
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
STONE CIRCLE (Remains of) [Old Hall] (Remains of) Stone Circle Hugh Davidson, Esq. Old Hall
Revd [Reverend] Alexander Gunn, Watten
Donald Munro, Old Hall
018 A single standing stone about four feet high supposed to be the remains of a stone circle As a few more large stones stood near it, but were removed years ago in the process of cultivating the land - It stands on a small ridge of ground, in an arable field near Old Hall -
LAID Laid Hugh Davidson, Esq. Old Hall
Revd [Reverend] Alexander Gunn, Watten
Donald Munro, Old Hall
018 An ordinary sized farm steading dwelling house with outhouses attached The property of Sir Robert Anstruther, Balcaskie House, Forfarshire -
The name Laid is from the Gaelic word "Leathad" a slope

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 36
Watten Parish -- Caithness

[Signed] George Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]

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