
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SCHOOL [Brydekirk] School (Ph) [Parish] Revd. [Reverend] John H Gourlie Brydekirk
Joseph MacVittie Schoolmaster Brydekirk
057 [Situation] In Brydekirk (village) --
A small house one storey high in good repair capable of holding 100 pupils: average attendants 70.
Joseph MacVittie is schoolmaster whose salary is 10£ paid by the heritors with 30£ of school fees. Branches taught are those usually taught in country schools. It belongs to the Quoad Sacra Church of Brydekirk -
SCHOOL (Infants) [Brydekirk] School (Ph) [Parish] Revd. [Reverend] John H Gourlie Brydekirk
Joseph MacVittie Schoolmaster Brydekirk
057 [Situation] In Brydekirk (village) --
It is situated at the East of the village, the average number of pupils 60, Janet Moffat is teacher whose salary is 10£. This is an Infant School.
POST OFFICE [Brydekirk] Post Office (Sub-) Revd. [Reverend] John H Gourlie Brydekirk
Joseph MacVittie Schoolmaster
057 [Situation] In Brydekirk (village) --
A small house one storey high in good repair, occupied by Sarah Graham Postmistress. The property of John Anderson of Brompton.
The Post Office was Established in 1854, There is a delivery in the morning and a dispatch in the evening.

Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Brydekirk -- Sheet 57 No16 -- Trace 1

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