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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ALLT LOCH AI CHAIRN Allt Loch a Chairn Capt. [Captain] Gunn Braehour
A. Mackay Cnoc-glas
R. Campbell Athan Salach
022 A small stream issuing from the lake of that name. It pursues a northerly course towards Achadh a Chracarinie near which it assumes the name of Allt a Chracairnie.
LOCHAN DUBH NA GEÒIDH Lochan Dubh na Geoidh Capt. [Captain] Gunn Braehour
A. Mackay Cnoc-glas
R. Campbell Athan Salach
022 A Small lake, lying about two miles east of Caol Loch Moir. Trout is said to be very plentiful and good in this lake.
LOCH EILEANACH Loch Eileanach Capt. [Captain] Gunn Braehour
A. Mackay Cnoc-glas
R. Campbell Athan Salach
022 A long narrow lake, Some little distance east of Lochan Dubh na Geoidh; it contains two or three small islands hence the name.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 24
County - Caithness -- Parish of Halkirk

Allt Loch a Chairn - Stream of the Cairn Lake
Lochan Dubh na Geòidh - Small Black lake of the Goose
Loch Eileanach - Lake of the Islands

[Signed] George Rose
C.A. [Civilian Assistant]

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