
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BURN OF SORROW Burn of Sorrow
Burn of Sorrow
Burn of Sorrow
Mr. Thomas Bradshaw
Mr. John Clark
Mr. Hugh Munro
127.14 ; 134.02 ; 134.03 A small but rapid stream which takes its rise from surface water in Maddie Moss, at the north base of Kings Seat Hill, and flowing in a southeasterly direction unites with the Burn of Care, at the south base of the Knoll on which stand the ruins of Castle Campbell, forming Dollar Burn, which flows south from this. Its banks, with the exception of the last half mile of its course, are low, and it has, throughout, a gravelly bed. Tradition says that while a daughter of one of the Kings was confined in the castle, she gave the name to this stream, as also names to several other objects in the vicinity.
Mr. Thomas Bradshaw
Mr. John Clark
Mr. Hugh Munro
134.03 A small wooded glen, a short distance to the northwest of Castle Campbell, on the west side of the Burn of Sorrow. Its sides are steep, and slope from the south, west, and north towards the centre, and from this it falls off gently towards the stream on the east. Property of Sir Andrew Orr, Harvieston House

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Parish of Dollar

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