
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Kelly Burn
Kelly Burn
Kelly Burn
Mr. Thomas Bradshaw
Mr. John Clark
Mr. Hugh Munro
New Statistical Account
134.03 ; 134.07 A small but rapid stream which takes it rise from surface water in the east base of Hillfoot Hill, and flowing in a southerly direction, forming the boundary between the parish of Dollar and Muckhart during its whole course falling into the Devon about one half mile southeast of the village of Dollar. In general its banks are low, and it has throughout a gravelly bed.
Mr. Thomas Bradshaw
Mr. John Clark
Mr. Hugh Munro
Johnston's County Map
Stobie's County Map
134.03 Farmsteading, dwellinghouse and offices all one storey high, slated, and in good repair. Property of Sir Andrew Orr, Harvieston House
WIZARD'S STONE Wizard's Stone
Wizard's Stone
Wizard's Stone
Mr. Thomas Bradshaw
Mr. John Clark
Mr. Hugh Munro
134.03 A whinstone placed to mark the site of when a man was burned as a wizard. It is about four feet high, two squares at the surface of the ground and tapers off to a point at top.
"A man is said to have been burnt as a wizard at the foot of Gloomhill, a little to the northeast of Dollar, towards the close of the 16 century. The wooden stake to which he was tied by the executioner having become completely rotten, one of the lairds of Hillfoot, on whose property it stood, removed it and put a stone in its place to mark the site which still remains" Statistical Acct. [Account]

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Parish of Dollar 9

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