knowe Craigy Knowe James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] 35 chains N,W, [North West] from Killyminshaw Hill, A small rocky knowe south from Craigie Holes
OS1/10/6/103 PISHNACK BURN Pishnie Burn Pishnie Burn Pishnie Burn Pishnack Burn James Scott George Henry Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks Bucclench Estate Map Feby [February] 1857 023 [situation] From Craik Hill S. [South] to Water of Ae, A Stream rising near to Little Queensberry and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/103 [page] 103 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 2 [Note Craigy Knowe] -- Craigy - Rocky -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [Note Craigy Slack, crossed out] -- Not generally recognised as a proper Name, [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/104 DICK'S CLEUCH Dick's Cleuch Dick's Cleuch Dick's Cleuch James Scott George Henry Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile N,E, [North East] from Killyminshaw Hill, A Glen through which a Stream, rising near Uplaw Kno [Knowe] and falling into the Water of Ae, flows
OS1/10/6/104 DICK'S KNOWE Dick's Knowe Dick's Knowe Dick's Knowe James Scott George Henry Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] 52 chains N,E, [North East] from Killyminshaw Hill, A Small Knowe near Dicks Cleuch
OS1/10/6/104 [page] 104 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 3 [note Pishnie Holes, crossed out] -- Not recognised as a proper Name. Feature unimportant. [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/104 Word lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/105 BIRKIE SLACK Birky Slack Birky Slack Birky Slack James Scott George Henry Amdrew Davidson 023 [situation] 1/4 mile N,E, [North East] from Killyminshaw Hill A Slight Hollow near to Killieminchie
OS1/10/6/105 [page] 105 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 3 [Note The Lones, crossed out] -- Merely a pastoral application - of the shepherds, - this being the usual place of Shelter for their Sheep [Note the Slacks, crossed out] -- Inapplicable to feature. [note Birkie Slack] -- Birkie - Abounding with Birch-wood -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/106 WATER OF AE Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae John Henry Lochanhead George henry Branrig Andrew Jardine Burliewhag 023; 032 [Situation] On En [Eastern] Parish Boundary A Stream rising on the East side of Queensberry, flowing in a South easterly direction And falling into the Kinnel.
OS1/10/6/106 [page] 106 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 3 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/107 NETHER DOD Nether Dod Nether Dod Nether Dod James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile W. [West] from Killyminshaw Hill A Round hill to the south of Upper Dod
OS1/10/6/107 [page] 107 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 4 [signed] William Hyslop
OS1/10/6/108 FAULD CLEUCH Fauld Cleuch Fauld Cleuch Fauld Cleuch James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig Andrew Davidson Michelslacks 023 [Situation] 32 chains W, [West] from Killyminshaw Hill A Glen through which a stream rising, near Hugh Church and falling into Bran Burn, flows There being only two Cleuchs so named authorities deem the prefix "Big" unnecessary
OS1/10/6/108 LITTLE FAULD CLEUCH Little Fauld Cleuch Little Fauld Cleuch Little Fauld Cleuch James Scott George Henry Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] 32 chains S,W, [South West] from Killyminshaw Hill A rocky Glen through a small Stream, flows
OS1/10/6/108 KILLYMINSHAW HILL Killieminchie Killieminchie Killieminchie Killyminshaw Hill James Scott George Henry Andrew Davidson Buccleuch Estate Maps 023 [Situation] In En [Eastern] Parish District A round Hill about half-a-mile to the north West of Branrig
OS1/10/6/108 [page] 108 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 5 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/109 KILLYMINSHAW CRAIGS Killieminchie Craigs Killieminchie Craigs Killieminchie Craigs Killyminshaw James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks Buccleuch Estate Plan Feby [February] 1857, 023 [Situation] On the west side of Killyminshaw Hill A few scattered rocks to the West of Killieminchie
OS1/10/6/109 [page] 109 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 5 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/110 BRANRIG Branrig Branrig Branrig Brunetrig Branrig James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig John Proudfoot Michelslacks Johnston's County Map Buccleuch Estate Map and Documents, 023 [Situation] 34 chains S,E, [South East] from Killyminshaw Hill, A cottage with Small garden attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/6/110 ELDER CLEUCH Elder Cleuch Elder Cleuch Elder Cleuch James Scott George Henry Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] 30 chains E. [East] from Killyminshaw Hill, A Small Hollow to the north of Branrig through a stream flows
OS1/10/6/110 CRAW BURN Craw Burn Craw Burn Craw Burn James Scott George Henry Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] From near Branrig SE, [South East] to Water of Ae, A small stream rising near Branrig and falling into the Ae
OS1/10/6/110 [page] 110 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace 6 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/111 CRAW KNOWE Craw Knowe Craw Knowe Craw Knowe James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] A little to the W. [West] of Branrig. A small Knowe to the west of Branrig
OS1/10/6/111 SCAB CLEUCH Scab Cleuch Scab Cleuch Scab Cleuch James Scott George Henry Andrew Davidson 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile S.E [South East] of Killyminshaw Hill A Small Hollow near Branrig through which a stream flows, falling into the Ae.
OS1/10/6/111 [page] 111 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/15 -- Trace No 6 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/112 [page] 112 [Blank page]
OS1/10/6/113 WATER OF AE Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae John Henry Lochanhead Andrew Jardine Burliewhag Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks 023; 032 [Situation] On En [Eastern] Parish Boundary, A Stream, rising on the east side of Queensberry, flowing in a South Easterly direction, and falling into Kinnel Water
OS1/10/6/113 GRINDSTONE CLEUCH Grindstone Cleuch Grindstone Cleuch Grindstone Cleuch James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] 3/4 mile S,E, [South East] from Wee Queensberry, A Small Glen, through which a stream, rising near Beld craig and falling into the Water of Ae, flows
OS1/10/6/113 DICK'S CLEUCH Dick's Cleuch Dick's Cleuch Dick's Cleuch James Scott George Henry John Proudfoot 023 [Situation] 1/2 mile N,E, [North East] from Killyminshaw Hill, A Small Glen, through which a stream rising near Uplaw Knowe and falling into the Water of Ae flows.
OS1/10/6/113 [page] 113 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/16 -- Trace No 1 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/114 DICK'S KNOWE Dick's Knowe Dick's Knowe Dick's Knowe James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] Near En [Eastern] Parish Boundary A small Knowe a little to the North of Dick's Cleuch
OS1/10/6/114 SKERRIES LINN Skarries Linn Skarries Linn Skarries Linn Skerries Linn James Scott George Henry John Proudfoot Adam Menzies 023 [Situation] On Water of Ae, A rocky Portion of the Ae about half a mile to the north East of Branrig
OS1/10/6/114 [page] 114 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 23/16 -- Trace No 1 [Note Skerries Linn] -- Skerry - a flat rock over which the tide flows, -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/115 RIVER NITH River Nith James Brown, Holm William Brown, Holm Edward Elton, Kirkbog 031; 040 [Situation] From Morton Parish S,S,E. [South South East] to Wn [Western] Parish Boundary, A large river flowing through the Parish in a Souther direction, occasionally forms the boundary of the Parish
OS1/10/6/115 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water James Brown William Brown Edward Elton 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing the Wn [Western] Parish Boundary, A large stream rising in the Parish of Morton, flows in a Western direction along the boundary of the Parish & falls into the Nith.
OS1/10/6/115 [page] 115 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-2 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/116 HOLM COTTAGE Holm Cottage James Brown, Holm William Brown, Holm Edward Elton, Kirkbog 031 [Situation] Nearly on the Boundary between Morton and Closeburn, A small cottage of one story for use of the Holm Farm
OS1/10/6/116 SCAR WATER Scar Water See Page 152, for Authorities etc
OS1/10/6/116 [page] 116 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-2 -- Trace 1 [signed] W.Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/117 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water George Hamilton. Camplebridge James Thomson Cample Robert Johnstone Cample 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing Wn [Western] Parish Boundary A Considerable Stream flowing along the boundary of Closeburn And Morton, bears the name from the Junction of Tansley Burn & Berry Grain to its Junction With the Nith.
OS1/10/6/117 MOSES' WELL Moses Well Moses Well Moses Well George Hamilton James Thomson Robert Johnstone 031 [Situation] 12 Chains N.W. [North West] from Templand, A spring near Cample water on the Farm of Templand deriving its name from a Tinker named Moses Marshall who with his family lived near it in a Camp during the time they had the small pox.
OS1/10/6/117 TEMPLAND Templand Templand Templeland Templand Geroge Hamilton James Thomson Robert Johnstone Johnston's Co [county] Map 031 [situation] In Wn [Western] Parish District, A Farm house with Offices garden and Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/117 [page] 117 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31-2 -- Trace 1 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/118 CAMPLEBRIDGE Camplebridge Camplebridge Camplebridge Thomas Davidson Camplebridge George Wright Buchanhall Thomas Glencorse Cample 031 [Situation] 21 Chains S,E,E, [South East East] from Templand, A Farm house And Joiners shop with Offices And garden attached
OS1/10/6/118 NEW CAMPLE New Cample New Cample New Cample Thomas Davidson George Wright Thomas Glencorse 031 [Situation] 24 chains S,E,E, [South East East] from Templand, A Farm house with Offices garden And Farm of land attached This & Camplebridge forms a Small Hamlet.
OS1/10/6/118 [page] 118 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.3 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/6/118 Collector's name lost.
OS1/10/6/119 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow And South western Railway Glasgow And South western Railway Glasgow And South western Railway David Murray Closeburn Patrick Hoggarty Newton James Dickson Newton 031; 040 [Situation] From Morton Parish S,S,E, [South South East] through Wn [Western] Division of Parish, A trunk line of Railway from Glasgow to Carlisle
OS1/10/6/119 CAMPLE Cample Cample Cample Thomas Davidson Thornhill William McMurdo Cample James Robson Cample 031 [Situation] 1 mile N. [North] from Closeburn A small village situated on the Cample
OS1/10/6/119 GREEN COTTAGE Green Cottage Green Cottage Green Cottage Thomas Davidson William McMurdo James Robson 031 [Situation] A little to the West of Cample village. A Small Cottage with garden attached on the Farm of Green
OS1/10/6/119 [page] 119 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet [31] --Trace 3 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/120 [page] 120 [Blank page]
OS1/10/6/121 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water Mr Mitchel Townhead Mr Harper Townfoot Mr Kerr Dollard 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing Wn [Western] Parish Boundary A Stream that takes its rise in the parish of Morton and flows in a South West direction and falls into the river Nith
OS1/10/6/121 CRICHOPE BURN Crichope Burn Crichup Burn Crichope Mr Harper John Stoba Gatelaw Bridge Johnstone's County Map 031 [Situation] From the junction of Several Runners 1/2 mile N,E, [North East] of Dollard Hill SW,W, [South West West] to Cample Water, A stream that takes its rise in this parish and flows in a Westerly direction and joins the Cample Water This stream flows through the romantic place called Crichope Linn
OS1/10/6/121 [page] 121 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/4 -- Trace 1 [Note Crichope Burn] -- See Page 129 for various modes of spelling [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/122 CRICHOPE LINN Crichope Linn Crichope Linn Crichup Linn Mr Kerr, Dollard Mr Harper, Townfoot John Stoba, Gatelaw Bridge 031 [Situation] On Crichope Burn 2 miles N,N,E, [North North East] from Closeburn village A name given to a very romantic place, formed by the action of the water in the Crichope Burn upon a rather soft kind of sandstone rock, in some places the rocks are almost touching at the top while the stream is running about 50 feet below
OS1/10/6/122 SOUTER'S SEAT Souter's Seat Souter's Seat Souter's Seat Mr Kerr Mr Harper John Stoba 031 [Situation] On Crichope Burn 66 chains NNE, [North North East] from Closeburn-mill, One of the curiosties of Crichope Linn; the water has here evidently worn away the rock below, so as to [make] it appear to project, while the farthest point, of the [projection] is supported by natural [pillars] leaving plenty of space for a person to enter between the rock and the pillars, its is said that a shoemaker took refuge here in the time of the persecution "hence the [name"]
OS1/10/6/122 [page] 122 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/4 -- Trace 2 [Note] Crichope Linn] -- For other modes of spelling Crichope -- See Page 129, [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/122 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/123 HELL'S CALDRON Hell's Cauldron Hell's Cauldron Hell's Cauldron Mr Kerr Dollad Mr Harper Townfoot Mr Mitchel Townhead 031 [Situation] In Crichope Burn A deep circular pool formed in the rock by the action of the water in the Crichope Burn
OS1/10/6/123 BRATTLES Brattles Brattles Brattles James Smith Mains Mr Kerr Mr Little Dressertland 031 [situation] About 3/4 mile N.E. by E. [North East by East] from Closeburn-mill Two cottages with garden attached the property of the trustees of Mr Baird
OS1/10/6/123 COVENANTER'S CAVE Covenanter's Cave Estate Maps of Closeburn 031 [Situation] On Crichope Burn A Deep Crevice in the Rock overhanging Crichope Linn, where as tradition asserts the Covenanters concealed themselves during the times of persecution.
OS1/10/6/123 [page] 123 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/4 -- Trace 2 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/124 BENTHEAD Benthead Benthead Benthead William Harper, Townfoot Mr Kerr, Dollard Robert Hunter, Benthead 031 [Situation] 1 1/4 mile N,E, [North East] from Closeburn Mill, A Small cottage and garden on the farm of Townfoot the property of the Trustees of Mr Baird
OS1/10/6/124 DOLLARD Dallard Dollard Dollard Dollard Dollard Dollard Dollard Valuation Roll - 1856 Mr Kerr, Dollard Robert Hunter Mr Little Dressertland Johnston's County Map Valuation Rolls of 1756, Estate Maps and Title Deeds etc of Closeburn 031 [Situation] Nearly 1 1/4 mile N,E, by E, [North East by East] from Closeburn Mill A Small cottage and [garden] occupied by Mr Kerr Dallard - from Dal a Valley and Ard a height.
OS1/10/6/124 GULLET SPOUT Gullet Spout Gullet Spout Gullet Spout Mr Kerr Robert Hunter Mr Little 031 [Situation] In Linn Burn, The Crichope Burn has here cut a spiral passage in the rock round which it [rushes] with great force, and [spouts] into the pool below There is a neat Wood Bridge erected over it so that the [water] can be seen; altogether this place has a most imposing appearance
OS1/10/6/124 [page] 124 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/4 -- Trace 3 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/124 Words lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/125 DEAD BURN Dead Burn Dead Burn Dead Burn Mr Kerr Dollard Robert Hunter Benthead Mr Little Dressertland 031 [Situation] From the junction of two runners 1 mile E. [East] of Closeburn Mill N.N.W, [North North West] to Crichope Burn, A Small stream that takes its rise in this parish and flows in a North West direction and falls into the Crichope Burn
OS1/10/6/125 LINN BURN Linn Burn Linn Burn Linn Burn William Kerr Robert Hunter Peter McMorine 022; 023; 031 [Situation] From Townfoot Loch SSW, [South South West] to Crichope Burn. A Stream having its source in Townfoot Loch, passes through the "Greymare's Tail" and falls into Crichope Burn.
OS1/10/6/125 [page] 125 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/4 -- Trace 3 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/126 CLOSEBURN-MILL Closeburn Mill Closeburn Mill Closeburn Mill Closeburn-mill William Watson Cample William Rodgerson Closeburn Mill J Little Dessertland John Anderson 031 [Situation] 1 1/3 mile N.N.E, [North North East] from Closeburn village A number of cottages with gardens attached, also a corn mill, from which this place derives its name The name originally was applied to the Mill but now the Village gets it.
OS1/10/6/126 DRESSERTLAND Dressertland Dressertland Dressertland Dressetland Dressertland J Little Dressertland William Watson Cample William Rodgerson Closeburn Mill Johnston's Co [County] Map Estate Maps etc of Closeburn 031 [Situation] 27 Chains S,E, [South East] from Closeburn Mill A substantial farm house with office houses garden Stackyard and farm of land attached the property of the trustees of Mr Baird, and occupied by Mr John Little
OS1/10/6/126 CAMPLE Cample Cample Cample William Watson Cample William Rodgerson J Little 031 [Situation] 28 Chains S,W, [South West] from Closeburn-mill A number of cottages with gardens attached; there is also a school connected with the parish, taught by Mr William Watson; the average [attendance] of scholars is about 40; the Salary is a minimum
OS1/10/6/126 [Page] 126 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/4 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/6/127 SCHOOL [Cample] School School School William Watson Cample William Rodgerson Closeburn Mill J Little Dressertland 031 [Situation] In Cample village This is a School at Cample taught by Mr William Watson; the average attendance of scholars is about 40 The salary is a minimum Supported partly by voluntary Contributions from Heritors and the Wallace bequest. It is not a Parochial School. -
OS1/10/6/127 WILSONTOWN Wilsontown Wilsontown Wilsontown Wilsontown William Rodgerson William Watson John Anderson, Closeburn-mill 031 [Situation] At the Sn [Southern] extremity of Closeburn-mill. Two Cottages with gardens attached, - formerly a farmhouse - within the Hamlet of Closeburnmill.
OS1/10/6/127 [page] 127 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/4 -- Trace 4 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/128 [page] 128 [Blank page]
OS1/10/6/129 BUTTAVIEW PLANTATION Buttaview Plann [Plantation] Buttaview Plann [Plantation] Buttaview Plann [Plantation] Robert Hunter Benthead William Kerr Dallard William Kerr Junr [Junior] Dallard 023; 032 [Situation] 53 chains N.N,W, [North North West] from Dollard Hill, A Plantation of Fir wood near the waterfall called "Grey Mare's Tail"
OS1/10/6/129 CRICHOPE BURN Crichope Burn Crichope Burn Crichup Burn Creechope Crichop Crichup CricKup Crichup Crichope Robert Hunter William Kerr Senr [Senior] William Kerr Jun [Junior] Johnston's Co [County] Map Dr [Doctor] Simpson's History of Sanquhar Gazetteer of Scotland Statistics of Closeburn Old sSatistics of Closeburn Estate Maps & Documents of Closeburn 031; 032 [Situation] From the junction of runners 1/2 mile N,E, [North East] from Dollard Hill S.S,W, [South South West] to Cample Water, A stream formed by the junction of a few Sheep drains which unites with another stream and flows through Crichope Linn And falls into Cample water The Name is evidently compounded of Scotch Creech and Hope - that is the glen with declivities encumbered with large stones, - which is descriptive in several parts of the Stream's course and remarkably so in that of the gorge of Crichope Linn, which see. Crichope a corruption, is the mode of spelling now generally adopted
OS1/10/6/129 CELTIC or DEIL'S DIKE Deil's Dike See Page 52.
OS1/10/6/129 [page] 129 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 32.1 -- Trace 1 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/130 STRAIT GILL Strait Gill Strait Gill Strait Gill William Kerr Dallard William Kerr Dallard Robert Pagan Gillchristland 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile N,E, [North East] from Dollard Hill A deep precipitous narrow gorge on the farm of Gillchristland through which a stream flows.
OS1/10/6/130 [page] 130 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 32.1 -- Trace 2 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/131 KNOCKTIMPEN KnocKtimpen KnocKtimpen KnocKtimpen William Kerr Dallard William Kerr Dallard Robert Hunter Benthead 032 [Situation] 3/4 mile N,E, [North East] from Dollard Hill, A small eminence a little to the north east of Strait Gill
OS1/10/6/131 SHIELING SIKE Shieiling Sike See Page 135 for authorities etc
OS1/10/6/131 [page] 131 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 32.1 -- Trace 3 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/132 DOLLARD HILL Dallard Hill Dallard Hill Dallard Hill Robert Hunter Benthead William Kerr Dallard William Kerr Dallard 032 [Situation] In the centre of this Parish - A Considerable sized hill on the farm of Gillchristland Dalard - from Dal - a Valley and Ard, a height.
