
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
OSTIES HILL Ostieshill Mr Donalson; occupier
Mr J. Miller; occupier
Mr Sutherland; BlacKsmith
029 Two Crofters dwellings occupiers F. Donalson and J. Miller, the property of A. Sharp. Esq [Esquire] also the name applies to A Slight eminence upon which the houses are situated.
OSTIES HILL Osties Hill Mr Donalson; occupier
Mr J. Miller; occupier
Mr Sutherland; BlacKsmith
029 A Slight eminence situate, a short distance South of Ostieshill Crofts, the property of A. Sharp of, Clyth
FACE OF LOCHS (In Ruins) Face of Lochs Mr Donalson; occupier
Mr J. Miller; occupier
Mr Sutherland; BlacKsmith
029 An old farm Steading in ruins the property of A, Sharp, Esq of Clyth
GROAT'S LOCH Groat's Loch Mr Donalson; occupier
Mr J. Miller; occupier
Mr Sutherland; BlacKsmith
029 A large Sheet of Water Situate between Osties Hill and the face of Lochs

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 277
County of Caithness -- Parish of WicK

[Signed] D, Campbell, c/.a [civilian assistant]

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