
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ROYAL OAK INN [Annan] Royal Oak Inn Mr Aitchison Joiner
Mr Smith Innkeeper
062 [Situation] At the East side of Port Street. -

A commodious house two storeys high, slated, and in good repair having offices and garden attached occupied by Mrs Rodgerson who is licensed to sell ale & spir [spirits] proprietor, Nathan Smith Esqr Wellington St Annan,
River Annan
River Annan
Crawford's Map of Dumfriesshire
Blackwood's Map of Dumfriesshire
Johnston's Map of Dumfriesshire
[Situation] S.W. by S. [South West by South] through Annan Burgh -

A Considerable Stream which rises in the N.Wn. [North Western] district of Dumfriesshire And runs through the Burgh of Annan -
MINISTER'S MERSE Minister's Merse 062 See Sheet 13
PORT STREET [Annan] Port Street
Port Street
Benjamin Nicholson Esqr. Cotton Lodge
William Cuthbertson Stationer Annan
062 [Situation] From River Annan N.N,E, [North North East] to High Street -

A large street extending f [from] High Street in a southerly direc [direction] to the Annan Water; there [are] houses on each side of the s [street] & it is well lighted with gas
GLASGOW AND SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY Glasgow and South Western Railway See Sheet 15

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 60
Town of Annan -- Sheet 14 -- Trace 2

Transcriber's notes

Words lost in fold of page

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Moira L- Moderator, Christopher Fleming

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