OS1/10/6/132 FELLARD Fellard Fellard Fellard William Crystal William ParKer William Kerr 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile S,E, [South East] from Dollard Hill A considerable hill bordering on 1000 feet high. And on which stands a Trig. [Trigonometrical] station.
OS1/10/6/132 [page] 132 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 32.1 -- Trace 4 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/133 TIPPET KNOWE Tippet Knowe Tippet Knowe Tippet Knowe William Kerr Dallard William Kerr Dallard Robert Hunter Benthead 032 [Situation] Adjoining Dollard Hill on the East A small height lying a little east of Dallard Hill
OS1/10/6/133 [page] 133 Parish Of Closeburn -- Sheet 32.1 -- Trace 5 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/134 DINS RIG Dins Rigg Dins Rigg Dins Rigg William Kerr Dallard William Kerr Dallard Robert Pagan Gillchristland 032 [Situation] Nearly 1 mile to the East of Dollard Hill A height extending away in a south easterly direction from Knocktimpen
OS1/10/6/134 [page] 134 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 32.1 -- Trace 6 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/135 POLDIVAN LAKE Pedibben Burn Pedibben Burn Pedibben Burn Poldivan Lake Poldivan Burn Poldivan Burn Poldivan Burn Adam Menzies Garroch Andrew Hunter Garroch James Harkness Mitchelslacks Johnstone's Co [County] Map Peter McMorine William Parker William Harper 023; 032 [Situation] From the E, [East] side of Braishaw Rigg S,E, [South East] to Capel Water, A stream having its source on the Threep Muir flows East ward and falls into Capel Water
OS1/10/6/135 SHIELING SIKE Shieling Syke Shieling Syke Shieling Syke Adam Menzies William Ker Dolard Andrew Hunter 032 [Situation] From About 1/4 mile N, [North of Sowen's Knowe N,E, [North East] to Poldivan LaKe, A small stream which takes its rise a little North of the Sowens Knowe and falls into Poldivan LaKe,
OS1/10/6/135 GLASS RIG Glass Rigg Glass Rigg Glass Rigg Adam Mangies Andrew Hunter William Ker 032 [situation] Nearly 1 mile N, [North] from Drumfad Kens, A long ridge like like hill a little East of the Threep Muir
OS1/10/6/135 [page] 135 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/2 -- Trace 1 [Note Shieling Sike] -- SiKe, Syik, SyK a Rill -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] William Wright
OS1/10/6/136 POLDIVAN BRIDGE Poldivan Bridge Poldivan Bridge Poldivan Bridge John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks James Harkness Mitchelslacks Andrew Hunter Garroch 032 [Situation] Over Poldivan LaKe 1/2 mile N,E, by N, [North East by North] from DrumfadKens, A Small Bridge with an arch over Poldivan LaKe Repaired by the Parish
OS1/10/6/136 [page] 136 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/2 -- Trace 2 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/137 CAPEL WATER Capel Water Adam Menzies Garroch Andrew Hunter Garroch James HarKness Mitchelslacks 023; 032 [Situation] From the junction of Clachope Water and Capel Burn S,E, [South East] to Water of Ae, A large stream having its source near Ean Craig flows southward and falls into the Water of Ae, Takes the name Capel Water at the Junction of Capel Burn and Clachope Water,
OS1/10/6/137 [page] 137 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/2 -- Trace 3 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/138 SOWENS KNOWE Sowens Knowe William Ker Dolart Thomas Ker Dolart John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks William Parker 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile west from DrumfadKens A hillock a little West of Blacklump
OS1/10/6/138 BLACK LUMP Black Lump Black Lump Black Lump William Parker Blawbare William Crystal Gilchristland John Gillspie Gubhill 032 [Situation] Adjoining Drumfadkens on the N,W, [North West] A small hill of black appearance
OS1/10/6/138 [page] 138 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 22/2 -- Trace 4 Threap Moor - See Page 93 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/139 DRUMFADKENS DrumfadKens DrumfadKens DrumfadKens DrumfadKens Adam Menzies Garroch William Ker Dolart Andrew Hunter Garroch John Gillespie 032 [Situation] Near S.E. [South East] Parish district A ridge like hill a little East of the Sowens, Knowe This ridge is intersected by two small Slacks, - one of which is called Tod Slack, - giving it the appearance of three parallel ridges or heads - "DrumfadKens" - The Ridge With the long heads, This place is sometimes, improperly, called TeaheadKens.
OS1/10/6/139 OLDSHIEL KNOWE Oldshiel Knowe Oldshiel Know Adam Menzies William Ker Andrew Hunter Estate Plan 1857, (Duke of Buccleugh) 032 [Situation] 47 chains NW. [North West] from DrumfadKens A small Knowe a little west of Pedibbin Bridge
OS1/10/6/139 TOD SLACK Tod SlacK Tod SlacK Tod SlacK Adam Menzies James HarKness John Gillespie 032 [Situation] Through DrumfadKens, A slight hollow running through DrumfadKens.
OS1/10/6/139 [page] 139 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/2 -- Trace 5 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/140 BLUID SIKE Bloody Sike Bluid SiKe William Ker Dolart John Gillespie Gubhill Thomas Gillespie Gubhill Buccleuch Estate Maps 032 [Situation] From 3/4 mile S.E [South East] from DrumfadKens North to Poldivan LaKe A Small stream having its source near the cairn flows north and falls into Poldivan LaKe
OS1/10/6/140 [page] 140 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/2 -- Trace 6 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/141 CAPEL WATER Capel Water Capel Water Capel Water John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks Thomas Harkness Mitchelslacks 023; 032 [Situation] From Capel Yetts on Wn [Western] Parish Bdy [Boundary] S.S.W. [South South West] to Capel Water A Stream rising near Ernecraig flowing in a Southerly direction and falling into the Water of Ae, It bears this name from the Junction of Capel Burn with Clachope Water,
OS1/10/6/141 CURLIES KNOWE Curly's Knowe Curly's Knowe Curly's Knowe Curlie's Knowe John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks John Gillespie Gubhiil William Kerr Dollart Buccleuch Estate Map 032 [Situation] 35 chains West of Big Knowe - A Slight rising ground near the junction of the Poldavin with the Capel Water
OS1/10/6/141 HAY KNOWE Hay Knowe Hay Knowe Hay Knowe John Proudfoot Andrew Davidson George Henry Branrig 032 [Situation] 32 chains West of Big Knowe, A Knowe on the opposite side of the Capel Water from Curly's Knowe
OS1/10/6/141 [page] 141 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/3 -- Trace N 1 [Pencil note Capel Water Situation] -- Alter [Note Curlie's Knowe] -- Curlies - the colewert -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/142 CRAIGY BOG Craigy Bog Craigy Bog Craigy Bog John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks George Henry Branrig Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks 032 [Situation] 24 chains N,W,W [North West West] of Big Knowe A piece of Boggy ground to the East of Hay Knowe
OS1/10/6/142 BIG KNOWE Big Knowe Big Knowe Big Knowe John Proudfoot George Henry Andrew Davidson 032 [Situation] In En [Eastern] Parish Dictrict A round Knowe a little east of Craigie Bog
OS1/10/6/142 [page] 142 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/3 -- Trace No 1 [Note Craigy Bog] -- Craigy - Rocky -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/143 BRAN BURN Bran Burn Bran Burn Bran Burn James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks 023 [Situation] From the junction of Lang and Mirk Grains - S,S,W, [South South West] to Water of Ae, A Stream, formed by the junction of the Lang and Mirk Grains, flowing in a southerly direction, and falling in the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/143 ELF KNOWE Elf Knowe Elf Knowe Elf Knowe James Scott George Henry John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 032 [Situation] 28 chains N.N.E, [North North East] from Big Knowe, A Small round Knowe near Bran Burn. Said to be a favourite resort of the Fairies
OS1/10/6/143 [page] 143 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/3 -- Trace No 2 [signed] William Hyslop ca [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/144 WOODY CLEUCH Woody Cleuch Woody Cleuch Woody Cleuch John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile East of Big Knowe A Small glen near Bran Burn through which a small stream flows
OS1/10/6/144 HIND KNOWE Hind Knowe Hind Knowe Hind Knowe James Scott George Henry John Proudfoot 032 [Situation] 48 chains E, [East] of Big Knowe A Knowe near Woody Cleuch
OS1/10/6/144 WHITE KNOWE White Knowe White Knowe White Knowe James Scott George Henry John Proudfoot 032 [Situation] 55 chains E, [East] of Big Knowe, A round Knowe to the East of Hind Knowe
OS1/10/6/144 [page] 144 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/3 -- Trace No 3 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/145 AULDHOUSE GUTTER Auldhouse Gutter Auldhouse Gutter Auldhouse Gutter James Scott Branrig George Henry Branrig John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 032 [Situation] 3/4 mile N,E, by E, [North East by East] from Big Knowe A Stream rising a little to the west of Branrig and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/145 WATER OF AE Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae John Henry Lochanhead Andrew Jardine Burliewhag Andrew Davidson Mitchelslacks Johnstons Co [County] Map 023; 032 [Situation] On En [Eastern] Parish Boundary A Stream rising on the east Side of Queensberry, flowing in a South Easterly direction, and falling into Kinnel Water.
OS1/10/6/145 DOW LINN Doo Linn Doo Linn Doo Linn Dove Linn James Scott George Henry John Proudfoot Adam Menzies 032 [Situation] On Water of Ae, nearly 1 mile E, [East] of Big Knowe, A rocky Linn at the junction of the Auld House Gutter with The Ae
OS1/10/6/145 [page] 145 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/3 -- Trace No 3 [Note Dow Linn] -- Dow - the pigeon (Vernacular Doo) -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/146 MORINS HILL Morins Hill Morins Hill Morins Hill John Gillespie Gub hill William Kerr Dollart John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks 032 [Situation] About 1/2 mile S,W, [South West] from Big Knowe A Round Hill to the north East of Knockenshang
OS1/10/6/146 [page] 146 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/3 -- Trace No 4 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/147 MURRAY CLEUCH Murray Cleuch Murray Cleuch Murray Cleuch John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks James Scott Branrig George Henry Brnarig 032 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile S,E, [South East] from Big Knowe, A Small Glen near Capel Water through which a stream flows.
OS1/10/6/147 [page] 147 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/3 -- Trace 5 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/148 BRAN POINT Bran Point Bran Point Bran Point James Scott George Henry John Proudfoot 032 [Situation] At the junction of bran Burn and Water of Ae, This name is applied to that piece of ground near the junction of the Bran with the Ae.
OS1/10/6/148 WATER OF AE Water of Ae See page 145 for Authorities etc
OS1/10/6/148 [page] 148 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/3 -- Trace No 6 [Note Tod Slack, Crossed out] -- See Page 139 for correct feature. [Note below Bran Point] -- Plan 32.4 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/149 HOLM Holm Holme James Brown, Holm William Brown, Holm Edward Elton, Kirkbog Johnstones Co [County] Map 031 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile W, [West] from KirKbog A dwellinghouse with garden, barns etc, and a farm of land attached. Duke of Buccleuch proprietor, James & William Brown occupiers.
OS1/10/6/149 [page] 149 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-6 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/150 BLAWPLAIN Blawplain Blaplain James Brown, Holm William Brown, Holm Valuation Rolls Johnstones Co [County] Map 031 [Situation] 1/2 mile S,W, [South West] from KirKbog, A dwelling house, with garden, barns etc attached. The farm of land formerly attached is now included in that of the Holm
OS1/10/6/150 RIVER NITH River Nith James Brown, William Brown Edward Elton, Kirkbog 031; 040 [Situation] From Morton Parish S,S,E, [South South East] to Nn [Northern] Parish Boundary A large river flowing through the Parish [in] a Southern direction, but occasionally forms the boundary
OS1/10/6/150 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water James Brown William Brown Edward Elton 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Tracing Wn [Western] Parish Boundary - S,S,W, [South South West] to River Nith, A large Stream rising in the parish of [Morton] flows in a western direction along the boundary of the parish & falls into the Nith. -
OS1/10/6/150 [page] 150 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-6 -- Trace 2 [signed W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/151 KIRKBOG Kirkbog James Brown, Holm William Brown, Holm Edward Elton, Kirkbog 031 [Situation] In the NEn, [North Eastern] Corner of this Plan, A dwellinghouse, with garden, barns etc and a farm of land attached, Duke of Buccleuch proprietor, Edward Elton occupier. -
OS1/10/6/151 [page] 151 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-6 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/152 SCAR WATER Scar Water James Brown, Holm William Brown, Holm Edward Elton, Kirkbog 031 [Situation] On Wn [Western] Boundary, - between Closeburn and Keir A large Stream rising in the parish of Penpont & falling into the Nith
OS1/10/6/152 [page] 152 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-6 -- Trace 3 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/153 ROSEBANK Rosebank Rosebank Rosebank George Hamilton Campelbridge John Hunter Muirend Cottage William Morrine New Cample 031 [Situation] 49 chains N,N,W, [North North West] from KirKland, A substantial Cottage with Garden attached Situated on the Farm of Kirkbog
OS1/10/6/153 ST NINIAN'S WELL St Ninian's Well (site of) St Ninian's Well (site of) St Ninian's Well (site of) St Ninian's Well John Hunter George Hamilton William Morrine Dr [Doctor] Grierson, Thornhill, 031 [Situation] About 1/2 mile N.N.W, [North North West] from KirKland, A small well situated near DalgarnocK churchyard but now filled up, This Well is to be reopened, It is probable, from the name of this Well, that the church Was dedicated to St Ninian.
OS1/10/6/153 Site of DALGARNOCK CHURCH Dalgarnock church (site of) Dalgarnock church (site of) Dalgarno church (site of) Dalgarno church (site of) Dalgarnoch Church Dalgarnock Dalgarnock John Hunter George Hamilton William Morrine Johnstons Co [County] Map Ancient Eccl [Ecclesiastical] Antiquities Burns' Poems Chalmers' Caledonia 031 [Situation] Nearly 1/4 mile N,N,W, [North North West] from KirKland, The Parish church of Dalgarnock formerly stood here, but is now all removed The old burying ground attached to the church is still used,
OS1/10/6/153 [page] 153 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 1 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/154 DALGARNOCK-GATE Dalgarnockgate Dalgarnockgate Dalgarnockgate Dalgarnock-gate John Little Kirkland James Robson Kirkland John Hunter Muirend Estate Maps etc of Closeburn 031 [Situation] 24 Chains N, [North] from KirKland Two Cottages with gardens attached situated on the Estate of KirKland
OS1/10/6/154 MUIREND LOCH Muirend Loch Muirend Loch Muirend Loch Gate Loch John Little James Robson John Hunter 031 [Situation] 28 chains N,N,E, [North North East] from KirKland. A marsh situated between Dalgarnockgate And Muirend - It is intended to be drained in the ensuing Spring.-
OS1/10/6/154 KIRKLAND COTTAGE Kirkland Cottage Kirkland Cottage Kirkland Cottage John Little James Robson John Hunter 031 [Situation] 19 chains N, [North] from KirKland A neat cottage with garden attached on the Estate of Kirkland, of modern erection.
OS1/10/6/154 [page] 154 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 1 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/155 MUIREND Muirend Muirend Muirend John Hunter Muirend John Little KirKland James Johnstone Cample 031 [Situation] 7 Chains N,E, [North East] from KirKland. A few Cottages with gardens attached
OS1/10/6/155 MUIREND COTTAGE Muirend Cottage Muirend Cottage Muirend Cottage John Hunter John Little James Johnstone 031 [Situation] 48 chains N,E, [North East] from KirKland, A Cottage with Offices, garden and a small piece of land attached
OS1/10/6/155 CLOSEBURN COTTAGE Closeburn Cottage Closeburn Cottage Closeburn Cottage John Hunter John Little James Johnstone 031 [Situation] About 50 chains N,E, by E, [North East by East] from KirKland, A genteel residence with offices, garden and a small piece of land attached
OS1/10/6/155 [page] 154 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 2 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/156 CAMPLEBRIDGE Camplebridge Camplebridge Camplebridge George Hamilton Camplebridge William Morrine New Cample James McKinnel Green 031 [Situation] 3/4 mile N,E, by N, [North East by North] from KirKland, A Farmhouse And Joiner's Shop with Offices gardens And Farm of land attached This place, With Newcample, forms a Small Hamlet.
OS1/10/6/156 NEW CAMPLE New Cample New Cample New Cample George Hamilton William Morrine James McKinnel 031 [Situation] Adjoining Camplebridge on the East A Farmhouse with offices garden and Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/156 CAMPLE WATER Cample Water Cample Water Cample Water George Hamilton William Morrine James McKinnel 022; 023; 031; 032 [Situation] To the East of Camplebridge A stream formed by the Junction of Tansley Burn & Berry Grain, flows along the Ph By [Parish Boundary] & falls into the Nith. This stream Was formerly the Ph By [Parish Boundary]
OS1/10/6/156 [page] 156 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 2 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/157 GREEN Green Green Green James McKinnel, Green Thomas Davidson, Cample John Johnstone Cample 031 [Situation] About 1 1/8 mile N,E, [North East] from KirKland, A substantial Farmhouse with offices garden and Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/157 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & south-western Railway Glasgow & south-western Railway Glasgow & south-western Railway James McKinnel Thomas Davidson John Johnstone 031; 040 [Situation] From Morton Ph [Parish] S, [South] through Western Division of this Ph [Parish] A main Trunk line of Railway extending from Glasgow to Carlisle
OS1/10/6/157 GALLOWS KNOWE Gallow Knowe Gallow Knowe Gallow Knowe Gallows Knowe James McKinnel Thomas Davidson John Johnstone Mr Adams, Factor for Closeburn Estate 031 [Situation] At the E, [East] side of Glasgow and South Western Railway, A small knoll near Campleslacks, Gallow is a contraction of the Word Gallows.
OS1/10/6/157 [page] 157 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 3 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/158 BUCHANHALL Buchanhall Buchanhall Buchanhall James McKinnel, Green Thomas Davidson, Cample George Hamilton Camplebridge 031 [Situation] 66 chains N,E, [North East] from KirKland A small Cottage with garden attached on the Farm of Green This is now the only remaining Cottage of several others that were inhabited by a religious Sect Called the Buchanites who lived here some 60 or 70 years ago but were at last persecuted and hunted out of the Parish whence they removed into Galloway And finally settled at Crocketford Village
OS1/10/6/158 CAMPLESLACKS Campleslacks Campleslacks Campleslacks James McKinnel Thomas Davidson George Hamilton 031 [Situation] 1 1/8 mile N,E, by E [North East by East] from Kirkland A few Cottages with gardens attached situated on the road leading from Closeburn to Cample
OS1/10/6/158 [page] 158 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 3 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/159 KIRKLAND Kirkland Kirkland Kirkland John Little Kirkland John Hunter Muirend George Hamilton Camplebirdge 031 [Situation] 1 mile N,W, by W, [North West by West] from Closeburn, A large genteel residence of modern erection with Offices Garden & Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/159 RIVER NITH River Nith River Nith River Nith John Little John Hunter George Hunter 031; 040 [Situation] From Morton Ph [Parish] S,S,W [South South West] on to Wn [Western] Parish Boundary A River rising in the North west of the county of Dumfries And falls into the Solway Firth
OS1/10/6/159 [page] 159 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 4 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/160 (Page) 160 [Blank page]
OS1/10/6/161 FORT [Cottage Wood] Camp Camp Camp British Fort John Hunter Muirend James Johnstone Cample Joseph Sharpe, Closeburn Dr [Doctor] Grierson, Thornhill 031 [Situation] In Cottage Wood This appears to be a Fort of Camp though not apparently of any great strength. In connection with this, there is a tradition in the neighbourhood that a party of English were defeated by Wallace somewhere on the ground now Covered by Cottage wood, The Battle or skirmish is spoken of as the battle of Marjory Muirend A name which is sometimes applied to the place to this day
OS1/10/6/161 UPPER ROSEHILL Upper Rosehill Upper Rosehill [Glowroune] John Hunter James Johnstone Joseph Sharpe 031 [Situation] 47 Chains E, [East] from KirKland An old Cottage with garden attached
OS1/10/6/161 [page] 161 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 5 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/162 ROSEHILL Rosehill Rosehill Rosehill John Hunter Muirend John Little KirKland James Robson KirKland 031 [Situation] 1/3 mile S.E, [South East] from KirKland A Farmhouse with Offices garden And Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/162 COTTAGE WOOD Cottage Wood Cottage Wood Cottage Wood John Hunter John Little James Robson 031 [Situation] 54 chains E, [East] from KirKland A Mixed wood near Closeburn Cottage
OS1/10/6/162 [page] 162 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 5 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/163 WOODEND Woodend Woodend Woodend William McClelland Woodend John Hunter Muirend James Robson KirKland 031 [Situation] 7/8 of a mile S,E,E, [South East East] from KirKland, A Cottage with garden and a small piece of land attached
OS1/10/6/163 CLOSEBURN [village] Closeburn Village Closeburn Village Closeburn Village Closeburn David Murray Closeburn Joseph Sharpe Closeburn Alexander KirKpatrick Closeburn Estate Map of Closeburn 031 [Situation] In Wn [Western] Parish district A small Village in the Parish of the Same name, And on the road from Dumfries to Glasgow, 12 miles from the former. There is a Branch Postoffice And Railway Station.
