
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LENTSKERRY BURN LentsKerry Burn Mr Henery; Janetstown
Mr Mowat; Janetstown
Mr Dunnet; Mosspalm
025 A Small Burn rising at the County road, near the farm of Mosspalm and it flows into WicK Water, a Short distance above the Wick Bridge
MOSSPALM Mosspalm Mr Henery; Janetstown
Mr Mowat; Janetstown
Mr Dunnet; Mosspalm
025 A Small farm Steading occupied by Mr William Dunnet the property of Sir George Dunbar
LANGLEYPARK Langley ParK Mr Henery; Janetstown
Mr Mowat; Janetstown
Mr Dunnet; Mosspalm
025 A number of dwellings also a large parK from Which this name originated, the property of Mrs Leith of Longley ParK.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 33
County of Caithness -- Parish of Wick

[Notes Lentskerry Burn] -- The spelling of this name
to be enquired into on
revision, as a doubt has
arisen as to its accuracy. [Initialled] W.M. 9/5 '02 [9 May 1902]
LentsKerry Burn
is now covered - is
not visible at any part - [Initialled] A.W.S

[Note Mosspalm] -- out

[Signed] D, Campbell C.A. [Civilian Assistant]

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