
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
HILL OF ACHALIPSTER Hill of Achalipster Mr George Ryrie, Achalipster
Mr Hugh McKay, Kensary
Mr McKinnon, Shielton
023 A long low hill of no great height, covered with rough Heathy Pasture - on the property of Sir Robert Anstruther of Balcaskie
BAD AN FHÉIDH Bad an Fèidh Mr George Ryrie, Achalipster
Mr Hugh McKay, Kensary
Mr McKinnon, Shielton
023 This name applies to a slight inequalis of the ground on the summit of the Hill of Achalipster. The meaning of the Gaelic words gives the origin of the name

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 147
Watten Parish -- Caithness

[Note Bad an Fèidh] (The Deers Tuft or Hillock)

[Signed] George Hobson C.A. [Civilian Assistant]

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