OS1/10/6/163 [page] 163 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.7 -- Trace 6 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/164 (Page) 164 [Blank page]
OS1/10/6/165 CAMPLE Cample Cample Cample William Watson Cample John Hairstains Cample John Little Dressertland 031 [Situation] At the NW. [North West] corner of this Plan, A number of cottages with gardens attached situated near to Cample Water
OS1/10/6/165 DRESSERTLAND Dressertland Dressertland Dressertland Dressertland Dressertland Dressertland William Watson John Hairstains John Little Valuation Rolls Johnston's County Map Estate Maps and Documents of Closeburn 031 [Situation] 64 Chains N, [North] from Closeburn Hall, A Substantial farm house with offices garden and farm of land attached the property of Misses Baird and occupied by Mr Little
OS1/10/6/165 GRAHAM'S KNOWE Graham's Knowe Graham's Knowe Graham's Knowe William Watson John Hairstanes John Little 031 [situation] 3/4 mile N,N,W. [North north West] from Closeburn Hall, A name given to a small hill covered with wood, situated near to Cample
OS1/10/6/165 [page] 165 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/8 -- Trace 1 [signed] [James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/165 Collector's name lost.
OS1/10/6/166 BAREBY Bareby Bareby Bareby John Adam Closeburn Castle Thomas Fare Bareby William Watson Cample 031 [Situation] 1/2 mile N.N,E, [North North East] from Closeburn Hall, A neat cottage with garden and dog Kennel immediately adjoining The property of the Misses Baird and occupied by Thomas Fare; Game Keeper
OS1/10/6/166 TOWN BURN Town Burn Town Burn Town Burn John Adam Thomas Fare William Watson 031 [Situation] From the junction of runners 12 chains N. [North] of heathery Dam E, & S. [East & South] to Castle Loch, A stream that takes its rise on the farm of Gilchristland and flows in a South West and Southwardly direction till it falls into the Castle Loch this name extends no farther than the Castle Loch, This stream derives its name from a place at one time called Closeburn Town
OS1/10/6/166 TOWNBURN WOOD Townburn Wood Townburn Wood Townburn Wood John Adam Thomas Fare William Watson 031 [Situation] 3/4 mile N.E. by N, [North East by North] from Closeburn Hall, A name given to a considerable extent of wood about 1/4 mile North East of Bareby
OS1/10/6/166 [page] 166 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/8 -- Trace 2 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/167 BAREBY LINN Bareby Linn Bareby Linn Bareby Linn Thomas Fare Bareby John Adam Closeburn Castle William Watson Cample 031 [Situation] On Linn Burn, 1/2 mile N.N.E, [North North East] from Closeburn Hall, A hollow piece of ground through which the Town Burn flows, situated to the North West of Bareby
OS1/10/6/167 [page] 167 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/8 -- Trace 2 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/168 HEATHERY DAM Heathery Dam Heathery Dam Heathery Dam John Adam Closeburn Castle William Bissart Closeburn Thomas Fare Bareby 031 [Situation] 74 Chains N,E, [North East] from Closeburn Hall, A large artificial pond on the farm of Gilchristland used for the purpose of collecting water to drive machinery
OS1/10/6/168 [page] 168 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/8 -- Trace 3 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/169 BLACKRIG POND Blackrigg Pond Blackrigg Pond Blackrigg Pond John Adam Closeburn Castle Thomas Fare Bareby Joseph Sharpe Closeburn 031 [Situation] 18 Chains N,W. [North West] from Closeburn Hall, A name given to a Small pond near Closeburn Hall
OS1/10/6/169 CLOSEBURN HALL Closeburn Hall Closeburn Hall Closeburn Hall John Adam Thomas Fare Joseph Sharp 031 [Situation] 50 Chains N,E, [North East] from Closeburn village, A large and beautiful house with pleasure ground attaches the property of the Misses Baird
OS1/10/6/169 LAKEHEAD Lakehead Lakehead Lakehead David Newlands Lakehead Joseph Sharpe John Adam 031 [Situation] 33 chains S,w, [South West] from Closeburn Hall, A farm house with garden stackyard office houses and farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/169 [page] 169 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/8 -- Trace 4 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/170 WALLACEHALL SCHOOL Wallace Hall (Academy) Wallace Hall (Academy) Wallace Hall (Academy) Dr [Doctor] Ramage Wallace Hall David Newlands Lakehead Joseph Sharpe Closeburn 031 [Situation] 24 Chains S,W, [South West] from Closeburn Hall, Described by Mr Patterson See Namelist of Plan 31.12.
OS1/10/6/170 [page] 170 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/8 -- Trace 4 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/171 CASTLE WOOD Castle Wood Castle Wood Castle Wood John Adam Thomas Fare John Coltart 031 [Situation] 1/4 mile S,E, [South East] from Closeburn Hall, A mixed Wood lying to the east of Closeburn Castle.
OS1/10/6/171 [page] 171 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/8 -- Trace 5 [Note Closeburn Mains, crossed out] -- As this is merely the home-farm of Closeburn Hall in the immediate vicinity, the Name seems here, superfluous. [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/172 GILCHRISTLAND Gilchristland Gilchristland Gilchristland GilKersland Gilchristland John Adam Closeburn Castle William Crystal Gilchristland John Coltart Closeburn Valuation Rolls Estate Maps of Closeburn, 031 [Situation] 1 Mile E. [East] from Closeburn Hall, A substantial farm house with office houses garden and farm of land attached the property of the Misses Baird and occupied by Mr Crystal
OS1/10/6/172 BARNMUIR PLANTATION Barnmuir Plantn [Plantation] Barnmuir Plantn [Plantation] Barnmuir Plantn [Plantation] John Adam William Crystal William ParKer 031 [Situation] 48 Chains S,E, [South East] from Closeburn Hall, A mixed plantation on the South Side of Closeburn & Loch Ettrick road & on the farm of Barnmuir.
OS1/10/6/172 [page] 172 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31/8 -- Trace 6 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/173 FELLARD Fellard William Parker, Blawbare William Crystal, Gilchrsitland James Blackwood, Pothouse 032 [Situation] About 1/2 mile W, [West] from Loch EttricK A large ridgelike hill a considerable distance to the west of Loch Ettrick and to the north of Blawbare. Situated on the farm of Gilchristland
OS1/10/6/173 CLAUCHRIE BURN Pothouse Burn Clauchrie Burn Clauchrey Clauchrie William Parker William Crystal James Blackwood See Page 208, Particulars of Sale of Closeburn Estate. Estate Maps of Closeburn 031; 032; 040 [situation] From Gawin Moor nearly 3/4 mile S. [South] of Loch EttricK, S,W, [South West] to River Nith. A rapid mountain stream flowing in a southern direction, Passes in its course the Farm of Pothouse from which it takes its name This stream is best Known as Clauchrie Burn.-
OS1/10/6/173 CELTIC or DEIL'S DIKE Celtic or Deil's DiKe See page 52
OS1/10/6/173 Parish of Closeburn - Plan 32-5 Trace 2 -- [Page] 173 [Signed ] W. Paterson C.A [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/174 LOCH ETTRICK Loch Ettrick William Parker, Blawbare William Crystal, Gilchristland James Blackwood, Pothouse 032 [Situation] Near the centre of this Parish A large artificial loch on the edge of the public road from Closeburn to Mitchellslacks. Situated on the farm of Gilchristland
OS1/10/6/174 THREAP MOOR Threap Moor William Parker William Crystal James Blackwood 023; 031; 032 [Situation] Towards the En [Eastern] District of Parish A district of moor land lying to the east of Loch Ettrick the proprietorship of which was for some time under dispute
OS1/10/6/174 SAUGHIE CLEUCHS Far Saughy Cleuch Far Saughy Cleuch Far Saughy Cleuch William Parker William Crystal James Blackwood 032 [Situation] 14 Chains S,W, [South West] from Loch Ettrick A Glen through which a small stream flows And falls into Clauchrie Burn
OS1/10/6/174 SAUCHIE CLEUCHS Near Saughy Cleuch Near Saughy Cleuch Near Saughy Cleuch William Parker William Crystal James Blackwood 032 [Situation] 14 Chains S,W, [South West] from Loch Ettrick A small glen through which a stream flows & falls into Clauchrie Burn
OS1/10/6/174 [page] 174 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-5 -- Trace 3 [Note Threap Moor] -- Threpe, Threap - 1, pertinacious affirmative, -- 2, contest -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary. [Note Saughie Cleuchs] -- Saughie, Abounding with the Willow -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson [sgined] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/175 GILCHRISTLAND Gilchristland GilKersland Gilchristland William Crystal, Gilchristland William Parker, Blawbare James Blackwood, Pothouse Valuation Rolls Estate Plans and Documents of Closeburn 031 [Situation]1 mile E. [East] from Closeburn Hall A commodious dwellinghouse with garden barns etc and a farm of land attached. Mrs Baird Proprietor, William Crystal occupier.
OS1/10/6/175 BLAWBARE Blawbare William Parker William Crystal James Blackwood 032 [situation] 34 Chains N,E,E, [North East East] from Gilchristland A small cottage by the roadside for the use of the servants on Gilchristland. William Parker occupier
OS1/10/6/175 TUDHOPE LINN Tutup Linn Tudhope Linn James Blackwood William Parker William Crystal Mr Adams, Factor for Closeburn Estate 032 [Situation] 1 mile SW. [South West] from Loch Ettrick A long winding glen on the farm of Pothouse part of which is very steep and rocky. A small but rapid mountain stream flows through the glen in an eastern direction and falls into Porthouse Burn
OS1/10/6/175 [page] 175 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-5 -- Trace 4 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/176 WHINSTONE CLEUCHS Whinstone Cleuchs James Blackwood, Pothouse William Parker, Blawbare William Crystal, Gilchristland 032 [Situation] 3/4 mile S.W. [South West] from Loch Ettrick. Two Parallel and rocky cleuchs on the farm of Pothouse with small but rapid streams flowing through them which take their rise on the South-western slope of White Hill and fall into Pothouse Burn
OS1/10/6/176 HERD'S KNOWE Herd's Knowe Herd's Knowe Herd's Knowe William ParKer William Crystal James Blackwood 032 [Situation] 7 chains N. [North] from Gilchristland A Small Knowe which is planted With fir, previous to the enclosure of the land, the herd used to ascend this Knowe for the purpose of obtaining a view of his charge.
OS1/10/6/176 DEIL'S ELBUCK Deil's Elbuck Deil's Elbuck Deil's Elbuck William Parker William Crystal James Blackwood 032 [Situation]1/2 mile N.E. by E. [North East by East] from Gilchristland A sharp elbow on the road from Closeburn to Loch Ettrick, the place is very dangerous there being a precipice on the south side of the road,
OS1/10/6/176 [page] 176 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-5 -- Trace 5 [Note Deil's Elbuck] -- Elbock - Elbuck -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/177 WHITE HILL White Hill White Hill White Hill James Blackwood, Pothouse William Crystal, Gilchristland William Parker, Blawbare 032 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile S.W. by S. [South West by South] from Loch Ettrick A large ridgelike hill on the farm of Pothouse lying to the south of Loch Ettrick and on the east side of Clauchrie Burn
OS1/10/6/177 GAWIN MOOR Gawin Moor James Blackwood William Parker Robert Boreland, Auchencairn 031; 032 [Situation] In S.En [South Eastern] District of this Parish A large district of Moor embracing the whole of the Moorland within Auchencairn and the conjoined farm of Pothouse
OS1/10/6/177 BIG AE Big Ae Big Ae Big Ae James Blackwood William ParKer Thomas Stitt 032 [Situation] 47 Chains N,E, [North East] from Gilchristland A deep glen through which a stream flows & falls into Pothouse Burn.
OS1/10/6/177 LAMB HILL Lamb Hill See Page 182, 032 [Situation] About 1/2 mile South of Loch Ettrick
OS1/10/6/177 [page] 177 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-5 -- Trace 6 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/178 (Page) 178 [Blank page]
OS1/10/6/179 WINDYHILL BURN Windyhill Burn Windyhill Burn Windyhill Burn John Glesbie Gubhill Thomas Glesbie Gubhill William Henry Windy hill 032 [Situation] From 9 chains E, [East] of Loch Ettrick - S,E, [South East] to Water of Ae. A small stream taking its rise near Loch Ettrick flows south ward and falls into the Water of AE
OS1/10/6/179 THREAP MOOR Threep Muir Threep Muir Threep Muir Threap Moor Threap Moor Threap Moor John Glesbie Thomas Glesbie William Henry William Parker James Blackwood William Crystal 023; 032 [Situation] Towards En [Eastern Parish District A tract of moorland to the south of Lochettrick
OS1/10/6/179 GAWIN MOOR Gawin Moor Gawin Moor Gawin Moor William ParKer James Blackwood William Crystal 031; 032 [Situation] In S,En [South Eastern] Parish District A large tract of Moorland on the farm of Pothouse & Auchencairn
OS1/10/6/179 LOCH ETTRICK Loch Ettrick See Page 174,
OS1/10/6/179 [page] 179 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/6 -- Trace 1 [Signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/180 MCMOUNT McMount McMount McMount John Glesbie Gubhill Thomas Glesbie Gubhill William Henry Windyhill 032 [Situation] Near the middle of this Plan A small hill a little East of Threep Muir
OS1/10/6/180 TOD SLACK Tod Slack Tod Slack Tod Slack John Gillespie Thomas Gillespie William Henry 032 [Situation] Through DrumfadKens A hollow running through DrumfadKens
OS1/10/6/180 DRUMFADKENS DrumfadKens DrumfadKens DrumfadKens DrumfadKens John Gillespie Thomas Gillespie William Henry Estate Plans of Closeburn 032 [Situation] 35 Chains N.N,W, [North North West] from McMount, A ridge of highlands With a slight hollow called Tod Slack running through it.
OS1/10/6/180 [page] 180 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/6 -- [Trace] 2 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/181 KNOCKENSHANG Knockenshang Knockenshang Knockenshang Knockenshang Thomas Gillesbie John Gillesbie William Henry Johnston's Co [County] Map 032 [Situation] 74 Chains N,N,E, [North North East] from McMount, A cottage with outhouses attached the property of the Duke of Buccleugh This place is generally callled upper KnocKenshang.
OS1/10/6/181 BLUID SIKE Bloody SiKe Bluid SiKe See Page 140, Buccleuch Estate Plans 032 [Situation] From 3/4 mile S,E, [South East] from DrumfadKens N, [North] to Poldivan LaKe,
OS1/10/6/181 [page] 181 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/6 -- Trace 3 Enter for Cairn is scored out.
OS1/10/6/182 LAMB HILL Lamb Hill Lamb Hill Lamb Hill John Glesbie Gubhill Thomas Glesbie Gubhill William Henry Windyhill 032 [Situation] About 1/2 mile S.W, [South West] from McMount A name given to piece of rising ground south of Threepmuir
OS1/10/6/182 [page] 182 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/6 -- Trace 4 [Note Big Knowe, crossed out] -- See Page 142 for the correct object. [signed] William Wright
OS1/10/6/183 WELL CLEUCH Well Cleuch Well Cleuch Well Cleuch John Glesbie Gubhill Thomas Glesbie Gubhill William Henry Windyhill 032 [Situation] 31 Chains S.E, by S. [South East by South] from McMount A slight hollow through which a stream flows south of McMount
OS1/10/6/183 KIRK KNOWE Kirk Knowe Kirk Knowe Kirk Knowe John Glesbie Thomas Glesbie William Henry 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile S. [South] from McMount, a small Knowe a little South of Wells cleuch
OS1/10/6/183 [page] 183 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/6 -- Trace 5 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/184 WINDY HILL Windyhill Windyhill Windyhill John Gillesbie Gubhill Thomas Glesbie Gubhill William Henry Windyhill 032 [Situation] 66 chains S.E. [South East] from McMount A cottage with outhouses attached The property of the Duke of Buccleugh
OS1/10/6/184 SHIELD KNOWE [N of Gubhill] Shield Knowe Shield Knowe Shield Knowe John Gillesbie Thomas Glesbie William Henry 032 [Situation] 70 chains S.E. [South East] from McMount A small round Knowe a little North West of Gubhill
OS1/10/6/184 WINDYHILL LINN Windyhill Linn William Henry William Elliot 032 [Situation] 10 Chains W, [West] from Windyhill A deep rocky glen through which a small stream runs,
OS1/10/6/184 [page] 184 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/6 -- Trace 6 [signed] William Wright c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/185 KNOCKENSHANG Knockenshang Knockenshang Knockenshang John Gillespie Gubhill John Proudfoot Mitchellslacks James Elliot Rivox 032 [Situation] 28 chains S.W.W. [South West West] from Whaup Knowe A Cottage with outhouses attached the property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/6/185 BACK SIKE Back Syke Back Syke Back Syke John Gillespie John Irvine Burnfoot James Elliot Rivox 032 [Situation] From 5 chains S.E. [South East] from Knockenshang S. [South] to Windyhill Burn A Small stream rising near Knockenshang and falling into Windyhill Burn
OS1/10/6/185 WHAUP KNOWE Whaup Knowe Whaup Knowe Whaup Knowe John Gillespie William Henry Windy hill William Elliot Craigshiel 032 [situation] In S. En [South Eastern] Parish District A Round Knowe to the south of Morines Hill.
OS1/10/6/185 [page] 185 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/7 -- Trace No 1 [Note Back Sike] -- SiKe, SuiK, SyK a Rill -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson [Note Whaup Knowe] -- Whaup - the curlew -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dicty [Dictionary] [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/185 Feint writing on page.
OS1/10/6/186 WATER OF AE Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae John Henry Lochanhead Andrew Jardine Burliewhag Andrew Davidson Mitchellslacks 023; 032 [Situation] On En [Eastern] Parish Boundary A Stream rising on the East Side of Queensberry flowing in a South Easterly direction and falling into the Kinnel
OS1/10/6/186 CAPEL WATER Capel Water Capel Water Capel Water Thomas Harkness Mitchelslacks Andrew Davidson George Henry Branrig 023; 032 [Situation] From the junction of Capel Burn And Clachope Water S.E. by S. [South East by South] to Water of Ae, A Stream, rising near Erne Craig flowing in a South Easterly direction and falling into the Ae.
