
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
RAGGED SCHOOL [Wick] Ragged School (Boys & Girls) Mr W Miller Town Clerk
Mr J Nimmo Solicitor
Mr G M Sutherland Solicitor
025 A private building erected for & permanently used as a School for poor children. It is supported by funds invested by Mr J Kirk of Wick & local contributions Teacher Miss Forbes. Attendance 45.
BLEACHING GREEN [Wick] Bleaching Green Mr W Miller Town Clerk
Mr J Nimmo Solicitor
Mr G M Sutherland Solicitor
025 A large tract of pasture land on the North side of Wick Water & used as a bleaching green by the people of the Town. The property of the Town Council of Wick
TOLBOOTH (Site of) [Wick] Tolbooth (site of) Mr Reay Wick
Mr Sinclair Wick
Mr Noble Wick
025 The site of the old Tolbooth is built on, is now used for two shops it was last used about 1827, the date of the building is unKnown

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 9
County of Caithness -- Town & Parish of Wick 1/500

[Note Ragged School] -- Obsolete

[Signed] Charles J Fearnside Sergeant RE [Royal Engineers]

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