OS1/10/6/186 WHITE NAZE White Nees White Nees White Nees John Gillespie Gubhill John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks William Elliot Craigshiel 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile E, [East] from Whaup Knowe. A Knowe near to the junction of the Capel with the Ae
OS1/10/6/186 [page] 186 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.7 -- Trace No 2 [Note White Naze] -- Naze - A promontory -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary. [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/187 DAN'S POOL Dan's Pool Dan's Pool Dan's Pool John Proudfoot Mitchelslacks John Gillespie Gubhill James Elliott Rivox 032 [Situation] In Water of Ae A deep Pool in the Ae near its junction with the Capel
OS1/10/6/187 CAPEL POOL Capel Pool Capel Pool Capel Pool John Proudfoot John Gillespie James Elliott 032 [Situation] In Water of Ae A deep Pool in the Ae A little below Dan's Pool
OS1/10/6/187 [page] 187 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.7 -- Trace No 2 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/188 MARE CLEUCH Mare Cleuch Mare Cleuch Mare Cleuch James Elliott John Gillespie William Elliott 032 [Situation] 47 Chains S,S,E, [South South East] from Whaup Knowe A small glen near the Water of Ae through which a small stream flows.
OS1/10/6/188 NETHER KNOCKENSHANG (Ruins of) Nether Knockenshang Nether Knockenshang Nether Knockenshang John Gillespie James Elliott William Elliott 032 [Situation] 1 mile SS,E, [South South East] from Whaup Knowe, The ruins of an old farm Steading.
OS1/10/6/188 RIVER NITH River Nith See following Page.
OS1/10/6/188 SCAR WATER Scar Water See page 152.
OS1/10/6/188 [page] 188 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.7 -- Trace 4 [Note Green Hill, crossed out] -- In Common Plan [Note above entry for River Nith] -- Plan 31.10, [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/189 RIVER NITH River Nith River Nith River Nith Gilbert Sim James McQueen Robert Kirkpatrick 031; 040 [Situation] On Wn. [Western] Parish Boundary A large river rising in the Parish of Cumnock Co [County] Ayr & running in a Southerly direction thro' [through] the Co [County] of Dumfries into the Solway.
OS1/10/6/189 [page] 189 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31.11 -- Trace 1 [signed] J Nish c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/190 SHAWSMUIR Shawsmuir Shawsmuir Shawsmuir Shawsmuir David Newlands John Sloan Robert French Val [Valuation] Roll of Parish 031 [Situation] 1/2 mile W. [West] from Closeburn village A farm house with Offices attached occupied by William Irvine & the property of the representatives of the late Douglas Baird of Clsoeburn
OS1/10/6/190 BAIRD'S HOW Baird's Howe Baird's Howe Robert Irvine Robert Kirkpatrick 031 [Situation] 3/4 mile SW, by W. [South West by West] from Closeburn village A circular hollow on the farm of Shawsholm, the name was given by the late proprietor of the estate of Closeburn.
OS1/10/6/190 POST OFFICE [Closeburn] Post Office Post Office Post Office John Coltart. Postmaster William Wright. ShopKeeper Printed Board. 031 [Situation] In Closeburn village An apartment in a private dwelling house There is one delivery & one departure.
OS1/10/6/190 [page] 190 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31.11 -- Trace 2 [Note Baird's How] -- How - any hollow place -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson [signed] J Nish c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/191 CLOSEBURN [village] Closeburn Closeburn Closeburn Closeburn William Wright John McLellan Robert Kirkpatrick Gilbert Sim 031 [Situation] In Wn [Western] Parish District, A neat, well built and pleasantly situated Village on the west side of the road leading from Dumfries to Thornhill, the houses (with one exception) are one story & slated; it underwent considerable improvement at the time of the making of the Glasgow & South Western Railway it contains a Small private School branch Post Office & Railway Station, it was formerly known as "Crossroads" on account of the roads branching east & west from the highway at the South end of the Village
OS1/10/6/191 [page] 191 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31.11 -- Trace 3 [signed] J Nish
OS1/10/6/192 MOUNTHOPE Mounthope Mounthope Mounthope David Newlands Robert French David Edgar 031 [Situation] 1/4 mile W, [West] from Closeburn village A dwelling house on the farm of Shawsmuir occupd [occupied] by Edward Martin & others
OS1/10/6/192 BROOMLANDS Broomlands Broomlands Broomlands Broomlands David Sharpe Robert French Robert Kirkpatrick Val [Valuation] Roll of the Parish 031 [Situation] 30 chains S.W, [South West] from Closeburn village A small farm house & Offices occupd [occupied] by David Sharpe & the property of the representatives of the late D. Baird of Closeburn
OS1/10/6/192 FIRMOOR PLANTATION Firmoor Plantation Firmoor Plantation Firmoor Plantation Robert French David Newlands Robert Kirkpatrick 031 [Situation] A few chains S. [South] of Closeburn village A large extent of mixed wood, south east of the village of Closeburn & the property of the representatives of the late Douglas Baird of Closeburn
OS1/10/6/192 [page] 192 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-11 -- Trace 3 [signed] J Nish
OS1/10/6/193 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & South Western Railway Glasgow & South Western Railway Glasgow & South Western Railway Robert Fergusson John McMurdo Andrew McMurdo 031; 040 [Situation] Through the Wn [Western] Division of this Parish A line of railway opened between Carlisle & Glasgow about Seven years Since, it passes the East side of the Village of Closeburn
OS1/10/6/193 SCHOOL [Closeburn] School School William Wright Thomas Kirkpatrick 031 [Situation] In Closeburn village A school taught by Margaret Hutton, their is no Endowment attached to it, the mistress only receiving the Fees, it was built by a former proprietor of Closeburn estate, who granted it Rent Free, it has the same privilege & is kept in repair by the present proprietors
OS1/10/6/193 [page] 193 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-11 -- Trace 3 [signed] J Nish
OS1/10/6/194 SHAWSHOLM Shawsholm Shawsholm Shawsholm Shawsholm Shaws Shaws House Shawsholm Samuel Kirkpatrick Robert French James Kerr Val. [Valuation] Roll of the Parish Johnston's Co [County] Map Estate Map of Closeburn, Mr Adams, Factor for the Estate 031 [Situation] 70 chains S,W, by S, [South West by South] from Closeburn village. A large wellbuilt farm house, with superior Offices & steam thrashing Mill, erected about two years since; it is the property of the representatives of the late Douglas Baird & Occupd. [occupied] by Robert Kirkpatrick Shaws is applied to the Estate that of Shawsholm to the House
OS1/10/6/194 SHAWSHOLM COTTAGES Shawsholm Cottages Shawsholm Cottages Shawsholm Cottages Samuel Kirkpatrick. Shawsholm William Irvine, Shawsmuir William Kerr. Cunningholm 031 [Situation] 13 Chains N.W, [North West] from Shawsholm Two Cottages with gardens attached, occupied by the Labours of Shawsholm farm.
OS1/10/6/194 [page] 194 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-11 -- Trace 5 [signed] J Nish
OS1/10/6/195 CUNNINGHOLM Cunningholm Cunningholm Cunningholm Cunningholm William Kerr Thomas McQueen James Kerr Val. [Valuation] Roll of the Parish 031 [Situation] 1 mile S,S,W, [South South West] from Closeburn village, A small farm house with Offices attached occupied by William Kerr and the property of the Duke of Buccleuch.
OS1/10/6/195 [page] 195 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31.11 -- Trace 5 [signed] J Nish
OS1/10/6/196 LIFTINGSTONE Lifting stone Lifting stone Lifting stone Liftingstane Liftingstane Thomas Milner Thomas Kirkpatrick Val. [Valuation] Roll of the Parish Johnstone's Co. [County] Map Estate Documents of Closeburn 031 [Situation] 70 Chains S,S,W, [South South West] from Closeburn village, A small farm house with Offices attached occupied by Thomas Milner & the property of the representatives of the late D. Baird of Closeburn
OS1/10/6/196 [page) 196 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31.11 -- Trace 6 [Signed] J Nish
OS1/10/6/197 LAKEHEAD Lakehead David Newlands, Lakehead Dr [Doctor] Ramage, Wallace Hill Rev Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet, Closeburn 031 [Situation] 1 mile N,W, by N, [North West by North] from ParK, A dwellinghouse with garden, barns etc and a farm of land attached, situated at the head of the Lake. Mrs Baird Proprietor, David Newlands Occupier
OS1/10/6/197 THE LAKE The Lake David Newlands James Houston, Drumbrack Dr [Doctor] Ramage 031; 040 [Situation] From 6 Chains S,E, [South East] of LaKehead, - S,S,E, [South South East] to River Nith, A long Straight drain running in a Southern direction along the middle of a district of low lying land which had formerly been covered with water. The drain commences at the public road near Lakehead. - & falls into the Nith.
OS1/10/6/197 DRUMBRECK Drumbrack DrumbrecK DrumbrecK James Houston Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet David Newlands Valuation Rolls 1759, Estate Map and Documents of Closeburn 031 [Situation] 65 Chains N.W. [North West] from ParK Two small dwellinghouses with gardens attached on the side of Glasgow & South-Western Railway. The property of the Railway Company by whoes servants it is occupied
OS1/10/6/197 [page] 197 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/198 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & Southwestern Raillway John Murray, Closeburn Station James Houston, Drumbrack David Newlands, Lakehead 031; 040 [Situation] S,S,E, [South South East] through Wn [Western] Division of Parish A line of Railway between Glasgow & Carlisle which connects these towns with the Southwestern district of Scotland
OS1/10/6/198 WALLACEHALL SCHOOL Wallace Hall (Academy) Wallacehall School Dr [Doctor] Ramage, Wallace Hall Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet, Closeburn David Newlands New Statistical Account of Dumfries 031 [Situation] 72 Chains N.N.W, [North North West] from ParK An excellent academy with a commodious dwellinghouse and grounds attached. endowed in 1723 by John Wallace, Glasgow, a native of Closeburn Parish who left £1600 to build and mentain a School in which the children of the parish might obtain a free education. Average number of scholars 180, Dr [Doctor] Ramage Rector whose income amounts to about £500 per annum, derived from land
OS1/10/6/198 CHURCH [Closeburn] Church Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet Dr [Doctor] Ramage David Newlands 031 [Situation] 65 Chains N.N.W, [North North West] from ParK A plain church built in the form of a cross. Errected in 1741, Mrs Baird Patron. The original church is said to have been dedicated to St Asburn, [at] Closeburn is thence supposed to be a corruption of Cell of Asburn.
OS1/10/6/198 [page] 198 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civlian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/198 Word lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/199 MANSE [ph, Closeburn] Manse Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet, Closeburn Dr [Doctor] Ramage, Wallace Hall David Newlands, Lakehead 031 [Situation] 5 Chains S [South] of the Parish Church A handsome & commodious dwellinghouse with garden & outhouses attached, the residence of the Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet Minister of the parish.
OS1/10/6/199 CASTLE LOCH Castle Loch Robert French, Closeburn Lodge Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet John Adams, Closeburn Castle 031 [Situation] 54 Chains N,N,W, [North North West] from ParK, A large loch within the grounds of Closeburn Hall and immediately to the west of Closeburn Castle
OS1/10/6/199 [page] 199 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/200 TOWN BURN Town Burn Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet, Closeburn David Newlands, Lakehead John Adams, Closeburn Castle 031 [Situation] From the junction of runners 12 chains N, [North] of Heathery Dam E. by S. [East by South] to Castle Loch A small stream flowing past Closeburn Hall. Rises on the farm of Gilchristland and falls into the Castle Loch
OS1/10/6/200 CLOSEBURN CASTLE Closeburn Castle Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet John Adams Dr [Doctor] Ramage 031 [Situation] Between Castle Loch and Castle Wood A small square tower or peel a little to the South of Closeburn Hall. The tower is still entire, and is at present used as a dwellinghouse, but nothing seems to be known regarding its history, although it is [supposed] by some to be upwards of 800 years old
OS1/10/6/200 CASTLE WOOD Castle Wood David Newlands John Adams Robert French, Closeburn Lodge 031 [Situation] 53 Chains N, [North] from Park A long wooded bank immediately to the east of Closeburn Castle, and extending from Closeburn Mains to Croal Chapel
OS1/10/6/200 [page] 200 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/200 Word lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/201 MOUNT MISERY Mount Misery Robert French, Closeburn Lodge John Adams, Closeburn Castle David Newlands, Lakehead 031 [Situation] In Castle Wood A small conical knowe within the Castle wood and immediately to the west of Nether Mains
OS1/10/6/201 BARNMUIR PLANTATION Barnmuir Plantation Robert French John Adams John Niven, Barnmuir 031 [Situation] 3/4 mile N N,E, [North North East] from Park, A large plantation of fir and forest trees on the farm of Barnmuir
OS1/10/6/201 NETHERMAINS Nether Mains Nethermains Robert French Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet Mr Adams Factor for Closeburn 031 [Situation] 1/2 mile N, [North] from Park A small group of dwellinghouses with gardens etc attached. One of the dwellinghouses was formerly a farmsteading which bore this name
OS1/10/6/201 [page] 201 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 2 [signed] W.Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/202 CROALCHAPEL Croal Chapel Croalchapel Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet, Closeburn Dr [Doctor] Ramage, Wallace Hall Robert French, Closeburn Lodge Closeburn Estate documents 031 [Situation] 1/3 mile N.N.E. [North North East] from Park A group of dwellinghouses with gardens etc attached. The name is supposed to be derived from a chapel which had formerly stood in the locality, and from the circumstance of some old money being lately found in the field [immediately] to the north-east of the houses, it is supposed to have stood in that enclosure.
OS1/10/6/202 PUDDOCKHOLE Paddockhole Robert French Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet David Newlands, Lakehead 031 [Situation] 1/3 mile N.E. by N. [North East by North] from ParK, A small group of dwellinghouses with gardens etc attached. There is a small dam immediately to the west of the houses which used to be much frequented by frogs. The word Puddock is pronounced as if written Paddock.
OS1/10/6/202 Site of CHAPEL [Croalchapel] Site of Chapel Site of Chapel Site of Chapel Site of Chapel Dr [Doctor] Grierson, Thornhill Robert French Robert Black Sibbald Manuscripts in the Advocates Library Edinburgh 031 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile N N.E, [North North East] of Park, According to tradition And a MS. [Manuscript] History of Penpont Ph [Parish] published in Symsons Hist [History] of Galloway, a chapel formerly stood here, there are no Remains, but some Coins, belonging to the time of Edward the 1st. Were found here a few Years ago.
OS1/10/6/202 [page] 202 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 2 [Note Puddockhole] -- From "Puddock - a frog" -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/202 Word lost in fold of page.
OS1/10/6/203 CHAISE CRAIG Chaise Craig Sheeahs' Craig Sheeahs' Craig John Niven, Barnmuir John Kirkpatrick, Upper Rigg Hugh Dalrymple, Nether Rigg Thomas Kirkpatrick John Sloane 031 [Situation] Nearly 1 mile N.E. [North East] from ParK A small rocky cliff about 30 chains to the north-east of Barnmuir. The name is pronounced by the people in the district in the same way as the common word chaise, and those who attempt to spell the name do so in this manner. Its origin does not seem to be known
OS1/10/6/203 BARNMUIR Barnmuir John Niven John Kirkpatrick Hugh Dalrymple 031 [Situation] 44 chains N,E, [North East] from Park, A dwellinghouse with garden barns etc and a farm of land attached. Mrs Baird Proprietor, John Niven Occupier.
OS1/10/6/203 STONES (Supposed Druidical) [NE of Park] Rocking Stones Rocking Stones Thomas Kirkpatrick 031 [situation] 3/4 mile N.E. [North East] from ParK A few loose stones none of which are above a few hundeds Weight, and Said to have been a part of a Druidical circle, These stones shew no signs of having been connected with Druidical Rites, they merely seem to be stones collected off the land, the place they are on being a hump of rock With a very slight covering of soil, and unfit for cultivation,
OS1/10/6/203 [page] 203 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 3 Sheeah - a Fairy [Note Stones] -- Dr [Doctor] Grierson of Thornhill who is well acquainted with the Antiquities in this district having inspected these stones, informs me that he does not consider them rocking stones - that it would be premature to characterise them in the absence of any authority as they do not seem to have been examined or noticed by any antiquarian. This gentleman however assumes a Druidical origin to them. [initialled] [WJP.] [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/203 Feint writing on page. May be associated with Barn Muir - appears to be Johnstons Co. [County] Map & Valuation Rolls , Ancient Valuation Rolls
OS1/10/6/204 FIRMOOR PLANTATION Firmoor Plantation William Gibson, Brownhill Joseph Sharp, Kirkpatrickhill James Houston, Drumbrack 031 [Situation] About 40 Chains W. [West] from Park, A large plantation of fir & forest trees a little to the east of Brownhill
OS1/10/6/204 BROWNHILL Brownhill William Gibson Joseph Sharp James Houston 031 [Situation] 1/3 mile W. [West] from Park, A dwellinghouse with gardens cottage & outhouses and a farm of land attached. Until Martinmas last part of the buildings were occupied as are [Seen]. Mrs Baird Proprietor, William Gibson occupier.
OS1/10/6/204 [page] 204 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 4
OS1/10/6/205 WHISTLEBARE Whistlebare Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet, Closeburn Robert French, Closeburn Lodge David Newlands, Lakehead 031 [Situation] 14 Chains N.NW, [North North West] from Park, A small group of houses with gardens etc attached a little to the south west of Closeburn Limeworks.
OS1/10/6/205 SHOTTS Shotts Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet Robert French David Newlands 031 [Situation] 11 Chains N.N.E, [North North East] from Park, A row of dwellinghouses with gardens etc attached a little to the south of Closeburn Limeworks
OS1/10/6/205 MARJORY HILL Marjory Hill Marjory Hill Marjory Hill Dr [Doctor] Bennet Robert French David Newlands 031 [Situation] 12 Chains W. [West] from Park This house is to be taKen down; and as the name has been taKen from the Knowe, near it, it would be better to write the name to it, A small Knowe, a little West of the Free church And having a Trigl [Trigonometrical] station on it.
OS1/10/6/205 [page] 205 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 5 [Note original entry for Marjory Hill, crossed out] -- now taken down [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/206 PARK Park Rev [Reverend] Mr Hutton, Park Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet, Closeburn John Kirkpatrick, Upper Rigg 031 [Situation] About 1 mile S,E, [South East] from Closeburn village A group of dwellinghouses with gardens etc attached, a little to the south of Shotts and Whistlebare.
OS1/10/6/206 FREE CHURCH [Park] Free Church Rev. [Reverend] Mr Hutton Rev. Dr [Reverend Doctor] Bennet Robert French, Closeburn Lodge 031 [situation] In ParK, A plain chapel [rerrect?] shortly after the disruption at Park for the use of those adhering to the Free Church in the Parish of Closeburn. Rev. [Reverend] Mr Hutton Minister
OS1/10/6/206 MANSE [F.C., Park] Manse (Free Church) Rev [Reverend] Mr Hutton Robert French John Kirkpatrick 031 [Situation] 10 Chains S [South] of Park, A small manse with garden & outhouses attached occupied by the Rev. [Reverend] Mr Hutton Minister.
OS1/10/6/206 [page] 206 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 5 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/207 CLOSEBURN LIME WORKS Closeburn Limeworks Rev. [Reverend] Mr Hutton, Park Robert French, Closeburn Lodge John Kirkpatrick, Upper Rigg 031 [Situation] 24 chains N.N,E, [North North East] from Park. In the immediate vicinity of Croal Chapel and Park there is a system of Quarries from which Sandstone & Limestone are procured in considerable quantities. Attached to the Limestone Quarries are a number of lime kilns which are kept in constant operation. The lime produced is of inferior quality and is chiefly used for agricultural purposes
OS1/10/6/207 GAWINMOOR ROAD Gawin Moor Road Gawin Moor Road Gawin Moor Road Gawn Muir Road Gawinmoor Road Thomas Kirpatrick Robert Borland Robert French Johnstones Co [County] Map See Page 210, 031; 032 [Situation] From about 3/4 mile E. [East] of Park - N,N,E [North North East] through S.En [South Eastern] Parish District. A Moor road in bad repair, extends from the road leading to Auchencairn, to near Lochettrick Toll.
OS1/10/6/207 [page] 207 Plan 31-12 -- Trace 5 -- Parish of Closeburn [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/208 UPPER RIG Upper Rigg Upper Rigg Upper Rigg John Kirkpatrick, Upper Rigg Hugh Dalrymple, Nether Rigg Robert French, Closeburn Lodge Ancient and Modern Valn [Valuation] Rolls Estate documents and Maps 031 [Situation] Nearly 1/2 mile E. [East] from Park, A dwellinghouse with garden, barns etc and a farm of land attached. Mrs Baird Proprietor, John Kirkpatrick occupier
OS1/10/6/208 NETHER RIG Nether Rigg Nether Rigg Hugh Dalrymple John Kirkpatrick Robert French Ancient and Modern Valn [Valuation] Rolls 031 [Situation] 15 chains S. [South] of Upper Rigg, A dwellinghouse with garden barns [etc] and a farm of land attached, a little to the south of Upper Rigg. Hugh Dalrymple Occupier, Mrs Baird Proprietor
OS1/10/6/208 CLAUCHRIE BURN Pothouse Burn Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn James Blackwood, Pothouse Hugh Dalrymple John Kirkpatrick Samuel McAdam, clauchrie James Anderson, Auchenreunie John Ferguson, Cairn 031; 032; 040 [Situation] From Gawin Moor nearly 3/4 mile S [South] of Loch Ettrick - S.W. [South West] to River Nith, A rapid mountain Stream flowing in a southern direction, Passes Pothouse in its course from which the name is derived. At its commencement this stream is best Known as "Pothouse Burn" & the lower portion of it as "Clauchrie Burn". Clauchrie being the oldest & best Known name, Would be the best name for all the stream,
OS1/10/6/208 [page] 208 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-12 -- Trace 6 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/209 POTHOUSE Pothouse James Blackwood, Pothouse William Parker, Blawbare Robert Borland, Auchencairn 032 [Situation] 56 Chains N.W, by N, [North West by North] from Watchman Hill, A dwellinghouse of one story with garden & outhouses attached occupied by the herd of Auchencairn. Formerly a farm steading, but the land belonging to it is now attached to Auchencairn
OS1/10/6/209 CLAUCHRIE BURN Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn Pothouse Burn James Ferguson William McMurdo Robert Dickson James Blackwood William Parker Robert Boreland 031; 032; 040 [Situation] From Gawin Moor nearly 3/4 mile South of Loch Ettrick - S,W, [South West] to River Nith, A large stream flowing in a southern direction past Pothouse, This stream is best Known at its Commencement as Pothouse Burn and towards the Nith it is best Known as Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie is the oldest name.
OS1/10/6/209 TUDHOPE LINN Tutup Linn Tudhope Linn James Blackwood William Parker Robert Boreland Mr Adams, Closeburn Castle 032 [Situation] Nearly 3/4 mile N,W, by N, [North West by North] from Watchman Hill, A small glen part of which is very rocky with a stream flowing through it which falls into Pothouse Burn at Pothouse
OS1/10/6/209 [page] 209 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-9 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/210 WATCHMANHILL WOOD Watchmanhill Wood James Blackwood, Pothouse William Parker, Blawbare Robert Boreland, Auchencairn 032 [Situation] 1/4 mile W. [West] from Watchman Hill, A large fir plantation a little to the north-west of Watchman Hill
OS1/10/6/210 GAWIN MOOR Gawin Moor James Blackwood William Parker Robert Boreland 031; 032 [Situation] Forming S.En [South Eastern] Parish District. A large district of Moorland lying to the east of Pothouse & Auchencairn and the embracing the whole of the Moor land attached to these farms.
OS1/10/6/210 GAWINMOOR ROAD Gawinmoor Road James Blackwood William Parker Robert Boreland 031; 032 [Situation] Through S.En [South Eastern] Parish District in a N,E,E [North East East] Direction, A Moor road between Closeburn and Moffat passing through Gawin Moor This was formerly the principal road but is now disused as a public road from its entrance to the moor, part of it is still used as a Turf road.
OS1/10/6/210 [page] 210 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-9 -- Trace 4 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/211 (Page) 211 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.9 -- Trace 2 [signed] John Houston All entries included on page have been scored through
OS1/10/6/212 PEAT SLACK Peat Slack Peat Slack Peat Slack William Kerr Dallard James Kerr Dallard Robert Pagan Gillchristland 032 [Situation] Nearly ½ mile N.(North) E.(East) from Watchman Hill. A hollow piece of ground through which a small stream flows.
OS1/10/6/212 (Page) 212 Parish of Closeburn Plan 32.9 Trace 2 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/213 AUCHENCAIRN WOOD Auchencairn Wood Robert Boreland, Auchencairn James Blackwood, Pothouse Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile S. [South] from Watchman Hill A plantation of fir trees about half a mile to the east of Auchencairn
OS1/10/6/213 CELTIC or DEIL'S DIKE Celtic or Deil's Dike See Page 52
OS1/10/6/213 [page] 212 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-9 -- Trace 4 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/214 (Page) 214 [BLANK PAGE]
OS1/10/6/215 CAPEL MOSS Capel Moss Capel Moss Capel Moss James Kerr Dallard William Kerr Dallard Robert Pagan Gilchristland 032 [Situation] On Gawin Moor to the E, [East] of watchman Hill An extensive portion of boggy ground south of Gawin Moor Road
OS1/10/6/215 WATCHMAN HILL Watchman Hill Watchman Hill Watchman Hill James Kerr William Kerr Robert Pagan 032 [Situation] In the S.En [South Eastern] Parish District A Hill on the farm of Auchencairn And forming a portion of Gawin Moor
OS1/10/6/215 [page] 215 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-9 -- Trace 5 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/216 (Page) 216 [BLANK PAGE]
OS1/10/6/217 GREAT HILL Great Hill Great Hill Great Hill Great Hill Robert Smith James Bell Adam Menzies Johnston's Co [County] Map 032 [Situation] 3/4 mile N,E, [North East] from Watchman Hill A round hill a little to the north west of Gawin Muir
OS1/10/6/217 ROB'S CORSE Rob's Corse Rob's Corse James BlacKwood Robert Borland 032 [Situation] On Gawin Moor S, [South] to GouKstane Burn A small stream having its source near Great Hill & falls into Goukstane Burn
OS1/10/6/217 BRIDLE SIKE Bridle Syke Bridle Syke Bridle Syke James Blackwood Robert Borland 032 [Situation] On Gawin Moor S.E. [South East] to Goukstane Burn A Small Stream having its source near Great Hill & falls into Goukstane Burn
OS1/10/6/217 [page] 217 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.9 -- Trace 3 Entry Gawin Muir is scored through. [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/218 GOUKSTANE BURN Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn John Gillespie Gubhill James Bell Robert Smith Johnston's Co [County] Map Samuel Cowan 032; 041 [Situation] On Gawin Moor S.E. [South East] to Water of Ae A Stream rising near Royach's Cairn and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/218 WHITE HILL White Hill White Hill White Hill James Blackwood William Parker Robert Borland 032 [Situation] 3/4 mile S,E. [South East] from Watchman Hill A Small hill on which stands a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station.
OS1/10/6/218 [page] 218 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.9 -- Trace 6 Entry Royach's Cairn is scored out. [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/219 GAWIN MOOR Gawin Muir Gawin Muir Gawin Muir Gawin Moor Gawin Moor Gawin Moor John Gillespie Gubhill Adam Menzies Garroch Robert Smith Glencorse Cottage Robert Borland James Blackwood William Parker 031; 032; 039 [Situation] Forming the S.En [South Eastern] Parish District A large extent of Muir land about a mile to the west of Glencorse
OS1/10/6/219 WINDYHILL RIG Windy hill Rigg Windy hill Rigg Windy hill Rigg John Gillespie Thomas Gillespie William Henry Windy hill 032 [Situation] About 1/2 mile N,W, [North West] from Glencorse Hill A Hill to the east of Braid Lane Burn
OS1/10/6/219 [page] 219 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.10 -- Trace No 1 [Note Baird Land, crossed out] -- This name applied to an old house - long taken down.
OS1/10/6/220 BRAIDLANE BURN Braidlane Burn Braidlane Burn Braidlane Burn Robert Smith Glencorse Cottage William Henry Thomas Gillespie 032 [Situation] From the junction of runners at W, [West] side of Windyhill Rig S,E. by S. [South East by South] to Goukstane Burn A Small stream rising between Lamb & Great Hills, bears the name from the Junction of some Small Sykes to Goukstane Burn.
OS1/10/6/220 BRIDLE SIKE Bridle Sike Bridle Sike James Blackwood Robert Borland 032 [Situation] On Gawin Moor S,E, [south East] to Goukstane Burn A Small Stream has its Source under Great Hill, falls into Goukstane Burn.
OS1/10/6/220 DRY RIG Dry Rigg Dry Rigg Dry Rigg Robert Smith William Henry Thomas Gillespie 032 [Situation] 1/3 mile N.N.E, [North North East] from Glencorse Hill A ridge of a Very dry nature,
OS1/10/6/220 [page] 220 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.10 -- Trace No 1 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/221 WINDYHILL BURN Windyhill Burn Windyhill Burn Windyhill Burn John Gillespie Gubhill Thomas Gillespie Gubhill James Bell Loch Ettrick Toll 032 [Situation] From 9 chains E, [East] of Loch Ettrick - S,E, [South East] to Water of Ae, A Stream rising about half-a-mile to the West of Windyhill and falling into the Water of Ae.
OS1/10/6/221 CORSE BURN Corse Burn Corse Burn Corse Burn John Irvine Burnfoot James Austin Burnfoot James Bell Loch Ettrick Toll 032 [Situation] From between Dry Rig and Glkencorse Hill, E, [East] to windyhill burn, A Stream rising to the West of Burnfoot and falling into Windyhill Burn
OS1/10/6/221 BURNFOOT LINN Burnfoot Linn Burnfoot Linn Burnfoot Linn John Irvine James Austin James Bell 032 [Situation] On Corse Burn, A linn in Carse Burn a little from Burnfoot, whence the name,
OS1/10/6/221 [page] 221 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.10 -- Trace No 3 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/222 GOUKSTANE BURN Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn John Gillespie James Bell Robert Smith 032; 041 [Situation] On Gawin Moor - S,E, [South East] to Water of Ae A Stream rising near Royach's Carin and falling into the Ae
OS1/10/6/222 WOOD HILL Wood Hill Wood Hill Wood Hill John Gillespie Thomas Gillespie William Henry 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile N N.E, [North North East] from Glencorse Hill A Small hill having a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station on its Summit.
OS1/10/6/222 [page] 222 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.10 -- Trace 4 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/223 GLENCORSE HILL Glencorse Hill Glencorse Hill Glencorse Hill John Irvine Burnfoot William Nivison Glencorse James Bell Loch Ettrick Toll 032 [Situation] In S.En [South Eastern] Parish District A Hill to the North West of Glencorse on the Summit is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station
OS1/10/6/223 KING'S WELL King's Well King's Well King's Well William Nevison James Bell James Blackwood 032 [Situation] 1/4 mile S. [South] from Glencorse Hill. A Spring, out of which, tradition says that King Robert Bruce drank,
OS1/10/6/223 KING'S CHAIR King's Chair King's Chair King's Chair William Nevison James Bell James Blackwood 032 [Situation] Adjoining King's well on the South An upright Rock with a projection at right angles, And bearing a slight resemblance to a chair, Tradition says that Robert Bruce Sat in it,
OS1/10/6/223 [page] 223 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.10 -- Trace No 5 [signed] William Hyslop
OS1/10/6/224 GAWINMOOR ROAD Gawinmoor Road See page 210, for Authorities etc
OS1/10/6/224 [page] 224
OS1/10/6/225 GUBHILL Gubhill Gubhill Gubhill John Gillespie Gubhill Thomas Gillespie Gubhill William Henry Windyhill 032 [Situation] In S.En [South Eastern] Parish District, A Farm Steading with Garden attached. Occupied by John Gillespie The Property of the Duke of Buccleuch
OS1/10/6/225 BURNFOOT Burnfoot Burnfoot Burnfoot John Irvine Burnfoot James Austin Burnfoot Thomas Gillespie 032 [Situation] 1/3 mile S [South] from Gubhill Two Small cottages with gardens attached The Property of the Duke of Buccleuch.
OS1/10/6/225 GUBHILL SCHOOL Gubhill School Gubhill School Gubhill School James Austin John Gillespie John Irvine 032 [Situation] Near Burnfoot, A School in connection with the Parish. Salary fifteen pounds with fees. Nine pounds of the Salary is raised by voluntary Subscription among the heritors. The remaining Six is received from Wallace Hall bequest.
OS1/10/6/225 BACK SIKE BacK SiKe See Page 185 for Authority etc
OS1/10/6/225 [page] 225 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/11 -- Trace No 1 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/226 WINDYHILL BURN Windy hill Burn Windy hill Burn Windy hill Burn John Gillespie Gubhill James Bell Loch Ettrick Toll John Irvine Burnfoot 032 [Situation] From 9 chains E. [East] of Loch Ettrick - S,E [South East] to Water of Ae, A Stream rising near Windy hill and falling into the Water of Ae
OS1/10/6/226 CORSE BURN Corse Burn Corse Burn Corse Burn James Bell John Irvine Thomas Gillespie Gubhill 032 [Situation] From between Glencorse Hill And Dry Rigg E, [East] to Windyhill Burn, A Small Stream rising about half a mile to the West of Burnfoot and falling into Windy hill Burn
OS1/10/6/226 BURNFOOT LINN Burnfoot Linn See Page 221, for Authorities etc,
OS1/10/6/226 [page] 226 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32/11 -- Trace No 1 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/227 WATER OF AE Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae John Henry Lochanhead Andrew Davidson Mitchellslacks Andrew Jardine Burliewhag 023; 032 [Situation] On En [Eastern] Parish Boundary A Stream rising on the east side of Queensberry flowing in a South Easterly direction and falling into the Kinnel
OS1/10/6/227 SHIELD KNOWE [SW of Gubhill] Shield Knowe Shield Knowe Shield Knowe John Gillespie Gubhill Thomas Gillespie Gubhill William Elliott Craigshiel 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile SE. [South East] from Gubhill A round Knowe a little to the South East of Gubhill
OS1/10/6/227 GREEN HILL Green Hill Green Hill Green Hill John Gillespie Thomas Gillespie William Elliott 032 [Situation] 1/3 mile E. [East] from Gubhill A hill about 800 feet high having a Trigl [Trigonometrical] station on its Summit
OS1/10/6/227 [page] 227 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.11 -- Trace No 2 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/228 (Page) 228 [BLANK PAGE]
OS1/10/6/229 NITHSIDE Nithside John Mather, Nithside William Smith, Berscar William Watret, Gateside 031 [Situation] 32 Chains N,W, [North West] from Dinning, A dwellinghouse with garden, barns etc and a farm of land attached. John Mather Proprietor & Occupier
OS1/10/6/229 LOCH WHARRE Loch Wharre Loch Wharre William Johnstone Closeburn Mr Adams Closeburn 031; 040 [Situation] On the boundary between Closeburn and Keir A certain part in the River Nith So named, but from what circumstance cannot be ascertained.
OS1/10/6/229 RIVER NITH River Nith John Mather, Nithside William Smith, Berscar William Watret, Gateside 031; 040 [Situation] On Wn [Western] Parish Boundary A considerable river flowing in a Southern direction, and forming the boundary between this parish & Keir
OS1/10/6/229 [page] 229 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-15 -- Trace 1 [Note Nithside Cottage, crossed out] -- Superfluous [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/230 FIRMORR PLANTATION Firmoor Plantation Joseph Sharp, Kirkpatrickhill William Smith, Berscar William Watret, Gateside 031 [Situation] 50 Chains N.N,E, [North North East] from Dinning A large plantation of fir & forest trees a little to the north of Kirkpatrickhill
OS1/10/6/230 KIRKPATRICKHILL Kirkpatrickhill Joseph Sharp, Kirkpatrickhill John Mather, Nithside William Smith, Berscar 031 [Situation] 1/2 mile N.E. by N, [North East by North] from Dinning, A dwellinghouse with garden, barns etc and a farm of land attached. Mrs Baird Proprietor, Joseph Sharp Occupier
OS1/10/6/230 GATESIDE Gateside William Watret, Gateside William Smith, Berscar Joseph Sharp, Kirkpatrickhill 031 [Situation] 1/3 mile N.N.W, [North North West] from Dinning, A small dwellinghouse by the road side with garden & outhouses attached
OS1/10/6/230 [page] 230 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-15 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/231 MOAT [Dinning] Moat William Smith, Berscar Joseph Sharp, Kirkpatrickhill William Watret, Gateside 031 [Situation] 12 Chains N.N,W, [North North West] from Dinning, The remains of a small moat and camp may be traced on a little hill between Dinning & Gateside well known in the district as The Moat
OS1/10/6/231 [page] 231 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-15 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/232 DINNING Dinning William Smith, Berscar William Watret, Gateside Joseph Sharp, Kirkpatrickhill 031 [Situation] In the Sn [Southern] Parish District A farmsteading a little to the South of Gateside, the farm land attache is now included with that of Berscar
OS1/10/6/232 BERSCAR Berscar Barscary William Smith, Berscar William Watret, Gateside Joseph Sharp, Kirkpatrickhill Johnston's County Map 031 [Situation] 1/3 mile S,E, [South East] from Dinning, A farm steading in good repair with a farm of land attached. Mrs Baird Proprietor, William Smith Occupier.
OS1/10/6/232 [page] 232 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 31-15 -- Trace 4 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/233 KIRKPATRICK Kirkpatrick (village) Kirkpatrick (village) Kirkpatrick (village) Alexander Sim Kirkpatrick William Broadfoot Kirkpatrick William Hamilton HollandBush 031 [Situation] Towards N.Wn [North Western] Corner of this Plan, A few Cottages with gardens attached situated about A mile from Closeburn Village.
OS1/10/6/233 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow And South Western Railway Glasgow And South Western Railway Glasgow And South Western Railway Alexander Sim William Broadfoot William Hamilton 031; 040 [Situation] From Morton Parish S. [South] through Wn [Western] division of Closeburn, A trunk line of Railway extending from Glasgow to Carlisle
OS1/10/6/233 THE LAKE 031; 040 See Page 197. for correct Description
OS1/10/6/233 [page] 233 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 1 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/234 Site of ST PATRICK'S CHAPEL Kirkpatrick Church (Site of) Kirkpatrick Church (Site of) Kirkpatrick Church (Site of) St Patrick's Chapel St Patrick's Chapel St Patrick's Chapel Alexander Sim Kirkpatrick William Broadfoot Kirkpatrick William Hamilton Holland Bush Statistics of Closeburn History of Galloway - Anno 1684, Eccl [Ecclesiastical] Antiquities 031 [Situation] 12 Chains S,W, [South West] from Kirkpatrick, This was an old church or chapel with a burying ground attached, dedicated to St Patrick no vestige of it now remains The stone Font which belonged to it was removed to Thornhill a few years ago
OS1/10/6/234 FORESTON Foreston Foreston Foreston Alexander Sim William Broadfoot William Hamilton 031 [Situation] 33 Chains S,W, by S, [South West by South] from Kirkpatrick A small strip of Forest trees on the Farm of Berscar
OS1/10/6/234 [page] 234 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 1 Trace 2 Mere Burn - crossed out [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/235 THIEF KNOWE Thief Knowe Thief Knowe Thief Knowe William Hamilton Hollandbush John Boe Shieldhill William Boe Shieldhill 031 [Situation] 1/2 mile S,E, by S. [South East by South] from KirKpatrick A small hill partly covered with plantation on the farm of Kirkpatrick
OS1/10/6/235 GUTTERSLACK KNOWE Gutterslack Knowe Gutterslack Knowe Gutterslack Knowe William Boe John Boe William Hamilton 031 [Situation] 1/4 mile S,E, [South East] from KirKpatricK A small hill at present Covered with wood
OS1/10/6/235 [page] 235 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 2 Meggat Brae is scored out [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/236 KIRKPATRICK FARM Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick Alexander Sim Kirkpatrick William Broadfoot. Kirkpatrick William Hamilton Hollandbush 031 [Situation] 15 Chains S,E, [South East] from Kirkpatrick. A substantial Farm house with Offices garden And Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/236 HOLLANDBUSH Hollandbush Hollandbush Hollandbush Hollinbush Hollinbush Alexander Sim William Broadfoot William Hamilton Thomas KirKpatrick Robert Pagan 031 [Situation] 24 chains E, [East] from Kirkpatrick A small Farmhouse with Offices garden and Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/236 TRUNDLING KNOWE Trundling Knowe Trundling Knowe Trundling Knowe Alexander Sim William Broadfoot William Hamilton 031 [Situation] 28 chains S.E, by S, [South East by South] from KirKpatrick A small Conical Knoll near the farm house of Kirkpatrick
OS1/10/6/236 [page] 236 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 2 [Note Kirkpatrick] -- Farm affixed, as distinctive from village Kirkpatrick. [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/237 BIRSWICK Birzick Birzick Birzick BerswicK Birsack BirswicK BirswicK BirswicK William Boe Shieldhill John Boe Shieldhill John Thomson Birzick Valuation Roll - 1856. Property Map John KirKpatrick. Whitespots Mr Adam, Factor for Closeburn Estate Rent Receipt 031 [Situation] 15 Chains S,E,E. [South East East] from Kirkpatrick A farm house with Offices garden and farm of land attached BirswicK is literally correct - the rough of broKen opening between hills
OS1/10/6/237 CLAUCHRIE BURN Pothouse Burn Pothouse Burn Pothouse Burn Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn William Boe John Boe John Thomson Samuel McAdam Robert Borland Thomas KirKpatrick 031; 032; 040 [Situation] From Gawin moor nearly 3/4 mile S, [South] of Loch EttricK - S,W, [South West] to River Nith, A Stream flowing past Gilchristland And falling into Nith near Blackwood village
OS1/10/6/237 AUCHENCAIRN COTTAGE Auchencairn Cottage Auchencairn Cottage Auchencairn Cottage William Boe John Boe John Thomson 031 [Situation] 1 mile S,E,E, [South East East] from Kirkpatrick A Cottage with garden attached on the farm of Auchencairn
OS1/10/6/237 [page] 237 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 3 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/238 BACK BURN Back Burn Back Burn Back Burn William Boe Shieldhill James Robertson Auchnrennie William Broadfoot Kirkpatrick 031 [Situation] From the junction of two runners 18 Chains S,E, by S, [South East by South] of Auchencairn, S,W, [South West] to Clauchrie Burn A Small Stream rising on the farm of Auchencairn and falling into Clauchrie Burn
OS1/10/6/238 [page] 238 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 3 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/239 BERSCAR Berscar Berscar Barscar Barscary William Smith Berscar John Kirkpatrick Whitespots Alexander Sim Kirkpatrick Johnston's County Map 031 [Situation] 66 Chains S,W, by S, [South West by South] from KirKpatrick A large substantial Farm house with Offices garden And Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/239 WHITESPOTS Whitespots Whitespots Whitespots William Smith John Kirkpatrick Alexander Sim 031 [Situation] 1 mile S.S.W, [South South West] from KirKpatrick, A large substantial Farm house with Offices garden And Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/239 BROOMKNOWES BRIDGE Broomknowes Bridge Broomknowes Bridge Broomknowes Bridge William Smith John Kirkpatrick Alexander Sim 031 [Situation] Over The LaKe, A Stone Bridge on the County Road leading from Dumfries to Thornhill - repaired by the County
OS1/10/6/239 [page] 239 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 4 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/240 THE CRAIGS The Craigs The Craigs The Craigs John Kirkpatrick Whitespots William McMurdo Blackwood Alexander Sim Kirkpatrick 031 [Situation] 3/4 mile S.S.W, [South South West] from Kirkpatrick. A portion of road which has been excavated out of Rock
OS1/10/6/240 [page] 240 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31-16 -- Trace 4 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/241 FOX WOOD Fox wood Fox wood Fox wood William Broadfoot Kirkpatrick Alexander Sim Kirkpatrick James Robertson Aucherennie 031 [Situation 3/4 mile S,S,E. [South South East] from KirKpatrick, A mixed wood on the Farm of Whitespots which was frequented by a fox hence the name
OS1/10/6/241 SHIELDHILL Shieldhill Shieldhill Shieldhill William Broadfoot Alexander Sim William Boe Shieldhill 031 [Situation] 3/4 mile S,E, by S. [South East by South] from Kirkpatrick A Farm house with Offices garden and farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/241 HILLHOUSE Hillhouse Hillhouse Hillhouse John KirKpatricK Alexander Sim William Boe 031 [Situation] About 3/4 mile S. [South] from Kirkpatrick An outhouse on the farm of Whitespots, it was formerly a dwelling.
OS1/10/6/241 [page] 241 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 5 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/242 (Page) 242 [BLANK PAGE]
OS1/10/6/243 BIG WOOD Big Wood Big Wood Big Wood James Robertson Auchenrennie William Boe. Shieldhill James Boe Shieldhill 031 [Situation] 1 mile S,E, [South East] from Kirkpatrick A mixed wood on the Farm of Clauchrie
OS1/10/6/243 CLAUCHRIE COTTAGE Clauchrie Cottage Clauchrie Cottage Clauchrie Cottage James Robertson William Boe James Boe 031 [situation] 1 mile S,E, [South East] from Kirkpatrick A small Cottage with garden attached on the Farm of Clauchrie
OS1/10/6/243 JENNY'S WOOD Jenny's Wood Jenny's Wood Jenny's Wood James Robertson William Boe James Boe 031; 040 [Situation] Nearly 1/4 mile S,E, [South East] from Kirkpatrick A mixed wood on the Farm of Clauchrie
OS1/10/6/243 [page] 243 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 6 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/244 MID WOOD Mid Wood Mid Wood Mid Wood James Robertson Auchenrennie William Boe Shieldhill James Boe Shieldhill 031 ; 032 ; 040 ; 041 [Situation] Nearly 1 1/2 mile S,E, [South East] from Kirkpatrick A mixed wood on the Farm of Clauchrie
OS1/10/6/244 [page] 244 Parish of Closeburn -- Sheet 31.16 -- Trace 6 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/245 AUCHENCAIRN Auchencairn Robert Boreland, Auchencairn James Blackwood, Pothouse Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie 032 [Situation] 2 miles S,E, [South East] from Closeburn village A dwellinghouse in good repair with garden, barns etc and a farm of land attached. Mrs Baird Proprietor Robert Boreland occupier.
OS1/10/6/245 AUCHENCAIRN WOOD Auchencairn Wood Robert Boreland James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 032 [Situation] 1/3 mile E. [East] from Auchencairn A large fir plantation on the farm of Auchencairn, Situated about half a mile to the [East] of the farm Steading.
OS1/10/6/245 BIG WOOD Big Wood Robert Boreland James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 031 [Situation] 1/3 mile S. [South] from Auchencairn. A large plantation of fir and forest trees situated on the farm of Clauchrie, and about a quarter of a mile south of Auchencairn
OS1/10/6/245 BACK BURN BacK Burn BacK Burn BacK Burn Robert Borland James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 031 [Situation] From the junction of two runners 18 chains S.E. by S. [South East by South] of Auchencairn - S,W, [South West] to Clauchrie Burn A Small Stream having its [Source] near Auchencairn Wood, bears the name from the Junction of two streams, at the corner of Big Wood to its confluence with Clauchrie Burn.
OS1/10/6/245 [page] 245 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-13 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/245 Words omitted.
OS1/10/6/246 GAWIN MOOR Gawin Moor Robert Boreland, Auchencairn James Blackwood, Pothouse Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie 031; 032 [Situation] Forming the S.En [South Eastern] Parish District A large district of Moor land lying to the east of Auchencairn. Embraces the whole of the moor land within the farm of Auchencairn and the conjoined farm of Pothouse
OS1/10/6/246 AUCHENCAIRN HEIGHT Auchencairn Height Robert Boreland James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 032 [Situation] On Gawin Moor 3/4 mile E, [East] of Auchencairn A small ridgelike hill situated in Gawin Moor, and lying immediately to the east of Auchencairn Wood
OS1/10/6/246 Site of ROYACH CAIRN Royach Cairn (Site of) (Tumulus Royach Cairn (Site of) (Tumulus Robert Boreland James Blackwood Johnston's County Map Estate Map 032 [Situation] On Auchencairn Height Several large tumuli consisting of small stones are to be found on the heights within Gawin Moor One of these called Royach Cairn formerly existed on Auchencairn Height, but the stones were removed some time ago to build fences
OS1/10/6/246 [page] 246 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-13 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/247 CALFCRAIG BOG Calfcraig Bog Robert Boreland, Auchencairn James Blackwood, Pothouse Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie 032 [Situation] 1 mile S,E, [South East] from Auchencairn A small piece of soft bogy ground within Gawin Moor on the edge of which there are a few small rocks called Calf Craig.
OS1/10/6/247 [page] 247 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-13 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/248 MID CAIRN Mid Cairn (Tumulus) Mid Cairn (Tumulus) Robert Boreland, Auchencairn James Blackwood, Pothouse Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie Estate Map of Closeburn 032 [Situation] 34 Chains E, [East] from Royach Cairn A large tumulus consisting of small stones situated on a slight eminence within Gawin Moor. As there are no stones to be met with for a considerable distance around the tumulus much labour must have been expended in constructing this and the other tumuli in the neighbourhood, but nothing seems to be known regarding their history
OS1/10/6/248 BLACK STAND Black Stand Robert Boreland James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 032 [Situation] 1 1/4 mile S,E,E, [Slouth East, East] from Auchencairn. A small piece of black mossy ground within Gawin Moor
OS1/10/6/248 BLACKSTAND RIG Blackstand Rigg Robert Boreland James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 032 [Situation] 1 1/4 mile E. [East] from Auchencairn. A long low ridge situated within the Black Stand and lying parallel with Duncow Burn
OS1/10/6/248 [page] 248 Plan 32-13 -- Trace 3 -- Parish of Closeburn [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/249 DUNCOW BURN Duncow Burn Duncow Burn Duncow Burn Robert Boreland, Auchencairn James Blackwood, Pothouse Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie Johnstons Co [County] Map KirKmahoe Plans 032; 041 [Situation] From the N,E, [North East] Side of BlacKstand Rig - S.E, [South East] to Southern Parish Boundary A small stream rising within and flowing through Black Stand in a Southern direction, passes by Duncow Village & falls into the River Nith.
OS1/10/6/249 [page] 249 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-13 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/250 CLAUCHRIE HILL Clauchrie Hill Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie Robert Boreland, Auchencairn James Blackwood, Pothouse 032 [Situation] 50 Chains S,S,E. [South South East] from Auchencairn A ridgelike hill within the farm of Clauchrie and situated immediately to the south-east of Big Wood
OS1/10/6/250 MID WOOD Mid Wood Mid Wood Mid Wood Samuel McAdam Robert Boreland James BlacKwood 031 ; 032 ; 040 ; 041 [Situation] 1 mile S, [South] from Auchencairn. A plantation consisting principally of fir trees, there a few forest trees.
OS1/10/6/250 [page] 250 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-13 -- Trace 4 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/251 CALF CRAIG Calf Craig Robert Boreland, Auchencairn James Blackwood, Pothouse Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie 032 [Situation] At the E. [East] side of Calf Craig Bog. A few small rocks situated within Gawin Moor, and a short distance north of the head of Pennyland Burn
OS1/10/6/251 PENNYLAND BURN Pennyland Burn Robert Boreland, Auchencairn James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 032; 041 [Situation] On Sn [Southern] Parish Boundary, A considerable burn flowing along the boundary between the parishes of Closeburn and Kirkmahoe. Formed by the junction of two streams marKed thus [drawing inserted] on trace.
OS1/10/6/251 [page] 251 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-13 -- Trace 5 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/252 (Page) 252 [BLANK PAGE]
OS1/10/6/253 GOUKSTANE BURN GouKstane Burn GouKstane Burn GouKstane Burn John Gillespie Gubhill James Bell Loch Ettrick Toll Robert Smith Glencorse Cottage 032; 041 [Situation] On Gawin Moor S.E, [South East] to Water of Ae. A stream rising near Royach's Cairn and falling into the Ae,
OS1/10/6/253 DUNCOW BURN Duncow Burn Duncow Burn Duncow Burn Robert Borland Samuel McAdam James Blackwood 032; 041 [Situation] From the N E. [North East] side of Blackstand Rig S.E. [South East] to Sn [Southern] Parish Boundary A small stream having its source in Gawin Moor, passes by Duncow Village & falls into the Nith,
OS1/10/6/253 GAWIN MOOR Gawin Moor Gawin Moor Gawin Moor Robert Borland Samuel McAdam James BlacKwood 031; 032 [Situation] Forming S.En [South Eastern] Parish District A large tract of Moorland on the farms of Pothouse & Auchencairn.
OS1/10/6/253 [page] 253 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.14 -- Trace No 3 [signed] William Hyslop
OS1/10/6/254 Gawinmoor Road Gawinmoor Road See Page 210 for Authorities etc
OS1/10/6/254 [page] 254 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32-14
OS1/10/6/255 [Page] 255 [Note] -- Cancelled [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/256 (Page) 256 [BLANK PAGE]
OS1/10/6/257 WINDYHILL BURN Windyhill Burn Windyhill Burn Windyhill Burn John Gillespie Gubhill Thomas Gillespie Gubhill James Bell Loch Ettrick Toll 032 [Situation] From 9 Chains E. [East] of Loch Ettrick - S,E, [South East] to Water of Ae A Stream rising about half a mile to the west of Windy hill and falling into the Water of Ae.
OS1/10/6/257 GAWINMOOR ROAD Gawinmoor Road See Page 207 for Authorities etc
OS1/10/6/257 [page] 257 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.15 -- Trace No 1 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/258 BIRKIE KNOWE Birky Knowe Birky Knowe Birky Knowe John Gillespie Gubhill James Bell Loch Ettrick Toll Adam Menzies Garroch 032 [Situation] 1/2 mile N, [North] from Glencorse A Round Knowe. near the junction of Windy hill Burn with the Water of Ae.
OS1/10/6/258 WATER OF AE Water of Ae Water of Ae Water of Ae John Henry Lochanhead Andrew Jardine Burliewhag Andrew Davidson Mitchellslacks 023; 032 [situation] On en [Eastern] Parish Boundary. A Stream rising on the east side of Queensberry flowing in a south easterly direction and falling into the Kinnel
OS1/10/6/258 [page] 258 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.15 -- Trace No 2 [Note Birkie Knowe] -- BirKie - Abounding with Birch trees -- Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Dictionary [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/259 Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn Goukstane Burn John Gillespie Gubhill James Bell Loch Ettrick Toll Robert Smith Glencorse Cottages 032; 041 [Situation] On Gawin Moor S.E. [South East) to water of Ae. A Stream rising near Royach's Cairn and falling in the Ae.
OS1/10/6/259 [Page] 259 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.15 -- Trace No. 3 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/260 GLENCORSE Glencorse Glencorse Glencorse William Nivison Glencorse James Bell Loch Ettrick Toll Robert Smith Glencorse Cottage 032 [Situation] In the S,En [South Eastern] Parish District A Farm Steading with garden attached occupied by William Nivison
OS1/10/6/260 LOCHETTRICK T.P. Loch Ettrick Toll Loch Ettrick Toll Loch Ettrick Toll James Bell Robert Smith Adam Menzies Garroch 032 [Situation] 1/4 mile S,E. [South East] from Glencorse A Small cottage occupied by James Bell
OS1/10/6/260 GLENCORSE COTTAGE Glencorse Cottage Glencorse Cottage Glencorse Cottage James Bell Robert Smith John Irvine Burnfoot 032 [Situation] 1/3 mile S,E. [South East] from Glencorse A Small cottage situated near the boundary of the parish occupied by Robert Smith
OS1/10/6/260 [page] 260 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 32.15 -- Trace No 4 [signed] William Hyslop c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/261 THORNY BANK Thorny Bank William Smith, Berscar William Watret, Gateside John Mather, Nithside 040 [Situation] On the E. [East] side of River Nith, A long wooded bank running parallel with the River Nith, and lying a little to the north of Knocknorland
OS1/10/6/261 RIVER NITH River Nith William Smith Berscar William Watret, Gateside John Mather, Nithside 040 [Situation] On Wn [Western] Parish Boundary- A considerable river flowing in a Southern direction, and forming the boundary between the Parish of Keir & Closeburn
OS1/10/6/261 LOCH WHARRE Loch Wharre 040 See page 229
OS1/10/6/261 [page] 261 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40-3 --Trace 1 Craig Pool -- Craig Pool -- See Page 77 of Keir Name BooK, [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/262 (Page) 262 [BLANK PAGE]
OS1/10/6/263 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & South-Western Railway Glasgow & South-Western Railway Glasgow & South-Western Railway David Murray Closeburn John Kirkpatrick Whitespots John Fergusson Cairns 031; 040 [Situation] From Morton Parish S,S,E. [South South East] through Wn [Western] Division of this Parish A trunk line of Railway between Glasgow and Carlisle
OS1/10/6/263 GALLEY MOSS Galley Moss Galley Moss Gallow Moss John Kirkpatrick John Fergusson David Black Stepends Toll 040 [situation] 1 mile N.W, [North West] from Cairn, A small piece of ground which is now under cultivation but was formerly a marsh, this name in all probability is derived from a Small Shrub called galls that is often to be found in mosses
OS1/10/6/263 STEPENDS Stepends Stepends Stepends John Kirkpatrick John Fergusson David Black 040 [Situation] 66 Chains N.W, [North West] from Cairn A farm house with steading garden Stackyard and farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/263 [page] 263 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40/4 -- Trace 1 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/264 THE LAKE The Lake The Lake The Lake Joseph Sharpe Closeburn John Fergusson Cairn David Black Stepends Toll 031; 040 [Situation] From 6 chains S,E, [South East] of Lakehead S.S,E, [South South East] to River Nith A name given to a stream from where it leaves the Castle Loch to where it enters the River Nith
OS1/10/6/264 STEPENDS T.P. [Turn Pike] Stepends Toll Stepends Toll Stepends Toll David Black John Fergusson Joseph Sharpe 040 [Situation] 6 Chains S,E, [South East] from Stepends A small house with toll-bar the property of the road trustees and occupied by David Black there is also a house adjoining which goes under the Same name
OS1/10/6/264 WHITESPOTS HILL Whitespots Hill Whitespot Hill Whitespots Hill John KirKpatricK Joseph Sharpe John Ferguson Johnston's Co [County] Map Estate Map of Closeburn, 040 [Situation] 3/4 mile N.N.W, [North North West] from Cairn A hill about 600 feet high having a Trigl [Trigonometrical] station on it.
OS1/10/6/264 [page] 264 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40/4 -- Trace 1 [signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/265 AUCHENRENNIE Auchenrennie Auchenrennie Auchenrennie James Anderson Auchenrennie Samuel McAdam Clauchrie John Fergusson Cairn 040 [Situation] 54 Chains N, [North] from Cairn A Small cottage with garden on the farm of Clauchrie, occupied by James Anderson
OS1/10/6/265 CLAUCHRIE Clauchrie Clauchrie Clauchrie Samuel McAdam James Anderson John Fergusson 040 [Situation] 1/2 mile N, [North] from Cairn A farm house with steading garden and farm of land attached occupied by Mr Samuel McAdam
OS1/10/6/265 CLAUCHRIE BURN Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn Samuel McAdam James Anderson John Fergusson 031; 032; 040 [Situation] From Gawin Moor nearly 3/4 mile S. [South] of Loch Ettrick - S.W, [South West] to River Nith A stream that takes its sourse near Gilchristland and flows in a southwardly direction and falls into the River Nith near its sourse it has the name of Pothouse Burn till it comes into the Clauchrie farm
OS1/10/6/265 [page] 265 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40/4 -- Trace 2
OS1/10/6/266 JENNY'S WOOD Jenny's Wood Jenny's Wood Jenny's Wood James Anderson Auchenrennie Samuel McAdam Clauchrie John Fergusson Cairn 031; 040 [Situation] About 70 Chains N.N.E. [North North East] from Cairn A name given to a wood on the farm of Clauchrie it derives its name from an old woman called Jannet Gracie that lived at Clauchrie Cottage (this name is well known)
OS1/10/6/266 MID WOOD Mid Wood Mid Wood Mid Wood James Anderson Samuel McAdam John Fergusson 040 [Situation] 1 mile N,E, by N, [North East by North] from Cairn A name given to a wood on the farm of Clauchrie
OS1/10/6/266 [page] 266 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40/4 -- Trace 3 Entry Whitespots Hill is scored out [signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/267 BURBROUGH-MILL Barbauch Mill Barbauch Mill Burborough Mill Burnburgh Mill Barbaroch Mill Burbrough-mill Burbrough-mill John Fergusson Cairn John Kirkpatrick Whitespots John Jackson Barbarock Mill Valuation Roll James Ferguson Estate Map of Closeburn Mr Adams, Factor for Closeburn Estate 040 [Situation] 3/4 mile N,W W, [North West West] from Cairn, A number of cottages and gardens, also a bobbin mill in former times there was a lint mill here The name is evidently Scotch - Burbrough - the whizing town, probably from the continual humming in the manufacture of lint etc
OS1/10/6/267 HOLMHEAD Holmhead Holmhead Holmhead John Fergusson John Kirkpatrick David Black Stepends Toll 040 [Situation] 1/3 mile N,W,W, [North West West] from Cairn A number of cottages and gardens on the farm of Cairn
OS1/10/6/267 LINTMILL POOL Lintmill Pool Lintmill Pool Samuel McAdam John KirKpatrick 040 [Situation] On the boundary between Keir And Closeburn A Deep part of the River Nith in the immediate vicinity of Burbrughmill. So Named from the Circumstance of there having been at one time a Lint Mill in Burbrough Mill
OS1/10/6/267 [page] 267 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40/4 -- Trace 4 [signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/268 CAIRN Cairn Cairn Cairn John Fergusson Cairn John Kirkpatrick Whitespots Joseph Sharpe Closeburn 040 [Situation] In Sn [Southern] Parish District A substantial farm house with garden stackyard office houses and farm of land attached occupied by John Fergusson
OS1/10/6/268 BALLOCHAN LINN Ballochan Linn Ballochan Linn Ballochan Linn John Fergusson John Kirkpatrick Joseph Sharpe 040 [Situation] 16 Chains S,E, [South East] from Cairn A ravine through which flows the Clauchrie Burn
OS1/10/6/268 RIVER NITH River Nith See Page 229 for Authorities etc
OS1/10/6/268 [page] 268 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40/4 -- Trace 5 [signed] James Cowan C/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/269 HIGH AULDGIRTH High Auldgirth High Auldgirth High Auldgirth High Auldgrith High Auldgirth Alexander Helm John Fergusson Cairn John Kirkpatrick Whitespots Johnston's Co [County] Map Valuation Rolls 040 [Situation] 1/2 mile E. [East] from Cairn A farm house with steading garden stackyard and farm of land attached occupied by Mr Alexander Helm
OS1/10/6/269 BLACK CRAIG Black Craig Black Craig Black Craig Alexander Helm John Fergusson James Fergusson Cairn 040; 041 [Situation] 50 Chains N E,E, [North East East] from Cairn A name given to a small rocky slope near High Auldgirth
OS1/10/6/269 BLACKCRAIG HILL BlacKcraig Hill BlacKcraig Hill BlacKcraig Hill Alexander Helm John Ferguson John KirKpatricK 040 [Situation] 53 Chains N,E, by E, [North East by East] from Cairn A hill about 600 feet high having a Trigl [Trigonometrical] station on its Summit.
OS1/10/6/269 [page] 269 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40/4 -- Trace 6 [signed] James Cowan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/270 (Page) 270 [BLANK PAGE]
OS1/10/6/271 MID WOOD Mid Wood Alexander Helm, High Auldgarth James Blackwood, Pothouse Robert Boreland, Auchencairn 031 ; 032 ; 040 ; 041 [Situation] 3/4 mile N.W. [North West] from Knocknutshell A large plantation of fir trees situated on the farm of Clauchrie.
OS1/10/6/271 GLENBOY Glenboy Alexander Helm Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie James Blackwood 041 [Situation] 1/2 mile N.N.W, [North North West] from Knocknutshell A deep and remarkable glen on the farm of High Auldgarth situated between Pennyland Burn & Mid Wood. A farmsteading known by this name formerly stood near the east end of the glen
OS1/10/6/271 [page] 271 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 41-1 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/272 PENNYLAND BURN Penryland Burn Alexander Helm, High Auldgarth Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie James Blackwood, Pothouse 032; 041 [Situation] Tracing Sn [Southern] Parish Boundary, A large Stream flowing in a Southern direction along the boundary between the parishes of Closeburn & Kirkmahoe. Formed by the junction of Several Small Streams, & falls into the Duncow Burn.
OS1/10/6/272 [page] 272 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 41-1 -- Trace 2 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/273 BLACK CRAIG Black Craig Alexander Helm, High Auldgarth Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie James Blackwood, Pothouse 040; 041 [Situation] 1/2 mile S,W,W. [South West West] from Knocknutshell A rocky slope in an arable filed at a short distance to the North-east of High Auldgarth
OS1/10/6/273 BLACKCRAIG HILL Blackcraig Hill Alexander Helm James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 041 [Situation] 1/2 mile W, [West] from KnocKnutshell A large ridgekike hill situated immediately above the Black Craig
OS1/10/6/273 COW CLEUCH Cow Cleuch Alexander Helm James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 041 [situation] At the W. [West] side of Knocknutshell A small glen on the farm of High Auldgarth through which a stream flows in a southern direction and falls into Pennyland Burn
OS1/10/6/273 [page] 273 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 41-1 -- Trace 3 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/274 KNOCKNUTSHELL Knocknitshel Knocknutshell Alexander Helm High Auldgarth James Blackwood, Pothouse Samuel McAdam, Clauchrie Mr Adams Closeburn Castle 041 [Situation] In the Sn [Southern] District of Parish A small irregularly shaped hill within the farm of High Auldgarth on the top of which there is a small plantation. So named from the common nut which grows here
OS1/10/6/274 LAMBRIG WOOD Lambrigg Wood Alexander Helm James Blackwood Samuel McAdam 040; 041 [Situation] 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] from Knocknutshell, A small plantation of fir and forest trees at the South-east corner of the Parish.-
OS1/10/6/274 [page] 274 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 41-1 -- Trace 4 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/275 CAIRN T.P. [Turn Pike] Cairn Toll Cairn Toll Cairn Toll James Fergusson Cairn William McMurdo Blackwood Robert Dickson Blackwood 040 [Situation] 50 chains N.W, by N, [North West by North] from Auldgirth Bridge Inn A Toll erected as a check for parties going the old road leading from Blackwood Village to Closeburn Limekilns
OS1/10/6/275 CAIRN SCHOOL Cairn School Cairn School Cairn School James Fergusson William McMurdo Robert Dickson 040 [Situation] 48 chains N.W, by N, [North West by North] from Auldgirth Bridge Inn. A neat little school erected for the Convenience of the southern part of the Parish of Closeburn. the salary is 13L [Pounds] Per annum. The average attendance of scholars is about 55 Supported by voluntary contribution from heritors and Wallace bequest.
OS1/10/6/275 CLAUCHRIE BURN Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn Clauchrie Burn Clachrie Clauchrie James Fergusson William McMurdo Robert Dickson Johnston's County Map Valuation Rolls 031; 032; 040 [Situation] From Gawin Moor, nearly 3/4 mile S [South] of Loch Ettrick - S.W. [South West] to River Nith, A stream flowing from Loch-ettrick And bearing the name of Pothouse Burn until it reaches Clauchrie where it is called Clauchrie Burn untill it falls into Nith
OS1/10/6/275 [page] 275 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40-8 -- Trace 1 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/276 BURNSIDE Burnside Burnside Burnside Alexander Duff Burnside William McMurdo Blackwood Thomas McMurd Blackwood 040 [Situation] 46 Chains N.W, by N, [North West by North] from Auldgirth Bridge Inn, A small Cottage with garden attached near Blackwood Village
OS1/10/6/276 WEE BRIDGE Wee Bridge Wee Bridge Wee Bridge Alexander Duff William McMurdo Thomas McMurdo 040 [Situation] Over Clauchrie Burn. A bridge erected over Clauchrie Burn at Blackwood Village - Repaired by the County.
OS1/10/6/276 PATRICK'S POOL Patrick's Pool Patrick's Pool Mr Adams, Closeburn William Johnstone Closeburn 040 A deep part of the River Nith.
OS1/10/6/276 [page] 276 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40.8 -- Trace 1 Entry for Saw Mill Cottage is scored through. [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/277 BALLOCHAN LINN Ballochan Linn Ballochan Linn Ballahan Lynne James Sloan Hayfield Adam Black, Blackwood Old Plan of Blackwood estate 040 [Situation] On Clauchrie Burn A name applied to a deep Linn through which Clauchrie Burn and also other streams from High Auldgirth flow
OS1/10/6/277 GLASGOW AND SOUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow & south-western Railway Glasgow & south-western Railway Glasgow & south-western Railway James Sloan Adam Black David Murray Closeburn 031; 040 [Situation] From Morton Parish, S,S,E, [South South East] through Wn [Western] Division of Parish A main trunk line of Railway from Carlisle to Glasgow
OS1/10/6/277 BLACKWOOD Blackwood village Blackwood village Blackwood village James Sloan Adam Black David Murray 040 [situation] 1/2 mile N.W. by N, [North West by North] from Auldgirth Bridge Inn A row of Houses with gardens attached on the west side of the Public Road and also three Cottages with gardens attached on the east side of the same Road leading from Auldgirth to Thornhill
OS1/10/6/277 [page] 277 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40.8 -- Trace 1 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/278 LOW AULDGIRTH Low Auldgirth Low Auldgirth Low Auldgirth Nether Auldgirth James Sloan William Imrie William Helm Low Auldgirth Valuation Rolls 040 [Situation] 1/4 mile N,E [North East] from Auldgirth Bridge Inn, A substantial Farmhouse with Offices garden And Farm of land attached
OS1/10/6/278 RIVER NITH River Nith River Nith River Nith James Sloan William Imrie William Helm 031; 040 [Situation] On Wn [Western] Parish Boundary, A River rising on the Border of the County of Ayr And flowing through the County of Dumfries falls into the Solway Firth about 7 or 8 miles below the town of Dumfries
OS1/10/6/278 [page] 278 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40.8 -- Trace 2 Entry Forragh Wood is scored through. [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/279 HAYFIELD Hayfield Hayfield Hayfield James Sloan Hayfield William McMurdo Blackwood William Helm Low Auldgirth 040 [Situation] 9 chains E. [East] from Auldgirth Bridge Inn. A few houses with gardens attached And also A steam saw mill with sheds And other Conveniences
OS1/10/6/279 AULDGIRTHBRIDGE INN Auldgirthbridge (Inn) Auldgirthbridge (Inn) Auldgirthbridge (Inn) James Sloan William McMurdo William Helm 040 [Situation] At the E. [East] end of Auldgirth near Sn [Southern] point of Parish, An Inn with 3 or 4 beds for the accomodation of travellers. there is also a smithy, garden and offices attached
OS1/10/6/279 AULDGIRTH BRIDGE Auldgirth Bridge (County) Auldgirth Bridge (County) Auldgirth Bridge (County) James Sloan William McMurdo William Helm 040 [Situation] Over Nith - near the Sn [Southern] point of Parish A strong substantial stone bridge over the River Nith near Auldgirthbridge Inn Repaired by the County.
OS1/10/6/279 [page] 279 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40.8 -- Trace 3 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/280 AULDGIRTH STATION Auldgirth Station Auldgirth Station Auldgirth Station William Imrie Auldgirthbridge James Sloan Hayfield William Helm Low Auldgirth 040 [Situation] 9 Chains N,E, [North East] from Auldgirth Bridge Inn A small station on the Glasgow & southwestern Railway
OS1/10/6/280 DUNDUFF Dunduff Dunduff Dunduff William Imrie James Sloan William Helm 040 [Situation] Adjoining Auldgirth Bridge Inn on the East, A small Cottage with garden attached near Auldgirthbridge
OS1/10/6/280 GROCER'S CROFT Grocer's Croft Grocer's Croft Grocer's Croft William Imrie James Sloan William Helm 040 [Situation] 4 chains S,E, [South East] from Auldgirth Bridge Inn. Two Cottages with gardens attached. near Auldgirthbridge
OS1/10/6/280 [page] 280 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40.8 -- Trace 4 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/281 IVY COTTAGE Ivy Cottage Ivy Cottage Ivy Cottage James Kelly Ivy Cottage John Smith Grocers Croft James Cowan Grocers Croft 040 [Situation] 17 Chains S.E, by S, [South East by South] from Auldgirth Bridge Inn A dwelling house with Offices Garden And a Small piece of land attached
OS1/10/6/281 [page] 281 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 40.8 -- Trace 4 [signed] John Houston
OS1/10/6/282 (Page) 282 [BLANK PAGE]
OS1/10/6/283 COW CLEUCH Cow Cleuch Alexander Helm Samuel McAdam James Blackwood 040; 041 [Situation] At the S.W. [South West] side of KnocKnutshell A small glen on the farm of High Auldgarth with a stream flowing through it which falls into Pennyland Burn.
OS1/10/6/283 LAMBRIG WOOD Lambrigg Wood Alexander Helm Samuel McAdam James Blackwood 040; 041 [Situation] 1/4 mile S.E. [South East] of Knocknutshell A Small plantation of fir and forest trees at the South-east corner of the parish
OS1/10/6/283 [page] 283 Parish of Closeburn -- Plan 41-5 -- Trace 1 [signed] W. Stotherd Capt. Rl Engrs [Captain Royal Engineers] 30th May 1857 [signed] W. Paterson c/a [Civilian Assistant]
OS1/10/6/284 [page] 284 OS1/10/6 6 CO [COUNTY] DUMFRIES [stamped] ORDNANCE SURVEY M.S. [MANUSCRIPT] STORE -- 15 MAR [MARCH] 1888 -- SOUTHAMPTON Parish of Closeburn. SCALE 25.344 PLANS -- Page From -- To 22 . 4 -- 23 . 1 -- 3 -- 6 23 . 2 -- 7 -- 12 23 . 3 -- 13 -- 18 22 . 8 -- 19 -- 22 23 . 5 -- 23 -- 30 23 . 6 -- 31 -- 38 23 . 7 -- 39 -- 44 23 . 8 -- 45 -- 46 22 .12 -- 47 -- 52 23 . 9 -- 55 -- 58 23 . 10 -- 59 -- 66 23 .11 -- 67 -- 78 23 . 12 -- 79 -- 80 22 . 16 -- 81 -- 86 23 . 13 -- 87 -- 92 23 . 14 -- 93 -- 98 23 . 15 -- 99 -- 112 23 . 16 -- 113 -- 114 31 . 2 -- 115 -- 116 31 . 3 -- 117 -- 120 31 . 1 -- 129 -- 134 32 . 2 -- 135 -- 140 32 . 3 -- 141 -- 148 32 .4 -- [148] -- 148 31 . 6 -- 149 -- 152 31 .7 -- 153 -- 164 31 . 8 -- 165 -- 172 32 . 5 -- 173 -- 178 32 . 6 -- 179 -- 184 32 . 7 -- 185 -- 188 31 . 10 -- 188 -- 188 31 . 11 -- 189 -- 196 31 . 12 -- 197 -- 208 32 . 9 -- 209 -- 218 32 .10-- 219 -- 221 32 . 11 -- 225 -- 228 31 . 15 -- 229 -- 232 31 . 16 -- 233 -- 244 32 . 13 -- 245 -- 252 32 . 14 -- 253 -- 256 32 .15 -- 257 -- 260 40 . 3 -- 261 -- 262 40 .4 -- 263 -- 270 41 . 1 -- 271 -- 274 40 . 8 -- 275 -- 282 41 .5 -- 283 -- 284 40 . 12 -- 283 -- 284 49 PLANS
OS1/10/6/285 [page] 285 Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages 22/8, 23/5, 22/12, 23/9. -- AuchenlecK Hill -- 20, 27, 49, 53. 32/3. -- Auldhouse Gutter -- 145. 32/9. 32/13. -- Auchencairn Wood -- 213, 245. 31/16, -- Auchencairn Cottage -- 237. 32/13, -- Auchencairn -- 245. 32/13. -- Auchencairn Height -- 246, 40/4, -- Auchenrennie -- 265. 40/8. -- Auldgirthbridge Inn -- 279. 40/8. -- Auldgirth Bridge -- 279. 40/8, -- Auldgirth Station -- 280. 23/1, -- Berry Grain -- 3. 23/2, 23/6, -- Burley SiKe -- 10, 34, 23/3. -- Berry Rig -- 14, 23/3, 23/7, -- BrocK Holes -- 17, 39. 22/8, 23/5, -- Back Burn -- 19, 23. 22/8. -- Black Snout -- 21. 22/8. -- Bell's Cairn -- 22. 23/5, -- Bishop Holes -- 27, 23/5, -- Brandy Holes -- 27. 23/6, -- Bitch Cleuch -- 31, 23/6, -- Burleywhag -- 34, 23/6, 23/10, -- BirKy Cleuch -- 35, 60. 23/7, -- Burley Bog -- 44, 23/7. -- Berry Grain -- 43. 22/12,-- Burn Bridge -- 47, 23/19, -- Bught Cleuch -- 59. 23/9, 23/13 -- Braidshaw Rig -- 56, 89. 23/11 -- Brown Knowe -- 67, 23/11, 23/15. 32/3, -- Bran Burn -- 68, 99, 143. 23/11, -- Beld Craig -- 76. 23/13, 32/1, -- Buttaview Plantation -- 91, 129, 23/15. -- Big Rig -- 102, 23/15, -- BirKy SlacK -- 105, 23/15, -- Brownrig -- 110, 31/4, -- Brattles -- 123. 31/4, -- Benthead -- 124, 32/2. -- BlacK Lump -- 138. 32/2, 32/6. -- Bluid SiKe -- 140, 181. 32/3, -- Big Knowe -- 142, 32/3. -- Bran ShanK -- 148. 31/6, -- Blawplain -- 150. 31/7, -- Buchanhall -- 158. 31/8, -- Bareby -- 166, 31/8, -- Bareby Linn -- 167, 31/8, -- BlacKrig Pond -- 169, 31/8, 31/12, -- Barnmuir Plantation -- 172, 201. 32/5, -- Blawbrae-- 175. 32/5, -- Big Ae Glen -- 177. 32/7. 32/11. -- Back SiKe -- 185, 225. 31/11, -- Baird's How -- 190. 31/11, -- Broomlands -- 192. 31/12, -- Barnmuir -- 203. 31/12. -- Brownhill -- 204. 32/9, 32/10. -- Bridle SiKe -- 217, 220 32/10. -- Braidlane Burn -- 220. 32/10. 32/11. -- Burnfoot Linn -- 221, 226, 32/11, -- Burnfoot -- 225. 31/15, 3/16. -- Berscar -- 232. 239, 31/16, -- Birswick -- 237, 31/16, 32/13. -- BacK Burn -- 238, 245. 31/16. -- BroomKnowes Bridge -- 239. 31/16, 32/13, -- Big Wood -- 243. 245. 32/13. -- BlacK Stand -- 248. 32/13. -- BlacKstand Rig -- 248. 32/15, -- BirKy Knowe -- 258. 40/4, -- Burbrough Mill -- 267. 40/4, 40/8, -- Ballochan Linn -- 268. 277. 40/4, 41/1, -- BlacK Craig -- 269, 273. 41/1. -- BlacKcraig Hill -- 273, 40/8. -- Burnside -- 276, 40/8, -- BlacKwood 277, 23/2. -- Campbell Craigs -- 8, 31/2, 31/5, -- Campbell Cleuch -- 8, 33. 23/3, 23/6, 23/7, 23/10, 23/14, -- Capel Burn -- 14, 34, 43, 62. 94. 23/3, -- Capel Yetts -- 15. 22/8. 22/12. 22/16. 31/2 31/3. 31/4, 31/6. 31/7, -- Cample Water -- 19, 47, 81, 115. 117, 121, 150, 156. 22/8. 22/12, -- Cairn Hill -- 22, 50. 23/7, 23/11, 23/12, -- ClerK Grain -- 42, 70, 79, 23/10, -- Crichton's Cairn -- 61, 23/10. -- Capel Linns -- 62. 23/10, 23/14, -- Clachope Water -- 64, 93, 23/11, -- CraiK Hill -- 72. 23/13,-- Clog Knowe -- 90. 23/14, 32/2, 32/3, 32/7, -- Capel Water -- 94, 137, 141, 186. 23/15, -- Cat SlacK -- 102. 23/15, -- Craigy Knowe -- 103, 23/15, -- Craw Burn -- 110, 23/15,-- Craw Knowe -- 111, 31/3, -- Camplebridge -- 118, 31/3, 31/4, 31/8, -- Cample -- 119, 127, 165, 31/4, 32/1, -- Crichope Burn -- 121, 129, 31/4, -- Crichope Linn -- 122, 31/4. -- Closeburnmill -- 126, 32/3, -- Curlies Knowe -- 141, 31/4, -- Covenanter's Cave -- 123.
OS1/10/6/286 [page] 286 Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages ===================== 32/3 -- Craigy Bog -- 142. 31/7 -- Closeburn Cottage -- 155. 31/7 -- Campleslacks -- 158 31/7 -- Cottage Wood -- 162. 31/7, 31/11 - Closeburn -- 163. 31/8 -- Closeburn Hall -- 169, 191. 31/8 -- Castle Wood -- 171, 200. 32/5, 31/12, 32/9, 31/16, 40/4, 40/8 -- Clauchrie Burn -- 173, 208, 209, 237, 265, 275 32/7 -- Capel Pool -- 187. 31/11 -- Cunningholm -- 195. 31/12 -- Church -- 198. 31/12 -- Castle Loch -- 199. 31/12 -- Closeburn Castle -- 200. 31/12 -- Croalchapel -- 202. 31/12 -- Chapel (site) -- 202. 31/12 -- Chaise Craig -- 203. 31/12 -- Closeburn Lime Works -- 207. 32/9 -- Capel Moss -- 215. 32/10, 32/11 -- Corse Burn -- 221, 226. 31/16 -- Clauchrie Cottage -- 247. 32/13 -- Calfcraig Bog -- 247. 32/13 -- Clauchrie Hill -- 250. 32/13 -- Calf Craig -- 251. 40/3 -- Craig Pool -- 261. 40/4 -- Clauchrie -- 265. 40/4 -- Cairn -- 268. 41/1, 40/8 -- Cow Cleuch -- 273, 283. 40/8 -- Cairn T.P. (Turn Pike)-- 275. 40/8 -- Cairn School -- 275. 22/12, 22/16, 23/13, 32/1, 32/5, 32/9 -- Celtic or 'Deil's' Dike -- 52, 82, 91, 129, 173, 213. 22/8 -- Dry Gutter -- 21. 23/5 -- Dod Cleuch -- 28. 23/6 -- Dog Knowes -- 38. 23/9 -- DucK Loch -- 55. 23/9, 23/16 -- DicK's Cleuch -- 104, 113. 23/15, 23/16 -- DicK's Knowe -- 104, 114 31/4 -- Dollard -- 124. 31/4 -- Dead Burn -- 125. 31/4, 31/8 -- Dressertland -- 126, 165. 32/2, 32/6 -- DrumfadKens -- 139, 180. 32/1 -- Dollard Hill -- 132. 32/1 -- Dins Rigg -- 134. 32/3 -- Dow Linn -- 145. 31/7 -- DalgarnocK Church (site) -- 153. 31/7 -- DalgarnocK Gate -- 153. 32/5 -- Deils Elbuck -- 176 32/7 -- Dan's Pool -- 187. 31/12 -- DrumbucK -- 197. 32/10 -- Dry Rig -- 220. 31/15 -- Dinning -- 232. 32/13, 32/14 -- Duncow Burn -- 249, 253. 40/8 -- Dunduff -- 280. 23/2 -- Ewe Craig's -- 11. 23/3 -- Earn Craig -- 13. 23/3 -- Earn Cleuch -- 13. 23/3 Earncraig Hill -- 13. 23/11 -- Ewe Knowe -- 69. 23/11 -- Ewe Brae -- 76. 23/15 -- Elder Cleuch -- 110. 32/3 -- Elf Knowe -- 143. 23/9 -- Fell-End -- 53. 22/16 -- Fort -- 82. 23/15 -- Fauld Cleuch -- 108. 32/1, 32/5 -- Fellard -- 132, 173. 31/7 -- Fort -- 161. 31/11, 31/12, 31/15 -- Firmoor Plantation -- 192, 204, 230. 31/16 -- Foreston -- 235. 31/16 -- Fox Wood -- 241. 23/1 23/1 -- Garrochshiels -- 4. 23/1, 23/5, 23/9 -- Glenbruith -- 5, 25, 54. 23/1, 23/5 -- Garroch Fell -- 5, 24. 23/2 -- Gana Hill -- 7. 23/2 -- Gana Shank -- 8. 23/5 -- Glenbuith Cairn -- 25. 23/5, 23/9, 23/10 -- Garroch Water -- 26, 54, 64. 23/5, 23/9, 23/10 -- Garroch Burn -- 30, 55, 60. 23/6 -- Grainy Cleuch -- 35. 23/7 -- Glenbeth -- 43. 23/7 -- Grit Hill -- 44. 23/10 -- Gled's Nest -- 65. 23/10 -- Garroch -- 59. 23/12 -- Green Dass -- 48. 23/10, 23/11 -- Greymares Gutter -- 61, 67. 23/11 -- Glengowan Hill -- 67. 23/11, 23/12, 23/16 -- Grindstone Cleuch -- 76, 80, 113. 22/16 -- Gateley Bridge -- 83. 22/16 -- Greymares Tail -- 86. 23/14, 32/2 -- Glass Rigg -- 93, 135
OS1/10/6/287 [page] 287 Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages ===================== 31/3, 31/7, 31/11, 31/12, 31/16, 40/4, 40/8 -- Glasgow & South Western Railway -- 119, 157, 193, 198, 233, 263, 277. 31/3 -- Green Cottage -- 119. 31/4 -- Gullet Spouts -- 124. 31/7 -- Green -- 157. 31/7 -- Gallows Knowe -- 157. 31/8 -- Graham's Knowe -- 165. 31/8 -- Gilchristland -- 172, 175. 32/5, 32/6, 31/11, 32/9, 32/19, 39/12, 32/13, 32/14 -- Gawin Moor -- 177, 179, 200, 210, 259, 219, 246, 253. 31/12, 32/9, 32/10, 32/14, 32/15 -- Gawinmoor Road -- 207, 210, 224, 254, 257. 32/9 -- Great Hill -- 217. 32/10 -- Glencorse Hill -- 223. 32/11 -- Gubhill -- 225. 32/11 -- Gubhill School -- 225. 32/11 -- Green Hill -- 227. 31/15 -- Gateside -- 230. 31/16 -- GutterslacK Knowe -- 235. 32/15 -- Glencorse -- 260. 32/15 -- Glencorse Cottage -- 260. 40/4 -- Galley Moss -- 263. 41/1 -- Glenboy -- 271. 40/8 -- Grocer's - Croft -- 280. 23/6 -- Hard Hill -- 36. 23/6, 23/10 -- Haggie Hill -- 36, 45. 23/7, 23/8, 23/12 -- Hen Grain -- 42, 45, 79. 23/7, 23/8 -- Hard Grain -- 40, 45. 23/11 -- High Cleuch -- 71. 22/16 -- Highland -- 85. 31/2 -- Holm Cottage -- 116. 31/4 -- Hell's Caldron -- 123. 32/3 -- Hay Knowe -- 141. 31/6 -- Holm -- 149. 31/8 -- Heathery Dam -- 168. 32/5 -- Herds Knowe -- 176. 31/16 -- Holland-Bush -- 236. 31/16 -- Hillhouse -- 241. 40/4 -- Holmhead -- 267. 40/8 -- Hayfield -- 279. 23/15 -- Irvine's Pillar -- 100. 40/8 -- Ivy Cottage -- 181. 31/16, 40/4 -- Jenny's Wood -- 243, 266. 23/2, 23/6, 23/10 -- Kenriva Burn -- 7, 31, 59. 22/8, 23/5 -- Keel Burn -- 19, 23. 23/13 -- KnocKbacK -- 93. 23/15 -- Killyminchshaw -- 108. 23/15 -- Killyminchshaw Craigs -- 109. 32/1 -- Knocktimpen -- 131. 31/6 -- Kirkbog -- 151. 31/7 -- KirKland Cottages -- 154. 31/74 -- KirKland -- 159. 32/6, 32/7 -- KnocKenshang -- 181, 185. 32/6 -- KirK Knowe -- 183. 32/10 -- King's Well -- 223. 32/10 -- King's Chair-- 223. 31/15 -- KirKpatricKhill -- 230. 31/16 -- KirKpatricK -- 233. 31/16 -- KirKpatricK Farm -- 236 41/1 -- KnocKnutshell -- 274. 23/3 -- Lang Grain -- 16. 23/6 -- Lamb Cleuch -- 32. 22/12, 23/10 -- Loch Cleuch -- 52, 63. 22/16, 23/13, 31/4 -- Linn Burn -- 86, 88, 125. 23/13 -- Linnburn Hill -- 91. 23/14 -- Locherben -- 94. 23/15 -- Little Fauld Cleuch -- 108. 31/8, 31/12 -- LaKehead -- 169, 197. 32/5, 32/6 -- Loch EttricK -- 174, 179 32/5, 32/6 -- Lamb Hill -- 177, 182. 31/11 -- Liftingstane -- 196. 32/15 -- Lochettrick T.P. (Turn Pike) -- 260. 41/1, 40/8 -- Lambing Wood -- 274, 283. 40/8 -- Low Auldgirth -- 278. 23/11 -- Lang Grain -- 68. 40/4 -- Lintmill Pool -- 267. 31/15, 40/3 -- Loch Wharre -- 229, 261. 23/7, 23/11 -- MirK Grain -- 42, 68. 22/12 -- Midtown -- 51. 23/13 -- Moch Hill -- 87. 23/13 -- Moch-hill Moss -- 88. 23/14 -- MitchellslacKs -- 97. 23/15 -- March SlacK -- 100. 31/3 -- Moses' Well -- 117. 32/3 -- Morins' Hill -- 146. 32/3 -- Murray Cleuch -- 147. 31/7 -- Muirend Loch -- 154. 31/7 -- Muirend -- 155. 32/6 -- McMount -- 180. 32/7 -- Mare Cleuch -- 188. 31/11 -- Mounthope -- 192. 31/12 -- Manse -- 199. 31/12 -- Mount Misery -- 201. 31/12 -- Marjory Hill -- 205. 31/12 -- Manse -- 206. 31/15 -- Moat -- 231. 31/16, 32/10, 40/4, 41/1 -- Miod Wood -- 244, 250, 266, 271. 22/16 -- Newton High Quarry -- 81. 22/16 - Newton -- 83. 22/16 -- Newton Low Quarry -- 83. 22/16 -- Newtonquarry -- 84. 23/15 -- Nether Dod -- 107.
OS1/10/6/288 [page] 288 Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages ==================== 31/3, 31/7 -- New Cample -- 118, 156. 22/7 -- Nether KnocKenshang -- 188. 31/12 -- Nethermains -- 201. 31/12 -- Nether Rig -- 208. 31/15 -- Nithside -- 229. 32/2 -- Oldshiel Knowe -- 139. 23/3 -- Penbreck Slidders -- 14. 23/3 -- Penbreck -- 17. 23/5 -- Palmer's Knowe -- 29. 23/7 -- Pot of Ae -- 40. 23/11 -- Peace Knowe -- 69. 23/11, 23/15 -- Pishnack Burn -- 73, 103. 23/13, 23/14, 23/15 -- Poldivan Lake -- 89, 96, 135. 32/2 -- Poldivan Bridge -- 136. 31/11 -- Post Office -- 190. 31/12 -- PuddocKhole -- 202. 31/12 -- Park -- 206. 32/9 -- Pothouse -- 209. 32/9 -- Peat Stack -- 212. 32/13, 41/1 -- Pennyland Burn -- 251, 272. 40/8 -- Patrick's Pool -- 276. 23/7 -- Queensberry -- 41. 31/2, 31/6, 31/7, 31/10, 31/11, 31/15, 40/3, 40/7, 40/8 -- River Nith -- 115, 150, 159, 188, 189, 229, 261, 268, 278. 23/10 -- Reid's Cleuch -- 63. 31/7 -- Rosebank -- 153. 31/7 -- Rosehill -- 162. 32/9 -- Rob's Corse -- 217. 32/13 -- Royach Cairn (Site) -- 246. 23/1 -- Snappers Stack -- 5. 23/6, 23/7 -- Spout Cleuch -- 38, 42. 23/9, 23/13 -- Star SiKe -- 57, 90. 22/16 -- Sandrum -- 81. 23/15 -- Scab Cleuch -- 111. 23/16 -- SKerries Linn -- 114. 31/4 -- Souter's Seat -- 122. 31/4 -- School -- 127. 32/1 -- Strait Gill -- 130. 32/1, 32/2 -- Shieling SiKe -- 131, 135. 32/1, 32/2 -- Sowens Knowe -- 131, 138. 31/2, 31/6, 31,10 -- Scar Water -- 116, 152, 188. 31/7 -- St. Ninian's Well -- 153. 32/5 -- Saughie Cleuch -- 174. 32/6, 32/11 -- Shield Knowe -- 184, 227. 31/11 -- Shawsmuir -- 190. 31/11 -- School -- 193. 31/11 -- Shawsholm -- 194. 31/11 -- Shawsholm Cottages -- 194. 31/12 -- Shotts -- 205. 31/16 -- Shieldhill -- 241 31/6 -- St. PatricK's Chapel -- 234. 40/4 -- Stepends -- 263. 40/4 -- Stepends T.P. (Turn Pike) -- 264. 23/5 -- Todcraig Hill -- 25. 23/5 -- The Dod -- 26. 23/5 -- Tod Craig -- 30. 23/6 -- Thorny Cleuch -- 37. 23/7 -- Three Knowe Heads -- 44. 22/12 -- Townhead -- 49. 22/12 -- Townhead Loch -- 50. 22/12, 23/9 -- The Band -- 50, 53. 22/12 -- Townfoot -- 51. 22/12, 22/16, 23/13 -- Townfoot Rig -- 52, 82, 87. 23/9, 23/10, 23/18, 23/14, 32/2, 32/5, 32/6 -- Threap Moor -- 57, 64, 90, 93, 174, 179. 23/10 -- The Law -- 66. 23/13 -- Townfoot Loch -- 87. 31/3 -- Templand -- 117. 32/14 -- Tippet Knowe -- 133. 32/2, 32/6 -- Tod Stack -- 139, 180. 31/8, 31/12 -- Town Burn -- 166, 200. 31/8 -- Townburn Wood -- 166. 32/5, 32/9 -- Tudhope Linn -- 175, 209. 31/11, 31/16, 40/4 -- The Lake -- 197, 233, 264. 31/16 -- Thief Knowe -- 235. 31/16 -- Trundling Knowe -- 235. 31/16 -- The Craigs -- 240. 40/3 -- Thorny Bank -- 261. 23/11 -- Uplaw Knowe -- 77. 23/11 -- Uplaw Stack-- 77. 23/14, 23/16 -- Upper Dod -- 95, 99 31/7 -- Upper Rosehill -- 161. 31/12 -- Upper Rig -- 208. 23/2 -- Vochums Cleuch -- 10. 23/2 -- Whitespot Hill -- 9. 23/3 -- Wallace's Kist -- 16. 22/8 -- White Snout -- 20. 22/8 -- Windy Edge -- 21. 23/5, 23/9 -- Wester Hill -- 28, 55. 23/7, 23/8, 23/12, 23/15, 23/16, 32/3, 32/4, 32/7, 32/11, 32/14, 32/15 -- Water of Ae -- 40, 45, 79, 107, 113, 145, 148, 186, 227, 255, 258. 22/12 -- Windy Hill -- 48. 23/10 -- Watch Knowe -- 62. 23/10 -- Watch Cleuch -- 63. 23/11 -- Wee Queensberry -- 72. 23/11 -- Wee Rig -- 74. 23/15 -- Wetherstane Knowe -- 101. 31/4 -- Wilsontown -- 127. 32/3 -- Woody Cleuch -- 144. 32/3 -- White Knowe -- 144. 31/7 -- Woodend -- 163.
OS1/10/6/289 [page] 289 Plans -- Name of Object -- Pages ==================== 31/8, 31/12 -- Wallacehall School -- 170, 198. 31/12 -- Whistlebrae -- 205. 32/9 -- Watchmanhill Wood -- 210. 32/5 -- Whinstone Cleuchs -- 175. 32/5, 32/9 -- White Hall -- 177, 218. 32/6, 32/10, 32/11, 32/15 -- Windyhill Burn -- 179, 221, 226, 237. 32/6 -- Well Cleuch -- 183. 32/6 -- Windy Hill -- 184. 32/6 -- Windyhill Linn -- 184. 32/7 -- Whaup Knowe -- 185. 32/7 -- White Naze -- 186. 32/9 -- Watchman Hill -- 215. 32/10 -- Windyhill Rig -- 219. 32/10 -- Wood Hill -- 222. 31/16 -- Whitespots -- 239. 40/4 -- Whitespots Hill -- 264. 40/8 -- Wee Bridge -- 276. 22/12 -- Wyndholm Crook -- 51.